what did Rockstar mean by this mission?
What did Rockstar mean by this mission?
They meant buy yourself a decent computer, poorfag
What did OP mean by those graphics settings?
I have no idea what the russian guy was supposed to represent.
>A character said something so it means the writers are trying to make a statement through that character.
I bet you are one of those people who gets mad when the villain does something a villain would do.
what does that white bar mean at the top right?
Semen meter
that only rural and suburban retards are racist
Anti immigration rednecks are retards
Taser cooldown meter. It has infinite ammo.
>that segment where you separate the children from their family and put them in cages
Damn Rockstar
Maybe is just an idea about how burgers are offspring of anglos and is very weird that they consider themselves natives when already were natives in the territory. Even your native language is English for fuck's sake.
Double standards, I assume. The whole mission line felt weird because it really didn't feel in-character for Trevor at all. Our introduction to him is fucking a junkie and then murdering her boyfriend as he sobs, and yet we're meant to believe he just really cares about Mexicans?
he's an obvious immigrant talking about how immigration is bad. that's it.
They built the country. Imagine building a house, a farm, a barn, a well, then you landscape the area and make it all pretty. Then some red skin shows up and claims it his land, even though they didnt believe in property rights, didnt actually live on the land just traveled on it and didn't actually give a fuck until they saw how nice you made it. So you tell them to fuck off, there is lots of land and they come back and scalp your son. Then being the natural winner you are you BTFO of them so hard they still cry about it 200 years later.
isn't the last one a bonding with that old mexico dude out in paletto? it's been so long i can't remember. it felt like trevor walked away with a respect though.
My memory of the old Mexican guy is that he lectures Trevor about how his family has been in America for a zillion generations then sends him off to kill two guys.
>Trevor is portrayed as crazy homicidal maniac with no remorse
>but cucks out now and then for SOCIAL COMMENTARY/SATIRE now and then
thanks Rockstar
This, it's so jarring when he does too
yes, hence why hes crazy.
hes unpredictable.
Sorry I never played the PSP GTA games
Rockstar has never been all that great at writing characters. Marston says a ton of ultra progressive lines that don’t really fit his character.
They’ve been this way since GTAIV.
I thought he was french
yeah i can't remember exactly how it went down, maybe i'm thinking of that random encounter dude you meet dressed up like a bi-centennial guy.
been a long time since i played through.
Now imagine someone comes to your house and offers to buy it, and when you tell them you don't want to sell and like where you're living, they declare war on you and kill your family, and then take your house anyway.
Now imagine while you're homeless people buy all the nearby property in a currency you don't have while speaking a language you don't speak. You can't even get cheap food or water or clothes because they tore down all the places you go to so they can sell their stuff at a higher price. Literally the only place you can afford to go is a shitty hovel in the desert with no power, internet or cell service, filthy water and scorpions in your underwear.
Your only other option is to go join this new society, who let's say are all Muslims, learn their language, get a job at one of their stores, and try not to offend whatever religion they have, all while they treat you like an outsider.
You don't think that's at least a little bullshit, considering you and your family lived there before?