What went wrong?
What went wrong?
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They didn't make it as good as the first one.
I remember when I thought the render on the cover looked somewhat realistic. Now it's poop-tier
nothing it was better than the 1st one
fpbp. hl2 was more concerned about cramming shitty physics puzzles and vehicle segments into the game than providing fun FPS gameplay.
Eve Online characters kinda went through the same.
>What went wrong?
that german skiddie
HL1 had a minimal story element to it so you could RP however you want
HL2 shoves story beats up your ass and praises you as a some god-like messiah
You are playing as a physicist.
There was no asexual representation.
Very little.
It wasn't as mindblowing as the first one, but it was still a great game.
They stopped the story partway though and after promising to finish it, they never did.
Valve has now become talentless hacks trying to fill the nitch that blizzard once had long ago and failing at that even.
no shit that's your job did you even finish the 1st one?
It's an alright game but the beta leaks show the potential for a game that could have lived up to the original.
less weapon variety
less enemy variety
completely new setting, shoddy continuity connections
unskippable "cutscenes"
the game starts to suck once you enter the citadel
The game makes up for it with excellent level design and straightforward mechanical satisfaction. Source movement feels fantastic. Inferior to the original HL but still well worth playing and enjoyable to revisit.
>gunplay is weak
Everything else is Yea Forums contrarianism.
I just played both games for the first time last year and I liked 1 more, being all alone in black mesa travelling through vents and seeing new aliens was a lot of fun and had very nice atmosphere,
I found half life 2 big downgrade, it looked more outdated as it has aged worse than the first game, gunplay didn't feel as good, physics were cool but not impressive by today standards, i bet if I had played it when it came out i'd be fanboying over it, and i hated how Alyx is basically your mommy that talks for you, i often felt like I was playing as a bodyguard for a protganist, I think they wanted a big story but still wanted to have freeman as a silent protaganist so she is there to continue the story
Is this a new meme?
Pretty sure Gordon is a eunuch, not once did he force himself on Alyx
>more concerned about cramming shitty physics puzzles and vehicle segments
The physics and vehicle improvements were a big part of the engine upgrade though, along with face animations. I agree that it's not as fun to play now though, because the improvements don't seem as great since most people are used to them now. I think the HL2 mods and other games that used its engine are better than HL2 itself.
Man I'm curious too. What went wrong with people trying to get internet points for hating this game? Why is it became a trend to shit on groundbreaking games?
I don't know yet but I just finished HL1 for the first time and thought it was pretty mediocre. Doom has aged better than that. How different is 2 compared to the first one? Is it better? It can't be worse can it?
This isnt reddit
So being Yea Forums means hating crysis, farcry, half life series,wolfenstein, doom etc.
>internet points
We don't have those here.
Yea Forums just means threads arent gonna be turned into echochamber where the majority just downvoted the minority to oblivion giving the illusion everyone hates or loves thing
HL1 and HL2 are both semi tech demos, but what HL2 was trying to demonstrate might not seem as interesting today. It's still a fun game for the most part, but if you can't appreciate the improvements it brought you might not enjoy it as much.
VtMB used the Source engine and I think it's a better game though. Along with all the multiplayer mods that used Source also being better than what Valve put out.
yet people act like it exist. Instead of saying what you actually think you jump on the current bandwagon and saying the same shitty argument over and over again.
I think half life 1 still holds up pretty well today, it's very obvious with half life 2 it was trying to be very impressive for its time
>We don't have those here.
People treat (You)s like internet points. I kind of wish we could make them say "(You)'re a faggot" if someone is just shitposting. And people also try to give out internet points or downvotes with fpbp, based, cringe, red/bluepilled, etc. posting.
HL2 is much more consistently artsy, and has way more of a "road movie" vibe to it.
Pretty much one of its heights it never quite reaches again is one of its first chapters, Water Hazard. Where you, with a motorboat, slowly crawl through the absolutely fucked up wasteland, which you realize was fucked up even before aliens came, and the only sparks of humanity there you encounter are those absurd, contrived, gamey "secrets" / lambda caches you find (with those who set them up more often than not rotting just nearby).
It's just pure fucking kino, maybe even occasionally ludo, in the most unironicall sense imaginable. Even tge bout of conventional gamey stupidity look welcome there due to just how pretty much morose, when you think about it, that chapter is in general.
the fuck does ludo mean? and why cant you use standard english words you dweeb?
it means kino but for video games
Just be happy you are on a forum where you can speak your opinion on whether if half life is good or not without your comment being hidden due to downvotes from the opposite opinion, if this was reddit the majority would win the upvote race and Yea Forums would turn into a echo chamber where only 1 opinion is allowed
That's ironic Yea Forums shitposting, used here unironically.
What I mean, is that in that chapter it seems quite important to me that it is YOU who are crawling through those water canals and that wasteland, and it is YOU who decide whether or not to pay a visit to that decrepit boathouse. If you, say, watch a playthrough, something gets lost, can't even say what clearly enough, but something definitely does.
Nothing at all, everything about it was top notch for the time.
Guys what went wrong here? Look how crude it is, there are no clear lines, and people in the renesanse did so much better drawings. We should hate cave painting together to be edgy and cool
>this thread
they didn't continue with 2001 build
lol at least you admit it was only good for its time
Yeah I agree, if you think Yea Forums is bad and try to go to other sites you'll realize all the others are actually worse in one way or another. That people willingly censor each other through "votes" is a bit unsettling. Just saying that some people here still shitpost and act like fags too.
Well if did not exist, you wouldnt have your favourite fortnite game kiddo. Respecting older games even if they are not special anymore is not a hard concept. Wolfenstein 3d cannot be said to be too enjoyable today, yet people dont shit on it all the time, because thats not hip and trendy I guess.
If half life 2 is so special how come thor wasnt playing it in the avegnars movie?
fortnite wins again
You can respect HL2 for what it did but still say it's not as fun to play today
I pity your high standards. I enjoyed hunt down the freeman just as much as half-life 2. You look at games like they are not entertainament, but something more, they have to prove themselves to you
I played HL2 when it first came out, like straight at the first weekend when my brother went all the way to buy the damn DVD box and let me tell you, I did not enjoy that damn game as much as the E3 trailers that I saw beforehand. It also ran like fucking shit on a 1,4 ghz Pentium 4 with a Geforce 4 ti and 512mb RAM. I absolutely hated the slippery feel of the guns and how the enemies barely reacted to you shooting them.
The mods that came out for it were also all dogshit. Anyone remember "Plan of Attack", fucking lol.
See, it's like the opposite in regard to Mirror's Edge to me. In ME one of the moat panned down, by those who liked the original, aspects of the sequel/reboot was that they went from avant-garde, Here And Fucking Now kind of design towards more conventional kind of sci-fi. Pretending to show talk about further future, when compared to the first game, at least, visually - but rooted in the now obsolete concepts, as clearly seen now, from the past. Like, the first game talked about the next day from the current day's perspective. The second one talked about, say, 15 years in the future, but from a standpoint that was 15 years behing the times or something, the exact numbers don't really matter. What matters is that by going sci-fi, the game sort of lost its beat, its actuality, its presense, its claim at adding something of its own to the pool.
Half-Life 2 is, surprisingly, the other way around. It started as sci-fi, some episodes in it largely remained sci-fi, but, man, do I fucking appreciate them making it more grounded, relatable and genuinely contemporary.
>What went wrong
People are so up HL1's ass they seem to forget about all the god tier atmosphere and storytelling that was in HL2.
>HL1 had a minimal story element to it so you could RP however you want
This has to be the dumbest argument for HL1 I've ever seen
roleplaying in a 90's FPS with an established character, playstyle, no player choices or anything.
I dunno I see the trend on /vr/ to shit a lot on hl1 because "It ruined the fps industry forevaaa" and such bullshit. People cant enjoy themselves anymore and play games, they need to nitpick whats wrong with them to just be grumpy
There's nothing wrong with having high standards. I played HL2 upon release and enjoyed it, and liked all the things it did at the time. Just the technical improvements it relied on aren't as impressive today because they're more common and we got used to them. You have to remember HL games are still partially tech demos because Valve wants other devs to license their engine.
But being able to admit it has some flaws regarding how fun it really is if you aren't just being impressed by the technical innovations means you can use that knowledge to make better games in the future. If Valve ever actually puts out a HL game in virtual reality, they should use the experience from HL2 that the game wasn't as fun when being replayed later by some people to see what could be done differently.
>The mods that came out for it were also all dogshit.
HL2 multiplayer mods are the only multiplayer games still worth playing. And they're the only good free games that aren't bombarded with shitty microtransactions and lootboxes.
>and storytelling
What storytelling? It starts in media res and ends in media res. You literally learn everything there is to learn in the first five minutes of the game.
I wish zombie masters were still around.
Does pirates knights and vikings still alive?
There's storytelling throughout the entire game, its not limited to just the intro and NPC exposition.
user did you even play the game?
>Does pirates knights and vikings still alive?
Yes, and so is Zombie Panic Source.
Give me an example of this wonderful storytelling that the game is full of. I played the game and all I saw was a vague story of alien invasion and some woman betraying the good guys to the bad guys and then the game ends.
Kind of boring compared to the first game or Black Mesa.
>ocean tides lowered several feet
>alien lifeforms in the wilderness
>all of ravenholm
>all of nova prospekt
>abandoned/raided/active rebel outposts
There's more small examples but just because you dont want to see it and want to shit on the game doesn't mean it isn't there.
Every game does crap like that. It's basic design shit. Have you not noticed it in other game? Do you not want to see it? The ocean being lower is not a story in of itself, it's a mere fact. You need a lot of these facts to tell a story. HL2 is not forthcoming. It just has a bunch of disparate facts. So what? They're not stories and that's why you could only list set pieces instead of stories.
Nothing? It served its purpose as a tech demo quite well.
Everything went 100% per cent right.
're a faggot
DoTA & CS:GO happened
>There was no asexual representation.
>literally nobody was fucking because the Combine oppressed them not to
>what went wrong
Yea Forums will be contrarian despite the fact that 90% didnt browse Yea Forums when Half-Life 2 came out, because that shit was RAVED about across every board.
Forced continuity for starters. It's obvious to everyone Half Life 2 has basically nothing in common with 1 aside from that the protagonist is allegedly the same, so the story is a pile of nonsense ending in nothing.
Half Life 1 was contained, focused and knew what it wanted to be. It's a rollerslide adventure of very impressive narrative gameplay design, there's a lot of thought put into the way you progress through out the game.
2 on the other hand while retaining impeccable level design is just a hodgepodge of meaningless setpieces which don't amount of anything, everything is disconnected from everything else and it comes across rather as a bunch of creative ideas to utilise a physics engine rather than someone's creative idea.
It's worse because it has inherently less meaning in its design.
-gay storyline where you're the messiah and not an everyman
-hideous mutt love interest
-awful feeling weapons
-all the weapons are seriously trash holy shit
-braindead ai that will stop shooting if you hold up a bottle of pills in front of them
-the ai seriously only has 3 routines, stand & shoot, run at you & shoot, and stand & grenade & miss
-who thought that pistol sound was acceptable what the fuck
-babys first physics puzzles oooh i put the heavy thing on one side and then i win wow so deep
-pandered to lonely pc gamers desperately looking for good games to justify their shit platform
it's cancer.
'b-b-but you can kill the scientists''
Half Life 1 knew it wanted to be kitsch trash, Half Life 2, while retaining kitschy aspect, tried going avant garde OMFG kill it with fire.
Also, there was a great, if janky HL-like game in between of two HLs, called Messiah. I would rather put best parts of HL2 alongside it, than alongside HL1.
A physicist who for some reason is a one man death machine turned messianic figure. What point are you trying to make here?
Fun is a buzzword and you weren't just playing a "game" you buffoon.You were immersing yourself in art.
Also let's not forget, that essentially, HL's campaign direction was simply an adaptation of Another World for the FPS format. Also all the "enhancements" it introduced over Quake mechanically were pure jank garbage (even crouch implementation, of all things, was trash, when compared to HeXen2's). So it's not like all that much value was lost by dropping strict adherence to its mold.
Also, in regard to AW's relevance in 1998, AW's spiritual sequel, Heart of Darkness, was released some ~4 months before HL's release.
They leaked the beta
>Black Mesa > HL2 > HL1
You got it wrong.
Opposing Force > HL1 > Blue Shift > HL2 Episode Two > HL2 > HL2 Episode One > Black Mesa
Zombie Master got remastered in 2015.
It has a dedicated group that makes servers for both it, and ZM 1.2.1. Get this: The server actually gets full the days they play.
>2 on the other hand while retaining impeccable level design is just a hodgepodge of meaningless setpieces which don't amount of anything, everything is disconnected from everything else and it comes across rather as a bunch of creative ideas
Patently untrue. This whole thread is pretty saddening, and it speaks volumes that HL2's legacy will be tarnished within 5 years. The unifying concept of HL2 is the Combine's hold on the Earth. The opening levels, the ruined canals, the decadent outskirts, Ravenholm's destruction, the abandoned highways, the drainage of Earth's oceans; it all comes together completely. It's almost as if you've never played it.
btw everyone should play HL2 with SMOD.
Nothing except the twelve-years-and-couting cliffhanger
>Blue Shift > Episode 2
Shitty AI and gimmicks. The Episodes mostly fixed this.
EP2 > HL1 > Opposing > EP1 > BM > BS > HL2 > Decay
Play Mission Improbable, Minerva, Aftermath and Year Long Alarm if you haven't already. They are Valve-tier.
People never mention Penetration. Damn thing is right up there with the ones you listed.
I dont get this. Is there any better gunplay from that era? Yes there is one peashooter but when i fired smg in ravenholn when i downloaded demo, i almost came
I'll check it out. I also recommend just about everything made by Jason Gimba AKA Maki.
>Not innovating
Far Cry, F.E.A.R., Riddick.
Why is Hammer so shitty bros?
With Half-Life 2? A large number of things. That said, it turned out fine. MMod and the Update on Steam make it a great experience, even in 2019.
Pretty accurate my friend.
Jesus you are fucking retarded man
OpFor is truly great. The only blight against it has, and boy is it one, is the room that goes to hell and the toxic shit rises. First time through it's crazy, every other time through you just wait, and wait, and wait.
>far cry
Lol the guns in those games feel like shit compared to half life 2, and the guns in fear while more powerfull they dont sound as good as the ones in hl2
Nothing, you are asking the question in a board thats full of nintendo faggots AND weeabos. Half life 2 is one of the best action-adventure fps ever and the guns dont feel as bad as people say
I give you f.e.a.r just because the shotgun, but far cry and riddick? no. Also clearing up rooms with shotgun in city17 when the uprising started was also godlike back then.
>love interest
Gordon ignores her all the time. Annoying bitch.
I have never played blue shift or opposing force, how long are they?
opfor about 2/3rds as long as the base game and blue shift about 2/5ths
Are there any other like HL1 and FEAR with that survival horror kind of "vibe" you know what I mean atmosphere wise
>inb4 someone saids dead space to be funny
>you just wait, and wait, and wait
Describes plenty of HL2's setpieces.
Physics puzzles /can/ be fun, and having a break from constant shooting to pick your brain is never a bad thing. Just gotta make those breaks few and far between while keeping gunplay rigid tight.
Too bad hl2 did neither of those things
The Half-Life mod Paranoia is right up your alley.
Considering that for a long time it was hailed as the greatest PC game of all time, I'd say that nothing went wrong, as far as Valve is concerned. What game holds that title now, anyways?
Half life 2, and the half life franchise in general, is at that point in it's life where we're post-idolization. Talking critically about the many faults in the game is no longer met with constant valve cocksucking and justification for what is wholly a mediocre game. At the time of course I remember being absolutely amazed, but thinking beyond the rose tinted glasses, and playing it recently a lot of garbage starts to float to the surface. All of which will be repeated by others with the same mindset or parroting opinions in these threads until hlvr/3/something who fucking knows comes out and people go back to either liking valve or forget about 2.
>What game holds that title now, anyways?
I would guess Nu-Doom but I'm really not sure.
like action horror? maybe the original prey, necrovision and necrovision lost company, blood and avp2
No HECU Marines to help the rebels
No Houndeyes
Just play though those beta mod builds on hl2.ru or whatever
beta half life objectively best atmosphere. 2003 leak was a fucking mistake. Give me hl1's telling through showing in hl2 beta's atmosphere and you have a winner.
The original assets got leaked so they remade everything, also there Needed to be more different synth enemy types.
>Using a proprietary physics engine they didn't program for a few easy puzzles and ravenholm
If you want something HL2 actually did innovate, it's the facial features. Havok physics engine has already been used in plenty of games prior and Valve never truly explored its capabilities until Portal.
doom 2016 by a long shot
game felt like limp dick when I played it, got bored and dropped it. It's idolized as the greatest shooter ever made, but I got a feeling thats mostly media hype and people never leaving mainstream game companies
Why do people complain about the physics puzzles? There's only like two of them in the entire game and they're a nice break from the main campaign.
It's older than DICK
>BM that far down
>When it's just a graphically updated 1
>And Xen is a full expansion rather than a half baked last minute idea
We are all impressed by your contrarianism, truly you are the quintessential Yea Forums user deserving of board-wide praise.
Now if only you had actually played the game so that you could have made some valid criticism and made your post more believable.
>enemy whose purpose is to annoy you for five seconds and nothing else
>let's sprinkle them into every map in the game
This and headcrabs in vents. Valve devs probably thought they were so fucking clever putting a headcrab in the vents for the 30th time in the game. Fuck them.
I played the game retard, movement was clunky, environments were over detailed, everything felt like limp dick
Suck it up ya wet cumsock, your perfect game is far from perfect.
Because they seem thrown in at times, not unlike HL1's platforming puzzles. I personally don't mind them, but that might just be because my favorite parts of the game(jalopy and uprising) don't have them a lot.
>beta half life objectively best atmosphere.
Ah yes, I do too love endless sewer levels and other dull brown & gray locales.
>The original assets got leaked so they remade everything
Stop it with this fucking meme
>environments were over detailed
ugly game
ugly doom"slayer"
You know jack shit about game design. Both these ceiling things and headcrabs serve the same purpose. It's to keep your attention while exploring the world. They aren't hard to deal with. But you have to be aware of what's ahead of you, don't sleepwalk.
You are a fool and a nincompoop. You massively overlook the opposing viewpoint and it's details in the same way you view those against your opinions overlook yours.
Not enough synth enemy types, also the segments were you are alone are the best ones.
The entire first fucking like half hour of the game isn't even a game and THAT's the most retarded part.
No idea, too many aborted ideas kinda like the first.
And I hate the cutscene segments, making gordon a prophet sure its well written I love the vorts, but have him take the suit like its a capeshit batman suit was terrible.
Characters are terrible and Alyx is terrible.
That said I like many parts of the game, like the coast and canal.
Same could be said for hl1. The tram ride is just obnoxious.
>There was no asexual representation.
As a matter of fact...
Yeah games like Thief aged better.
That said I think HL 1 is a great game, better than Quake 2.
christ you're right
Only real difference was the tram ride being full of life and exploring the massive complex youll be spending the next few hours in, while the beginning of hl2 it's just an intro to a portion of city17
A tram skirting the edges of c17 and slamming you directly to kleiner wouldve been better than lol youre here now walk around for like 20 minutes until *setpiece* picks you up
>Only real difference was the tram ride being full of life and exploring the massive complex youll be spending the next few hours in, while the beginning of hl2 it's just an intro to a portion of city17
they're the exact same thing you retard
if anything hl2 is more interactive
You are a sophomoric moron, trying to defend misinformed and deluded idiots who have this idea in their head of a glorious beta version of Half-Life 2 based on hearsay and concept art. When in reality prior to 2003, the game was in constant flux since they were both trying to build the engine and see what kind of gameplay/aesthetic ideas would work.
Back in 2001-2002 the game was still a bland brown piece of shit with barren cubic levels because they were trying to nail down the aesthetic and come up with setpieces (the bread & butter of what makes Half-Life fun). Physics had no real gameplay purpose yet and was there just for the sake of it. It was not a proper game, to put it short.
The game didn't really start coming together until 2003, and by the time the leak happened it was extremely close to the finished product, just shitty and unfinished. WHICH IS TO SAY THAT THEY DID NOT REBUILD THE GAME.
This times a hundred
The version of HL2 that was being actively worked on in September 03 is what we got except less polish and also bullsquids
Too many "cutscenes". Makes replaying it a fucking bitch. Other than that it's a groundbreaking masterpiece like HL1 was.