Unironically better than The Witcher 3
Unironically better than The Witcher 3
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Some aspects of the combat for sure, but the setting, enemies, story, characters are all worse. Its just padded to fucking hell, why the hell did they need 50 cultists? The whole Sparta/Athens war also is meaningless when you can pick and choose the side you want based on the reward but the narrative never changes.
All the missions tend to take you to a random cave, or fortress that has a checklist, or a bandit camp, and the only things you really ever do in a city is go to a nice red marked LEADER HOUSE. Between Origins and Odyssey there isn't a single good designed city with good quests within its borders. Even fucking Unity has the murder mystery quests, and better interiors.
The gameplay loop is fucking fun though
Worse than origins
that's not very hard to do so idk what your point is
Only played Origins and only the last couple of hours of that were any good and it seems there have been no improvements in Odyssey besides them half assing the naval combat that was better in blackflag.
I played witcher 3 120 hours
Odyssey, after 50h I was fucking tired. Its always the same shit. The map is TOO BIG, this game is the perfect example that quantity is not better than quality. Also Level Scaling is fucking atrocious
>crops female head onto a male body
The first 10 hours is very fun but it slams you hard at some point how fucking repetitive all the mission designs are, how lacking the story is in the main and side quests, and that most of the rewards are something you trash very quickly. The combat is better because you actually unlock and map skills, while Witcher has 2 melee skills, some enhancements to existing bombs, and secondary versions of all the spells atleast half of which are just not worth using.
The quest structure is similar in both games, but dealing with a werewolf who accidentally killed his wife which was orchestrated by the jealous sister is far more interesting than human 1 to human 2 to human 3. They also fucked up the labyrinth. Perfect time to do a 30+ minute long dungeon but its a very straightaway platforming obstacles that guide you through that takes like 3 minutes to do to fight the boss.
Cute girl
>Witcher 3
Ugly dude
Yeah checks out
i finished origins last night and while the main story was kinda meh, the whole egypt setting was baller
didnt finish a lot of sidequests and started with odyssey
this game is set BEFORE origins yet ac 2-3 saga plays during origins ?
death by snu snu
>an even more open and 'empty' map with pointless checklists and quests that literally do nothing for you
>the gameplay loop they give you is the same one you use for the whole game
I got like half the cultists and met my evil sibling a couple time but I dropped it.
>wow progression is really slowing down right player? Don't worry we got you covered with these handy microtransactions
Fuck off zoomer shill
Ubishit sucks
>cute girl
what girl? the dead loli?
you play as a strong woman who likes to being fucked by multiple men or a chad guy
Go home Ubishill.
Its great but story was lacking and enemy variety was non existant.
Also not being able to use a Hoplon was a bummer.
Seriously, story is about "your blood line is evil, why? because its evil!" all the way into the first DLC.
I played 50 hours, got bored and dropped it for 3 months, came back this weekend, played for 20 more hours, enjoyed the grind a little more but got burnt out again and dropped it again. There's just too much shit, every quest is the exact same, and the combat is really shit. If you exclude the time spent in menus and loading screens, I played only 10 hours
>If you exclude the time spent in menus and loading screens, I played only 10 hours
Playing odyssey/origins on console is awful
Kassandra is cute-cute !
buy origins dlcs? are they story relevant?
inb4 assassins creeds story died after the ezio saga
>Playing odyssey/origins on console is awful
I played Origins on PS4 and it seemed just as fine as all past AC games did on console. Only thing that made me want to tear my hair out is when you were using the bird and got too far away (and by that I mean not far at fucking all), and then you have to wait for the world to reload when you returned to Bayek
>this game is set BEFORE origins yet ac 2-3 saga plays during origins?
Armor in Origins was better looking visually and aesthetically than Odyssey
Post Kass veins plz
you could dodge when aiming the bow in origins
the whole setting in origin was better looking
odyssey has too much color
Unironically better than any AC.
It's so much worse than Shadow of Mordor.
Garbage. Worse in literally every aspect.
I actually forgot Shadow of War exists and just googled 'Middle Earth Shadow game' Haven't played it yet, but is it really much worse than SoM? I've heard it's just SoM, but with more content.
story sucks fucking ass and the main char is uncharismatic as shit, other than that I agree, I kind of wish they'd make the game way more mythical since the setting fit so well for it, almost try to make it a continuation of greek myths but unfortunately that wasnt that
How does anyone enjoy this shit
How the fuck do I get 60fps on pc version?
I have a msi Vega 56 and 2600x but I still struggle to get 60fps on it (45fps at low preset, 30-35 at ultra preset).
laugh at him
i get 90-110 fps with an i7 8700 and a gtx 1080 on my 55" tv set at full hd 120hz
>45fps at low preset
That's weird.
I'm playing it on on an RX570 + Ryzen5 2600 at the medium-high setting and it's hovering around 50-60.
>more mythical
you literally fight mythical monsters.
you wanted to fight gods too?
i get 60-70 fps with a vega 56 and ryzen 2600 at 1080p on high preset.
Even 2?
4 monsters in all the game
Yeah,too mythical
How the fuck do you do it?
>ac origins has egypt gods
>suddenly romans
>suddenly aya knows a saying in roman
>it's the catch phrase for AC2-3
How can I see if there is anything wrong with my cpu or gpu please?
Post the benchmark result.
At the end of the day you're still playing ubishit
The story and side quests are terrible compared to the witcher.
It's a soulless Witcher 3, I'll give you that much.
Just follow this video
honestly if witcher 3 had an engaing battle system and some of the origins free climbing it'd be stellar
how come odyssey looks worse than origins??
odyssey looks really good to me so if origins looks better it must be god tier
Because Ancient Greek is gay.
It's still fun but captains don't feel as special since there's a shit ton of them everywhere.
They finally fixed the difficulty as well, since SoM was to easy.
I don't believe that for a second. I'm going to assume it's bloated with repetitive content so Ubisoft could fellate themselves about how "vast" and "content rich" the game is. I'm also going to assume that the story is shallow horse shit because after 3 that's been every AC story.
Who cares, all these fucking fantasy open world games play the same anyways.
Ubi are toning down their games so they run on shitboxes without issue.
Unity is still the best looking AC and it came out in 2014
You're only playing the game for the waifu. Have sex incel.
origin does look better with the sand blowing away while you step on it and stuff like that
unity is a tad too bloomy imo, origins has the right amount of detail and they turned it down in odyssey
Looks like your CPU is bottlenecking
Not fight them, but it'd be cool if there were encounters with them as in you get to talk to them by the end of the game or something
other than that there are just 4 mythical creatures and all of them are easy as shit to defeat
christ in heaven turn down fog, the cloud settings and turn the hell down from clutter
AC died with III and waa good enough until Unity, anything beyond that is AC in name only
>AC was never good
Good way to know you weren't here in 2010
It's better in the sense that you can play as a girl who gets fucked ever 5 minutes by different men, where as all the women in Witcher 3 with the exception of Shauni are complete garbage.
I did that it's still at 40 fps at best on high and 30-35 at worst
How can a 2600x bottlenecking?
Your taste must be really bad, or you're just paid by ubi
Get real. Odyssey is dreadful. Players have been making better stories/quests in story creator mode compared to the actual quests made by the developers.
But it's worse that Origins
>2 and brotherhood that low
>1 anywhere but shit tier
Delete this bait post.
>anything but literal dogshit
b8 image
>How can a 2600x bottlenecking?
Are you running any other program in the background?
The game is pretty hard on CPU.
It doesn't need the free climbing since the map and objectives aren't designed to annoy the hell out of you and waste your time running around or climbing over shit.
Bruh, look at dis dude
It's because Bayek isn't the one with the bloodline, it's Aya.
I shut down as many programs as possible but maybe I can do something to overclock my 2600x.
However I have a aorus elite 450, which is apparently not great for overclocking
kassandra is VERY cute
complete plebean
For Origins, I was having 5fps (in cities) on High running a 1080Ti. The games are poorly optimized and bottlenecked by your CPU.
shame there's barely any r34 of her
I'd take Origins over this any day
not even ironically.