Since you fucks keep spouting nonsense out of your arse,
>Better battery life (about 30% more)
>No TV out capability
>No kickstand
>Built in controllers, with D-Pad
>5.5in screen, down from 6.2in.
>Smaller processor dye, meaning higher power efficiency
Other urls found in this thread:
You forgot that it can't even adjust brightness LMAO.
Look at the catalog before posting you absolute autist.
I'd like to add
>supports regular Switch joy-cons
so you can still play 1-2-Switch and stuff.
All the pros and cons make it hard to decide whether its worth buying it or not.
>>No TV out capability
this terrible
>>No TV out capability
Literally why? Even if they aren't going to do a dock, it can't be hard to put a HDMI out port on it. My Switch broke and I was waiting for a Lite announcement but I think I'll just get another regular one.
Can you pair joycons or pro controller to it or they took Bluetooth out completely?
>can't adjust brightness
>incompatible software
>games like xenoblade are forever gimped because they look like shit in handheld
But all of the salesfags (resetera) and special boys will be attracted to this
I think they mention needing a regular joycon to play stuff like 1,2 Switch in the video
You'll need one to play Super Mario Party as well since its only playable with one sideways joycon
>>games like xenoblade are forever gimped because they look like shit in handheld
Implying that they wont look better due to running at the same resolution but on a smaller screen meaning a higher PPI
Its literally just a switch 2DS for kids, they're releasing this because pokemon is on its way and they need a cheaper, harder to break version of the switch on the market.
Does it still have a fan?
>>games like xenoblade are forever gimped because they look like shit in handheld
nothing of value etc etc
i'm not getting it since I already have a switch, but what were people thinking?
Kids dont care about pokemon after nintendo removed the national dex
It has no HD rumble.
Yeah I think its alright, not sure if I'd say I'm a fan though
Yes both
I will keep with my OG switch playing portable isn’t fun too big.
>caring about dexs
user, I...
Does it have a reflective display?
Is it still LCD? If so, I’m not buying one
wait, what?
Kids don't care about the National Dex at all and their parents won't even know about that controversy, the people that are upset about National Dex are all like 20+ year old pokemon fans from Gen 1-2 that still care about Catching Them All
Cool. Homebrew community probably can restore the tv out function to some degree and it will be useful to have gamepad support.
In here asking the big question:
Can I access my save data and digital games from Switch Big on this thing and vice versa without a full system transfer? I'd love to have this as a true handheld/portable but I'm not giving up TV play either. I'm guessing a big no
wait for the pro in 2020
>there are people that actually believe this
Lmao, only the low functioning autists you find browsing /vp/ care about that shit.
Kids won't give a shit and the next pokemon will sell amazingly well despite how shitty it looks.
Do they now? One could make a point about them not minding Pokemon from generations they didn't grow up with not making the cut, but several Pokemon from gens 6 and 7 will probably be cut, so...
>No TV out capability
>controller starts to drift
"Yes, you will have the ability to transfer between devices, your gameplay experiences. More to come on there, but that is the intention," Bowser told me.
>Since you fucks keep spouting nonsense out of your arse
>about 30% more battery life
Official site confirms it lasts 30 minutes longer than the original switch, get fucked you retard
Read OP's article.
>Despite the change in size, the resolution for the Switch Lite’s display remains the same 720p as the original Switch, though curiously you can no longer adjust the brightness.
>Despite the change in size, the resolution for the Switch Lite’s display remains the same 720p as the original Switch, though curiously you can no longer adjust the brightness.
>Despite the change in size, the resolution for the Switch Lite’s display remains the same 720p as the original Switch, though curiously you can no longer adjust the brightness.
>and the next pokemon will sell amazingly well despite how shitty it looks.
I wouldn't count on that one, pokemon has been selling less and less every generation, and these changes are pissing off the core fanbase.
Kids and normies will still get it, but they've upset a large portion of the dedicated fans that used to buy all three versions, go to tournaments, that kinda shit.
>incompatible software
Which ones?
Source on the battery life claim.
It supports the use of them, but are not included. You’d need to buy additional controllers to play games that require motion controls.
As it stands Animal Crossing, Splatoon, and Pokemon data is not cloud compatible, so I'm highly skeptical of this, but optimistic
Kids and normies is their target market. You think they care about tournaments and losers? LOL
It's all fun and games until your controller starts to drift
>called switch
>cannot switch
>though curiously you can no longer adjust the brightness.
why though
this literally kills it for me
>can't adjust brightness
In 2019? What are they thinking? Even the gba sp can do this.
Will the next one have anything?
More ppi then. Like PSP Go screen, it will look better
Please god let official dpad joycons come for the rest of us
Which switch to buy if I want to pirate it all?
I'm just saying, this game will probably sell the least out of the pokemon generations, just like Sun/Moon sold less than X/Y which sold less than Black/White and so on
This one will sell well because people are going to inflate their expectations because it's a semi "open world" pokemon people have been clamoring for and it's the first installment on the switch.
I fully expect the next installment on the switch to do much worse
i rather have a tv only switch or an upgraded main console
Read the OP article you cockslurping toddler.
A launch version of the original that didn't have the exploit fixed
i have no idea why anyone would get this over regular switch
>about 30% more
So 4-5 hours? Is that about it?
>open world
>two or three routes that are a circle instead of a line
>open world
XY outsold BW though?
Manual controls are so early-2000s. Now we just have smart controls that are automatic. :)
pokefags are delusional. national dex isn't even the issue with pokemon in 2019
Hey, I used quotations for a reason
Don't blame me that news articles are calling this shit open world
thats like impossible to find.
So, you won't be able to use the motion control gimmick a lot of Switch games have, right?
Not that's a loss, but it's kinda weird.
Not when you consider BW2
Splitting the third version away from the gen is stupid
>it's the first installment on the switch.
So pretty much no reason to buy it for anyone who owns the switch already
You can if you buy joycons separately
Why did they remove tv out? I'd have been absolutely sold if it wasn't removed.
>Not when you consider BW2
seriously retard? why would you do that? they are sequels in the truest sense.
>>Smaller processor dye, meaning higher power efficiency
>processor dye
Are you retarded?
it's not, considering xy didn't have a third version, and if you insist on comparing using third versions sm achieved nearly the same amount of copies sold as bw despite being on a system that sold way less.
It's 100% made for children (actual children) in anticipation of Pokemon Sword and Shield. This is the 2DS of the Switch. It will probably be thicker and the D-pad and left stick will probably be harder to drift, just like the 2DS being made for children and people with retard hands.
Non spinoff
You know what I meant
Calm your autism
If Nintendo would make it easy to remain synced between a regular Switch and a Lite, I'd consider buying one... but we know that they won't, many of their most important games (like Animal Crossing) don't even support cloud saving.
OG Switch is terrible for portability, it’s too big, too heavy, has no d-pad and the entire thing feels flimsy.
Switch Lite has the potential to be the most comfy handheld of all time.
LGPE wasn't a spinoff, it was Yellow Version Switch
But... can you use them in Splatoon? lol. Wtf.
LGBT isn't a spinoff. It's going to have connectivity with Sword & Shield.
1 2 Switch and Mario Party require detached joycons.
>No TV out capability
Why would anyone buy this?
Kills the whole concept of that piece of shit.
>everyone acts like this is the best thing ever
>second hand sellers and retailers drop the price of the original even more to the point where a brandnew switch is barelly more expensive then the lite
ITT grown adults wondering why a product targeted towards 6 year old booger eaters to play in the back of their mom's minivan isn't for them
No wonder you're unemployed. You lack basic analytic abilities.
dude. did you even watch the video or read the article?
This seems highly unnecessary. I guess it's strictly a kid thing, at least the 2ds had the gimmick of not having a shitty hinge. This has the gimmick of permanently bolted on downgraded Joycons with a worse screen and no tv out.
Great. Thank fuck I got a launch model that can be hacked.
It says 4 hours on BOTW vs 3 hours on the regular switch
>No TV output
This is the only fuckup. The rest is bearable.
Also I like the bigger buttons and the D-pad
25% aka 30 more minutes.
RIP anyone who buys xenoblade with this.
Switch Pro fucking when? Yuzu progress fucking when?
They likely mean that there is no AUTO brightness.
Verge is the only source that states not being able to adjust the brightness, if it were true I think it would be bigger news.
It's somehow even worse for portability because you can't detach the joy cons.
>the best game is the worst selling
Pokemon fans have no taste
>Why would anyone but this?
Same reason the 2DS sold tens of millions of units, shit for brains. It's a cheap system for kids that are always on the go.
Children who want to play Pokemon and their parents don't want to drop a fat 300 for gimmicks they otherwise would be fine without.
But DP isn't the worst selling
Didn't want to pay 300 dollars just for SMTV and Astral Chains so this is looking good. Hope they run well.
Because it will catch fire if there's no fan cooling it while in TV mode.
>no stand so you can't actually use it with other controllers without coming up with some elaborate solution
Yeah but how. The thing doesnt have a kick stand does it?
user, third gens have always been split since they're their own thing. And if you did that your point will still be amiss.
Yeah the casing looks thicker.
Verge are hacks and you're all retards for quoting a Kotaku-tier outlet. Everyone else is reporting that there is no auto-brightness, not a total lack of brightness controls.
You might want to wait until those games come out to see comparison videos at least. Astral Chains looks like it will be very resource heavy and might end up in Xenoblade 2 territory
Stop comparing this to the 2DS retard, i get that you’re butthurt since you’re an OGfag but it’s just embarrassing, cope.
>only $200
That's pretty cheap. I'll probably just get one to keep next to my bed.
>Using the default stand when the Hori stand is a thing
Children in current year do not even know what Nintendo is lol.
that's literally what "supports" means, you retard
kids don't have brains retard
so what can I actually play on this with a comfortable fps?
It literally is for kids. I have no idea why you think otherwise.
Its the switch lite. Just wait for the switch pro already.
>implying DP is better than platinum
>cheaper version with removed features aimed for kids
Yep, this is the Switch's 2DS. Why are you so mad that you're a dumbass that can't read marketability?
Sonic Mania
I already own a switch so why should I care about this?
>Stop comparing it to its functional equal RETARD
Who's coping here?
>Mfw that joycon drift hits and you have to buy a whole new switch lite.
This. Why shell out $300 or so for this, a game, and online when you can get a used 2/3DS and used game for less than $100? Plus, people would trust their kids more with a DS than a fragile tablet.
I'm a teacher. You'd be surprised by how many kids play Fortnite on the switch.
Platinum is the best but we're technically going for gens... with that said I'll argue DP Mt Coronet > Platinum casual corenet
>in during fags getting mad over literally nothing
We always suspected there would be a handheld only Switch for Pokefags. Who cares?
Dont see what the problem with switch lite is. Its going to be the inferior version, the switch is still going to be sold along side it, it is more affordable expanding the player base. I mean theres literally no disadvantages to this, and considering the player base expansion it will make the switch a more attractive prospect to devs
You shouldn't.
As someone pointed out in the other thread:
Breath of the Wild and the Switch released the same day.
Link's Awakening and Switch Lite are releasing on the same day.
Breath of the Wild 2 and Switch Pro could potentially release on the same day.
So this is the power of people not going outside.
Only 33 year old virgins who play Pokemon care.
The 2DS sold tens of millions, mostly to children who's parents didn't want their kids getting bad eyes and breaking the hinges. This is pretty much that.
Also a LOT of kids play Fortnite on switch
Playstation on suicide watch LOL
>No TV out capability
literally fewer features than the PSP 2000 12 years ago!
>people would trust their kids more with a DS than a fragile tablet.
People started trusting their kids with literal tablets long before the Switch was a thing
It has motion controls apparently
Close, but most of the old gen 1-2 fans have already moved on. The series has been trash for ages, so I've stopped caring. It seems to mostly be young-mid 20s that grew up with gen 3-5 that are upset over it all. Gen 6-7 kids don't give two shits.
>it worked once to pander to the low end market so it will surely work again!
yeah not this time.
Only feature removed is TV and the whole point of the Lite is being portable.
Literally nobody gives a fuck about HD rumble.
How is it aimed at kids exactly?
You’re just extremely butthurt about your purchase made irrelevant, enjoy that fake d-pad lmao
>Only knows console problems from memes
It was the sync causing it, there's nothing to drift from when it's the actual console.
aaaand the original switch is still better lmao, all the fags who called us beta testers back in 2017 BTFO
It's not aimed towards you. It's for kids that don't have a switch so their parents can buy them a cheaper, smaller model just in time for the new Pokemon.
>attractive young people out having fun
>stop having fun to play vidya
Who are they targeting exactly? At least the switch reveal showed it being used in practical places (save for the guys that stopped playing real BB to play is on switch).
>No TV out capability
Nintendo are Jews, that's all I have to say.
Even with a PSP you could buy $10 cables for a TV connection. With Switch Lite it'll be a hassle due to the prorietary tech (even though it's USB-C) and the obvious protections that are there - no guarantee that a 3rd party cable won't somwhow brick your system like 3rd party bases did on the Switch.
This also means there's no boost on TV play even if you manage to go around the protections, it's always and forever portable clock speeds - with portable resolutions on your "hacked" TV play.
It has the same fucking problem the joycons have that dissuade me from using it in handheld mode in the first place; the the layout and proximity of the analog stick and buttons means you can fucking lay your thumb across B and Y without it pressing up against the stick. I was hoping they'd adjust the position or distance or something but no
Ruined before it's even out
>not dockable
into the trash
I'm not in the market for this anyway because I already have a Switch that mostly stays docked, but this is still a baffling decision. Then again, it is Nintendo.
This picture is slightly sad because Ape Escape, LBP and Parappa have been dead for years
>how is a small, cheap, colorful portable system aimed towards kids
Are you actually retarded?
Look at that D pad, so lovely.
It looks fucking tiny.
I will now predict the future and say that based on how well the Lite does, the more likely Nintendo will release a Switch Pro to coincide with Scarlet and the PS5. The regular Switch will be the midrange model, Lite will be the cheaper portable option, and a Switch Pro console would sit in your living room like a GameCube with the best performance out of all of them.
Someone tell gookmoot's girlfriend that you don't bring video games on camping trips.
>Update July 10th, 9:50AM ET: This article originally stated that you could not adjust the brightness on the Switch Lite. You can still adjust it manually, but device does not have a sensor for automatically adjusting the screen brightness. We apologize for the error.
What is even more confusing is they removed the stand but it is still compatible with additional joycons / controllers. What the fuck are you supposed to do, exactly? Lay it flat on a table? Buy another fucking stand for the thing? The cost is going to come right back to $300 pretty fucking fast. This is a weird and very specific market they are trying to target here.
>It was the sync causing it
Prove it.
Well at least you think Gen 4 is the best instead of 6 or 7. It's in my top 3 gens with 3 and 5
>How is it aimed at kids exactly?
By being cheaper of course. Parents are more likely to buy it for their kids. Just like the 2DS.
ITT overweight 30 year old men grumble over a product designed for 5 year olds
Or, you could just continue playing on a normal Switch if you have it. If portability is not your thing, or you greatly prefer TV mode, Switch Lite is 100% not for you.
>Frogposter's brain fails and makes an imaginary argument where someone cares about the Switch 2DS coming out.
How is being cheaper and for portability not for kids and casuals?
>Poorfags who can’t afford a regular Switch for TV and a Switch Lite for actual portability.
Are Americans really this poor? It’s just 500$.
>Not dockable
You were expecting it to be?
yeah that's what makes sense the most since it would only mean they removed an ambient light sensor to make it cheaper..
>ITT grown adults wondering why a product targeted towards 6 year old booger eaters to play in the back of their mom's minivan isn't for them
Uhh sweetie there are multiple ninbabs posting itt about how great it is
you wish, yokaicuck
>pokemon has been selling less and less every generation
It hasn't been a blockbuster since Gen I but it's not dropping off like you seem to think.
Switch lite dog when?
No OLED. Get the fuck out of here Nintendo. Up your game.
Fucking retard doesn't see the market in selling cheaper portable-only Pokemon machines to children whose parents haven't bought them a switch. Bet you thought the 2DS was baffling too.
Unprove it.
They brought back the D pad for this model which shows they are paying some attention to controls, but we’ll have to wait for people to report back whether the sticks have any significant physical changes. Stick drift can and will be the end of this model.
Unless you really want a dpad or to shove it in a pocket, no
Are you? The regular Switch has multiple joycon colors, do you have legit brain damage?
So something being cheaper means it’s aimed at kids? lmao
Cope and seethe.
It's called Nintendo Switch, user.
>buying both
>when one can do the job of the other and then some
are whoever are obsessed with americans this dumb?
Nintendo fans don't care about shit like that user
They still drift while connected to the console.
>Weird and specific
Is it? People who bitched there wasn't a version that was dockless. He calls it dedicated handheld. Though it's retarded to have made it when it defeats the purpose of the Switch in the name alone.
Yes? Why wouldn't it be? I didn't expect a dock or detachable joycon, but why wouldn't it have the ability to use a dock if it were available. I don't care because I was never going to buy one anyway, but I think it's silly to have something with the Switch brandname that can't fucking switch in any way whatsoever.
>No tabletop mode
You know damn well that Nintendo will have accessories for that.
Yes we do, faggot.
>crack my old switch for playing pirated games, smash and emulators
>use switch mini for comfy animal crossing and Reunion in Mineral Town
I hope there's an easy save sync or something if you have more than one console. Also the fact that it's available in my favorite color and is only $200 is even better.
Wait, there's a new Switch model? I heard about it from the leaks but this came out of nowhere.
What is nintendo's deal with introducing trash products after half the life time of a console where half their games don't even work on properly?
You mean the kickstand everyone said was shit and bought 3rd party ones to replace it? People are already using the "elaborate solution"
ESL stop being poor and retarded.
Also OG Switch is a terrible handheld.
>>Smaller processor dye, meaning higher power efficiency
What does this even mean. It has a different processor meaning it won't have that hack exploit the original does.
>good for gaming
Wow I love burned in UIs!
I swear to god, if Switch Pro is home console only I'm going to be pissed. I want games to not look and run like shit in handheld.
>which shows they are paying some attention to controls
They're not. The only reason the d-pad was removed in the first place was because of the "here's your controller, bro" gimmick shit. Not that you can't take the controller off, there's no reason to make the d-pad into face buttons as well.
>how is it aimed at kids
>less loose parts
>lower price tag
>kids like handhelds more than adults typically
>especially modern kids who are used to ipads and shit
>replacement for the 3DS which Nintendo has described as a system for kids since the Switch came out
16 million is still a 'blockbuster' ddeessuu
It still has the dock notch in the back. This will eventually get dock support calling it. Wouldn't be surprised if it works with a modified dock.
>Or, you could just continue playing on a normal Switch if you have it.
Why would I pay more for a shittier system though? Switch Lite has the Tegra 1.5 in it, that's why you have better battery times.
Both are still extremely shit systems, no way I'll ever get either in the first place. They're already emulator-status anyway.
I do appreciate how you say Lite is 100% NOT for me, rather than Switch being 100% for me if I want TV mode, you're being honest that it is shit as a homeconsole (as well as being shit as a portable, considering they're releasing the Lite at all)
Nintendo’s end game is for everyone to buy a Switch Lite for portable use and then a Switch Pro for your TV. How will they get away with selling the same console twice?
>Connected to the console
>As separate devices.
Big brain on this one.
>Frogposter's brain fails and makes an imaginary argument where someone cares about the Switch 2DS coming out.
Nintendo itself, the specs are out
Who pissed in your cheerios, user? I understand what the market is and that I'm not part of it, but there's no reason it shouldn't at least have the capability. Now go fuck a snake.
Its real user. Switch Pro is probably real too. Most likely coming out next year.
Presumably the design doesn't fit the dock because they shrunk it to accommodate the retards that thought standard wasn't portable enough and now the controllers don't fit the dock.
Since last years leaks are true, I'll wait for the pro edition.
>still talking about burn in
those haven’t been a thing since 2016...
You have to be a gigazoomer who literally only knew AAA his entire life to think 6+ million sales isn't a instant success.
explain how the shitch sold so well then
>>As separate devices.
They're not wireless when connected to the console. When you turn on airplane mode, the joycons still work when connected.
So do you also just play mature games for mature gamers such as yourself? Holy fucking 2011 cringe jesus christ
>Still can’t articulate a coherent argument
Double digit IQ, sad.
They could’ve at least given us a cable to connect to TV
>always on the go
It's not that much of an issue. We're taking screen elements being on screen for many many hours at a single time.
>Market switch as a portable console
>Make dedicated handheld version anyways barely two years in
Nintendo, what the fuck is wrong with you?
Never overestimate the intelligence of Nintendo’s fanbase
now that they've got this shit out of the way, where's my fucking switch pro thats appeal is the fact it has no portability but is actually designed to be a home console?
>Gen 6-7 kids don't give two shits.
They will when none of their starters or legendaries will carry over.
Switch Zero?
This is the irony that people are missing.
Are there any size comparison pics between the Lite and the original? They saw the screen is smaller but I want a better look.
Flagship pokemon game is coming. SL is smaller and cheaper and handhelds are still a thing in Japan.
>shit as a home console
I disagree. I don't have any problems with mine when it's on TV.
>shit as portable
Could you please explain how they're emulator status already?
That’d be great, an actual console built to last, i feel sad of OGfags, you just know those tablets are slowly melting inside, in 10 years there won’t be a single one still working.
You have mental problems worse than trannies.
Only The Verge has said something about that, so it's one of thise things you should wait for more info on before taking their words at face value.
>can't be used with a TV
Not really a Switch then, is it?
>People bitch the Switch isn't a "real portable" because of it's size and battery
>Nintendo make a real portable that's smaller and has better battery
>People bitch that the new version is pointless as the Switch is portable already
There's literally no winning over you people.
So Switch Pro is the bigger version in the leaks?
Good thing it's a switch LITE
Introducing the Nintendo Stuck™
Also known as the Nintendo Switchn't™
but what about games, nintendo? you didn't forget what those are, did you?
>now presenting the Nintendo Stay!
The DS lite still did everything the regular DS did, and more.
Give pro-model, Fagtendo
>when can do the job of the other
I hope you're not implying the original switch with it's fucking detachable enormous joycons and size bigger than a god damned tablet will actually be portable. Unless you're some sort of autistic fucker that lugs around a backpack with you.
I've never bitched once about the portability.
>Called Playstation
>It only Plays movies
yes this is the plan
please, fake hype for this lite shit so the original drops in price
Astral chain, machina, botw, Mario, Splatoon, list goes on.
It's not a Switch at all since it can't actually switch from handheld to home console.
This is only acceptable if there's a Pro version coming for people like me that just want A FUCKING HOME CONSOLE WITH A PROPER CONTROLLER
At least now I know I won't have to buy a Switch until 2021
Next year according to leaks. Metroid Prime 4 is gonna run like garbage on the base model so it's worth waiting for.
>came out of nowhere
>rumoured for a year
>heavy rumours for half a year
>daily leaks from manufacturing and accessory makers for the last month
>saying kids prefer handhelds more than adults makes you an onions last of us fag
I never said I think this thing is bad. Children is definitely a target demo compared to the standard Switch. Look at how they postured 3DS as a kids system for the last three years and now this is it's replacement to coincide with shitty nuPokemon. I'd get it if I didn't prefer using my cpu monitor and didn't already own a Switch.
>Coherent argument
You made an argument?
You still have to sync the controller even when it's wired. If you played a precision controller on PC, you'd know that.
Think this'll at least be able to connect through a series of weird ass connectors/3rd party dock if I were to want to dock this thing
Or they make a workaround with their USB C magic just to prevent that.
DS Lite didn't run game boy games.
Where were you this e3
Imagine having a regular Switch to play on the go now, that bulky heavy flimsy peace of shit with no d-pad.
Why would you ever buy this over a regular switch. If it's the price difference than just buy used
I dont understand. It's just the switch but worse
Why on earth is there no TV support via a mini dock or anything? Why even give the option to connect more wireless controllers? There’s not even a kickstand, so people gotta lean the Lite against a book or something and huddle around and squint at a 5.5 inch display to play Mariokart or Smash.
While the development is exciting there are a few things I'm a bit concerned about.
1) while cloud save back up is available to some games, some such as smash, splatoon, and a few other nintendo games do not support this feature. Will this mean I will have to start over from the beginning/regrind in these games? That's something nintendo should probably look into
2) Given the hardware failure rate of joycon's is anyone else worried that drift would result in you needing to send your switch in for repairs constantly? I know people have said you can use compressed air to clean out the joycons but that really is a temporary fix that kind of stops working after a while...
>Yea Forums is one person
I rarely take mine out of the dock and have no problem with it when I do. That said, if I was a primary handheld user, I'd still think it's shitty you can't dock this one.
That's literally something you can adjust by software
Neither did the original DS, but both models ran GBA games.
>No TV out capability
How does this even make sense, they literally get that for free with the SOC and the USB-C port.
rather have no screen tv only thing
I go outside more often than 99.9% of user here lol.
I have never seen a single kid with a Switch outside but a few man-children. All the children I know play Fortnite on their phone or PS4/PC. I am from Germany though. Maybe it is different in the US/UK. I actually only know one person who bought a Switch and that person is 30 and mostly uses it to play in bed or on the plane(it never fell out the window, so far he was lucky).
But that still makes sense you dumb fuck
Does it really mean that much to people? I never transferred Pokemon as a kid. I would just catch a new team and that region's legendaries. I thought it was only the competitive autists that needed to bring their perfect team to every game.
I´m fucking tired of waiting, I want to play Smash&MK8 with my friends but I don´t want to buy an inferior console, months before it´s replaced by a better version
Yes it did you fucking moron. It was the DSi that couldn't
I’m still waiting for you to give me an actual reason the Switch Lite is for kids, seething OGfag.
Thanks for beta testing though.
Cheaper portable-only Pokemon machine intended for parents to buy for their kids. It's the 2DS 2.0
Imagine being this retarded and not realize there are joycons that have a dpad in place of the four face buttons
>Astral chain, machina
>botw, Mario, Splatoon
all have been out for at least 2 years
cool games you got there
watching nintendo's barebones presentation that included like 2 new games and the rest was about games that were already announced or already released games
>You still have to sync the controller even when it's wired.
No, it connects automatically. The joycon stick drift issue has nothing to do with wireless connectivity, it's a hardware fault. Which is why replacing the stick fixes it.
Nobody made this question, so I will:
Could I connect a Switch Lite with a tv-docked Switch and play it like a WiiU?
>$200 switch that does both TV and handheld
Thanks Nintendo for lowering the price of your existing model
You can adjust the brightness but only manually.
"Despite the change in size, the resolution for the Switch Lite’s display remains the same 720p as the original Switch, though it no longer has a brightness sensor, so you can only adjust the screen brightness manually."
Its cause you'll be SWITCHING your console in due to warranty because joycon drift.
Who even needs a dock, all you need should be an appropriate USB-C cable.
>Make switch lite for portable only
>Then announce switch pro for home only
I will have no words
>Hori cheap shit
Is the price of a 5.5in 720p display in the current year more or less than 50 cents?
Don't question Nintendo hardware, it just is.
just dance, many people buy it for switch
Certainly looks less awkward to hold. Reminds me of the Atari Lynx 2
its a possibility that the switch lite will have better performance and even look better than the og switch in handheld mode.
>No kickstand
Well, this piece of shit abortion has a protrusion/indent on the back like the original has for the dock, so I imagine it'd connect to this fucker right here (pic related) so in a way you can have tabletop mode working.
It is Nintendo, they need something that artificially makes the other product attractive. Nothing new with that shitty greedy company. Same with Sony.
Who cares. My Switch hasn't once come out of the dock since it unboxed it.
It's TV only for me. Handhelds are retarded. Go play a phone game if you want to game on the bus.
I go out a lot but I only see kids witj Switches when I grocery shopping once a month. It's ALWAYS kids being brought grocery shopping by their moms. I live in a shit third world country too so I assume in the developed world, it's more common.
Probably gonna pick this up when the color selection improves desu. Maybe an LE or something. Was honestly waiting for this announcement
I have never seen anyone using a Switch in public, not once. I assume college kids may use them, but I have been out of college for 10 years so not sure.
I don't understand why people keep memeing about pokemon sales declining. The sales for initial installments of a given generation might as well be flat around 15 million units. It's especially obvious once you consider that gen 1 and 2 are during the pokemania era. It's the initial sales that are the anomaly due to being a global fad at the time. Pokemon so far has been both safe AND bizarrely high performing.
Also note that selling 15 million units on a bad day means outperforming most of the industry.
Seeing how the new 3ds was treated I doubt a pro switch will be worth it If like 5 games take advantage of it.
yeh i can see that
you do realize a pro version of the switch will still be weaker than a ps4/x1, right?
So should I just get a regular switch then? I don’t want to wait another year to play Mario maker 2
>Link's Awakening and Switch Lite are releasing on the same day.
That's pretty smart
Given all the handheld-oriented games that are coming out in 2019Q4/2020Q1, releasing a handheld only version is actually pretty smart.
You get to SWITCH between handheld and home consoles. Nintendo is truely a genius mastermind.
Does it have a better processor? Does Xenoblade 2 still look like shit?
Are they selling me the same console with less features or they actually put any effort?
I think a big problem that could crop up is there are a ton of games that were already hard to read in handheld mode for the last switch. Hyrule Warriors and even puyo puyo tetris are kind of tiny.
Yes it did. I had an original DS and I played FireRed on the Lite. Are you thinking of the DSi maybe?
Because you are intended to play Smash and Mariokart via local wireless. They are already pretty rough on the Switch's screen tabletop.
Nintendo never announces lots of games at E3 since they have directs year round and go big on the showfloor itself so any actual E3 games need to be announced prior or people on the floor would leak all the stuff they saw at the Nintendo booth setting up.
I don't think I understand what you expected. More games are coming out, whether they are newly announced or announced before shouldn't matter, because they're still games to look forward to.
>home only
why do people think this?
it would literally be a new console altogether since past games would mostly be incompatible with the new version
>many switch units have joycon drifting issues
>lol let's just make one without any
i guess that's an improvement...?
The New 3DS looked better than the 3DS XL, but I suppose that games not optimized for handheld with small text will suffer.
XB2 will continue to look like shit since Monolith Soft are either always working on another Nintendo game or one of their own projects. XB2 won't get optimization patches at this point
If it doesn't switch, what's the point?
I get the marketing, but more than a Switch Lite, it's a Non-Switch.
If that was a feature, it would've been major enough to warrant inclusion in the video presentation, so no.
Huh, didn't think about this. Could also use one if those handheld video out things too, but at that point might as well have just bought the real thing.
>it's a hardware fault
I literally compared to a PC controller connection you fucking genius. Because your argument only works if you prove
>They'll use the exact same hardware structure as separate device controllers on a true handheld.
Which was my point the entire time.
And never mind, wireless isn't software either. You can't PATCH in wireless.
>No TV out capability
What the FUCK is this shit
>Does Xenoblade 2 still look like shit?
All of the frames and pixels won't help those embarrassing animations.
>No Switch Heavy version where it's just a home console with proper controller included and slightly beefed up in terms of start up time, game load times, SSD and more.
I literally wanted the complete opposite of this and I thought that Nintendo would do it so I never bought a Switch. Did not think they would go the complete opposite route for some reason. Oh well looks like I'll remain not owning a switch.
>no more dual screen handhelds
Thank fucking goodness.
>Are they selling me the same console with less features or they actually put any effort?
They're selling it to poor people and kids who only would use it in handheld mode
>5.5in screen
Same as the vita.
>>No kickstand
When it's confirmed to be able to use joycon, this is pretty stupid.
You kay as well make the switch from OG to lite and pro at that point.
How's that
Wait for the price of a used Switch to drop
The Joycon issue was due to the joystick itself I though
>games that require motion controls.
*on 2 separate controllers at once. it's not like gyro has been removed from the console itself
Switch GAMER
>implying they won't use the same stick parts
This went from you claiming the Switch's stick issues are all wireless, to "the switch 2 won't have the same issue probably".
they never do that kind of thing though
And to the surprise of fucking nobody.
It was pretty obvious they would come out with something like this, considering that one of their bigger system sellers is coming out in four months. This literally always happens.
That's a price to pay for the many special boys that asked for a piece of shit model like this. I'm surprised there's no Zoom button (though you can enable the Zoom feature in System Settings). Be sure to make it your trusty partner for this Switch model. HAHAHAHAHAHA
Wait wait wait.
Are you genuinely insulted a console can be an option marketed towards children?
>can't play multiplayer games with just one console
>need to buy additional sticks
I love how Nintendo backpedals on their own decisions (as the Switch comes with 2 detachable sticks) because they're greedy fucks.
>Nintendo Switch Lite
>Can't switch it
Wtf is wrong with this company? They are going to have customers who are going to expect the docking ablity. This is Wii U levels of retard.
astral chain, pokemon, fire emblem, luigi's mansion 3, and machina
literally no better time to buy a switch or switch lite.
It's really not
>30% more battery life
30 minutes is not 30%
More intense games would be able to run at higher resolutions and frame rates like Doom or Witcher 3. They wouldn’t need to dynamically change the resolution to keep up the frames.
Nigger this is going to be the number one device parents will buy their children. The Nintendo chads have done it once again.
This is to get people to double dip. You can already tell they're going to only have the "this console is handheld only, and cannot be docked" in fine print.
not to say you're wrong but
yeah but I'm betting with the cpu die shrink it won't have a fan, and thus no clock-up switching which is why they arent doing tv out
I just want a switch Pro or something that will run bloodstained in 60fps and doesn't look like dogshit
Its 25% :)
Wait for Microsoft and Sony to release their next gen consoles, the Nintendo will release the Switch Pro so they’ll look competitive as well.
I noticed this as soon as they showed the back and quickly wondered if it could fit in and it looks like it should. Plus it can connect to other controllers so you should be able to use the Pro Controller and Joy-Con for this thing, the latter of which has been confirmed to get around playing Super Mario Party and 1-2 Switch. Should we spread the word about it?
>Market switch as a portable console
It's always been marketed as a hybrid console.
Nintendo is about to DAB on sony.
if its priced normal where i live i might get it never had a nintendo console so i might do it
also this one looks nice
You can do a reasonable job recouping costs if you sell your switch the moment a pro is confirmed, instead of waiting until gamestop lets you trade it in for pocket lint.
Unless you're so jewish you absolutely NEED every last shekel, why not just jump in? A year (or more, or forever) from now you might not even want to play mario maker.
poorfags that cant spare an extra 100 bucks
based retard
>Nintendo Bottom
you don't get it user? they switched it! just handle mode
I think I actually want to try that myself.
If the original battery is 100 minutes, 30 minutes more is 30% more.
This feels like a repeat of the Gameboy Micro. A bunch of features lost for simply making the thing smaller. Say what you will about the 2DS; it didn't pretend to be more than what it was.
Is it hackable though?
Didn't they say they were developing a more powerful version
Why does the Switch Lite look so cheap and low quality? Nintendo seemed to have taken the 2DS approach rather than the DS Lite approach.
No, this went from
>Why would a portable only device have the same structure and sync issues as a tablet with controller that need their own programming?
You just assumed I meant wireless only (which doesn't make any sense when PC and arcade controllers need to be calibrated too)
To the exact same thing you said from the start.
This was always the version that was speculated because normalfags and basedguzzling maniacs have been screaming about "I can play it on the gooooo :D" forever. Making a cheaper and shittier Switch to attract more of those people, along with children, always seemed like a smart plan. Making a proper home console never seemed likely.
Joke on you
I don't have one
Anyone that doesn't care about the hybrid aspect of the Switch of course.
So wow it’s fucking nothing.
It still has a heat vent at the top, so there's probably still a fan in it.
20% if you play the most demanding game is the best case scenario
No it doesn't. It plays GBA.
Fire red is a GBA game.
The DS Lite may have looked nice but it was built like a piece of shit.
They are developing it
It's actually something.
The only real problem with the DS Lite was its terrible hinge.
>It didn't pretend
>It's literally called the Lite. As in light features.
It's for the people who need their Pokemon fix.
Parents can feel way more justified spending $260 + tip on a Pokemon machine instead of $360 + tip.
But you can play the regular switch strictly portable as well. Can also hack it to run at docked specs when in handheld so you get better framerate/resolution
>>Better battery life (about 30% more)
lie, since you can't adjust brightness it will run empty 50 times faster
>>No TV out capability
>>No kickstand
>>Built in controllers, with D-Pad
.5in screen, down from 6.2in.
get fucked and lower resolution on top of it
>>Smaller processor dye, meaning higher power efficiency
delusional toddler see above has less battery life span than a fucking phone
whoever buys this pile of trash needs to be shot in sight for even considering
That hinge was a piece of shit in the DS Lite. Worst ever.
your fault for being dumb enough to replace a whole controller over that
The regular DS doesn't play Game Boy games.
>the taste I can SEE
I think the reason for this is them getting rid of the massive heatsink from the regular Switch that put in work during docked overclocking sessions. It's not a simple matter of including tv out, it's a matter of them legitimately optimizing thermal performance only for the portable mode. it still sucks, I really wanted that dpad and would have gladly bought a separate dock. Switch Pro it is, I guess
Literally suggesting kids be shot for wanting this.
And the terrible d-pad.
And the terrible shoulder buttons.
And the terrible volume slider.
>they've upset a large portion of the dedicated fans that used to buy all three versions, go to tournaments, that kinda shit.
So what, they are fucking nerds, no no gives a fuck about them, its all about getting them normalfaggots money
literally every handheld but the switch has attached controller you people are retarded
Hahaha suck my fucking dick, dude.
The DS Lite had at least one more feature than the original DS, and it looked nicer too.
>The only feature is no tv
>no detachable joycons
>no hd rumble
>no motion controls
>no tabletop stand
>no adjustable brightness
>having to buy 2 pairs joy con controllers (total 4) if you want to play Super Mario Party, or 1 pair joy con controller(s) to play 1-2-Switch
Its dedicated to handheld only. To be on par with a regular switch youd need to spend 200$+13$+80$+80$ equaling 373$+tip if you wanted to be on par with a regular switch. This dedicated to kids because no one in their right mind would waste that much money, might as well get a regular Switch youre only saving yourself 7$.
>whats that 13$ for baka!
You gonna be a fag and say "just look over shoulder bro.", get a Hori stand assfag
The dpad on launch models was near unusable. Near straight up can't do diagonals. They had to revise it after launch it was so bad
xenoblade 2 looka like shit because the devs did a terrible job optimizing the game for handheld mode, thats not gonna change with the lite.
sure and their parents with them
I don't understand. It's just a switch but literally worse in every way.
Why does this exist?
It's an architecture issue
Currently, the Switch is built using an ARM architecture chipset, which was designed specifically for use in mobile devices. ARM has been used in basically every handheld console to date.
Game software that run on ARM architecture typically have to be optimized for it since things like cycles and threading work differently than in home consoles. It's why, despite the Switch technically pumping out the same number of operations as a 360 when undocked, you can get shittier ports on it like the LA Noire one. IT has to do with optimization for the particular way one chipset is designed to handle tasks like rasterization or rendering.
So, the issue is that for any Switch Pro to exist that plays Switch Classic games, it HAS to use ARM architecture as well. Which means it will inherently be using a mobile chipset. At which point, there would be no incentive to make it docked-only.
BUT, if they decided to go with a more traditional type of chipset like those used in the Xbox and Playstation, then all previous games would either have to be re-optimized for the new console (unlikely) or would just only be playable on the Classic and the Lite
You forgot:
>have to choose between wired internet or charging
They could lock things to 720p if need be.
Looks like the winning move here is to wait for the inevitable Switch Pro in 2020.
It's so kids can get a cheap console to play Pokemon on, that's actually the only reason this thing exists.
>No kick stand
>No way to charge
>No fucking point
Seriously this.
According to rumors(the same ones that talked about a lite coming out), the lite hits first, and then a bit later they will announce the SwitchXL or whatever, that is a hardware upgrade but costs more
Might wait for that
>original switch games run like shit on tv
>"lol if we just remove the external connection then everything will look amazing on this dick sized screen"
nintendo are literally based
>At which point, there would be no incentive to make it docked-only.
Give it active cooling and overclock the fuck out of it
The chip is so underclocked in handheld mode its ridiculous
I found the next public shooter right here.
>dick sized screen
I'm sorry you have small peener.
Still, not everyone sees the docked thing as a reason to buy the switch. This just targets the people who want one strictly for being a handheld. The cheaper price will also be a deal breaker for some. Its literally the same deal as the 2DS. A cheaper console with less features than the original.
15% if you're not in airplane mode
Because it's cheaper. Some people never want to play in TV mode and feel they wouldn't get as much out of a regular Switch.
>no way to charge
Are you fucking stupid?
Why are you fat fucks arguing about this? Millions of parents will buy it for their kids regardless. This isn't for you.
Should i sell my Switch? I'm ONLY playing in handheld mode and want something smaller and lighter
I also buy all my games physically and don't care about hacking it
It was also only 30 dollars cheaper than a 100.
I'll see you boys on Switch Pro... AKA PC.
Was that the one where the volume slider was OS based and not physical hardware? Or am I confusing my consoles. I never owned a Lite, only a phat.
user, I dont think the system is being targeted to broke n-words and white trash who think $300 is big money
lol the light is adjustable. just not automatically
>It's okay when Nintendo does it
neck yourself you sperg autist. This company would be erased out of this market if it weren't for degenerates like you buying their literal dog shit hardware.
its ok, i play video games so it wouldnt matter either way
If you're not rough on joysticks/buttons I don't see why not. You can wreck the joy-cons and replace them but won't be able to do that with the Lite
Use a bag.
>normie buys switch lite
>runs 720p video into his 4K TV
>wtf nintendo the game looks like shit?! bad company bad product!11
I don't dispute it would be nice, but there are risks to including the option.
>since you can't adjust brightness
Read the thread.
>everything else you sperged about
It's less features for less money. There's a considerable market for kids and their parents who want a cheaper portable-only Pokemon console. The 2DS proved that.
>>lie, since you can't adjust brightness it will run empty 50 times faster
You can adjust brightness it's the auto feature who is not being implemented
>>No TV out capability
I mostly play on PC so i don't give a shit about that
>>No kickstand
Who cares ?
>>Smaller processor dye, meaning higher power efficiency
Can't compare a full gaming handheld autonomy to a phone since most the thing you do with one is for searching on Google, Watching Youtube etc...
Do you really want to woke the DS VS WII debate again ?
Of course they're going to stick with ARM. But with better cooling, smaller dyes, and a better GPU you could easily have a somewhat-to-greatly improved system. Hell they've made the current model more powerful just through firmware and overclocking already. They could even ship an enhanced dock like everyone thought was going to be the case initially that provides even more cooling/power.
as long as D-Pad isn't ASS like the Pro Controller, they will be gold
There sure are a lot of mutts in that commercial...
Get mad, get fat.
>it will have a 1080p screen
>docked graphics on the go!
>better battery life too!
>power of the die shrink bro
Hope atleast one of the tech illiterate kids that spouted this kills himself.
Kids are too busy playing with their phones to care.
>third world
that explains a lot
It was a physical slider, but felt like it was either a whisper or max volume with no in-bwtween.
Processing chips have different dye sets. The Tegra X1 GPU used in the Switch has had two dye updates since the Switch launched, meaning its now smaller, and therefore more power efficient. Chip dyes are where the actual spacing of the electronic parts on the silicon have a smaller distance between them. Original Switch GPU has a 15mm dye, new one has a 11mm dye. Who's retarded now?
>No way to charge
$200 and you can play it until the battery runs out
based retard
for mediocre performance gains and terrible performance on many 3rd party ports. you retards still realize the pro version will be a switch, right? it still will be weaker than the x1/ps4 due to limitations of its form factor and mobile chipset
people still hating on funkos? smdh
Not Europe, retard.
It is the best but unlike some fags I think 6 is also good. It's 7 that's shit as well as 2 and 3.
Better sell it since the Switch Lite seems to be what you're looking for.
It's smaller, more durable, less money.
So in other words perfect for kids.
there's NO SENSOR for AUTO BRIGHTNESS, but you can still adjust it manually you dumbass
how does a different color improve performance?
What does die shrink even mean
DS Lite had a regular slider. You might be thinking of the wireless connection slider on the original 3DS models, the new 3DS models replaced those with a software option to save space and prevent more people from using it to disconnect in online games.
Red makes things go faster, but the Switch Lite doesn’t come in red.
metallic red when?
Especially when Pokemon doesn't seem all that expensive to produce in the first place.
Nintendo said that Breath of the Wild was (onr of) the most expensive games they ever published/funded and that only needed 2 million sales to make a profit.
Article first said it couldnt adjust brightness or did you miss that edit?
my post didn't imply the two are related but ok
I've been waiting for this!!
Definitely going to buy one of these
Smaller chip means less power required means longer battery life, more heat efficient.
W A A A U G H !
the system literally doesn't support additional controllers
>No TV out capability
literally fucking ruined, why on earth would you do that?
smaller transistors. like how amd is touting 7nm right now
unrelated but i hope theres eventually a way to OC a hacked switch like you could with the 3DS XL
already looks like shit now though
GF keeps cutting costs in Pokémon to funnel all that money into Town.
wrong, it says in the video you need to buy joycons to play 12 switch on it
So Nintendo finally gave up on having a shitty portable that plugs into your TV and are now just making an even worse shitty portable.
>unrelated but i hope theres eventually a way to OC a hacked switch
we've been doing this for month you retard
Then just get a regular Switch?
Will it use an IPS or TN screen?
user that's been a thing for like half a year
Based af
>Read the thread.
you can't adjust brightness
>It's less features for less money
is that right, there is a market for people who willingly buy literal downgraded trash ? Kill yourself
>it's not implemented y-yet
kill yourself
Regular switch is flimsy and not a good handheld.
I wanted something rugged and with a dpad.
I would have upgraded to this, but removing TV mode is fucking stupid.
nice legs bro, like a dude with some hair on his meat on his bones
Unlikely they'd ever need to do that since GF is probably one of the richest devs on earth. Pokemon as a franchise is among the biggest on the planet and GF has been shittinbg success after success with it for like 20 years.
They keep the cost of Pokemon games down because they know people will still buy it in huge numbers either way so they can just make free extra profit
why are ergonomics such a lost art when it comes to consumer electronics? this barely fixes any of the annoyances of the switch in handheld mode.
There’s no TV support probably because they’d never sell the rest of their stock of the original. No one would buy it.
>24 million sales last gen
guys.. I think pokemon is finally dead
You can adjust brightness manually you fucking retard.
What the fuck is 12 Switch you mongoloid?
Conducted about one hand I'm not sure if the pro controller will work with it on the other I only play my switch undocked and that mint color is perfect.
1-2 Switch
No dude the build quality wasn't great, hinges were poorly designed. D-pad is extremely mushy, shoulder buttons and prone to failure and there's a lot more wrong with it. Trust me I've done so many repairs on these things, easily the worst DS ever engineering. Even worse than the original phat with its GBA SP hinge that some dumb fuck thought would be able to handle the load from the top shell.
kids don't give a shit about pokemon at all. fortnite is their "pokemon." it's the nu-male bugmen who will throw their money at any garbage game freak shits out as long as pikachu and charizard are in it.
Their portables were always better anyway. This might be a good thing.
>nice looking version
nice i could get thi-
>new shitmon worst legendary version
cringe and dropped
>inb4 they conveniently patch the USB port to be able to do TV out like 6 months after launch when old switch stock has been sold
>You can adjust brightness manually you fucking retard.
except you can't fucking retard
Look everyone, this is what Yea Forums has become.
fuck I don't want SwSh but this is nice
>willingly buy literal downgraded trash
Child wants to play new Mario and Pokemon
Mom says it's too expensive
Child sad
Nintendo release cheaper portable Switch that can play Mario and Pokemon
Mom buys it for child
Nintendo makes profit
I don't know how else to explain this simple concept to you.
ah yeah, thought those were speaker things on the back but its 2 vents and top vent just like reg switch. couldnt find the speakers til this
It is significantly smaller. At least it’s not Wii U gamepad levels of huge.
And they'd probably charge $40 for the USB to HDMI cable
>love the color scheme
>it's ruined by twitter and discord trannies
end me
this, you have no idea how many people squeaked on this board about just having handheld-only switch that's smaller (as if it wasn't already small). and now that this is out, there's a full boycott in effect
>I disagree. I don't have any problems with mine when it's on TV.
Dreadful performance since it's a literal tablet, most japanese 3rd parties run like absolute shit. No qay I'd ever buy DQ Builders 2 on the Switch for example, and it's not like I'm a graphics/performance whore, but literal 10fps contant is too much. There's no reason to not buy the PS4 versions (or rare PC version that releases day1) instead.
You also have to pay extra for an SD card since the standard storage lasts 0 days.
You also have to pay extra for a real controller with a motherfucking D-pad.
You can't connect headphones to the controllers, something that has been standard for 15 years now, making the set-up tricky if you aren't close to the TV and use wired headphones all the time like I do (otherwise it's the 3rd time I'd have to spend extra money to buy wireless headphones JUST for the switch).
AFAIK there's no way to turn on/off the console remotely. I haven't touched a power button frequently since 6th gen and I refuse to.
Online is absolute shit, STILL friendcodes, unusable party system, spotty cloud saves.
>Could you please explain how they're emulator status already?
Some of its biggest games are already playable on its emulator, so no reason to buy one. Since MonHun jumped to real platforms now that's 1 less reason I have to give a shit about Nintendo systems (FUCK the 3DS and being forced to play half a decade of MonHun on it), next Etrian Odyssey not confirmed to be Nintendo exclusive, so SMTV is the one and only Switch game I have any interest in. But I have no problem in waiting a few months until I can emulate it - everyone already waited years anyway since the announcement happened too soon, so a few extra months is nothing.
Are there currnet game on the Switch that CAN'T be played in handheld mode? The video is making is sound like there will be games that the new console won't be able to play. Can someone elaborate on this for me? I've been waiting for a new Switch model to come out before purchasing one for myself.
...less and less Millennials actually own TVs anymore. Have any of you talked to normies with their 'wellness' beliefs and actual active lifestyles?
This is my first time out from under my rock this year. Please understand
jesus how does it sell so well
>dude just buy joy-cons separately LOL
At that point why the fuck would you not just buy the normal switch?
Its just a term used to describe the preset space between the processors on a silicon chip. 15nm between, 11nm between, etc. It's a retarded name, I know. Basically, the smaller the chip, the less energy it requires, meaning longer battery life.
Mario Party
they are intentionally gimping this thing specifically to make the normal model not seem like shit.
there are 0 hits to it's actual performance(in fact it performs better due to less power consumption), they just made quality of life changes like making the controllers non-detachable, no TV-out(despite being incredibly easy to do) etc etc
if they didn't this would literally just be a better version of the switchfor less money. When you actually stop and think about it, how does making the controllers non-detachable, or not giving it a tv-out, somehow knock 100 bucks off the price?
it doesn't, Nintendo is just willing to take a bit less profit in order to hook in all the people still on the fence about buying a switch, and get them into the ecosystem,.
don't worry user he's retarded
>flimsy and not a good handheld
Then get a good handheld. The Lite. The current Switch is a compromise to enable TV out and you have a sub 100 IQ if you can't process it.
>Despite the change in size, the resolution for the Switch Lite’s display remains the same 720p as the original Switch, though it no longer has a brightness sensor, so you can only adjust the screen brightness manually.)
It's a different spelling.
No it's the same, I was in my first year of uni in 2017 so I took mine on the bus very often (had a grey one so no dodgy looks), I mostly recall kids looking at it and asking their parents for one but to this day I have not seen anyone else
>not hackable
>can't output to TV or monitor
no thanks
Seems like a large amount of them have yellowed screens today for some reason. A late Korean Lite I have still looks good but another has heavy yellowing on both screens.
Its die not dye
there is literally no reason to compromise though you retard just use the fucking USB-C port it's not fucking magic fuck
Even if I agreed, that's beside the point. Clearly the market has tolerated the performance in docked mode as it presently exists. There's no guarantee it would continue to tolerate it at lower resolutions.
My point is more options does not always mean good business.
Im calling it, Jewtendo will release a "special" dock for the lite. Actually, measurement wise, the lite wouldn't fit in a normal dock, because of it's shorter length the sticks would prevent it from sliding down into the dock. A smaller dock would actually be needed.
the wii u gamepad was actually comfy.
Are they legit retarded?
How play that retard game anyway?
Can you imagine if true virtual console is a Lite exclusive? Just saw Dreamcastguy's video and that would be a super jew move by Nintendo.
>not hackable
You don't know that
Nah, learn to type properly.
Couldn't you just mod the ability back in yourself with the right tools?
Im afraid it will be just future games, like how hyrule warriors was almost unplayable on the original 3DS
Well excuse me as I go hop off a cliff.
No place to use the jig.
>You can't detach the joycons because Nintendo wants to avoid paperclip hack method where you pin 9 & 10 pins.
Consumers? Yes.
>literally impossible to find other exploits
I understand, thank you. 10 FPS sounds fucking dreadful, i can't imagine that on TV mode. I have a toaster laptop so I could never play Doom 2016 optimally, for example, so I got that on my Switch and play it exclusively on TV mode at a constant 30 FPS. Yeah I had to buy a real controller too, and there's no way for me to turn it off remotely (i just tend to sleep it anyway).
As for emulation, thanks for explaining. Sounds neat but I don't have a strong enough computer to do that.
RetroArch is original Switch exclusive if this thing really is harder to hack, so who the fuck cares.
If this thing ends up being hackable, I would totally buy a one just for the dpad (if it ends up being good and not like the procon dpad) and also for the extra battery life. That way I can emulate whatever I want in a comfy $200 portable device with physical controls, as well as pirate whatever games I want since I don't care about online, then keep my current switch for playing online in games like Mario maker 2.
wait so there's a button for screen brightness? Oh that's quite nice actually, he probably means software wise but I want to believe
It's possible to just use a custom made USB-C to HDMI cable for the original Switch instead of a dock, which is mainly for connecting controllers/LAN adapter.
Yes, Nintendo should have wised up after how easy it was for the original Switch to be hacked.
Wow user. Good job. Can you for once shut the fuck up about this console war shit?
That user OBVIOUSLY wants a NINTENDO homeconsole for REASONS. He doesn't care about the ps and that it has better specs. Nobody here actually does. Kill yourself.
Not even. This is terrible marketing at its finest.
So change the name
>Nintendo says the Switch Lite isn’t going to replace the 3DS
>Nintendo: Not yet, anyways
It's a tug of war between ergonomics and silhouette. If it was honestly designed to maximize comfort, then "tech journalist" faggots would tear it to shreds for looking "dated, bulky, and non-premium" and it would negatively impact sales. Flat with round corners is the current fashion and we all have to suffer because of normies' shit values.
>people still hating on funkos? smdh
>Dreadful performance since it's a literal tablet
wow you don't say
>You also have to pay extra for an SD card since the standard storage lasts 0 days
>You also have to pay extra for a real controller with a motherfucking D-pad
who cares
>You can't connect headphones to the controllers, something that has been standard for 15 years now
agree, but if you play in mostly handheld mode who cares
>AFAIK there's no way to turn on/off the console remotely. I haven't touched a power button frequently since 6th gen and I refuse to
okay, so just hold down the home button and put it in sleep mode. quit complaining over nothing
>Online is absolute shit, STILL friendcodes, unusable party system, spotty cloud saves
congratulations, that's a 3 out of 6
Do you never go to the settings? Manual brightness has always been on the switch.
how can you come with such a low and stupid conclusion?
Since it's portable you can "switch places" where you go
They can, they could have, but they will not. Their greed prevents us for getting a genuine improvement to the Switch. It’s called the Lite, but the DS Lite was an improvement of the DS in every way.
Who in their right fucking mind thinks the 3DS isn't dead?
The switch has been out a while now and even pokemon has jumped ship to it. What notable new titles has 3DS even gotten in the last year?
There is no reason for 3DS to exist anymore.
That's what I said though :(
What? No physical button. You can hold down the home button to access brightness settings, or just go to the settings on the switch software. Switch has always had brightness settings?
>not a single word about storage
Switch Lite will never achieve the levels of comfy that the 3/DS had
looks like a SD card slot on bottom right. 32GB internal storage like the Switch
I seriously doubt you'd recoup enough costs to get the lite. Also, you'll be actively sacrificing features for no real gain.
Honestly, I've heard bad things about Xenoblade Chronicles 2 in handheld mode. Everything I've played myself runs as good or better. BotW has a more stable framerate in handheld, for example.
The 3DS exists to laugh over the grave of the Vita and serve as a message to Sony.
$150 switch tv when?
3DS was only comfy with a grip. Clamshells suck for ergonomics desu.
Outsold the Wii U.