Just defeated Wolnir and entered Irithyll. I'm level 37 and all bosses have been relatively easy so far. Am i overleveled or are the bosses easy?
Just defeated Wolnir and entered Irithyll. I'm level 37 and all bosses have been relatively easy so far...
Most of the bosses in the Souls style games work like this: attack attack attack, stop, you then attack them 1-3 times, repeat.
Most of the bosses are really fucking easy, yes
Irithyll is the point where difficulty gets a somewhat higher. First third of the game is filled with easy bosses.
if you can time a roll and have an upgraded weapon, DS3 is babby shit ez
late bosses are harder, DLC ones even harder
Hope you enjoy fighting pontiff
I don't understand the appeal of these games. I understand that they are pretty much universally praised and held in high esteem but I don't see why. This feels like a game that everyone pretends to like because they "know" everyone else likes it.
Of course, my main complaint is the difficulty. At first I assumed that I disliked the game because I sucked at it and that i needed to "git gud", as the cool kids say. Then I recall that the entire subculture of the game revolves around the fact that it's hard and that you're probably going to die a lot. With this in mind, I know that I am experiencing the same thing everyone else is, yet I think it sucks. It sucks donkey balls, I think.
Dark Souls 3 was kinda the last straw for me. Mechanically speaking it’s a great game, nice tight controls, and those hitboxes fit so well it would make any melee player cry, but it was boring.
Remember Sif? Not a hard fight by any means but I couldn’t help stop and notice when he started limping, and I couldn’t help but ask why this wolf was fight.
Moonlight Butterfly, Gaping Dragon, Kirk, the whole of Blighttown and The Fair Lady.
These are the things I remember when I think Dark Souls. Now, it’s just shitty boss fight with long windups. The creator said he didn’t make DS1 with difficulty in mind but I think that was the driving force behind games Bloodborne and DS3.
No, the first half of the game just has easy bosses. Irithyll is where the real game starts.
More difficulty makes the game more rewarding to "git gud" at. Besides, most games are piss easy these days
no, das3 is just a joke. you get infinite 0 cost iframes at the press of a button and most bosses can be staggered with 3 r1s from a straight sword
Wolnir a shit, wait until further in to Irithyll when you're ganked by the teleporting skull dogs
What game isn't like this?
That sounds like what I've heard in regard to CS:GO, where the enjoyment is less so from actually playing the game but the inevitable surge of relief and satisfaction you get from finally winning. Killing an enemy that's killed you 4 times in a row is only exciting because you know that you won't have to waste 30 more minutes of your life playing the same part again. Roll, attack, roll, attack attack. This whole game is just a cycle of getting stressed and then destressing, over and over ad infinitum.
You never have to stop attacking.
This is more or less every video game that isn't a VN
If you're responding to
>"enjoyment is less so from actually playing the game but the inevitable surge of relief and satisfaction you get from finally winning",
I believe many would disagree with that assessment.
You'll only find two harder bosses in the bass game, but that's closer to the end. The harder bosses are rather in the DLC as with every Miyazaki game.
>This feels like a game that everyone pretends to like because they "know" everyone else likes it.
It's not even that popular when you compare it to games like God of War, GTA and Assassin's Creed.
Do you also think people who play those games also just pretend to enjoy them?
For me and for most, difficulty is just one facet for these games. Gameplay in the context of the unique invasion system, replay value, art direction, atmosphere, and world building all contribute as to why people love souls.
For a fantasy game, the design is inspired and doesn't feel generic.
I'd say no, because they're much less niche than Dark Souls. When you get into DS, you know that there's one thing in store for you. With those other games, it's much more open to enjoyment and fun in the most idle and base sense.
I agree that the landscapes and art style is very nice.