Pretty sure he'd pass out from inhaling so much thc IRL.
Pretty sure he'd pass out from inhaling so much thc IRL
lmfao let me guess your white
>passing out from THC
He’s in a huge open field, he’d barely get buzzed or anything
This mission feels so dated already.
And judging form your spelling I'm guessing you're a nigger.
Besides I've seen tons of Parisniggers pass out in the coffeeshops here.
le epic W33D Dubstep montage, born in the right generation
it would depend if smoke went towards him. 3-4 inhales from such load and you'd get pretty buzzed.
I actually liked this mission. It was just a short, goofy distraction.
>the weed plants look like tiny pine tree's
ahahahahaha yep white as fuckin white bread
If your skin is white as inside of white bread you probably have skin disease
>being white is something now
what is this monkey propaganda
How does it feel you'll never be white?
p good senpai
Hello nigger
My white what, nigger?
I passed out from the wubbing
newsflash: everyone in this thread is white
you guys are fucking retarded
shut the fuck up, nigger
thank god I'm white
Good to know Jordanians are now considered white then.
fuck wh*tes to be honest family
you got it my nigger
summer can't end soon enough. if you have to smoke more than an eighth a day, you're wasting money and cannabis
>an eight
speak in grams like majority of world
>t. >:'(
unless you are american
>an eighth
>search results say it's slightly more than 3.5 grams
>a day
You're a degenerate
>over 3 grams a day
take 3 grams of mdma and kys
based eurotime
fuck murrika's retarded arbitrary rollercoaster
you've been playing too much San Andreas
literally nothing will happen IRL