What is Nintendo's problem?
What is Nintendo's problem?
They have a fanbase of sheeps. They're still not as bad as Apple though. Once streaming takes off, I don't know what shitty gimmicks will Nintendo pull off.
Nintendo handhelds always get a revision after like 2 years.
>b-but Switch is a console!
It's close enough, don't be autistic
>They don't like the tablet?
>We'll make them love the tablet, won't we?
Why didn't they make it a clamshell, it would be better for a handheld.
This is how you pay your country's debt. Rehash hardware, software, and sell it to dumb foreigners
It's not like they will stop producing regular Switch, ffs.
Fuckers like you didn't buy a Wii U, so they're more focused on handhelds more and more now.
This is all your faults.
Also if you didn't expect this, you're clinically retarded.
I personally like the idea of just making it a straight up handheld. Maybe now Nintendo will focus on making a real console for once
>you cannot adjust brightness
>you cannot adjust brightness
git better eyes
I want to play in bed without destroying my eyes
>needing to adjust brightness
The Wii U was trash.
t. Wii U owner.
you could adjust the brightness of the gameboy sp ffs
you drones will defend anything
Handhelds are the only thing worth buying after the snes
Wait, really?
git better eyes
you´ll have the play the same games for more than 3 generations
Still has the dock indention on the back. Wouldn't be surprised if it could still be docked with a customized mini dock.
Shit the Successful consoles do as well.
>Wii Mini
>Top Loader NES
What is the problem here?
Yes, that's why the battery life for this upgraded handheld is only 30 minutes extra than the original switch