When did this hit you, Yea Forums?

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Probably when BR hit. I got on the MOBA train, but this was the first time I legitimately didn't understand the appeal.


I've never been "with it" so never

1995 or so, when the world went gaga for ugly polygon graphics

PUBG, I get DotA, but battle royale games are nonsense to me and autochess is stupid chinkshit

When social media became a thing.

I don't understand why people are glued to that shit. Or participate at all for that matter.

2014 when everything went "PC"

games as a ´´service´´ can go to hell


Streamer worship culture, legit baffling to me.

Watching streamers I can maybe understand for some things.

Donating money to them however, boggles my fuckin mind.

It wasn't some magcal cutoff point, my whole life some people have been doing things I just don't understand.
For example, can you believe that some people throughout the last 2 decades have been paying a monthy subscription to play one online video game?


Actually what I like has become more and more "it" as I've gotten older.
I mean, ethnic nationalism is more popular now than it ever was in the last 30 years.
And I don't like videogames anyway so whatever.

>Watching streamers I can maybe understand for some things
I can't even understand this

Oldfag here.
I never understood young people when I was young, these zoomers are just like aliens to me.

Hi, Ross.

This unironically

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IDGAF, things were better before.

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>Lootbox simulators aka sports games and gacha raking in billions
>People supporting the nosedive fighting games are taking in quality because they feature characters from their favourite animu
>Battle Royale
>People supporting the nosedive first person shooter games took in quality because they're published by their favourite companies
>MOBAs (even though they're dying out)
>Why people play games with matchmaking and other modern shitty features

YouTube Celebrities

I didn’t get involved in any of this and I don’t understand it

>Developer livestream, if it's recorded you'd just watch it later anyway so you may as well be there for the Q&A or enter the raffles
>Watching Top 8/Significant tournament matches for games you like with your friends
>Watching a friend stream as a method of hanging out with them if they have like six viewers
That's it for me really

I'd say it was around the time of the Xbox 360, back when Indie games were just hitting the scene, that I started getting weirded out by all the low effort crap in there.
I adapted though, and appreciate it for what it is.

Now the thing that fucks me up is fucking VR. I acknowledge that its in its early stages, but who the fuck really wants to have a TV strapped to their face? I want to be conscious and aware of the space around me and VR actively inhibits that

I think it was when people started hating esports and multiplayer games for pointing out their inferiority as competitors

I reckon its more to do with the fact that given how lonely young people are in general these days, being able to vicariously "hang out" with a bunch of other people without any risk is attractive.

But theres also at least a handful of streamers that are just genuinely funny and entertaining to watch, which sit in the same vein of entertainment as stuff like the original top gears cast.

Gosh darn ZOOMERS goin' zoomies, man. Back in my day we didn't buy our games, we made them from scratch in our own computers. We didn't have none of that "Steam Bean" bullshit or "dee-err-emm" as the kids call it. Man, they're so spoiled nowadays, they can just boot up their PC, buy a digital game, download it then play. What a bunch of pussies. Anyway, I'm going off topic. When I was in the Vietnam war

MOBAS or other games with so many special effects on screen that I cannot follow wtf is happening.

20 years ago.

I don't have VR because im not gonna shell out the dosh for tech demos instead of games.
>I want to be conscious and aware of the space around me and VR actively inhibits that
When the fuck is your desk space ever relevant to a video game on a display?
Are you in constant danger of a break in or something?

Meant to reply to

When Pokemon X happened. I tried playing it and it felt so hand holdy and condescending that I was turned off.

I played Gen 1 and a little bit of Gen 3 on an emulator prior to pokemon x's release.

>For gaming
Moba craze
>For Yea Forums

based sneed faggot

No, it just feels odd to not be aware of the space you're in.

The closest I can see is playing games on an ipad or phone. That shit's straight up trash for games.

When gaming shifted its focus to western made, extremely simplified and dumbed down versions of Pc genres and developers like Square, Konami, Taito and Sega started to die, while Nintendo's home consoles turned into extremely underpowered and gimmick-based pieces of shit.
That was honestly it for me.

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I finally understand what all the boomers meant when they said that the younger generations were ADHD-riddled fuckups. Kids these days seem more like goldfish or squirrels then people. I blame streamers and YouTube ecelebs. The bar for people's attention span drops ever lower.

Actually yeah this. I can't believe people donate to those literal whos.

after 9/11 but I must admit this decade has been hype. it appears to me that if you had a shit 20s, your 30s are much better and vice versa.

Can't happen to you if you were never with it in the first place.

I understood the appeal, but the games themselves all seemed like shitty clones of one another, much like MOBAs. And now it's happening again with auto chess.

Nintendo's decreasing quality standards. Everything about the Switch is a decline in quality---build quality, game quality, service quality, everything. Yet everyone else is lapping it up like it's just as good as ever. Feels like I'm in bizarro land.

I had no problem with mobas because I played wc3+dota but FUCKING BATTLE ROYALES FUCK


Yesterday afternoon

God Yea Forums is a shithole.

>people don't understand battle Royale stuff
It's fairly easy to understand kill everyone in the circle as it gets smaller no respawns (well used to anyway).

Pretty much. People post all these ecelebs and I unironically think to myself "who the fuck is this?"

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Unlike this board, of course.

X was the last Pokemon I played through and even then I didn't enjoy it too much.

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This, I've never been "with it" and now that it's "with it" to play video games I'm no longer the target audience

I never liked turbonormie AAA trash. I was never with "it".

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Nah, I never was with it.
I was always a lonely faggot.
But I got my sister now.
So I got company and vidya, what's more to ask?

Probably in 1995, when Sony created a games console that was made to appeal more to casuals than traditional gamers and succeeded

How do we save gaming? It's too late, isn't it?

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this image bugs me since I'm pretty sure in the original audio the quote is "what's it" instead of "what is it".

Whats there to understand? They put out entertainment, sometimes its nildky entertaining.

You dont have to religously watch it, but surely you can understand having a stream on in the background while you do something that requires little attention.

Third post best post

Based sneedposter taking the get

When PUBG and Fortnite became popular
Also Sneed

I took a break from Yea Forums for awhile to have a life and came back to find it reddit
How anyone can defend this place is beyond me.

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I unironically still do not get Sneedposting

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Comng back to this place afer a 5 year hiatus seeing twitter screencaps and streamer threads

People wanting to buy a game because it has a celebrity in it. It's the most normalfag thing I've ever seen.

There's nothing to get, it's just Sneed

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I'm 30 now and it's hard to remember the exact point where this happened to me. As far as video games go, it was probably around the point when streamers became really popular and the kiddies started to prefer watching obnoxious people on the internet play games instead of doing it themselves. In a more general way, it was dubstep craze of a few years ago that did it.

>weird and scary
It's not like that to me. Just seems dumb.

Mid BR phase. I liked PUBG played the shit outta it but fortnite and beyond is meh. Apex is gay as fuck. Don't know what's big and cool, don't really care.

I figured there was some kind of punchline but alright.

Sneed's Feed and Seed (Formerly Chuck's)
Chuck's Suck and Fuck (Formerly Sneed's)
That's the whole joke

When everything remotely goofy or silly became "cringe". I seriously don't understand why everyone wants to larp as some cool badass these days that only enjoys the most sensible entertainment.

You must've been gone for a few years then because the vast majority of reddit refugees here are the alt-right types who immigrated over during the 2016 elections.

at about 30 y/o

I've heard so many people want Cyberpunk now since Keanu is in it. Why not before based on the game's setting?

Call of Duty 4

why the fuck would you play a prot warrior if they nerf the only fun thing about it

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Paid online multiplayer

Being "with it" is just shorthand for being culturally and socially enslaved to the system. I can't imagine anything more gay.

I was only "with it" during the PS2 era.
Since 2010 I've played about 20 games.

Voice acting needing to be a part of of games at the expense of player agency.

>having a good thread with people joking around
>thread gets a good amount of replies
>contrarians and shitposters come in to ruin the fun

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Battle Royales are by definition retarded and its not something completely new. They are essentially nothing else but free for all deathmatches on a huge map.
Now complete tasteless plebs sure would like that. But anybody who expects a little bit more strategy or tactics is completely disgusted by the idea.
Thing is the most tasteless plebs out there are children. Since they didn't develop any taste at all yet. So naturally Battle Royales are mostly played by children.

Shkeiri Lil pump

I want devs to stop trying to get casuals into fighters. Dumbing shit down never helps anyone.

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When quake live changed from browser game to it's own client and went non-free.
Second time when warsow was greenlit on steam but then it was never released on steam and the development died.
Now waiting for 2GD's diabotical but as arenashooterfag I'm ready to quit playing games.

>retardation has become more and more popular
only because people with worthwhile genes started having abortions

I left during gamergate because politics wasn't interesting and the entire board was consumed by it.
Guess it still is.

That's funny cause I get battle royales but I really don't understand the appeal of MOBAs

Twitch streamers, e celebs, let's plays.

It's even worse now.

When I saw the first tik tok or whatever thing. I still don't understand it.

This and especially this.
I fucking hate normies. They ridicule you for not liking the dog shit that they do and then they ridicule you for liking the shit that you like, and then when you've finally learned to ignore them and just enjoy the thing you like they come and steal it from you. Fuck normies. Kill them all.

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Dubstep. I fucking hated dubstep and all my faggot friends who jumped on that trend.

user, I don't know how you did it but you need to leave again.

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Age 25, basically to the day

MOBAs was probably the earliest one. Non-tournament Twitch streams and battle royales (not the genre, but the sheer popularity of them) sealed it.


Being "with it" is literally what we mean when talking about people being NPCs

Same, I barely get Snapchat but tik tok is just alien to me.

I stopped being with it several years before the tik tok thing took off but as far as I can tell it's some kind of grotesque monument to the all-consuming narcissim of zoomers.

salsa mi amigo

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Never been "with it" but everything became alien to me several years ago with all this social justice bullshit, watching streamers, paying patrons or whatever, battle royals, paying for your internet twice and shit like that. I don't understand any of you.

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Only because I love Meth.

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Tiktok really makes me feel old and I'm only 21

It's just so fucking cringy

This pretty much. I am a poorfag thirdworlder, I grew up with flash games and emulation as my main. I never understood sinking a shitton of money into a console. How they could see it as anything other than a colossal waste of money was beyond me and still is, especially now that PSN, Gamepass and Stadia are 'it'

When cuck replaced faggot as the insult of choice.

You could look at it like that but I still say you can be open minded and not live as a slave to pop culture while still "getting it". A lot of people posted BRs in this thread but I actually get the appeal of them. I just don't think they work well in practice. But I totally get why some 12 year old with no money would enjoy something like Fortnite. I get that. The concept of streamers on the other hand, I don't get. I don't understand why you would want to sit there and just watch other people play video games in real time when it would just make me want to close the stream and play vidya myself instead. I don't get that.

I'm so behind on everything. I got my first smartphone a year ago. I still have difficulty texting people and I just don't see how anyone can stand browsing the internet on these things.

with thw release of fortnite, my nephew started doing all the retarded things kids do these days like doing the dances, how they speak etc.

>now it's tranny
Fag worked. Why change it?

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Satyr best girl

I'm still using my brick, I didn't even move on to flip phones. I tried using my mates smartphone once and it felt so unresponsive, what's wrong with buttons? I'm stuck in the mid 2000's and I dont care to change, the future sucks.

>When did this hit you, Yea Forums?
I never got into smartphones or social media.

33y old

I have a smartphone now, begrudgingly, but social media still seems weird and retarded and dangerous to me

This. Even if a player is legitimately good I would never fonate money to them, but most of the streamers are mediocre at best and make tens of thousands of dollars. I can understand every other zoomer habit in some manner but not this shit

Look at the bright side with Battle Royales: at least normies finally figured out that not everything needs to be team based, and that it's ok for games to have downtime.

>Twitch streamers, e celebs, let's plays.
This. You mean you watch other people play video gams? It's like watching your wife fuck another man.



I will never understand what people see in it.

Hasn't yet and I'm almost 30. Only time I don't get the kids is when they're going apeshit over Fortnite. Game is atrociously boring after a week.

Let's Plays/Twitch was weird too but my generation binges fucking Friends and The Office 7 days out of the week and that isn't any less weird.

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>tfw never been with it and spend all my time thinking anyone who likes the things I do is just developmentally stunted or mentally retarded like me

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Touchscreens are actually very good for casual use. Every application can have distinct, intuitive buttons that make every option easily accessible. I do dislike typing on them though, and the less said about touchscreen gaming the better.

I think you may just be a bit stubborn, touchscreens even get popular among elderly because of how intuitive they can be.

Social Media is also very popular among older generations, it isn't a "those cooky kids" thing.

I can understand watching Let's Plays and shit if the guys are entertaining. I just don't understand the huge ass donations and shit.

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Seeing people talk about how funny Pewdiepie is on Yea Forums

It is never too late.
Just like make game.

Replace "weird and scary" with "boring and/or cringy" and it's pretty accurate, at least in my case.

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The fags who came to the site didn't like the word fag so they started using cuck.

its similar to the whole pokemon coliseum XD thing, but for some reason it took over the entire board instead of being a joke that gets posted every once in a while

No being a cuck is the opposite of having worthwhile genes.

This, but it does get worse the older you get.

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I've never been "with it", I've always been very an uninteresting fuck and never felt the need to follow trends to be accepted. That probably helped me get through high school and bullies, guess they never felt the need to bully me since I wasn't worth their time. Over the years I stopped paying attention to what everyone was enjoying and I cared more about what I liked, if it happens to be something that's popular then so be it.

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batman arkham games
they started the handholdy bullshit modern games follow.

Also tranny has Yea Forums specific roots

When I became a paramedic. I do 911 so I see kids every so often. Parents pacify their kids with cellphones. Usually it's these really weird Spiderman videos with really odd music. I'm not sure what they are, but it basically sums up as visual noise. So many kids love playing Fortnite on their phones too. That and Minecraft. I'm not saying SMARTPHONE BAD, but it just feels so odd. I'm not gonna say something like "I worry for the next generation," because the last gen said the same thing about mine. The last gen was glued to the TV and I was glued to my consoles and PC.

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Whats worse is that they think that Yea Forums was ALWAYS a right wing bastion that posted nothing but pepes because in their mind anyone who says nigger must have been one of them. They don't understand that some people are just edgelords trying to be edgy. Yea Forums, especially Yea Forums, used to actually swing pretty far left because its generally anti-establishment and it was created during the Bush era.
After 2014 that shifted to "REEEEE SJWS!" because of gamergate and after 2016 it shifted even further right to "Heil Trump!"
Yea Forums, being anonymous and with few rules, gave them the illusion that they were among only their own peers. They would just tune out the thought that anyone on here could possibly lean left politically. Of course they were wrong, but good luck trying to tell any of them that. Now they just scream "Tranny! Discord Tranny! Dilate! GTFO! Yea Forums always worshiped Trump!" and close their eyes to anyone who was actually here pre-2016.

They really didnt. Especially when you consider Bamham is just a reskin of ass creed.

Arkham Asylum isn't even the first game in its genre (That being rhythm based combat games). Its just an evolution of the Assassin's Creed formula, which itself took ideas from other games and evolved out of Prince of Persia.

same, i was glued to console but it didnt rule my life cause it wasnt portable like a phone so i was forced to interact with the real world. Ive ended up on Yea Forums though so i didnt do that well at socialising.

I'm a smalltime streamer with an average of 30 viewers when I stream. I at least make the effort to get to know the people watching me. I don't have a donate button and I never ask for money. There are some streams I like to watch, mostly pros playing old games or old game races. I would never in a million years give those faggots money though.

MOBAs were the falling off point for me

Really strange I put tons of effort into writing and people read it and love it, but they won't offer a cent. Some guy on youtube narrates my writing and hes getting paid through patreon and youtube. Really mind boggling that people pay for this shit but only if its in a nice video form.

>He thinks Yea Forums invented tranny
Are you retarded? That word has been around for literally decades longer than Yea Forums has even existed.

fuck off zoom zoom

even the title of the thing sounds fucking gay, streamer, lol shoulda stuck to “content creator” like the rest of the faggots

My coworkers ask me how I'm always so happy. I tell them that I don't follow trends and they give me a weird look like I'm Insane. Normalfaggots hurt themselves every day chasing trends.

A lot of people don't like reading because our education system sucks, they aren't good at it (and thus they feel embarrassed to do it, and shame that they picked up while learning it under pressure in school), and it requires patience that they don't have.
But if someone is entertaining THEM they don't have to put any work in or feel ashamed.

>I don't follow trends
Ah yes, the classic mantra of the contrarian. Buddy, you absolutely follow a trend. Its the trend of pretending like you don't follow trends. You can keep telling yourself you live a happy fulfilling life and don't feel the need to waste your time on mainstream stuff, but we can all see you are posting this on Yea Forums. Dead giveaway you are lying.

normalfaggot gives him a weird look like he's insane

you are threatened and defensive

Stop projecting, it not good for your health. I have never followed popular treads because I have never seen the appeal.

I've heard that argument before, and I think it has merit, but personally I still go with the ol' instant gratification that people get from cell phones.

With the whole streamer donating thing, it’s not kids that are donating these huge amounts. It’s weird 30 year old men like you guys with nothing going for them in life.

The whole Twitch and Let's Play culture baffles me. Back when LPs were starting, they were generally made by people who were passionate about the game and knew a good bit about it or thought it was really funny and obscure. They would also commonly shed light on obscure games they thought deserved more attention. These days it's just wacky fake scream reactions. I understand why someone would want to watch an informative Let's Play. For example, I've beaten Megaman Legends a million times, but I watched Vprisoner's LP way back in the day because he was informative and passionate about it and I learned a few things here and there.

When you criticize this whole Twitch shit, people often bring up, "Well people watch sports don't they? Can't you just play sports yourself?" That is true, but think about boxing for example. While I could technically go to a boxing gym, I'm not watching boxing for the sake of boxing. I'm watching two professionals who have dedicated their life to the sport and are operating under peak conditions (usually). This is a level I could never reach unless I dedicated my life to that. With video games, there's nothing stopping you from playing them since most LPers these days are at a casual/midcore level. Watching video game tournaments I can understand though.

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I have never been "with it," I unironically have very particular tastes in video games, music, and fashion, so I go through life thinking that sooner or later everybody will start copying me and for a generation I will be the most popular guy around.

When Mobas came out because it was the cool thing to play. I liked league, but nowhere near enough to play it for 3 hours straight. And EVERYONE was playing it in my college classes, so that sucked for me.
Then battle royals took over, and I became the boomer at 25. I don't get the appeal at all.

The other thing around actually.
I realized that old people were right all along.
Its just a nonsensical cycle of underage punks trying to be different for the sake of being different. Its an evolutionary mechanism we dont need anymore.

Shit sucks.

You're on Yea Forums. You're "it".

Elf-sa wa waserarenai. But this is edited.

Pretty much at the time Overwatch came, it was the first "big" game of the 2010s that I didn't play nor did I want to. Then fortnite came and pretty much destroyed gaming for me.

This. Even in terms of vidya I can't be bothered to be topical, I only like SP so I'm buying complete editions of older games.

Wanting to watch others play games, for F2P games even, like what the fuck dude you could be playing the game instead

Literally seeing children flossing.

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>"people" stream fucking auto chess
>a game you can play on your phone at any time you want
>where gameplay is 90% watching a timer tick down, and 10% RNG

i'm fucking baffled, bros...

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>children flossing

>children doing kamehameha
Perfectly normal

When people started watching streams.

I remember watching people from Yea Forums stream games on justin tv or whatever in like 2009 and thinking "Whoa, this is the future" and then I was fucking right, and it's the only time I've ever been right about anything.

You're not the only one. Gameplay in general has seriously gone down the drain this past decade.

Watching others play was popular long ago. How old are you? 30+?

The reason people prefer narrations over reading has nothing to do with instant gratification or their lack of ability to read. It's because reading requires your full attention at all times and you can listen to a narration while doing other things. I never read but I'll listen to a ton of narrations while playing games with lots of down-time/grinding.

Never, I understand what "it" is these days. It's just that it's also fucking complete shit, with battle royales, card games, hero shooters, and "auto chess" shit.

Hasn't yet, I'm 29 years young.

>he isn't playing TFT - the thinking mans interactive strategic auto battling deck builder simulator - right now
Get with it gramps.

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Just watch twitch bro, you'll learn what all the cool games are. I like to decide what to play based on what my favorite streamers such as xqc and mizkif are playing.

Well if you know whats popular but dont like whats popular that already means that 'it' happened to you.

Even on Yea Forums I feel out of place these days. So many kids here spam Wojacks (feels guy?) and Pepe (feels good man frog?). While we had plenty of our own shitty memes back in the day like shoop da whoop, rage faces, etc, you'll notice that no one uses them anymore. We let them go. Feelsguy and related subjects are WAAAAAAAY past their expiration date.

Not really, none of it "seems weird and scary" it's completely understandable. It's just extremely boring and every game in each of those genres is extremely derivative of the others.

I do not go around using this word like some people here but that is just coping. I feel the same way. I do not find the new games all that interesting and prefer when a game sticks to an old formula.

When steam became a thing instead of buying games on disc.

Around 2009, though to be fair I was never with it.

so like that guy said, retardation has gotten more popular

When people on Yea Forums started getting upset when you mention wurm but constantly jerk off minecraft and lick notch's dirty anus.

Mobas, mostly. Auto-chess or whatever its called is even more baffling to me.

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Around the time counter-strike became a thing and everyone started sperging out on real guns and military shit and I'm glad that hyper military trend is over.

When league started reworking everything I really started to move towards just playing old games because it seemed like everyone needed to rework their games or make them more pc and the br meme I thought was retarded in h1 spread like a disease

I use to play cs professionally and tf2 played highlander tournaments use to be super competitive but noticed I started chilling out the closer ingot to 30 now I just play games with my wife or driving games and other single player shit I'll get on with friends and play online a couple times a week but it just isn't fun anymore the wild west internet is no more and gaming golden age is over now it's time to relax and hide out