Other urls found in this thread:
>people who commit suicide
>going to heaven
this nigga crispy by now.
This really bongled my dongle, OP.
>be God
>give person a mental disease that drives them to suicide
>heaven pass denied
based God
Woah guys, racism isn't cool. Even when it's directed to niggers
Know Your Meme filename.
>be god
>make heaven perfect
>sends niggers striaght to hell
is ther any god more baseD?
Why is there so much of this shit.
what the fuck is wrong with nintendies.
>but Iwata, I don't care about smash unless there are people tgere to see me
yeah uh if God is so good then why does bad stuff happen???? christcucks BTFO, subscribe to the Amazing Atheist
And if he cares about smash so much why did he kill himself?
Check and m8 niggers
>Drugs a mental disorder
That's God with a capital G sodomite
Actually, in that context it would be a lowercase g.
>Implying a suicide victim will ever get into heaven
>Implying Etika ever gave a shit about Smash hype since Bayonetta
We're achieving levels of cringe I thought not possible
Smashlosers delusions summarized in one picture
>Toddlers will now kill themselves to get to know Smash dlc in advance
Wrong heathan, because there's only one God, and he's looking down upon you right now
>Implying hell is eternal
Serve your time and get out, at worst you're stuck in limbo with 99% of the world population
He got into heaven via affirmative action.
How many nintendies do you think an hero'd to find their favourite cringe-celeb in the after life?
Tell him to look away I'm trying to poop
God never gave anyone a mental disease. If you're retarded it's because somewhere in your family tree incet took place and God forbids nicest unlike Allah who is actually satan
That's why Mohammedans look and act retarded and actually defend a book that tells you to wash your nose when you wake up because the devil sleeps inside it
nice headcanon sodomite.
>implying you even go to heaven when you die
I’m like on my 7th reroll run right now, bros, I’m doing pretty good on this playthrough.
gotta wiggly dem jigglies if you know what I mean
>God forbids nicest
how was life as an animal
Top Adolf.
Blame the Catholics.
The only unforgiveable sin listed in the bible is blaspheming the holy spirit. What precisely that consists of is left vague, so catholics interpret that to mean throwing away your God given right to life.
Incest, I just woke up so my spelling is probably not good
Hinduism is a Pagan lie used by the elite of India to subjugate the masses
It's a slave cult
>God forbids nicest
No wonder he's such a dick
Ive seen hell man. Its bad, but not that bad
>yeah uh if God is so good then why does bad stuff happen????
If God can't create free will without everyone being inclined to fuck and kill each other then he isn't all powerful.
You're an animal right now.
Have you actually read the bibble because it's JUST like the quran but only slightly less murder the infidels
Being a turtle was fuckin’ awesome, that first crawl out of the sand into the ocean was the best intro sequence yet, and there was a shitload of playtime I clocked into the run.
That sounds like a pickup strategy incel "niceguys" use so they can complain about "muh friendzone", also, you type like a 6 year old.
Papist's are not even Christians so what they say is irrelevent, they're a Roman pagan cult
The Saints they worship and pray to are actually just the Roman gods
How can their be a saint of romance, of luck, of farming? It's just their old Pagan gods
You forgot to capitalize “He,” you phony
Not a christfag, but that wouldn't be freewill.
Sakurai didn't even decide the DLC characters.
God made all matter and the physics that allow everything to work. Physics are set rules that cannot be broken and all life is 100% matter. Therefore god predermined every action to ever occur.
Who wants crummy heaven? He should be going to pails of water
>Kill yourself
>Go to heaven
Well they'll actually meet on hell since asians don't have souls
I've read both, it's nothing like the Koran
The Koran is a stupid book that reads like a child wrote it. There's so many inconsistencies even in the second chapter, but the Hadiths take the cake.
My favourite one is when this guy talks about how Muhammed saw him peeing and told him to stop standing to pee
>Iwata has bananas out when Etika is speaking to him
What did they mean by this
Yes it would. Angels very explicitly had free will, their nature just wasn't to be massive self-preserving shitheads except the small minorities of Satan and his renegade angels.
Free will is impossible when an omniscient being created you.
Lot had sex with his daughters in the Bible, and they were fine.
well, yeah, if you haven't figured it out yet, god is evil.
user...I didn't need to hear this... but you're fucking right
Based and waterpilled
Can God create a rock he cannot lift?
What about the part in the bibble where Jeezy and Judas totally suck face but Judas doesn't say no homo
>be god
>test someones faith in god and see if they'll kill themselves
>they do it and obviously have no faith in you and still want to go to heaven
God has done this so many fucking times throughout the bible, its a wonder why people still kill themselves.
I'm right there with you. They also make idols and fetishes of precious materials and deify Mary, and they fucking love money.
Dude I just woke up, give me a break
Lot was raped
So do his fans not realize that pretending to chimp out over children's toy literally drove Etika to kill himself and the only true peace for him would be to never see a Nintendo product again? Or are they that deluded that some random thirty year-old man on the internet was their friend who genuinely shares all their interests.
God is a fucking asshole, then
Did he even finish part 2
Nah, don't take a great scene away with this bullshit.
Feels like a crock. He blasted one angel straight down to a freshly created hell for not following God's will.
>Th-thanks for the f-freewill God, I was t-totally going to d-do your bidding on my own
Yes, and he can also lift it.
Maybe have faith that everything will come out alright instead of taking the easy route.
Guess when a game gets challenging you turn on cheats just to see the credits huh?
Men can't be raped by women
If you talk like this your soul will die in the Lake of Fire
God is an asshole why? Because he created a beautiful planet full of natural wonder, filled it with amazing animals which can become your companions? He gave you your life to experience this amazing world while sacrificing his own sons life for you and you call him an asshole?
>you can cure your mental illness by just believing in God
Fucking hell.
>This could have been me
Why mom ? Mormons are BASED
If he can lift it then he didn’t create a rock that he couldn’t lift, dumbass.
god is gay lol
stfu faggot
>had a few paranormal experiences in the past, cried on video because of it
>broke up with his gf in 2017, had enough of her depression
>some viewers are charging back donations, fucking up his paypal account, has to pay chargeback fees
>huge success thanks to over-the-top reaction clips, bringing ton of normies to the stream, ruining his normal interaction with chat, frustrated with the situation
>cares too much about criticism, wants to make everyone happy
>approached by some cult-people slowly brainwashing him, manipulating him into donating money
>demonetized by youtube and regularly kicked from twitter in 2018 for saying the n-word
>deletes his entire yt content, nuke the channel with porn, writes nonsense in the comment section
>creates another channel, says he's ready to move forward and won't behave like this again
>starts to eat salad & raw eggs all the time, losing weight, 3 months behind on rent
>loses it on social media, insults & block his friends, makes ape impressions on stream
>middle-finger people in the street, fights with a cop one day, raided live on instagram another day, checked in a mental hospital multiple times for only being released hours after, probably got an eviction notice later
>invited on drama-alert, says he's the antichrist and humanity will end soon, convinced we are all god, ragequits the interview as keemstar adds fuel to the fire
>entire internet call him a money-bait attention-whore, people think those mental breakdowns are publicity stunts, his now toxic community constantly taunt him on reddit, spaming clown emotes in chat & twitter
>asks on twitter when should be his next mental breakdown, answered June 20 after school, replies "imma put this in my calendar"
>watched E3 last stream, reactions are not as genuine but he looks okay, eats spaghetti, argue with randoms in his chat time to time
>uploads satanic cursed-like video 3 days later on twitter, quickly deleted
>post goodbye video June 19
>dies June 22
what's it matter, nigga is dead and can't play it anyway
I mean, what proportion of the angels were shitheads? Most humans don't rape and murder.
You’re a heathen.
God seems like the kinda guy who just likes fucking with people. I mean he doesn't need to test anybody REALLY, he is omnipotent and omnipresent. He already knows whatever there is to know.
The Bible is chock full of God going out of his way to fuck with people, some of which he knew for sure were true believers beforehand.
>Most humans don't rape and murder.
you live in a first world country that actually enforces its laws (and also its top government officials are all child trafficking pedophiles)
go take a trip over to Africa or the middle east where the government isn't going to be a threat to the dregs of society and see how that plays out.
>Why is there so much of this shit
Literal children are the only people that watch youtubers user
Don't worry kid, when you leave grade 7 you'll wake up to the truth you don't have to impress your friends acting like an Edgelord anymore
There is no human population in Africa or the Middle East
>abrahamist calling anybody else an edgelord
LOL implying suicide cowards go to heaven
Most of Africa is pretty safe, actually. The small rural villages have very little crime, and small rural villages make up 90% of the continent. It’s only the big cities like Lagos and Johannesburg that are unsafe.
Having a religion is just common sense
Jesus Christ is real, even the atheist scientists will admit this
You'd have to be pretty stupid to believe this. Children would more likely to draw fanart of them though.