Is there any link between asexuality and being a gamer?
Is there any link between asexuality and being a gamer?
This 5
No, but there is a link between you and being a dumb smelly nigger
The fuck is with all this asexuality spam? Also check this 8 and fuck your thread. All fields.
Sounds like impotence or a stunted parasympathetic nervous system response. Otherwise if they can achieve sexual arousal, they are not asexual.
>furfqg calling anyone a nigger
You and OP can both go jump off a bridge
Indirectly yes, because gamers are more likely to be redpilled enough to reject the 3dpd meme, and having enough self control to train themselves to stop liking overrated fleshbags.
You don't have to be a gamer to reject 3dpd though.
one retard trying to get (you)s
not video games
Dick doesn't rise up so they rise up instead.
Who's 64 and 65? I don't recognise them.
What the fuck is up with all of these asexual threads that have been popping up
give me a good one
why would someone unironically make this
>do you like women or men?
>who have you fucked? Women or men?
>loading results
Nice test
Link to this test?
I'll only accept coco
Fapping to fictional girls still makes one a sexual being.
asexuality isn't real, you just have a low libido, snowflake.
i dunno
Why is Dark Samus there?
Sony always wins bby
the fuck?
>You don't have to be a gamer to reject 3dpd though
This. Exposure to superior 2D women is enough.
I missed the meme, why is there asexual stuff in every thread now? What cringey thing was done/posted?
I figured out of all the LGBTBBQHGEV42069 cringe bullshit the fuckers who wanna hang out doing nothing were the least of our worries but whatever, what did I miss
asexuality is made up. it's just a bullshit excuse you tell your freinds/family when you realise none could ever love you.
>Dave you're 26 and you've never had a girlfriend. what are you doing?
>oh girls just don't li- i mean I'm Asexual.. that's it yeah!
>girls don't wanna fuck me? pffft I don't care. I have not interest in that stuff anyway.
First of all, if it's an active choice, then it's not sexual orientation. Gays have fought for half a century so that the public in America would actually recognize that homosexuality is not an active choice. Reframing sexual orientation as a matter of choice is actually STRAIGHT UP throwing the whole movement half a century back.
Second of all: My GF used to "be assexual". It can be cured.
Some people may not derive pleasure from sex or chose not to engage in it for all kinds of reasons, but turning that into a fucking IDENTITY is fucking laughable.
what are asexual girls then?
I think its just a meme that resonates because most gamers are in fact asexual.