I'm still mad
Hourly "bitch about Tifa's redesign" thread
Bought NT for 5 bucks new what am I in for?
a good time, if you're dedicated, and have people to play with.
That design's tits are still a bit weak. Pic related is ideal.
Also, not a big fan of Aeris's new granny frock, and I much liked her button down, but that's less of an issue; at least her silhouette is still the same.
user, the ethics department thing was dumb even if it was a mistranslation, but they're just tits in the end.
>just tits
Just tits?
JUST tits?
>Aeris's new granny frock,
Barret also needs to ditch the sunglasses. They dehumanise him, plus it's Rude's thing.
Why are they still using the old English VAs for the Dissidia NT instead of remake cast?
I'm guessing $$$$?
perfect. Fuck remake
have sex
Shit. Just emulate 012.
>it's the daily "if the girl doesn't have obnoxious 50 DDDD tits then the game has been ruined by sjws" thread
Have a defined gender
Not enough money for implants, tranny?
Have a baby
The remake is less cartoony because they can afford more realistic graphics now. Every single character has been redesigned to be less exaggerated in their proportions. You are just fixated on Tifa's tits because you are obsessed with SJWs.
i love how neither side is actually attacking one another, just a fucking massive retarded strawman of the other side
What was the actual translation?
>Every single character has been redesigned to be less exaggerated in their proportions
How that justify change for the sake of change (covering skin) and inaccurate design of existing characters?
Let's see if you're still saying that when the ethics department hides Yuffie's navel
>Yea Forums still thinking fanart Tifa is the canon Tifa.
>retard era trannies still posting
Not mad about the tits, just the redesign.
Black sports bra is lame
Black gloves are lame
Black thigh highs are lame
Her face looks stupid
Her skirt looks stupid
Everything about it looks stupid
How could they have fucked up so badly? No one asked for a redesign.
Team Ninja did a much better job with a much lower budget
Switching it up for the novelty of it. Like lots of elements of the remake. Clearly they didn't want it to be a plain retread.
Also the new outfit is clearly someone's fetish, I mean, come on
Why are you so invested in a video game girl?
Go outside, have sex, marry a roastie, get divorced, lose half your shit.
I hope you have friends to play it with.
>How could they have fucked up so badly?
Two words
"restricted" boobs instead of shrunk, as if there is some polygonal bra restricting polygonal tits and not polygonal tits that look or don't look of a certain size
Her redesign looks amazing though? Are you just looking for something to bitch about because you're bored?
I can’t wait o see Vincent reimagined as some kind of Voldo-esque belt gimp.
Never played this series, would be a good idea to look up for this game? Not really into turn based games if they don't have much variety. Loved Golden Sun. Despised Tales of Berseria
Oh. The "ethics" department was real?
>Massive boob man who prefer that Tifa but understands Nomura designed it to look more like NT's Tifa.
You're retarded?
You mean Dissidia NT? It's awful.
If you mean Final Fantasy, play IX first.
Her tits aren't smaller
Literally everyone's designs got changed
Expecting a 1:1 copy of the original was always retarded
If the dumb Watchers of Fate shit didn't clue you in Nomura didn't need much prompting to change shit for the sake of change
Complaining about how her design isn't "accurate" when you've spent nearly 20 years jerking off to offmodel porn of her is dumb
>Switching it up for the novelty of it. Like lots of elements of the remake. Clearly they didn't want it to be a plain retread.
that makes it a whaterver game with ff7 gimmicks, not a FF7 remake. Literally no point to even exist
>Also the new outfit is clearly someone's fetish, I mean, come on
>it's not covered, it's a fetish
Same guy who thought a real-ass n*gga like Barret would wear cornrows and a fishnet vest
>and a fishnet vest
Well he did go on a date with cloud...
yes that was real.
Sad, isn't it?
literally nuLara level of cringe
>not hot as fuck
Your taste is just garbage user.
It's probably a retarded translation for standards & practices.
>Ethics department shill who approved of Tifa's mastectomy using tired arguments that have been proven false again and again
Nu-Tifa is over-designed, fetishized garbage. It's no wonder the trannies love it.
>it's a remake, it's normal to remake it completely different
>here's how change for the sake of change makes sense...
nice points
>Thinking restricted mean shrunk when it actually refers to jiggle physics
Stay retarded Yea Forumsirgin
>being even berely passable
fuck off, resetera.
They wouldn’t dare...
>everything I don't like is something trannies like
>if you don't agree with me you are tranny
>seethe zoomer xD
This board has become so shit
I thought it went f2p
Fucking this
NuLara is at least a billion times hotter than Old Lara.
Old Lara is, without exaggeration, the ugliest vidya girl ever made.
>That fucking thousand yard stare
This is in Yea Forums opinion what looks "ideal" as long as it has shitty pair of jugs.
PS1 lara is overrated. I prefer mid 2000's lara.
You think fanart garbage like is the "ideal' Tifa and pretend it's everyone else who fucked up her proportion. Dumb fucking cumbrain really believes all the fanart her jerks off to is the "real" Tifa, no wonder you autists are seething this much over her.
Why didn't they make her like she was in Advent Children? She was perfect there.
>it's normal to remake it completely different
Did you miss the part where the game isn't even fully turnbased anymore you dumb piece of shit? Or do you just ignore anything about the game that doesn't involve your dick since you weren't going to play it anyway, just jerk off to the new porn?
AC Tifa looked like a generic nip because Nomura wanted to bone her seiyuu. They removed all the unique qualities about her
She's basically old Lara but in HD
>Liking Anita approved scanface over iconic character
yeah, no, bait harder, reject
>fanart Tifa
>Tumblr Compilation secondaries thinking they have the right to an opinion
The pose is even the same, ffs.
00s Lara is PS1 Lara with high poly count, tho
do you conflate design with poly count?
>Nomura wanted to bone her seiyuu
AC Tifa originally looked white, or at least mix raced, but they changed her 3D model to look more like her seiyu.
She didn't look that generic during her fight. Admittedly, it could have been "better", but it still looks better than this redesign. There must be a middle ground.
I don’t get why people post this shit when all of ff7 was anime art style originally. And the remakes going did a more realistic portrayal obviously. They’ve have to abandon the whole art new style of the game to keep shit looking “classic” enough for Yea Forums
I can't imagine devoting this much of my brain power and emotional capacity to such a non-issue.
Oh, but they will. Then shills and trannies will flood Yea Forums once more
>That's what she looked like in the original!
>the only reason her midriff was showing in the original was because of graphical limitations stopping the devs from giving her a full length shirt
>Character art are stylized and do not reflect on the character design
>I didn't mean the original! I meant the movie!
>Er, the other movie! I mean, Dirge of Cerberus
>I can't believe that people think that fanart of Yuffie is canon Yuffie
Prepare thineself
>give her more "realistic" proportions
>"oh, but her tits will be the same"
She doesn't even look like that in the Dissidia model you people keep jerking off over.
>Pose is the same
>Boobs are like twice the size
Stay retarded Yea Forumsirgin
have a wonderful life
Fuck off /pol/.
Tifa's breasts look unironically larger in the remake than in Dissidia.
I don't know if I'm crazy or not but Dissidia NT's Tifa looks jus Like Duodecim's Tifa which means she has been looking like that since 2011
>not the same kind of gameplay
>not the same story
>not the same characters
>U just want to jerk off to porn
all thes things are shit and you are defending them because NEW PRODUCT OF POPULAR BRAND, faggot shill
Dissidia NT Cloud and Tifa both look a lot better than their FF7 Remake counterparts. They're arbitrarily changing a lot of shit in the remake to make it more serious and """realistic""" even though the original game was never super serious or realistic. Then again they're also stretching out the 5 hour long intro to an entire game because apparently Midgar is the only thing normalfags like about FF7. What a fucking mess.
>And the remakes going did a more realistic portrayal obviously
even if what you said here made any sense, it would still be stupid
>muh final realism VII rezoom
Not to mention all of the big tiddy girls that they're excluding as 'not realistic'
I'm not defending them I'm reminding you this describes virtually every single remake in existence and if you walked into this shit legitimately believing they were just going to update the graphics and make it run smoother and are angry they didn't you are the biggest fucking retard on Yea Forums.
>still no reason for different fantasy VII zoomake to even exist
and I remind you that either you call a bad product a bad product or you are part of the problem
It's almost like Nomura made another FF7 video game and an animated movie that showed his vision of the game was headed in this direction and literally no one should be surprised.
Nomura is such a fucking chuuni holy shit I love him
You are addicted to porn my man. You will never be attractive to woman if you continue down this path. The fact that you think that is even possible human proportions forshadow your life of celibacy.
>Ignore the original design art and the ethics department! This is how they intended for them to look all along
Imagine being so retarded that you have to set an alarm to remind you to breathe
>busty women aren't possible human proportions
Way to force women into your narrow minded ideal, shitlord
>Aeris will have her Kingdom Hearts "innocence personified" personality
>Tifa won't call Barret a retard
>Cid won't be abusive to Shera
>Barret won't dress up like a Popeye sailor
>Red XIII won't dress up like a Shinra soldier
>Yuffie won't have unbuttoned short shorts
>No marching or squatting minigames
>Since the entire game is just Midgar and you'd only have four party members until Red XIII joins at the end, Jessie and Biggs will get added as temp party members
>More focus on the Turks
>Rufus won't die
>Palmer won't randomly get hit by a truck when you beat him
>Scarlet won't name the world's most powerful weapon the Sister Ray
>Don Corneo won't try to rape a 16 year-old
>Crisis Core people will show up in Cloud's flashbacks
>Hojo won't try to breed Red XIII and Aeris
>Dio won't be a muscular guy in a speedo
>No Barret date, probably no Yuffie date
>No Tifa/Scarlet girly slapfight
>No extremely time-consuming CPR minigame with an underage girl
>No gay sauna scene
>Fewer wacky enemies
>Increased emphasis on Zack, his parents are no longer missable
>Probably more about Cloud's past during Midgar since you can't have an entire game where you don't go into the protagonist's history
>Final boss of Midgar will no longer be a random tank
>They'll somehow work in "dilly-dally-shilly-shally"
You guys have a completely warped perception of Tifa's body and that's frankly embarrassing.
Also the thighhighs make her look sexier idiots.
>Crisis Core
No, I can't imagine what it must be like to be you.
It is impossible to take any criticism of this remake seriously.
Words of the prophet
>Also the thighhighs make her look sexier idiots.
Fuck you and your ZR animu fetish
the tighhights do but everything else don't
>Still bustier than in Zoomake
>Still no sports bra under a white tank
>Still no shit design
Do your remember to breathe and remember to dilate alarms use different tones? I imagine it would be pretty confusing otherwise
>still focusing on Tifa
Like I said, you dumb cumbrains literally don't care about this game outside of the porn.
Everything else make her look like a fighter, which if you actually liked the character you would be in support of.
Apparently that's what you did considering every single time it's compared it shows the real outlier is the shitty fmv model and that every other depiction is more or less the same size
No, you see, because she's a fictional character, she CAN be unrealistically attractive
The whole point of fiction is to escape from reality
>still focusing on Tifa
>In a thread dedicated to Tifa
Mein Gott
>Still posting on a thread dedicated to Tifa
>Telling people that she looks exactly the same, but better, and if they disagree then they must be addicted to porn, but don't question me, or else you're also addicted and obsessed
is this the power of HRT?
You posted about Nomura making "the remake" realistic, I told you that shouldn't be surprising, and then you sperged out about Tifa again. Maybe it was my fault for assuming that when you were talking about "the remake" that you didn't just mean Tifa because that's all you can think about.
That's never been what happened and you know it. You trannies pick a game, and say she looks exactly the same. Then user posts a comparison pic, proving you wrong.
Then you claim that you meant other depiction all along, then user proves you wrong again.
This continues until you've exhausted every appearance she's had, then you reeee about how it's more realistic (thereby abandoning your previous 'nothing has changed' argument)
Then I assume you go dilate, but I'm not sure on that one
this is still an optimistic view
>a figher
you mean some stupid anorexic fetish schoolgirl
>That's never been what happened and you know it.
That's literally what happened with Tifa which is probably why you cumbrains stopped posting the awful "comparison" of the shitty FMV model thrusting her chest out with a random shot of nuTifa and claiming they ruined it.
>Also the thighhighs make her look sexier idiots.
>painting legs black to improve them
no, stupid fetishist
nice youtube
very cool
That's ironic coming from you, Susan!
Kingslaive: Final Fantasy VII when?
The only thing Dissidia Cloud really has over the remake is the hair. His face looks a bit off.
>Double down on autistic screeching
>Nothing changed
>But it changed for the better!
The doublethink is strong with this one. Though I am worried about you having such a strong obsession with cum that a stranger might confuse you with OP, rather than your garden variety resettrannie
Didn’t mind the hair but the fishnet was just silly. I like the Blade look Barret has in Remake a lot though.
now that's a Tifa.
As long as she doesn't have black legs down there
Depends on the angle. I wasn't autistic enough to save it but people took screen shots of moments in the trailer when her tits looked small and flat as hell.
Argue against this trannies.
Reminder that only ResetEra likes the remake design...
...and HATES Dissidia's.
>Jessie and Biggs will get added as temp party members.
Why would this be a bad thing? Maybe we’ll actually have reason to deal bad when they die this time.
It's not even true ZR. Secondaries are using the term to sound credible while defending the redesign.
But, user! The remake and Dissidia's designs are exactly the same!
And added the sports bra.
when it comes to pc we'll get mods at least
Seriously there isn't even skindentation.
there is no bra. Polygons are or are not of certain size.
Is there more of this? Doesn't seem to be anywhere on the internet but Yea Forums.
>there is no bra
I have always loved Tifa and was happy they kept her look. I cant even fucking imagine being so pathetic as to care about this shit. Seriously, consider your life and where it's going. Maybe you should kill yourself.
this. I's just the latest "magic word" idiots and shills use agaist criticism to make it go away so they can CONSUME POPULAR PRODUCT
just like racism!, sexism!, realism! it makes sense!, it's better! incel! virgin! have sex! nostalgia goggles!
>was happy they kept her look.
>kept her look
>The suspenders are from an older model when she still had big tits.
Platinum mad.
No, the whole point of fiction is to distill and repackage reality
so what?
do you thing they added bra-physics to boob physics?
do you thing there are big polygons made smaller by other polygons?
The suspenders move when she's attacking. You're incredibly stupid
Show your tits bitch.
Shouldn't you be posting on resetera with the rest of la grotesque trannies?
>I'll now redefine the meaning of a word so it will fit my narrative
t. 11d chess player
I think the sports bra was unnecessary, that's all.
I can't wait for the nude mods on PC. It's going to be fucking glorious.
Sorry user, this isn't your safespace.
I bet you're also the same type of retard who believed the fake leak from last year, seeing as how you're desperately reaching for something to complain about
She boxes which means she's always bouncing on her feet. Bouncing boobs hurt.
Considering her large breasts are still evident, it's a complete non issue, it's not like you could ever see her cleavage anyway.
>Considering her large breasts are still evident
but they aren't
can't believe they actually made tifa's tits bigger bros just look at the suspenders it's all you need to see to know that her model used to have small tits before
>Bouncing boobs hurt.
She's not real.
>it's a complete non issue
Then why add the sports bra in the first place?
Wait so the game is only going to be in Midgar? How is literally anything in the game going to happen?
They are though.
>Then why add the sports bra in the first place?
So that her tits don't jiggle all over the place
do you think they give a fuck
Should have given her bigger breasts AND more muscles.
>resetera still trying to use realism as an argument when Tifa wears loose ass clown boots
It's a fictional character that punches tanks with her bare fists.
For real though
Will we have cid, Vincent, or yuffie?
Will we go to any of the locations outside of midgar? The whole appeal of FFVII is that not only does it have a cool cyberpunk industrial vibe at first but it turns into a proper fantasy game world with tons of beautiful varied locations outside of that once you leave it
she wears gloves
They said it was going to be multiple games right after they announced it years ago
The majority of the game is going to be Midgar but I think it will end somewhere outside of it.
that's not how she looked in the original
>Will we have cid, vincent, yuffie, locations outside Midgar?
Not in part 1 you won't kek. Midgar it is. 2 discs long so expect a shitload of padding there.
>So that her tits don't jiggle all over the place
Why not reduce jiggle physics (assuming they even exist in the remake) instead?
Is this official? If so I really don't see an issue? She's pretty damn stacked as it is, and that's while those tits are being stifled by a bra.
Oh okay
I only just finished FFVII recently so I didn’t know any of the details about the remake
At least that means there will probably be more detail and effort into those later parts even if it takes years
Dissidia Tifa looks perfect. Take note Square.
you're a faggot
>Dissidia Tifa looks perfect.
the absolute state of weaboo retards
because for all we know nomura wanted this design and just blamed someone else when it wasn't received well
>he projects too
All they really have to do is let you find and equip alternate costumes and place a "Classic costume" or whatever the fuck at the 7th Heaven bar, and have it look like this Literally a non issue if they're smart about it. At the same time nobody gives a fuck, she looks fine even with thigh highs and slightly smaller tits.
At some point the bitching just starts becoming noise. I was really interested in playing Dissidia but all this shitposting turns me off a game.
Maybe after it dies down.
>shitposting stops you from playing a game that is years old
you might want to get a life
Dissidia Tifa doesn't have the dolphin tail
No one with half a brain gives a fuck on how tifa looks really. People are more worried about story changes and if the game is good.
I Just want to know what Will happen during midgar and how are they gonna pull it off.
The again i agree that tifa needs a little bit more of thigh. Other than that, shes fine.
>I Just want to know what Will happen during midgar and how are they gonna pull it off.
play the original then, I doubt they'll stray too far off or change anything major in how the plot goes
I still think she looks like some over-aged thot with too much makeup. She is supposed to be 20 years old, and not the feminine type. But the only thing that looks 20 years old on her is the years of caked on mascara.
Please, just stop. If you are going to spam Tifa images just go to /e/
They should. The main plot during midgar Will be the same, doesnt mean where not gonna see more than 2 reactores being blown, more shinra being evil, more of the turns, more of avalanche and more of the actual damage avalanche is doing.
Also, probably we Will meet nanaki before shinra building, or we gonna go to shinra building two times rather than one.
>half a brain
>worried about story changes and if the game is good
anyone with half a brain knows it is already shit tier, just like the character redesigns
>Aeris will have her Kingdom Hearts "innocence personified" personality
This bothers me so much more than Tifa's tits. Aeris is a fun, mischievous girl. You can't just change her whole fucking personality.
Fun fact: Tifa was 15 in Crisis Core. That will give you something to wank to.
SFM of the NT model fucking when
How would you have designed a modern Tifa then?
Can we just skip to the lewd image dump portion of the thread?
is almost perfect
good post
I never made it off the first disc of FFVII when I tried to play it ten years ago.
I'm looking for another single player game to play, so it might fill in the gap.
Schrödinger's boobs.
That looks just about the same except the face is actually worse and the tits are bigger.
So it's just a tits issue for you, got it.
>no pubes
Terrible thread
For 20 years I've known of Tifa's existence and haven't felt anything about her, but suddenly she's added to Dissidia and now I want to fuck her. It's a very strange feeling.
Most people (teenagers) jerked off to Tifa in the 90s when the game came out.
Yeah she never did anything for me. I was more into Tekken and Soul Calibur girls at the time.
It's more a case of she used to have large tits so why change them. It smacks of pandering to an increasingly authoritarian (not to mention neurotic) demographic that doesn't even play games. It is censorship and it is a weak decision to make. If Tiffa never had big tits to begin with, no-one would care.
I prefer the old design.
>comparing concept art to an ingame still when every other itteration (aside from Disney's) has massive tits
thanks for proving my point
the replies this image gets are always gold
>no argument
as expected
Too big.
wait, wait lemme get this straight. you see every other iteration of Tifa as having "massive tits" but Remake Tifa with the exact same size tits has small tits?
We need to go more petite
Well, it was the 2000s
You are a fucking moron. It's easier to find a proper big-chested woman IRL than anorectic K-Pop slut Tifa from the remake. I don't know what kind of an insane incel decided that women with small tits are more realistic.
Go. Play. FF7.
modest handfuls > titcows
You're grabbing the wrong handful