Are booth babes still a thing at gaming conventions?
Are booth babes still a thing at gaming conventions?
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at asian conventions, yes
Booth babes never went away they just called them something else.
Probably Russian ones too, since they don't give a fuck.
yes they just have to wear clothes like a normal person would
Nigger what? Booth babes are still around.
literally paid to look good?
They got rid of them because it interferes with coswhores shilling their patreons, literally what happened
>Only we're allowed make money out of slutting around
>he doesn't know
spotted at IEM in poland
Are they? I remember there was somewhat of an outrage in western "gaming journalists" about their very existence, as if these women were being forced to dress that way, rather than being paid for it.
Get laid.
Don't forget to post today's update sweetie
Facts you ugly cunt. Foids are the reason for both booth babes and grid girls disappearing because attractive women are problematic for the ugly.
Its just about their clothings. They dont need to wear skimpy or party clothes.
The only downside is for models that they now can hire any normal girl. The competition between service girls is now bigger since you dont need to look like a model.
Too sexist. Only booth babes you're getting now are booth "removed dick" babes
You know there is more than sex you sex addicted user
No it's because it creates an atmosphere where women don't feel welcome
Sounds like you need to get laid.
2 can get it bad. 3 can get it slightly less bad, as I will be tired after 2. The other ones can clip my toenails and bring me coffee.
not for long, the #metoo shit is spreading rapidly
They don't have to be skimpily dressed to attract attention though.
Nah, only booth trannies are allowed
How would someone not feel welcome because a person is hired to promote something?
Don't tell me people are actually this nonsensically fragile.
Its like not going to the beach when you're a fatty because you don't feel welcome due to the chads enjoying the sun.
Unfortunately, no.
I never see them at gaming shows anymore, but car and motorcycle conventions are still full of women dressed in skimpy clothes.
No and I'm glad. Some gamers (like myself) are asexual and we would like non-sexualised spaces.
Trust me, asians don't care.
That 198cm chick is perfect.
Why even live as a woman?
Yea because they can't handle being around others that are more attractive.
They just SAY they don't feel welcome. At the end of the day they're just trying to their own relative sexual market value by banning their competition.
>any of those
Stop watching anime.
imagine being some ugly roastie cunt hired to be a paid whore at a smelly gaymer convention
have sex
Marry 6'2" cuz she's perfect, Fuck 5'8" cuz she's slutty, Kill 6'6" cuz we don't like giraffes over there
Sounds like you already have 3 kids
Imagine being the nerd screeching sour grapes
>he doesn't know what push up bras are
>b isn't flat
I assume you've never cummed inside a woman?
Why are you so upset with what other choose to do with their lives, when it doesn't affect you in any way whatsoever?
No it's because of advertizer pressure you fucking tinfoil nutcase.
Girl on right is hot as fuck, girl on left looks like she just wants to get paid so she can buy more cocaine.
conventions themselves are a bygone tradition and a complete waste of money. just show gameplay, talk about your game , tell us how you made it, etc. and throw it on youtube. i dont care about watching developers meandering around a stage with a headset on pretending like they're the pillars of humanity and its a ted talk. its a waste of money and resources that could be spent on gameplay.
nah people are getting sick of it/ are sick of it already, it will be a rude awakening for the gaming industry if they keep on pandering to a loud minority.
You are right. Models will still have an advantage. I guess.
And what would you say if they were asian?
t. cosplay "artist"
hope your patreon dries up and you do porn stupid whore
I mean, booth babes in asian countries. Even in extreme feminist country like worst korea, booth babes still vital aspects of a convention. Everyone here admit pretty women make things merrier. End of discussion. No contest.
It is also a good part-time opportunity for college girls, I'll never understand where's the issue. Do bootbabes in the west give blowjobs to attendees?
Booth babe is just waiter job, but pretty.
Sure thing lady. Remember to avoid any mirrors or you may see the ugly truth
>Leftists on murdering kids in the womb: Stop telling women what they can and can't do with their bodies.
>Leftists on booth babes: Women shouldn't be allowed to do that with their bodies.
>Bianca Beauchamp was a booth babe
>Do bootbabes in the west give blowjobs to attendees?
>Booth babe is just waiter job, but pretty.
No what happens in the west is an extreme white guilt complex has been installed into the beta men that set these conventions up. They are so terrified of offending a single SJW loudmouth on twitter that all these rules are implemented.
Because the western men won't stand up against mass female histrionics we continue to lose freedom and fun.
Not him, but surely there are some practices that make you upset as well?
Her name's Amy Fay, IIRC.
>gaming conventions
Are those still a thing?
Actually there has been some backlash from actual celebrities and brand owners of cosplayers cutting into their market at cons, lol.
Nah, unless it actually goes against my own personal interest, I usually don't give a shit.
>i dont care about watching developers meandering around a stage with a headset on pretending like they're the pillars of humanity and its a ted talk. its a waste of money and resources that could be spent on gameplay.
Isn't that exactly what happened with booth babes being banned though? (Gotta put something more eye catching than just a screen and some pamphlets so booth babes were an easy one, big large scale toy models being expensive and all) Enter the headset nerd instead of a good stage show. That's what the old CES etc. were like in the days when things were about fun and not lectures.
your just ugly and trying to cope
>Stop watching anime
>Meanwhile on Yea Forums: Eww tits are gross, flat is life.
>He still finds soulless mongoloid bugs sexy
I used to have yellow fever. But I live in western
Canada and having so many chinamen around completely killed it when you really get to know how shallow they are.
Go drink some more bath water you thirsty cunt.
6'6", please.
I thought being shallow have more to do with being women than being asian?
Yea Forums is full of lolicons
I want a t-shirt with that design.
>Are booth babes still a thing at gaming conventions?
the new rule is that you are only allowed to have booth babes if they are trannies.
>brand owners
Should've got a real job desu
I'd accept that if they actually looked like women, but had huge dicks that bulged in skin-tight clothing.
I used to have yellow fever, then I moved to Japan, and now it’s 10x worse.
I hope so
I dont see the point of em
whats the point of having a human billboard when you can just set up a booth where I can try out your product first hand and gauge its worth?
this is especially true for gaming products and electronics like AMD/INTEL or various graphic cards.
can you imagine if at E3 they never showed gameplay or even cinematics but instead just had some random porn star waltz out and assure you that its gonna be "totally awesome and worth pre-ordering teehee".
They still exist, yeah. Just not as common. A lot of their "point" kinda got stolen by "professional" cosplayers though, who are basically doing the same thing but for free. Why pay a model when you can take pictures with some girl who has her own baked in social media presence and will likely not demand as much, if anything at all? Likewise if you were a booth babe, why wouldn't you just transition full time to cosplay and make a lot more money via patreon and such while technically being self-employed instead of going through a modeling agency or whatever?
Obviously this only really applies to places where cosplay is a thing, like gaming and anime cons. Booth babes are still ridiculously common at any other sort of expo.
so it's an über vs taxis situation, kind of
>No it's because it creates an atmosphere where women don't feel welcome
how does being around attractive people make girls feel not welcome. i dont understand it. if they had a bunch of male models in shorts promoting things it wouldnt make guys feel unwelcome. the girls are also paid to smile and be friendly.
Insecure manlet spotted
>it will be a rude awakening for the gaming industry if they keep on pandering to a loud minority
you've been saying that for the past 5 years though
On Gamescom and asian ones, yeah.
Yes, I'm 6'2" and want all women over me to die painfuly. Would feel the same being 4'10" or 8'2" you nu-male
Yes, but they now have dicks
>those prices for her porn
Retard leaf.
Look at this dwarf with his high pitched voice shouting up to attractive people above him
because car and motorcycle enthusiasts are largely an aging demographic that still remembers firm ass pats as a sign of a good job
once the older generation of enthusiasts die out, I imagine the scene will have to "get with the times" to attract more of the younger crowd to replace it
Eh, kind of. Most pro cosplayers at least are actually self employed, or are part of some sort of team/organization for exposure and cooperation. Uber is just a company with lax hiring standards and employees it doesn't pay. It's not like you can self-promote yourself via Uber as a freelance cab driver or whatever, if you are using their app and brand they are taking a cut.
>He is under 14'9"... Yikes ! when will they learn !
they can have both, you know
Do you guys think they play Dark Souls?
I'd say its because car and motorcycle conventions aren't dominated by SJW enabling low test faggots for the organizers to pander to.
>be at gaming convention
>half-naked busty babe walks up to me and hands some pamphlet on Wakfu
>"jesus, girl, this is how you sell a game"
>we both laugh a bit
>she walks away and keeps going on her bussiness
>gf doesn't talk to me for the rest of the day
I miss them.
Someone post that dancing taiwanese nvidia gtx girl.
White women are coalburners, so yes.
Give me the 6'6 giantess, so I can have 6'11 babies.
Petty sure they only play good games.
No, feminists literally took away the jobs from the women.
maybe go to cons instead of getting your news from websites you hate
>6'11 babies
You're gonna need an excavator to pull those out of a person.
No, they have drinks with the girls and laugh at all the sweaty pathetic neckbeards they saw at work earlier. Then they get picked up by chad in an expensive car and get fucked at some mansion.
Probably in Vegas
> huge dicks that bulged in skin-tight clothing.
>not gaslighting your gf by rewriting history and suggesting you were actually asking a derisive question, then repeating what you said with different intonation "jesus, girl, THAT'S how you sell a game?" until she gives you some GPB and pussytenders
Unless you just enjoyed the silence of her not babbling for an entire afternoon, which is also quite based.
>bianca beauchamp
I shot so many loads to her
I go to Russian gaming cons, since I know the language and Russia is far closer to me than America.
I want a good looking tranny to oppress my ass with her monstrous cock.
>monster cock
The only way a tranny will oppress you is by forcing you to help "her" dilate.
Why do you know her name?
exactly what I was thinking of actually.
that and the other gaming AD webm that completely focuses on the girl playing and not actually the gameplay on the prebuilt PC.
ye but why?
I feel like thats just kinda sleazy or like almost offensive that they think so little of you as nothing more than a boner with a wallet
>"haha this guy is so dumb if we give him the allusion of scoring he'll buy our product no questions asked!"
outside of the porn industry or entertainment medium's why is this still a tactic people use? theres a time and a place for sexuality.Hooter rejects are the LAST THING I want to see when shopping for computer hardware at my local tech expo.
I just reverse searched the image.
It's not the SJWs per se that are the problem, rather it is those that are (((controlling and enabling them))) that are the problem
Why can't you incels just accept women don't like you and your need to get attention from a paid actress is pathetic?
If they have sex often enough they can skip dilation.
It's not the jews fault women are repulsed by you m8
But you typed "IIRC"
based and truthpilled
PROTIP sex is just forced dilation
A manner of speech, I'm not a native English speaker.
This is though
ive sometimes see a giant, goth tranny walk through the park near my house. i'll tell them you want some action. they have a huge forehead and kind of look like frankenstein though. hope youre into that.
>good looking tranny
You obviously lack reading comprehension.
Shame she overdosed on bogpills
theyre rare. you cant be too picky. plus you can say you fucked frankenstein.
What's the point of them aside from looking good? Can you ask them about the product they are promoting? Are they expected to know anything?
No, they're just suposed to get your attention so that you end up spending time checking out whatever is being promoted. Their job is literally just to be there and look pretty.
Why do yellow roasties look like aliens?
Not quite the same, but I'll do similar stuff when I want to chill out and play vidya without getting whined at
Go back
Nobody ever asked games to be taken seriously except faggotry journalists that couldn't hack the film industry
Here in America, slut cosplays are big but official booth babes aren't. I'm a con-goer, where are you that booth babes are still around and actually true to their title?
Went to Gamescom last year and there were a few
Con sluts should really get arrested for indecent exposure. There are children at conventions and those sick, exhibitionist con sluts are almost naked.
They’re women sweety. They lack the necessary organ to do any harm
They put bad thoughts in the minds of young boys and then those boys go out and commit sex and race crimes.
>cry about thots
>cry when there are no thots
There are good thots and bad thots. Nothing wrong with wanting to keep the good ones and scrap the bad.
diiisssssssgustiiiiing, make it go away!!!
Fuck off. The only who cried did so about the "objectivization of women", and it never bothered anyone with their balls firmly in their sack and who knew to keep them in it
>they can hire any girl they want
Yeah, they can. But they won’t. Hospitality is only for beautiful people, not average joe’s and janes.
No one really "cried" about booth babes. People bitched at cunts who use games to get attention, not women actually working for a paycheck.
Are you stupid? Thots are fine when they're not pretending to be anything else. They're simply there to be eye candy, nothing more.
It's when thots pretend to have a soul that the problems begin.
>Why do yellow roasties look like aliens?
the appearance of greys (typical aliens) comes from reports of what was thought to be a crashed ufo with the bodies of alien pilots but was really just a crashed plane with a couple asian corpses in it. western reports of the corpses were big heads, small eyes, flat noses small height etc. aliens appearance is actually based on the burnt corpses of a couple asian pilots.
>this is the same person
fuck off and die, invalid
Booth babes and professional cosplayers aren't dead yet.
How did we all become such puritans???
>Nobody asked for games to be taken seriously.
Nice revisionist history, fag. People cried about this on Yea Forums back then a lot because of the negative image associated with videogames as a whole. We were tired of being seen as manchildren by society at large, but, apparently, When came the time for compromise, nobody here wanted to sacrifice shit.
Because this is what it means to be taken seriously. If you don't want to be seen as a manchild, you gotta stop being a manchild, but it's clear now, in 2019, that the manchildren want to keep being manchildren. As evidenced by threads like this. It's funny, though, that you would claim "huur but I always wanted to be left alone it's not like I WANTED friends or anything baka!" Because there were threads back then of lonelyfags expressing their sadness of not having gamer friends, people to game with and that girls and social people judged videoging unfairly. Yes there was expresdion of this sentiment here back then the same way 2011 Yea Forums was absolutely FLOODED with >tfw no gf threads. Of course, now that Yea Forums is, basically, a crossing point between /pol/, /r9k/ and Yea Forums, fucking newfags act like "Hurrr I ALWAYS hated the normie roastie toasty". A consequence of Anita Sarkerzian bullshit and gamergate.
The only thing "gamers" never realized when asking for the medium to be taken seriously is that it's a monkey's paw wish and that they didn't look at the other mediums taken seriously, like TV, which is PG as fuck and appeals to the lowest denominator.
Well we're there now and sacrifice is asked of you. What are you gonna do about it? Cry passively forever on the internet?
Because no one here fucks before wedding
you fagola, nice revisionism yourself, there were more threads about not wanting games to be seen as art, because of arthouse nerds
Or at all.
You need to go out of your mom's basement often. You fucking naive.
I hate asians bro, Im just asking if the cunt had a double standard to booth babes depending on if they're white or asian.