Are cute characters a decisive factor when you buy a video game?
Are cute characters a decisive factor when you buy a video game?
Post Kuro you faggot
Cute girls are the only reason to play video games.
no cunny no money
No but It's a big plus. I like looking at things that are attractive or cute
No, you fucking dipshit.
they help
Illya has such a beautiful body
I actively avoid games with anime tits because they’re mediocre dogshit and anime tits are the only selling point.
sometimes, yes.
lack of cute characters won't stop me from playing a good game.
but conversely, I'll sometimes play a mediocre game if it has tasteful inclusion of cute things.
It doesn't matter if they're cute, bland, or non-existent as long as they're not blatantly ugly.
>being gay
>2020 - 1
>not liking boycunny !
Gameplay comes first.
But fanservice and cuteness is a close fucking second.
Why can't you fags come up with your own terms instead of just stealing ours?
Cute and Funny (male ) !
What does "Rabi Ribi" even mean?
a decisive factor
Rabbit Ribbon
They should have called Buni Cuni instead.
>playing mediocre dogshit because some of the pixels make your little virgin pee pee hard
It’s okay, kid. Everyone grows up eventually. You’ll get there one day.
To a large extent, it's a matter of what genre the game is
No, but a huge bonus. Who wants to play as an ugly deformed toon.
Mein nigger.