

are you excited for code vein

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Affectionate big tiddy vampire wife.

I will enjoy the game but anime weebshitters are part of the worst posters on Yea Forums

sorry we don't spam wojacks enough to appease your autism

Does it have asexual representation?

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Fucking mentally ill moron, that's a wardrobe, and not a closet.

>implying I prefer Wojak to Costanza and babbyposting

Only game I preordered with MGSPW.
Hopefully it'll be good enough. Also is the titty monster our GF no matter the gender?

Nope, only if female.

Based. Was planning on playing a girl anyway

I wish it had a Switch port.

She's confirmed as last boss.



cute dog

>anime looking bullshit

She is though. You have to kill your waifu.


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I want to protect this hat wearing girl.

Fuck off you autistic nigger

That's my dog user

I'll be streaming final boss Io and spoiling all the people here soon. Be sure to watch!

No you won't

I will.

>not starting the thread with best girl
y tho

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>LE has Mia in it
Io confirmed final boss

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Hats > Honkers

I wish we could play a Loli and suck on those milkers.

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Unconditional love > Dumb hats

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If Io is the final boss then I'm not finishing the game bros

But he did

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yes but not getting it at launch, i can already tell that this is a game that will need weeks of patching

No, he didn't.

Would have been better to choose our girl.

What if she wants you to kill her?

What if I want her to kill me?

You don't to kill her after she mutates into an abomination?

Not really. Might pirate if I'm bored

I will only kill her if I die right after

>high impact sexual violence

Mia is so poor that she can't afford a nose!

Not for us though...

I self-insert as Mia's brother

Mia's cute thighs!

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imagine rubbing her belly

Patting Mia's head and telling her she's a good girl!


Closet enough



Just let it die user, show Miafags what happens when you start a thread with worst girl

But lo wasn't in this thread's OP

Give me 5 reasons why Mia is better than Io

1. Cute hat
2. If she hugs you, she holds you closer to her heart
3. Isn't the last boss
4. People don't constantly spell her name with L
5. Mia!

Steam gave me the game for free. Will it be a fun game?

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>Cute hat

>If she hugs you, she holds you closer to her heart
She will never hug you, user

>Isn't the last boss
Neither is Io as far as we know

>People don't constantly spell her name with L
Miafags aren't people



Won it on the race?

>can't do much without your help in combat
>good science experiment subject
>wears a silly hat

t. Mido

excited for more exposure for the other girls in it instead of io and mia

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Mia is fucking shiiiit, the worst partner. Everyone realized that in the beta and went with our bro Yakumo.

Imagine the smell of Mia's hat

Mia is so sugoi. I want her to be my wife.

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>Implying Mia would care about anyone besides MUH BROTHER

She will after he dies and you help her avenge him.

>help her
more like avenge him by myself because Mia is fucking useless

>trying to use a ranged companion as a tank
You're supposed to be the sturdy melee one for her.

I want to be Mia's wife!

When he dies, obviously the next action is to turn Mia into your obsessive adopted little sister who's always dependent on you.

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I can't tank if I waste half of my health reviving her dumb ass

well, i used the glitch to win the race, got rimworld too

That just means you didn't protect her well enough.
If you need babysitting, might as well get lo to breastfeed you, since you don't seem to be responsible enough to deserve Mia.

>ranged companion
>tries to melee the enemies
>hurr durr you didn't protect her well enough

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Maybe. Might get the game half off in the future on either XBone or PC but only if Bamco decide to remove Denuvo from the PC port in the future (which that might not happen ever).

I want Mia to bite me

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>God-Eater is grimdark Monster Hunter with waifus and husbandos
>Code Vein is grimdark Dark Souls with waifus and husbandos
What's next?

>implying they wont go for the little brother teases her sister about being a couple with the chad protag
Camon user, this is shit is predictable.

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>rare picture of Mia during her dog training

Is this how she compensates for being a flattie? Acting like a complete slut?

Join this server if you want Io to live discord.gg/H953at

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Dumb lo-fag
At least have the decency to use something that isn't a bloated botnet datamining center, e.g. IRC or Matrix

The absolute state of Iofags
Meanwhile Miachads get all the goods

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>are you excited for code vein
no /r/games convinced me this game is just pandering to men

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user, stop, you're embarrassing us


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That's obviously a falseflagging Miafag, don't fall for it

I'm the one who usually falseflags as a Iofag and that wasn't me.

And you expect me to believe that?

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Gotta Iove lo

What, are you saying that I'm actually an Iofag falseflagging as a falseflagging Miafag? Don't be silly.

No, you cannot play as a barren fujoshi.

Now you see her

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No, what I'm saying is that you are a Midofag falseflagging as an Iofag

Now you still see her because she would never leave your side

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So has it been confirmed that revenants can have children?

Oh fuck!
How did you manage to figure that out so fast?

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I didn't, I just assumed

Likely considering how God eaters can have them.
Mia/Io will never be impregnated anyway and will Alisa in the club

Now see her

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Well, congratulations, you've assumed correctly. As a reward, you've been promoted to a memory loss experimental subject, replacing Mia.

I see her, but not her nose

Now you see her for what she really is

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I-I'll have to pass on that

No? Looks too similar to God Eater which got repetitive and boring quickly, even local coop

It's been confirmed that no one (who isn't wrapped in their own narcissism to the point where every game has to have a mini-you to project yourself into) actually gives a shit about their sexuality, it's a game about killing monsters and looking goth/punk/industrial as fuck.

You've said that eight times already, but it won't change anything. Give up.

Please Mido-san, I'm sure Mia is a better candidate for this

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Speaking in third person already?

>tfw Eva is likely Mido next queen project to whatver the fuck he is planning and likely gave Jack some of the queen's blood to carry on with his plan and us have the good queen
I wonder if it's true the different endings and that would mean we would help them by giving Io too.

>So has it been confirmed that revenants can have children?
Every one in this game are undead. A good chunk of them bitch and moan on why their bodily functions don't work anymore and all they do is fight, drink blood, die and revive.


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>are you excited for code vein
No, they delayed it for far too long.

>Wait, people are expecting this to be GOOD? Shit, we were just gonna coast by on tits! Quick, delay it a year so it looks like we tried!

I'll try to make babies with Io.

I'll succeed at making babies with Io

Io won't die, the white-haired girl never dies.

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She's gone, Soma

>My waifu sucks at fighting but at least she has a hat!


Wrong girl, Phym did survived

Yes. Day one buy.
This game actually acknowledges black people and for this to be a Japanese game you know it’s not forced so that’s already enough to win me over.

Just gotta choose whether to go with the afro or dreadlocks
Either way my nigga about to look fresh as hell

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This dude is having a stroke
I guess /pol/ will do that to ya

>we will have hundreds of BLACKED videos with Io


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We won't if you delete this right now

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>that NTR scenario at the beginning
Shit writes itself

God I hope

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> Only for consoles

Imagine being a PCfag lmao

>Io stays behind some deliquents while you're sent somewhere else to collect some random shit
>actually thinking the guys would just let such prime tiddie go untouched
I'm sorry bros but I think Io is used goods.

That's their consolation prize since they won't get mods.

Except that based Oliver "Taxation is Theft" Collins kills them all before that happens

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What ?
I just asked a question as to why they don't make a PC version of the pack.
I'm an idort so it don't matter.

They fucked user. Or at least he probably copped some feels.
You simply never leave your girl alone like that.

>implying she wouldn't have killed them if they tried that
She's not Mia, user, she can defend herself

proofs where

PC won't get mods either since DENUVO'd

Great meme

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Didn't stop games like MHW from getting mods, even ones that modify the executable or game memory.

It's all a matter of perspective. You think they're after Io, I think they're waiting for their chance to corner the MC to make a pass at him.

>PC won't get mods either since DENUVO'd
How the fuck do people keep spouting this?
Denuvo doesnt even stop you pirating DLC if own the base game, same as most other modifications.

>no mods

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>grimdark Dark Souls
sure thing lol


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>ywn hold hands with Io while some thugs gangbang you both

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>ywn hold hands with lo while you both gangbang some thugs

I left for 15 minutes what the fuck are you niggers talking about

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My negroes of similar tastes.
>ywn hold hands with Io while you both powerbottom thugs until they beg you to stop

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We are talking about how likely the thughs wanted to fuck the protag instead of Io because how much of a chad the guy is

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But GE3 switch looks so bad, imagine code vein on switch.

Because it's objectively better than the alternative.
>ywn be so chad that even faceless randoms will want to smash your prostate/get their prostate smashed by you and NTR you away from your love interest
why even live bros

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you can make a black guy in the Code Vein. Then it led to Io being bred by BBC until people realized theyd prefer Io getting NTRd instead by whitebois

Cuckfaggots popped up.

They only took Io to make sure (You) don't escape you bunch of cucks

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I just hope this isn't God Eater reskinned. That series is boring as fuck.

See? They wanted the MC all along.

Wrong, they wanted (You) to bring them blood beads so they don't go fucking berserk.

Who fucking cares if you're asexual

History wise, it will likely be specially how close it looks to GE3
Gameplay not at all, NPCs will still be useful like GE and likely will make things easy if you bring them.

and I hope this game has moments like this instead!

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In pornoland, 'blood beads' can easily be redefined as a macguffin. 'The MC's semen will help us gain hemoglobin and restore blood sugar'. 'Help us gain blood beads, MC!'

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They also fucked Io while you were going out finding blood beads

Never change Yea Forums

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>while you were going out finding blood beads
>out finding semen
>The M was slutting it up the whole time
Deepest buttpussy lore ngl

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Two best girls in the same image!

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>tfw not using the real song for DPyta
>tfw no merciless king
OST wise, this GE is pretty fucking weak.
Hope code vein atleast has god tier.

don't post Eva when the cucks are around

>Caring about Eva when she is Jack's queen bomb just like Io is yours

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I don't want to read about Jack getting cucked, I like the guy

Those milkers are just begging to be squeezed.

>Starting thread with best girl
Thanks user. You've really turned my day around.

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>thread with Mia in the OP turns into a degenerate shitfest

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Don't mind if I do.

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I think there's like 1 or 2 anons who have Eva as their waifu.

>I think there's like 1 or 2 anons who have Eva as their waifu.
So Mido and Jack?

I was super excited, until I learned that all PC versions will have denuvo. So I won't be able to play it on PC without also putting denuvo on my computer. So now I'll just try my best to pretend like the game doesn't even exist.

never saw a jackposter tho

it's the weirdest identity people could get mixed up in at least
>not really into fuckin' or datin' or whatever their shtick is
>you could probably live your life without anyone noticing or caring about it and no one's really going to fight you for it
>but we still need a flag and a really small movement?

More like, code GAYn!

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I liked Eva during her first introduction and that was back when Io didnt exist yet.

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We will get more updates, with some Core Engage already confirmed. Guess that will be like Blood Rage, hopefully with sick music

>Io fags shit up a thread they don't like by talking about how badly they want to be gangbanged with their wife by some thug revenants
If the boot fits.

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>have to pick between playing a cute boy and getting spoiled by your mom Io or playing a cute girl and doing cute things

What's so bad about denuvo?
t. About to buy a PC for this game

I like Evas design the most of all characters shown

>muh Iofag boogeyman

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>not playing as an edgy girl
I just need to befriend Louis right away so I can *unsheathe katana*

>tfw only two months for the Iofag vs Miafag war
Can't wait to see who gets BTFO

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1. It's obfuscated DRM that is ran in a virtual machine and does all kinds of shit that is difficult to identify because of all the obfuscation, but it includes shit that can overstep the boundaries of your computer's user/admin rights. Download scripts online. Update itself. All kinds of shit beyond simply revoking your access to the game.
2. Even uninstalling the game that denuvo came with, doesn't even remove all parts of denuvo. Have fun having that shit around deep in your system.
3. Games that run using denuvo have longer load times and lower frame rates. Are more resource intensive. Absolutely useless shit that does nothing but inconvenience you, yet still burns some of your hardware's finite lifespan.

Nothing, some people are just too dumb to use a different VM snapshot for every game so they complain when DRM rootkits stay on their computers.

Miafag for life
If using her as a companion puts the game on hard mode, so much the better.

>plays the game on hard mode for a girl that doesn't care about the MC

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>Playing a cute boy
Looks like we've got a faggot on our hands lads.
I bet he doesn't even have a hat or a heart codpiece.

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Pre-ordered it yesterday

good goy

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So PS4 or PC?


This drawing is incorrect. Mia does not have a nose.

Her nose is like a blood veil, it only grows when she does jewish things

But user mentioned that PC has denuvo.

I couldn't care less, user

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I will always support anime T&A

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Then don't get it at all I guess

Hahahaha I feel sorry for all of you MiaFAG losers


And if you don't believe me, you're either a retard or a NIGGER


Mifflin Devin

You are all retarded if you cant see they are trying to do a flat Alisa thing here. Mia even has the same dumb can't properly put on the strap thing going on.

Then why am I not sleeping on Mia's lap?

Stop making fun of Mia. She's a good girl

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She's a good girl when she's not barking at the mailman

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It's really obvious they pulling an Alisa.
Next in Code vein 2 we will get another autistic not Ciel

>autistic not Ciel

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Too bad she won't top Alisa.

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i want to top alisa if you catch my drill

I'd actually like her to suffocate me like pic related.

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god I wish that were me

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is this team fortress 3?

Narcissists. In fact, that is pretty much the answer to every single one of the snowflake identities.