Wait a minute... Metroid is a G-GIRL!?

wait a minute... Metroid is a G-GIRL!?

Attached: __samus_aran_metroid_drawn_by_johan_johan13__sample-1e8f2cf8b9f65b143b73dcf3a4212a28.jpg (850x1202, 96K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Her name isn't Metroid you fucking moron, it's Jill

Metroid is also garbage and you only like Samus because you can’t get laid

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she looks like she fucks black guys


and she has a nice ass

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Is it the blonde hair, blue eyes and fair skin?

i really can't tell if this is sarcastic or not

Whew! She sure is!

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When will Nintendo revive Captain N so this lifetime will experience pure cringe?

Next you're gonna tell me Zelda is a girl...

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He is.

Attached: 608f08706720e36d1122cc3cbf1284a4.png (1272x1850, 1.65M)

As soon as they bring back nester

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samus is most certainly not a blank slate. metroid 2, super and fusion/zero mission give way more characterization for this to be a valid point. She is a cold bounty hunter but has motherly tendencies towards the creatures she saves/encounters throughout the series. She has more of a stoic personality, but she's always alone and was raised by fucking bird people so I'm sure she doesn't have the best social skills. And i'm not considering anything from other m

Winning an award for "best female" videogame character is like winning a bush league MVP. If it was a good character she wouldn't need to restrict the competition to only other women.

>Blank slate
Nigger she had her parents fucking die, hell her whole people, cousins, probably her fucking dog too- all die right in front of her as a child, by an alien creature literally known as the god of death, so unholy that it was named after the director of Aliens. That being said, they have tried expanding on her character a bit more. More or less she's like Bungee's Master Chief if you ask me.

You can't tell? Fucking retard

there is literally nothing wrong with sexualized females.

I can't because everything about Metroid it says is true, especially the morbidly obese waifufag fans (like you).

Samus is not a blank slate, but the series would be in a better place if she were.

She's the worst of both worlds: just enough characterization to no longer be an effective cipher for the player, but not enough to actually be endearing.

It looks like Dig Dug stuck a pump in her right asscheek and is blowing it up. Look out, Samus! It's gonna blow!

Samus was supposed to be a badass nature's force character like most shooter protags, she just happens to be a female, and there should be nothing wrong with that, just like how there should be nothing wrong with her being sexy.

ellie isn't a gameplay protagonist, she is just a story character. It isn't specifically her but the story is that people like

have sex

Snoy tranny resetera fag detected

>It looks like Dig Dug stuck a pump in her right asscheek and is blowing it up. Look out, Samus! It's gonna blow!
Be careful what you wish for


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I used to be subscribed to this VAs patron, but she only rarely does kinky fetish shit like this. 99/100 percent of the time it's just "oh God yes cum in my mouth!" and that gets boring fast.

>there's an uncensored version where her suit tears

Attached: fast erection switch.webm (720x404, 127K)

unfortunately there isn't

jill of the jungle?

More like hemorrhoid amirite

but there is

poo in the loo

kys faggot redditor


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Imagine if this was Samus' design next game.

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No fictional character anywhere is owed respect.

Wouldn't it be funny if Samus was a man, haha

Attached: Gasaiv Rule_63 Samus_Aran.jpg (836x1200, 449K)

I miss my ex-bf's fat ass so much


catch aids and buzz off

>is treated with respect by the developers

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fuckin faggot

>Ellie from last of us not sexualized

Attached: 2ec.png (327x316, 208K)

Hyper cringe

I want to passionately mate with Samus in the missionary position while holding hands, impregnate her and raise our beautiful mutant children together and be with her until our twilight years.

oh shit!

Yet another pajeet falseflagger

Instant weight gain is so hot goddamn

Exceedingly based.

Attached: d8d.png (762x612, 242K)

Looks like somebody swapped the Metroid DNA for Kraid's DNA

You are just a pedo bro.

>Zero Suit Samus
Death thread

Attached: 1562034017290.png (654x1135, 618K)

Ellie slobbering all over her lesbian girlfriend is literally used as the primary marketing trailer for the sequel.

Something i will never get with hentais :
0 content with samus, one of the most popular girl
tons of content with shit games like dragon quest.

Metroid doesn't have a fanbase. Fapping to the ZS doesn't count. Nobody actually likes the games. That's why they only post the ZS.

It's about demand. No matter how many quality products are produced in Japan, it will never quite manage to offset the absolute bottom of the barrel shit tier taste of the Japanese consumer base.

You know the rules faggot


I'm not going to pretend I didn't fap to this.

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Based and kippilled

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this is my fetish

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Drop more fats if you have them

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wait, wait, wait.... hold your horses... uhm... YOU'RE A GIRL GAMER?!!?! O_O Not to be a freak, but.. just when I thought you couldn't get more attractive.. you started playing video games. Nicely done, m'lady. You've just become every man's dream woman. If you had missed a couple before, now you can be sure you've got us ALL "drooling", lol.

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Giru bro

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>"user! Get your head out of the gutter and focus on the mission."

Attached: 1518439604218.jpg (1400x1204, 1.11M)

Been subbed to this lad for over a year, great expansion content

Muh realism. SJW's took my ice cream.

How about I get my head in your shithole?

Fatties getting stuck is the best fetish.

I’m still at work so this’ll have to be it.

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It's okay if I jerk off to this right?


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It's getting to the point where I can recognize this guy's works out in the blue now.

I'd post, but I'm at work, myself
Maybe we can get a thread going tonight

>”That IS the mission! Now stop sitting around gawking and get in my ass already!”

I'm reporting this.

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Take a look at this asshole, lads

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>You will never Samus Aran

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one on the left would be based

>aww shit, here we go again

sides already gone

Sucks to have to get down to Dobson level of degeneracy but good BE stuff is hard to come by and first video was amazing, plenty of nuts were had.


>that comic where samus gets stuck in a space pirate vent and they go to town on her ass

You mean tube?


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This is now a tube thread!

Attached: Tuuuubes 2.0.png (300x259, 12K)

Buddy I will harm you

God I love skintight latex on a thicc body.

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No, Metroid is a manly man. That's Sarah Bryant.

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>sexy drawing of video game character
>massive exaggerated torpedo tits
>unnecessarily detailed and juicy vulva
Lol so base. Are we larping as cave men or something?

>Knew Samus was a girl from my older brother even before playing Super Metroid
>Later on in my life the Gamecube comes out
>Playing Melee at my new friend's house with some of his friends
>Someone wins with Samus and says "Man, this dude is so cool, I love his armor"
>Point out that Samus is actually a chick in a completely neutral way
>They disagree with me
>I politely say that she is, and if you play Super Metroid and beat the game you see her without the armor
>He literally denies it and calls me a liar
>This turns into him insulting me, calling me a faggot for wanting Samus to be a girl
>His friend agrees with him
>I tell them they're still wrong and that Samus is a chick and they should just read the trophy in melee
>Both of them, literally, start to punch me
>My "friend" watches in silence as two kids who are older than me beat the crap out of me for like 10-15 minutes, bruising up my face and chest/side (They kicked me a bunch when I was on the ground)
>They force me out of his house and I had to limp home (it was just the next street over, but still)
>I literally got beat up because I told someone Samus was a girl

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give me a name boss

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And what do they think now?

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When the fuck are we getting a space pirate spin-off?

I don't know, I stopped being friends with my "friend" and I never saw those two other kids ever again. That pretty much is the moment I turned jaded and bitter.



lol fucking owned.

>every metroid game but zm/om/sr did better than X and GX
>the first F-Zero sucks
>the worse selling F-Zero is actually the 2nd best in the series behind GX, and that is Climax

>fatposting Samus
>when giantessposting is superior

please i need to know

You can find it easily in under a minute

Why not both?

post the webm where face huggers fuck samus and impregnate her

and if you know it's name you can just tell me

I love Samass!

Attached: SAMUSclr.jpg (1174x1500, 574K)

What's her diet?


Both is also good.

Attached: 1531793172687.jpg (1920x1080, 206K)

>nu/v/ actually falling for shit like this

Attached: 1464464156275.jpg (240x317, 25K)


I think her characterization is enough for her to be endearing. I think the problem is that most characters in media are walking hyperbole that over act in situations. I don't think there really needs to be anymore characterization for a character that spends most of their time alone in a spaceship or on a hostile planet. And again, she's a cyborg that was raised by bird people that spends most of her time exploring. When I go for a walk or a hike, I don't talk to myself or act out, I just put my head down and go about my business. Just like she does when she's on her missions.

Fuck off, Dobson.

>without any muscle definition


this is obviously bait so I'm just going to do a 360 and walk away.

Well there’s this newgrounds.com/portal/view/733299

She doesn't diet

Post more pot belly Samus art that isn't Axel Rosered

Attached: SAMUSUMAS.jpg (1692x1202, 355K)

Someone post the one of an adult captain n kissing Samus


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In case you didn't know, zelda is a girl too.


I don't even have a clue who the character on the left is. Guess she's not as universally acclaimed as you thought.

Attached: who.jpg (237x237, 28K)


This is good gut but the non-plump legs make it look like pregnant art

Attached: preg.jpg (578x1383, 39K)

This artist has a really bad problem with that. He'll draw huge bellies attached to a thin frame that just looks stupid.

It's a shame. Not enough good chubby artists

Already did. You move, incels.

>whiny useless child who's so worthless the rules have to be bent/broken in order to accommodate her without making the experience completely miserable for the player
Actually... Yeah, Ellie is a perfect example of modern women.

To be fair most of the Samus points are true

>implying Ell wasn't sexualized

Attached: file.png (1280x720, 1.44M)

Wait, is she not supposed to be pregnant in that picture? I thought that was the point.

Yh fuck bitches man, they're just things to own

>Sarah Bryant
Into the trash it goes

Nope it's from a weight gain sequence.

holy shit this is so low quality I can't imagine anybody fapping to this, kys fags get some standards

Oh, that's pretty bad, then.

holy shit samus bes basd

Eh, they dropped the ball in other m and they have yet to recover from than.

Like she works better as someone who just is a force of death against her enemies.

Like if the doom guy was a doom Gal, that wouldn’t change anything. Other than fan art perhaps. Same here. Like in halo does the gender of the spartan even matter outside of fan art land? I don’t think so.

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>White girl getting bleached

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rape is cool!

She's fine. She has enough characterisation that she's not a total blank and there's a base to build off of, but not so much that you aren't allowed to fill in the gaps yourself.

Attached: MetroidPictureDiary.jpg (736x398, 44K)

ooooo this didnt age well lmao

girl from last of us, that walking simulator that is very popular because it was advertised as the best story game so people ate that up so. And now they made the main character lesbian and in love with a cthulu monster to pander to people who dont play games.

Yes, Metro Android is a girl.

TLOU is Yea Forums's GOAT.

Attached: 1231615684.jpg (1280x720, 93K)

sent ;)



thanks, rewatched this again


samus is strong... but not that strong
*holds her down*

why is bimbo samus so fucking hot

Not, ACfag but you're just giving the fucker fuel to his fire. I just made a Metroid 5 thread and no one is posting in it, this may be the last time I make a post on Yea Forums about Metroid because you're doing a good job proving to me that none of you were ever Metroid fans, to begin with and you're just fatass weebs who can't can't get a girlfriend and would eat the shit out a corporate company's ass (Gamefreak) just because it has a pretty girl ignoring all the downgrades. Normies are even smarter than you faggots and that's sad. Enjoy your ACfag because this may be the last time I post here, embarrassing.

>I just made a Metroid 5 thread and no one is posting in it
>Look for said thread
>Doesn't exist
Okay fag

Attached: 1560564218466.jpg (1920x799, 212K)

That's because it got archived, and guess what, I'm done talking Metroid here because of it, so enjoy your obscured garbage weebshit Yea Forums, I'm done talking about Metroid here, you're supposed to be Americans, yet you can't even talk about Metroid.

You'll be back tomorrow, ACfag, you're not fooling anyone.

Yes, ACfag will be back, not me, I used to shit on that annoying Canadian, he can shit up this place now, I'm going to go look for a site that actually has real Metroid fans.


How long have you been using Yea Forums? If it was any decent amount of time you'd know that stuff doesn't always get discussed all the time. Sometimes a thread on a topic will get no replies and die, other times it'll get to bump limit with non-stop discussion. There's no reason to flip out about it, it's par for the course.

We are Americans, AMERICANS! This is AMERICAN HOUR! We should be talking about Metroid nonstop, Japan doesn't like, Europe doesn't like Metroid, we're the only ones who keep it alive, yet the only types of Metroid threads you guys can make are this Zero Suit shit and late night threads when everyone goes to bed, I'm done.

Heh. Stay mad, threadlet. Sorry you're not popular.

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>this is all on youtube
What the fuck.

Attached: ok.png (1496x874, 1.11M)

goblin slayer, literally the first 2 mins of the first ep


Goblin Slayer

Attached: Goblin_slayer_and_his_party.png (1000x1376, 2.21M)

Wew lad

So making a little girl kill people with a bow and arrow and gay = well written character/setting standards?