>replacing cute brown girl with boring whitoid
why is this allowed
Replacing cute brown girl with boring whitoid
Other urls found in this thread:
right girl looks like she fucks black guys
both are made for bbc anyway
left looks much better, I agree, but she's not brown at all.
left is Britney Spears
Deal with it mongrel, whites are the minority now and need representation.
>where does ot hurt XD
wtf is this new meme?
The cheeks are getting illuminated by the helmet, thus making the skin look brighter.
Left looks european as well
While OP is stupid whites make up 63% of the US user
>brown lipstick makes you a brown person
>skin darkened by shadows means you're brown
Im afraid you have autism user, she looks 100% southern european.
She looks brown because the helmet is casting a shadow on her face, you paranoid fuck
Poor bait user, I give you a 1/10
>race-baiting thread
I will bite. Both are white, OP, you dummy
Left is spanish (not white)
dis sum whitewashin
>brown lipstick
>soldier in heavy exosuit puts on lipstick before battle
>compare medics, not SCV
smart, very smart
>Be amerimutt
>See white girl
>Immediately think of bbc an interracial cuckoldry
Just cucks wanting others to share their obsession with black dick and associate it with any mention of white girl.
Or it could be falseflagging
>t. jealous brown girl
she was always white you idiot
the visor would still be casting a shadow unless the light was shining right on it
More like cute latino.
Latina you dumb shit.
these are truly fucking soulless
>did you page me
What did she mean by this
Latino girl. Now shut up.
Some of these are legitimately cool. The rest is fucking bullshit.
why did blizzard retcon the adjutant into a robot instead of a cyborg?
Yes? all female units in Starcraft have makeup on.
Better question. Why does Blizzard retcon everything legitimately cool and replace it with bullshit?
>she looks 100% southern european.
meaning she's a brown person?
autistic faceblind retard
We are white.
Looks olive not brown, but they definitely changed the eyes and a made the face more straight than round which is a shame. Tbf it's kinda dark olive and not too uncommon to see in mideast, though the new one could fit there as well but more rarely.
I'd prefer if they didn't reinvent the portraits and just remastered them.
compared to niggers sure
Whites are germanics and nords, no one else.
spectacular bait my friend
white is a term for arbitrary exclusion or genocide
According to /pol/ you are only white if you are an albino inbred Icelander with vitiligo.
You can be white without being a pale forest nigger
Nope, you're brown as shit pedro.
At least women want to fuck me.
isn't /pol/ filled with mutts who consider literal slavs white
convince me to play terran over protoss in brood war
Yeah, not with those Mongolian eyes.
better soundtrack
Nope, our lives for Aiur brother :)
vultures siege tanks spider mines wraiths
Also WTF is up with those Nordics who have weird niggerish broad facial features? Pic related, PM of Sweden.
my wife for hire
>rules for thee but not for me
This, still one off the best soundtracks out there.
sounds like a lot of buttons to click
Every now and then trolls take a scandinavian baby from their crib and replace it with their own to give the troll baby a "better" life.
The real Stefan Löfven is somewhere in a forest or in a cave, 6'4 with long beautiful blond hair and living out a volkish life.
I can imagine him playing with the trolls and they're all singing like this:
>Big noses, nigger lips, bad hairlines and cant eat sugar without getting diabetes.
And nordics call southern europe non-white
what does she look like in the newest $10 remaster that came out today?
>women in combat roles
>It's an Gyros/Pasta Nigger BUTT MUH ANTIQUE HIGH CULTURE episode
And Arabs invented Math but look at them now.
>those soulless kerrigan eyes
>Arabs invented Math
Ackshually they stole it from the Poos in the loo.
Give it a rest, Cletus, nobody gives a shit what shade of red your neck is.
who the fuck uses shitstain lipstick other than niggers
la creatura...
me being washed in the back