ITT: Games you could be playing right now if you knew Japanese.
ITT: Games you could be playing right now if you knew Japanese
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that is literally the only one I'd care to play right away
other things is more along the lines of "add to my backlog and never get to playing"
Wow I can read everything in this pic! I am ready for Japanese games now.
What happened to the first one's mc?
>that level
>that elemental resist
>that physical resist
>mfw imagining the amount of time you'd have to put in to grind your characters back-to-back from start to finish to start again
I have my limits, mate. Also
>if you knew Japanese
>implying I don't
I have already achieved my goal, which is to be able to read eromanga and understand most of it.
But it's fucking boring when you read the same dialogues 200 times
Why would I want to use my nipponese knowledge with a soft-porn ecchi game when I could be playing an actual eroge like ?
I wish I started years ago because I always could but only did at the end of the previous year. I sort of play already but have to spend an unholy amount of time to decipher most of the stuff. Menus and stats beign the worst offenders.
Thousands later and I still don't find them boring.
Imagine having trouble reading some katakana lmao
You talk as if 100% of the text in games is katakana
Discipline aka learning some japanese every day is the only thing that makes it realistic.
You need to get to a level where you can read and listen to japanese and understand most of it and constantly learning new kanji and grammar.
>he doesn't know
i started learning japanese a year ago because of a Yea Forums thread. progress is slow but i guess it's faster than if someone just took classes.
my listening is really bad though because i just read VNs.
How is the new konosuba DRPG anyway?
Same, I started maybe 3-4 years ago but I haven't been super active with my studies. Watching anime and playing video games with Japanese VOs will definitely help with your listening. Also listening to online radio shows is extremely helpful. Good luck.
But I know Japanese though.
those ones
Why does autism exist? Why do people post the same threads with the same OP images?
They're all garbage.
you aren't allowed to play them?
I already speak Japanese, it's not that hard.
But the thing is, 95% of games worth playing are translated anyway.
I did played old VNs and RPGs that were never translated, but that's pretty much it.
Don't you feel like the translation isn't exactly accurate though? They have a lot of different ways to say the same thing but in English it's usually just one way or use stuffy language.
>it's not that hard.
Y-yeah, n-not hard at all...
>tfw it took me 3.5 years to be able to understand shounen-tier shit
Maybe I'm just a brainlet.
I'm sorry if I can't memorize every single kanji in existence, okay? I can at least read what you said.
but that pic is 90% kana. any braindead moron can read that.
If the translator is skilled I almost prefer the English tl to the original. Japanese media repeat the same sentences way too many times
pls be ntr
yea westerners only notice the bad translations. never the good.
What would you say is a game/VN that is at least decent, that has a really good translation?