>65 days for GOTY
You did preorder her already, right Yea Forums? It's gonna be badass
Borderlands 3
>Using the word "Badass" in 2019
I got PTSD thank you user
why has she got a chin like a down's kid
Epic's partnership with Chaiwan really boosted their shilling budget, huh?
fuck off randy
>not on switch
its gonna suck
>65 days
Last i checked the game came out in April?
fuck off Randy
Can't wait to support the ultimate B A D A S S Randy Pitchford. Wonder how many millions is he going to shift to his MAGIC company.
>came out
I meant comes out
user this game isn't out until 2020.
>"guns with legs"
Doesn't matter where the money goes as long as we keep getting kickass videogames like this
#shlootaz #whoNeedsFun #Dopamine #POOPY COWABUNGA #SansInSmash #ImPickleRick #FeminismIsAwesome
>Game of the anything
>playing a non-Halo FPS on a console at all
1989 Tiananmen Square protests
pre-ordered 25 copies from the epic store
based tim
I'm not buying anything from dog eating ching chongs, also how you people want to play same thing for fourth time? After 2 hours of pre-sequel I've had enough and deleted it.
The overall slang of these sterile and inoffensive "oh so cool crazeh guys" is laughably boring and, dare I say, uncool.
not badass
Its BADASS to assault your staff when they ask for a standard wage
That was not awesome.
yes already ordered it
>247 days for GOTY
No Borderlands game deserves to be GOTY.
don't tell me they're gonna use her in 3 as well
Gearbox really is obsessed with futas
get fucked losers
>tfw based xbro
They goblinized every single female character in BL3.
Maya looks exactly same except for long hair and outfit
Hope they don't kill of this small Qt villain
Uh no, here's what she looked like in BL2. They fucked up Lilith too, because attractiveness isn't allowed anymore.
>blue lipstick
literally no difference
maybe except now she looks less bitchy
agreed on Lilith tho
How do you do, Fellow Posters!
>Buying memelands three
Is the script still written by a cuck or?
This. Not OK.
Lilith looks good though.
>playing any FPS on consoles at all
If it's exclusive you just don't play it. There's no point.
no they overdid her with details this time around
her face especially, it doesn't with overall simplicity of cellshading graphics and her character
her 2 version was perfect as is
don't bother, weebs are allergic to jaws
anything that didn't undergo surgery is ugly
Nah me and my friends are waiting for GOTY edition Steam release with 75% off
Better coop game is released a week earlier, so I couldn't give less than a fuck about Borderlands
Lets see...
>Put my money into passive income and collect dividends
>Still get the exact same game
>Preorder, the game
>Get no dividends
>Still get the exact same game
I wish they would make the costume events permanently available.
how did she lost her siren powers again i only played the 3 of the borderlands 2 dlc
Who cares, this series died with 2
>not having a lipstick mark fetish
Okay retard.
Borderlands 2 was fun for a while with my sister but good it gets so boring fast and all the dialogue and characters are terrible