Question is, how do we fix this?
The Soul/Soulless Paradigm is Real
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The Sims is irreversibly "ruined", mainly due to the target demographic changing.
TS1's aesthetic was so iconic and charming because the goal of the game was to appeal to as many people as possible, worldwide.
As the series progressed, it became clear that its main demographic were young Western women, playing on low-power PCs. EA accounted for all of this by scaling back TS4's engine (making it optimized for lower-end PCs) and focusing far more on gameplay mechanics and aesthetics that would appeal to young Western women exclusively.
better coding but EA won't hire better programmers to fix their shitty unoptimized spaghetti code
even then i doubt someone competent would actually want to work at EA
>Smaller budgets and a generation that pursued their dream
>Bigger budgets and a generation that no longer care
Why for every the step they took forward from the sims 3, they took 5 steps backward?
Literally because the first sims was an art game trying to push the boundaries of what a game could be about and represent. The later sims are all products trying to cater to the core fan base that was left who just wanted to play house.
Because you have neither the motivation to put in the hours nor can you justify to upper management how exactly would adding a bit more detail to places most people won't appreciate increase sales.
"Indy" games look low effort because, well, they don't have the manpower so you have to pick and choose, quick development at the cost of graphics or very long development time but more thoughtful art style realization.
So they can sell everything else as DLC.
have woowoo
Go back to the Sims 3 open world
Except don't make it a buggy unstable mess
2 had the best build system
the fact you can't actually manage where houses are in the game world and design a custom map still angers me to this very day
holy fuck the abomination on the right looks bad
It's funny how The Sims 4 worlds are smaller than The Sims 1
sims 1 - good for nostalgia
sims 3 - good for actually playing
sims 4 - good for porn
sims 2 is shit at least 4 has the one redeeming quality of porn
Sims 4 looks like a facebook game
They need to man up and provide official WW support already.
I wish we could get AAA support for porn games already but amerilards are fucking mortified of boobies and butts in their vidya germs but ultra violence and gore is fine
You can in 3
sims 2 is the only good one, kys
it looks like dogshit and the wish system is dumb
I know the only main series one you cant is 4
for me, it's simcity 2000
Ban normies from game dev.
Ban hipsters from game dev.
Ban SJWs from game dev.
This, fuck zoomers
My jolly african americans
worst graphics
expansions sucked and werent as fleshed out
little mod content
shitty mid 2000's aesthetic
Sims 1 was made from a mans dream/idea with nearly 100% creative control to design what he thought would make a good game/simulation. Every sims game that has followed has been directly influenced by corporate instead of just people who want to make a creative mark or good games in general.
A good portion of the sims music was made through a jam session without any real control of where it would go. The language was the sims spoke was a clever combination of syllables from various nationalities in order to form a unique gibberish. The art style was picked to be unique and what was considered "classic American TV" style with good looking sprites that still do a decent job of holding up today.
Sims 1 was a innovative and creative leap while each sims that has followed has been piggybacking off the same concept while adding little or in the case of sims 4 even removing things.
sims 3 is the best for its customization and open world, 4 is dog shit, and I only played 2 on the ps2.1 I can't rate fairly due to nostalgia and spending way too much fucking time on it.
I would rather play Sim 3, but even a supercomputer cannot run the fucking game smoothly.
This, along with dismantling tumblr.
TS4's main problem is the limits put on players that just weren't there in TS3
That being said, I enjoyed some stuff from TS4, like the better-looking sims and the porn mods
Is there a mod to put TS4 sims in TS3?
Does Sims 4 even have genies or hybrids (say, an alien vampire)?
I think they added mermaids recently
It's called a power creep, like in the anime, the more powerful a company is, the less effort and risk are required to succeed.
>Sims 5
>Only basic-bitch shit available for simoleons
>Nice things is DLC
>Taller houses are DLC
>Pools are DLC
>Stairs are DLC separate from tall houses
>Neighbours are DLC
>Marriage is DLC
>Women are DLC
>That giant pyramid house
What is the ACTUAL best sims game for the current age?
TS3 modded to hell and back?
I don't think there's any way to mod TS4 into TS3
Though if you just want to jerk off to first-person sims porn, then TS4
I heard TS3 has problems if you try to install all the expansions
From what I remember, it's slow as hell to load everything
Other than that, it plays fine... until you load another area
I think there's also issues with saves getting too large, but there should be mods for that.
I thought Sims 3 had fundamentally flawed programming that causes it to grind to a halt after a period of time
TS3 has problems no matter what you do. A testament to how bad that even modders can't fix it.
>Half of the expansions will be chairs and 75% of those will be reskins
Does Sims 1 allow me to bang lolis?
Because that's the true soul of Sims 4
Apex Legends still cant get their netcode right
Implying you could tell soul if it hit you in the face
I'm begging you please have woohoo.
So white women ruin something good. I'm shocked.
>so women ruin everything
not just white women, shitskin
>Sims 5
>Maxis goes full woke
>gender slider
>can put on any clothes regardless of crotch
could Maxis have been saved from EA somehow?
>Community annoyed that their sims can't have kids with traps
>EA suffers backlash
>Calls their fanbase transphobic bigots
>More TERFs
You can't force people not to buy garbage, so we're shit out of luck. The only thing you can hope for is somebody else attempts to make their own sims game.
Still pisses me off that the modding community moved right on to 4.
The only thing TS1 has left is its OST
Nah, it's pretty much just white women. You think minority women give a shit about a doll simulator?
Why not?
Once EA gets its hands on something it's too late to save it.
Also remember that modability of engine got reduced severely and huge reliance on content packs drove away all of the modders.
Arrest yourself.
what is this bizarro post
>catering to lowest common denominator GOOD :)
>focusing on your hardcore fans BAD >:(
Yeah but maybe some other publisher could have bought them back in the day? Anyone know about that anything?
ive met more latina women that play sims than white women
matter of fact, pretty much every woman ive ever met has played sims at least once
ape legends can't get anything right. it's the appeal of f2p games made for poorfags
No idea about 4
2 is great fun
3 would be best if it wasnt a disaster of coding
Even with a million mods to improve performance, the game becomes unplayable fast
>They didn't even make the grass texture a gradient.
There's nothing wrong with how the right side looks, it's just a different art style. Honestly, the left side looks too dismal for me.
We can't, no one can
>Because that's the true soul of Sims 3
Soulless =/= ugly
On one hand the post you are replying to seems to imply the author is themselves not part of the target demographic, therefore the usual philosophy of "stick to your fanbase" doesnt seem to apply, secondly average young women turn deep, complex and focused things into shallow, simple and generalised things
>playing on low-power PCs
That's a good thing.
You retarded or something, go check youtube. 9/10 women youtubing about Sims 4 are black.
>>gender slider
I have all expansions and a shitload of mods. My game loads up in about 3 minutes. A decent SSD is really all you need.
You can mitigate most problems by having an SSD, picking a good world (or downloading the modded fixed worlds), periodically deleting the cache, and making sure you have Nraas. It won't solve everything, but it helps immensely. I never have to restart a game because it craps out on me, I only restart now when I get bored of that town.
poor fella,... cant count to three
sad, many such cases
the graphical bugs in 3 are the freakiest shit
what kind of banging are we talking about here
I like playing with them
>There's nothing wrong with how the right side looks
It looks like a shitty mobile game.
It's still Sims 2.
Sims 3 if you REALLY need basements, but by then the series had already devolved into being about zany character stories instead of building houses and careers.
>Sims 3 if you REALLY need basements
People like 3 for the open world.
by taking off the nostalgia goggles
Left looks like a game
Right looks like mobileshit
>ATF is gone
Well, shit.
It's a problem when your hardcore fan are women, because they are mostly retarded.
Not to mention the loss of detail because of the fornite tier shit artstyle
>I wonder what Will Wright is doing these days.
Making some shitty Unity mobile games.
What I don't get is why there aren't any real competitors. The Sims is ridiculously popular and everyone knows EA treats the series like shit and that people would gladly welcome alternatives, so why doesn't anyone else want a piece of that pie?
>only 3 minutes
fucking hell
No, their greed pulled them from the game. the sims modding scene is by far the most retarded, trash, and greed filled cesspit of absolute degenerates. Paywalling mods, private tumblrs/patreons blah blah just to get to the recolor of some dumb fucks hair mod. Not to mention none of them want to move over to something simple to use like the Nexus because they won't be allowed to paywall their mods anymore.
the game is unique in its own genre, you'd have to think really outside of the box to improve it over its own self and if you fuck up you can count on a heavy lawsuit from one of the biggest dogs in the industry... not sure if worth it, also "le Sims girls xD" are ideal consumers and probably wouldn't steer far away from their regular go-to source of games
There is a dude doing exactly that.
Who is he?
4 is also good for porn
>EA accounted for all of this by scaling back TS4's engine (making it optimized for lower-end PCs)
Thank fuck, TS3 becomes unplayable after installing more than one EP
This. The sheer amount of stuff you can get up to and do in 3 is amazing, and its backed up by a stellar mod library not even counting lewds.
Honestly if 4 didn't just werk I'd probably still be playing 3.
Pretty sure 3 is much better in the porn department.
Maybe don't grey out buildings.
No it doesn''t
The game is paralives iirc. And it's not going to be done for like 3 years at the minimum. But it's building mechanics looks substantially better than sims.
Can someone post an example of something soulless that is rough looking? Because people always post those clean sterile looking things as example for soulless.
I dunno dude maybe they could have won the lottery and never needed a publisher? What kind of dipshit question is this?
no, shitskin women don't give a shit about anything at all.
mass effect andromeda
well Bioware was almost bought by Microsoft instead of EA and things like that happen from time to time hence me asking, how is this hard to understand
Brings up the question: how much of 3's stuff has been modded into 4?
Witches, robots, the future, hover-boards, horses, genies... other stuff I don't know
>someone is making an actual competitor to the sims with some excellent looking building mechanics
>barely gets $100 on patreon
>some slav throws some das models in a barebones unfinished vn
>makes $30,000 a month
fuck this gay earth
The only clone I can think of are the shitty Singles games.
>worst graphics
yeah i also have a fetish for girls with dead eyes that's why 3 is my favorite
the only reason to play Sims 4 is as a porn game
Because if you try to compete with the sims you're just a knock off sims.
A real shame mods don't exist for 3
>actual competitor
this could be a scam for all we know
I mean it's on patreon, so a scam kind of goes without saying, but still.
From left to right looks like italian, puerto rican, greek, indian. What will she be in 5?
>could be a scam
Got to give them credit for being this dedicated to replicating an EA game if this turns out to be true
The sims is already a knock off of itself at this point. Who cares if it's a knock off if it's better?
Thanks for letting me know about this. Any competition that could at best be a good game and at worst put some pressure on EA to not be complete ass is something worth following.
that looks Indian to you?
>play sims
>some guy tells you to play his game
>basically the same thing as the sims just he made it
a compelling argument user.
>Who cares if it's a knock off if it's better?
It's simply a case of "good artists" versus "bad artists".
The difference lies in how you use the medium to render what's in your head. Give a good artist a brush and he'll paint a masterpiece, give him a screen and he'll give you incredible pixel art. Give a bad artist a brush and you'll get pic related, give him a screen and you'll get garbage indie shit.
Now the entire vidya industry is filled with pretentious and untalented hacks. Don't expect soul anytime soon.
You really think other devs couldn't do better than Sims 4?
sims 4 with all DLC content is unironically the best
I think you vastly underestimate brand loyalty and just what could be improved in the sims formula.
Underrated post
you'd be surprised
Kurdish then. Fuck off incel have sex >:(
>not sure if worth it, also "le Sims girls xD" are ideal consumers and probably wouldn't steer far away from their regular go-to source of games
This. The main players of the Sims games are people who aren't invested enough in vidya as a whole to seek out alternatives, thus brand recognition is king. Consider that the only competition to the Sims is one guy making pennies on patreon, while after EA fucked up everything after the fourth game Sim City got clones made by professional dev teams and by backed by actual established publishers
Just add Details
Wide as a pond shallow as a puddle
that looks Kurdish to you?
Go get some sleep.
2 is awful because of Aspirations.
>Have to gangbang in a hot tub twice a week or else my sim will have a fucking mental breakdown
The problem is EA hasn't fucked up Sims 4 anywhere near as bad as the fucked up Sim City 4. They tried way too hard to fuck their fans and it backfired. With Sims 4 it was one step forward two steps back, but it wasn't the kind of catastrophic disaster that allowed others to come in and make their own game as a replacement.
same desu
4 looks pretty good. 1 and 2 look nice too though obviously primitive, 2 manages to look pretty expressive. What the fuck happened with 3?
I'm genuinely surprised they never tried to go full jew and microtransaction the shit out of 4
granted I've never spent a cent on the sims so maybe they did and I just don't know
I just wish there were more animators, and modders in general. There's still so much potential in 3.
TFW just like real life. t. Chadspiration alpha who gets to dip it all the time.
its a millennial simulator
fuck off sims 2 was the best
2 have the best realstic grapic style(for its time of course)
Also sims 2 have the most realsitic personality / aspirations for the sims.
Like in real life your sims have wants and fears, to much fears come true/ your sims is unsatisfied with its life? he will get crazy(then the imaginary doctor comes, I wish we had this in real life)
They don't have microtransactions so much as they have a shitload of macrotransactions. I forget whether there's a store for 4 like there was in 3, so they very well could have microtransactions as well.
>i hate how my sims have to be realistic
>taking care of them is too hard
>why cant the game reward me for basically wageslaving or doing nothing all day
git gud
If they could do it with Sim City, they could do it with Sims.
Why are the porn mods so fucking shit in 4? People are still teleporting when initiating sex scenes, the porn is still not fluidly embedded into the gameplay.
What I love about porn mods for sims is that it legit enriches the gameplay. Sex is just a real aspect of life and as a life simulation it perfectly fits in. Sims 2 and Sims 3 sex mods were really well ingrained into the gameplay while Sims 4 sex mods feel like they are animation loaders akin to garbage skyrim sex mods.
what a fag, Aspirations is what make the sims 2 so good and life like.
I bet your sims never went to have when he died
Do you honestly think it's more realistic to shit your pants because you've gone three days without buying a telescope than it is to just wake up, go to work, come home, and relax?
The last major sim city release also completely bombed. Sims 4 gets 'eh could be better'
>he doesn't shit his pants in protest
The mental breakdown is exaggeration but it's happen in many ways to people in real life.
Like anons here who get depressed / crazy becasue of >tfw no gf (which is aspiration)
bruh, in all my dozens of hours of playing TS2 i have never run into trouble with the aspirations bar, unironically git gud
>I bet your sims never went to heaven when he died
most brutal ownage of 2019 on the entire Internet so far, how will user ever recover?
>he doesn't know
Sims 4 basically has a gender checklist where instead of selecting male or female you select standing/sitting pee, clothing preference, and pregnancy ability.
I mean for what it's worth that patreon is like, less than two weeks old or some shit. People might also have a sour taste in their mouth regarding sims clones since the last two turned out to be scams iirc.
>and just what could be improved in the sims formula
I can think of quite a few improvements as well as different directions such games might go in while still satisfying the same itch.
I think the real problem isn't necessarily brand loyalty, but the type of market the sims appeals to the most. Most of the anons here likely want it for porn or wacky shit, but it's obviously meant to be a dollhouse simulator. The market is bigger and safer if you're trying to appeal to women, and frankly it's also a lot easier. The only way devs might be able to cater to enough men is if they went with a gta style sims game with robust modding tools that allowed men to mod in exactly what they want.
>tfw everyone raving about Sims 2 and I have never played it
fpbp, as always
Implying you wouldn't do the same if you were an EA exec
Not that this is porn, but I concur. It really feels like it's a part of the gameplay in 3 and I love that. The scenarios you can conjure up and play out are endless.
>Implying you wouldn't do the same if you were an EA exec
I want to say it's not true, but deep down I know it is...
I wouldn't. But that just means I wouldn't be an EA exec.
Anyone else literally never actually play the lifesim part of these games and just use them as a home decoration and architecture sim?
Closest I got to the intended experience was building nice restaraunts in 2 and playing an hour or two of them while pretending I was Gordon Ramsay screaming at the staff and customers. Made some real fucking weirdos just to try get them to go to my joints and that was it.
You have literally no idea what the fuck you're talking about and I bet you're either an arts major or have no degree.
To suggest 4's engine is 'scaled back' compared to 3 is honestly retarded. The cut features have nothing to do with the engine, and optimizing it better is in no way a drawback.
I wouldn't mind decorating and designing homes, but it's just so ridiculously tedious, inefficient, and time consuming that I can't be assed. They really need to streamline the process.
It went to woman-baiting halfway through TS2's lifespan you fucking mong. You are rewriting history just to give TS3 a pass. Fucking EA apologist.
Why do sims 2, 3, and 4 players all hate each other?
They all like each game for different reasons and hate the subsequent ones for not being similar enough.
Autists on Yea Forums have little sense of identity outside their hobbies so they perceive insults towards games they like as personal attacks.
The nature of imageboards with loose rules for discussion quality lets people be absolute cunts with minimal repercussions.
The autists on here who feel attacked and have no regulation on their response lash out and in turn trigger reprisal.
Thus the sims community on this board is terrible.
The Sims 3 and 4 players are all woman, children, or degenerates. They're the reason the series is in the tubes.
It has less to do with publishers/developers and more the higher education system. All of the "talent" responsible for graphics in games is being trained on these cookie cutter curricula, learning bullshit art "rules" while being told that certain ways of doing things are "bad." I'm reminded of the post about a guy in a game design class who was told he was retarded for having secrets where you turn around at the start of the level.
That's what it means to be soulless. Mass-produced cookie cutter "art" which involves little to no creative expression, all while being praised by peers who were taught in the exact same conformist way.
Oh, look out everyone, the big bad computer science associates degree is here.
>for having secrets where you turn around at the start of the level
Biochemistry actually, now come suck my nipples you daft little tart.
There's a screencap, I don't have it. It was a guy describing the horror of a game design class. He was talking about levels where you turn around right at the start and there's some secret. Everyone in his class including his professor looked at him like he was retarded for even mentioning it and called him out.
>You have literally no idea what the fuck you're talking about and I bet you're either an arts major or have no degree.
t. proud to be a fucking sap who went into debt for a subpar education that anyone can achieve on their own nowadays
And for the record I fell for the college meme too and have my bachelors degree in CS.
>levels where you turn around right at the start and there's some secret
Sorry user but I'm not from muttland and cruised through my college tuition off temporary Summer jobs.
Now please suck on my teats you ghastly ghoul.
>Now please suck on my teats you ghastly ghoul.
No thanks, Rasheed.
>or degenerates
What do you have against porn?
Why are you using your hands to type when they should be clasping my waist as you nibble my nips?
No thanks, Rasheed.
minimalism sucks when we are talking about detailed worlds
This makes me feel like a teenager again.
>check out that paralives game user is shilling for itt
>it has a muh minimalism art-style too
Are you guys trying to bamboozle me?
The first example I thought of was Storm Eagle's heart tank in Megaman X
The people in his class are dickless faggots
My bad on the link
Here ya go.
It's the first example in the video
Not the kind of artstyle I'd want, but any competition is good competition and the building mechanics genuinely look good.
I mostly have issues with the women and children because the degenerates at least don't give them money.
I remember when the first sims game was perceived as being the most casual thing ever. The sims was targeting women from day one and it worked. I don't see the problem. It was never intended to do otherwise.
It's not that they suddenly discovered women as their core demographic -- they realized that ages ago -- it's that 4 was regressive. Instead of fixing the problems 3 had and adding new content, they basically started over with another barebones base game, a new artstyle, and only a small number of new features, while cutting the open world and a lot of the overall content that made 3 so great. It looks like the wanted to make a mobile game, only to back out halfway through.
Oh, I see, okay.
Question is how do we fix faggots like you
Build better non-fags with better music.
>Buy mode is a happy mall music
>Build mode is a depressing piano music
I never understood why they did that
How have I never noticed this before.
Is the sims 4 cracked? I'd like to play it for the porn, but I'll be god damned before I pay for all that DLC
I'm not even gonna read this thread, but I can guess it's contents can be summed up in:
sims 1:great aesthetics, visual identity, musics and humour.
sims 2: great gameplay, nice emphasis on story, best apartments system
sims 3: huge content, open world is wonky but as a lot of potential (fuck rabbit holes though)
sims 4: best CAS and build mode, multitasking
Honestly, max settings 2 isn't that far away from 3.
you get happy when you buy stuff
but building a house is depressing
If your new game isn't even overcoming and improving on the old game, then what's the fucking point?
sims 1: map looks like it's from sim city
sims 4: map looks like it's from some gay faceberg game
Nope. Buy the game like a good goyim.
You'll need to actually identify the problems instead of using a term like "soul" that's just a vague amalgamation of things mixed with nostalgia.
Be more specific in your criticism. Like the picture on the right uses a flat minimalist design for the background art. This is common on cheap web browser games and phone games, so it give an impression of cheap laziness on the developers part. While I'm not going to criticize the design itself, the style carry's nothing but negative connotations to anyone who plays games.
Soul is basically a crutch for people who know they don't like an aesthetic, but can't elaborate on why. Get your thoughts in order and stop shit-posting.
Too bad for you that I just found the pastebin on the general. Suck it, EA
It's not really depressing, though maybe a little bittersweet. Build mode is about long-term planning and building your future house so there's something introspective about it.
have you been to tumblr?
because sims 3 actually required a beast of a PC to run well at the time, and they wanted to avoid that.
Games with bad/dated aesthetics can have soul like Dwarf Fortress or Azure Dreams
Soul is basically another word for care and talent. When a game has little details thrown in, that's soul. When the game is made with broad strokes, that's soulless.
>appeal to as many people as possible, worldwide
Any other time this happens, you fags cry.
>Sims 4 is now for a niche market
>Just not one that appeals to Yea Forums
Get fucked
>Any other time this happens, you fags cry.
People here complain when they cater to the extremely small LGBTQwerty crowd for woke points