What vidya fanbase has it the worst?

What vidya fanbase has it the worst?

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undertale in its first two years.

You may have misread the OP

>letting a fanbase ruin something for you
I hope you don't do this

Dragon Quest fans in the west.

I think both of you misunderstood. I'm assuming OP is talking about in terms of being neglected, based off his pic. So I'll throw in Super Monkey Ball

No I meant which fans of a game/series have been shafted the hardest by the creators

Silent Hill

>tfw we'll never get DQ Walk

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Oh shit my bad. I dunno I guess capcom fighting game fans have been shit on for the past 6 years

Golden sun, Camelot shat another Mario Tennis before dying without caring other franchises

Dead Space is just straight up never coming back

Everything Konami except for fans of their famed pachinko machines and fucking PES of course.

Or another Monsters game.

My top 3 favorite games of all time are from dead/neglected franchises.

>Klonoa got his movie cancelled and will never get another game
>Nintendo flat-out admits that they can't make a sequel better than F-Zero GX but also refuse to rerelease or remake the game
>Phantom Dust Remake got cancelled

You get used to the pain.

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If you don't say Sonic, you're wrong. Just because they don't post as much here doesn't mean they aren't out there.

Pro skater fans

Shut the fuck up, you just got Sonic Mania. You have nothing to complain about

banjo kazooi-


they haven't had a good 3d game since 2013

Planetside players have it hard

probably F-zero

MGS fans have been suffering since 4 came out. The worst part is that everyone is treating the culprit like he's the second coming of christ.

Until about 4 weeks ago it was Banjo-Kazooie fans

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the RTS fanbase

Duke Nukem

I'd argue Sonic hasn't had a good 3D game period

>countdown to iOS port
>port of iOS port with new music
>no new OST
>franchise dead forever outside Kigndom fucking Hearts

F-Zero for sure.

Didn't you guys get a sequel on switch?

Goddamn, that hurts but yeah, being a StarTropics fan is hell

Still is for me cos i dont give a fuck about smash

I miss Capcom’s 90s arcade days. So many great and gorgeous fighting games.

No, it was a port of the old iOS port. The supposed new ending was just sequel bait recycling the girl from the iOS sequel bait that still doesn't even have a name.

The one you can't even remember.

No. We got a shoddy port of the vastly inferior version of the game.

Monster rancher. I'm pissed at koei tecmo for not putting out a MR game in so long. At least they made a Twitter account that's kind of teasing they might make a new one.

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>Nobody buys the game because its a shit port that doesn't work well on a single screen console
>Square: "Well I guess you guys really didn't want a TWEWY sequel then."

You have my sympathy.

Dynamite Headdy

if it even has a fanbase, that is, with how obscure it is

>make really fucking awesome Genesis platformer
>great graphics, great music, fun and creative level design, the whole 9 yards
>teases at sequel
>never gets sequel
>game sells horribly because it was released late in the console's life
>no sequels
>developer doesn't exist anymore

the biggest >tfw

It's only really bad if a game was announced at one point but totally shafted, or they wasted potential on a bad game, and so on. I liked Ape Escape for instance but it doesn't truly need another game. HL fans meanwhile were promised a game that they're never going to get.


Shining force not a single good game since 3.

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Fucking this so hard, phantom dust was such a great game and I was so fucking hyped for the remake! It's just not fair.

>radio silence for a decade
Starfy 6 is probably vaporware
I'll mention Chibi-Robo as well


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Team Buddies

shit I'm you but
>whoopee camp got axed after making 2 games
Metal Gear Solid 2
>didn't play any after 3, they aren't the same
Syphon Filter 2
>series so ded they killed they canonically protagonist

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a modern team buddies would be popular I bet.
It's basically a proto battle royale.
>most gameplay online is with the american dub

>Phantom Dust remake was cancelled BEFORE THEY SHOWED THE TRAILER
>They only showed the trailer because they had finished it
Never played the original but that's probably the worst one I know of.

Armored Core.

> PS2 got a bunch of great AC titles
> Series comes to PS3/360, AC4 and ACFA are fun but not the same style of combat, but still solid mission-based single-player games with an emphasis on getting high ranks and completing missions quickly
> Demons's Souls comes out, sometime there, then Dark Souls
> Public consumers DaS like a ravenous whore
> From switches all teams to working on Souls games
> AC5 was complete shit with a forced co-op mechanic, betraying the whole point of the series
> AC games are NEVER EVER because of Souls hysteria

I used to think Ace Combat was worse off, but at least Project Aces cares about their products and it was just Bamco fucking us over.

Just look at any capcom franchise that isn't Street Fighter, DMC, Monster Hunter, Resident Evil or Ace Attorney.

On the bright side, a few years ago DMC & RE wouldn't have been on this list. Also I'd argue that MM11 and the Legacy Collections did more for its fans than SFV does for SF fans.

silent hill

Black and White. Not sure why molyneux went off the deep end.


Fucking shit. I liked fable 1 too.


Liking any Sony IP that isn't any of their Naughty Dog cinematic shit must be suffering.
>Twisted Metal dead
>Ape Escape dead
>Ratchet and Clank dead
>Jak dead
>Sly Cooper dead
>Paparapa dead
>Killzone probably dead
>Jumping Flash fully decomposed

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Custom Robo
Skies of Arcadia

I loved the most recent games. Why no more?

I have faith in a new Breath of Fire. It'll happen in the next 10 years, I know it.

>Sly Cooper dead
Its a shame
I liked the fourth game over the third.

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Fire emblem

F Zero fuck myamoto what a fucking faggot

>Two modern 10/10s and a confirmation that Ancels next project is Rayman 4
Yeah you really have it rough just because Ubisoft being friendly with Nintendo didnt net you a smash fighter. Poor you.

Not really since it's just a guest apearance

>developer doesn't exist anymore
Treasure's still around, but the only new games they made in the last decade were Bleach tie-ins.

>still waiting for Rocket Slime 3

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Seriously what the fuck is treasure thinking. They could be making gun star heroes 3, bangai o, or even a mischief makers sequel but no they waste their time making games for a shitty anime.

wario land and sin & punishment

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fuck you're right I did