What is the appeal of dark souls 2?

What is the appeal of dark souls 2?

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People who played it as their first Souls game love it because they don't know why Souls games are liked in the first place.
They hail it as their favorite because they think 2 represents the pinnacle of what Souls games are supposed to be like, while not understanding that 2 is the outlier.
Also, PvPfags and contrarians.


More variety to pvp, yet most people just spammed soul arrows anyhow. Shit was legit fun outside of arena at least.

mainly pvp and the continuous need to make new characters. Nearly everything is equally viable in pvp and requires a similar complexity of strategy to win. After all the patching they basically took the satisfaction out of most weapons when it came to pvm so I cant really speak much on that. Felt like the warf was a pretty neat area for souls but most of the game feels like it was made with a modular tile sets like they planned some kind of dungeon maker and scrapped it.


Good post. It also explains the highest metacritic score: journos jumping the bandwagon of liking muh difficult game.

>What is the appeal of dark souls 2?
the multiplayer wasn't complete ass like dark souls 1

It has a particular comfiness to it. Same with demons souls.

More of a high fantasy aesthetic

feels like an rpg that also happens to have a dodge roll

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hows the pvp nowadays, what are the most active invading places

it's strange and has some unique weapons. the designs suck though and don't feel like they fit

Herald best Souls girl
It also had the right idea with letting you dress up that other cute girl
No but seriously, Miyazaki was jealous of all the additions it had that were actually good. Because he left them all out in 3 except for fucking giant seeds

taking PvP seriously with muh 1v1 honourable duels and balancing ruined the series by homogenising it.
demon's souls and dark souls 1 are unbalanced messes but they're that much more fun.

>demon's souls was in development hell
>turned out to be good
>das2 was in development hell as well
>turned out bad

i was severely let down with DS2 on release but I have learned to love it over time like a bad father

its a chill game which i dont mind listening to podcasts while playing because theres next to zero atmosphere anyway

but the gameplay is still solid

No appeal. It fucking sucks. I love FROM to almost obsessive levels but this game looks and plays like ASS.

better balance meant more build variety so that's a good thing usually, but invasions are the only PvP worth a damn and invasions are inherently imbalanced.
honor duels were fucking trash. People would try to host them outside of the arena for some godforsaken reason.

I played and beat Dark Souls while the hype was going on for 2. Played a little of 2 when it first came out, but stopped for some reason. Bought Scholar of the First Sin later and liked it more than the first one and despite owning all three now, I still prefer 2 over 3 and 1.

It's the only Souls game where you can permanently empty nearly all the areas of enemies thanks to limited respawns adding an unique challenge

It has some dumb areas, but it also has some cool areas and the DLC is sick. It has more content than DS1, and isn't a stupid piece of garbage like DS3. It's not the best but I still quite like it.

>better balance meant more build variety
that's why dark souls 3 has all of those different straight sword R1 builds right?
demon's souls had a shit tonne of broken weapons and spells and it was fun as fuck due to that, fuck you and fuck your balancing.

fucking with people in sens fortress with twop or the guardian sword doesnt require much stat investment or a dedicated build by it's fun as fuck.

Imagine if Ds2 had been made first, then Ds1 and then Ds3. People would fucking hate Ds3

Its the only souls game I cant replay. The movement and combat is so floaty and weird. Plus the graphics and atmosphere is shit so it also fails to pull you in its world. I dont understand how anyone can prefer it over any other souls game.

Ds3 isn't balanced you fucking mong
rolling is better than it is in any other game and any other form of damage prevention/mitigation is pointless compared to it.
That being said, the straight sword meta did eventually die out as the game kinda faded.

Has there been a worse downgrade than DS2?

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Hex builds were fun

what is the appeal of making this same niggerish thread every day for 5 years?

dark souls 2 is the only souls game that is actually fun to play. objectively speaking
1 is a clunky joke and 3 is roll spam infinite iframes

it hurts

I don't remove dressing up any cute girls, I need answers!

muh gwafix!!!!!!! dar soules 2 bad bcuz muh gwafik and matthewcucktosis said so!!!!

come to Yea Forums less

Build Variety
Foreign Atmosphere/World
Powerstance and New Spells

So all in all alright in terms of Co-op/PvP.
Bad in terms of single player.

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then the giant seeds got nerfed into worthlessness in 3 because fromsoft are spineless faggots that cater to pvptrannies

Settle down buddy no need to get asshurt

>soul memory
>fun in any way

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nah he added a bunch of stuff from two, like being able to two hand your off hand weapon, although the dualweild system in 3 is trash.

also I kinda want to see tanimura direct an action RPG from scratch, he was also responsible for the final dlc of dark souls 3.

better than the weapon level matchmaking shit in 3 and dsr

>soul memory
I legit don't get how people always mention the online in that game as a plus when soul memory is a thing

>2 hand your offhand
then they ruin it by having no offhand movesets and instead having that useless retarded blocking animation instead

Despite a few shortcomings, it's a mostly good game.

>Foreign Atmosphere/World
How exactly do you figure that?

because soul memory literally had no negative effect on anyone except twinkniggers. 99.9% of the people got matched with the people they should have been getting matched with

>fail to pick up your 200k souls after dying
>now permanently gimped vs your peers in the matching range
and let's not forget
>make a twink
>can't play that twink for an extended amount of time because your soul memory keeps increasing, eventually pushing you out of your intended lowbie range even if you don't level up
was the worst feature of all time in the series

It's a shame too, PvP in 2 was probably the best but SM makes it a fucking joke.

Don't advertise a visually superior product with a neat mechanic then completely shit on it in the final version. But yes, visuals aren't DS2's only problem. The gameplay & world design is still borked.

There's no weight at all behind any of DS2's animations. Even looking at a video of it almost makes me sick.
DS3's movement took some getting used but at least I finally did get used to it.

yeah that's shit, didn't make since in demon's souls, didn't make sense in dark souls, dark souls 2 fixes it, then write back to blocking with a dagger in 3

DaS1 is dated but it still looks good and pleasing to the eye. Playing 2 gives me a fucking headache. Also
>get to bonfire room after boss
>its just a box with repeating textures with no decorations.
For fucks sake, thats the kind of shit I would make in quake 1 when I was 12

I didn't even watch his video until years later.
The graphics aren't the only problem though, but they contribute to the game's absolutely shite atmosphere. Good graphics can save bad world design, and good world design can save bad graphics, but DS2 had neither.

all soul memory does is put a timer on your character. Yeah, it sucks. But, the timer is fucking looong.
The true crime is not having an intact eye orb for invasions.

>dying in a souls game
>200k mattering at all
you'll be like 2 levels behind at most. and the sm brackets are huge after 100k so again that's not even an argument. you just parrot what you hear on veddit without having played the game at all.
>whining that you can't twink
good, that's exactly the intent of the system. just turn on cheat engine if you want free kills, it's the exact same thing. also agape ring in sotfs nullifies this non-argument too

I never really had that bad of a time. I never really ran into twinking faggots either unlike 1 or 3.
I hear people bitch about SM a lot, but it only ever really was annoying after 5+ mill. Then you started seeing lvl200+ when I was at 150.
Annoying, but not awful. Then they wanted to "fix" it with the gaping ring and just brought back the ability to twink.

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Yes, finally an user with a brain. My first impression when playing DaS3 was relief that it actually played good. DaS2 honestly just feels like a Chinese knockoff of a souls game.

you're never gimped in matchmaking because the ranges are so wide, the number of souls it takes to level up is relatively insignificant. Additionally, once you hit the softcap, skill is much more important than stats.

It’s the ugliest Souls title, but it has some genuinely fun locations. And it’s the only one that does sorceries right.

people here whine about soul memory without ever playing the game when it was still new and active. i played both das2/sotfs and 3 when they were both brand new. 3 felt infinitely less lively and more dead on arrival because weapon level matchmaking is the most limiting pile of shit mechanic in any souls game and ruined the das remaster too

DS2 is what you get when a bunch of middleschoolers say "hey you know what would be cool in dark souls?" and just throw fucking everything together.
I'll always be fond of powerstancing grand lances, bonfire ascetics, and healing being gimped for phantoms/during invasions. I'll never be fond of anything else.

No it doesn't. SM is not an ideal system but it doesn't break the game. You're just a baby.

the amount of parroting regarding dark souls 2 on Yea Forums is so astounding that sometimes i do believe this place really is a hivemind. i have 1000+ hours in every souls game but 3, and I've never encountered most of the issues people whine about in 2 or sotfs

I'm saying that DeS/DS/DS2 all had different feeling worlds and creatures. DS3 on the other hand feels like a mix of 1 and 2. Not bad, but nothing new.
If I had to describe it, it's like they took the rotting dragons aesthetic from 1 and made a game around it.

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anyone have that gif of havelfags parryfishing each other with painting guardian's sword?

Dark Souls 2 is different than the rest. It has its own ideas and its own experiences. In some ways, it is inferior, but in other ways, it shows a bit more "soul" than a sequel like Dark Souls III.

The subversion of "Fight the old king dude" that Fromsoftware loves to do is great, plus the idea of seeing multiple kingdoms that have fallen is interesting.

The more personal story of a character trying to find purpose is interesting.

Gameplay-wise, it is different enough to provide a unique experience.

Generally, for me, it's the atmosphere, though. I like all three DaS games, but I think DaS II has the best setting and world lore.

It's true, however I found the base game to be very underwhelming, the DLC areas however are all great

>People who played it as their first Souls game love it because they don't know why Souls games are liked in the first place.
This works better for 3.

should have prefaced that I was talking about Scholar.

DaSII base was a disappointment, but what they did with it afterwards--fixing things up with the resources they had--improved it greatly.

Love the knights blindly attacking the trees in the forest of giants.

I don't know man, Dark Souls 2 is legitimately the most disappointed I've ever been in a video game.
There's just so much WRONG with it compared to the other entries in the series, and it genuinely just doesn't feel good to play. No weight behind anything.
If it felt like Dark Souls 1's gameplay I wouldn't complain as much, but it doesn't.

I still haven't played 2. I've played DeS, DaS 1 and 3, BB and Sekiro now. Just from videos you can tell something is off about it, the movement looks more clunky.

I'm playing the dark souls remaster for the first time (have played the original game a shitload on 360 and pc) after doing 2 full runs of sotfs in coop. and i have to say most of the shit people hate 2 for is just as prevalent and often worse in 1. take gank emcounters for example, people say sotfs is terrible for adding a few, but the channeler + hollows in undead parish are more egregious than any single gank encounter in all of sotfs

It works for both, it's just that the people who played 3 first are zoomers.
Dark Souls 3 is in no way perfect but at least the people who played it first deluded themselves into praising a decent game instead of a shit one.

I was disappointed as well, but that passed as I learned to accept what it was, not what I wanted it to be.

(drone franchise) (number)

you say there is so much wrong, whereas i see all of the things it improved tremendously upon that were subsequently removed in 3. every game has flaws, and none of the souls games are even remotely finished products or without a plethora of flaws. but they're all still pretty good games

can you dark souls 2 fag go one thread without talking about dark souls 3

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Dark Souls 2 has way more problems than just gank encounters.
Also, one of the reasons why I hated the ganks in 2 but found them more tolerable in 1 is due to the unclear animations in 2.
Enemies in Dark Souls 1 have way more choreographed attacks which makes it easy to position yourself so that you don't get hit. In Dark Souls 2, you'll have to roll instead, because most of the enemies are just blobs who will hit you if their attack animation starts when you're close to them.

If necrophilia and scat is a thing, then liking dark souls 2 isn't so far fetched at all. It's the same target audience.

>and i have to say most of the shit people hate 2 for is just as prevalent and often worse in 1.
And Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3. Hell, even Demon's.
It's funny seeing that the complaints about 2 can be used to criticize every single one of these games.


to add to this, what other rpgs or action games came out around dark souls 2? witcher 2? dragon age? lords of the fallen? middle-earth?
would very much rather play dark souls 2 than any of that trash

2 story is retarded from the first cinematic where it implies a male with a wife and kid.
You play as female and the movie you just watched already feels retarded. That game really did nothing right.

not until you dark souls 3 trannies stop making these dark souls 2 threads every day?

please i need my instant win button with infinite iframes like dark souls 3 has!!!!! timing and spacing???? what are those?

Go actually play 1s pvp against someone who knows that they are doing and wants to win and dare call it fun.

It's the Souls series for those people who can somehow enjoy things while turning their pathetic excuse of a brain off and somehow breath at the same time.

The movement IS clunky and the game feels like shit to play. I mean if youre curious go for it but its a hard sell after playing the other games. I can replay DaS1 to this day but trying to replay 2 is an awful experience.

Technically, Dark Souls 2 improves on the things Dark Souls 1 did, but only under the hood. The new mechanics and small changes present in 2 are good, but for me, they get pushed to the wayside due the shit in the way.
I loved Dark Souls' interconnected world, the overall feel of the game, the lore, the animations, the designs, everything. Dark Souls 1 just has way better presentation compared to 2.
Dark Souls 2 dropped the ball on this, and coupled with the floaty and weightless gameplay, I just can't find anything there that appeals to me.
If some mechanics from 2 got into 3 as well, I'd been happy. While Dark Souls 3 is mostly uninspired, I still prefer it to 2, almost purely because of the improved feel of the gameplay, the bosses, and the music. Most areas in Dark Souls 3 are ugly and a slog to get through, but at least they are mechanically well designed. while the areas in Dark Souls 2 feel haphazardly slapped together.

defending bad hitboxes imagine being this gay

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Timing and spacing only applies to the pvp, not the actual enemies.

- Flawed, but actually fucking functional online
- Not a cobbled-together last minute FPS-locked garbage PC port
- Gameplay system improvements over the original
- Wield and smash two clubs simultaneously

Seriously, the original Dark Souls was a fucking mess. But unfortunately, 2's bland world, annoying level design, and fucking soul memory overshadow a lot of that. Now that Dark Souls 3 and the remake of 1 exist there's really no reason to waste your time except as a curiosity.

And despite ALL that, it's still leagues better than the knockoff games like The Surge.

2’a gameplay is anything but floaty of weightless, heavy weapons have never felt better.

>bad hitbox
the hitbox is fine, look at the blade connect with the character model when he tried to roll. it literally fucking hits the character. you're whining that rolling isn't a free win like in 1 and 3

Are you retarded?

DS2 bosses & enemies are so fucking repetitive. Big dude who swing swerd: Dragonriders, Pursuer, Mirror Knight, Lost Sinner, Ruin Sentinels, Velstadt, Giant Lord, Throne Watcher/Throne Defender, Fume Knight, Alonne, Ivory King.
It's only the broken hitboxes that make it a challenge, otherwise they're pretty much all easy to dodge with their predictable, telegraphed attacks. They don't even have any phases to them.

The bosses not like this are either ripped from DS1 or the most uninspired crap (medusa, giant spider, giant rat...) There's probably three bosses with any sign of originality.

My thoughts exactly, couldnt have said it better myself. I'm convinced that people only say 2 is good or even claim that its the best because it makes them a "patrician" or part of some special club or something. Or its just straight up shitposting.

The Surge is better than DaS 2 and 3
t.someone who has played all the souls games and though The Surge would be knock off garbage

>every humanoid boss is the same fight
All the best souls fights are against humanoids, we all know this and this criticism makes no sense.

coming out on Yea Forums is not a good idea my friend

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Except DS2 went for quantity over quality

or maybe because even despite its flaws it's a fantastic VIDEO GAME and no amount of inane whining on Yea Forumseddit changes that

yeah so you're just a tranny nigger pretending to be retarded

but it's ok when 1 and 3 do this exact same thing because daddy miyazaki made it, right? what non-humanoid boss in 1 or 3 was even remotely interesting to fight? gaping dragon? cursed greatwood?

Several humanoid bosses are good quality as well. Persuer (before you can parry), Mirror Knight, Lost Sinner, Ruin Sentinels, Velstadt, Fume, and Ivory are all great fights. I personally like Watcher and Defender, but I can see why people don’t.

getting a shoulder knocked into your head hurts

I don't know what to say because we clearly disagree on this and there's not really anything I can say to change your mind.

Most enemies in Dark Souls 2 have tons of tracking, shit hitboxes, and their animations are piss poor to boot. They're basically just blobs that damage you if you get close.
You can sidestep and circle most enemies in 1 and 3 but that doesn't fly in 2. Either you keep your distance or you roll. If you've got low ADP and you try to roll, your character rolls while your hurtbox stands still, making it even harder to correctly time your rolls.

yes getting chainbackstabbed was pure FUN
fucking b team with that shitty backstab animation doesnt even work lmaoo

dark souls 2 focused on being a videogame that you actually play
however, the souls fanbase is interested exclusively in painting the games as some profound works of art, and in the pvp matchmaking. Nobody actually gives a fuck about the actual single player content and as such, ds2 was a game made for noone

It shouldn't hurt you before the shoulder even touches you though.

there are like 4 somewhat good humanoid boss fights between 1 and 3. and friede isn't one of them

We lost out on that engine because shitbox 360 couldn't get over 20 fps on it.

dilate you dumb bitch this is why you're dad will never love you

>game 0 and 1 try to stand out from the crowd
>game 2 tries to pander to the casual demographic

Have you actually ever tried to space?
Here, have an autistic sperg

God I want to play demon souls again and harass people with my regen gear and scrapping spear.

Dark souls is just gay as shit

its the same engine just downgrade

>dark souls 3 trannies hate 2
>still make threads about dark souls 2 every single day
can you say rent free?

>easier than circle souls 1

m-my narrative!!!!! you weren't supposed to post this!

>he hasn't seen the DSP chart

>Friede isn’t one of them
Someone got fucking filtered by a boss you can backstab, embarassing.

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des, das, and das2 are all distinct and interesting. it's 3 that is the pandering shitgame with no depth or substance whatsoever

>whereas i see all of the things it improved tremendously upon that were subsequently removed in 3.
It's the other way around for me. Dark souls 3 was a massive upgrade.

I never mentioned 3

>gaping dragon?
>A mutilated dragon that tries to eat you with its ribcage. If you chop its tail off it will have phantom limb syndrome

yup, pretty bitchin' fight actually
for DS3, I would say Midir, Oceiros for the non-humanoids. Wolnir was cool conceptually but flawed

that's exactly why she isn't one of them. her fight is literally all flash and no actual difficulty. she's one of the easiest bosses in the game to do with no rolling at all

Observe how he runs past most enemies and still takes lots of damage. He even dies several times.

>it LOOKS cool so that means the fight is good
shifted goalposts or just retarded

He’s a speedrunner, and we’re talking about bossfights
>if a person ever dies in a challenge run, the challenge run is impossible


It is. But 3 is popular so it's bad. Minorities always think they are right.

>dark souls 3 bosses filtering anyone
don't make me laugh, you get infinite iframes and almost every boss can be staggered nigh indefinitely with straight sword r1 spam

Oceiros was fucking garbage and Wolnir was one of the worst fights in the game.

DeS is still the best souls game tho

that's because you like graphics and polish but not actual mechanics or video games

Dark Souls 2 was garbage and forever buried this franchise as a soulless cashgrab in my eyes.

it makes me nostalgic for old 3d wrpgs somehow. it's objectively worse than the other souls entries but there's comfy quality to it. it also has a shitton of build variety so it's more attractive to replay than 1 or 3

>we're talking about bossfights
Never said this. The bosses have some of the most clear animations in the game.
It's the trash mobs and normal enemies which are the problem.

wtf I hate ds2 now

It's a challenging boss with a cool aesthetic. Most of DS2's bosses look like shit and play like shit. They just spammed as much shit as they could and kept hoping the next boss would be the next Ornstein & Smough

Wider variety of weapons and armor
More balanced PvP
Power Stancing
Bonfire Ascetics allowing one to replay bosses they like, and obtain NG+ gear on their first playthrough
Nonlinear world similar to 1
Unique item effects
Slower gameplay that is more similar to 1

hope you meant the dark souls 1 dlc and not 2. the series has been a cash grab since that, since they never intended to make a dlc or port in the first place

Dark Souls 2 was my first DS and I still understand it is an extremely flawed game that wasn't made by the same Team.
It's just idiot and contrarian that defend it so much.

Name one enemy you can’t space and punish in recovery frames. Hell, the legendary spin club knights are one of the easiest enemies in the game to do this with.

I'd bet a lot of money that most people whining about 2 have never played it, or have less than a few hours played

I at least give it a forgivable pass since I enjoyed it, too many seemed to want it and they did at least stop there at only one DLC. They should have only made Bloodborne after that and stopped. Dark Souls being milked perverted the Souls formula and now we have endless soulless indie trash taking elements from these games for their own. It disgusts me.

If you run away from them, basically all of them.
When talking about positioning and such not being very viable, I meant in close quarters engagements, and specifically circling.
It's easier to handle multi-enemy fights in 1 and 3 because the enemies are more choreographed and have less tracking on their attacks which makes circling a good or even great tactic.
Sorry if I was unclear.

Silly, unpretentious and quite fun. I think it's actually better than DS3 that tries too hard too be DS1.

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>demon's souls
unique, interesting, fun
>dark souls
unique, interesting, fun
>dark souls 2/sotfs
unique, interesting, fun
>dark souls 3
bland, uninspired, tired formula

currently playing for the first time after DS1,3 and BB. Bosses feel uninspired and it's really confusing which doors open under what condition but otherwise it's ok gameplay-wise

Circling should unironically be punished, it’s one of the easiest and least interesting approaches to fights. DS2 enemies aren’t even particularly adept at punishing circling with your shield up.

>easier to handle multi enemy fight in 1 and 3
probably because you don't need spacing or timing at all in those games with poise existing in 1 and stamina being nearly infinite allowing for r1 spam in 3

I appreciate the dig at Hbomberguy but this person is also retarded.

nobody likes or plays it, it's one of the garbage contrarian Yea Forums memes

Better PvP, so better replayability. Souls PvP is still trash tho and never should be the focus of the games. Sekiro, Bloodborne and even kinda DS3 went in the right direction: the main game comes first. PvP should be optional content that shouldn't interfere with rest of the game's mechanics and the game should never be balanced around PvP.

Invasions are OK when done well. Duel fags need to be gassed with a combination of toxic mist, dark fog and pestilent mercury.

Every souls game could’ve been GOAT material if it’d had atleast 6 more months of development.

more players still than both versions of 1

ds3 is not even decent. ds2 might be blatantly shit but ds3 is nothing more but a polished turd. and even then the polish is more of a detriment since jank is one of the key elements to the souls formula.

The better replayability isn’t from the pvp, it’s because effort was actually put into making NG+ both rewarding and challenging. Also good buid variety is an offshoot of the pvp balance.

3 had a big focus on pvp though, all of the covenants are pvp oriented even. but the pvp in 3 is putrid shit

is a fun game

Just because 3 clearly had a focus on pvp doesn’t mean they understood how to balance it. The mound makers shows a fundamental misunderstanding of pvp interactions.

Variability. It has most weapons, most possible movesets, most types of terrain, and most bosses.

Based funposter

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>You play as female and the movie you just watched already feels retarded. That game really did nothing right.
you could say that, but what if you were the wife? what if you were the kid? What if that was not even a wife, but a sister or a friend?

Most people I’m familiar with were there at DS2’s launch. Poorest fucking souls were 360/PS3 bros stuck with a shit fuck ugly grey game with really weird design choices that overall didn’t compare to DS1. Dealing with SM, the downgrade, AND adaptability was such a shitty trip that first week of release.
DS1 was nearly perfect beautiful jank because it was still somewhat rushed (see Bed of Chaos) - so it was concerning as fuck seeing DS2 even MORE rushed: Besides build variety and fashion, everything else in DS2’s PvE was a downgrade.

Only people who started with DaS believe the series' main point is the connected world.

It's fun

i played das1 and 2 at launch on 360. both games were completely fine, but 2 did become much much better with the real sotfs versions

>dealing with sm
pretty much proves you didn't play at launch, nobody gave a shit because the game was perfectly active in every area and level range

>they don't know why Souls games are liked in the first place
>while not understand that 2 is the outlier
Maybe its just fun in it's own right, it doesn't need to be a fucking art game. I'm not going to hate 2 just because I liked 1. It tried to be different and you fags didn't like that so you just kept getting more from a one trick pony.

>2 is the outlier
dark souls 2 has a lot more in common with demon's souls than 1 or 3 do. but i suspect you haven't played demon's souls and your first experience with the series was the das1 pc port

>It's easier to handle multi-enemy fights in 1 and 3
It’s only difficult handling multi-enemy fights in DS2. DeS, DS1 and 3, BB, even Shitty Ninja/Sekiro, they’re all more infinitely manageable and why no one complains about them. Limited as fuck stamina usage, weird things like the ‘stricter attack turning’, all lead to DS2 multi enemy fights being tricky to wade through.
Meanwhile the ‘multi enemy bosses’ are easy as fuck. Throne Defender and Watcher will politely alternate taking attacks, looking like a fucking joke compared to Oh & Smoh.

It's fun

Because soul memory fucks over faggots way more than it fucks over people enjoying the game as it was meant to.

>pretty much proves you didn't play at launch,
>play awhile
>stay at a level range my friend can still summon me in just like DS1
>spend minutes trying to see each others signs before looking up SM
Kindly fuck off

not him but it made playing with friends impossible.

if you level up the roll in dark souls 2 it has 4 more iframes than the one from 3.

This is the kind of person that worships these games, he thinks that focusing on gameplay is "pandering to casuals" while focusing on the pretty scenery and dumb ass lore is for "hardcore gamers"
Bloodborne is considered the best by most of the fanbase specifically because it has less options, less builds and is shorter but it has the prettiest gfx lmao
it even runs at 30fps but it's the most "hardcore", for having pretty graphics
Videogames are dead and soulsfags are all hypocrites who pretend to desire a return to 'oldschool' gaming while only caring for superficial garbage

you're literally making shit up. unless you spent 40 hours separately farming enemies you would NEVER be outside each other's sm bracket if you played together in coop

>Bloodborne is considered the best by most of the fanbase specifically because it has less options, less builds and is shorter but it has the prettiest gfx lmao
Also having the most interesting versatile weapon movesets bar-none; DS3 with its weapon arts were a joke compared to them.

Watcher and defender don’t alternate attacks at all.

>you're literally making shit up
Idiot fucking retard.
That was something I got with DS1: No matter how much I played than my friends, I could still coop if I was within level range and often instantly with the DS1:PTD connectivity mod (fucking GFWL).
SM is a stupid retarded idea, especially compared to DS3’s ‘upgrade matchmaking’.

Rewatching the boss right now. One will engage, then a moment later the other comes to attack. Sometimes they’ll both politely backoff for some reason.
This shit has NOTHING on Oh & Smoh’s nonsense shit.

weapon level matchmaking is infinitely worse and more limiting than soul memory ever was, but it doesn't matter for coop in 3 with passwords (doesn't matter in 2 either since the name-engraved ring exists). weapon matchmaking literally kills all online functionality in 3 if you even so much as THINK about going in a different route than you're intended to go in that linear shitheap of a game

Oh yeah, O&S are definitely both more aggressive, but W&D aren’t hardcoded to be that passive. I think the main culprit is when one of them pulls up a shield.

>What is the appeal of dark souls 2?

why are you playing your coop characters solo anyways

It's the best souls game

so it's the perfect game for Yea Forums then. being contrary is literally hardcoded into Yea Forums culture, and if you think otherwise you need to go back to retardera or reddit

The soul range for being matched is like four to five brackets in either direction. You could be several areas ahead and still get summoned. Soul memory is retarded but it isn’t that much of an impediment assuming you are both summoning the other to your worlds.

t. Heineken employee

>bad hitboxes
But that's the series' staple, have you played Dark Souls?

most people here probably haven't at this point. the amount of people that talk up das3 is a good enough indicator

Being contrarian.

Ahh that’s right... my Estus Shard. Thank you for a brief respite on this weary journey Emerald Herald.

Dark souls 2, on release, was by far the worst thing I have played.

Attached: wypipomeme.jpg (552x413, 19K)

dark souls 2 is the closest thing to demon's and the king's field games. dark souls 1 and 3 were just berserk fanfictions

you must not play many games. makes sense considering where we are

>mat_fullbright 1

I just don't play shit games. And I thought dark souls 2 wouldn't be shit, but here we are.
And as foretold, once dark souls 3 came out, the contrarian force latched onto dark souls 2. It's all so boring.

The only focus on DaS2 gameplay is how to make it shittier and more jank

see, contrarian is not an argument and you need to go dilate

>extreme but relevant
ie a completely fabricated scenario that has literally never happened to anybody. and even if it did it would not matter in the slightest because the sm brackets are so wide and forgiving that your level deficit could be made up for entirely without even going into the next bracket

Right, I played “too much more” than my friend and he couldn’t summon me, I know. Still a huge fucking letdown compared to how spoiled I got for DS1.
>weapon level matchmaking is infinitely worse and more limiting than soul memory ever was
Someone who acquired then lost a billion souls will be matched with someone who acquired then spent a billion souls. Extreme but relevant comparison.

As expected. Take this last (You).

Attached: 1394501347196.gif (390x293, 2.49M)

No. I'm still seething.

Attached: ds2_e3_2.png (1143x607, 716K)

struck a nerve, tranny?

>ie a completely fabricated scenario that has literally never happened to anybody
Missing the point. Why would you match players based on souls acquired, not spent?

on a side note, how does anyone here feel about stuff like the surge? i tried it out thinking it would be a lame clone
it played more like european bloodborne than dark souls, and i actually enjoyed it a lot. this honestly surprised me considering the last game they made (lords of the fallen, which i also played) was pretty shitty.

My nigga fucking BENHART
>getting willies intensifies

Witcher 3 and Dark Souls 2 are far and away the biggest ones.

>missing the point
you didn't have a point to begin with, just made up anecdotes that didn't actually happen. and why would you match players based on their weapon upgrade? how does that even make sense logically in game? "little timmy found more rocks than me so I'm not allowed to play with him anymore"

I just don’t feel like I’m fighting two guys, just one guy who has some follow up attacks and a wonky hitbox to attack. Aggroing multiple enemies on accident always feels more random, while this pair and the ruin sentinels feel like they had to be designed to ‘hold back’ their aggression from two or more mobs.
I’ll watch the gargoyles next.

The only souls game that I enjoy the new game + since is the only one that add a lot of new stuff in 1 and 3 the only excuse you have to play new game + is for pvp and +rings also Dark souls 2 have a n Arcade feeling whit all the mini secrets like the invisible hollows and hidden butterflies

Is this the thread where we're implying the woods in Souls 1 looked good and not like total garbage as well, just hiding behind a masqueruade of darknses and blur?

Im pretty sure everyone was maxing their character and atleast passing the 50 million sm mark so when you got into pvp you were anywhere from level 300 to 780
Not to mention the loops with the tree giant you could do with ascetics. Maybe 10% of my encounters in my 400 hours in ds2 were people spamming arrows, but with great magic barrier it was easy to just facetank.

>>missing the point
you didn't have a point to begin with,
I just literally broke it down for you the sentence after your greentext. But you know that, and given that you made no comment on it and you’re doing this:
>and why would you match players based on their weapon upgrade? how does that even make sense logically in game?
PROVES you have nothing, because it’s just as abstract and ‘no sense making’ in game as SM. The point of both is to match players closer to their power and skill level, SM was just super retarded with it.

Weapon Level stopped the max upgraded weapon in the first area twinking, its pretty lenient otherwise with a downward range of +2 and an upward range of +3

So even if Little Timmy found more rocks for a +5 weapon, and Little Scrub is stuck with a +4 the two can still co-op and carry Little Scrub, or invade.


The Good, and why it's the best game in the series
The most fun weapons / spells
Covenants / online functions actually fucking worked unlike DS1 and Demon's Souls
Comfiest hub
The environments were the most fun to explore in the series
Has the best side quests

The bad
Shit graphics
Bizarre theme park-like world design

Some people complain about muh enemies not respawning and muh soul memory but that shit never impacted me with over 200 hours played

and that's different than sm how? the soul memory brackets were enormous for a standard player. do you really think you'll hit 45 million soul memory in 1 playthrough? even if you kill every boss and enemy to extinction with all soul increasing gear on you won't even break 10 million without going into ng+ cycles

Ironically 2 was the first I played in the series, bought it on launch, and I fucking hated it. To this day it's my least favorite game in the series.

Ambience, story, balance, replayability, best enviroments, best secrets, best mp, best fashion, best lightning, most content, best DLCs, best MC

dark soul 2 bad because my eceleb daddy said so

Yes its different, you can choose to stay in your SL and Weapon level bracket. Not punished for it either like with DaS2's retarded "you need a consumable to invade" pvp.

>But user you can just do arena or hunt CREOs
or just not play a shit game, with shit mechanics, and play a good game with an infinite use Eye Orb you can get in the first area of the game

>and that's different than sm how?
It matches based on upgrade level AND player level. You can’t be a SL1 with a +10 getting match with 120’s with max weapons. Meanwhile, DS2 is solely ‘souls acquired’.

People say it has more "build variety" but honestly, that's kinda bad.
Fighting casters in this game is cancer as fuck. They all have this one random aoe move that they can just spam. Not to mention buff builds were strong as fuck, AND poise had the worse mechanics in this game.

The game is fucking hard. It is easily the hardest one of the three. I like it, personally.

yeah I'm sure you have plenty of multiplayer activity at sl1 +10 weapon. which is the entire point of this argument, whether sm affects multiplayer options in any real way unless you are specifically twinking. here's a hint, it doesn't

Witcher 3 and Anthem were pretty yuge.

pvp, fashion, powerstancing, variety of equipment, best DLC in the series.

Also I like ADP as a stat

I played all three on respective releases
2 is my favorite
most playtime, most memories with friends
had a lot of soul
>is your fucking ring on

>fighting casters is cancer
better than 1 and 3 where playing a caster in pvp is worthless aside from poise stacking dark bead spamming in 1.
>buff builds were strong
and in 1 they were hilariously broken. ever fight someone with a darkmoon blade falchion that hits you for 900 damage per swing?
>poise had the worst mechanics in this game
poise was completely fucking ridiculous in 1 and made both pve and pvp absolutely trivial. and in 3 it does nothing at all (and don't say "but it increases hyper armor!" because hyper armor is entirely weapon dependent and has nothing to do with poise)

>better than 1 and 3 where playing a caster in pvp is worthless aside from poise stacking dark bead spamming in 1.

to add
blue longsword

Attached: 236430_screenshots_2014-10-11_00003.jpg (1920x1080, 553K)

>and don't say "but it increases hyper armor!" because hyper armor is entirely weapon dependent and has nothing to do with poise
Check out this blazing fucking retard over here. They changed it in a patch, every weapons hyper armor now heavily relies on poise. If you're wearing light armor, a GS can poisebreak your UGS

I miss powerstancing. The one thing I felt DkS3 fucked up in not bringing back.

I played 1 first when it came out on xbox and liked 2 more so this logic is flawed

I played all the games since DeS at release. 3 was a bit underwhelming but I always think that it's what DaS2 should've been (assuming that DaS even needed a sequel in the first place, which it really didn't).

3 manages to strike a fine balance, it's clearly linked to the original but at the same time the environment feels new. 2 feels like a weird spinoff that's barely related to the original while adding fan service that doesn't even make sense in-universe. It genuinely feels like Bootlegs Souls to me. And at least DaS 3 has a decent ending (and no I don't give a shit if the DLC/re-release ending of DaS2 is less shit, I stopped caring by that point).

Overall they should just have continued creating independent games like DeS, DaS, BB and Sekiro. DaS didn't need a sequel, let alone 2.

>which is the entire point of this argument
The entire point hinges on the question you blatantly ignored:
>Why would you match players based on souls acquired, not spent?
And had no answer to and then tried to compare it to weapon level + soul level matchmaking, as if SM WASN’T blatantly more retarded.
DS1 matches you based on level, DS3 does it by level and weapon upgrade level, while DS2 simply matches based on ‘acquired amount of souls’.

Poise in 1 literally didn't matter since backstabs would always work the same regardless of armor.

It hurts so fucking much, I was unbelievably hyped for 2 and to see the entirety of every trailer having been a life hurt me bad
Kill yourself redditor scum

>better than 1 and 3 where playing a caster in pvp is worthless aside from poise stacking dark bead spamming in 1.
Honestly good. I don't want to fight casters in PvP, I'd rather it just be a PvE thing. This is DaS3 greatest boon in all honestly.

i knew your dumb fucking faggot ass would say this. yes i know about the "changes" they made. and how they are applied. It still does not change hyper armor being entirely weapon dependant. poise isn't stopping you from being staggered out of attacks that don't have an appropriate level of hyper armor, ever. weapon arts are the most egregious example of this, as even some straight sword weapon arts are uninteruptable no matter your poise and poisebreak ratings

I just don't give a shit.
The game was fun and enjoyable from start to finish.

Attached: hfg5.jpg (1920x1080, 360K)

Not to mention they fucked up scaling to the point where they had to include TWO rings just to fix it.

Witcher 3 is not nearly in the same ballpark and at least it was purely esthetic and didn't really change anything gameplay-wise.

The whole torch mechanic is basically rendered useless in DaS2 because of the downgrade. The only exception is in the gutter where they cranked the visibility way down.

>thinking a poise stacking sorcerer cares about backstabs
they can back themselves into a corner and spam dark beads and literally drink estus right in front of you as you spam r1s on them

Poise in 2 worked like it didn't work___________________________________________________________________________________________

I liked dedicated dual weapons more, I think it is more balanced to make you choose between a dual weapon or one that can be 2 handed.

>poise isn't stopping you from being staggered out of attacks that don't have an appropriate level of hyper armor, ever
Yes it fucking is. Dumbass. If you have enough poise, you can go through GS attacks with a fucking mace without even activating perseverance. I get the feeling that you never even played DaS3 if you're saying blatent bullshit like this.

>Power stances weapons
>weapon/spell variety (dual wielding, left hand weapons actually useable)
>Cool backstab/parrys/guard breaks
>Nerfed backstab so they aren't as broken as 1
>Covenants actually worked and were interesting

I can see why some people like it but despite all of this I still can't stand the trailing hitboxes and weird walking/sprinting.



Oh, I get it and all but I did love how I could chose what to dual wield. It was more of the aesthetic aspect of powerstancing that appealed to me. Though now you mention it, the dedicated dual wielding weapons of DkS3 were pretty cool.

A sequel should improve things, not make them worse. Besides DaS2 hitboxes are more obviously bad, I think mainly because of the modified roll mechanics and because enemy's tracking is massively improved (so much that some enemies appear to hover while they rotate to hit you). On top of that some animations are really shoddy and make the problem so much more obvious, like

>appropriate level of hyper armor
you might want to learn to read

Laughing at all the ridiculous shit they got away with.

Attached: QUALITY architecture.jpg (1920x1080, 828K)

The Agape ring is the ultimate sign that the DaS2 team knew they fucked up big time. It was basically a bandage to the horrible system that was SM.

do you soulsniggers ever get tired of having the same exact threads verbatim every single day? literally for 10 fucking years now every souls thread has been exactly the same

I never understand it when fans of ds2 point out vendrick as some kind of subversion.
Unless you've never played a dark souls game/can't pick up on context clues its not exactly some big reveal.
On top of that not only can you still fight him you fight multiple other kings throughout the game and dlc.
The only thing that really separates him from gwyn is that the dlc made him an npc and gave him a quest line.

don't forget the infamous roadblock

so patching in a perfect fix for whiny twink faggots like agape ring is bad, but patching in "poise" a year later in das3 is fine?

>demon's soul is about teleporting to worlds
>das2 has the same world fuckery
>"das was always about a connected world and never about cheap deaths"
guess what moron, you're wrong, DeS was a hit because it shat on fairness at every turn, between enemies placed behind doors, making the first boss area with pillars for an obvious hiding place but doesn't stop the boss' attack, the skeletons aren't slow and weak but nimble and fast
I think you're the one who don't understand

>Poise is weapon dependant
Do you not know how to keep track of what you, yourself have said? If poise really didn't do anything, you wouldn't be able to tank heavy attacks with lighter weapons because the weapons have they're own HA value. But since it does, you can stack it and poise through shit you weren't able to originally at release.
You seem to partially retarded, I suggest you rethink your arguments and come back when you've made one of worth.

don't forget the infamous sen's gate with giant holes in it that even siegmeyer could fit through

I guess, but its how you twink in this game and thats fine. one less ring for infinite noob slapping.

Poise in one is what allowed people to circle for backstabs without consequence and turned many PvP encounters into danceoffs

>Minorities always think they are right.
Isn't 2 the best selling game? Looks like you are the minority, tranny.

The power of a small pile of rubble is far greater than even the grandest soul

A perfect fix would be removing the system all together instead of adding in a must have ring for invaders so they don't end up fighting lvl 500 Dark Weapon Havels.

so you didn't learn to read and instead doubled down. typical really

and even if they take out the roadblock, one could just logically go off-road and find a way around the Shrine of Winter

also the highest rated game in the series

It's a pretty fun game. Flawed for sure, but all of the Souls games are flawed in some way.

DaS1 has probably the best game-world and is solid fundamentally in terms of gameplay, but it definitely has its bad moments and feels a bit sluggish to play after playing Bloodborne and DaS3.

DaS2 has really great ideas and executions on those ideas (Powerstancing, DLC content, Build variety, better caster archetypes) and also some really shitty stuff (Environments, lore/story, adaptability, combat can feel kind of janky in a hard to describe way).

DaS3 has by far the best and most smooth gameplay along with the most impressive boss design and visuals, but it is very different from the first two games in the sense that it is a lot faster paced and less punishing. Also there's a lot of fanservice for the first game, which could be seen as a good or a bad thing depending on who you are.

I've enjoyed each game more than the last in the series, but DaS2 is definitely the black sheep of the series. You could easily change the name and rebrand it as a Souls knockoff and it would be still just as fun, but not have the stigma around it being so overhyped as a mainline Souls game.

>wants to invade new players with his minmaxed +10 weapon twink constantly with no risk or repercussion ever
sounds like soul memory did its job perfectly

DaS1 pvp is all about backstabs anyway, even without poise. The greatest tech is 1 is literally baiting someone into a "false" backstab so you can roll out of it and backstab them.

>demon's soul is about teleporting to worlds
Different lands in the same world, the map for world tendancy helps to sell this.
>das2 has the same world fuckery
Maybe but it feels way more uninspired and lazy. There’s like twenty different things they could’ve done at the top of earthern peak and none of them happened.

By that logic fallout 3 is the best fallout game

3 felt like scraps of DaS and Bloodborne mashed together.
I appreciate 2 for trying something different.

This isn't even about twinking, it's just regular invading. And anyway, SM was probably the hardest on new players since they would either die and lose they're souls or gouge them into the soul protection ring. Either way they would be underleveled for that SM range.
SM couldn't even accomplish the one thing it was intended to do, It just fucked everything else.

It was a best seller because it was a follow up to an incredibly popular best seller.

Yeah but if you didn't have poise you wouldn't be able to backstab and just get stun locked to death so it did matter in ds1

>DeS was a hit because it shat on fairness at every turn, between enemies placed behind doors, making the first boss area with pillars for an obvious hiding place but doesn't stop the boss' attack, the skeletons aren't slow and weak but nimble and fast
3fags don't understand this. If you started this series with Demon's and truly enjoy it (and aren't a fake fan like FagthewMcuckus), then you likely enjoy Dark Souls 2.

3 is the best selling game in the series anyway, lmao.

Attached: comparison.jpg (1911x2146, 748K)

But it's THE best selling one.
If 3 was so good, shouldn't it have doubled the sales of 2?

it had interesting mechanics and actually tried being different and interesting
souls 1 was a remake of demons souls, but lower quality and suffered from hype
souls 3 was a remake of bloodborne only using the same formula and format as the last two so was doomed to fail, no matter how many fanwanks they forced in there
bloodborne is casual as fuck but for the first hour you feel great in gothic yharnam until you realise its basically five streets and that's it, but faggots won't stop creaming over it because it doesn't have souls in the title
but out of all of them, dark souls 2 tried the most, which is why people hate it because they're hurr durr normie faggots who dislike thinking

more made up anecdotes that didn't affect anybody. guess we're done here

>but the channeler + hollows in undead parish are more egregious than any single gank encounter in all of sotfs
That's a lie and you know very it is, the hollows die in one hit, you can't say the same thing about any gank encounter in DS2 unless you're extremely overleveled
Also see

>If you started this series with Demon's and truly enjoy it (and aren't a fake fan like FagthewMcuckus), then you likely enjoy Dark Souls 2.
I enjoyed immensely while still putting it at the bottom of every tier list; it’s fun but I can understand people skipping out on it.

Soul memory failed at the one thing it tried to because of what
Said. It's a bad system that honestly wasn't thought out properly and didn't make any sense.

You moron, no one mentioned fairness. My favorite convenant was the rat convenant since it pulled people into your trap infested world. I then poisoned them and watched them panic while shooting bolts at them.

why do people STILL whine about shit in vanilla das2 when sotfs fixed a vast majority of it? nobody treats das1 or 3 that way, they judge the finished products and never mention how completely broken pre-patch dark souls 1 was, or how 3 had so many fucking patches and rebalancimg that it's hardly the same game it was on release

>guess we're done here
Before answering this?Please see yourself out.

Softs didn't fix anything.

SM constantly pushed new and bad players into soul brackets they weren't ready for

bone fist

why is it called n64 woods

Imagine watching hundreds of thousands of user having fun playing a game and being completely dumbstruck as to how they can enjoy it

maybe you don't belong here

geometry and fog

The area looks like it belongs in the previous console generation instead of the then current it was from.

>fixed a vast majority
It fixed fuckall and instead put in new issues like nonsensical enemy placement.

Attached: 20170428191800_1.jpg (1920x1080, 415K)

First off saying sotfs fixed everything is laughable.
Second if you're playing on last gen consoles you don't even get the changes even if you buy the scholar edition.
Personaly having played both I much prefer the original over scholar even if it looks like old vomit half the time.

its literally the same as ds1


Attached: 60$ game in 2014.jpg (1920x1080, 407K)

>he doesn't know

literal parrot hivemind niggers. post your playtimes

no, it didn't. sm brackets were massive like I've already fucking said. it wasn't like you got suddenly got paired with level 387s as a level 10 because you went from bracket 80k to bracket 100k

idk that looks more ps2 than n64

remove all of the depth of field and filters from 1 and it looks exactly like this

It's the least popular Souls games, so claiming it as my favorite makes me appear deep and mysterious.

Softs has the be the worst thing they did with souls in forever.

Attached: D_H_BnaXsAUYIrB.jpg (1920x1080, 224K)

>least popular
consistently has more players than bother versions of dark souls 1, often combined

and your reason for thinking that? and if you whine about muh enemy placement you're getting immediately dismissed

By that logic DS3 is the most popular Souls game by far, yet few people would actually say it's their favorite.

>Say something retarded
>get called out for it
>claim the fact several people called you on your bullshit means something other than that you're retarded
So this is the power of Yea Forums

3 is the most popular by far. did you really think Yea Forums is the only place that people know of souls games? 3 is every normalfaggots favorite game, and for most of them it was their first as well

Attached: a6Ow4oq_700b.jpg (500x294, 27K)

>If you whine about flaws, you're getting dismissed
Lmao, okay? Aside from that, It also just forced everyone into buying the new shiny version of this if you wanted to play online, which is garbage on multiple levels.

muh grafix is not a real complaint against sotfs. everything else was an objective improvement, and even the lighting was vastly improved and is even better than 3's shit lighting system by far

i enjoyed it more than ds3 because it tried to do something new even though it took 5 steps backwards. plus coop was fun

>if I remove all the reasons the first game doesn't look this awful it'll look just as shit as the sequel that should've been visually superior


>What's wrong with it
>Aside from whats actually wrong with it of course

how are the new enemy placements bad? give a reason beyond parroting
>have to buy a new version
it's ok when 1 does it though

DS2 NG+ is the best Souls-experience I've had

PVP, the DLCs, no-death/no-bonfire runs, co-op with friends is easier because of small signs.
I emphatically hold it as the worst of the 3, but between base 2 and Scholar I have more hours in it than 1 or 3. You can get a lot out of it if you try.

Attached: 1560919330921.png (738x499, 394K)

It was so bad they were forced make a 3rd one

it has the best waifu

and that's sweet shalquoir

>muh sotfs enemy placements are too haaaaaaard
>I'm too fucking mentally impaired to not run full speed through an area attracting all of the aggro and getting myself cornered like a retard nigger ape
>I'm too fucking braindead to use a ranged weapon or consumable to draw aggro in a manageable manner
>I'm too fucking moronic to think for even 1 second
dark souls 2 haters really are fucking retarded

>it's ok when 1 does it though

To be fair people were calling out of that bullshit as well.

Maybe because they're bullshit and didn't make sense?
In all the other souls games, enemies would give you some type of hint that they were there. In 2 they just pop out from anymore because souls is le hard game for true gamers Xd

>SotFS putting the dull ember immediately after fucking penetrator
Holy shit why

>All this shit you have to do that wasn't even an issue in 1 or 3
Damn, does 2 really have it THAT bad?

holy fuck you have some severe selective memory. i can think of a dozen times in dark souls 3 alone where that happens

>1 and 3 are good because i can spam r1 and win!!
>look mommy i beat the infamous DARK SOULS by wearing havel armor and spamming the attack button

See and

Is this dude who can't capitialse his letters the most obsessed DaS2 autist on the planet?

Having a second slower but stronger moveset on each weapon doesn't really make it interesting. Even with then it still loses to Souls in variability. And if you factor in DaS2 power stancing BB is a toddler's activity center level of depth.

what kind of tranny nigger cares about punctuation on Yea Forums?

Wow I just noticed it. It actually is the same guy, lmao.

>Dark Souls 1 have way more choreographed attacks
not sure anons will care but the parry animations prove this


It feels like King's Field 5. I love it.

Who is the same guy you schizoid faggot?


I didn't like it when it came out and I still probably won't replay it now, but I think it's unique in that it feels like a shitty budget NES game brought to life in a 3D environment. All of the shittyness seems perfectly crafted to make you upset.

Woah, is this a new screenshot from Pokemon ShSw?!? Lookin pretty fuckin good, Matsuda! Color me impressed!

Attached: 1555000567613.png (559x575, 261K)

Nigger des is the most imbalanced shit and has probably the most varied, individually unique meme builds in the series, precisely because everything is fucked.

Better combat than 3

Why do you faggots pretend Ds2 tried to be something new? They ripped so much shit from Ds1 it isn't even funny

Attached: ds2o3.png (1187x1500, 1007K)

I will never understand why people complain about Soul Memory when the Agape Ring literally fixes this while also giving you a good challenge.
You want to pvp? Put on the Agape Ring, get fucking good and play up to where you want to invade (Dragon Aerie for example) and then just invade to you hearts content.

Things DS2 did right:

>weapon infusion
>left/right equality, can use anything in either
>dual wielding literally anything provided you have the stats
>pre-patch faith actually being good for once

I'm not complaining about graphics nor do I care about them, for gods sake I'm playing on the ps3. And I greatly prefer it to scholar.
All Scholar did was make it look pretty and spam the copy paste tool. I'm not saying its bad but did you really like
>Endless npc invasions
>Even more fboy roadblocks
>Swarms of shit everywhere
All while doing nothing to fix shit like
>Broken/ just shit bosses
>Brain dead enemies
>Wonky pathing
>Frigid outskirts

DS2 is my favorite and yet I started with Demon's Souls
It's my favorite beacuse it's like a goofy parody of the Souls Games with a good amount of corniness and kitsch, it's like it knows that it's a parody of its own franchise. Pure ludo.

Attached: 1537907652724 (1).png (300x577, 134K)

>Having a second slower but stronger moveset on each weapon doesn't really make it interesting
Right, but switching between them constantly through switch attacks is, and the parry becomes another attack if you end up two-handing a switch weapon.
>Even with then it still loses to Souls in variability
>And if you factor in DaS2 power stancing BB is a toddler's activity center level of depth.
Just because I can play dress-up and choose what weapon my R1 string looks like doesn’t make the immediate gameplay more interesting.
Don’t get me wrong, the appeal is there but Sekiro kind of showed this huge gap growing between people wanting an action game with a Souls flavor and the people wanting a stronger RPG focus; zero RPG depth with more interesting fights than any Souls.

But I don't understand. All the other souls games let me do that without a ring...
Why does DaS2 have to be so obtuse and clunky?

>That one fight that's just Ornstein again

It's more like a conventional WRPG than DS1 or DS3. More open-ended builds and variety between them.

It's still shittier than 1 and 3 though.

muh eceleb say dark souls 2 is bad so me say that too

Weapon infusion annoys me so much. It made so many things in DS2 "viable", especially boss weapons which would have been pure trash otherwise (like in the rest of the series outside quelaag's in ds1 and stuff in des).

More variety in nearly everything compared to the other games. Environments, builds, enemies, etc.

Imagine making such a bad mechanic players have to stop themselves from gaining souls just to circumvent your shit design.

Exploration. Curiosity. Always trying to survive various situations. Same reason why I played the other Souls games. Just wanting to know what's around the nex corner, what's up the next ladder, what's over the next wall, what's through the next door. Dark Souls 2 was full of pleasant surprises. And the world was structures as such, that it made wandering a joy.

Fucking this, just because you added a work around to your shit mechanic doesn't make it less shit

It has the most fleshed out rpg elements and combat doesn't matter in rpg games. DS2 is like a wrpg from early 00s.

Because they wanted to keep unskilled faggots who dont actually know game mechanics or how the online system works from twinking.
DS3 is an even worse version of soul memory because it goes off of all the gear you own, regardless of whether or not your wearing it or even have it in your inventory meaning you can end up matching with people 50 SL higher than you just because you upgraded your Yort mace past +2

>having to give up souls and a ring slot in order to endlessly shit on new players with unupgraded gear
seems fair enough. if you don't like it just edit your level with cheat engine

>b-but she's a scorpion with MAGIC! it's completely different from a spider with pyromancy!
I guess it worked, ds2fags think it's something new when in reality it's actually just asset/concept recycling

Attached: ds2o2.png (1187x1500, 1.4M)

Fucktons of builds and fun pvp.

>games can have dozens of dragons without anyone screaming that it's unoriginal or boring
>DS2 has a couple bosses similar to DS1 and everyone loses their mind

it's ok though when 3 literally reuses the exact same assets

>maneaters from DeS compared to gargoyles in DS1
>DS2 steps it up by using the same fucking theme and sounds

psychologically it does you retarded asshat

Eh Reh Eh Reh Eh Reh Eh Reh Eh Reh

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I hate your twitter meme format but I agree.

>Aside from the new animations
>Aside from the new model
>Aside from the new skins
>Aside from the new enemy behavior
>Aside from the new area
>Aside from the new attacks
>Aside from all that, IT'S EXACTLY THE SAME
ok, bub.

Reusing dragon assets is just as retarded

Attached: ds2o1.png (1187x1500, 901K)

>remove graphical features from the better looking game and it looks like the worse-looking game
You don't say?
Also I doubt it. 1 had more to it than DoF and filters.

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The concept is exactly the same down to the mute sis- i mean BROTHER that requires a ring to speak to

Why do you think this is all about shitting on new players? SM does damage even in late game pvp, where too many souls has you matching up against people with way more shit then you level wise.

Are you talking about the drakes? There have been only a few actual dragon bosses and they are all pretty different.

>DS3 is an even worse version of soul memory
*Improved. SM is souls ACQUIRED, not spent. If it was Souls spent it might’ve been a bit better, but it would still think spending 50k on arrows is the same as spending it on levels.
DS3 does it on weapon level AND soul level.

How on earth are they ripoffs of each other besides being dragons?

And how many "asides" would you like with your comparison?

>let’s have the final boss to our first DLC to the game ALSO a wounded dragon with a similar moveset

and the scorpion is pretty different from qualaag

they're bitching about the design which is what I'm getting

fuck i'd totally forgotten about this

Its almost like that's a concept ALL THREE GAMES DID.

>But he can fly around shoot down fire balls degrades wepons and uses poison

I played it as my first souls game and hated it. In face i hate all those bullshit games now and refuse to buy another one. Fromsoftware can fuck off untill they make another Armored Core game.

>Same exact body type (clearly the same rig)
>Spear in the same exact spot as Kalameets arrow
>1 for 1 copies of attacks pasted over
>lacks proper concept art for obvious reasons
gee i wonder how they're similar at all

>sequels are utter derivitive shit trash
So you can understand why I’m worried for Elden Ring.

>gargoyles, but like more
>ornstein, but like alone
>quelaag, but like scorpion
>sif, but like a rat and he has more rats
>valley of defilement: part 3
>any truly new location is "looks nice, plays like dogshit"
>"so picture a location: it's a castle"
>same fucking npcs again, 1000 years later

>b-b-b-b-but i-i-i-its okay when 3 does the same??????
3 is garbage as well you crackheads
ds2fags should be gunned down

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to add Kalameets concept art was white and looks almost identical to sihn

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Bonfire ascetics
I have no idea why they didn't put them in DS3, Bloodborne and Sekiro.

You forgot
>Ornstein, but like Ornstein

Will the Souls series ever recover?

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It's better than 3 at least

Still, Dark Souls 1 is still the best Fromsoft game

>art design going in a more retarded final fantasy-esq direction than DS2

no fucking thank you. I think From has lost it


>Is this dude who can't capitialse his letters the most obsessed DaS2 autist on the planet?
Says the tranny that can't spell.

The only thing I can think of is infinite item farming that fromsoft was too lazy to balance

The Witcher 3

But then DaS is trash because it ripped off Demon's.
Therefore, Demon's Souls and Bloodborne are the best games.

Attached: based cdpr.gif (1280x714, 1.09M)

As many as you can give me

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the water is even more embarrassing

>Final boss
That's where you're wrong

>dark souls 2 has a lot more in common with demon's souls than 1 or 3 do. but i suspect you haven't played demon's souls and your first experience with the series was the das1 pc port
You're probably correct.
But somehow 3fags are convinced that their game is the closest to DeS.

>Aside as Tark being male compared to female.
>Aside from Tark being a summonable NPC with new animations.
>Aside from Tark having an entirely new model
>Aside from Tark lacking any kind of covenant
>Aside from Tark lacking any kind of servant.
>Aside from Tark's different backstory.
>Asid from all that, THEY'RE EXACTLY THE SAME.
ok, bub. I guess only one "taur" type creature is allowed to exist, otherwise it's a complete rip off.

Look, I've no doubt that they reused the old rigging and all that. But honestly, when everything is else is remade from the ground up, along with new animations, then how can you really fault them for using a time saving measure?

Are we only criticizing DaS2's reused concepts? Or are we allowed to comment on how much stuff DaS took directly from DeS?

>if it's not berserk plagiarism then i don't like it!!
you're miyazaki's target audience

nah i played it second and while 1 felt like casual faux hardcore garbage for edgy zoomers 2 felt like a weird janky game from the ps2 era that actually tried to be fun

Attached: DARK SOULS™ II_ Scholar of the First Sin_20180921034154.jpg (3840x2160, 609K)

even more egregious is how much 3 took from 1 and 2 (and des to a lesser extent). only like 10% of them items and equipment in 3 is actually new content. the rest is reused from previous games

Quantity over quality, some people like that.

Ds1, 2 and 3 were their roughest and most blatantly rushed games and they’re all published by Bamco. I think that’s their secret shitsauce so I’m not looking forward to it; if it comes out and it kicks ass I’ll get to be appropriately surprised.

1 was never meant to be some "hardcore" challenge. That's just what the marketing and dumb fans stuck onto it.

That’s why the jump from DeS to DS1 was so nice, similar fantasy world with completely new assets from the ground-up. I was hoping to see the same from the sequels, but...

Demons souls was not actually that great though

for its time it was godlike, yes.

wonder how many people think shit like the prisoner's chain and morion blade are dark souls 3 items

Why do they even have fully modelled mouths if they don't move, anyway, in any of the games?

>similar fantasy world with completely new assets from the ground-up
HAHAHAHA WHAT?! DaS takes so much from DeS, it's insane they got away with it legally. From animations to concepts, to even lifting characters wholesale like Patches.

>it wasn't meant to be hardcore they only said it was and sold it to zoomers
ok, yeah i know its not hardcore its pretty fucking casual all things considered

Bloodborne is crazy rushed too
The story in bloodborne is such a mess because of cut content


Contrarianism or it was your first Souls game

>DaS takes so much from DeS, it's insane they got away with it legally.
>it’s still INFINITELY worse in the sequels
Bamco was a mistake.

DaS shipped with DeS concept art in their collectors edition, that's a whole new level of asset reuse

Attached: file.png (482x698, 472K)

That’d be DS3. Bb’s cut content is super alpha content before they knew what the story was going to be and how it was going to be told, and some cord description patched near launch.

fucking wish they'd just make chromehounds 2

I'm sure they contributed to the issues, but Fromsoft has a long track record of making dogshit games with reused assets. They were a literal laughing stock until they got a lucky break

for the developers' pleasure

because they're a b tier studio that doesn't know how to optimize dev time

>’concept art’ considered assets
Funny - unlike literally using the same broadsword and armor sets three times in a row.

It was just meant to be some atmospheric dark fantasy that required a little patience and effort to beat. That marketing push to make it seem "hardcore" is one of the reasons ds2 is so focused on killing new players at any cost.

I still think DS2 is the worse one, but I also think it had a more interesting world. Especially compared to DS3

never understood the hate for DS2
I tried it out last year and I really don't see why people think it's a bad game
the lift to fire castle is retarded sure and some bosses are weird (like the church which was just an enemy mob)
but other than that, what's the problem?

>>it’s still INFINITELY worse in the sequels
It's really not.
Rhea of Thorolund, is just Maiden Astraea
Firekeepers come from the maiden in black being a literal firekeeper of the nexus.
Maneater Mildred, is just based off the butcher knife wielding hollow of blighttown.
Sage Freke is just Bighat Logan, even with the fanatical apprentice.
Lautrec is just Yurt the Silent Chief.
I could go on.

I suppose autism is a challenge of sorts

>DaS has this retarded grass healing and loading screens
>DS is forever incomplete
>DS2 is a rushed mess with uber retarded decisions
>BB is incomplete
>DS3 is BB and DS2 crossbreed abomination, nice fucking job, retards
>Sekiro is being a special little kid
Can't wait for the Elden ring to be a rushed mess with a "oops, we didn't get enough time" excuse.

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Controls, enemy responsiveness, general jankiness.
Level design, enemy visual design.
It was a low effort cash grab.

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people say that but genuinely had less issues with 2 than i did in 1 idk why desu

2's my favorite because it looks and feels like a dumb b tier game from 2004

so it's only bad because all you can do is parrot ecelebs?

You’re comparing tropes and characters ideas. I’m fine with seeing more of that, that’s why I liked DeS and was happy for more of it. I also really liked how literally every IN GAME GRAPHICAL ASSET was new.
DS2 and 3 use the tropes AND a lot of similar assets, huge fuck-off difference, they are objectively lazier than DS1.

Was my 3rd Souls game, Scholar still remains my favourite with DeS close behind. The sheer variety of weapons and armour and fighting styles gave it so much replayability, it was also the best for PvP and comfy hub. People piss on it for being clunky, "Muh armour bosses", and because it tried to do things different from DaS 1.

All of the cut content from Ds3 also comes from super early alphas that weren't publicly released, the alpha files from Ds3 go much farther back in development than BBs.
The fact they had to day 1 patch out important plot elements proves BBs plot to be a last minute fumble. Not to mention the 20 minutes of cut dialogue
Bloodborne is my favorite but it's with out doubt equally as tarnished as the rest of the the series

m8 you know the devs brainstorm and do the best thing with what they have right? the stuff that doesn't make it in the game is worse than what we always get.

I’ve only seen cut content of a different, stylistic approach to how they were going to tell the story. Seeing as its plot, world and story were resoundly more rounded out lorewise than 2 or 3, I’m curious to what other cut content you’re talking about.

This might be the most retarded post in the entire thread. I'm honestly impressed.

meant for

I don't have direct proof, but I would swear on a bible that DaS takes animations from DeS. I'm certain when they were creating the bell gargoyles, they didn't toss out the maneaters' rigs and start from scratch. Same with dragons, and certain enemy attacks. Probably similar player animations like greatsword swings. I seem to recall a side by side comparison a while back, they greatswords were near frame identical.

>WASD controls
>moon gravity
>gutted lighting (without even comparing to the trailers, it just shit)
>"you wanna fix? pay money, goy"
>enemy placement: here is a horde, deal with that while you are being shot at by homing missiles from 3 different angles
>reused assets to a crazy degree
>retarded bonfire placements
>leveling up in majula only is fucking dumb
>soul memory
>level design is shit
>"This is Dark Souls"

DaS and DS felt like you struggle vs the world, DS2 feels like you struggle vs the game.

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Refute it.

>parrot parrot parrot
christ you mentally ill fucks are like a broken record

What am I looking at here?

>n-no, those don't count! give me another reason why it sucks!

Haha Jesus Christ man
That wasn't a challenge

This. Half of his arguments are easily refutable, and have been for years now. But he'll never change or let go. He'll always repeat the same talking points until the end of fucking time.

Oh yeah, I sure do love grinding in the arenas for cracked orbs to do invasions with. And golly gee that soul memory is so fantastic, I love not being able to have a dedicated build for a certain level and instead getting pushed higher and higher in the brackets until I'm fighting nothing but dual havelyns

>b-b-but muh shitty agape ring that takes up a ring slot and wasn't even available in the original release and is the most half-assed "fix" to a problem ever

if it sucks for those reasons then the whole souls series is putrid dogshit

it's the easiest souls game

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Remember those jail cells in that building?
They're all just boxes that are attached to a thin wall, float in the air and are clearly visible from the outside.
Some of them even have trees growing through them.

A no-death run in DS1 is technically impossible. They just don't count the Seeth Crystal Curse kill. But you do still die in that.

Enjoy your Bed of Chaos m8 :^)

> I’m curious to what other cut content you’re talking about.
I don't even know where to begin
>Multiplayer/Beasthood fumble
>Roaming hoards of villagers drawn by the bell
>Moon presence astral and true forms
>Snakeball (later changed to reused shadow assets)
>Cainhurst horseback boss
>Insight actually changing levels/enemy designs and placements
>King of Cainhurst being named Logarius
>Everything else Cainhurst
>byrgenwerth being microscopic compared to concept art
>lecture hall being reused chunks of what was once byrgenwerth
>Wetnurse being a nightmare version of the first npc you'd meet (npc also cut despite being finished as of network test)
>Laurence, just all of Laurence
The list goes on and on, it's truly the same situation as Ds3

>shit ADP, shit rolls and slow heals
>higher ADP, good rolls and quicker heals
ADP is the game’s difficulty setting

>The list goes on and on, it's truly the same situation as Ds3
I’m familiar with all of those sans the wet nurse NPC. I was looking for the black holes in the story that were as blatant as Pontiff, the pus of man + Gundyr, pilgrim butterflies, and angel feather inconsistencies. BB evidentially had some ideas cut like all of their games while also having the time to keep things well-rounded unlike DS3.

>sekiro guts all the customization and builds out
>infinitely more interesting fights and its still nothing close to a standard action game
Could be onto something here


I played the game without levelling ADP, and I started as the bandit. Which, if I recall starts with the lowest adp possible.
Then I complained on Yea Forums about the smelter demon kicking my ass. Everyone told me to just get good. Until eventually someone mentioned adp increasing iframes. And then everyone told me I was retarded for not upgrading adp in the first place. When I told them I was playing blind up to that point, they still blamed me for not knowing about iframes. I didn't level up my adp, I just got good, and dodged all of smelter's attacks.

So when people tell me that the game is unplayable without upgrading adp, I just laugh and tell them they played on easy mode.


fuck the herald and fuck majula. DaS1's leveling system was perfect, where you could do it at any bonfire and be on your way. DaS2 goes back to the objectively inferior system from DeS where you're forced to sit through two load screens to go back to majula and go through BEAR SEEK SEEK LEST every time you want to level or enhance your flask or whatever. It's an objectively inferior system.

How did I know it was going to be a tranny just from the thumbnail?

1) nobody is defending DaS3, not sure why you brought that up
2) agape ring wasn't a fix for SM. What they should've done was actually patch SM out and re-implement a soul level system, or at least something that wasn't so utterly retarded.

I genuinely don't see how people see three as anything other than a corridor of rehashed shit.

SOTFS is even fucking worse than vanilla. Its new "enhanced" enemy placement feels like a cheap romhack. Only reason I play through that trash is because it ended up being cheaper to rebuy DaS2 as SOTFS than it would've been to buy the individual DLCs

Quantity over quality

>better balance meant more build variety so that's a good thing usually
it's the exact opposite, balance tends to streamline everything

It's painfully obvious there were major changes with Mergo and Annalise Queen Yharnam and Cainhurst (and by relation every major character involved) The last quarter of Bloodborne makes little very little sense to me maybe I'm just retarded idk.
Annalise in particular is exactly the same as a lot of what we see in Ds3, something that once had a major impact on the plot messily cut out and tucked away instead of being removed/replaced

SOTFS is even fucking worse than vanilla. Its new "enhanced" enemy placement feels like a cheap romhack. Only reason I play through that trash is because it ended up being cheaper to rebuy DaS2 as SOTFS than it would've been to buy the individual DLCs

And on top of that, SM actively penalized noobs, because new players would probably die more often and waste their souls by not retrieving their blood stain, or they'd spend souls suboptimally, whereas the powergamer would know how to precisely do everything to keep SM as low as possibly while still having max upgrades and high SL. And then when they """""fixed"""" SM by including the Agape Ring, this just made the problem even worse, because now powergamers could figure out the otpimal way to get to a particular build with the lowest SM possible, then use the ring to stay there, making twinking even worse.

So you have a system that fucks with new/unskilled players and sets up a scenario where they end up in higher SM brackets than they should, fighting higher leveled tougher enemies, and then also compound the problem with agape ring tweaking. All for a system that was OSTENSIBLY implemented to combat twinking and unfair matchups.

And they didn't even fucking fix it in SOTFS. It would've been the perfect opportunity to patch out SM and go back to SL matchmaking.

Attached: dee why.jpg (637x425, 82K)

soulsfags only care about pretty environments and lore
ds3 had pretty environments and lore
nowadays they're trying to turn these games into straight up action games so they won't even care about balancing builds and what not because they realized their fanbases don't care

Depends on the area. Most parts of DaS2 look PS2-tier, and some areas like shaded woods and forest of fallen giants look N64-tier, straight outta the lost woods from OOT.
There are also a few areas that look nice (amana, dragon shrine, dragon aerie, heide's) but they're the small minority.

>What is the appeal of dark souls 2?

>defending a literal playability stat

>plot, story

>oh boy finally 60fps
>weapons all degrade twice as quickly
>stuff like twinblades are literally unusable because they break after a handful of R1s

Also DaS1 had 60fps first via DSfix anyway.

Attached: thanks.jpg (369x368, 47K)

yeah but PC players felt like their platform was a first party one and not just a port so they pretend DS2 was good

>the last quarter of Bloodborne makes little very little sense to me
it has been explained for some time now
at that point, you are tasked to end the ritual which is causing the Scourge
the ritual was an attempt at contacting Kos (see Micolash's dialogue) by beckoning the Red Moon ("When the red moon hangs low, the line between man and beast is blurred. And when the Great Ones descend, a womb will be blessed with child.")
although the Red Moon allows contact with the cosmos, it also causes the Scourge
so killing Mergo, which was essentially bait for the Moon Presence, halts the progression of the Red Moon, thus completing your contract with the Dream

This was from about 5 months before Bloodborne shipped and the plot was significantly different


good gameplay

>janky sloppy floaty controls
>good gameplay
pick one (1)

Tranny or not, you can tell it was going to be a colossal faggot, judging by the sipping avatar. I've never heard anyone say anything intelligent or wise or insightful, while gesturing a sip.

That's false, weapons do not degrade at twice the speed.
They do degrade really fast if you hit allied phantoms though.

That place was supposed to look like a magical forest of wondrous splendor?

Now I'm more angry how fucking even more raped Dark Souls III was. It was supposed to be infested with the dark pus of the abyss, abyss pus monsters, weird lying things in the aurora place, and all kidns of other dark and gloomy shit AND a bleeding sin that bleeds literal darkness. God fucking damn it all to hell!

No, that was literally how the game worked. It only got patched like a year later. Before, weapon degradation was tied to frames, and so 60fps caused stuff to degrade twice as quickly.

>at that point, you are tasked to end the ritual which is causing the Scourge
I find it very strange that you're tasked with doing this by a random message that pops up on the screen after being teleported, something about this whole thing seems off. It'd make more sense if Gherman informed you

In terms of loreshit, I'm just disappointed all that stuff about "the deep" was a complete red herring and went nowhere. I expected that to be the subject of the DLCs, but no.

But really the thing I'm disappointed with in DaS3 the most is how linear it is, how less replayable it is, how samey everything is, and how the entire game is built around a gameplay style of ROLL ROLL ROLL ROLL ROLL R1 R1 R1 R1

It never made sense how the School of Mensis was all about the Moon, and the ritual itself was beckoning the Moon, yet they were trying to reach Kos.

The cut content sheds a lot of light on it

The "Kos" Micolash was calling to was actually what became Ebrietas in the final game, dubbed "Kos, Fallen Child of the Moon" in the TGS build. They just never bothered recording new dialogue for Micolash and created a new Kos for a DLC.

You can skip seath.

No, you can't.

Started ds2 right after finishing and loving ds1 for the first time, and still working on ds2.
It's still a fun enough game but my main problem is the stuff doesn't feel as thought out as ds1. The locations look cool don't get me wrong, but items/enemy placements just seem to be wherever this time (plus ds2 has a mob fetish going on)
I don't hate it, but not enjoying it as much as ds1.

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DaS2 is what happens when you do the opposite, have like one or two options to shut it down, have fun options like chameleon and giant seeds but dont completely make it moot

Only technically, and it's incredibly difficult to actually pull off. Clearly never intended.

>9 out of 10 invasions are password summon way of the blue ganksquads

Yeah, DS3 is really PVP heaven isn't it.