How will 5G affect gaming?

how will 5G affect gaming?

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Other urls found in this thread: Is Solar Energy/Sun's Energy.aspx

with my extra set of hands i will be able to shitpost on Yea Forums with twice the speed

Paid 5g shills inbound

It won't affect gaming at all. Mobile internet is awful for playing video games, because of the delay.
but you probably know this and you just wan't to shitpost about 5g and npcs

Back reddit

Did they ban you from /g/?


With the third eyes that we will be growing, we'll finally be able to make proper use of the ultrawide curved displays.

Why are normies and boomers freaking out about 5g? I don't understand, isn't it just faster mobile internet? Who cares?

the only ones freaking about it are the /pol/ conspiracy theorists.


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Ok /polvg/

People think it is harmful to human health
The only thing people should worry about is their countries letting chinks like Huawei touch their 5G infrastructure like UK, and not because they're chinks, but because chinese companies are required by law to obey the government


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god I wish

The more powerful it gets, the more deadly it becomes. When 8g is rolled out, everyone in western countries will be killed.

When 10g comes out the Earth will become uninhabitable. I bet the jews did this.

Why is facebook boomer tier fear-mongering so cringe?

4g is already causing horns to grow in people's skulls, 5g will cause demonic possession

Ah yes, just like West Nile Virus and the Bird Flu.

Of course. 5g isn't even being rolled out in Israel.

4g latency is already comparable to landline internet though.

Why are incel sites etc always so obsessed with jews/see them everywhere they go?

it's a new twitter meme /pol/ stole

If you're talking about the bone spurs at the base of skulls that people are starting to see that's not the signal causing it but the poor posture that kids who spend all day on smartphones and tablets are using. The spur is almost attempting to b a counterweight to try and keep the heads centre of mass over the body to reduce neck strain.

because they've invited them here back in '16 yet mods does not do anything against them, sadly

They think their pathetic life isn't their fault so they just blame the jews. They are virgins because of the jews, they're NEETs because of the jews and so on.

Horns growing in your skull sounds metal as fuck.
Sign me the fuck up for 5G.

it's so called board culture

>yes goy there's nothing wrong with 5G you're freaking out for nothing.It's perfectly safe trust me

The train of logic follows that because the 5G network frequency band uses microwaves and microwaves can also be used to cook food, therefore 5G radiation is going to be really harmful.
But the conspiracy fails to address the simple point that a microwave oven concentrates the energy in one spot whereas a mobile network distributes it.


i've seen this joke in twitter stop stealing it from there without any credits you ungrateful underage

Because several countries already sold their 5G infrastructure abroad and now its little more than an advanced spying network

>big corporations: no all the concerns about the health/environmental risks of this new product are fake news, just trust us lol
This doesn't exactly have a good track record, retards.


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>implying 4G isn't already harmful
You're already a cancer victim.

This guy gets it.

It's a meme, kind of like thinking Nazis are everywhere.

shitposting and conspiracy aside what are the odds of seeing a 5g enabled switch version for mobile online, and would anyone buy it with how the availability of mobile hotspots and free wifi

did anyone actually buy/use the 3g vita

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One study concluded that male rats exposed to 3 times the amount and strength of 3g and 4g radio signals had a higher risk of developing heart tumors. Female rats, and male/ female mice were unaffected. So assuming this isn't just some anomaly in the study or genetic defect among the rats they used, it's bad news if you're a male rat.

>it's a meme

Why do right wingers always believe in the most stupid conspiracies? Most flat earthers, anti vaccers and climate change deniers are right wing too.

Reminder, these memes are false flags to further squash criticism of 5G infrastructure.

>But the conspiracy fails to address the simple point that a microwave oven concentrates the energy in one spot whereas a mobile network distributes it.
Microwaves come with radiation shields across their entire outer surfaces specifically because the radiation would be harmful to human health if allowed to escape the machine. And not in a "laser beam fries your skin" type a way, but in the "chronic exposure as the microwaves diffuse throughout the ambient and gently contact your flesh" kind of way. Do not underestimate the potential to slowly cause long-term damage.

/pol/ is cancer and any /pol/ posting outside of its quarantine zone should result in a permanent ban.

they have to do something, because 2020 is coming

>tfw just found out that light is actually also radiation
gonna blind myself so i don't get eye cancer guys, catch you around

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>we've gotten to the point where people are unironically making babby's first political cartoons in mspaint with their favourite epic wojak and pepes
fuck me thats just tragic. this is all because of the election. at least the newfags from the fappening were just normies wanting to fap to celebs. but these faggots, jesus christ. what the fuck has this board actually come to.
>abloo bloo v has never been good
it didnt have this cancer in it, thats for damn sure. good or not, there was no political bullshit in almosy every thread. fuck this shit, i'm going back to gaia

Your post is the first to mention jews in the thread. Do you have something to tell us, user?

its going to be most harmful to white people

The 5g is harmful meme is a chink plot to hold back our infrastructure and technological development enough so that they can corner the market and we're then forced to accept Huawei's spyware laden gear because we can't develop it ourselves.

how many g's to look like Darth Maul/Bao Dur?

Because Jew tits are delicious

It is though where do this meme come from? Is it just some /pol/ shitpost retards have been parroting?

israel is blocking 5g in their own country, that's proof enough something is wrong with it.

Only in perfectly optimal conditions which are spotty at best.
The issue with mobile data isn't its potential, it's the fact that you're at the mercy of a telecomms signal that might be available one place/time and not the next.
Maybe if you live in NYC or Silicon valley you'll have a reliable signal. You can't say it's reliable because it works for 0.1% of the population.

fuck off to your discord anti-semite

Meh leftwinger believe in systematic racisms and sexisms

>anti vaccers
Nah, that started on the left and persists there as well. Plenty of Boomer hippies believe in all the chem trails, and weather control, and flat Earth stuff as well.
Stupid knows no allegiance.

All of you faggots falling for this meme aren't realizing that the anti-5G push is a concentrated effort by a consortium of groups consisting of Google and construction companies who have a vested interest in establishing land broadband connections including Google's own Google Fiber, to whom the presence of superior wireless internet poses a threat to their own market share. If wireless standards can be held back because of fake health concerns, then everyone will turn to Google for faster internet.

You're all falling for the corporate warfare psy-ops.

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surely if he was anti semetic, he would apply isreal blocking it meant it was a good thing?

also FUCK isreal you evil kid killing cunts.

Oh, and don't forget natural/holistic/Chinese/crystal healing. That shit is all over the left as well, even Steve Jobs.

Why do you people keep lying about that

You got blown the fuck out on /g/ and you decided to try less intelligent board? Can't blame you, Yea Forums will fall for it.

user that is very anti-semitic. If we would have given them a few more billion then Israel would easily be able to afford it.

>if 5g health concerns are a meme we must bow to our Chinese telecom overlords
>if 5g health concerns aren't a meme then we bow to our Google overlords
Oh man the thrilling choice between getting shot in the hand or the foot.

What’s with the 5g disinfo campaign? Who actually benefits from turning anti-5g into the next anti-vaxxer

>noool don't kill the little arabs who blow themselves up

The truth is, Israel is the best coubtry of the middle east.

They are a type of person who is obsessed with the concept of secret knowledge in order to make themselves feel superior to others. They always believe themselves to have some sort of uncommon insight into any and all situations, so for every mainstream truth, they decry it as a vicious lie and instead propose to have some Earth shattering secret knowledge which makes them special in comparison to the norm. That's why any and everything is a plot by some nebulously nefarious group that holds secret knowledge which they, the superior person, is privy to. This also ties into their prerogative to call non-believers of their conspiracies NPCs because they see themselves as analogous to the innately special main characters in a story.

I think google fiber flopped hard, google isn’t even pursuing it anymore

Hm, that actually makes sense. I was wondering what the motive would be.

Literally Google again, and other companies with a lot of money invested in land broadband connections. It's a ploy to fool the government into halting the progress of wireless internet for fake health concerns, so everyone will turn to ISPs whose land broadband connections have much higher speeds.

>the year is 2043
>93% of the human population has been wiped out due to the introduction of 8G in 2041
>but at least the internet is pretty quick

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Mostly because leftists are weak cucks who will bend over and accept anything.

Right now all 3 world powers are competing to get 5G tech out there first. There’s a propaganda effort from Russia to push this idea that 5G is bad to scare dumbass Americans away from the tech to slow down adoption of it in the states. Literally just mommy blog tier science

Remember this every time you try and reply to a /pol/nigger

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>everyone that disagrees with me is one person

I thought the 3G Vita idea was neat and all, but then I got a real smartphone and realised that I could just use it for a hotspot if I was ever on the go since it's got that feature anyways.

>tfw getting cancer from all that infrared radiation
bros i can't do this anymore, the long nose tribe is winning
i'm feeling the radiation right now from my PC it's killing me
i can't even cook my favorite dishes without getting blasted by em what the fuck

% of the human population has been wiped out due to the introduction of 8G in 2041
I'm okay with that. If I die, I die.

have sex

All that means is that the entire region should be written off and possibly glassed.

5g isn't bad because of all that stupid Republican "brain washing" bullshit. Republicans already don't wash their clothes, don't clean their bodies in the shower, and don't vaccinate.

The problem with 5g is that it enables the kind of surviellance that China has where a man recieved a $500 dollar ticket when he pulled to a stop at a red light, took his hand off of 10 - 2 and scratched his nose. Its a $500 dollar infraction to not have your hands on 10 and 2 at all times while driving in China.

They are deploying similar cameras here in the US for similar reasons. 5g enables the kind of deepfake style identification algorithms that make it even worse.

Getting mad about conspiracy theories on an anime imageboard doesn't make you kess of a weak cuck

>tfw can't even exist without getting blasted by visible light, another form of radiation.

I agree but only if we target the arabs and leave the jews alone.

that board was filled with fucking crying retards anyway

I imagined my friend's schizophrenic, 60 year old, 80 IQ dad when reading this.

>tfw just found out bananas are radioactive
the fucking jews have their hands on everything

Remove them all then recolonise the area with a decent race.

>Its a $500 dollar infraction to not have your hands on 10 and 2 at all times while driving in China

lmao, you're lucky if chinese truck drivers have their hands on the wheel at all

I average seeing maybe two or three fatal accidents a month

That's litterally what's hapening in china

do you know what sunburn is. dumbass
you tried to be clever and FUCKED UP delete your account

Although I'm only partially skeptical about that part being true, the fact you mentioned 5g and deepfake (and it being enabled by it?) as if it has anything to do with it is what made me imagine it.

Whether you see poltards as incels or not will not change the fact that most leaders in EU/NA are Jewish
Most media and company owners are Jewish too
I don't need to explain why Europeans being ruled by some foreign ethnicity is a bad thing

Blast some 5g waves inside your toddlers skull.

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Maybe use the nuke that were aimed at Israel toward the UK or germany

>Its a $500 dollar infraction to not have your hands on 10 and 2 at all times while driving in China.
I have seen videos of chinese traffic
they must pull in more than the GDP of the earth in traffic fines each year if this is true

sun is microwaving surface of the earth at 1000W per sqm

what the hell would they be doing on v?

>jews have been in europe for thousand of years
>foreign ethnicity

Do you want to remove people who are descended from the PIE culture too?

>reading comprehension of retarded weeaboo chimpanzee

and that's why the jews want to destroy it

We evolved in that. If 5g runs for a couple million years then we'll be fine.

pretty much
even /sci/ has debunked this pseudoscience horseshit many times

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Rather the chinks at huawei than the amerikikes at Apple, fuck yourself Goldberg.
Sent from my huawei P20 Lite you fucking brainwashed nigger.

Can't wait to get my brain fried.

how much energy does one 5g station use?

Too much.

says the retard that confused 'the surface of the earth' with 'the top of the earth's atmosphere'
silly nigger, I know you're ESL but take your time

/jp/ is actually smartest board. I was there.

i have a suspicion that sci, g an v posters have a slight overlap, so that might not be the case.

The worst part is that 5G actually has real issues, but its because it uses a frequency extremely close to the one weather satellites detect to measure water temperature, which means weather forecasts could become much less accurate

ah a strikethrough woah

That pic is actually really stupid.

t. double digit board user

>why yes, I've been using 5g, how did you know

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So what will 6g do then?

>n-no, it's the j-jews! 5G causes tumours in the b-brain that s-suppress free thinking, the jews are d-doing this!

You can't even criticise things anymore because of these dumb asses who post anti-semetic shit.

>I know you're ESL but take your time
only ESLs are insecure about the subject to make an issue out of that.

Can't actually argue with that.

>Yea Forums that high
I question this study

>weather satellites
Oh yeah, and all those UFOs were just weather balloons.

>The worst part is that 5G actually has real issues, but its because it uses a frequency extremely close to the one weather satellites detect to measure water temperature
Why not just have 5g pick a different frequency, then?

please correct me if i am wrong but doesn't 5g have a larger wavelength than even visible light
it isn't even as dangerous and UV and it certainly can't ionise like gamma and x-rays
it's literally as dangerous as microwaves which is a completely different topic

You're not allowed to because the study was performed by a high IQ board and you must automatically concede to them and not argue.



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The real question is how will Starlink affect gaming

Cringe. Enjoy your brain tumor.

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That's not 5g. Are you really this baka?

Masterful post Is Solar Energy/Sun's Energy.aspx

Then that must mean we all already have cancer. Clearly yours is getting worse.

2.4Ghz wifi is literally microwave frequency.

They have been cooking our brains all this time.

Oh look it's the 5G schizo again.

5g is wifi you tard. There's nothing new about it except for mobile garbage.

>Longer waves = more danger.
This nigga don't understand electronic excitation

It fucking is though, the difference is that the other one they're advertising is going to be sent through a huge tower in order to cover a large area instead of a router backbone antenna and no, it doesnt fucking cause cancer.
God fucking damn it you people

Are you idiots still try to force your epic wojaks here?

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>They have been cooking our brains all this time.
Considering you use Yea Forums, we can tell

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>developed in israel
>almost instantly banned in israel

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Because they think jewish is a race and not a religion and therefore they think there bad for some reason?
I mean the jewish religion is bad but if you mean a non existent race then no

>Yea Forums above /sci

i'm saying it's less dangerous than gamma and x-rays which have really small wavelengths and actually ionise

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Thats ultraviolet

>>developed in israel
China is leading the world in 5G deployment, you retard.

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Jewish is a religion not a race meaning its a choice meaning we can attack it.
Isreal is like the vatican,a religious owned country,thats bad.

user come now. You wouldnt run an enterprise on 5.5. Still gotta plug in somewhere. Google Fiber is very much alive. I live in KC metro. There is no "health concerns" and consider this; there is more dark fiber in the ground than active fiber.

>scared of 5g
>uses internet to shitpost on social media
reminds me of my electricity allergic teacher in primary school

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>installing Chinese surveillance towers on every street corner of every major city in the west
What could possibly go wrong

Nigga you really think having a wireless connection only to your ISP is good? Point of no return is our battlegrounds

only 661 more G's until we summon the antichrist