>Hi, yesterday I bought this game for my son's Nintendo switch
>Apparently it's not compatible or something because it's the "Lite" version
>Could I get a refund? I'm a single mother.
It's only a matter of time.
Hi, yesterday I bought this game for my son's Nintendo switch
>implying they won't just up-sell MA'M on a pair of joycons.
>actually buying 1 2 switch
the least believable part of your post
>It's only a matter of time
And just like with the 3ds they'll get laughed at.
Yikes... I guess incels know no bounds
Super Mario Party only works with joy cons, it'll be this game. Screenshot this.
Fuck trans people
Yeah, used games have a 7 day return policy.
Speaking of matters of time
Man, I feel bad for the retail workers that have to deal with that stupidity.
Here's your (You), you sad little creature.
I don't. Retail people chose that fate, they don't get to whine about it afterwards.
>This part in BOTW on the switch lite
Again with the ableism, are you intentionally trying to anger me? You wouldn't say anything to me in person, I'd show you a man
>"They chose to get a job instead of being a neet like myself"
I feel it's more likely that the main complaint will be thinking you can connect it to a TV
I played that in Off TV mode on the WiiU, it was uncomfortable as fuck but doable.
>working for someone else
Oh go on, have another (You). Just don't let your mother know I'm spoiling you.
It's like Nintendo didn't learn from the WiiU mistake, they don't understand people are stupid and never research before buying anything.
I can imagine people breaking the lites because they think the joy cons can be taken off
The Switch Lite is pretty much the Tranny of the Switch family if you think about it.
It looks like a Switch but cannot switch.
>Could I get a refund?
Yes, or you can buy these joycons.
Problem solved.
You just gave me an idea user...
You should post this in every thread for the next few weeks. Make it a thing.
Just like a tranny it's had features removed?
Used the mouse on pc. The scroll wheel is dedicated to one axis too. Fucking easy.
Trannies deserve death for spitting in the face of nature. It's only through the compassion of normies that they are allowed to exist. Your days are numbered, demon.
>That image
You are not a woman you are a big giant ugly bloke. Mentally ill cunt. Fucking laughing stock.
how exactly, there's nothing to indicate that they are detachable
We are not talking about that retard, playing in handheld mode makes it uncomfortable to tilt the screen.
>literally no one:
>some random fuck: TRANSPHOBIAAA
Nintendo should stop making hardware and stick to making multiplat games.
Well the ones that want a thumb stapled to their crotch area or an axe wound yeah.
There should be achievements for specific Switch version
>Spitting in the face of nature
I doubt you would say the same about people who own air conditioners in Arizona.
That's all humanity is good for retard.
You can still sync the joycons with it
>No kickstand
>Can't connect to the TV
>Now weighs more than a normal switch with joycons
>yet another 1158712471245th transfag thread on Yea Forums
I fucking hate this board
Think they'll patch it in? M-maybe with more boards?
Wait, what's wrong with that?
I did that part using mine as handheld and it wasn't difficult at all, just did some quick flicks and was over it in less than a minute.
>Sure, right away SIR
Keep dreaming
This XD
99% of people don't have any right to be a parent.
My wife's boyfriend brought this game over yesterday and I absolutely love it. The lack of animations or anything on screen most of the time really brings out my imagination. And the price! $60 for something that would cost $1 on the app store gives me a sense of accomplishment in regards to getting the high score with Premium prices.
Joycons don't connect to this in anyway.
Keep buying shitty gimmicky hardware.
>5 replies
And you faggots wonder why people keep bringing /pol/ shit into (evidently shit) threads, because you always respond
That’s the fucking joke retard
>typical turnaround is a couple years on the high end
>all the people who dealt with "what do you mean the Wii U is a new console" have since left
>all the current meat will have to deal with this
and yet i sell smartphones and none of you fucking vidya merchants will ever come close to the daily fucking retardation i have to deal with
I don't think you understand what I wrote, Joycons don't connect which means they're not compatible and she'd have to bring them back for another return. It's just not really likely they'd recommend her Joycons and force her to drive all the way back to the store. Do you enjoy being stupid?
Who the fuck would buy 1,2 Switch unironically?
Before I bought or even really saw a switch, I thought 1,2 switch was included with the console, like how Wii sports was with the Wii.
everybody thought that, 1, 2 Switch is one of those glorified tech demos
>was sold a useless game she can't play
>gets upsold on something else that's useless instead of a refund
i don't think YOU understand, which makes me think you've never set foot in a gamestop/cex
i thought the FMV shit was for the promotional stuff alone
as soon as i saw it was part of the game i never spared it another thought. mega cringe.
The regular switch ones are and people are retarded
user, even if they try to detach it they won't break it because it doesn't come off, period.
>It's only a matter of time.
What did OP mean by this
You should do some fact checking before spewing your nonsense