Last multiplayer FPS you really got into (500 hours+)

Last multiplayer FPS you really got into (500 hours+)
Modern Warfare 2 boomer here.

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Rainbow Six Siege I guess. Pity about all the censorship. It's put me off wanting to play when I can't even swear in chat. Feels like I'm being babysit or something and I don't appreciate that.


Natural Selection 2

Payday 2

mayhem is most fun

>siege babbies
RS2 nam.

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Kangsfield 1 975 hours. 900 of it was spent in servers outside of australia because shit sunk like a rock not even six months after release.

NS3 when? I was really into NS2 years ago but it felt like pubs went from these 40-50 minute slug matches to 15m blitzkriegs. Maybe it was just people getting better at the game but it took something out of the game for me. There has been a lot of reworks over the years.

>NS3 when?
never probably, the CEO is a literal faggot who hates guns and specifically said there won't be any more games with guns. they Subnautica now. don't support this company outside of NS2

tribes, 570 hours
before thaat tf2, 2700+ hours
before that ut2004, 6900 hours + 300 on the demo
before that q3, no clue how many hours
before that q1, no clue how many hours
now i just play one mmo and singleplayer fps

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Unironically Quake 3 Arena

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I've been playing online games since 2003.

Which games? Also I miss Tribes.

Battlefield 3 (2011) but not as much as Battlefield: Bad Company 2 (2010) and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (2009)

boomers dont play multiplayer please you can't aim for shit go back to doom and look left and right

Then why are you playing trash like siege?

Insurgency sandstorm. Just hit 500 the other day.

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Is optimization still diarrea tier?

>500 hours+
Literally none.

Siege was/is great. You wouldn't be saying this if I didn't get so popular.

>not bf3
zoomie detected

It's getting better with every patch

currently DB
2300+ so far
also KF2
500+ so far

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>u don't like because it's trendy
Wrong. My main issue with the game is that the FPS mechanics are terrible. Weapons feel like pea shooters and movement is too light which doesn't make it fun to play.

Battlefield 3

It was pretty good

before that was ut2004

wrack, paranautical activity (both were shit), dusk, amid evil, now waiting for wrath
modern titles include only d44m

World of Tanks.
Quit in 2016 and I've been playing mostly single player games since.

cs 1.6 was probably the only fps i spent that many hours on
maybe doom 2


Destiny 2.
It's actually great, so weird to see that this game has 0 presence on Yea Forums despite being really popular.

>Weapons feel like pea shooters
Not that user, but have you actually played the game? Not many games make each round count as much as they do in Siege.

>Weapons feel like pea shooters
What does that supposed to mean? They are definitely not, the TTK in the game is pretty low no matter what you use.

Yes I have.
That may very well be but when the core mechanics are shit and the FPS part is not fun to play then what's the point.
The premise is nice but the the execution could be so much better, too bad it's a Ubishit game.

When was the last time you played it?

I've been playing R6 since Rogue Spear and think it's the best entry since Raven Shield.
I just wish it didn't get so popular because the direction seems fucked since Year 2.

I thought DB died?

>no recoil
>no weight
>all weapons feel the same
They made absolutely no effort to make the shooting more engaging and fun. It's just "point and shoot lel" Their Far Cry games suffer from the same issue. It's an open world FPS but the FPS part is just so fucking underwhelming.
About a year ago.

840+ hours in modern warfare remastered and climbing. Im fucking addicted to free for all. I take comfort in the fact it’s still the best cod and FPS of all time.

Insurgency & day of infamy
I can never go back to anything else bros
Everything else is nonhardcore casual garbage after playing these kinos

>no recoil
>no weight
>all weapons feel the same
That is simply not true.

>840+ hours in some casualshit fps
How do you not get bored at a certain point?

Battlefield 3. Good Memories on those maps with my squad boys. Every match was something else.

Sandstorm is fucking garbage and zoomer-core in every single eay

Probably battlefield 3

But Battlefield 2 was the peak of my multiplayer fps days

That's because it fucked over its core fanbase so many times that they refuse to give them another chance and try the game again, let alone talkabout it. Bungie buttfucked too many of its hardcore fans before it tried to fix itself. Too little, too late.

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i don't play FPS, the last shooty game I got really into was Soldat and that was like a decade ago.

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Battlefield 3

Unreal Tournament 2004

The moment they permanently deleted faction rallies so I can't pledge to New Monarchy, I uninstalled the game.

I'm surprised there aren't any Soldat threads like ever

Star wars Battlefront 2 (2017)


what does that mean
there's always a few servers running
makes no difference if theres 30 full servers and 5 with some free slots or 3 full servers and 5 with some free slots

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Also, to keep with the thread theme, Destiny 1 was my last 500+ hours fps

I do sometimes, but rarely. I win a lot.

Arma 3
Probably 2000 hours or so, can't tell exactly since you had to use an external launcher before BIS made a proper one.

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I don't know, man. I joined the game a little bit before they started giving the base game away for free on I missed all the controversy, all the bullshit you are referring.
All I see now is a genuinely good game with a healthy amount of players, constant updates and content added, a new expansion on the horizon, etc.

I understand that they fucked it up in the past, but it's still weird not to see anybody at all to care here.

Now imagine the game you're playing now with no masterworks, no reason to do raid, no endgame whatsoever and all the cool special event armors being tied to the eververse.

>ever playing this eurojank piece of shit unironically

kys race traitor

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that's because liero is better

Battlefield 1

I never played a game this much even when I was still in high school with infinite free time.

But the last (and only) online shooter I played religiously was RTCW


The base game, I never tried ET despite it being free

desu I bought RTCW moreso for the single player campaign, I had no idea how great the MP would be until after I installed the game

Imagine not being able to control your instincts of insulting anonymous people in a video game and crying about it in 4channel because "muh censorship". You are closer to being an animal than to being a person.

>snowflake triggerd by words

>snowflake triggered by not being able to say the n word

who are you quoting nigger, can't you read?

DayZ standalone i got it after 1.0 dropped

TPS but probably reached 500 hours in Fortnite
Before that 400 in BF1
About a gorillion in BC2

>who are you quoting nigger
>can't you read?

Urban Terror, don't know how many hours, I'd still play it if I could.

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