What do we think of him?
What do we think of him?
Other urls found in this thread:
He is my king. I don't need anything else to get my gaming News.
this. and he needs a shave. whoever he is.
I'm usually on top of things and literally fucking who.
He always looks cold and clammy. I bet his skin feels like a piece of pastrami.
>being the sort of collectorfag that keeps shit in boxes
>being this sort of collectorfag over fucking FUNKOPOPS
I have no idea who he is but I hate him already.
guys a unwashed unkempt manbaby who makes vidieos about complaining about things. you could say hes a " Alt right / right wing " guy who hates the " cry baby left " who get triggered and are part of the " Outrage culture " but what he and many other idiots on the right is the exact same thing. this guy is a plague and he is ugly as sin and i cant handle looking at his face and the way he talks.
FYI : i use to be what you could call Alt right but since i got redpilled on the right/altright its just as bad as the left/sjw/liberal. so i dont have any political opinions anymore apart from calling out hypocrites when i see them.
i think i remember this guy getting smacked down by a girl(with penis).
he's one of those image md5 wizards
>hiding your fat face with a beard
Why do they do this?
He's cool, but he really needs to stop doing the söy voice because it sounds unironically söy. Only the god emperor EVS can do it right.
kys wannabe enlightened low iq tard.
>makes nearly 100 videos about Captain Marvel and how it will fail
>Captain Marvel makes 1.3B
Why not think for yourself you fucking faggot
He feeds my confirmation bias, so no need to change
literally Yea Forums incarnate
I think he's a bottom of the barrel clickbaiter.
Judging by his face and the background, I guess he is a MTG Arena streamer. I don't watch streams often, but I DEFINITELY don't watch card game streams. They are so unengaged to play, might as well play it myself on the second monitor.
He "confirms" his narrative through unnamed sources nearly every video and is always wrong. Do conservtards really need to confirm their bias this much that they support someone whose obviously just talking out his ass?
"The Quartering" sounds like something you would use to describe America's genetic destiny.
>It made 6 gorrilion boys!!!
they claim it made that much due to inflated sales figures since they've been ordering tickets to their won film to save face.
He also hate E celebs that get money from YouTube and patreon?
He isn't alt-right. He's more like you desu.
>shitty meme beard to hide his weak jaw
How can someone have absolutely no self-awareness?
Impressive. Every word in that post was wrong.
>Get recommended a video of his once
>block the channel
I remember when neckbeard betas actually tried
Tranny tranny in the bin
All his does is complain. It was good for a few videos before you realising how depressing it is to listen to somebody whine for a living.
Obviously Disney spent a few 100 million dollars to prove youtubers wrong.
I think it's funny that trannies insist on spamming him on here to garner negative attention. It's worse than Anita spam at this point. Are you trannies actually scared of him?
I think he behaves too much like what he us trying to critique.
Whole thread reads like the average Resetera thread. It wouldn't surprise me a bit if it turns out everyone posting in these threads is from one of their discord rooms full of trannies and pedos.
My co-worker sits down at his desk every morning and watches him. No headphones.
He sounds like an angry incel attempting to come off as some enlightened being.
Jeremy is all around the place for me.
sometimes I feel he says true things, but sometimes he feels cringe as fuck, 'sup fellow kids' kind of vibe, the shitty video thumbnails don't help either.
I saw a few of his videos and his body language is off-putting too, the head-shaking thing adds a smug tone that doesn't go well with the vibe I mentioned before, and his hair is always a fucking mess.
Overall feels like a weird guy with access to good information and the will to upload every day
I always thought of him the same as Yongyea as somebody who simply reads off the work written by other people before coming to an easy to reach conclusion on the matter without much thought provoking.
You post this in every thread about him. It's getting suspicious if I'm being completely honest.
He's married with kids dude
He is on the grind for the views, nothing else. Trying to push as many videos as possible without putting too much effort into it.
Also, somebody tell him that reading articles from other news sources isn't content, that was the main reason I stopped watching his content, he doesn't give two flying fucks about what he talks about, as long as it is over 10 minutes.
Also, as a lawyer, it pisses me off to see someone so cheerful because he lawyered up and feels invincible. Same thing happened with H3H3, they get into some bullshit, cry like bitches when they get sued and then get all cocky when some dude with a law degree tells them they are fine. It's just a bitchy attitude which I detest. Also, both of them played the victim game to get the money neccesary to get a lawyer. In the case of H3H3 he got ripped off badly because, since it wasn't his fucking money, he didn't give a shit about what he was doing, ended up losing thousands from his fans. That was just hilarious.
As a last criticism of Jeremy, he isn't as smart as he thinks. You can tell when he is trying to manipulate his audience, how he tried to shield his gaming website behind "honest reporting" when in reality he just wanted to be the big boss at something other than a youtube chanel.
I don't know why it came out so hateful. I don't like to be this way, but I'm just tired of his constant selfaware spamming (TRIPLE UPLOAD).
If I had to give him some advice, I would tell him to work on his content more, try to make something other than videos of him reading (badly) articles written by others and to stop focusing so much on shitty sjw drama, because it gets tiring, we all know sjw's are outrageous, but I just don't care anymore.
SJWs are afraid of anyone who's reporting the truth. After all their identity and gender are a lie.
OP is obviously spamming threads about him to try and get Yea Forums to hate him but it's obviously not working.
I like him, even if he does tend to fall back on typical anti-sjw talking points rather than offer a unique opinion. I hope exclusivelygames continues to do well, I go there every day.
Jesus christ dude its just capeshit.
>has hottakes on everything and says things with conviction in his videos
>is a backtracking, pussywhipped bitch in debates
Lmao the altright/altlite is a joke
Hey retard, the reddit spacing meme is just that, a meme, learn to use paragraphs you fucking mongoloid.
He's a big idiot. I dislike him .
I prefer not to think of him.
Don't know who this fag is and I don't care. Needs to shave those manbaby pubes off his face.
Finish high school before posting here you stupid cunt.
He's outright admitting he's spamming for views though. That's better than a ton of other youtube whore. And frankly just reporting on what's actually happening even if google's cult hate it is already a step up in content quality than a lot of other people.
Except YongYea's "side" is being pro consumer. This guy's side is, and always will be, "men."
>learn to use paragraphs
>the post your replied too has multiple paragraphs
You discord trannies are way too transparent.
why are people shilling the quarterpounder?
He is a fat cuck that got beaten up by a based tranny.
His wife pegs his neghole every night for some weird reason.
Yong tries really hard not touch on certains """issues""" though. Meanwhile he's doesn't give a fuck because he has a real job
No u.
Also, I'm almost 30. Not that it matters.
Based Metokur dabbing on all these söy-right faggots showing them what a real right winger looks like
It's funny because he was beat up by a tranny
You probably love him and want to suck his dick and maybe let him fuck you. Not me, however.
Please submit essays with that formatting so your middle school teacher can fail you and you never make it out into the workplace where your mental disabilities can harm others.
I love 85% of his videos. Only channel I watch every day.
user you get back here with that goalpost right now.
He doesn’t have anything to do with his website. He’s hands off
this video is more embarrassing for him "lel u fat jeremy" they're all grifters
I love when Metokur just starts fucking with people and they try their best to remain calm and "mature". Like just tell Boomer Jim to shut his faggot mouth and he probably will.
It's really funny how Yong goes out of his way to avoid political stuff but he still had that faggot writer from kotaku whining about him being muh alt right provocateur.
Metokur fans are more embarrassingly braindead than the fat neckbeard's fans.
I get the whole reporting whats going on on youtube, that's cool with me.
What bothers me is how he wastes his time with issues that don't deserve more than 30 seconds of thought to realize it isn't worth it.
Have you ever been shouted at by a crazy person on the street? I'm sure you didn't try to reason with him. or try to explain why his behaviour was wrong. Same thing here, 80% of his videos are unnecesary.
Guess that means you could beat him in a fight, then. Does that make you feel empowered? Is that why you trannies are so obsessed with him?
Any other Act Man fans in here?
Jeremy must have brain damage or something but he's nowhere near the level of cringe that metokur and his army of 14 year olds have reached.
buy my hats
>act like bitch
>smacked like bitch
hahahaha that should be his new motto.
He chooses the writters.
He shilled for funding
He complained all the way through about how hard it was to find the right team to set it up.
But yeah, nothing to do with the site, just like you and me.
that's sargon's boytoy, I remember him.
hopefully he also tries to become a politician and gets a refreshing taste of strawberry-flavored reality
Strong chuckles
He had some good moments and exsposed things that should have been brought to light. However he is a smug faggot who is not as smert or tactical as he thinks he is. He will make an ass of himself on the regular in perpetuity.
You can check everywhere on the internet. Disney wasn't even stealthy about it: they artificially increased the ticket sales by ordering usually 20 seats per screening in theaters. There are theater owners who reported the fact that "almost fully-booked screenings" saw actually very little people attending, and almost every time, it was the first row seats that were empty.
I mean, come on, you must be living under a rock to have missed this.
>Is that why you trannies are so obsessed with him?
I don't think trannies bring this guy up 24/7 user
Mods, the monkey is out of its pen again!
>reddit shrek photo meme
It's ok quarterpounder, no one can hurt you over the internet.
>Jim "I'm better than you" Kasparian
>Shutting up, ever
He could make a 12 minute video of himself just farting into the microphone and his retarded followers would still throw their parents' wallets at him.
>muh Metokur is grooming kids
Fuck off Carl
He's been doxed already. Give it a try, pussy. Come on, tranny, fuck him up good.
That's because that journalist is an anti-consumer anti-Eastern game kike. If anyone goes after EA he attacks them as nazis
>You can check everywhere on the internet.
Then give him an actual fucking source if it's that easy you cuck
It's literally trannies making these threads everyday, though.
>more fat jokes
I was just joking about you being 14 but shit dude
I bet it's trannies making the 40% posts as well
so does metokur still think he was relevant in anyway?
>reddit tier post
>normalfag tier reaction image
You need to go back.
Looks like a typical incel who spergs out over games.
I hate metokur so goddamn much
struck a nerve
Quarter pounder is less than one pound, so I’d say that’s more of a skinny joke. I think that user is trying to say you have anorexia or something.
I just want this fat fuck to stop appearing in my recommendations. I haven't even watched any of his shit
Weird deduction, my friend. I wouldn't make that bet.
Like clockwork.
Metokur's fanbase having an average age of 13 was well known way before soigon ever jumped on it. But sure, use your same old boogieman defence. You know you fags sound exactly like the SJWs you always whine about, right?
>Why *late-2000s-early-2010s Call of Duty* was THE BEST SHOOTER EVER
Unironically based and bloomerpilled
Never, he will save the west and vidya in the same time within his 20 year plan.
I feel like he's trying his best to appeal to the normalfag "gamer crowd" (hence the funkos, "gamer lingo", etc.), but lacks plenty of knowledge despite his good intentions in unpozzing the "gamer" masses. He's improving though.
That or he could be a flaseflagger due to him not even acknowledging he has a basedface, the amount of times he's been wrong (despite him rightfully admitting it), and the fact he unironially said "It's time for gamers to rise up".
So he's either a clueless boomer with good intentions, or divisive shill basically.
Well you would have to have a hi IQ to understand board ethics
You guys have tranny derangement syndrome. They're not out to get you. Like all other women, they don't give you a second thought.
You have to be 18 to post here.
is this a le epic sweetie squad raid?
He is clearly a 4chinner, he is probably in this thread or made it himself
Dilate, tranny.
Quarter pounder is a burger for fatties.
"This is desperate housewives for autists."
Couldn't have said it better myself
His channel is called "The Quartering".
Like I said, this is 14-year-old levels of wit.
you just KNOW
Talentless faggot that makes boring videos and gets beaten up by trannys.
Same. It's embarrassing if I bring a girl over to watch YouTube and some incel bullshit pops up.
I'm a guy. See? Not everyone is a tranny. Very few people are.
user I was clearly joking when I said trannies were making the 40% posts. I even said you need a hi IQ in the next post
I don't get it
>I'm a guy. See?
That's a biological fact, yes, and no amount of estrogen will EVER change that fact. Dilate.
and failed high school? damn
Why did he even go on there? These guys are absolute retards and it doesn't matter what you even say in return, they will repeat the same shit over and over again and it goes nowhere.
needs to lose weight, shave, and toss all of his dumb shit sitting on the shelf away.
I don't believe you
You're obsessed with trannys. Did one turn down your advances even though you're such a nice guy?
Summarizes Metokur's entire existence really.
He has pretty much admitted to all that himself. I think he said that he only gets to actually play vidya a couple hours a week.
For real. What's the joke about the quartering
Hes a faggot trying to pander to the get woke go brokefags
>trannies eating their own
>trannies being retarded
Business as usual.
I don't think anyone watched his videos and thought to himself "that guy must be very cool"
wasn't "metokur" best friends with hbomberguy?
Nice projection, beta orbiter. I'm sure [s]he will reward you with sex when you tell the story about how you valiantly defended trannies on Yea Forums.
I imagine that's more due to nobody caring about a eceleb
>oneangrygamer in videoblog form
>Yea Forums sucks off oneangrygamer daily and calls anyone who criticises him a libtard tranny
>Yea Forums also shits on the quartering any chance they've got
I don't even.
You realize the suicide rate for straight white males is higher, right?
He has no interest in video games, he was forced to change his channels focus after he was banned from mtg, his true passion. All the gamer stuff he has behind him he bought in the last year and when he talks about games (rarely) you can tell he is a massive casual.
>git wook go brook XD
He gives zero shits about video games and doesn't play any. He just parrots slightly right wing shit over and over for views. He is the most bland piece of shit I can think of in the article-reading department of YT
Wait am I no longer a tranny? You're the beta here and I think you're so mad you've gotten confused. Nobody is defending anyone here. I'm merely pointing out you have a mental illness in the form of a paranoia over trannys.
Reminder oneangrynigger is not /ourguy/
His true passion sure isn't working out or hygiene
Jeremy is too tepid for /pol/ and too right wing for the trannies. It puts him at a weird spot where only centrists like him and everyone else seems to hate him.
You realize you have a mental illness, right?
>Y-You're the beta here
Sure thing, tranny.
What mental illness is that? I'm not a tranny. If I was I'd have told you 30 times by now. You, however have a creepy obsession with them. You need help before you're the next incel shooter.
Um you realize I called you one first right?
How'd that political campaign go Carl? Do you still smell of milkshakes and fish?
>wtf why are you calling me a tranny? I can't believe this kind of reactionary behavior
>n-not that I mind heheh.... they are brave and beautiful, some of my best friends are trannies, please don't tell anyone I said I don't want to be called tranny
big if true
He makes a very convincing argument for Black Ops 1 being the best COD
You are delusional and need help if you think these famous people are talking to you on Yea Forums.