Switch Lite


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More like lite this piece of shit on fire

nah i like it mate


BIng! Bong!

me too mate. consume product and get excited for next product!

lmao nintendo must be desperate
rest of the world is on gen 9 while they still pile on gimmicky shit nobody wants

underpowered trash

>portable only, no TV mode

liking it doesnt mean ill buy it mate

Cool but I already have a normal one. The d-pad looks nice, the whole console looks very nice actually.

Unironically based. The switch should've been this from the beggining.


so it's even weaker than the original switch?

IT'S -NOT- an upgrade in hardware? It's a fucking downgrade?

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Thoughts: Size is just slightly bigger than expected and the fact that it can't connect to a TV is a bit worrisome (how will it charge then?). I hope they add some USB charging device to these, considering to many this will be the first and only Switch in a household. Losing HD Rumble and Joy Cons (as well as games that require those) on handheld was expected

No longer a switch, it can't be docked. Not interested

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>The Lite isn't a sequel to the Switch. It's more of a lower-cost spin-off. It'll also be the only new Nintendo Switch hardware this holiday, as Nintendo's Bowser says the larger Switch won't get an upgrade right now. But maybe that's exactly what's needed. At the least, it's finally a lower-priced Switch
RIP to any anons who were waiting for the upgraded version to be announced.

It's like the 2DS. Downgraded hardware for a cheaper price. There's still a market for that sort of thing

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>how will it charge then?
I haven't plugged my switch into the dock since I bought it.Just plug it in, any roundboi USB will do the trick.

You're on a video game board, kiddo. Your first semester college view of the world doesn't apply.

lmao, will nintendies ever recover


this isn't releasing summer though

100 $ too expensive for what it is

Based.Waiting for the enchanted version myself.

It doesn't improve performance any, right?

>Switch JoyCons are pretty much unusable after only 2 years
I don't think I'll waste my money on Jewtendo ever again. Next time I'll just buy a good PC and pirate the games.

this would seem awesome if the switch had any good games

this fucking thing is dead on arrival
>plays any game that supports portable mode
so basically, you don't have access to every single title, and ones that require an IR motion will require you purchase joycons

the original switch goes on sale for $250 at rakuten. this lite version is neat as a dedicated handheld, but there's no way I'd want this to be my only switch.

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I guarentee I'm older than you.

that's bloody cute design

>Can't be happy about anything ever
I'll just go be miserable and drink like a normal adult, I'm sorry user

Capcom is probably hitting themselves repeatedly for pissing off the Switch fanbase after all the numerous shit they did with their recent releases because the Lite is exactly the type of handheld they wanted for their handheld games like MH: GU.

they finally made a version for people with no friends

all i want is a fucking real dedicated home console and ds like handheld with no shitty 3d.

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How Nintendo can fall at this mess again after WiiU and all the 3DS name problems

>ones that require an IR motion
Such as?
I can't think of any other than 1 2 Switch and Labo.

But why can't it be docked? The dock is literally just a usb-c to hdmi

>IR motion
Literally the only thing that uses the infrared sensor is a toy-con in the Labo Variety kit. The gyro is probably what you're thinking of and it's still in.

M8 this thing is going to sell even faster than the normal switch in Japan. Not sure how it'll perform in the west but Japan is most definitely the primary audience for this, while the inevitable pro version next year will be aimed at the west

So what's stopping it from being docked?
Hardware seems to still be there, could the software likely be hacked into tricking it?

Yes cause people enjoy & use those products

This is not based

>can't switch

a handeld regular switch is underclocked and only uses more power in docked mode, switch lite will be too weak for docked mode

It's kind of disappointing but kids with no money will eat it up. Also the simplistic design and *D-PAD* look pretty nice. I'll probably buy it eventually as a collectible but I'm going to buy the Pro version first.(whenever that gets announced)

Why are so many people lying about playing in docked mode? Literally everyone uses portable mode unless you happen to be a streamer who uses docked for capturing video or are just a NEET who enjoys playing 1080p titles on a 4k flatscreen. Why would people even bother pretending docked was useful in the first place?

That's even sadder, grandpa.

Wait a minute...

You seriously can't dock it? What the fuck where they thinking?

Likely heating problems. Normal switch can run pretty hot docked sometimes, this would probably melt

It explodes if docked

the performance will be a mess

Thanks for betatesting switchcucks

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why can't nintendo make a simple home TV conosle?

2 nukes really fucked up their IQ

$150 or bust.

>3-7 hours battery life
I had actually thought it would have the same battery life like the original. 2x the original amount is very much welcomed.

there it is!
I will now buy your product.

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It'll just be the switch handheld performance
It's aimed at Japan, kids, and people that don't care for a docked experience. The $200 price point is probably the biggest factor

>Why are so many people lying about playing in docked mode?
I play mine docked because my 55" tv is right across from my bed, which lets me comfortably relax and play with wireless pad.


they doubled down on the wii u and they decided to step down on the console wars and prioritize what they were good at which is handheld

You think they're just gonna gimp it from the normal Switch handheld performance?

I would kind of be mad if they made a stronger version, making the one I bought obsolete

That's cool, I hope people who are only interested in the handheld aspect or want to get a Switch at a cheaper price than 3 big ones enjoy their games.

Nintendo never ceases to surprise. Why even announce this in buttfuck july instead of E3? Surely they could have scraped together some proof of concept in time.

I'm not angry, but they might as well rename it to Switch:tm: Poorfag with no friends edition

>2x the original amount
dude it's only half an hour more than the original switch, which ranges from 2.5-6.5 hours

there's no usbc or hdmi port so the hardware just doesn't support it.

>2x original

It's 30 fucking minutes more dude. It's nothing. And besides you could even underclock games on your hacked OG switch to get more battery too so this is obsolete in every way

What's that? They finally pushed too hard with the Pokemon laziness and fans are tired of their shit? Release the Switch Lite so we ensure SwSh sell even better.

Gotta remove any key features that would let the Lite be a replacement to the Switch. This is a true handheld and only meant to be used as such. Also, have to cut out everything to ensure the $200 price point, which is a huge dealbreaker.

>so basically, you don't have access to every single title
There are games that don't work in portable mode?
Which ones?

I want this to happen eventually, but just not yet. The Pro should come out late next year at absolute earliest, and just be $300 again.

>Yo dawg, you ever wanted to expressly not buy a Switch?
>I've got you
Nah I'm good

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Oh boy now it truly is portable and with only a """"""minor"""""" downgrade to performance! I'm sure it'll improve such already amazing looking games as Pokemon Sword and Shield.

It's important for consumers to know that this is STILL a Nintendo Switch, but one that has been stripped of irrelevant features and reduced in sie to reach a lower price point.

Wii U fucked up because many consumers thought it was just an add-on to a Wii (or an upgrade to the Wii) instead of an actual new console.

3DS names were fine. You had original 3DS, the 2DS ("DS" was already a recognizable handheld platform, the number lets people know it's an upgrade to the original DS, and 2D makes sense as it doesn't play in 3D), 3DS/2DS XL (same system but slightly larger), New 3DS/2DS (same system but slightly upgraded processing power), New 3DS/2DS XL (slightly larger New 3DS/2DS).

So wait, they didn't do a size comparison?

>Already Sword and Shield Edition Lite's available for purchase.
So that's what this is all about.

>No HD rumble
How will getting the moons that involve ground pounding in the right spot in Mario Odyssey work without being awkward/needing to buy another set of joy cons?

The triggers still stick out really far on the back of the system. It will still need a bulky case.

After E3 probably had a rush of people buying it. No reason to slow down sales then.

>Despite the change in size, the resolution for the Switch Lite’s display remains the same 720p as the original Switch, though curiously you can no longer adjust the brightness.
>you can no longer adjust the brightness.



>dude, better graphics for a lane game, insta buy!
Honestly the new gens dont have something new than a graphic update.
Better graphics doesnt mean a better game and a gimmick doesnt mean good games either.
But a good gimmick makes an unique selling point.

Wait for the more powerful pro model that will release next year.

The Switch Lite still has a USB-C plug for charging and comes with the same charger that a regular Switch does.

Nintendo randomly selected me for a survey, give me suggestions as to what to put here

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It's an alright value, but when you look at what you'll miss out on buying it over the regular you lose a lot:
>Same machine local multiplayer will be relegated to just a tiny 5.5 inch screen
>No more Joycons, so no two controllers instantly right out of the gate for your multiplayer games like Mario Kart
>Even if HD rumble is a gimmick, it's funny Nintendo got rid of it when it was probably so cheap to implement and they touted it as some huge thing for the Switch
>Will never be able to improve the resolution or visual quality slightly as you can in docked mode

Meh, too much has been taken away. They could have at least had a port to connect it to a TV with some optional accessory at least.

Nice !

Is this the first time they mention it lighting up? And what about notifications?

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But there is a USBC port.

Haha, wouldn't it be a shame if all the fanboy bitching didn't matter one bit against our ace in the hole?

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God I wish that was me

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the fact that he had to say it has me worried.
what about future titles? what about certain games that might not work in portable mode that we're not aware of?


Might be interesting for poorfags, how's the hacking scene on switch? i don't want to spend 200 more on games

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But is that really how you spend the majority of the time you play your switch? Docked mode is pretty neat as a gimmick but it's not much more than a neat gimmick in reality. IMHO the switch still could work well as a handheld only successor to the 3DS (like it basically already has been doing)

>you can no longer adjust the brightness

that makes no fucking sense

Holy based

You don’t need a dock to charge the Switch. In fact, the Switch is the first portable Nintendo console to have a non-proprietary charger.


>portable only version is -$100
>inb4 performance version is +$100
shit would probably still sell though

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Maybe they're finally gonna use it. Plenty of people probably shit bricks when they attached their Pro Controller to their PC.

More dinosaurs


Chad Mode

I literary only use it docked because I'm an actual adult and have my owb home and tv so I don't need to hide in a corner like a child to play my vidya.



And dedicated servers for fucks sake

Who where?

Nintendo has realized a long time ago that competing on power isn't going to make them stand out. Nintendo does its own thing with recognizable and profitable IP. They innovate for easier access and convenience, not for RAW POWER or extraneous features such as watching TV on a console. Wii had motion controls to get people to move. Wii U had that as well as a prototype to what the Switch eventually became. Switch is what Wii U tried to be but had a few more years to get it to work. The majority of the video game industry's innovations, which are now the standard, have been brought to existence by Nintendo (who reaped the first player advantages) and imitated by competitors (with little success). Nintendo is the family-friendly console trying to branch out to hardcore gamers. Everyone else is just hardcore gaming with very few family-friendly games. Less money vs. more money. Nintendo solidified its role as the cheaper alternative. That's why it's still around.

I hope I can hack it. I missed the boat for Switch hacking because only year one units have the exploit.

That's what the Pro version will be.
Normal switch for both docked and handheld with "serviceable" performance.
Lite for handheld only
Pro for home console only experience with superior performance.

It's really not meant to be a true replacement. It's for people that already owns another console but wants to play games on the go that isn't on a smartphone. Imagine playing Tetris 99 whenever and wherever you want.


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Damn that's fucking weird, brightness control would be more important than ever on a dedicated handheld.

It's probably either a weaker chip or the venting isn't good enough for TV mode.
The reason why the default switch is weaker portable than docked is because
1. Bigger power drain when docked
2. Runs hotter

It's undockable

>switch pro will have better performance but will have half of the battery life of the normal switch
I can already see faggots being bitches about it

>$200 lite
>$250 OG
>$300 Pro

There's your choices.

Y'know, a friend comes online, a game finishes downloading. Notifications.

No More Heroes 3

>real d pad
Fuck you gay two player joycons

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Can you overclock also and get better performance?Can you do that for XBC2?

I'm want a version of the Switch with better hardware though. The Switch can't continue to survive with the hardware it currently has built into it if it want's to have future multiplatform titles on it.

Waggling games I suppose.

That's stupid.

I just moved out of my parents house and started getting a big boy pay. I don't plan on getting a TV anytime soon so I feel like this was made for me specifically.
I'll buy it but I don't see many use cases for it for other people.

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Unironically, hacked games run faster out of my SD card than from my legit cartridges.

mine stays docked because it would be impossible to play it at work. and since my apartment is fucking tiny as shit and I never have friends over, there's no reason to remove it from my room.

i've tried using it as a handheld in bed a few times, but it just works better(for me) being docked to my big ass television.

if I could use it at work, or perhaps still attending college, i'd probably use portable mode all the time.

The Joycons are incredibly fragile, the buttons and sticks wear out very easily.

Honestly going to fly off the shelves this Christmas at that price for kids who don't care about playing on a TV.

Nintendo stands out because of the games. I'd rather have the Switch be another weak PC like the Ps4 than an underpowered gimmick machine. Fuck handheld and fuck BasedCons.

Switch pro will probably be either $300 and $350, while switch default will go down to $250 and lite will go down to $170 or $180

>Brightness affecting Performance
Are you by any chance retarded?

>implying the pro version will be able to go handheld
It's a home console geared towards "Gamers"

They really did run out of Nintendium with the DS Fat

>But a good gimmick makes an unique selling point
Sure if you're pic related

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>I'll buy it but I don't see many use cases for it for other people.
Kids whose parents don't want to drop home console-like prices to get them the next Pokémon.

except everyone has a fucking phone now
handhelds are retarded


What does that have to do with performance?
It's probably a battery saving measure

You can always hook it to a monitor if you have one and take advantage of the overclock. Some games like Mario Kart and Smash actually run at 1080p/60.

It's phenomenal. Emus full speed up to Dreamcast. You can even upscale PSP games.

Just wait till you get a TV you retarded faggot

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This is honestly what the Switch should have been in the first place, just a good dedicated handheld. Removing TV-Out is fucking retarded though, just slap an HDMI-out on the bottom of it and call it a fucking day, you don't even need a dock for it. It's also fucking stupid that Nintendo put a D-Pad on this but still refuses to release an official Joycon with a D-Pad. If this doesn't have better battery life then it's really hard to justify over the regular Switch, but if I didn't have a Switch by now I might consider getting this instead. Turqouise looks cool and reminds me of the GameBoy Color.

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they'd make a killing if that's out before Christmas

They should have done one in the videos themselves. It was a gaf on their part, but they did one for the PR. 0.4" shorter vertically and 1.2" horizontally with same amount of depth.

Of course. You thought we're not getting a cheaper handheld for Pokemon? How silly of you. Pokemon doesn't need docked play. It's always been for handhelds, especially in competitive play where you need to take your console with you to events.

This also excuses why SWSH are lackluster in the power department. They need to accommodate this new console, which GF knew was in the works.

They're extraneous Power Moons. You don't even need half of them to clear the game. And you can always buy out to 999.

>All the lite fags making online even worse

It's fucked m8


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If this is true, why didn't they announce the "Pro" version?

I also feel that this "Pro" version will be horrendously dated by the time Xbox Scarlet and PS5 shows up.

If they announce a nice program for account unity across various switch consoles and ease of transferring cloud saves I'll get it and hack my launch switch.

>expecting parents to know about the hand-held compatibility icon on the back of the game box
Nintendo is insane

>real D Pad

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based and AVGNpilled

>This is honestly what the Switch should have been in the first place, just a good dedicated handheld
why? they went out of their way to ensure consumers that it wasn't a direct rival to the 3ds. if it was a dedicated handheld, literally who would believe that it wasn't the 3ds replacement?

It has 30 minutes more battery than the original

Game where only the original switch can play vs the games you can play on the new switch

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This is one of the most retarded posts I've ever seen on Yea Forums.

It'll be out before next Christmas.
Original leak said lite was this year and pro is next year

It pretty much only applies to 1 2 Bitch and Mario Party anyway.

It’s for kids to play Pokemon on basically. Any grown person who buys this is an idiot considering the price decrease does not justify the lost features, but it has a market

Are there even any switch game that doesn't support handheld mode?

>b-but switch mini won't happen!

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>can't even dock it
hmmmm i don't know about this doc

Basically the Switch's 2DS

Tons of Pros and Cons but theres an audience for it i guess.

If it helps, it'll probably have the issue the launch pro controllers had where the pivot in the center is practically nothing


>Devs will have to actually focus on optimise for handheld mode now

I don't know if this is a good thing to bad thing. It could gimp docked play to make handheld better

It does? Source?

I don't want to use non-proprietary chargers because they might cause hardware issues. When I shell out hundreds for a system, I want to make sure I can charge without issues.

I doubt there will be a pro version very much now unless it some kind of cheaper docked only version of the Switch. Reason being is Nintendo now needs to make games that can play on the Switch in handheld mode in addition to the Switch Lite so any real hardware upgrades would basically be pointless.

>ARMS behind the head, barely visible
even they know it's dead

Imagine actually playing through the entirety of BOTW on that thing lmao

You'd have to be a complete retard to not expect it the instant the original Switch was announced.
However I am surprised you can't dock it at all, not even as a dock sold separately.

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So Nintendo jewed faggots out of their money and then offered a cheaper version that does the same thing

>September 20th
>not still summer

Damn, I wanted a refreshed regular switch with detachable controllers.

>Now everygame will look handheld
Based Nintendo giving to retrobois

how is that a switch? what are you switching on that console? the joycons don't detach - you can't switch from handheld to monitor. it's basically cannibalizing the experience for younger gamers whose parents will buy this cheap alternative.

i'm sure it will sell on price alone.

Finally I can get a Switch. This is good, people will either be oblivious and sell their regular Switch for less money with some games thrown in, or I'll just grab a new Switch lite.
Either way, I win. Fuck, I was really waiting for a model revision

Or they just make the game incompatible with the Lite.


But what did people use the 2DS for other than being an axe head or door stop?

>Not double screening while you play or playing on lunch at work

crazy bus on piano

>that does the same thing
Except play games on a TV, which is a pretty big fucking feature.

They shouldn't have gone for the hybrid meme and just made another dedicated handheld and dedicated console. Now they're already segmenting the install base into handheld-only and handheld/console, I wouldn't be surprised if the next Switch revision is dock-only. The Switch should have just been this handheld to begin with, then they should have made a separate home console that isn't garbage.

That's fucking pathetic, what a waste.

>still cost 60 bucks

I fail to see the problem here. It's just marketed towards people who spend more time outside. Also it's not replacing the original. It's just its own thing.


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Enjoy your special onion boy version folks. If you really wanted to play Switch in handheld only you could just leave the Söy-Con attached. Meh, fuck this shit. But it does look nice aesthetically speaking..

Bring on the Pro, faggots.

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I'm definitely getting this, just to play the 2 exclusives I care about. No way I'm paying the fucking full price for a regular switch piece of shit

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>Pro version would be pointless
>A switch running games with better resolution, framerates and loadint times would be pointless

How in the fuck do you think this?

Name problems are a culture problem. People understand it really easily in Japan and Asia in general, but it's confusing in the west as a result of naming conventions.

Who the fuck actually plays Switch outside?

>hacking the launch Switch
>not hacking the dedicated handheld one for comfy rom hacks and shit on the go

I disagree. Having two systems for Nintendo games segments even more. I just want to buy one system to play all Nintendo games on, and this confirms that the OG Switch is exactly that.

>docked mode
>ethernet adapter(wifi sucks on these things)
>HD/IR function
>guaranteed can play all titles

shaving $50 off is not worth losing those features.

>having more options is a bad thing now.
RIP 3DS bros, though.

actually an hour for actual gameplay.

So my phone has a higher resolution then this? Didn’t the vita have 720p too?

The mini was always going to be this? What did you think it was going to be?
>kusoPokemon machine is doa because no Labo
Is that kino Peak gear I'm spotting?

There are shrines in BOTW that are impossible to clear in handheld mode.

I'm waiting on the Switch Pro

Fuck Nintendo for holding back the real version

Nintendo Switch-i fucking when?

desu my only hope is that the switch pro/2 is actually a dock with upgraded hardware that's compatible with the original and light, maintaining the ability to "switch" from home console to portable without splitting up the line too much.

alright, just barely then

It'll be a permanently docked version.

If Nintendo called this anything else, it wouldn't sell nearly as much. It is important for consumers to know that a) this is the same product as the Nintendo Switch and not a new console, and b) that the console has been stripped of both features and size compared to the original, hence the name Lite.

Calling this a Nintendo HDS or a Nintendo 3HDS, for example, wouldn't do it any favors.

What kind of colors?

What's the point of handheld only? There are already third-party docks that don't have the interference problems of big Switch dock.

>shaving $50 off
You are mentally ill or something?

Vita was 900x540p

That's still coming

Are you shitting me

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It’s the Switch equivalent of this fucking thing that no body wants.

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yellow, grey, or turquoise

If I have to guess, it could be some of the beefier games coming out next year. A possibility could be Prime 4. I would not worry too much since when the 3ds did it, there were hardly any games affected.

You want 2 consoles instead of one?
You do realize that will segment people even more, right?
Wii U failed in some part because 3DS exists as a cheaper alternative to handhelds. You had to choose games strictly for handheld or for console, but not for both. Now you have games designed for both.
This decision to make handheld consoles for casuals is actually a good thing.


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You know they patched the exploit in newer units right? This things not hackable. Also it won't be even as powerful as the original so all the emulators and shit won't even run as well

Yeah. It's meant for kids and poor people, I'd imagine

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People who don't stay inside their homes and shitpost about games they never even played. That's who.

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>not compatible with the dock

Do you think the only thing causing this is just the lite not fitting into the dock? Like if you were one of those people who switched their dock to a smaller she'll like pic related then it would, indeed put out a video signal?

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Yeah, pretty much what has happened since the Gamecube.
>Buy our Gamecube for 100$!
>Here's this backlit GBA, fuck your OG GBA
>Wow look at this, our New handheld, it's bulky as fuck and fucking uncomfortable
>here's this revision that fixes everything, what was that? No, no refunds fucker
>we got a new one, with a camera, yes yes lots of games will use it
>Here's this New model, without the 3d and more powerful, who the fuck uses 3d anyway, lol, no refunds
I didn't buy a Switch waiting for the revision

I have a launch pro controller and don't really notice it unless I'm playing tetris

I know. A shocking thing that Nintendo has never done before.

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If this is the case, it won't have a screen and will probably be cheaper too. I'd be pretty tempted

The pro version is just hardware updates to the original Switch and will still be called the Switch. The Lite is needed since they want people to stop thinking the Switch is their handheld successor.

Some people liked the fact that it didnt have a clamshell design

>can't adjust the fucking brightness
>No docked play
>Restricted to single player only
>Only 30 minute battery boost
>Not hackable

What a disaster.


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Rumors have it that the Switch Pro is coming out Q1 2020.

Im gonna get turquoise

>no HD rumble
>no TV play
>no better display
>no better battery life
And do I get this right that you can't play some games at all on this thing?

At least they were smart enough to only make it 200€

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>Not hackable

When I go outside I don't play fucking video games but hang out with friends. The only people who play outside are literal virgins without friends.

>half of the video is literally "how do you do fellow kids" with these "youngsters and they skate parks"
>suzuki or whatever his name is come back
>"how does it look?"
dreadful, why banana yellow ? why no red color when the signature color of nintendo is fucking red ? why not white ? why not green or purple like the original game boy color or gamecube for easy nostalgia dosh ?
>"it won't connect to TV"
fair, it's stupid, but fair
>"+ control pad"
jealous and envious
>"you need to spend 80$ to play games based on motion control"
not that bad since no relevant game use them
I guess it's nice for what it is, I also see that the speakers are at the bottom of the console and not behind this time

>Also it won't be even as powerful as the original
Citation needed. It sounds like all they did was remove HD Rumble and put it in a smaller shell. If the hardware was actually any weaker I'd expect the price to be $150 or less.

so what's the size difference?


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Proof you know the specs of the Switch Mini?

how so? rakuten has $250 sales all the time.

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Cheap hax

What's the fucking point if it doesn't have any distinct feature from the original Switch? I would rather just buy a brand new old model of Switch.

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Wasn't the point of Switch that it was both a portable and home console at the same time? Though I guess there's a market for people who wants to play Zelda and Pokemon for like half the price.

Shut the fuck up zoom zoom

How hard is snoy gonna seethe when this dominates the holidays sales?

This confirms the switch pro model will likely be docked mode only

What about friends that WANT to play video games.

And fanboys ate up the switch because it was largely rationalized as the revised Wii U lol

>>Not hackable
Is it really? I was planning to get this instead but if it ain't hackable then it's a no go.

But why?

>you can't actually switch

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It depends on how lazy they were with the internals. If it's the same hardware then there's no reason that shouldn't work. But Nintendo being Nintendo, it's also entirely possible that the hardware's exactly the same but it blocks it in the system software.

5.5 vs 6.2

Nintendo will come crawling back to Chadcom the moment they give them attention

switch mini didnt happen. switch lite did.

Nobody goes outside to play video games, autist.

If you are a parent, you'll immediately know why no docked mode is a good thing.

Vita 2 is dead. Completely.

dude what if ninty made the wii u again lmao

Why did they not take this opportunity to put the charging port at the top so you could prop it up while charging? You can't dock it anyway, so you don't need to worry about the fans or air flow. They even got rid of the kickstand.

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Pokemon players buy Nintendo handhelds solely for Pokemon. All the way from the first Gameboy.

They don't care about other Nintendo titles, only a few do so but Pokemon is their main draw.


Better than straight up changing the name like the 2DS

I never played my switch in handheld mode
anyone else knows that feel?

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Is this finally a tacit admission from Nintendo that dual screens was fucking retarded idea?

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Where has the HD rumble even been used properly?
Outside of the tech demo it's just rumble.

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Vita was ~500p I think
>restricted to singleplayer only
the only games that don't work in handheld are 1 2 Switch and Labo, dumbo

You can switch back to not having those options.

Why would it have docked clock speeds if you can't dock it? It's going to be weaker 100%

Pokemon Go says otherwise.

>They're extraneous Power Moons. You don't even need half of them to clear the game. And you can always buy out to 999.
Defending Content removed? Only on Yea Forumstendogaf


its still not small enough to be convenient

2003 battlestation

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I just want a switch with a decent god damn wi-fi card.
Holy fuck.

is it the same motherboard?

>No tabletop play

why? you can connect joycons so what speaks against connecting 4 of them and playing mario kart besides missing the integrated stand?

It's listed on the official website. It's approximately an inch smaller. Here:

>Switch: 4” high, 9.4” long, .55” deep (with Joy-Con attached)
>Lite: 3.6” high, 8.2” long, .55” deep

The real difference is the price point, $300 vs $200, and battery life, 2-3 hrs vs 3-7 hrs.

OH NONONONO Switchlets were just getting uppity! From now on ALL of their games will be made with a portable console in mind, forget about that rumble and motion GAIJIN

So hold on.

It's like a 3DS.

Except it's not 3D.

There's no 2nd screen.

And it doesn't play 3DS games.

Why would ANYONE want to buy this shit?

This is clearly them learning from the 'WiiU' situation though. They're making it very clear it's still in the Switch family but a cheaper, handheld only alternative rather than 'new Switch' or 'Switch 2' or something.
Because to get the size down they've certainly parred back the active cooling present and I reckon the die shrink alone isn't enough to make up the difference.

Wait so if you buy a pair of Joycons it still does not support tablet mode?

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what the fuck are you on about dual screens were actually fucking amazing

well the kickstand was for playing with multiple people using the joycons

if there's no joycons there's no need for a kickstand



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...why wouldn't you want to play your console on the screen? Do you just stop playing after the 2 hour battery life goes out?

I wonder how this will affect the graphics, because smaller with the same resolution should be better right ?

It's handheld mode only, they don't need a kickstand for tabletop mode and if you're playing while charging then you're holding it anyway

>They even got rid of the kickstand
This makes no sense to me. Why would you buy extra joycons for games and not be able to play tabletop?

Because it has Switch games? 3DS is a dead console user, wake up

Does the Switch have Pokemon Go?

That does feel like something Nintendo would do.

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>waaah I can't play the 2 gimmick games that require tabletop mode or some other shit who would buy this
you people can't be serious

The 2DS was great except for the fact that instead of the corner breaking, the Screen gets scratches.

Based. I'm happy as fuck. Only original switch owners and "switch pro" users hate it.

We always knew the original switch had problems with portability. Carrying a bag for a "handheld" is a complete failure.

Glad Nintendo listened to us.

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It's the same fucking chip, it will run exactly the same as the existing Switch in handheld mode. It will not be weaker.

Looks fucking comfy

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Can anyone actually be this retarded?

is ti the same size as normal switch, IF SO WHAT THE FUCK ARE THEY THINKING

>games released in the future that lite can't play

No, the cartridge slot, fan, power button, etc. were all moved closer.

All Switch's from 2017 - early 2018 can be hacked.
Post June 2018 Switch's can be hacked if they're on an early firmware.
This won't be able to use any method from that because that relied on shorting two pins inside the right Joycon rail.

>He thinks he's still not going to need a bag for it

>Not hackable
LMAO. That should be the new insult to Developers. Your games are not hackable therefore we will not buy it.

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>If you aren't a manchild who can't leave his house without his Switch, you don't own one and complain about it on Yea Forums all day
Why do drones always go through these mental gymnastics?

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if you could dock this piece of shit it'd be a no brainer

>people saying they should've added a hdmi out

How are you gonna dock it and get better performance without the power source?

>make a WEAKER version of an already weak console
Just give me my fucking Smash DLC

>Implying Nintards are not just going to blindly buy both anyway

Attached: nintendomale.jpg (903x786, 455K)

>Switch Pro gets announced
>Dock only
>be me
>have OG Switch and buy Switch Pro
>absolutely no need for Lite

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>they went and stole PSP design

Am i the only one that was waiting for this?
I just wanted something actually portable to replace my vita, and the fact that the switch already has a pretty big hacking scene makes this shit perfect.

If you think about it, it was a revised Wii u

>Not having friends
Yikes and sadpillee

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I don't see how that improves portability, it looks to have roughly the same size and you can't remove the joycons to pack it tighter. And you still need to protect the screen somehow.

I'm personally waiting for the "pro" version so I'm a bit annoyed though, I grant you that.

I could understand if you said "they understood hybrid is a retarded idea" but why are you shitting one of the noon-shitty gimmicks they released ?

It's more comfortable in docked mode and some games simply play better docked.
in handheld mode I either have to look down when sitting which is bad for my neck or I have to be in bed. I hate being in bed during the day.

I only use it in handheld mode when I'm tired after gym.

You know all these complaints can be discarded when you realize you can just buy a normal Switch.

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>when you post on Yea Forums so much you can only ironically shitpost

can you just commit suicide already

Lite is 100% single player only. It will not support any multiplayer in games.

>Can't even play Mario kart split screen on the thing

Who the fuck would what this?

They kept backward compatibility with the joycons & pro controller for games like 1-2-Switch, there's no reason they couldn't have made this one QoL change now they were given the chance.

The only reason I would buy a lite version would be for my cousin who is on a budget raising his daughter.

>They even got rid of the kickstand.
Based Kid Icuarus Uprising coming through with the free stand where the charge cable can easily fit through the indent YET AGAIN.

Wow, a slightly longer battery life. Are Nintendofags now the embodiment of applefags? 'cause they do the same shit.

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based retard

>mfw they fuck the dpad up again and it produces false inputs like the one in the pro controller

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Nah, I play on my TV with controllers because it's uncomfortable to hold.

These two holes are for the dock to hold onto the original switch... Why are they still there?

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I-I-I don't wanna be rebbit!! Better say your right!1!

If this “Pro” version is supported the same way the DSi and N3NDS were you gotta be a retard to buy it.

I always thought a Switch Mini sounded dumb because how would they make it work with Joy-Cons/Labo/TV only games/etc? The answer is it won't.

>>>owning a 4k flatscreen instead of an old HDTV from 2012

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the comfy aspect is what sells the product

imagine how cool your life would look buying one of these Nintendo Switch Lite™ premium systems.

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Maybe they're used by other accessories as well?

Well I’m 26

I didn't see anyone in the trailer putting that thing in their pockets.

The Switch hack requires you to short two pins INSIDE A JOYCON RAIL.

I wonder if they fixed the joycon drifting issue, because it'll be a bitch if the sticks fuck up on the lite, since you can't even replace them with new joycon.

>Lite is 100% single player only. It will not support any multiplayer in games.
Regardless, I prefer to play games on the Switch with a pro controller while it's propped up. The joycons are just that shit.

Fuck that gay shit. It's literally designed for children and women.

Where the fuck is my Switch Pro?


It has a shitty ambient light sensor. I'll never understand some of the choiced Nintendo makes.
Why would they remove manual brightness control? Everyone knows how shitty light sensors can be.

>BoTW averages 3 hours on Switch vs 4 hours on Switch Lite
That makes it a 1.33x increase

Wait, so am I the only one who expected Switch Mini, even though speculations about portable only Switch are circulatin' the net for quite some time, and who is actually happy there's no Switch Pro and a need to buy the same console again?

you'll likely be able to charge it via a dock

Would buy this if it's under $400

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In all seriousness
>Cloud saving shouldn't be a feature to pay for
>Virtual console
>Have dedicated servers for smash
> Bring back miiverse

Real question, how do you play a nintendo switch outside when you are with other human beings while actually being able to focus on your game and not feel awkward that you are ignoring everyone else around you unless you are in a secluded outdoor space? Nintendo makes it seem like it’s totally normal but I for one know that is fake and gay. Nobody plays it outside like nintendo demonstrated in their video. Is Nintendo living in a fantasy completely out of touch with reality?

will there be more colors? grey is boting and the other 2 are to flashy, how about a metallic one?

This is great for emulation

I don't have a switch currently, I'll definitely buy the pro if it's a real upgrade. Being able to play the existing library with actually decent performance would be worth it.

Yes I'm sure they'll keep using full Switch functionality in new games despite the fact that many people won't be able to use it

>they think theres ever going to be a switch pro

so can some tech wizard here explain me whats so different about the joycon sticks from other controllers that makes them so susceptible to drifting?

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>joycons drift after 1 year again
>have to take entire console apart now

Except it can't be hacked.

But all the compute power is in the switch not the dock right?
A Pro being only a dock doesn't make sense

I'd feel fucking scammed

if they made a "Doesn't switch" that was just a little box on your desk and output 4k then you know I'd buy it instantly but they won't.

It'll just be a revision of the normal switch.

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How are you supposed to do the gyro puzzles in BOTW?

1st party charging station that's compatible with og switch incoming.

Well who the fuck is going to bother take advantage of it is my question. Nintendo maybe but if a game runs well enough in handheld mode and docked mode for the OG Switch why take the extra effort to take advantage of more powerful hardware for a very niche market? Or even make the hardware? Sure it'd be nice but in the grand scheme the people that it is a key selling point to are too small to be a relevant market force. The market for a streamlined and cheaper handheld only Switch had a potential market. No one is going to make games that can't be played in handheld mode, it is simply too popular an option to alienate.

More likely because it's still a $200 piece of equipment and they don't want to encourage people to shove it into their pockets and get everything all scratched up.

True. It literally states on their website that tabletop mode is not supported on Lite.

Also, if you buy joycons you can't even charge them you have to buy another seperate charging grip too lmaoooo

>still no way to play portable mode with docked clock speeds
Fuck of shitendo

I'll be honest I can't even tell who's being sarcastic anymore

Do we need to find a new source?

I thought the OG was $299

Jokes on you both I am 29.


>he doesn't play in either mode

According to leaks the pro version got delayed.

Are you fucking autistic?
It's an advertisement.
Showing someone being awkward isn't going to sell a product but showing a group of people having fun with it will.

Fast RMX has some decent usage
Because they want to play Breath of the Wild or Astral Chain portably for cheap? 3DS library has nothing that big and the jump from 200p 3DS to 720p Switch looks better than the dumb 3D.
>faggot wojak posters complain about Labo 24/7 since its announcement
>new Switch can play everything but Labo
>suddenly it's their favourite game and they cry at its loss
local wireless and wifi retard
Has gyro been deconfirmed? If it's gone then they could just map gyro control to stick
The intended market is Pokemon kids and Animal Crossing women.

>Quotes a product

retard, he means the console is only useable on TVs, not in handheld. Docked mode only.


>Nintendo Switch
>can't switch

>Due to hideous automatic brightness Lite uses that cannot be turned off

Kek. Yeah, my switch could get 4 hours too if I turned the brightness way down. Lite cucks.

Take one joy-con of the Switch and it’s about that wide

>insult dev
>Not being able to steal games via piracy is a bad thing for devs
You're a special retard

Isn't that an issue only for the initial batch of Switch at release? I think the later batches had that issue ironed out already.

Make it Q4 2020 and I'll believe it...

The Tegra X1 upgrade was revealed only recently and I think this is what a Pro Switch would have. Not an X2, those are still way, WAY too expensive to the point that only some super expensive car uses them.

>Why would ANYONE want to buy this shit?
How old are you? Is this your first generation change?

when you think about it there's not really a market for a switch pro to begin with

Look at the analog stick assembly of any modern controller, then compare it to the Switch's. They had to go with a less reliable solution in an effort to make it more compact.

It is.

You charge it with a charger lol?

So it's basically just a smaller, cheaper Switch, right?
Eh, if someone doesn't have the money for it I can understand them buying it.

I actually use both, docked when I'm home and handheld when I'm out

>It literally states on their website that tabletop mode is not supported on Lite.
That doesn't mean multiplayer isn't supported, retard. It means there's no stand to prop it up on its own.
They literally added joycon connectivity for 1, 2, Switch.

>ds lite 2019

nintendo can't do anything original or innovative. they will continue to squeeze this underpowered potato for all it's worth and quality of games will suffer all around for years to come.

Nintendo dump this in a ditch more like

Gyro is still in, there is absolutely no reason for them to take that feature out. It's the IR camera that's out.

Why yes.

Attached: Let's Go.jpg (1200x630, 260K)

hacked n3ds shits all over hacked o3ds.
>psx emulation "decent"
>powerful enough to stream out to your PC
>emulator performance better
>few exclusive titles worth picking up

if pro switch is more powerful than original, i'm getting it.

Attached: Liter.png (1378x566, 367K)

they cut back on muh hd rumble, muh dock, and muh detachable controllers to cut price, and increase portability while keeping performance the same and increasing battery life.

that's a win


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>Nintendo stands out because of the games
>Fuck handheld

Yeah fuck you too for thinking the DS had shit games you piece of shit

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Neither me nor my friends irl who own a switch have used portable mode more than twice and those times were just to check out the novelty of portable mode. You’re a sheep.

>no TV mode

oh so its just for handheld fags

If Sony and MS can make a pro version of their console and not fuck over the regular non pro owners, Nintendo can figure it out.

Nintendo finally realize
that detachable joycon was absolute garbage
it's a great start.

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I don't even remotely care because prior to Mario Maker 2 I literally never used this thing in handheld mode and I really can't imagine wanting to do so for an extended period of time aside from the rare multi-hour trip where I'm not driving (which hasn't happened yet).
I don't hate it though, it seems kinda silly for anyone to hate this. This is an obvious option that they'd go for, and it doesn't make me feel like I got ripped off for buying the Switch before its announcement.
I'm pretty jealous of that actual D-pad joycon though. I really hope they release joycons like the Switch Lite controllers without the gimmicks no one uses and the D-pad for a cheaper price.

>that relied on shorting two pins inside the right Joycon rail

Why does NoA always needed dubbed lmao can Americans not read ?


Got a source?

Most switch games use variable resolution and unlocked framerates meaning that a ton of games already out would instantly run and look better on a pro version out of the box. You can already do this by overclocking you current switch with hacks.

For example we can play Crash Kart in 720p in handheld with overclocking compared to 480p stock.

With extra power every game would be better. And better memory and CPU would improve load times which have started to get REALLY bad on newer switch games

Not him but I got a USB-C cable with my Pro controller and my phone came with a USB wall brick, so yeah, I'll charge it when I'm running low while out and about

Someone got me a carrying case as a gift so it holds everything

You want a 90 bucks handheld? Go to an yard sale, cheapfuck.

I'm pretty sure there's no tabletop mode because the weight is no longer equally distributed since the joycons can't be removed, and it just looks awful to play with seperate joycons on a Switch with the joycons still attached to it.

Sony and Microsoft figured out how to add dedicated servers to their games.

I believe Q2-Q3 more than Q4. Q4 would be a disaster because that's when Sony and Microsoft are releasing their consoles. It's best to get a head start on them.

hacking switch was some janky shit with a paperclip. not sure if it's been improved since then, but it was pretty bad back in the day.

Yeah, this is gonna shelf warm like the 3DS at launch.

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>that leak for the blue switch mini was legit

Holy shit it’s awful

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It also weighs 30% less

>Nigger in the ad gets they grey switch lite


This. Wii U home button did the same thing.

>nobody wants
except it made them a lot of money you faggot.

Ironically, I don't have a problem with this as hardware, but the games don't work for this. This isn't like the 2DS where a purely optional and non-intrusive gimmick was removed. Thanks to a typical lack of forward thinking and an equally typical obsession with forcing gameplay gimmicks, Nintendo just invalidated, inconvenienced, or gimped a bunch of first party Switch titles with this. Which could've been solved if it was at least dockable.
>Super Mario Odyssey's gyro controls don't work well with docked portable Joycons, good luck on rolling optimally or doing motion exclusive transformation/cap throwing moves (hopefully the inevitable Odyssey 2 will actually use the extra buttons for these actions instead of wasting them on duplicate inputs like the first game)
>Super Mario Party forces players to use single detached Joycons due to forced motion games, have fun convincing friends to huddle around this piece of shit
>BotW1's gyro Shrines just became a nightmare (please let this mean that gyro Shrines are gone in 2)
>Pokémon Let's Go catching is more annoying now
>Labo is RIP
>1-2 Switch has the same issue as Super Mario Party
I hope this at least means that, going forward, Nintendo will finally fucking stop forcing gimmick controls. After all, they don't want to exclude their new portable only audience, right?

Game systems have been underpowered for the entirety of the eighth gen, the last time consoles were competitive with PC was when 360 and PS3 first launched. Xbone and PS4 were underpowered as soon as they came out, and Wii U and Switch were even weaker


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I bought some new Joycons to replace my original ones 6 months ago

Already drifting

>Now take a look at this
>Shitty ads

Nintendo is so shit now. People were saying they were shit years ago but now they are undoubtably shit.

In order to hack a Switch, you have to access its Recovery Mode.
In order to access a Switch's Recovery Mode, you need to short to pins at the very bottom of the right Joycon rail.
You can use a paperclip, some aluminium foil or buy a custom built jig to do it.


The Lite is for people who aren't fans of the Joycons. The Original is just for fans who are.

>Docked only
>Specs in between XB1 and PS4
>Outputs up to 4k in (indie) games that can run it
>Has Netflix, Spotify, Hulu, whatever the fuck else you Americans use

Would you buy it, Yea Forums? Should Nintendo hire this man?

People are forgetting that 99% of nips are playing it handheld. Literally nothing of value is lost for them by not using tv or tabletop mode. The Lite has a longer battery life and will probably play games better as shown when botw played better in handheld than docked. The only problem is the price point

wasn't the point of a switch is to switch from console to portal?. is like releasing a new nintendo DS with one screen

Did ANYBODY buy the 2DS?

are you retarded?








>handheld returning to Japan


Without motion you can't even play Pokemon let's go handheld, can you?

Yeah it would look better and more choices are great for a consumer but I fail to see an incentive for Nintendo to go the effort.

>4k indie games

Because Fuck You, kid!
That's right! Uncle Nintenda here to tell ya to Get Fucked™.
You'll buy it anyway!

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the pro version isnt ready, yet. how can you people be this retarded?

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So you are forced to play in handheld mode? How bad is it? Heard Xenoblade 2 looks like garbage in it.

holy fuck calling myamoto right now why didnt they think of this

yeah, sold tons.










who the fuck goes to places for activities to play switch? why don't you put a funeral and someone playing switch while you're at it?

They can but they do have A/C in their homes unlike your Europoor Home.

you can, that piece of garbage lets you just press a botton to capture in handheld mode

>The real difference is the price point, $300 vs $200, and battery life, 2-3 hrs vs 3-7 hrs.
Just stop being an actual idiot. Battery life is 2.5-6.5 vs 3-7 (BOTW 3 vs 4 hrs)

The console makes perfect sense from a corporate angle.

Consumers want a cheaper option.
Most millennials (and younger) do not personally own a TV > remove the docking feature

I may end up buying this depending on how the screen is for playing games. I've wanted Mario Odyssey and Zelda for the longest time but never bothered with a Switch.

Dude, the new Xbox and PlayStation's are coming out Christmas 2020 and your wondering why Nintendo should put a system out that will be able to do above 720p? The switch can BARELY run current multiplats. They need an upgrade badly.

That's a third party phone case. If anyone wants to do the same for the Switch, be my guest.

Lmao, that's never going to be like that.
You'll get a slightly upgraded Switch that will still be not even remotely a match for base Ps4/Xbone, and you'll like it.

The 2DS is still selling hell the 3DS was the first to get it's productions stopped

Gyro works in Splatoon 2, I'd honestly argue that Splatoon 2 is the best console shooter right now just because of it.
Though it all feels retarded compared to kb+m.

We GBC Era now.

how retarded are you? Their "gimmicky" stuff sold better than any of their generic shit.

Nintendo doesn't want to and can't compete with Sony in high-fidelity AAA stuff. They have however perfected making money with almost no investment and now Switch might also be the best console for Indie games.

Seems like it might actually be handheld now. I would have preferred the other Jew variant of a pro version though

Oh yeah it absolutely does but fuck it played it like that anyway because handheld is comfy


>Virtual console
>I want to buy retro games again for the third time.

This. What the fuck were they actually thinking?

no. ps4 had a $299 sale during black friday, and still technically has the better library this gen. improved graphics is not a huge selling point for nintendo, they just need more 3rd party support.

to be fair the switch has done a great job of doing what the wii-u couldn't do with 3rd party developers, but until we see shit like monhun world, RDR2, GTA6 and other big name titles, there's just no way i'd pay full console price for a nintendo product.

>those foot steps
my dick

adjustable brightness is something that can be patched in though, yawn.

and you realize 720p will look better on a smaller screen right?

That's not my issue. Im sure gyro is still in, but now instead of twisting a single joycon around to solve those already finicky puzzles, you'll have to rotate the entire handheld like a fucking goob.

I'm just saying that solutions have already been found. Nintendo could have easily included a second stand, had a U-shape stand, or just not put it off to one side.

Yes. A shitload of people did user.

I knew it was there, but yeah, first time I used it on Steam it was like "oh hey wow that's bright"

Gotta buy that Switch Wormlight, user!

Attached: 1536876751310.gif (500x500, 1.86M)

Original is for people that likes waggling games and the ability to play with 2 people on the fly. It's much more than simply not liking the controller.

It just needs to be a port machine. It does not need to be a 4k one. Give me 1080p 60fps or 720p 60fps with 2 hours more of battery life. It's that simple.

>smaller screen
>lower resolution
>lower battery life
>shit tier color choice
>still need to buy joycon seperately
>haha we handheld NOW



is just a game boy advance

Nevermind, the lite DOES have motion controls built in

Attached: SmartSelect_20190710-154023_Chrome.jpg (921x128, 25K)

>lower battery life
This one isn't true.

It removes features but doesn't touch tech specs

>Lower resolution
Same resolution in handheld, though. In fact it's going to be higher pixel density.

I would say "New 3DS" and DSi were a bit of a fuckup, but at least the DSi only had like 7 and the New 3DS 14 exclusives

Why call it a Switch when it can't switch between modes?

They were sane enough to not call the 2DS the 3DS lite

Attached: yurucamp.png (1060x514, 790K)


>lower resolution
>lower battery life
Nice try, snoyfag

It's a typo, I had wanted to type in 2-6 hrs vs 3-7 hrs as a broad comparison but phone posting here so mistakes will be made.

>Muh tv

Homefags seething as always

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A dedicated Nintendo music app

Wait, what? Is this real? Is it not in the quick home menu?

>>lower resolution
>>lower battery life
we do you like user?

They missed the opportunity to upgrade the chipset.

So this confirms being a quasi-console was a mistake.

can you adjust the brightness?

is it glass at least now

the tech for that isnt affordable.

Nintendo Switch: 3/3/17
Breath of the Wild: 3/3/17

Nintendo Switch Lite: 9/20/19
Link’s Awakening: 9/20/19

Technically Nintendo is the only one on gen9 at the moment BECAUSE of the Switch

wii u, ps4, and xbone are all gen8, and ps5/scarlett aren't out yet

>lighter than the Vita
>smaller than the Vita in most places
>full controller
>bigger screen
>better battery

Yeah, sounds like Switch Lite is the best portable-only on the market, with normal Switch being the overall best console with portable abilities.

Probably only in the options menu.

>lower resolution
>lower battery life
>need to buy Joy Con seperately
Why would you expect a handheld to include extra controllers?
>shit tier colours
idk I think they are pretty good
99% of Japanese market plays in handheld and all the kids and women who will be getting it to replace 3DS for Pokemon and Animal Crossing respectively prefer handheld. Wait for the pro next year if you hate handheld.

an actual good console and I don't mean switch pro

The New 3DS was probably more of a fuckup than the DSi. The DSi was more a mid life refresh to make the system look a little less old news next to the PSP and increasingly capable phones. The N3DS meanwhile was more sold for its beefed up hardware, that virtually nothing actually took advantage of.
What would they call it? 'Just A Handheld That Does Not Switch But Plays Switch Games'?

So Breath of the Wild 2 comes out alongside Switch Pro.

fucking based

i'm actually curious about this.

for any user in thread that knows a lot about technology, my phone and table have a 'smart view' option that lets me OUT to any tv or smart device. why couldn't nintendo add something like that for this switch? I realize there's a shit ton of latency when doing this, but if i'm playing a non competitive title that doesn't require e-sport reaction time, why not make it available?

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What Sony, MS and 3rd party devs do isn't that much of a needle mover for Nintendo and it clearly hasn't been for a while. I'm not calling the idea dumb or saying it can't happen, just that I doubt it. Nintendo has basically cemented their position as the dominant console for Japanese game development. Personally I will keep any enjoy my Switch that I have. It works great besides the fact the right joy con doesn't lock as firmly as it should because I did damage to the mechanism.

And don't forget
>cheaper than the Vita at launch.

>using gyro controls in handheld mode


>Despite the change in size, the resolution for the Switch Lite’s display remains the same 720p as the original Switch, though curiously you can no longer adjust the brightness.

>200 dollars

for a lot of people, price is the main thing keeping them from getting a switch. this thing is going to sell very well, especially with kids at christmas time.

the anons who wanted a "super charged" switch are first of all, retarded to think nintendo would go that direction, but second of all are conflating their own disappointment with the fact that this is exactly what nintendo needed to do even better with the casual market

3DS is still bae

>splitting the install base
There's a reason the N3DS only got like 4 exclusive games

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They could but it will not be optimal. Once they put it in, it will be their ass on the line if it's unstable, tips over and something breaks. So rather than risk something that isn't balanced, and quite frankly, not needed for a handheld, just take it out.

I use the regular Switch exclusively on my TV. It's fine.

You'll have to hang upside down to solve it

>nice program for account unity across various switch consoles and ease of transferring cloud saves
Games can already be shared across systems so long as you Link your account to the secondary system and are connected to the internet and that system. Cloud saves already exist and can be transferred between switches through the online service.

Make a dock only version for the same price with a controller included and I might buy one.
It's impossible to play videogames on the train because I can't get into them, the most I have ever mustered playing a game outside was sudoku.

Tell them to go PSNHomo™

Eh i like it except it seems a little expensive for what thet are offering.
Been waiting for this specifically but wish it was smaller and more compact.

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>any grown person who buys this is an idiot
so your average nintendo fan

That would make sense

Makes sense. Pokemon is their game to shill with the Lite and BotW2 will be for the Pro.


Because docked mode involves increased power draw and clocks, which mean more heat output, that the slimmer cooling solution probably couldn't handle.

So instead of a simple solution that is practically guaranteed to work, just be lazy?

"won't get an upgrade right now" means "we are not telling so you buy the regular Switch and then double dip when we announce the pro" in PR speech.

LOL, the snoyfag was skullfucked by Nintendo so badly he went retarded.

Could be only a lack of auto-brightness adjustment. The Verge is the only place stating no brightness adjust at all.

Attached: verge-build-pc.jpg (1920x1280, 833K)

You're adorable, please jump for us some more. :)

There actually wasn't a old-style 2DS XL or small New 2DS, only the original 2DS and New 2DS XL

It's a handheld that's meant to be played outside. The less moving parts on it, the better.

I bet it's to differentiate it from the 100 dollar more expensive normal switch.
Removing docked mode entirely prevents the light from replacing the normal model.

I like it
I wish you could use it on the tv and use the system as the controller but maybe modding will add this in.
Cheaper price is good.
Only one good color why is there no red or blue?
I might get one since the main drawback of the system is it being worse as a handled and a console and this is just a handled. Also only 4 major system sellers right now. This system should get rid of problems that normal switch had with joycons like drifting and their existence.
I wonder how long it is going to take to mod this.

As a causal who didn't buy a switch because of the price and would only really use handheld mode, and who has no friends too, this is perfect to me.

At the same time I can see why a lot of you guys are frustrated, but were you seriously expecting upgraded features from a lite version??

An advertisement or not. I find it to be a little unrealistic

>I'm the retard buying regressive hardware

And it could have been more if just the tiniest bit of effort was put into it. Now when you try to play a game that doesn't support handheld, you need to lay it down flat because there's no way to prop it up.

>the anons who wanted a "super charged" switch are first of all, retarded to think nintendo would go that direction,
user they are. There is two versions of the Switch. A mini and a Pro. The pro is not going to come out around this time because it would piss people off who already bought it. Pro is rumored Q2 2020.

Really wanted one without the bezel, but I doubt they would remove the touch functionally since they just launched Mario Maker 2.

99% of games support handheld mode.

I only use my 3ds to play original ds games now anyways

The difference is the custom Tegra would be backwards compatible meaning the OG switch would still run it.

The Lite probably doesn't have bluetooth since all the basic model uses it for is detached JoyCons and the Pro Controller.
You were either misinformed or lying and got corrected for it.

Mega stupid. They forgot to mention the price, but listed all the crap that was cut.

then why would you connect another switch to it

You are the reason Pokemon went to shit with your hardware faggotery

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I don't get why they don't simply add a Mini-HDMI out or something like that. This would instantly make it capable for TV play, like the Vita was. Technically you could even use the charging port for USB to HDMI with the correct controller.

How did it feel to be made retarded through rape?


Only for the first year or so before the joycons' sticks start to drift.
It's already confirmed you can connect other controllers.

imagine waggling with the switch in public. the lite is for chads who want the premium handheld experience.

on another note, the release of this game completely kills all the waggling game devlopement, kudos.

>Not an X2, those are still way, WAY too expensive
Nvidia sells a cheap ass tablet and streaming box with X2s in them, they aren’t expensive

Because docked mode involves the system running faster to produce a higher resolution image. It runs faster docked than handheld. How the fuck do people not understand this and why this might pose an issue for a slimmed down, cheaper version?

You realize people are calling you retarded because the Switch Lite factually has the same handheld resolution and BETTER battery life than the original Switch, according to Nintendo's own press release?

Because that requires effort. The lite doesn't do anything that wasn't there in the original model.

>not buying a warranty for electronics


Dedicated servers that aren’t a laggy mess. Most game companies figured this out like 20 years ago.

You're confusing handheld mode with tabletop mode. A pure handheld is not made with tabletop in mind because you can't detach the joycons and play 2 players mode on the go.

I bought an original 2DS because I wanted to get back into Nintendo but I was broke at the time.

They still might just not now i guess.

This is your brain on HRT.
Dual screens were a shit gimmick, they were always a shit gimmick. They only used them to get around the problem of having touch controls on such a tiny screen. This was also the reason the stylus existed which was yet another terrible idea.
What are you faggots going to tell me next, that glasses-less 3D was a good idea?

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It clearly is made with tabletop in mind because you can still connect joycons to it.

This is just Switch: Women and children edition.

Because it's a pure handheld version of the Switch, not a replacement. Letting the Lite do the things that the Switch can, would be cannibalizing their own sales.

a switch with an x2 still wont have performance on par with an x1/ps4 anyway.

people are gonna have to lower expectations for the rumored pro version. expect 1080p at the same framerates or the same resolution with better framerates. not actual improved graphics.

They said it was $200, were you not paying attention?

Why’d they move the speakers to be facing downward instead of front facing like on the original

this man really took his switch to the moon

Handheld Vita never had TV out, only that weird Vita TV that took out all the handheld stuff had that

PSP had both handheld and TV out in the same unit, but Vita never did

>I only have these drum sticks that belonged to this drummer that killed himself
8bit guy is a top teir youtuber

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Room temperature IQ retard. He is clearly implying that he has no need for switch lite because he has an original switch, which can also be used portably.

Kill yourself

Like every other time they've released a straight upgrade?

because the slimmed down version quite possibly is using a more efficient, better architecture at the cost of losing some feautures of the regular switch???

So people can play waggling games and get more value out of the games they paid for. Making people buy the same games twice because the Lite doesn't support waggling would be bad for their reputation.

Vita could not do this. First models had the potential for output and capture but Sony never did anything with it because it was a failure. It can be modded in.

Kill yourself

It's going to be using a die shrink, but it's not going to be enough to compensate for the smaller heatsink to allow docked performance. Simple.

Those are screws

No problem with that, not like vidya is only for adult men

>Switch games

How is it a straight upgrade when it doesn't connect to the TV and removed features from the joycons?

Seems like I fucked this up. I thought there was some way
I actually didn't remember that, right.
