My name is Commander Shepard and this is my favourite game in the trilogy

>my name is Commander Shepard and this is my favourite game in the trilogy

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Other urls found in this thread:

Completely pointless as far as story goes, most of the cast introduced get shoved aside in ME3, start of Cerberus' de-evolution from realistic space terrorist group into Saturday morning cartoon villains, RPG elements were gutted when compared to the first game, and gameplay was lobotomized to make it more appealing to dudebro and casual audiences.

collecting the team is fun
Collectors are good villains
the Suicide Mission is fun

>Collectors are good villains
How? They're just bug monsters who never communicate. They're not even interesting bug monsters, they just put people in pods and melt them, that's the only thing they do.

Mass Effect 2 was shit compared to 1. Too concentrated on team building, not enough of a broad game like the first one. The Collectors are a retarded filler evil faction to fight off because the reapers aren't there yet, poorly done. The suicide mission is lame. Half of the people you have on your team are retarded and annoying. Their loyalty missions only give you more fighting opportunities. Also the loads of shit DLC it had, the Shadow Broker was the only one worth mentioning, and even that was half-assed.

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>no mako
>thermal clips

Fuck that game. Bioware are a bunch of cucks.

You seriously wanted Mako back?

>Collectors are good villains

Remove the connection to reapers and protheans and they could work.

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The Mako was based.

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not him but the mako was fucking great

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Mako was fucking joke


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3 had the best combat and the best kino
>Someone else might have gotten it wrong
I miss you Mordin.


Imagine being this retarded.

I've replayed through all 3 recently and it really pains me to say this but, Mass Effect has not aged well at all. Especially 2 and 3.

>Especially 2 and 3

and there goes all your credibility

Anyone that thinks this is a retard.

>thermal clips

I will never NOT be mad. That shit was the stupidest fucking thing to introduce to the game.

dude just use 4k textures and it's still great

2 and 3 focused on the combat more and have suffered for it unfortunately.

How can people hate the mako?

ME1 has aged the worst of the 4 games.
I replay the entire trilogy at least once a year. Try playing ME1 right after playing ME3 or even Andromeda. It damn near feels unplayable because it's so clunky.

Not to mention the Collectors were basically automatons that could be manually controlled

>has not aged well
In what way? I thought the cinematic stuff is still pretty good and the combat was never good before 3

I can understand why it might be someone's favorite in the trilogy. It's not mine though. I prefer the first game.

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No, they haven't. ME1 aged poorly literally 1 year after it released while the other 2 still hold up gameplay wise, especially the 3rd one,

Because it handles like shit.
And the terrain you drive it on is mostly garbage. It's a chore to drive the fucking mako after the first time you play ME1.

This, out of all of them 3 holds up the best in terms of gameplay by a mile and is only beaten by Andromeda (Which had shit hot gameplay by the way, no matter what other inane bullshit people here will cry about). ME1 is very much an awkward product of it's time, trying to do what old Bioware games did along with combat etc from what newer games were doing at the time and unfortunately it didn't work very well.

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>How can people hate hours and hours of driving around empty procedurally generate desert lands filler content

It's quite the mystery

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>Liara in that armor

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>he doesnt like the bouncy Halo physics

I disagree, ME1 has the best story and Mass Effect is supposed to be an rpg. Which every other installment increasingly failed at, but after I replayed both the KotORs and Gears 2(I've been replaying a lot of old games recently). I've realized how lacking in story and combat all the MEs are. Bioware should have never tried to mix these two genres up.

>getting mad at a change that literally improves gameplay

and you will never not be dumb

Three is better because at least it had an actual threat

Why are you faggots still seething about thermal clips
Magazines are a much better mechanic for shooters than cooldown, especially when you could completly break the first game with the right skills and mods to fire indefinetly

>sure, but it has no depth

>All those faggots in ME threads claiming ME1 had the best gameplay
Yeah I sure love spamming pistol and marksman every 30 seconds

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How do you make a shooter and make the enemies have only ONE hurtbox? How does this even happen?

Cringe, use actual words you zooming tranny

>improve the gameplay
all it does is make me use all the other shitty guns that arent the sniper rifle which makes the game slow as shit on the modes designed for men. Also FUCK global cooldowns and FUCK the new AI that dont fucking listen to your orders

Honestly Mass Effect 2's biggest flaw is that it's ambition made 3 pale in comparison. That and the implications of the suicide mission caused a lot of complications with the third game. So many unique and interesting squad members and the only ones that actually fight with you again are Tali and Garrus. It's really a shame you couldn't recruit optional squadmates in 3 depending on if they survived the suicide mission. Grunt would have been the perfect example. After the whole deal with the Rachni Queen, if he was still alive it would have been nice to have the option to recruit him because it's the only Mass Effect game with no Krogan squadmate.
I just felt deeply dissatisfied with how 3 handled your former squadmates from the suicide mission.

>he wasnt an adept

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I dunno, I kinda like it.
HurtBox sounds pretty metal

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They would work better if the Collectors were bred from the same stock as the Keepers, and if their goal of abducting humans made sense and affected the story.

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nice me too

>retarded opinion is based on absolutely nonsensical bullshit

I am shocked

>Playing spacemages
The only good cure for xeno scum is a bullet to the brain

Sorry, I'm lost here. What exactly is the complaint?

based doesnt mean what you think it means

>SEETHING that you can't just rotate through all your skills to dish out an endless wave of pain
Have you considerd not balancing your games around "feeling awesome" and instead adding some challenge?

That no matter which class you pick the first half of the game will be spent abusing the marksman skill while spamming pistols since everything else is ineffective until you level it up and you need to level pistols anyway to unlock most other skills

I think the goal of collecting the humans made sense, but was completely ruined by the fact that it's the only other type of "capital ship" Reaper you end up meeting.

>i kind of like it

It's a literal technical term for what was described and it's been that for decades. Stop replying to attention whores trying to start shit.

Then make your enemies harder, don't hamper the player

And the problem is?

If the intent was to make the game harder they should have put some work into the AI that can only sit in cover and wait to die or walk slowly straight towards you. Streamlining an already streamlined combat system is dumb

I went adapt specializing in pistols and it was incredibly fun.

Maybe don't comment on game design if you're absolutely clueless about it.

Thermal clips make sense and should have been in the first game. Why wouldn't you eject an overheated heat-sink and input a cold one? I wish the mechanic had more depth, but in retrospect it seems like a side of ME1's weapons that should have already been present.


That an RPG which prides itself on different classes and freedom of choice being the exact same for the first half no matter what you do is bad design?


That word does not mean what you think it means

No, it doesn't make sense. It is never explained remotely how it works or what it actually means. What IS a Reaper? What IS a human Reaper? Why were the Collectors doing it and drawing attention to themselves? Why not wait a few months for the Reaper armada to arrive?

That looks like plain English to me

What was wrong with what I said?

How would you make the enemies harder while allowing you to have individual cooldowns?
Either you increase their health so the player now spends a minute cycling through skills on each enemy or you make each enemy immune to different damage types forcing the player to sit and wait while the skill he needs recharges

Gun play wise it was an upgrade from ME1. I just like the first a bit better. I’ve been replaying the series recently. Always stop at 2 though, can’t bring myself to continue on to 3. That reminds me, I’ve not replayed the series this year. And now that it’s been upgraded to run better and at a higher resolution on the 1X I can’t wait to do so. Maybe in the fall or winter.

>How would you make the enemies harder while allowing you to have individual cooldowns?
All skills use stamina/mana/whatever pool that restores over time or with consumables that instead have the cooldown.

So you want to add a magic bar to Mass Effect 2 after the first one just had individual skill cooldowns?
How do you think the autists that still screech about thermal clips to this day would have reacted to that

Everything, as in you said literally nothing.


How many shooters can you name that let you continuously fire a gun with no downsides and spam special abilities? Having a structured gameplay system comes first before anything else.

The teambuilding focus is what ultimately made everything worse, despite the missions individually being good.
You have all this buildup with only two main missions separate from the team until the end, then when you get to this big finale you only have use for three actual specialists, and even then you can use incompetent cannon fodder and get by.
They should have made the team smaller, and/or had missions dedicated to team mechanics.

>comes up with a solution several orders of magnitude more limiting that what he proposes to resolve

Bravo, this is art.

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Actually, make that 4 since you need Mordin's counter measure


>Potions are common
You can now shit out all skills all the time with absolutely no cooldown breaking the game
>Potions are rare
You can now shit out skills at the beginning of the encounter and have to wait for Mana to recharge after that, giving you effectively a global cooldown

Great idea, genius

What this user said

Yeah, I was thinking this as an RPG. Sorry.

It's a mix between an RPG and a TPS
Pure RPG shooters always suck in the gameplay department, see also Alpha Protocol

>my name is OP and I suck cocks

Fuck off you ponce, you don't know the definition of RPG

>not being Engineer master race

So because everyone sucks at it, it makes it okay?

Please enlighten me


What a stupid name for a class

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What's even your fucking point you autist
You don't like global cooldowns
We're telling you global cooldowns are the best way to balance this shit a bit more because ME1 had the problem of players just shitting out skills by rotating through them in the endgame
You say you want a fucking magic bar now, effectively giving you either skill shitting or global cooldowns with more added bells and whistles
Where the fuck are you going with this?

Except it is abundantly clear?
>Reapers see humanity as a threat
>Start abducting hundreds of thousands of colonists
>Were going to create a reaper from humans anyways as they were also deemed the most worthy of preserving life due to their high diversity
>Collecting the humans allowed the Reapers to gather more data on humans and perform experiments on them, in addition to getting a jump start on their reproductive process

Hold on, are you seriously using that unfinished bugmess as an example of this?

Are you retarded?

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Was anyone else really bugged by how holograms and recordings in these games were all scratchy? We have amazing audio and video quality right now, what happened in the 150 years between now and Mass Effect?

I don't really know. I'm not a game designer. All I was saying that the implementation they did was also universally hated meaning it was a bad one which doesn't chance just because I personally can't plan a replacement for it.

t. zoomer

>The implementation was universally hated so it's bad
No user, a vocal minority on Yea Forums constantly complains about global cooldowns and thermal clips, that doesn't mean they were bad, it just means you listen to autists

>Posts 10 times the same shit in this thread
We get it, you have autism. Now stop pretending to be different posters

>comparing videos to 3D projections with sound transmitted from millions of light years away

Sorry, my scope is outside of Yea Forums. Try harder.


What does that have to do with what i said you retards?

more like this game was the end of the trilogy

Point me towards these communities then

Not him but show me just one forum where they say the implementation was bad
>Inb4 why didn't they go full autism on the explanation on how it works to the railgun shit
In Mass Effect 1 they never explained where the slugs for the railguns inside the guns come from since it's only cooldown. You didn't cry about it, did you?


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They were often just two people calling each other from different places on the Citadel.

>Universally hated

No, it's just that the dumber you are the louder you also are on the internet. Case in point you. You don't have a solution but you will yell about the "problem" anyway.

>You don't have a solution
It's not my responsibility to fix developers problems.

No but it's your responsibility to actually formulate your arguments in a compelling way if you want to be taken seriously
Because so far your argument has been "It's bad because apparently a lot of people (Who I refuse to name) don't like it"

I'm not the same user, and I actually think global cooldowns were good to balance the gameplay because ME1 had ridiculously overpowered biotics, but could the following work?

>telekinetic biotic abilities share one cooldown (Lift, Throw, Singularity, etc.)
>"Damaging/Effect" biotics share a different cooldown (Warp, Reave, Dominate, Stasis, etc.

This means that you can Warp Explode yourself, but cant skill shit.

How do we feel about this?


Same guy here, not sure how this would work for other classes, but just trying to think of ideas. Engineer abilities are a bit harder to group, but I guess you could group them into Damage abilities and Disable abilities?

I guess personal buffs such as Barrier or Fortification could have their own cooldowns or something.

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Ah, so you are a literal child
I also think global cooldowns are to draconian, splitting skills into groups with distinct cooldowns could work
Also something should be done about those retarded ammo powers

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When it comes to video games if you cannot identify a solution then you do not understand the "problem". Retards misinterpreting things as a problem because of ignorance on the subject is a classic video game phenomenon. Everyone thinks they can be an armchair dev.

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That's very elaborate way to say "make a better one yourself".

>ammo powers
They're so shit

How about having certain guns or gun types be effective against certain things? Shotgun good Vs barrier because many points, sniper good Vs armour, ass/SMG good against shield etc

Probably makes soldier even more OP (in me2 anyway)

>Many points
By this I mean that since a shotgun hits a barrier in multiple places at same time, it would have an effect on the barrier users brain?

Just trying to think of some bullshit lore to justify it

So are we about make our own game or what?

Ammo powers actually made them useful unlike in Mass Effect 1 where they were basically placebos with the highest being 10% iirc. Global cooldown isn't the problem, it's the balancing. The enemies are just strong af.

That would require you to actually understand and formulate whats wrong with the original, something you are clearly incapable of
Isn't that how it works in ME3?
I remember different guns chewing through Armor but being ineffective against barriers

No, making something requires resources and comprehensive expertise in other subjects. Coming up with a theoretical solution just requires understanding what you perceive as the problem.

Please never go into game development.

I remember how the Mattock with Incendiary Ammo would chew through Armored enemies like Harbinger or the tanks

They explain that in the codex retard.

I didn't plan to, I already have a successfull career in clinical research

>katawa spacu

I still love and replay first game and ONLY the first game. It's the only one that's actually an RPG. It's the only one where you control literally every single line of dialogue that comes from Shepard's mouth. It's the only one where you can explore uninhabited planets. It's a fully-realized product that innovated and delivered a complete story and not sequel-bait, and is as close to perfection as any 7th gen game got.

Switch ports when?

Mass Effect 2 is weird.

It was clearly streamlined, many RPG mechanics were gutted and ushering a more action shooter in its engine but I couldn't help but feel it made for a better game. The final mission is among my favorites ever as well. Shame Bioware couldn't create that magic on how that final chapter unfolded.

Also Archangel mission is best.

That explains the constant arrogance

Anyone who owns a switch is a faggot.

The cooldowns would probably have to be lengthened substantially in order to keep that from degenerating into skill shitting (lol). You have to remember they have to balance trowing out fireballs with actually firing your gun, that's the gameplay loop they were aiming for.

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>There will never be a game in which you play as a C-Sec officer fighting crime in the Wards

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Actually, I take that back. BW's founders both also worked in medicine and both new went to get out.

>new went
*knew when
Damn heat wave.

>get BTFO
>pretend to be an authority on the subject


When did I do that?

If the last two hours of the third game were of the same standard as the rest of it, and the final assault had suicide mission style mechanics. The game would be game of the decade for the 2010s.

What's wrong with ammo powers now? They are just buffs you slap on the start of the mission and never worry about again.

>How about having certain guns or gun types be effective against certain things?
Nigga this is literally how guns work since the second game

>What's wrong with ammo powers now?
How does that even work? How does a soldier will his gun to shoot fiery or freezing bullets?

When you tried to use professional qualifications as an argument without prompt and following your blatant display of said qualifications

>How does specialized ammunition work

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Always save it, 10,000 dead waifus is to high a cost.

Feels bad man

*of lack of said qualifications

I hope hope you're not using his guns built-in properties as an example.

Guilty, but at least my arrogance is based on achievements

It's literally the exact same thing. In fact it's guaranteed to be where they got the idea from

So, why can't other classes use them.

No, that's not how I meant it. Try thinking it about some more.

Fuck me, I'n too stressed. I can't type today. I don't need this.

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I'm still waiting on a good explanation for why global cooldowns are worse than individual ones

Are you going to fix it?

As soon as you explain what's wrong with it I'll get on it

You didn't mean anything, it was just a pathetic attempt at a lash back after getting schooled this entire thread.


Because they did not receive the specialized training required to use those tools. Because their omnitool micro fabricators are different or calibrated to make the materials required for their own specialized skills.

>You exist because we allow it, and you will end because we demand it.
Nothing in the series will ever top the kino of meeting Sovereign for the first time, before BioWare made the Reapers into a fucking joke.

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How could someone supposedly so smart misinterpret my post that bad? Holy shit.

>Nigga this is literally how guns work since the second game
Oh shit you're right
Sorry I haven't played in years
I guess I just considered ammo powers boring, because they kinda are


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>tfw listening to Vigil talk about how the Protheans were slowly wiped out.

I just want you to know that I'm not the only user who's been replying to you and that there are multiple different people in this thread appalled at your idiotic fumbling off basic arguments
This will be my last reply to you personally because I'm not interested in your retarded "It's bad because I say so" line of reasoning anymore
t. Clinical research user

Now you're just embarrassing yourself for (You)s like a little slut

>Rudimentary consoles of Microsoft and Sony you touch my PC, fumbling in ignorance.

As bad as a lot of ME3 was, it also had some great parts


Now you've sunken into that level. Wow.

I mean, if you present any threat as an overwhelmingly unbeatable force then no matter what you do to make them defeatable will make them look like a joke.

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it had a whole bunch of good parts that were overshadowed by the fewer but massive bad parts.

I forgot. Did we really just assume it was a reaper just from the few lines and not some VI or AI?

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I could have accepted an the following endings
>All the races of the galaxy put up a fight and manage to defeat the reapers while also wiping themelves out as well, ensuring that at least the next civilisations that come can prosper without being killed by the reapers
>Reapers kill everybody in the Galaxy because sometimes life sucks
>Some time travel Mass Effect bullshit that prevents the reapers from ever being created

>Garrus: I dont think that's a VI.

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>dude, cycles and shit
I want to go back to the moment when I was waiting for the third part.

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>All the races of the galaxy put up a fight and manage to defeat the reapers while also wiping themselves out as well, ensuring that at least the next civilizations that come can prosper without being killed by the reapers
Nah, doesn't do it for me
>Reapers kill everybody in the Galaxy because sometimes life sucks
I'd be mostly ok with this if done right.
>Some time travel Mass Effect bullshit that prevents the reapers from ever being created
Fuck no

Could've left the door to dark space locked after the first game but noooooooooooooooooo. "Lol it was just a shortcut, they are coming no matter what without properly planning for it!"

The main reaper story is the worst thing about mass effect, convince me otherwise.
pro tip you can't

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Anderson dying

>RPG elements were gutted when compared to the first game
rpg elements such as?

I don't mean making them unbeatable, as long as the way to defeat them is equally inconceivably powerful and something that somehow the previous infinite number of extinction cycles never figured out, the Crucible is barely explained other than "it's a prothean weapon" and the Catalyst basically retconned everything Sovereign and Legion said about the Reapers, each individual Reaper being a nation of it's own instead of some gay hive mind intelligence talking about some pointless synthetic vs. organics dynamic that was literally never the focus of the series until MAYBE the second game, which was basically a soft reboot of the series in of itself, and add insult to injury when you consider Leviathan and how the Reapers are just another synthetic race that was made to stop this retarded synthetic vs. organics thing
My suggestion is to toss the whole synthetic vs. organics plot because no one cares about it after the Rannoch arc, toss out the scene with the Catalyst, and leave the Reapers origins shrouded in mystery but explain more about the extent of their power. They shouldn't even be implied to come from the Milky Way galaxy. They're a force of nature. Explain HOW the Crucible is meant to stop a force of nature. Or find a better way to stop the Reapers beyond blowing them up with a big dumb weapon, hell the fucking time travel thing that someone else brought up in this thread sounds like it'd be a fun conclusion to the series.

The rpg elements in ME1 sucked.
>put points onto opening crates
>put points into being jerk

Most of the choices were lame as fuck. Andromeda does rpg elements better, combat better, exploring better etc. Yet it still sucked as a game.

Inventory management and stats outside of individual powers.

So it sucked because it worked like every other RPG?

posts of truth

>Inventory managment
You can't be serious
That shit boiled down to slapping the biggest damage modifier onto your main gun and turning the rest into omnigel or selling it for scrap

Which they could've FIXED but chose to gut completely.

Based, based, and based. One of the only games to let me live my fantasy of building a starship crew

>copy & paste palette swap guns/armor with the most minor stat differences
wow amazing. the other games were really lacking that.

>Use Mass Effect fields to turn shepards Mass to Zero and shoot him back in time to the beginning of the Universe
>Witness the big bang and the creation of all life in fast forward
>Culminating in the birth of the first reaper inside the first exploding star or some shit

It wasn't a "good" rpg. Having shit combat and gameplay doesn't get a free pass because it was a rpg. ME1 fags always use that bullshit excuse.

Please tell you aren't really this simple


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>Culminating in the birth of the first reaper inside the first exploding star or some shit
you didn't play leviathan dlc, did you? origins were explained reapers were basically to leviathans what geth were to quarians except the reapers got far more out of hand.

It's always been about how instead of fixing the bad parts they chose to take those parts out completely. YOU DUMB FUCK.

explain what was so good about inventory management in me1

I did, we're doing historical revisionism though

God, talk about a disappointing reveal.

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ah ok, i was going off tweaking the current story. continue

i'll wait for your explanation as to what was good about inventory management in me1.

>imagine not being a vanguard

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Why are you still taking that guys bait?
All his posts are
>Thinnly veiled implication that I'm smarter than you
And once you ask him to clarify he dodges the subject

He went with the renegade option
You have no heart, no loyalty, and no squad.

the lack of explanation form him gives me a great smugness. that's why.

they would have to completely replace it (which they did), not fix. ME1's inventory was 100% trash and made you waste a lot of time. The limited but actually distinct set of weapons you had in ME2 were a lot more interesting from a combat and character building perspective.

You ME1 fags literally don't have an argument here.

You asked about the rpg elements which were gutted. Not about the quality.

all the romance options in the entire trilogy are shit
I made my Commander suffer Ashley because she's the only one that could give him children to carry on his bloodline

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Holy shit, an actual answer
Yes user, you're right, the inventory system was very RPG-like and yes you're right, nobody asked about quality
Good job

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only on one of the subsequent playthroughs mon

>implying they weren't shooting superheated slag in the first game

But user, what about Jack?

Andromeda did improve all those things.
Was it a better game than ME1, dumbass?

Why is Garrus so perfect, bros?

she'd probably miscarriage

He acts like a good friend throughout all 3 games.


This hurts you.

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I mean, look at her

Oh, trust me. I am. Nothing about her says that's bound to happen.

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was the inventory management a positive?

should be easy to defend the quality if it was positive inclusion rather than dodging and deflecting

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I wish the collector sections weren't so bland. They should have added more variety

She got gangraped in a prison by krogan user

I honestly assumed she'd be infertile due to all the horrible experimentation


the music in the collector ships was rad

Those don't automatically make that happen. Also what kind of drugs?

Does ME2 even have a loot system? I forgot

Bad way to spell Wrex
>Genuinely happy you're alive
>Willing to fight and die both for his people and for you if you treat him with enough respect
>Not a pushover blind follower
>Not an edgelord


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Let's say that happened. So?

Not really. You can find like credits and weapon mods occasionally but there really isn't a true looting system

Other than ammo, no.

it's the same except you don't loot the same copy and paste weapons, armor and attachmemnts, you loot weapon and power upgrades, upgrade materials, unique weapons and unique weapon and armor parts

Yeah but that's a pretty big RPG element they removed, that's my point.

full weapons and full armor sets and and upgrade materials

they didn't remove looting

They removed looting anything interesting

what interesting things could you loot in me1? it was the same gear over and over but with a number at the end of the name that just sat in your inventory. really poorly done

All of those are found in set places instead of getting them from enemies

Have you ever played an RPG before?

>I watched you stand strong against everything the galaxy threw at you. I've watched you for so long... and I never imagined you'd see past... this

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There were 17 variations of each weapon user.

great. at least they're unique rather than looting "Armax Pistol VII" or whatever for the 18th time

that made fuck all difference from the base weapon

so, you'll just eat up any shitty trope because it's an rpg?

Wrex is based always brought him in ME1. Garrus is just always at your back in the trilogy while Wrex sits out in 2. He has story reason to, but it's why most people call Garrus bro.

A similar thing happens with grunt; sitting out in ME3. It would have been really cool if in ME3 his personality was determined by how you raised him, becoming either Wrex Jr, Wreav Jr, or a total krogan outcast.

If you had your way anons what would she have looked like under that suit?

I'd disagree cuz like someone else said, those are in the same location every time so it's not really "looting" in the traditional sence

What "animal" are quarians even?

An actual alien

yes it is looting. the enemies are all in set locations too and have a set loot they can drop.

There were only 4-6 variations in ME2 and two were DLC and another was class specific.

You missed the "in the traditional sense" part.

Liara is a schoolgirl
Tali is a stage 4 clinger
Kaidan is literally who
Ashley is a cunt
Garrus is a henchman

Wrex is the only true friend and and equal to Shepard on the crew.

yep and they at least felt different.


Most of the weapons aren't even dropped tho, they're just there on the ground for you to pick up. And alot of the enemies you get upgrades from are enemies you don't actually kill, their bodies are just there.

you can't just add "traditional" to change the definition of looting to suit you. looting is looting

Well, did they want COD audience. They got it.

Like her concept art

Attached: Matt Rhodes concept .jpg (1072x1292, 407K)

great. it's still looting.

So you admit that not only did they remove RPG features, they also replaced them with even less content.

What about Jacob, user?

I personally do not consider any game where you can pick up items as "having a looting system" but I really don't care enough to fight you about it.

Who gives a shit about him?

what did they remove? weapon variations? no they didn't, they cut out the useless bullshit filling up space in your inventory that you'd never use. looting? no they didn't there was just less repetitive and useless bullshit to loot.
what mechanic did they remove?

Attached: Jacob.jpg (500x750, 44K)

>he played andromeda
Let me guess you bought fallout 4 and 76 too you gigantic fucking retard

Mass Effect 3 had the best inventory system in the OT.

opinion noted. but it's just an opinion. looting is looting regardless of how you feel.


>what mechanic did they remove?
Holy shit, we're back to square one.

They cut weapon variation, armor variation, armor augments, grenade augments, etc and looting down to nothing and based the progression system off of CoD.

Uhhhhh ok? Thanks for your input I guess?

What? Keep your fanfics to yourself.

tell me what mechanic they removed. all you've said is weapon types and looting which were not removed

Out of curiosity would you say a game like Call of Duty has looting then?

Also the biggest actual weapon variety, made even bigger by modding that actually impacted weapon performance

i don't play call of duty.

>Can pick up grenades,ammo and enemy guns

I hate how the artificial aging of stars from element 0 never became a thing. I hate how they aborted that story arc in favor of Ai vs organics in 3.

you pick up ammo and weapons off people you kill. how is that not looting?

I'm sorry but you are far too fucking stupid even for a troll. You are asking things which has been said a million times in thread alone. You can't follow a conversation and you have severe reading comprehension problem.

We're finished.

Alright, just curious

i asked you what has been removed. please tell me because the stuff you have mentioned so far wasn't removed. stop deflecting.

The less involved Drew Karpyshyn got the worse the main story.

Cringe and zoomerpilled

the buzzwords of a defeated man

Define Looting in a way that excludes Call of Duty then

ME1 had
>good atmosphere
>best music
>fun abilities
>comfiest citadel
>good ending

ME2 had
>stupid opening
>boring miranda and jacob
>less fun combat
>boring resource mining
>TIM (he was cool)

ME3 had
>weird potato faced animation
>kai leng (cringe)
>interesting story moments
>ending wasn't as bad as people proclaim

>me2 combat was less fun than me1


we playing buzzword bingo now boys

people like to complain about the ending but the intro was a much bigger kick in the balls
>Shepard starts talking without your input
>new characters that just appear from thin air and have a relationship with you
>less dialogue options
>the kid
made me drop it hard on release, regret not actually playing it through till recently

So did everyone like tali in ME1? Not that she was bad or deserving of hate. She felt like a young girl where I felt bad bringing her on missions. She really matures before ME2 because then she becomes combat and waifu material.

I just wanted to check the logic. I've never really thought of loot systems in that way, but you aren't wrong.

Good talk, let's end it here for today

There's nothing more fun than turning a sniper rifle into a mini cannon that obliterates your enemies.

>new characters that just appear from thin air and have a relationship with you
james ended up being based though to be fair

Not really. Never really even talked to her or took her out to mission until ME2 happened.

that's one specific scenario that i'll give you i guess. but overall me1's combat is the weakest

I agree, also I hate how a shitton of games now have backstory in mobile games and comics for some fucking reason that you can't even get here most of the time
Like I know that James has some huge backstory that's explained somewhere and there are books and shit, but why can't they just explain this IN THEIR FUCKING GAMES

>comparing ammo looting do dynamic RPG gear looting systems

looting is looting, my boy. there were no comparisons made. you're pulling a strawman on that one.

>why can't they just explain this IN THEIR FUCKING GAMES
Because they want you to BUY the needed extra material.

I liked her, but neither her nor Garrus were proper characters until 2.

this guy gets it

>using semantics to win arguments

or joker

Please give a workable definition of "looting" that works for RPGs but not for Call of Duty

James background is explained in the game, you can talk to him about it.

it's literally not semantics. you're arguing with points you've made up in your own head anyway though.

>picking up ammo is the same as a randomize leveled piece of gear from a table for that specific enemy
Big ouch

the abilities in 1 were more fun.

Good taste user

And Chakwas isn't a character until 3 then they ban her from the Apartment party for some reason.

>literally not semantics
Going to be a yikes from me desu senpai

Have sex

Get better arguments

I'm not either of you faggots.

Oh well fuck off then, no argument

They turned up the "action" in ME2 and turned down the "RPG." Which I was mostly okay with because the RPG parts were undoubtedly the worse aspect of the first game.

So whose the bigger stalker Tali in Mass effect 2 or Liara in Mass Effect as a whole?

You're retarded

>Stealing an enemies gun in CoD is not the same as stealing an enemies gun in Mass Effect

Please give a definition of looting that works for Mass Effect but not for CoD

Attached: Loot.png (817x171, 9K)

>He thinks the man who tagged him and the guy he's arguing with, with "have sex" is trying to argue something

Unironically yes. Without the improvements that ME3 made to the whole Gears of War style combat the series now had, and without the good qualities of ME1 combat (speed, unlimited ammo, more interesting powers), ME2 combat is a fucking slog unless you're playing Vanguard.

Why even make disingenious posts like those then?
I hate this post-ironic post-sincerity phase we currently live in, everything is a big fucking joke and nothing can be taken seriously

You wot?

>who's the bigger stalker: a random autistic quarian girl or the fucking Shadow Broker
I don't know, user.

Because you're getting way too into it man.

1 is janky but shows promise, an unpolished gem
2 cuts off most of the gem but polishes what is there
3 replaces the whole thing with rough hewn glass

Why do you keep using that word?

Play broshep, you'll see what's up. She cute but some of the stuff she says is a bit weird

I'd rather express my opinions in a sincere way and be proven wrong than deflect everything ever directed at me with repetitive one-liners and end up never growing or forming firmer opinions on something as a result

That's showing admiration. Nothing even remotely "stalkerish" here.

Because I'm autistic, you autist.

Fair point

All they did was remove all the RPG elements of the combat and replace it with nothing

but your opinion is so shit people don't even bother taking you seriously

Just the way COD kids loved it! Less stuff to get in the way of shooty-shooty bang-bang!

I'm still waiting on a genuine reply to prove me wrong though, so apparently my opinion is correct.
Unless of course you can form a cohesive argument?

But if you assume you're correct how can you be proven wrong

Do you guys need a room?

Well you got the quad to prove it

Attached: Wrex.jpg (1071x872, 362K)

By someone with a definition of looting that includes the Mass Effect System but excludes Call of Duty

But that's already been provided and you still think you're right

Please reply with the post number of the definition that has been provided

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How enjoyable is ME1 as a standalone game? Does it end in a major cliffhanger?


Attached: 741B7542-51D2-4C19-94A8-2F2B81F7DA42.jpg (416x528, 56K)

So you're flailing about like a little pissbaby and you're not even reading replies?

Please reply with the post number of the definition of looting that can be applied to Mass Effect but not Call of Duty

It tied its own story quite well but set the scene for more.

Truth. Weaponize it.

Attached: awyis.jpg (478x598, 36K)

>I can only play one way so that is the only way to play

Okay retard

>Not posting a krogan to affirm quads in a mass effect thread
What a kick in the quad

I remember those waifufagging threads from 2009, yep, just like yesterday. *sip*

you mean 2010

I started with ME2. I enjoyed it a lot, it's what got me into the series. The gameplay was compacted and clunky like a bootleg Gears of War, but it didn't stop me. I enjoyed the most of the characters and their personalities, sub-plots, and relationships to Shepard.
I always romanced Tali as my male-Shep, because she's one of the cutest squadmates, with her mannerisms and quirkiness. Her idolization of Shepard blossoming into a romance that she's been wanting from the first time you meet her in 1 was very endearing, and heart-warming.
I always wanted to try out Jack's romance, but always felt more attached and interested in Tali's.

Attached: __tali_zorah_mass_effect_drawn_by_kotorikurama__2353d63dc4e663cfa45d58e58394666b.png (840x1184, 923K)

adept was a fucking god user

no u

That's fair. I didn't think ME2 was a particularly good game, it just wasn't as actively boring to play as the first.

If anything it makes the cunt punt that is ME3 easier to digest since it kicks your dick to a lighter degree to help you build resistence

This. Reapers threat should end in first game. They will come, eventually, after hundred of years and possible will even destroy everything given how powerful Sovereign was. But player shouldn't be able to kill eldritch horror, learn it's origins and goals. At most delay it, which you did in ME1. ME2 should be another adventure with different threat and Collectors not being Reapers pawns but another distinct evil forces that threaten the good guys. Then you could have sequels with another adventures and villains and it would be amazing series in style of Star Trek and other similar tv-shows. Fuck that "everything has to big series" meme.

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Her romance in 3 is very lacking. Hell, her presence in general is lacking. She's there in the background for one mission and then you can talk to her in a bar and say goodbye to her during the final mission but that's it. Hell, she barely has content even in the Citadel DLC.

I will never not be mad.

Attached: 1484768692071.jpg (2160x1140, 302K)

>romance liara in 1 out of obligation to not be romantically involved with a tranny
>she abandons you in 2
>pick up qt quarian girl who was too shy to tell you her feelings in 1 and has always been by your side

no regrets

Attached: __tali_zorah_kotobukiya_bishoujo_and_etc_drawn_by_yamashita_shun_ya__a906ce08c2241c087d2c6d4d96c7edb (677x960, 77K)

autists love repeating numbers

hey, he became a husband and a father, that's impressive for someone of his kind

He is literally Canderous from Kotor, going through identical character arc.

Attached: 1514574414562.jpg (311x379, 19K)

High Explosive Rounds X

They babby isn't even out yet. He has plenty of time to bail.

Yeah, I saw I wasn't missing out much in 3 not choosing her. I wish EA hadn't fucked Bioware so badly that 3 was a rushed piece of garbage. So much introduced in 2 that would've made 3 interesting was just shoved aside, like any more developments for your squadies in 2. Zaeed was fucking baller.
At least we still had Garrus and Tali.
You can convince him to leave his babymama to fuck you again.

Attached: __garrus_vakarian_mass_effect_drawn_by_gobeur__3cb47351c142c91c66f4584c811d3d81.png (725x730, 601K)

>You can convince him to leave his babymama to fuck you again.

you know I like the tali romance but the games always kind of implied that she was pretty young by quarian standards, like just *barely* into adulthood what with her high school crush on Shepard and the fact that she's still very attached to her family.

whats the intergalactic age of consent?

with thighs like those she is definitely on the market


Attached: CUT MY FRAMES INTO PIECES.jpg (480x270, 13K)

She was born 2161. First game happens in 2183. Do the math.

me2 was abysmal. and anyone who doesnt realize this is directly responsible for all nu bioware games being streamlined garbage.

then why does she act like a goddamn child if she's 22

Based and redpilled

He's a pretty racist caricature if you pay attention
>only black character
>loyalty mission is finding his missing father
>leaves you to fuck some other broad after you're arrested
>only interest is working out
Sheltered home life? She's kind of a neet. Through Shepard is how she becomes less of an introvert and more of an extrovert by 3.

Attached: __tali_zorah_mass_effect_drawn_by_ikeda_masateru__46bbdf5c5404ddbeb97b187ef7a1a627.jpg (682x1500, 119K)

Why do you?

what's the quarian life expectancy? maybe 22 is a toddler for quarians.

With their non-existent immune system? Doubt it.

The gameplay and dialogue with the crew are the best in the series, everything else is bad though.
>Shepard dying at the intro and coming back is pointless
>Paragon Shep would never work for Cerberus after what they did in ME1, lone survivor Shep especially.
>The collectors are pointless as a whole, the Reapers are so ancient and powerful I doubt they'd need this stupid plan to begin with. They could easily build the human Reaper after capturing Earth, which they do in 3 effortlessly.
>Removed most of the RPG mechanics, the shooting was better for it, but making a specialized character is gone now
>Heat clips for guns is silly, goes against the canon from ME1, and the shit explanation for it makes no sense because now you can run out of "ammo" in a firefight while the old model guns could fire for thousands of shots and you'd never have to care. Realistically nobody would think this is an upgrade when the guys using the old system would slaughter guys using the new in a prolonged fight.

Don't forget about the Council denying the existance of Reapers after one literally fucking crashed at the Citadel. It was so stupid and the turian rebute was so ridiculous it became an internet meme when they weren't even a thing back in the day.

I think it ended up feeling better because despite some features from the first game getting axed or severely limited, everything that remained was pretty much just flat done better than in the first game.

>snappier, more responsive combat
>different weapons actually handle differently
>almost every mission is different; despite ME1 having significantly more overall virtually all side content was 'go inside this copy/pasted building and kill these copy/pasted enemies'
>great combat dialogue (especially from your squadmates, ME3 turning them back to generic barks was fucking stupid)
>more enemy variety
>ammo mods were much more satisfying because they actually had visual impact and enemies would sometimes respond to them (e.g. a guy on fire flailing about)
>character writing and interactions much improved from the first game
>story built almost entirely around your relationship with the characters, lending it weight and giving the suicide mission genuine high stakes so that the story feels good to play through despite objectively going nowhere and being kind of pointless within the framework of the trilogy
>Overlord and Lair of the Shadow Broker were both genuinely fantastic
>renegade Shepard is a cool badass instead of just being a dick (ME1) or a serial killer out to get his friends (ME3)

Attached: Dextro Force.jpg (620x582, 87K)

Quarians only live 2/3s as long as humans so she would be like 30 in human years

I just wish 3 followed the dark energy storyline, used the original Reaper motivation and had better endings.
Also, I know its been said, but why the fuck did the main Reaper AI take the form of the random dead kid and not one of Shepherd's dead crew members like Kaiden/Ashley, or even Saren? Perhaps it could have switched between different characters.

I liked it, but it was infuriating on mountainous worlds

you know what ive been wondering?

why does tali have a knife strapped to her boot if she doesn't use it

Yes and no.

Yes if you prefer world building, and like that it happens through your squad mates personal stories and relations you develop with them. Also best last mission in the series.

No if you prefer universe build in broad strokes, and the feeling of being up against odds that you don't fully comprehend, as well as somewhat "at large" enemies.

Too bad 3 was the weakest in terms of anything but gameplay. Multiplayer was really fun. Ending was shit enough to overshadow the rest of the games redeeming features for a lot of people.

>Multiplayer was really fun.
This. I'm still surprised how much fun I had with ME3's multiplayer. Playing as a Geth engineer and having last stands against the heretic faction in a tiny room with a group of randoms was better than it had any right to be. I even bought a few of the lootboxes

Because it looks cool and survival-y, I guess. I'm pretty sure she does use it to stab Legion in ME3 when he goes ballistic if you pick the Quarians over the Geth, though.

>she abandons you in 2
She saved your body.
>has always been by your side

I believe that's the only time it is ever used.
>saved your body
That was Legion. But really, she didn't do it herself.
I'm not wrong. Where was Liara in 2? She do anything that benefited you and not herself?

Vanguard in ME3 truly found a perfect place for fast-paced proactive combat. Kind wish I got any other vanguards to drop, it get a bit challenging on gold and N7 vanguard was apparently the tightest shit.

It's also a shame that Andromeda refined it with more classes, powers, mobility, and objectives too, but was attached to an actual dumster-fire of a game.

Didn't the codex say Quarians live roughly a human's life-span?

I used Cheat Engine and gave me unlimited credits on PC. Fuck EA

>Where was Liara in 2?
Settling scores. Sure, she was away, but she deserves it for actually bothering to retrieves sheps body to bring him back. I can't ask more from the waifu.

Is PC multiplayer still alive for 3?

I played early this year and had no issues finding matches.

I started Mass Effect 3 yesterday after I've been marathoning the series blind with two Mss Effect 3 already feels completely different in tone than the other two games and I don't like it. I feel like if this was the first two games I would have had a few more decisions and not have the game blow its load this badly ten seconds in. I'm only two hours in, but, I'm hoping it gets a lot better or I'm probably gonna be more disappointing than I know I will be from the colors meme.

reminder that ME1 was seen as streamline garbage when it came out.

It has one decent storyline(Tuchanka) in the first half of the game. After that it's complete trash.

>Rannoch is trash
There's 2 GOOD stories. Everything else is at least decent, and the ending is good until the last 20 minutes.

First I've heard about that

Thread theme:

Rannoch is garbage that completely ruins Geth lore.
What else is "decent"? Cerberus and their asspull armies? The Crucible? Kai Leng?

This is always what gets me. Idiots always act like ME1 was some amazing complex RPG that was ruined by the streamlined sequels, when in reality it was already streamlined casual garbage from the start and the only complexity was from the retarded leveling system and abysmal inventory management. These idiots just never played an RPG before ME1 and thus have no reference for what's actually good. Don't get me wrong, ME2 was also garbage but at least it was honest in its attempt to appeal to casual dudebros instead of the disgusting abberation that was ME1.

I fucking hate space sasuke

I'm playing the original ME and Jesus christ is the gameplay bad

The gameplay is bad. I haven't played it since just before ME2's release until a few days ago and I tried being a soldier. It was boring and clunky, so I restarted and went for my old favorite Engineer. Its still clunky, but at least I can have abilities and stuff now.

Okay. What part of Geth lore does it ruin?

Not him, but Geth becoming singular individual conciousness is stupid. They're a collection of programs that gain sentience when they run together. The only reason they see "upgrading" to individuality is because the writer for ME3 is a hack and thinks all sapient life has to be exactly like humanity.

Keep in mind the only competition ME1 had at the time was Oblivion and fallout 3

I can see how that's a definite downgrade in terms of lore quality, and agree that group-sentience is much better.

I think they wrote themselves into that due to how they decided to handle the endings in such a shit manner, and not necessarily because they were uninspired about geth. If the geth don't take the reaper upgrade with legion mixing himself in as well, then they won't have reaper tech in them. If they don't have reaper tech in them, then the red ending that destroys all tech in the galaxy that involved reapers won't kill the Geth, meaning there's literally no reason NOT to pick red ending as objectively the best. But overall yes, the writers are hacks.

Mac "the Hack" Walters

it's as streamlined as kotor is.