Only literal autists are using legacy controls.
Only literal autists are using legacy controls
tfw you will never figure that user's character name out Frostrock
next week, savage 2 weeks after that
what the fuck are legacy controls
I know this is bait but I can't believe I sometimes see shitters using standard controls even in endgame content. And failing to get out of basic aoes, of course.
>not using legacy controls
Ah yes another wowfugee here to shit up the game
tanks who pull one pack at a time, why?
The proper way to play the game. Standard are fucking tank controls. Legacy gives you proper control over your character and you can actually run backwards without spinning in a full circle first.
best i can do without dancer is about 91/92. Anything higher is because i /grovel'd the dancer at the start of the fight
you need not concern yourself with that if you are not on the spectrum
Praise based theodric.
no one cares parsetranny
If I'm doing expert I don't do that because not even my left side is 430 yet, and the right is full of garbage, I wouldn't survive.
Fogrock was closer. Very close in fact.
holy fucking based
they hated him because he spoke the truth
thinking of just becoming a healer/ranged physical dps only player bros
based chad theodric
someone go upvote him
You literally do it with half a flick of the wrist. Mouse turning is the way to go.
>adding another layer of movement simply to walk backwards because you insist on using tank controls
Please stay out of EX and savage parties thanks nigger
you can mouse turn with Legacy as well though? Legacy has all the positives but none of the negatives.
Go back to your Lego. If you are tired, just say so and your mommy will tuck you in your weighted blanket.
Hrothgals when?
can't, banned from forums for telling trannys to go fuck themselves
Never, we can only import so many of you furries until the game legally becomes a sexually transmitted disease.
>he doesn't use Legacy/controller
I wish FF was only played by FF players rather than plebs like you.
Take your meds and go join the others playing Lego.
Why would you rather have the gfurs instead of the sfurs or lfurs? They're objectively the most cancerous group.
Don't they want my mogstation money for buying a rename token?
I can swim but Alphinaud can't swim but I can swim and Alphinaud can't even though I can swim and Urianger can't swim but I can swim but Alphinaud and Urianger can't swim XD
Barely even that. You can easily just turn 45 degrees then strafe.
>Tank controls
You don't know what tank controls are. Tank controls would force you to keyboard turn without the mouse and you would not be able to strafe left and right.
No you can't. You need to move to mouseturn with legacy. Far better precision in standard.
t. MMO climbing enthusiast.
That's exactly what they want. They are waiting for more new people to mess up their names since no conventions, so they will have to buy a token too.
It says here user you've wasted alot of money on fantasias. Exactly how many have you used?
Or you can just press S
Let go the game is not made for oldschool FF mmo players. Soon the community will genuinely ask why does PvP suck in XIV.
like 5 or 6 in the span of 4 years
>No you can't. You need to move to mouseturn with legacy.
Incorrect. Stop being a shitter and dragging down your parties with your garbage ass controls.
Cute name, Madelyne.
Mad king? More like chad king amirite
Go hold down your right mouse button and spin your camera on legacy right now, you won't move an ilm.
OP here I totally see that, and honestly I already have a name picked out I just want some lore-related stuff to read up on. I find the naming convention stuff really fun and interesting.
>He's actually serious
Never join any endgame content please. Absolute brainlet.
But I'm already using standard controls.
You do if you press the left mouse button at the same time, which is exactly how mouse movement works on any control scheme you dumb nigger.
Which DPS should I play if I want to be able to always have fast dungeons no matter how horrible at the game everyone else is in the group?
>controller for an mmo
Oh shit, I've revealed too much.
I already cleared all current one though, they are on farm.
Blm has most raw damage
If you can't play with both sets of controls you are brandead
black mage
There is no endgame content yet. Shows what kind of player you are when you think braindead "extreme" trials are endgame.
You are a shitter.
>run in a direction
>cast a spell at an enemy or ally positioned behind you
>immediately stopped in your tracks, have to manually turn your character again to resume your course no matter where your camera is aimed
Ah yes.. the superior "standard" controls...
i'd love to but i use the cross hotbar for extra space and it's shared between keyboard and controller.
because the gamepad controls in xiv are fucking perfect
I think they design the game around them or something, it's just that good
EX trials are literally endgame you dumb faggot. Endgame doesn't mean difficult.
Woah look at how big her breasts are! Awesome!
you know turning to face target is seperate from standard controls dont you?
Do you think that the SB content clears are erased from existence Gold Experience Requiem style with the release of ShB or something?
No that moves you. You are trading in precision for laziness if you're playing with M&K. I've never used controller so I won't comment on it.
Never forget him.
>this post reeks of jealousy
I won't, based ascian.
They don't seem bad but I would much rather use keyboard and mouse for this kind of game
Standard controls retard can't even reply to the correct post or follow a thread, evidently
Woah, someone made a mistake.
both are valid options.
Unless you're healing in frontlines pvp in which case you're fucked on controller.
Legacy control autist unable to control his sperging impulses as usual, evidently
>s-s-s-s-stop bullying me this is a safe space ;_;
How long has this Standard vs Legacy Control thing been going on? It feels kind of forced.
>missed out on stormblood except for the MSQ
>want to do the trials/raids/dungeons
>do the quest to unlock them
>wait for 120+ minutes
>eventually give up trying
>quests still clog up journal
peak game design right there, making a video game that literally can not be played, unless you are part of the flavor of the month hivemind
>dancer and red mage completely proc based
does anyone find this shit fun?
>things that don't happen
Since some other thread ago that 404'd, and it is indeed forced, I just used it as an opener to get this thread going, didn't think there were literal autists really taking this crap seriously, I'm starting to regert it now.
shut the fuck UP! biiiiiiiiih xD
I dunno man. I felt the same way, my keyboard got borked, so I swapped to pad until I got a new one. And I got hooked. I can't imagine playing SCH or DRG on a kb now. Expanded xbars and W xbars are perfect.
i dont know but imagine being one of the spergs who argue about it
But they do. Stop lying, and try queueing for any Stormblood raid so you can see for yourself.
I just started playing XIV yesterday. Got to level 9, and only one other person in the entire game said something in chat, and it was only because I invited him to a party and asked how it was going. He said "s'alright" and then immediately quit. Am I missing something? Why does nobody talk?
no one:
not a person:
not even one single soul:
Yea Forums: I use legacy controls
The real reason why standard controls players are a detriment to their group isn't even the controls themselves, it's the camera controls.
>Legacy player
>Always moves the camera independently of character while running, constantly looking around to maintain raid awareness while doing mechanics
>Standard player
>Only looks straight ahead, changing the camera direction also changes the direction he's running. Can theoretically move camera separately from character while moving, but only by reverting to ACTUAL tank controls for the character and making mechanics next to impossible to do
It is obvious that anyone using standard controls is a retard.
Welcome to mmo's for the last 12 years.
I do, I keep getting omega from my roulettes. Are you trying to queue for savage or some shit?
Pretending to be retarded for ironic purposes will always attract real retards who mistakenly believe they're in good company.
Or something, I don't remember the exact quote and it probably didn't use the word retarded.
Before this expansion I'd call you a shitter, but SCH lost their mouse-dependent skill now I guess. RIP shadow flare and targeted embrace.
Well that's not very fun
when i subbed for 60 days
I really hope Feo Ul sticks around, I ended up liking them more than I thought I would.
>what are macros
It was fine on pad before user
The stormblood alliance raids are mechanically complex and frustrating. Why would anyone do those for their tomes when they could just faceroll the crystal tower or void ark?
Unless you are trying to do ex or savage, that's not a thing that happens
But I'm an autistic WoWfugee and double legendbtw. I just play XIV like slower WoW, standard is comfy for me.
Do you have the camera zoomed in fully or something? you can zip across the whole arena in less than a second.
Legacy controls are objectively worse. Have fun wiping the raid on o8s because you use a retarded control scheme.
This isn't 2004. You're playing a single player JRPG with multiplayer components, not whatever you think it is. Don't bother random strangers on the street like an autist.
Pixies don't have a sex man, I'm basing it off of ingame text.
Try finding an FC. A good FC is people to talk to and run stuff with.
hey, user
cmere user
>hurr i hate mmo quests if only there could be no quests
Are you autistic by any chance
Nah she's going to make the wol their queen forcefully.
>that english VA
i just can't do it, lads....
He's called "king" so it's a "he".
>Alexander music plays in the last boss of the twinning
Psh good luck. Nobody chats in FC chat it's all in discord now.
Aside from Orbonne, the ivalice raids have reached faceroll tier due to overgearing. And Orbonne isn't even that bad
Do I sharpcast thunder 3 still or sharpcast fire?
Started last night and all of the bonus exp servers were full so I went to a normal one. They're open now, should I just start over for the bonus? Made it to level 9
How? People get all that stuff in roulette now, it keeps the queues from getting like that unless you're queueing EX/savage.
King is merely a title of office that they got from the late Voeburt.
A controller doesn't have enough buttons to comfortably macro every advanced technique of old SCH even with all the swapped crossbars. Not to mention shadow flare should be manually floor targeted in the correct location, not just macro dropped on the boss.
It's okay since you obviously don't do hardcore content though.
That was a pretty oshit boss reveal not gonna lie
Well it IS practically fucking Alexander my dude.
I hope you aren't implying she's bad.
She's certainly better than the little girl voice she has in japanese
Sharpcast fire for single target and sharpcast thunder for aoe.
user please, calm down.
Perfect cute loli voice in Jap. Your loss for playing dub.
I just put shadowflare on r3.
>have a headcanon that they used Alexander in some way to give the tower time travel powers
>go through Twinning
>see the green aether and spinning cogwheels in the distance
I was so fucking hyped.
>switch to english voices because surely user isn't being a fag about how they're in general better than japan-
>alisaie's VA
You people that use english dub have taste so bad I might go so far as to assume you're a furry based on this fact alone.
i want to play RDM because of the spell names and looks but i only hear how it's boring. Can any RDM boys clarify? I don't mind wackamole gameplay if that's the main problem with it. Already busted in on that playing BRD for so long
>most generic shrill loli voice fucking possible
Wow great...
>shadow flare should be manually floor targeted in the correct location, not just macro dropped on the boss.
Why? Never played scholar in my life btw.
yes, definitely restart and just skip cutscenes until you're caught up. Will take just a few minutes.
English gives all the random npcs+ Feo Scottish accents so it's much better random woodland people aren't going to be speaking japanese
So seriously, what is the actual intended benefit of standard? I remember when the 2.0 aloha came out and there was -only- standard controls and it felt like garbage and made me not want to play the game. Then they added legacy during the beta
But I assume there's a reason for it, I just can't tell what it is. Seems like legacy does anything it can do without any of the downsides
Based Highlander
>I know English dub is generally pretty bad but trust me dude in this case it's genuinely better than Japanese
how many times are you going to fall for dubfag trickery retard
they always say this
Alisaie's Japanese voice is fucking horrible.
Y'shtola found her sun in the shadows!
It's actually better though. The Japanese is soulless generic shit
[screee' eternally]
Alisaie sounds like a 10 year old in Japanese. I've never heard a 17 year old girl with a voice that high
If you aren't playing in English just for the art that comes out of Urianger's mouth alone you're too much of a fedora tipping weeb to be saved.
Thunder>whatevers next>fire
This guys dumb
Most of them died when the Bozja -the Hrothgar castle- citadel was destroyed
I fucking wish. That scene where he carried her was adorable. Shame it probably won't go anywhere
At least she sounds like a young woman. English VA sounds like a norf fc hooker.
What a cute cat!
Too bad Y'shtola is ruining the picture.
this 2.49 second cooldown is killing me
As someone that lives in deepest, reddest (FUCK City) norf. You have no fucking idea what you're talking about.
People who use english dub are either wowfugees or contrarians. You'd have to have some sort of brain damage to unironically like the english dub.
And even if put things like taste aside it is objectively worse. I mean take for example how many fucking times has yugiri's english VA been replaced know? You don't get this inconsistency with the jap dub.
She went back after her adventures, user.
She went back to him.
The combat gets better when you get the shit ton of OGCD's to weave but you probably won't make it that far.
I'd love to do those quests, though.
Just a shame that it isn't possible anymore.
My questlog now holds all these "Use Duty finder to clear [insert stormblood content here]", and I can't accept any new ones.
Imagine doing the minfilia rescue and hearing that perfect BREAKU
this is your brain on anime
Neither sounds exactly like a teenager but at least English Alisaie sounds like she's gone through puberty
>buy mats to craft leve turnins
>reuse procs every single time
>make extra levekits to sell on the mb to cover the costs of mats
Can i level as GUN just fine and solo dungeons?
The actress was fucking murdered.
>many fucking times has yugiri's english VA been replaced know?
That's not funny, she was literally murdered by her husband. It's not Squeenix's fault.
Do they have spikes on their dicks as well?
You realize Yugiri's second actress was murdered right?
>that voice
>young woman
Typical braindead weeaboo pedophile who thinks girls are supposed to sound like middle aged roasties making baby noises through their nose.
the fuck?
When they said that male Viera is tall are they referencing other FF games or within XIV?
Her boyfriend killed both her and her kids. It was fucked up.
She was married to an African and was murdered along with her children. Shocking, I know.
she should
Decent bait, but also extremely edgy. kys
Yikes. Is this what they meant when they said the role was cursed?
Is it true you can get a free name change by contacting support and saying you're getting bullied or some stupid shit? Some guy was saying he did it in novice network.
based subfags clearing out the trash
Why is it that all the advanced class heads are shittier than the initial class ones?
Only exceptions seems to be WHM, and SMN, and sort of DRG if only because both dudes are incredibly boring
Does everyone run the fucking NPC parties now? Who the fuck thought this was a good idea?
christ almighty
says it all
Homosexual WoWfugee detected.
The celtic accent isn't the problem with ENG Feo Ul, it's the fact that she sounds like an old granny instead of an eternally young playful pixie. Like what the fuck is this? Bibbidy bobbity boo?
If she sounded young AND Scottish it would be great. Until then I'm sticking with JP.
that sounds stupid, don't try it.
Why does so many people hate the English voice-over when so many characters are infinitely compelling in English? T. Zenos, Solus, Varis (somehow beating Joji Nakata), Vauthry, so on.
I do trusts on first runs, then others players after that
Yeah. Bad shit also happened to Yugiri's French and German VA.
It's a traditional take on faeries.
Yeah, I think something bad happened to the other VAs for Yugiri
I just looked at the 72-80 actions, holy shit.
Welcome to Japanese, where if you really want to mean something, you have to repeat it, because that's how you show you're -really- serious about it.
even the image is cursed
german VA of many main characters is either painfully offputting or the VA sounds way too old for the character theyre speaking for
Why do people who think they have such high opinions of themselves and what they do so retarded?
This is perhaps the most perfect example of this.
I know people have said it a thousand times but Allisae 100% is this. She just sounds too old in English.
And that's a good thing.
>EOPs shilling their hags again
Verily these trollops should eat shite.
>afraid of ghosts
>can't swim
Why'd we let him create and lead the Crystal Braves again?
No probably just you queuing at a bad time and/or with overrepresented role. The moment you clear the msq it gets fucked over and you have to individually level all the scions until they are high enough to enter whatever dungeon you want to do. And besides that trust runs take forever since they can't aoe for shit.
Never, now go back to Bless furfag
same. right now the queue times for dps are pretty good, so I'm leleveling that way
>wipe in titania 4 times because people don't stack
English also brought us Yiazmat and Orlandu who are both treasures
A lot of weebs actually think that people talking just like their animes is good.
If you want actually good acting in a JP game go play Judge Eyes. That shit is lit.
Is it true that heals aren't scaling properly? I'm 76 mostly through roulettes so I'm still half Scaevan, want to make sure I won't be boning my party if I hit 77 then do Leveling and get Malikah's Wells.
cant stand japanese DUB
its all shouting in high pitched noises and grunting
All of the Yakuza series is pure, undiluted ludokino.
>that part where Alisaie tells Alphinaud in the first that he's basically a ghost now
>his shock
Made me chuckle
Reminder that legacy controls act like standard controls if you hold both strafes (Q+E in default keybinds) down, which includes turning in a spot and slowly walking backwards. Legacy is fully and completely superior to standard.
I play tank but I haven't had any issue with healers not keeping up.
Yea Forums retards will argue about literally anything, especially if it's something that doesn't actually matter at all
So how are the bots doing nowadays? With the fps cap are they still present in starting cities spouting shite or are they truly gone?
Dude, I use legacy, but let it go
Why would anyone ever want legacy controls to act like standard controls? Let alone not have Q+E keybound to abilities.
el goblino pedofilo....
JP much better
cap was already removed I think cause pcfags complained.
So is Recitation basically just a free aetherflow or does it have any other benefits?
I saw a group of bots teleport into an NPC in Little Ala Mhigo recently so they're still around.
>alisaie throttling alphinaud
>alisaie being jealous of wol's bond with titania
>alisaie being jealous of wol's bond with titania
when was that
Join a free company if you want to socialize.
It's basically that. There's a reason why I never post any Pepe or Wojak meme. It only attracts shitposting.
>we didn't get to see her throttle Crystal Cat for dragging her into the First at the worst possible moment
Feels bad man
we still arguing over control schemes are have we moved onto dub vs sub?
One of the first times you summon the fairie, you can see Alisaie looking annoyed and staring off in another direction. She doesn't say anything but it's clear
I was really drowsy and double clicked some of the text in the post quest cutscene. What was said in the recording?
Jesus, are you retards actually doing this shit again? No one gives a fuck whether you use dubs or subs, and you're not going to change anyone's mind, shut the fuck up about it
Not my character.
When titania comes proclaiming her affection for her sapling at the end of il mheg
It's satisfying for a little bit but it's really simple to master.
Imagine a world where people used the control scheme they prefer and shut the fuck up about it
Imagine the same for dub vs sub
Imagine the same for my game vs your game
Anonymity just brings out the worst in people.
If you use dub your a shit, simple as
3K hours and no. Because you don't want to listen doesn't make you brain damaged either.
>Anonymity just brings out the worst in people
Then maybe you should go back you whiny nigger
imagine a world where we post lalas
Luckily there are billions of other places you could go that don't have such an anonymous presence eh
truth hurts, sister, you just don't want to face your shit taste
>Queues for dead content in df and wonders why he doesnt get a pop.
You have to actually be retarded to make this claim. If you are doing normals roulettes that everyone is doing daily will cover you, if you are doing ex/savage and are trying to get in through df not pf you don't deserve to get the clears anyways
SHB in general really shows that Alisaie has it bad for the WoL
>kill emet-selch
>alphinaud's stunned
>"you actually did it you madman, you killed emet-selch and saved the world"
>alisaie just shoves him aside
>"yeah that's great, but more importantly, how are -you- feeling?"
they're more fun than anything since labyrinth, and labyrinth is mostly just quaint.
It's just Americans, user. Don't bully them too hard, they're victims of for profit McEducation.
Sucks to be in a shitty fc
>tfw /u/fag with female character
>make game
>make content
>make it so nobody gets to see said content 3 months past its release
>calls anyone else retarded
Man, it‘s sad that we‘ll never see the mvp of ShB ever again.
Yeah. I don't think anyone has wanted the WoL's dick as much as Alisaie, save maybe haurchefant
she was african herself, user
oh uhm well, then fuck
Bitches love Male Miqo'te
>make it so nobody can see it
More like nobody wants to run old hardcore content.
Yeah no be glad you're anonymous because if you weren't the fact that you and most people are subhuman garbage would be exposed and haunt you forever. We had /vint/ a while back and all shitposters were instantly exposed so be careful of what you wish for.
Too bad for her that my WoL only wants Alphinaud
King is a title in honor of the Voeburtite king who the Pixies thought was a pretty cool dude, it has nothing to do with it's users gender.
delicate synthesis is fucking busted, it's stupid how good that skill is
To the other Crafters when should you use Rapid III instead of Rapid II?
>implying cutscene skippers even know what Voeburt is
I literally told you how to go "see" the content you idiot
how funny would it be if they actually had a dick lol
>I don't want to do something therefore nobody wants to do something
Minimum ilvl fights are fun, I'm glad the option exists.
Well, then just patch that content out, or force players into doing it by handing out rewards.
Wow, so difficult.
>They aren't going to be speaking Japanese
>But they TOTALLY would be speaking English
Oh I'm not saying I'm above it, but the way people behave when they know they can't be held accountable is like night and day
People also seem to completely miss that Feo Ul refers to herself as a she when you call on her on retainer bells and pretty sure she was as well in several quest texts.
haha it would be a really funny prank
I use a controller, legacy controls are pretty much a requirement for it.
They already do with mounts and roulettes
Titania and Innocence are not end game, they're a stepping stone to the actual end game(Eden).
Pf doesnt work unless you're doing unsynched, which is fucking stupid and why even bother doing the content at that point
since quick synthing fails half the time without the 80 set, I used it to churn through mass crafts since it one shots pretty much anything
you should be avoiding using it at all, but if you really must ride the rng, use prudent touch to set the durability to a 25 so it still gets its full effect and you use it near the end of the craft. Make sure ingenuity is up too.
Actually yes. The Eorzean text is an altered Latin alphabet and it's all English. Eorzeans speak Hyuran Common, which is the main language used across most of Hydaelyn, including modern Doma and Hingashi.
In a side quest Feo Ul is stated to have told the pixies not to give you food or else you'd get a stomachache and they refer to Feo Ul as they.
will get recycled for sure
Obviously not if I'm waiting 120+ minutes without getting an invite. Tried as Tank, Heal, and DPS. Doesn't work. I'm pretty sure I could have even waited twice as long an it still wouldn't have filled up.
quick synth still fails a lot with the 80 set, it's dumb
They do have rewards like that dumbass.
We've never seen an Ascian that was properly killed come back.
what the fuck are you queing for
>nutanks stance makes it virtually impossible to rip aggro now
As a blm, this is conflicting. I can't accidentally wipe the raid just by doing my rotation anymore. By the same token, I can't virtually impose the largest shit-eating grin on the tank when I accidentally wipe the raid just by doing my rotation anymore.
Make a pf dumbass. And if you wanna run it sync'd, say so in the pf. You may be able to get a party together.
Also something you are missing is that nobody does extremes or savage through df. Even current ones are done through pf.
As many trials as I can queue up for at random.
Dude they shouldve let the ascians win.
This whole process is similar to peeling off a bandaid, better to do it quick so there's the least amount of pain rather than drag out the suffering
You never have to hold back again.
You wanna tty and fit even more in your next post?
>make pf group
>label it min ilvl first clear
>get party full of all the other people still in SB
>clear content and move on
The only reason people *might* not be joing your pf is that you are playing at a dead time, or idk maybe they are busy playing THE BRAND NEW CONTENT
It says "Use Duty Finder" in the quest text, so why would I do that? I want to finish the quest and make it disappear out of my questlog
I bet he's trying to do EXs through DF like a dumb idiot
>also can't lucid when tank dies so the next shitter behind you gets wrecked by AAs instead of you
It's horrible, really.
no, fuck you
tell me what you're queing for exactly you dumb shit
Good thing there's a divergent future where they did win
The ascians goals are unsustainable. They can't just keep sacrificing half their population to zodiark whenever he gets hungry. Shit needed to be nipped in the bud
Played Ninja since it was released, loved my Aggro Tools and Aggro/TP Management in Generell. With both Aspects dead and the class further shifting to Mudra Spam, double weaving, playing piano without the payoff... i'm not feeling so well.
I love the Addon in Story, Music, Athmosphere and pretty much all around BUT what they did to some Jobs, the removal of Aggro and TP.
Truly, it is the best worst change
Old text it just means clear the fucking content
>no more tank + ninja best friendship pact
I miss my ninja bros
no one does EX trials through duty finder even when they're current autisto
Oh we have a real retard autist here
>blm lost brd
>now blm lost ast too
it hurts, lad
>can no longer run ahead Shade Walker some faggot and then attack the mobs, or do it to the tank if he's respecting the content
A sad day indeed
>tfw too autistic to send people /tells to ask them to join my fc
Someone send this man some brain cells in the mail
please fucking god tell me you're pretending to be retarded
MVP of ShB
MVP of my heart
Rest easy sassy bro.
they can always do it with the new races once all the amaurantians are revived. but i'm sure some of them would not have approved of that method eventually find ways to seal Zodiark *again*
I'm not the user that's trying to queue. I'm just saying in my experience, trying to pf unsycned almost never gets you anywhere. I've tried. And I've resolved with myself that I'll never get to do Coil properly
You don't have to be in an FC.
Doing old stuff synched is hard and requires a lot of organising.
Hyurans always win baby
Nael still rips assholes unsynched, so I really doubt anyone's willing to try it synched these days
This is your average wowfugee retard
please read my post again
>You will be helping restore Ishgard, won't you WoL?
no shit nobody wants to learn old irrelevant savage fights for the fuck of it when they can unsync it and get the rewards in 2 minutes with no chance of failing
I'm going to play Mahjong
>Automatically get twatted if the tank dies with no way of preventing it.
Yeah. Super cool.
>not doing it for Aymeric's lovin
What are you gay?
any omnicrafters here? I'm not sure if I should meld my 8s and 7s to the 80 gear now or just save them for 5.1
Yes, of course. As a true child of Halone, I refuse to rest until Her kingdom is restored to its true glory. Mayhap you should get your ass out of bed and help, you lazy whore.
>generic japanese voice #123
>better than psycho irish pixie
no thanks weeb
>Also something you are missing is that nobody does extremes or savage through df
I assume you are on crystal. You have no idea how many times I ended up on extremes (ARR/HW) through mentor roulette on a real DC.
Only if it will make Elezen actually look like that.
>And I've resolved with myself that I'll never get to do Coil properly
First and second coil were both nerfed after their relevant period. I think final coil may have been as well. Plus there's the whole matter of the echo buff. It's kind of a shame because I still think 2nd coil has some of their best encounter design.
If you want a challenge go try to wrangle some random retards into doing Brute Justice savage, even unsynced.
My Ishgardian tower was restored if you know what I mean.
Fuck off, slag
I've already cleaned up enough of Ishgard's messes
Just meld VI until you get Savage Eden gear and then use VIII on that.
i'm saving them til the master books come out, vi materia is a 100% reclaim chance and you don't actually need to meld a lot of shit to do white scrip stuff
Honestly I've only seen this happen when the Healer decides to DPS instead. Well, not true. I've seen a Healer fail to keep up after demanding the Tank do big pulls, even sprinting ahead to aggro more mobs, die before said mobs can get to the Tank, then bitch that the Tank didn't get the mobs off them.
Shadowbringers really brings out some weird ones.
>check video to call you out on not being generic
>it actually is generic
Seriously, this is the second installment where NA is better than JP
And no, SB NA was fucking horrible and you must have fucked up hearing or delusion.
Literally 0
Let's decide this once and for all: What's the most kino Shadowbringers soundtrack?
Nevermind, I'm retarded and misread that.
I'm not doing it for some roastie. I'm doing it for my husbando.
Gif related, it's his VA.
Every time. Every god damn cutscene exit, every god damn teleport.
People do run old content synced. Even in fucking DF. I've helped sprouts clear Thordan EX and Coil T5 just in the past month via Duty Finder. But it's not the correct way to go about it.
There are huge discords for doing old content synced, and PF can get you full groups as well. Just put in a modicum of effort and don't be an autist and you can do any old content synced short of Alexander Savage which sucked and no one wants to do it again.
In the Belly of the Beast
>tanking as GNB in Twinning
>do the entire last pull
>wait for WHM to hit bene
>pop superbolide after
Mortal Instants
I want him to tell me about the Monado over dinner.
Do you want to proofread your post and try again?
The innocence theme is by far the highlight. So many lietmotifs, fantastic instrumentation and mood. Its brilliant
The whole soundtrack is really good though
Is this another FFXIV meme? Emetposting?
100 bucks you don't know what kino means.
It's just the german/nordic word for a movie theater, which is a venue for presenting both video and audio.
I actually haven’t done Coil yet since I’ve mostly been focusing on the MSQ. If I do pf for it, do most people prefer it unsynced?
amh araeng night theme is really good
Everything about Innocence is pure kino.
Still got my 2 from legacy and subbing, only changed my hair a couple of times since beta test.
Crystarium Day, Amaurot MSQ dungeon, and the shadowbringers eternal wind
>that Titania rapier
Why can't all RDM weapons look this good?
If you haven't met Alisaie in Heavensward yet you should drop everything and do Coil right away or you'll get the "bad route" in the main story.
Yes, most people prefer unsynced, but if you do that, make sure you don't get more than 2 max level players at most if you want to actually see the fights. Most of Coil can even be soloed at level 70 and above.
>It's just the german/nordic word for a movie theater
Holy fuck
>getting Prae in msq roulette
Yes yes give me that sweet exp.
No one's going to do it synced this day and age
The "bad" route is literally one line. You get more from doing CT than the coils in terms of changes
Enjoy your 50 minute movie
>his transformation is Cuchulainn from FF12, who was said to have been beautiful until he grew fat and disgusting because he gorged himself on the sins of mankind in trying to purify the world
>Vauthry is part Sin Eater
>name is Innocence because he seeks to bring mankind to an earthly paradise, Eden, restoring their philosophical innocence by undoing their senses of morality and obligation
>his ultimate Flaming Sword references the flaming sword held by the guardian angel of Eden that 'points in all directions'
>reflects Emet-Selch, who is the true guardian angel of the earthly paradise, Amaurot
What song is this exactly
I keep seeing someone in my LS say that every day.
>wings and shit
I hope you have a macro that cancels Superbolide right after casting to blame the heal.
raktika day theme
>No one's
Not in your dead datacenter
we better get a do-over for our dinner date that was so rudely interrupted.
Just alt tab until the scene is over. I'm just shitposting here while doing it.
>look it up on youtube
>instantly get blasted with LA-HEE
thanks man, made me laugh
Go back to facebook, dumb wojakposter.
No, it's multiple lines across several different scenes. Alisaie's disposition towards you throughout Heavensward is altogether different. As of Shadowbringers, what you're saying about CT is not wrong though.
Kino is for both film and audio at once, saying it is just for one is as retarded as your mother for not aborting you
how the FUCK can these stupid fucking mongoloid melee players die so much on innocence ex?????????? JUST FUCKING DODGE THE FUCKING LINES ON THE GROUND YOU STUPID OONGA BUNGAS
Man. The zones in shadowbringers would be really cool of there was any purpose to them outside of the msq
It's one of my biggest issues with xiv. It's almost more a lobby game like phantasy star or monster hunter than it is an MMO
Be glad I decide to respond to your lonely faggot autist larp at all. And As I said you don't have to be in a fc. If you're too chickenshit to invite people then don't.
So what? A video game isn't a film either, go away now, mutt.
>Alisaie's disposition towards you throughout Heavensward is altogether different.
Not him, but what happens? She's not WoL dick hungry?
Does anyone know the stat priority for BLM? Is there a spell speed cap?
Sounds like you have a personal problem with just melees while ignoring all the casters/ranged dying over and over too :^)
>not skipping the cutscenes and bringing the bosses to 50% before others even finish theirs
I went back to every areas for the fate bonuses. Well worth getting rank 3 in every area imo, it has made me loads of gil.
except i was just in a fucking "clear" party where the stupid fucking dragoon and samurai buttbuddies died 3+ times each fucking pull
>pug Tit EX
>dx11 game crash
>get kicked for apparently sabotaging runs
it isn't fair
Are you stuck in 2014 user?
>The only fucking thing ranged have to do to not die to Rathalos is not stand in front of him
>They STILL drop like flies.
>>any purpose to them outside of the msq
Gathering, hunts, fates(for stones/ranking up), and roleplaying don't count? Or at you talking about actually re-visiting the areas through questlines?
>tfw you leveled MNK as your first 80 job
going to level my MAR with a nice whey shake because i play FF 14 and i lift
If you haven't done Coil when she returns to the story, she doesn't know you at all.
looks so god damn weeabo autistic jesus
and i like final fantasy
INT > SpS > DH, but check your gear for caps.
he's most likely an autistic wowfag who loves doing his world quest and wish xiv had a mandatory azerite like grind
I can still unending journey the cutscenes with the coil dialogue right? None of the flavor text that cannot be rewatched got changed right? Right?
what would you have leveld instead ?
>not only memeable but just generally a good theme
shadowbringers is the gift that keeps on giving
>He doesn't know
I am literally Norwegian you dumbfuck. I've used the word kino in everyday speech since before you were born.
Literally anything else. MNK is cockfuck now.
What is that chest piece? I never seen it. Is it a mod ?
Don't worry, many are ass for no special reason
>join tit ex party
>notice some saying brb
>say brb 1 min to check alt really quick
>just login on alt to put mats in FC chest
>login back on main
>join the same party in PF
>"Unable to join party"
And the best part is
>join other party
>begin to farm
>30 mins later people leave after getting whatever they wanted
>check PF
>old party that kicked me is still there
>but with fewer people
>Time limit: 21 minutes
Serves them right
someone got the shadowbringers job satisfaction chart somewhere?
I've never played WoW. I'm a lowly XIfag and just wish the world was a bit more engaging to travel through and had more memorable uses like open world dungeons and NMs and stuff
Un-rewatchable dialogue gets changed based on side content all the time, and yes this includes Alisaie. In fact there are more changes in non-cutscene dialogue, since they don't have to voice act or animate the changes differently.
That goes for Shadowbringers as well, like how you get a dialogue option to ask about G'Raha Tia early on that isn't in a cutscene and thus can't be rewatched.
Two players did this in Prae and I felt bad for the sprouts. One of their excuses was so they can try and solo. They couldn’t.
Who was in the wrong here?
two instances, when you ask the pixie for help, and when shebecomes titania and tells you that she will always be at your side
Alisaie almost strangles alphinaud and in the second instance she pouts
>not always looking at alisaie in every cutscene she's in
God dammit I failed her.
>You will never enter Aumarot part of Tempest for the first time again
Why do the characters talk like retards in the american version of the game, and like regular people in the German version?
Which translation is more accurate to the Japanese original?
Looks like a modded version of Lyse's jacket
From all the lootmaster parties I've joined, only 1 was honest
kek based
I'd rather just get the really easy afk exp than do anything. You can literally just do nothing and people don't give a fuck.
>more xiii models in the game now
YESSSS as a xiiifag this pleases me greatly, I love flanborgs
Tuesday nigga.
mostly an english thing because koji is an idiot
That reveal stopped me in my fucking tracks for a good couple of minutes and I ended up just staring at it while trying to comprehend what I was looking at. For a split second I thought it was some kind of Drakengard Ending E shit.
>German dub.
He just fucking bailed
He had literally nothing to lose and still fled
holy shit
>not always looking at alisaie in every cutscene she's in
extremely based
>What is the Echo?
has anyone EVER filled a lootmaster party?
like who in their fucking right mind would go in and fill the last 4 spots or whatever?
thanks dude
JP: Anime characters
EN: Ye Olde English
So i bought 99 of those mocha lattes you can buy from the dwarves since they give DH, CRT, and VIT. What vendor sells the best tank food? Is it the same shit?
Theres some definite taro influence going on. Fuck the whole shadowbringers plot is newr straight from the first Nier, and theres so many aesthetic and tonal touches that are reminiscent as well. Even some of the music feels right out of automata
Not to mention the fucking nier raid
retards who actually think the first few people will actually stay
I was very sad there weren't any flanitors, they were my favorite XIII enemy. Their stupid siren going off whenever they healed was always funny to me.
best tank food is the oysters
I wasn't even talking about dubs, you stupid brainlet, just about text boxes.
Lol uhm no go back to wow, we don’t backpedal here
Instant disqualification
>Not to mention the fucking nier raid
Completely forgot this was going to be a thing. How in the hell is this going to tie in? Are they just going to do like they did with the FFXV tie-in? Or is it going to be like the Tactics one and be an actual part of the story?
Fuck those are nasty.
Probably going to be related to the first city in some way. Or allag shit.
only cute ones are the two on the bottom left
>He not only was stupid enough to join a lootmaster party once, he kept doing it even after seeing the result that is a foregone conclusion to anyone with a brain
what vendor sells the healer food?
>Fuck those are nasty.
Get some taste kiddo. Oysters with some salt and hot sauce are patrician tier. Especially good in a seafood gumbo.
Did you like azys lla? Entire zone is very ff13
The dwarves call their frog robots Automata so I bet they'll have something to do with it.
my tank cock
He is being ironic.
based illiterate user who doesn't know automata is a common synonym for robots
Would you join a lootmaster party headed by Yoshi-P?
You guys did max all your crafts and gatherers....right?
What's going on in this thread?
automata is not a common term whatsoever
Azys Lla is mainly a FF6 reference though.
No, XIII is my fav FF.
Of course I liked it, but I've been waiting for the flans the most. The cieth and behemoth boss was nice too.
What coat is that?
Weirdest part about the Nier raid is that there will be a connection between Norvrandt and earth (even if it's a version of it ~10000 years in the future)
What did I miss for the level 80 dancer quest?
I'm level 80, finished the story, finished all previous job quests. Yet it ain't available to me.
I'm already standing in front of the Quest NPC and can't see the fucking quest.
i'm doing fishing in my spare time since it looks like they don't make any relevant food again, everything else is at 80
>No, XIII is my fav FF.
Cool. I like the XIII to enemies too. My favourite are the XI and XII enemies though.
There are lots of other robots in the game but none of them are referred to as automata. None of them are on the same world as the upcoming Nier Automata tie in raid either.
Have you finished your role questline at the Crystarium?
you might need to do the role quest if it's not your main job
who the fuck is that
>Would you join a party lead by a shitter that doesn't even know how to play his own game?
Isn't that just like all the other lootmaster party
but you can hold down left click and look wherever you want without changing where youre running
How do you quickly see where a quest objective is on the map with a controller? Having to press select multiple times until the pointer reaches the quest log on the right side is fucking annoying
>life of the dragon window
>trash just melts
Why didn't you read the very next sentence?
>People aren't playing Viera because they're too tall
Am I reading that first guy's argument right? Surely that's not really something keeping people from playing as notFran
I literally tanked the 1st boss in WoD as blm 30min ago. I unnironically miss Lucid Dreaming's aggro cut.
you dont have to revert to tank controls at all though?
You have gotten fates to rank 3 in all areas right?
>"look at me mommy, I'm acting like an edgy teenager on the internet for absolutely no reason again"
Yikies, no wonder you still don't have an internet gf(male).
Apparently the idea of doing things quickly is foreign. Just let it go.
it is if you've graduated beyond high school level vocabulary.
Why the fuck would I do that?
>level 80 trash
>doing broken aoe combo
>lotd finally
>battle litany, lance charge, and Eye
>Geirskogul, Nastrond, Stardiver, and Dragonfire Dive
better than sex
Who would have figured you're a tranny fucker. Just kill yourself.
They're still midgets compare to based Femroes, and to make it all worse, they're flat as a board. Literaly beanstalk race for horny virgins.
What does "clear for two" mean in the party finder?
what were they thinking when they made a lot of these level 80 skills bros
Two are new.
The word automaton, of which automata is the plural form, has been used extensively in FF14 since the very beginning. In the descriptions for most wind-up minions, for example.
"Me and my friend are shitters that can't clear this, come carry us plz"
Dancer skill is fucking awful.
And how do you change where you're running while doing that, little retard? While still moving the camera independently, mind you. Like any half decent player would do during an intense sequence of mechanics and dodging.