How does a game win GOTY with combat such as this?
How does a game win GOTY with combat such as this?
When DS does it it's great though.
Somehow every time I get the urge to give this game another shot, I see some footage of the running animation or some combat and I remember exactly why I uninstalled the game years ago. Thanks, OP.
The best games out there are all flawed. The most polished games are usually boring. Cause as much as you boomers might want to deny it, personality and writing makes for a more memorable game than "perfect" gameplay which is forgotten a week after playing.
The other thing with TW3 though is that it looks far worse when a trash player is playing it. If you're decent at it the combat can develop a fairly satisfying rhythm. Still nothing special but not as bad as this shitter in the webm makes it look
maybe because everything else is shittier?
or because goty doesn't mean shit for a long ass time you retard
Because it had excellent worldbuilding, lore and a decent story for a videogame.
Books do a much better job of that. We're here for the polished gameplay, brah. All that other mumbo jumbo is for nerds and incels.
Was that intentional?
>Books do a much better job of that
No shit retard.
>All that other mumbo jumbo is for nerds and incels.
Nigger do you really believe shit like Yakuza and Final Faggotry are loved for their excellent gameplay?
cuz u can dodis
All I see is that youre bad and probably thought you should get invincibility frames.
says the guy who only cares about anime titties in games, have sex incel
DS is made by the Japanese, whatever they do is intentional and a masterpiece. Stay salty, europoor, youwill never be as great as glorious Nippon!
if you isolate gameplay from graphics, story, music and everything else out of a game, you remain with a soulless husk
gameplay only fags are retarded, video games are a multimedia entity, everything in it counts
What's up with all these W3 hate threads lately?
because every other game that year was even shittier than W3.
>whistles for magic horse
cyberpunk coming out soon, so it triggers their PTSD from 2015
2015 was a truly disappointing year
Very nice.
b-b-but m-muh bloodborne!!!
>not just drinking monster semen and run infinitely.
only for non CDPR fans :)
Isn't the map scaled?
>decent story
pick one
Not exclusive
It's not due to the TES scaling backlash, which is retarded for open world games since you're railroaded by the enemy levels. There are mods though.
It was a concerted effort to bring gaming into the mainstream with this movie game.
Remember, this is the same year that Phantom Pain came out - also a movie game.
No one in their right mind thinks Witcher 3 has any gameplay.
damn you stink lelelelalalalilililo
W3 was made for normies and rest of normieshit that year was even worse than that.
oh user
TGs don't feature graphics or music, are still games and are brimming with soul. Like I said, only nerds and incels who seek worlds to "escape to" prioritize story, music and world building above gameplay.
why can't you stupid faggots just find something to do other than shitpost about witcher and cyberpunk holy shit what is your major malfunction
Based. Red pilled.
pretty dumb
Get fucked. Cyberpunk is the only game I'm really excited for in 2020. I'll still take steamy dumps on TW3's chest at every opportunity because it's awful.
Phantom Pain is all gameplay no story (well, there is one it's just shit) though. And how the hell is W3 a "movie game". I swear this site is nothing but buzzwords.
Because it has one cutscene and the autist screams thats it is a movie game
>investigation quest
>go to murder site
>hmm someone died here
>ughh i hate rain
>quest complete
>tourist quest
>follow NPC
>listen to NPC ramble
>NPC clears mobs
>30 minutes later
>quest complete
wow thrilling gameplay.
That's exaggerated as hell but W3 still has way better quests than games that only have go kill 20 [generic monster] on the other side of the map and go gather 20 [random item].
How does a game with combat like this get praised on Yea Forums for combat?
>losing to the tutorial griffin
>this bait will be taken
what's the problem here, other than the player being bad?
according to whomst
TW3 was a pretty decent game but GOTY is a bit much
So it has better quests than.... MMOs? Yikies
>All that other mumbo jumbo is for nerds and incels.
Oh, so you're an expert then?
>missing the forest for the trees THIS badly
zoomer, gotta be
I'm 34 years old and have probably taken your mom dancing before. She's a nice lady, user.
then you're that much more of a pathetic faggot, user. She's a bitch and this game is about so much more than a running animation and combat, and you're old enough to be able to see past that superficial bullshit.
If you really think about it, Witcher 3 has zero redeeming qualities and only a complete retard that has played nothing but garbage would like it.
This is not DS combat. The reason Witcher combat sucks is because there is no force or weight behind the weapons. In DS, you can feel the difference in weight behind every weapon clearly after a couple uses. Witcher is like some JRPG where "Combat" is watching a health bar go down.
By being the new normie magnet. I will forever be mad that GAMEPLAY isn't the sole decider for what game gets GOTY
seething Fromdrone
weak tea, nigger.
Geralt is strong.
Geralt uses short swords.
Geralt is fast.
Look, man to man, the awful animation extends to other parts of the game as well and makes the game unplayable to me (roach). I recognize the interesting characters and well put together story but I play games for the gameplay not the story or setting.
Make way, just the best OST since the 90s Final Fantasies and maybe WoW coming through.
Most people, unlike yourself, are not DSP and are descent at video games.
Likely just trannies who are upset at CDPR.
You sound retarded
To be expected of a 34 year old who still posts on Yea Forums I suppose
>having to use more than 2 brain cells during Witcher combat sequences
A toddler could beat all Witcher 3. The only thing holding the witcher is the writing, might as well be a fucking movie
absolutely based
Apparently OP is worse at the witcher 3 than a toddler.
>wanting games to focus on gameplay is retarded according to nu Yea Forums
We are now here, ladies and gentlemen.
Zoomers have no taste.
Somewhere between the 90s and now, games went from challenging your skills to being interactive experiences with mechanics playing the second fiddle. And people don't mind, they actually encourage this shit with their purchasing patterns, so companies churn out more movie games and the feedback loop closes.
>If you're decent at it the combat can develop a fairly satisfying rhythm
It's levels and dice rolls hidden under flashy animations you dumbass retard.
>enter battle with 25% health while having food on hotbar
>enter battle without quen shield
>don't even use potions
>play like a dumbass
Only thing this webm proves is the weak mental capacity of the player involved
Witcher 3's combat isn't even bad. Yea Forums's just full of contrarians who haven't even played the game.
that's fucking awesome
This. When you're used to games with tight combat, the rng in the Witcher 3 is clear as day.
>and everything else
What else is there?
>according to whomst
uuuhh the fucking game awards 2015?
>toddler with 2 briqn cells could beat all Witcher 3
...and yet, you died.
>hurf durf faggetz get off muh vidyar
Not op, fag
>i suck dog shit at the game so i blame rng
lmao boomers
go home grandpa
because combat is not the only thing that defines player experience, nigger.
I'm playing for the first tike, just left orchard and already am disliking the combat.
Should I start over with the enhanced edition mod?
I'm a huge defender of W3, but the combat is mediocre at best. It works at lower levels against rando humans, but at higher levels and against more complex enemies it can really be a shit fest, though at times it will surprise you. But combat is not the point of the game. The point of the game is to explore a crazy immersive world and be told well written stories. It's the kind of game that got me so invested that I can have fun just slow walking through cities/forests. It's that detailed/immersive.
this tea is even weaker, nigger
according to fucking everyone. Or what was goty in 2015? Bloodborne?
dont mention it. They gave GOTY to DA:I in previous year.
but ds combat is thousand times better made than this shit from hacks polacks
>the generation that plays walking simulators, needs safe spaces and "representation" in their video games is acting belligerent again.
Geralt is epitome of shit combat
Nah, it's alright and passable. Dunno why you're seething.
The only reasonable defense of the game in this whole thread. Nothing you said paints it as a bad game either. It's just overrated and overrated doesn't mean bad.
When the gameplay is bad, the game isn't fun to play. I don't disagree that everything else coming together with gameplay makes a game great. But the core of development should be focused on the GAMEPLAY of the VIDEO GAME
Bloodborne is gotd retarded cunt
>explore a crazy immersive world
Where? All I remember was a Ubisoft GPS POI infested collectathon. You might be thinking of Witcher 1.
By getting good at it.
CDPR have loyal fans, such as this.
It's passable only for retards like you
The poor combat breaks immersion.
>literal rng combat that requires no skill and is basically cast spell/roll
I agree, user. They're just salty faggots because they can't play it. I honestly still pop in Bloodborne every other month because it's just so comfy and so fun to play. I wish I could say the same for Sekiro.
>rng combat
You've described standard combat mechanics in games, congratulations.
Bruh look at all these grafics
>I'm a huge defender of W3
For what fucking purpose? There are literally only three good things about that game
-the story (DLCs ONLY)
-the music
-comfiness of the environments
THAT'S IT. Everything about it from the structure of the quests, some of the writing (in the main game), the gameplay, the open world - everything is fucking shit.
>These are the anons who are rabidly defending the game ITT right now.
What games other than Morrowind and Witcher 2/3 have dice roll combat pretending to be action combat?
What the fuck is this? Why didn't anybody stop him?
You're retarded, son. Retarded. And I know this because it means you played the whole of W3 without realizing it was RNG. So much for your """gameplay""".
Looked pretty amazing at the time of its release, even with the downgrade.
Oh shit nigger what are you doing
>reading books
>not a nerdy incel
>nah it's alright
>rabidly defending
>the music
Garbage apart from Sargon and that Gwent tune. Percival can't do ambient music for shit.
Yeah, it's not super amazing combat but it still felt satisfying at higher difficulties. I think these Anons have autism, or are just completely retarded contrarians.
I honestly think it's embarrassing that Witcher 3 on max specs on PC looks worse than RDR2 on consoles. They not only downgraded, but they fucked it up in a major way for the PC release and gimped it severely. I won't even mention the fact that modded Skyrim pisses all over modded Witcher 3. CDPR are so incompetent that it's legitimately baffling, yet they continue to brand themselves as "PC first" despite releasing a literal console port for the PC. I've played LITERAL console ports like Far Cry and AC that looked INFINITELY better on PC. But I guess when your money comes from Microsoft, you bend over.
even if you liked W3, that's still only one good game for 2015, which is not a good thing
>triggered by people liking a videogame
>says younger generation need safe spaces
boomers are the most fragile snowflakes
>it's only gameplay when you're mindlessly pressing buttons and performing some action moves
It's not a movie game though. God of War is a movie game. Detroit is a movie game. And they're good as what they are. Witcher 3 is a VN disguised as an open-world RPG, which is why it's a fucking slog to play and go through its "content".
Apparently the people judging what is GOTY don't value challenging or more complex combat all too much.
I know it's hard to accept for more serious gamers, but most people want combat like in Skyrim or Witcher, i.e. runnning up to enemies and spamming attacks being enough to beat the game.
At some point you just gotta admit to yourself, that this kind of game is not for you, even though it's hard, because it could have been, if it wasn't for the gameplay.
>2015 engine that had to also be optimized for last gen consoles looks worse than 2018 engine
No shit retard.
because journalists want movie games
DS is last gen, has multiplayer and still has better and more varied combat.
Comparing apples to oranges isn't a good argument.
And complete with MMO tier combat to really bring the whole thing together for that GOTY flavor.
Are you, I don't know, clinically brain-damaged? You'd have to be, to spew such blatant lies, lol. The game looked as good as RDR2 if not better, and we fucking saw it in action, before they downgraded it to hell and back. This isn't a matter of them being working with a bad engine, you fucking moron. Not to mention that engines don't even affect visuals in this way, so what the fuck are you talking about, you subhuman CDPR tranny cuckboy.
What's wrong with the combat here?
I dont remeber it looking this bad on PS4.
Nobody cares about people liking Witcher 3. I enjoyed it for what it was. What bothers me about the CDPR trannies is that they're unable to actually defend the game for what it is, and instead start lying outright to defend their "game".
You can't name a single better game from that year.
>engines don't even affect visuals
It felt like an MMO on every level to me, especially when I started exploring the "open world" and got to Novigrad. It's more soulless and empty than Guild Wars 2, and that takes real effort, senpai.
DS literally is came out on inferior hardware.
And? The fuck kind of argument are you trying to make?
Bot had a hiccup?
I wish I was Geralt
Okay, tell me how they do, since you clearly know what an engine is. Tell me how an engine directly affects the visuals.
Ugh so toxic. Games like RDR2 and TW3 AIMS to have bad gameplay, it's all about the EXPERIENCE MORAN. Shaking my head desu, you gamers are so troublesome.
Not him but optimisation plays a major role here. That's why games always look better towards the end of a console cycle. The devs know how to squeeze every ounce from the software and hardware by then.
Doesn't have bad gameplay. It would be fine on a mouse and keyboard. The mission structure is shit, but the gameplay is fine.
the console version is fine.
>The game looked as good as RDR2 if not better
Are you suggesting that the prerelease footage of Witcher 3 was not captured in engine?
you're actually somewhat right but combat is the most involved portion of gameplay, so if the combat suffers, the game as a whole is substantially worse for it
combat is the thing you spend most of your time doing, so it should be good, or at the least, serviceable
That stuff like in the OP webm jappen more often on older games, than on newer ones you retard.
What part of optimized did you miss?
>800 awards
>At release it received over 250 "game of the year" titles,
>b..but it's shit
ok sweety
>That stuff like in the OP webm jappen more often on older games
What the fuck?
Your mom also has hundreds of boyfriends and is quite popular but that doesn't make her a good woman, user. Have sex, be someone taller.
Why does "optimized for last gen consoles" make the PC version look worse?
Gameplay isn't important to most players and reviewers.
are you ok?
This is not an argument for why it looks terribad on PC, which was my main point.
Originally? It definitely did. Not my fault you're retarded.
Optimization is also about making sure the game doesn't only run well on the most expensive video cards.
This, I like a good story in a game, but it doesn't matter how good a story is if I can't finish the game because of how shit it is. Or if the story sucks anyways (Looking at you Horizon Zero Dawn)
>Optimization is also about making sure the game doesn't only run well on the most expensive video cards.
Look at how to spot a brain-dead fucking zoomer. Listen, you little mongrel, that wouldn't mean the game wouldn't "run well", because you can just play it at low or medium, which is exactly what used to be done in the 2000s. Precisely BECAUSE you have options and hardware upgrades, a game should come out ready to look even better on hardware in 2-3 years in the future. Which CDPR of course are aware of, but they didn't do this because they sold out to consoles, and it would make consolefags too salty to see the game looking incredible on PC.
well youre right it is goty. goty for people who play one to two games in a year. oh fuck who am I kidding here you guys play 0 games a year.
>This is not an argument for why it looks terribad on PC, which was my main point.
I just told you how an engine can directly affect visuals. Which really shouldn't need to be explained to an intelligent person.
>File name
Why not just include those optimizations as options in the graphics settings? Like every other game in existence?
It's not, though, you fucking imbecile. I asked you a SPECIFIC question. Optimization has NOTHING to do with this. There are plenty of games from different generations running on the SAME FUCKING ENGINE. Because guess what, engines don't matter as much as you think, you technologically illiterate rat fuck. So I will ask you again, what part of an engine, specifically CDPR's engine, stopped them from making a better looking game? Like it's so clear that you have no fucking idea what you're talking about and you're just spouting 'LOL ENGINE BAD' like those retarded faggots whining about Gamebryo as if that's why Bethesda can't make a fucking game. So, again, WHAT PART of the engine interferes with a visual upgrade? GIVE ME THE BREAKDOWN, FAGGOT, SINCE THIS WAS YOUR ANSWER. SHOW ME YOUR KNOWLEDGE OF GAME DEVELOPMENT.
It looked pretty good for its time, stubborn contrarian user. There was no other open world game that looked better. The amount of foliage and the open towns with seamless enterable dungeons and buildings for example were pretty mind blowing at the time. Compare it to the likes of Skyrim, which was most popular at the time.
I'm 28.
>dude just run it on low settings lol
Don't ever go into business and marketing my dear user.
So like any RPG?
>playing video game of the combat
Story is the most important thing.
>I'm 28.
So you're a retarded poorfag then, okay.
>dude just run it on low settings lol
Yes? You have as many levels of optimization as you want. You could literally have the game looking as it did its best at launch under medium, and have some unstable high and ultra levels that could be patched in later and would work fine 2 years down the line. Is this too difficult a concept for you to understand, despite it being how PC gaming functioned for two decades, you fucking retard? What about the people that DID play Witcher 3 on medium for a good performance? Should they just shit on it, give it 1/10, and return it because it didn't run on ultra on their rigs? What the fuck is this argument even?
You're a schizophrenic obviously but you're arguing with multiple people who all think you're legitimately retarded.
This is only solidified by the fact that you can't understand that a game engine directly affects the on screen visuals and better optimization allows for fancier things to be done with said engine.
I really feel bad for people like you who are sub 90 iq but think they're intelligent and wonder why they fail in life.
Not sure where you got the wild assumption that I'm poor.
At the end of the day, what mattered most to them was making sure the game could run well at medium or high settings with most cards of its respective generation. Even after the downgrade, the game was still the best looking open world game of its time. Why do you always resort to rage and namecalling? You're only making yourself look like a child. Get some help.
>You're a schizophrenic
You don't know what that word means, so don't use it, stupid little nigger.
>but you're arguing with multiple people who all think you're legitimately retarded.
No, I'm not, I'm arguing with retards that don't understand what an engine is and are unable to break it down despite claiming that it's why a game looks bad.
>you can't understand that a game engine affects the on screen visuals
Why? You've been asked the same question repeatedly, but it still seems you're too retarded to answer it and only buried yourself instead. What part of an engine doesn't allow for you to enhance the visuals?
>Not sure where you got the wild assumption that I'm poor.
By the fact that you make poorfag arguments as to why things should be subpar?
>what mattered most to them was making sure the game could run well at medium or high settings with most cards of its respective generation
No, what mattered most to them is to make a game that looks uniform on all platfoms so they could get their money from Microsoft. If you don't know they're working together even at this point, after this E3, you're incorrigibly stupid. "medium" "high" "low" are all arbitrary. The game wouldn't have suffered in any way if it was also capable of being taken up a notch, closer to pre-downgrade visuals. This is a literal nonargument, you fucking imbecile, how can you even argue for this? You literally think options are bad, have no idea how PCs work, but I'm supposed to think you're knowledgeable about PC gaming?
>Why do you always resort to rage and namecalling?
Because your'e a literal retard making niggerhead comments? You don't even understand the basics of what's being discussed, and you're acting like it's an either/or situation - it's not.
Idk what this argument is about but Witcher 3 runs at 1080p/very high/30 FPS on a 1050ti lol
30 FPS is not "running".
You need to re read the thread and take your schizo medication. I merely said visuals are directly influenced by a game's engine and if you can't understand that then what good would breaking down how CDPRs proprietary game engine works do? You obviously have poor reading comprehension and wouldn't be able to understand what you're reading.
Ahhhhh, now I know what this argument is about. A little dicky measuring contest :)) how fun
This argument is about him stating that Witcher 3 looked bad because of its "engine" and that it had to be "optimized" despite it running fine before the downgrade on their hardware, and despite the fact that it was already outdated when it came out and looked worse than modded Skyrim did in 2013. But this imbecile is convinced this is because of the "engine", despite the fact that there are engines like Gamebryo that clearly still make for incredible looking games even after two decades. Seems like every time some nigger developer can't make shit, it's suddenly the engine's fault. Bethesda, BioWare, CDPR - not their fault, it's the engine!!!
>I merely said visuals are directly influenced by a game's engine and if you can't understand that then what good would breaking down how CDPRs proprietary game engine works do?
That is literally what you said, lmao, you said it's working on a last gen engine and now it looks bad. So in this entire conversation you've shown that
>you have no idea what an engine actually does
>you have no idea what optimization means or what it's for
>you are clueless about the fact that the entire point behind PCs is that you HAVE the choice to give as MANY options as you like and push it to the limit
I'll be waiting for you to clarify and explain what you meant and how it absolves CDPR. Write it up, bitch.
If it's the engine then it's obviously their fault. But it's still the engine which is responsible for the visuals, brainlet. Kek.
Am I supposed to see a problem here? You got BTFO because you were bad.
>If it's the engine then it's obviously their fault
No, not really. The people responsible for making the engine aren't the same ones responsible for using it to make the game, cretin.
> But it's still the engine which is responsible for the visuals
Wrong, and it's funny how you can keep saying this without being able to explain how an engine works. How can one be so technologically inept and yet pretend to know what he's talking about?
This is why I think you're schizo. That's another who you're arguing with about whether or not it looks "good". And I'm one of the people shitting on TW3 heavily in this thread but I still think you have no idea how videogame software works. At all.
>this blind nigga
>despite it running fine before the downgrade on their hardware
Keyword: their. They are not the customer. You could own an RTX 2080ti and develop a game that only an RTX 2080ti could run, and you'd be fucking stupid to if you're expecting a lot of sales.
>and despite the fact that it was already outdated when it came out and looked worse than modded Skyrim did in 2013
You needed a pretty hefty PC to run Skyrim with a lot of mods. The engine still crashes a lot when you mod it too much. You can't mod Skyrim's cities to have the same scale as Witcher 3's cities because of its limits.
Your entire perspective is flawed, you have absolutely no experience with creating any games, and again, I suggest you seek help.
>That's another who you're arguing with about whether or not it looks "good".
Whether or not it looks good is fundamentally irrelevant to what you're claiming.
>but I still think you have no idea how videogame software works. At all.
Says the guy that thinks engines determine how a game looks despite games across 3 different generations using the same engine and looking completely different. But yeah, you're totally not a lying stupid fuck that has no idea and what he's talking about and is a crypto-CDPRfag, I'm sure I believe you over literal games that exist that we can look at, as stated with Morrowind and fucking Skyrim.
If you're using their engine and the game looks shit, it's your responsibility as a dev. Who's fault is it that BF games run like shit? The guy who wrote Frostbite or the devs/publishers who thought it was ready for primetime?
Try running Unreal tournament on CPS 3. This goes back to my initial point of you thinking you're intelligent but unironically being quite slow. Sub 90 iq confirmed.
Controller or keyboard for TW3?
>You could own an RTX 2080ti and develop a game that only an RTX 2080ti could run, and you'd be fucking stupid to if you're expecting a lot of sales.
What a disingenuous fucking monkey you are, dude. Like, honestly, you're an actual loathsome human being and I hope your parents both get cancer and rot before your very eyes, and especially your kids if you've got any. Yes, nigger, it's almost like a game can look differently at different specs. It's almost like their hardware that they're using now will be in the hands of consumers in a few years as well. Which, again, is what happened for YEARS, but you conveniently keep ignoring that to push your retarded CDPR fanboyism. Witcher 3 would've looked just as good, and run just as well at the current settings, even if they allowed for you to pump the graphics even further. This is a non-argument, and only a marketing monkey that cares about saying OUR GAME WILL RUN ON YOUR MOM'S LAPTOP makes these cringe arguments without knowing what optimization actually means and what it's for. Where is there a rule written that your game needs to run perfectly at the highest settings when it launches? Ultra used to be ultra for a reason - now ultra is just a fancy way of saying medium, while low and medium are basically 'play it your laptop'. This is the reality, monkey. The reality, not your fanboy delusions.
>You needed a pretty hefty PC to run Skyrim with a lot of mods.
Your point? Literally what is your point? Where are you going with this? Apart from your clear console bias and desire to make all games run on 2011 laptops?
>you have absolutely no experience with creating any games
But you do, faggot? You, who can't even get down what an engine does and whose entire position boils down to A GAME SHOULD LAUNCH CAPABLE TO RUN ON MOBILE?
mgsv, despite having literally kino cutscenes is the most gamey of all games released during that time.
>What a disingenuous fucking monkey you are, dude. Like, honestly, you're an actual loathsome human being and I hope your parents both get cancer and rot before your very eyes, and especially your kids if you've got any. Yes, nigger,
I should stop trying to argue with the mentally unstable.
>it's your responsibility as a dev
You realize there are a lot of people working at any company? The ones creating engines generally speaking aren't responsible for making the actual games per se.
>Who's fault is it that BF games run like shit? The guy who wrote Frostbite or the devs/publishers who thought it was ready for primetime?
I would wager it's the devs.
>Try running Unreal tournament on CPS 3
To prove what, faggot?
>This goes back to my initial point of you thinking you're intelligent but unironically being quite slow.
No, that's just the projection of an ape. don't think I'm intelligent for knowing basic shit.
>Sub 90 iq confirmed.
You also seem to not know how IQ works.
Then read a fucking book, there are like 8 of them. Its literally 300 hours borefest with quest markers, traking quests and question marks above undiscovered shit on the map. Its just ass creed, but with shitier combat and some quest.
By the same people who gave Bioshock Infinite and Dragon age 3 GOTY
I would unironically beat you to death as any shill should be, yeah. That's not me being mentally unstable, that's just justice. You've desperately been trying for over five posts at least to defend CDPR in the most defensive way possible, and ultimately showed you have no idea how an engine works, what it does, and your entire argument comes down to ad hominems that are Facebook tier. Maybe CDPR can pay you more next time and send you through training so you won't be such an incompetent shill, huh? Or maybe they can release a game that doesn't look 3 years behind the times.
This was the tutorial quest. You can do the rest without it.
according to themst, gaming journos, who couldnt beat sekiro
An engine is literally a tool set used to develop a game including the rendering of said game. Of course it's responsible for what is possible visually.
kek never knew about that
>Says the guy that thinks engines determine how a game looks despite games across 3 different generations using the same engine and looking completely different.
Ok now let's see what unreal tournament looks like on CPS 3 since a game engine doesn't affect visuals. Fuck it, let's run Fortnite on the original doom engine since it's all relative and arbitrary and that engine can handle real polygons. You're a fucking joke, bro.
Eh, Witcher combat is about as fun as you make it. You can definitely win by spamming shield and sword on any difficulty if you lvl appropriately, but there's still a lot of different items and abilities for an RPG with a preset character. Too bad actually using everything at your disposal drops enemies so fast it's hilarious even on Dark.
As somebody who played this fight recently this dude is literally just spamming buttons
pre-dark souls no one would had complained
Because white people gave this autistic obsession with aimless wandering around empty 3D space because "freedom" or whatever stupid shit. It's the reason why all open world garbage is so popular in the west
are you depressed?you sound like a depressed gaymer
Unfortunately, this.
>Of course it's responsible for what is possible visually.
That in no way means what he said it means, though. You could conceivably make a game look as good as you want on any engine. One might not be as efficient as another, but the idea that an engine being from certain year somehow LOCKS IT into looking a certain way is just fucking idiotic. This would be a fine argument if we're talking about consoles, but we're talking about PC, and it's not.
Not an argument. Come to me when you have an explanation as to why Witcher 3 supposedly couldn't have looked better because of its "engine".
>I would unironically beat you to death as any shill should be, yeah. That's not me being mentally unstable, that's just justice.
>Then read a fucking book, there are like 8 of them.
And only the first two are even decent.
nice gameplay Asmongold
>spoilering nigger
Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on Yea Forums by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid. This is Yea Forums. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it...
>You could conceivably make a game look as good as you want on any engine. One might not be as efficient as another, but the idea that an engine being from certain year somehow LOCKS IT into looking a certain way is just fucking idiotic.
There is no way this isn't bait. Reminder that pretending to be retarded and wasting people's time is still being retarded
>game is about elaborately planning your fights by studying the monsters and figuring out what works against what
This Looks atleast 100 times better than any Tes or Fallout game
Is that why I can mod Morrowind to look better than games released 5 years after it? Or why I can mod Skyrim to look better than ANY game released this year?
>The Cooker 3
If you want a cooking simulator, I here cooking mama is pretty good.
sir,why do you have an username?
preparing for a fight and antecipating your enemie requires brains
oh right...
That's because the creation engine is 40 years old. Take off your trip you cocksucking faggot.
>it's not bait
Show me CPS 3 running a full 3D FPS or git fucked since it's all relative
>implying the Witcher shitposter will ever Stop shitposting about the Game
Dude he is literally using the same webms since release
>Show me CPS 3 running a full 3D FPS or git fucked since it's all relative
Why would I show you anything that you randomly come up with, faggot? I already gave you a clear-cut example of a game engine that's been around for 20 years, and all you can do is frogpost like an idiot.
normalfags especially psuedo 'iliketothink' rpg fags dont care about challenge or mechanical mastery. Its why they praise shallow things like dark souls yet the hard modes on any beat em up are ignored. If the game was literally walking around and talking to people it'll still get GOTY over a combat focused game.
I mean from Gameplay Perspektive
Witcher 3 in Death march is a Dynamik Game.
Every tes or Fallout Game is fucking shit where you just cick the left mouse button and Hit tab to chunk down potions
You could have chosen a much better video to showcase it's bad combat. It actually looks good here, and the player just looks like shit.
You're talking about completely different things. But yes, they are casuals, I agree.
Dude, some renderers actually lack visual freatures like AO, SSR etc. You can't force HBAO+ and PCSS on source without modifying it to allow this. If you're saying you can modify any engine to allow any visual features you want, i suppose you could by changing fucking renderer which means you're not using the same engine at that point.
Its the same deal, witcher 3 gets goty because it has 'mature writing' not because it has long lasting flawless gameplay that pushes the medium.
>Top scoring game on metacritic on all platforms (by user score which is the only score that matters on metacritic)
>Won the highest amount of GOTY awards of all time
>2nd highest rated game of all time on Steam according to Steam Top 250 with 235,000 reviews, 98% of which are positive
>Its DLC (Blood and Wine) won RPG of the year over full games like Dark Souls III
>Still rakes in 15,000-25,000 players monthly on steam 4 years on release
When will The Witcher 3 haters learn that they're objectively wrong? It is great in every means of measurement of quality you can think of that is not anecdotal. I'm sorry you were not able to enjoy it, but it doesn't change the fact it is the GOAT, and there is LITERALLY nothing you can do about it.
also that sunset dude, to normies that is already 8/10, add some nicely animated dialogues and you get GOTY, it doesn't even need gameplay at that point.
>Keyword: their. They are not the customer. You could own an RTX 2080ti and develop a game that only an RTX 2080ti could run, and you'd be fucking stupid to if you're expecting a lot of sales.
That's where graphics options come into play.
>You can't mod Skyrim's cities to have the same scale as Witcher 3's cities because of its limits.
Sure you can.
Best movies of all time!!!!
Witcher 3 is the same shit, except you chug your potions before the fight and spam sidestep.
You're too obvious now. Modding in higher res textures, higher poly geometry and using ENB does not have anything to do with the visual effects in a game. You're just tweaking existing features to your liking. If you legitimately don't understand this then you're beyond saving, retard.
But Witcher 3's engine was clearly capable of looking infinitely better, as was clear from the original footage of the game. Okay, maybe you couldn't add some fancy new shit, but this doesn't explain why they would gimp the game on purpose, and then try to gaslight everyone by saying it looks identical. It's a complete and utter lie, because we literally SAW the game looking better and then changing and looking suspiciously similar on PC to what it does on consoles.
Is this really an engine problem when it was clearly capable of looking vastly better?
Jesus, you are a broken person. Just fubar from head to toe
never said anything about sales, did I?
>That's where graphics options come into play.
Imagine spending hundreds of dollars on an RTX 2060 only to be forced to play on medium settings at 30 FPS because the dev selfishly and foolishly decided to have the game run oh high on an RTX 2080. You're not thinking from a marketing point of view.
>Sure you can.
You're underestimating how large Witcher 3's seamlessly enterable cities with seamless enterable buildings are.
The way it meant to be played!
>Phantom Pain
>Movie game
lol no
What I mean is that Dark Souls is fun because it's challenging without being difficult. I think that's the appeal. It can be difficult sometimes, but the reality is that you an be an Asmongold-tier retard and still luck out with RNG and pass. I'd know, I am one, and I finished all of them. This is completely different from, like, sitting down and practicing for hundreds of hours how to play a character in a fighting game, until it's all muscle memory. Again, I'd know, because I can barely get past 5 challenges with my Chun-Li after a whole month of playing now. Very few people are looking for legit difficulty. I mean, I'd wager your average game on the hardest difficulty is probably way harder than Dark Souls is ever going to be.
You're moving the goal posts now. You were saying a game engine doesn't put restrictions on visuals.
"the idea that an engine being from certain year somehow LOCKS IT into looking a certain way is just fucking idiotic."
We were arguing about a different topic. I agree they gimped the game. Probably for several reasons you could speculate on forever. But saying the engine doesn't affect visuals is retarded and you know it.
>You're not thinking from a marketing point of view.
Yes, maybe because he's not a CDPR employee :). Maybe because we're consumers that want the best product, that can be enjoyed not only today, but tomorrow as well.
>Imagine spending hundreds of dollars on an RTX 2060 only to be forced to play on medium settings at 30 FPS because the dev selfishly and foolishly decided to have the game run oh high on an RTX 2080.
It's almost like you can upgrade your PC in a few years time.
Different user jumping in:
A shitty engine can be spruced up into something better using technology from 20 years into the future. doesn't change the fact that the original implementation was IMPOSSIBLE without that tech
oi kurwa
>A shitty engine can be spruced up into something better using technology from 20 years into the future.
Not if it's done up in shitty spaghetti code
>Unironic smiley face.
I just wanted to bring that to everyone's attention
>scores on known gaming sites are not for sale
are you a literal kid? sales and the size of the budget to buy advertisement like that go hand in hand
You need to use a weapon wheel to select signs so it's clearly made for a controller. There are scripts/mods for instant-cast signs though.
His argument was that the engine doesn't affect or restrict visuals. That's false. If you mod the engine (not the game assets) it's not the same engine. I agree that you can "spruce up" an old game. That's not what we we're talking about.
But it was ironic. It implies that you're a disingenuous shill.
>Steam stats 28,276 In-Game
>Recent Reviews:Overwhelmingly Positive (22,793)
>All Reviews:Overwhelmingly Positive (211,165)
it's a great game
I'm one of the anons shitting on the witcher ITT actually but that doesn't mean that I don't think you are a mega faggot though.
It's almost as if you're not the common consumer and they'd go bankrupt if they only catered to you.
I don't know why people always try to fight witcher with Dogma. Witcher is absolutely a more complete game but dogma without question is better gameplay wise. They don't have to be enemies
see what? a mentally ill contrarian faggot?
>I'm one of the anons shitting on the witcher ITT
I don't know how that's supposed to change the fact that you're a shill and you've just given the most shill response to that guy? Whatever, you keep shilling, bro, 20 zloty have been added to your account :).
It's almost as if they wouldn't, because they wouldn't be "catering" to me by adding more options, and all the other people would be playing the same game as before at the same options. How exactly is this financial ruin? There are people playing games all over the spectrum, from poorfags that potato them with mods and others that spruce them up with 4k textures and ENBs. How does this lead to bankruptcy?
And that's a single player game FOUR YEARS after it's release
You lost. Game's good.
Remember, Overwatch and Walking Dead also got GOTY and before that it was non-stop call of duty year after year, and before that halo year after year.
"Official" GOTYs have never fucking been a representation of the real GOTYs, the winners usually aren't even fucking close to the top of the list, its why the Yea ForumsGAs were started, even though they've devolved into reddit since they made their anti-reddit measure publicly known.
Stay mad but just because something is popular doesn't make it the best thing ever.
>Thats what shitposters really believe
What should i expect from a thread with a 3:1 post/poster ratio?
>its why the Yea ForumsGAs were started
TW3 won the Yea ForumsGA's too though...
>me me me!
You really are a sociopath.
>stay mad
stay insane bub
read everything you fucking retard
but that looks pretty great you fucking zoomer shitters
TW3 is just like every other AC game
It's nothing special really
>TW3 won so it's reddit
Why do you respond with buzzwords instead of arguments? Is it because you know nothing you say is even remotely true, and that this wouldn't hurt anyone?
Looks pretty bad, dude.
and how many AC games won 800 game awards?
The absolute dogshit combat is why I couldn't get into Witcher.
I'm 6'4 and I didn't really enjoy this game if I'm being honest, fammy.
Why are you so obsessed about game awards?
also this
You are my hero.
Anyone that would unironically vote for TW3 over Bloodborne should be hanged. Bloodborne is at least competent. Witcher 3 is a singleplayer MMO with a worse story than SWTOR.
Press D to dab on the soulbourn babies.
Not him but judging by your posts you literally can't grasp arguments.
You literally only think about yourself, from your own point of view.
The guy is literally autistic. Leave him to his misery.
maybe play something older than a few years
it's the best action combat in any WRPG ever
I don't usually side with hyperbolic statements but fuck if this ain't true.
>TW3 is just like every other AC game
so how come AC games are not even close to Witcher 3 when it comes to reviews and awards?
that is correct. this boards full of contrarian faggots who find nitpicks on successful games to concentrate their autism on.
I've been playing games since the famicom era.
absolute perfection, is there a hotter girl in ANY universe?
Where. Are. The. Arguments.
It's pretty clear that the CDPR want to RISE UP after being proven how wrong they are the entire thread, but you can at least TRY, negroes.
Arguing with a retard is absolutely a waste of time, the game is four years old, people loved it. They still talk about it to this day. No one cares what you think.
it's called NES though you fucking weebshit
>the game is four years old
And it wouldn't have had to look four years old if you went with my advice and didn't gimp it for Microsoft's money. Which is my entire point. This has nothing to do about what I think or not, you stupid fanboy. That's just a literal fact.
and that MMO tier loot system
and the nonexistant weapon variety
and the shitty repetetive quests
and the uninspired batman vision
and the terrible character development mechanics
Wait a minute. Who's trolling who here? I can't tell anymore.
and the boring auto-generated world
and the cardboard cutout prop cities
and the shallow gameplay mechanics
Don't you ever fucking insult me like that ever again, do you understand? Fucking groid. I'd rather be gay than be a weeb.
And then you get Soulsfags who complain about Lords of the Fallen because swinging the weapons felt heavy and the movement was slow because god forbid a game can have realistic turn speed and armor tha5 avtually feels heavy.
>people loved it
well, reddit did. they don't count as people.
you have the brain of a goblin if you honestly subscribe to that tribal bullshit
The Griffin is easily the worst fight in the entire game.
I have never understood why they left in, or used it as the first "boss" fight.
Are Gothic 3 and ELEX good?
you have to go back
better than the witcher for sure
kawai desu senpai sama
What about it was even that bad? I didn't remember having issues with it.
75% of budget went into marketing.
holy fuck what game is this, this shit looks great
I haven't played ELEX yet, Gothic 3 is alright, but it's nothing like Gothic 1 and 2. Gothic 3 makes you travel a lot and has no real hub, whereas Gothic 1/2 are intimate and get you to know your environment and explore it gradually.
This is a falseflag. The webm makes the combat look good; better than in most other webms I've seen that try to say it's good. Though when I play, I always just dodge and never use roll.
Best fight I ever had in W3 was under some sea cave in Skellige against some toxic spider monsters with their big mother. It was such a long, dangerous struggle
>according to fucking everyone
no, everyone said the witcher is shit, what are you talking about?
clever marketing that pretends to focus on “hardcore crpg players” while actually just delivering another skyrim tier experience
sites like reddit and Yea Forums love this because it lets them pretend they have informed, superior, taste while still playing skyrim games
looks more in depth than this casual pandering mess
Who's excited for the switch version!
pic unrelated
Skyrim is way better than this trash, and I don't say that painlessly. Skyrim is a shit game, but Witcher 3 is so much worse.
How can you not tell the difference between this and Soulsborne? Do you even fucking play video games?
good bait
Looks identical to me. The action genre is mostly dead thanks to Bamham.
dragon's dogma
i sometimes just ride around on roach just to look at the god rays come through the trees
Undertale won GOTY, nearly 200,000 people named it the best game ever & it had a 97 on Metacritic before contrarian journalist downvote bombed it
>started playing TW3 again
>turned minimap, quest objectives, and health off in the HUD
Completely changed the game, I'm actually exploring and finding shit on my own instead of just following the minimap everywhere lol.
Why did they make the minimap so invasive and almost ruin the atmosphere of the game?
That's why MGSV was my GOTY
There is nothing to find. There's less than 10 quests that aren't on the minimap, and they all take 5 mins.
Why does Yea Forums call Sony games movies when TW3 has 10x as many cutscenes?
>b-b-but the gameplay...
as if anyone plays Bitcher 3 for its gameplay with that garbo combat system LMAO
Because "people" like the non-game parts only.
>snoyniggers still buttblasted after all those years
i applaud your dedication to be that mad for all those years
No? People play it for choice and consequence. Something you don’t have access to in linear interactive cinema, or as others call them, Sony games.
and no one in their right mind thinks Bloodborne won anything that year
Is this a joke? What is Detroit?
A garbage tumblr fanfic story with complete linearity in gameplay?
Witcher 3 being a shitty interactive movie doesn't make other shitty interactive movies actual games.
My only problems with W3 were the awful targetting system not the combat itself, the loot system being useless once you got your first witcher set and obviously the horse getting stuck everywhere. It's still a great game though.
The game is over 100 hours long though
>A garbage tumblr fanfic story
The writing is infinitely better than anything in Witcher 3, lmao, and it's certainly less Tumblr than Wither 3 by a long shot. I never had at any point to kill anyone in Detroit because I'm offended by how they treat women. And it also has a ton of endings, where Witcher 3 basically just has one with some variations that only get played out in a wall of text and nothing else. It's so above and beyond the quality of anything the subhumans at CDPR could put out even if you gave them 10 years, that it's pretty amazing. But then even Dragonfall has a way better story than anything Witcher-related, so it's not very hard. Imagine defending a game that's all about stronk women and pretending it's not SJW garbage, pathetic. CDPR are prime cucks.
don't respond to acfag
That art rework is more tasteful you know
30 hours of cutscenes and 70 hours of janky button mashing lmfao
It's true, something as good as Origins shouldn't be compared to garbage like Shitter 3.
A movie with branching plots, a high profile visual novel.
That game directly apes TW3 though
Isnt this the game where you sit in the bushes and whistle every guard to come to you and clear whole outposts and fortresses like that?
Are you retarded? Witcher 3 is practically a wife beating simulator compared to Detroit.
Go march in that race/pride parade section. Oh how woke.
>Witcher 3 is practically a wife beating simulator compared to Detroit.
You're not convincing anyone, friend. Witcher 3 is an absolute garbage game where you're a bitch the entire time obeying the orders of others and of literally every female character you come across. It's nothing like it used to be, and the entire game is pandering to SJWs. In Detrot, you literally see Alice's loli legs repeatedly, and then you have the Chloes in that level, as well as the whores. Try harder faggot. Shitter 3 is ultra-trash, with a story worse than any fanfic. Not surprising, since it is quite literally a fanfic of a story with balls, namely Elric.
Bloodborne is better, honestly
over this
No? Maybe play it, faggot.
In what way? Witcher 3 literally just copied Skyrim and MMOs and had nothing original whatsoever.
>mass replying
dilate, cope, and seethe, you attention seeking redditor
Most people in this world are fags, my dude.
It still makes me laugh how butthurt people are over this game. Its probably equal to BoTW in terms of asspain though both of those still pale in comparison to the asshurt Monster Hunter World caused though.
Bloodborne caused the most anal devastation though. Hands down.
It’s literally a civil rights allegory with zero gameplay lmfao
Who the hell is mad about MHW?
combat alone doesnt make a game, faggot. if thats all you care about your a normie nigger lover who needs to go back to plebbit
Not at all, no one is asshurt over Bloodborne. You can actually discuss the game on Yea Forums. TW3 and BOTW though, you will absolutely have a bad time trying to start a thread about them here.
You can still hear the cosmic asspain background radiation even now. Look at this thread. It's insane.
I don't know what a Reddit game is or what it means, but every time I think of the Witcher 3 all I can think is that it's a Reddit game.
I remember downloading The Witcher 2 and it only took me 5 minutes to realize what an overrated piece of shit it was. How are these games so universally praised when the combat is so clunky and boring?
The books are absolute trash, though
it's almost... almost like combat =/= all of gameplay, and that some games ain't just mindless action flicks.
I do agree that TW2-3 sucked ass though.
1 was the only GREAT game.
Dangerously red pilled post.
That’s because you can’t think for yourself
Why is that? Could you tell me the answer?
mega cringe
Its the best a western game could offer against Souls series. If they had awarded Souls series everywhere, it would expose the secret of the western games developer. Western games developers are complete garbage and lack any sort of creativity or fun gameplay experience. Instead they focus on "realism" like tranny simulations or gun simulation and try to pass those off as "creativity"
You’re associating something with a word that others have inundated threads with. You do this without an understanding of the thing or the word it’s being associated with. Thus you latch onto their judgements without making one for yourself.
What should I be feeling about this and what do you think would be a reply that'd best work in my favor?
how do you mean ?
Perhaps play the game for yourself and develop your own opinion? I like the game, that shouldn’t mean your conclusion should be the same. You’re an individual, not part of a hive mind.
If you were me and wanted to shitpost in order to drag you down, how do you think I should reply to this?
I finished all the games then started reading. Wish I did it in the reverse order because only then do you get to appreciate seeing characters like Dudu, knowing how much geralt and dandelion went through together, geralt's relationship with yarpen and the crinfred reavers etc.
How about I play the one game I like in the series and then use all the time I’d be wasting on seven books and two games on other activities instead of blowing all my time on a single series?
An action game with bad combat is worthless.
Probably call it a shit moviegame with bad combat and no rpg elements. And top it off by calling me a faggot
Fucking kill yourself zoomer
Bad gameplay=bad game
retarded drivel
The books are trash, and so is the third game.
Combat in TW2 was meant to feed on the Demon Souls early "git gud hardcore gamer" meme. Their games feed off whatever is popular at that time + they play the contrarian to whatever negative marketing is going on.
TW1 = Bioware RPG with slightly more consequential choices
TW2 = RPG with 1 route-split and early souls combat
TW3 = Skyrim without level-scaling plus "free DLC" (The DLC are called expansions, bro)
Also GoG = shitty part of Steam without "DRM Launcher"
But DRM is Steam's shitty part.
>bad gameplay
Deus Ex has garbage gameplay by now but it’s still one of my favorite games of all time.
>its ok when DS does it
Deus Ex does not have intrusive gameplay compared to Witcher. Deus Ex has core gameplay involving exploration / interaction with NPCs. The story INCORPORATES gameplay.
Witcher 3 story exists in between lame combat segments. Most results are not particularly nuanced, or, in some cases, extremely awkward and obtuse.
Trash opinion
If you had actually clicked on that youtube vid in the image you would know that it includes all main story conversations in addition to the cut scenes. Yes, it's a 200 hour RPG. Yes, there is a lot of dialogue. Yes, you get to make choices. I know you don't like the whole "interactive story branching through the players choices" thing but that is, when combined with the whole stats and gear and leveling, what makes a game a fucking ROLE PLAYING GAME. Lots of story, lots of dialogue, and then you fight and loot and watch your choices play out.
Lmfao what a fucking retard you are
That's like reading a random chapter from one random Harry Potter book and claiming it's a "waste of time" to read the other stuff in correct order
>because only then do you get to appreciate seeing characters like Dudu, knowing how much geralt and dandelion went through together, geralt's relationship with yarpen and the crinfred reavers etc.
Yep this precisely. The other retards are too damaged to appreciate storytelling in this way though, their brain is literally dude weed lmao
>That's like reading a random chapter from one random Harry Potter book and claiming it's a "waste of time" to read the other stuff
He'd be right.
Books are dogshit, and CDPR"s Geralt is an infinitely better character than Sapkowki's Geralt.
>Books are dogshit
Zoomers, everyone!
>all of this kojima Fags
>so buttplastered he actually went for dictionary
>that hitbox at the end
Jesus Christ. How can Yea Forums ride the dick of this game so hard? I thought this was a gaming enthusiast board, not /r/gaming.
I hated the combat in witcher 2. Is witcher 3 any better?
>Yea Forums
>gaming enthusiast board
Excuse me?
You're excused, now fuck off.
Less annoying but not any better
>25fpsborne babbies still seething 4 years later
Because thankfully the rest of the world doesn't base its opinions on a shitty webm.
>still butthurt about W3.