How that the dust has settled
What went wrong?
How that the dust has settled
What went wrong?
streamers and blizz
FFXIV killed it
nobody actually really wanted it, they just thought they did
>Muh streamers
All the big streamers will move on after a month or so when the hype dies down. MMO's are boring as fuck to watch.
Why are you niggers so obsessed with this faggot? That is like 99% of percent of the argument I see against Classic WoW. MUH STRIMMERS MUH ASMONFAGGOT
already forgotten
WoW is constantly one of the top games that ppl watch. It's not going away.
The idea of zoomers behind streams is to play the game WITH streamers to appear on the stream, like some television shit.
its not out yet
This desu. I kinda wanted it, but now I just see myself just jumping around on Ironforge bridge, too lazy to do anything
Layers, Streamers.
truth, I have seen little kids hire artists to paint their screenshots where they appear on their favorite streamers screen for half a second, shit is ridiculous
This, its a different time now. Afrer I saw the streams I actually resubbed to BFA and wont even try classic now. Ion was right.
>What went wrong?
It's not Burning Crusade.
Ironic how 'you think you do but you don't' is being proven right.
It's not ironic, it's self sabotage
blizzard is very good at making money, if there psychologists and marketers have assessed it and figured people think they do but they dont, they are 99% likely to be correct.
And then how come bfa still failed misserably?
Blizzlike tuning. Contemporary players enjoy a tremendous advantage, even more so for tiers prior to Naxx since 1.12.1 talents are stronger on average, and in my opinion this really needs to be compensated for.
WoW is still in the top 10 highest-grossing PC games.
Doesn't matter how shit the game is when the 500k whales left playing WoW spend more on microtransactions then the 10 million players did on subs back when the game was actually good.
Imagine something which brought you years upon years of joy and entertainment being bastardized and corrupted beyond any human recognition for google adsense revenue on youtube.
cant believe classic failed before it launched
Uhhhh nothing went wrong?
Imagine being a pleb bitch who complains about a beta.
This will the best thing to happen to video games in decades
Even rift prime had a huge launch. This will be game changing
little neet can finally go back to the world where he doesn't get laughed at 24/7, I'm happy for you
Yeah, sure, nothing went wrong.
Can't wait to play with you on retail in 4 months.
>Even rift prime had a huge launch.
And died just as quickly, like Classic will
>he has actually watched these videos, as seen from YT progress bar
Maybe kys
Blizzard´s dev-team said "you don´t really want this. You think you want this, but its not really what you want" and they were right.
>classic is dead because assmongo said it will be dead
>people didn't want classic they just want the feel
>most people will quit after 2 weeks
>people will just go back to retail
>8.2 is so amazing I love watching assmongo wipe on normal raid or watch him farm mount pinata
>Dust has settled
Shit isn't even out yet
That being said layering is the biggest issue
>Flying mounts
>Shitty quests
>Badge grinding
Thats a big yikes that you unironically thing BC is good.
Huge projection. Rift prime was an obscure backroom MMO and had a strong player base for a few months. Considering what millions of WoW drones put up with for decade now, I'm not concerned.
Because they stopped listening to marketers and started to listen to their own developers.
>classic is so amazing!!! beautiful game...
>let me dilate while I grind mobs like a 12 years old kid back in the 2000s
>oh yeah +3 xp... 43958598349 to go... what an incredible adventure...
>wow, the talent tree... I got +1% chance of dealing 1% more damage... incredibly skilled and professional
>wow... my Eye of Kilrogg... incredible roleplay... I'm so excited!
>look at this incredible raids... Wow... bosses with one (1) mechanic! move out Freddy, you have the bomb hahahahaha fun!!!
>classic will last forever!!!!!111
>PvP was MUCH better!!! here I go, let's stunlock this guy to death! very skilled and professional :)
Is there someone seething and coping harder than fucking classicucks?
Yeah I already know the answer: NO
fucking zoomers
forgot your image sweetie :^)
It's not truly even Classic WoW, for one thing. It's literally Modern WoW made to look and function like the Vanilla game. Complete with Layering, fake latency, the modern client, etc. Private servers are more faithful recreations of the 2004/5 game than the official re-release. It was dead on arrival.
It's not out yet.
there are a dozen youtubers taking advantage of the algorithm to spam him on youtube. Then he in turn makes nothing but reaction content on his stream while not copystriking them even once.
Don't you have a doctor appointment in 30 minutes, arthritic boomer?
Your game was shit and it evolved in a good game. Move on.
You had to be a real dyed in the wool Blizzdrone not to have seen this coming a year ago.
I'll only play it if my friends do.
Don't you have some tidepods to eat?
>assmongo reacts videos
Ah, shit
Here we go again
No changes went wrong. The game requires
>more viable builds
>comfortable changes
>optional graphic changes, optional so diehard nsotalgiafags can play the game on original
>new content such as dungeons, raids etc.
Sure nostalgiafags might hype it up and make it sounds "succesfull", but those peoples nostalgia will eventually stop and they quit the game.
The people that could possibly make it a success are the people that play it cause they enjoy it for the game itself, and for that the game needs changes.
The writing. Casual players care a lot about identifying with their characters, which is a problem when your paladin/druid is forced to burn a tree full of innocent people.
How would you know this was a video unless you'd watched it?
>t. sucks asmoncuck's dick
I did watch that mongo wipe on normal it was too funny not to.
>care a lot about identifying with their characters
This is a younger generation thing right?
I am so confused by the notion of 'identifying' with the people on screen.
>You're retarded if you watch this homo!
>I only watch it irnically
There is no wojak image with a small enough brain to represent how fucking retarded you are.
That's some unhealthy obsession with the game that is not even out.
Layering (self sabotage)
Most of his viewers watch him """ ironically""". While modern ironic culture is fucking cancer.
Same as this thread really, we ironically post that we are mad and we ironically care about this game and want it to fail.
>>more viable builds
TBC fixed this
>>comfortable changes
There were quite a few QOL changes in the beta
>>optional graphic changes, optional so diehard nsotalgiafags can play the game on original
Don't really care either way but new models would probably clash a lot with the old ones
>>new content such as dungeons, raids etc.
fuck no, naxx gear was already about as good as lvl70 blue gear
>not even 200 upvotes
nobody even cares about layering
Not him, but can only agree to that.
Theres nothing more entertaining to watch then WoWfags pretendious shitshow. It`s like the videogameversion of soap opera.
>We want to play classic for the gameplay, not for the progression
>We only quit the beta because we lose our progression
>Gw2 is a game for casuals
>Proceeds to play BFA
>No, its not just nostalgia, we really want to play classic
>Blizzard never listens to us!
>Blizzard did listen, now wow is dead
Every fucking time. You can even create a drinking game and drink everytime Asmongold or any WoWfag in general condradicts himself
>fuck no, naxx gear was already about as good as lvl70 blue gear
No it really wasn't, people were finding greens that had raw stats better than their tier2/3 at lvl 62
I'm not necessary talking about new raids in high end content.
Some dungeons in leveling area, some "in between" raids like zul gurub etc. to give the players something new to discover without getting bored
I wish Blizzard would remove it so that people can see just how awful Classic really was. They'll always use layering as a scapegoat for Classic failing.
They will find something new to blame, even it wasnt there.
I allready had arguments with people telling me they quit because blizzard made clcassic "to easy", completely neglecting the fact that it only seems more easy to them because they are not nwe anymore and classic was allways easy
>August 27th
What the fuck were they thinking with this? I could be HOME right now in the level 30-40 range with my Dwarf hunter right now but Blizzard went with this retarded """summer""" release date and killed the hype.
It didn't release yet
Are you a tranny born of mental illness?
>Then you hate it
Are you a white man?
>then you are ready to go home
It's actually the 26th in the States.
>t. asshole with two weeks of PTO
Ashkandi is comparable to the 67 two handed sword at Halaa in terms of dps. T2 sucked stat wise and wasted resources in spirit and stupid gimmicks.
This killed it for me, too. I’ll have too many obligations in August with my gf and work
I was really excited at one point but I just feel like as much as I am nostalgic for classic WoW. I should probably use that time for other things. I'm not sure I could commit to a game and spend all that time playing like I used too. I'll always have great memories and may play some but I want a certain amount of fulfillment from the experience except so much of that was a product of the time.
>>t. asshole with two weeks of PTO
feels good
oh I just doxxed myself
Unironically they just waited to long
Everyone was hype like 6 months ago
Late release date plus layering announcement pretty much put a knife in its heart
I was obsessively looking up guides, reading about my class, the levelling , playing on p servers to get a route figured out etc now I barely even want to play it
Just delete the imagine, i dont think anyone cares about some random informations though
glad to see you got a job again Josh, your streams were fun
I've literally just hacked into his pc and planted cp
Calling the cops
but I've never streamed
I'm ordering pizzas as we speak. Good job, idiot.
Zoomers and Streamers for the most part.
Also, every single classic fag being an annoying cunt about it.
thanks man I haven't eaten yet
No problem, I hope you enjoy salami and onions like some kind of civilized individual.
I'm salivating
You know what? You're alright, Josh. I like you.
thanks user
This. There are only 2 options
1) Kill bosses with 1 mechanic per boss or
2) AFK at Ironforge's bridge.
There is nothing else to do in that shit game.
If you want to replay classic, just play Ascension.
It's classic with a fun mechanic added in. The devs said they're going to be opening the TBC realms soon™ too.
>tfw everyone getting their PTO in August, so I'll be chilling alone at the office browsing and watching stuff, maybe just work from home
>tfw leave for Classic when everyone comes back and stuff gets messy
>tfw still have days left for Christmas
Truly blessed.
Nah can I get a pizza with:
Pineapple, Onions, Jalapenos, Olives, Parsley
No cheese
Deep pan
General chat is sharded, so you can't chat in general cross-layer.
Trade isn't sharded tho.
>no cheese
High quality bait
People actually played the beta and remembered/learned how bad and boring vanilla was.
What practical difference does that make? If you were told you were playing the original client would you know any better?
People are just going to go to FFXIV and that sucks. STAY OUT
Josh... why do you have 1000 unread emails.
how old are you? if you are under 40 or female you don't yet a pass.
>Tranny Chink shit
Private servers it is then.
Right click report
New scrolling damage text
Changes in general
Layering and streamers. I'm not touching it because of those
Both 2 good things,you shitters just never could compete and it is the truth,you know it.
>New scrolling damage text
Also known as "I don't actually play the game so I just repeat every complain from reddit".
it's not even out yet
shtu the fuck up retard i saw the comparison video and it looks like it basically ruins why wf crits were so satisfying
>>Flying mounts
I don't know, I was a total shitter in BC and still got Merciless Glad R1 title for fucking 5n5, Arena is piss fucking easy and just obnoxious
>he gets off from the font size
>playing a MMORPG for 2vs2 content
There is a reason ASSFAGGOTS took over MMOs.
Yes please go there.
Was always the biggest meme bracket,with tons of people leeching of from the top teams.
yes i do u want to fuck about it faggot
Tried it. It was alright but there were some glaring issues.
>Constant nerfs to any popular build. Forcing you to grind shards to reroll gear enchants
>Raids designed around said popular builds. Large portion of BWL was mind control mechanics cause guilds kept running AoE builds.
>Literally destroyed regular hunter builds by introducing poisons on range weapon, now only poison range was viable as every hunter ability had to be nerfed into the ground to compensate
>Raid gear like Bonereaver's edge being nerfed due to one build (feral dps) which hurt other builds that were barely able to compete pve wise (titangrip whirlwind).
>All these balance changes while the game only had MC and BWL open. Haven't played since BWL opened, but I can only imagine just how fucked balance was when the new gear came.
>Game felt less and less like WoW with new custom content and spell/ability changes.
I also felt that this would have been more fun for me personally if it was TBC or even Vanilla talents (never played wrath). Every time I think about updating my Ascension client to look back I just remember the constant grinding for gold and enchant rerolls and how much time I would need to just fix my character after not playing for nearly 2 years.
>let me tell you what is fun
2v2 was based,it was legit the best bracket they should have never removed glad from it in s6
>Not having to deal with Trannies, lolishitters, furfags and ERPfags
Enjoy the Tranny Fantasy, fag :^)
Are you talking about Ass or Vanilla?
>spend 5-7 days of played time to hit lvl 70
>play a couple weeks to get some gear
>lose to scrubs another 2 weeks so you can get enough gear to compete in a fair field
>blizzard's ruins your class in the next patch
>install game
>play against other players on equal footing
Since that's your idea of "fun", guess you're also retarded.
What an abominable expansion. I still remember playing through it and realizing with sadness that I would never touch WoW again, and I was right.
It's not, though.
>I am so confused by the notion of 'identifying' with the people on screen.
Then there is unironically something wrong with you, and I mean that medically.
I'm rolling rogue based on how easy this video says it is to get pre-bis.
FUCK getting pre-bis on a pally, druid, shaman, or hunter.
Very detailed, simplistic, straight to the point video that SHOWS you how to literally acquire your rogue pre-bis (best in slot for you new guys.) as fast as possible, as well as alternatives if the items you need don't end up dropping and you get sick of dungeons.
People like these need to stop playing video games and find a real hobby.
>every WoW classic thread derails into hating the same streamer guy
>google the guy's name to see what he is about
>found his GF pictures
>google her, she is not only hot but also a trust fund baby many times wealthier than the streamer
AHHHH that's why he always makes Yea Forumsincels go crazy and seething, LOL
What's wrong with the dude in the vid? I like youtubers who get straight to the point. That vid doesn't fuck around like literally every other $jewtuber$
Streamers didn't get camped enough.
Not gonna lie, I was hit pretty hard by the news. At least I have time to complete what I set out to do and be ready to NEET it up for some time.
No one actually wanted it, they just thought they did
He was/is an obnoxious cunt spamming WoW threads all the time. Also, he is 100% wrong, good fucking luck getting anything from UBRS, especially Rend swords - there are 3 different classes gunning for them and always reserved.
>he support wannabe e-celebs stream sniping e-e-celebs so they can get clout
It's like using cancer to cure cancer.
My point is that he's wasting a lot of autistic energy on something that's not worth it in any way. I know that value statements like those aren't objective, but I hope you wouldn't deny that there are better things to do with your time than break a game and make it worse for yourself.
to be honest, how the fuck does asmongold bag someone like that? He has such a punchable face and hideous horse smile:
He also looks like a walking corpse fueled by monster energy alone. inb4 incel insults get thrown, he has a sickly appearance almost. All he has is tall, and I guess e-celeb status if you consider that. Otherwise, he's downright unattractive
Rofl. In the vid he clearly states that he considers LBRS / UBRS to be raids and offers plenty of alternatives.
Why even bother with a YT video? You can find a 15yo BiS list anywhere without watching and listening to some retard. I
forgot to also add, I hate how every wow classic sub derails into asmonshit as if he's the voice of god regarding the wow community. Why can't we talk about finally getting vanilla again without the thread turning into e-celeb/streamer shit?
I cant believe you've done this josh
I was gonna say this, then I watched the vid. He SHOWS newbies like me who have never played how and where to go and what to do and what can be solo'd.
Also I thought only hunters could solo princess? How is it that he can do it? Is his gear really good or something?
You don't think I'd actually watch a video made by that cunt, do you?
>In the vid he clearly states that he considers LBRS / UBRS
Yeah, you can hold on to that thought for comfort as you're not getting into any raids.
Can you just go back to posting under your trip code so we can all filter you
>watching videos on how to play a game before playing it
Niggers like you are the cancer of the MMO and Souls community. Just play the fucking game fresh, you autistic goblin, you've plenty of time to watch your shitty videos when the initial experience is over, something you can never relive. God, people are stupid.
I normally don't but he legit flipped an off switch to his autism. I'm quite impressed. Was he only pretending? It's seriously the best "bis" guide vid out there at the moment. 100% he's gonna get plagiarized by the big youtubers in a matter of days.
I don't want to spend months not getting geared. The sooner I get geared the sooner I can ride along the countryside or whatever it is people do in this game for fun.
>I never played the game guys
>BTW, this is objectively the best guide of a game I never played!
Your shilling is obvious and annoying. Do me a favor and kill yourself. Or, at least, get your trip again.
Use this site instead:
>I don't want to spend months not getting geared
thats the best part though
youre gonna rush to 60 and get fully geared the most optimal way and have any fun doing it
I've been googling guides like a mad man and 99% of the guides out there are shit compared to this. I don't have to listen to some neckbeard beg me to sub to his channel, visit his Discord, or about some meaningless lore crap while looking at machinima puppets dance around while being cringely voiced over.
That doesn't show me how. I still have to look that shit up, AND a lot of that stuff is in raids (UBRS is a raid.) also it lists really expensive shit like a gun that costs 500g. Fuck that. Ancient Bone Bow is 3 less agility and is free. Barman Shanker can be solo farmed and is FREE. Why would I run UBRS for a 1% chance to drop dagger? That's fucking dumb and that website is shit.
>no arguments so i say streamer bad
You idiots do realize Asmongold is merely saying classic wont succeed in order to have people talk about him and watch his stream? He is smart. Damn smart. Thankfully I am above the herd.
>class composition determines 100% of your success at any real competitive level
>signature blizzard "balance" enjoy waiting months for your patch
>same fucking shit meta because NOCHANGES crew grabs the gun blizzard would use to shoot themselves in the foot and blows their own brains out with it instead
>somehow even more soulless than rated BGs
i wish arenafags fucked off to whatever moba they quit for
Yeah, months "begging" to get into groups while the Chads all kill dragons and fire golems. Yeah, real "fun."
Fuck, PvE isn't even fun. It is shit. You PvE so you can PvP or not get bullied by the enemy. With god-tier gear you are therefore a god to lowbies, lazy cucks, wagies, etc.
Honestly I am glad if most of you guys don't jump on. Its cool to shitpost on this website, but seeing people spout retarded memes would be as annoying as streamers, just everyone doing it. Now I just have to worry about redditors....
Dont worry no one cares about you
Benji, it's been a while. So much in fact that people are falling for it again. Good job.
You're getting overly angry, why is that? Those items are called "best-in-slot" for a reason (though some choices are questionable, for example Alcor is wasted on a Rogue wanting to raid as 95% of early content is borderline immune to fire damage).
>UBRS is a raid
Only nominally, everyone else treats it as a dungeon and it follows the same rules as a dungeon would, as far as player mentality/expectation goes.
>Your game was shit and it evolved in a good game.
the subscribers over time graph says otherwise
>streamer good
That website is shit. It’s a UI slapped over some list a dude made on Reddit and doesn’t cover next best alternatives.
>he knows and remembers the name of streamers
You're literally the herd.
Yeah, UBRS isn’t a raid, it’s a 10 man dungeon. No idea why I’ve seen 2 people this morning saying it doesn’t fall in to pre-raid BiS lists.
Yes, I understand what best possible in slot is, but is it really worth the MONTHS of running UBRS for a 0.5% dps upgrade? Fuck no.
That's exactly what this based and redpilled video does:
what a retarded response from a zoomer
the list goes on
>if you dislike and ignore streamers you must be a zoomer
Are you legally retarded?
>I don't want to spend months not getting geared.
You mean playing the game?
>people do in this game for fun.
They roll alts and level all the way back to 60. If you think raiding is going to be fun, you're truly fucking stupid. If you want raiding, go play nu-WoW.
Nothing, its the same WoW from 2006+twitch emotes.
>wanting to play with the extreme tryhards
oh zoomer, vanilla wasnt THAT hard
>No BoEs
>No Rep gear
Its always strange seeing these lists like as if they were made by people who never played vanilla. Why torture yourself for months fighting half the server pop for dal rends when theres already 3 BoE swords that output similar mainhand damage and several fast easy to get OH weapons to choose from?
pic related and not even counting other 1h equipment.
Added worldspace.
Adding worldspace to an MMO spreads out the playerbase. Dilute playerbase means old areas have to get nerfed. Nerfed worldspaces means no socializing required. No forced socialization means dogshit MMO.
Swole's video covers that. The bottom two swords require a PvP rep grind.
He even says Sword of Zeal is the ideal buy, as Krol blade is BARELY better but insanely expensive.
you're dead kiddo
Oh, so it’s just you spamming your shitty video. Fuck off retard.
There's no way this vid is shitty.
>watches video
Hmm, there was no autism. I am now sad. What happened to being a based autist?
>what went wrong?
They tried to compete with kinobringers.
Only thing wrong right now is layering and the fact its a fucking beta of a game we've all played on private servers.
Once it goes live it'll be fine because alting and farming makes more sense.
>Asmongold reacts to nobbel reacting to Nixxiom reacting to Eric Cartman reacting to-
I mean i used to watch then but good lord they've become stale real quick.
I hate Retail WOW, but final fantasy is everything wrong with retail, just pandering to weebs.
Thats pretty much retail WOW in a nutshell
its 99% waiting for shit to reset, like WQs, weekly chests and raid lockouts, and 1% actual content, so most people go on autopilot watching netflix and youtube while farming their repetitive as fuck dailies for rep.
And for someone who made his career off playing WOW 24/7, he has nothing to do but sit in his garrison and watch youtube.
Did you not see the end where he starts begging for people to join his discord or invite him to their guild or please don’t make him go back to being a wagey? Dude is one bad day from sperging out like a fascist incel.
I fucking hate that faggot and his ugly stupid faggy mug jesus fucking christ.
Out of fucking nowhere without me even fucking watching anything WoW or whatever related, including videos with or about videogames, this ugly son of a bitch starts popping up in recommended and trending shit and it's always absolutely retarded shit like ASSMONGOLOID REACTS TO MY POOPOO DOING PEEPEE kind of shit, absolutely zero quality, I watched one video the first that popped up about him reacting to some speedrun and jesus fucking christ it was so fucking stupid and fake.
HOW can retards like him and support him?
When I found out that a bunch of asssniffers are following his every step and are literally sucking his dick I actually got angry.
We need a fuckign war and we need it right now.
I've played on private servers and literally all of these things are on them tardo
Who cares about PVP babby?
>Flying mounts
Because they destroyed world PVP, aka "let's get our max level characters to pwn low level noobs lol", good riddance
Again, PVP in PVE game is retarded babby tier garbage.
>Shitty quests
Overall not worse than vanilla ones.
>Badge grinding
Fuck off instant gratification PVP faglord.
In all the threads of that game i've only seen people posting shit about the cutscenes but not a single soul bothers posting anything about the gameplay. Is it really that shitty? Can't you just look up all the cutscenes on youtube and avoid spending all that money and time?
It seemed non autistic though. Watch his old stuff. It's pure autism.
What’s worse is he or someone he hired figured out how to fuck with the algorithm, so now “asmongold” is a tag, and his staff just keep creating new channels that get kicked to the front page because people keep clicking his videos.
This jackass is why I had to download a channel blocking extension so I can block their channels every time they make a new one.
>Because they destroyed world PVP, aka "let's get our max level characters to pwn low level noobs lol", good riddance
Except the impact in this case is low level players with the exception of druids being unable to escape roaming max level gankers on their flying mounts.
>Defends flying mounts which lets you bypass mobs to just gank your objective and move on
>Defends badge grinding
>"Hurr instant gratification"
Zoomers are so retarded.
all of what you have said is valid, but current WoW is still a shit endless grind as well. And it has none of the social aspect/community of classic, which I'm sure you will claim is onions or something but there really is no point in an MMO if it doesn't have that, may as well play a single player game with the worst combat you can find. Arenas and a lack of world pvp is gay as well.
Saying ffxiv embodies everything that WoW retail did wrong isn’t much of a stretch, but its like
The shit that ruined classic and made WoW popular has been perfected by ffxiv. Ffxiv is nothing like classic but It looks, plays, and is designed better than current WoW.
It’s dabbling with balancing people’s requests. People have asked for XI or XIV content and the result was the Eureka series, which was nothing but overworld content that forced people to work together. They made some dumb decisions, but they are clearly trying to give people the best of both worlds.
Thank God I never played on PVP servers.
It starts right after my college exams so its good for me.
Josh do you not check your mail every day? 1000 unread?
9 fucking channels for some walking corpse
He also has like 11K active subs which is between $40K/60KUSD(depending on cut+sub tier) per month and over $3000USD in donations every stream.
>a game can only succeed if streamers are playing it
To be fair that's literally what zoomers believe.
What is the WoW streamer meme anyway
How can streamers alone ruin a game
not happening
a necessary evil, and probably the best option we have
not happening
see above
like this
im a zoomer and I think you are retarded, fuck off kike tranny
>To retail zoomers streamers = players
That's funny, it's sad what they done to our hobby.
And that's how I know you're retarded. Fuck off kid, 4channel is 18+.
How has the dust settled? It's not even out yet.
im 21 and been here for 11 years, you little cancerous dumbfuck, enjoy balding btw
Okay but like, mute it
Play game game instead?
Yokes on you, retard. I was already bald before you were an annoying underage retard posting here for mere 11 years.
>growing in Yea Forums
No wonder why you guys are retarded.
In all the threads of WoW i've only seen people posting shit about asmongold and layering bullshit but not a single soul bothers posting anything about the gameplay. Is it really that shitty?
fair enough baldfaggot, but remember, we are the future, enjoy nursing home ran by Jamal and Shaniqua btw
>a necessary evil, and probably the best option we have
im 26 and been here for 26 years, you little cancerous dumbfuck
Yokes on you, retard. Half my family died from cancer, so I'll be dead before you hit 30.Hope you enjoy the future you dumb zoomers are creating.
>play game
>a horde of 500 lvl 1 humans named "Asmonfan" and the likes stomps through your quest area aggroing everything
>crashes your server when they all try to force themself on the same shard as Asmongold
>makes you lag out when you're even just in the same zone as Asmongold
>ruins the economy to give everything to Asmongold
>hands Scarab Lord to Asmongold
>entire raid groups will corpse camp you if you're on the opposite faction and even remotely nearing Asmongold
>bruh just ignore it
you don't quite seem to understand the amplitude of this phenomenon
once a popular streamer arrives on your server, it's not your server anymore, everything and everyone on it now revolves around that streamer
Very small indie company please understand
>jokes on you
boomers already catching dementia?
Beta was a mistake.
Should have been just a few days long to keep building hype for the release.
Instead you get retard zoomers just watching their shitty streams and abandoning the game when their idol gets bored.
dumb tranny meme
what the everloving fuck
a necessary evil, and probably the best option we have
Definitely not necessary, unless appeasing the stockholders by cutting costs is deemed necessary. That's the only reason layering exists.
3 biggest issues.
Didn't need it in 2004, but blizzard doesn't have the same coders and server techs they had back then, so they have to cut corners
Pretty much again, we're never going to see old AV by this point, which is a shame because it was the best PVP system WOW ever had, Old AV was a warzone, with multiple objectives to fight over, nu-AV is just a 10 minute rush to drek'thar and 2 tower kill him, or auto leave as horde because pushing alliance base when there are mages spamming blizzard on the bridge is fucking retarded.
30 players on the same place? That's awful! Thanks to based Blizzard and based shard... I mean, layers, I can play this single player game alone.
She seems to have a fetish for uglies
Source on her being a trust fund baby? It's a perfectly valid reason to have contempt for someone btw
>I can play this single player game
standing in line is playing the game? damn i was doing it wrong all this time
Yes, interacting with other players is part of a MMO. But chances you only played nu-WoW.
>try private server
>get to lv 18
>bored as fuck
>see chat "most will not make it to level 20 before they quit"
>agree and quit
Nah. She's got a really gross wide face when you look at her head on. Also, she's a narcissist who's clearly dating him for the subs.
I'm literally the guy in the pic lmao
This game is ugly as sin
>going to durotar instead of comfy tirisfal
>Spend time making a youtube video
>Lose out on hundred thousand views because some streamer makes a reaction video to it and they all just watch that instead
Problem is vanilla COMMUNITY is simply not there anymore. Same shit happened in Classic. These people don't want to actively seek out other people or be inconvenienced in tangible ways. Can't wait for people leveling warriors to lose their shit.
tfw no tauren gf
original players never had that many players in the spot outside of capital cities, though. massive zergs honestly come from private servers which were overpopulated. popular ones, at least. that was not the vanilla experience.
>Want to play forsaken
>Don't know if I want to go to comfy tirisfal
>Or the clusterfuck that is Barrens
Streamers and sharding.
Sharding. Streamers are annoying, but how many high profile streamers are there? Let's say 15, split across every server, scattered across the entire game world. You'd probably never see them.
Sharding will always be affecting your game for the worse.
Streamers are a NA problem anyways. Layers AKA "totally not sharding" will kill the game, assuming people doesn't get bored first.
Mandatory "is just layering" video
It's Mulgore tho
Don't do The Barrens at level 1
I have a feeling it's going to wind up a lot like Overwatch
>Massively popular at launch
>Actually pretty fun with there being so many people
>No one really knows what they're doing and everyone is active
>Slowly the casuals start to drift away
>Then the only people left are those who treat it like a job and there is no room for fun anymore.
I mean in . Mulgore is pretty comfy, but quest there are awful.
>all that vanilla complaining about how hard it was to get enough gold to train everything and get mounts on time
>mfw rogue
seriously, even most other rogues ignored pickpocketing. I was never ever hurting for money.
Meant Silverpine not Tirisfall
>all that vanilla complaining about how hard it was to get enough gold to train everything and get mounts on time
>mfw lock
Yeah you were a total shitter.
>Actually needs a hype around video game in order to play it
Fucking zoomers.
>original players never had that many players in the spot outside of capital cities, though.
This is how everyone knows you never played vanilla. Bitch Tarren Mill and Southshore had hundreds of people during the first year. On any PvP server with high pop you couldn't go 30 feet without meeting either a mob or a player from the opposite faction in STV. People had a lot more chips on their shoulders and didn't give a fuck about playing efficiently, people farmed shit like thistle tea for hours just so they can dump it all in one session of ganking and piss the ever loving fuck out of someone and then shit post on the server forums.
You have never experienced a server's local defense rallying up to stand up for the lowbies, leading to huge guilds getting involved with real emotions. It may have been immature and nerdy as fuck, but at least people were interacting with each other in an MMO instead of hiding in your stupid virtual basement playing some DDR circle jerk around a loot pinata every week.
That said there's no way that era is ever coming back, so classicfags are just delusional and high on nostalgia. Hell even Nostalrius never got as good as launch vanilla. Who the fuck would be impressed by kiting Kazzak to Stormwind now? Which classic server will blacklist through community efforts some nignog for rolling for loot he agreed not to at the start of the raid? When will server rivalry reach a point where they even start getting real life drama involved? None of that will ever happen anymore, everyone's grown up and zoomers are just NPCs, no one's gonna breathe life into this crap.
>25 people having fun joking around and taking an opportunity to talk to each other doing an optional quest instead of just killing 10 mobs for the same xp
shut it down!
He specifically said he doesn't want to play because of layering
Holy paladin master race
>Highly desired for groups
>Best heals, never go oom
>Buffs for days
>Little competition for gear
>Can 1v1 any class with str gear
>Can still roll on ret gear since no one plays it
That's "vidya pirating is bad" logic.
No marketing. I didn't even know it was out yet. Man Blizzard sure is not the titan anymore it once was. But honestly, fuck blizzard. I don't trust these faggots even a bit. I rather play WoW on private servers.
I was disappointed by the fact pickpocket money barely increases with levels (or is the same?). I expected like 10+ silver at 60 seeing what I could get out of low level mobs.
The lockboxes were sweet, pulled a few blue items, even got Gutgore.
It's not out, but there was a beta. Nobody wants to play it anymore because of the changes they've made.
...was it that 50 dollar beta or something?
i'm reporting every one of your videos for hateful content, thanks for sharing them benny!
you're the big retard if you think flying wasn't a huge mistake
if only you had paid attention to the beta instead of being a pserver faggot
the pvp rep grinds wont be out until phase 2, which is way after MC and BWL come out
also prebis means nothing because MC doesnt require anything but warm bodies
Thats a private server. That chest doesn’t Despawn when opened in the beta. You open it, get your letter, and get on.
On private servers that chest has a 1 minute respawn time because they fucked up the scripting for it.
1) Pandas: peak PvE, peak PvP, great world
2) Wotlk/Cata: good PvE, good PvP, meh world
3) Legion: good PvE, shit PvP, meh world
4) TBC: bad PvE, shit PvP, meh world
5) BfA: shit everything
6) WoD/Classic: unfinished garbage that was sold at full price for some reason
To be fair the way mounts worked period was a mistake. It still boggles my mind why mounted combat wasn't a thing. It's exactly shit like that which tunnel visioned Blizzard into focusing purely on dungeon crawling with a tiny group of players.
Just look at AV back then, all you did was summon shit and the ONE cool thing, the goblin shredder, was removed. Imagine how awesome if you could actually ride mounts to fight, imagine AV having a knight brigade or warrior brigade set that the players could do quests to sign up for and then instead of having a bunch of stupid NPCs pop out and charge forward you and 20~ other players who managed to quest fast enough get to ride on these decked out mounts wearing custom AV gear with the highest score guy among you being the leader. Just design shit like if you guys can keep in formation you get bonus to your damage absorption and gaining momentum obviously increases your charge damage. It'd be fucking awesome.
But no, fuck that. The only charges in vanilla were warrior or boar charges.
too autistic to deviate from joanas guide so theyll spend 2 hours standing in line instead of nuking quilboars or scorpids
>great world
t. wang
>mfw working autoloot pickpocket macro in classic
pservers have the wrong value for pickpocket drops so it's like 20% as lucrative on the beta, sorry to burst your bubble chinkshope hero
Absolute bullshit. I played vanilla and you always had huge meet ups somewhere.
you had to have an active wow sub to be included to the europoors playing on free private servers had a bitchfit
When I started playing and having my first PvP battles I was always thinking some day blizzard is gonna brush up on that and make the PvP much more complex. By adding a regiment fighting system, by having different kind of jobs in the army, by actually implementing cavalry with massive cavalry charges. All that, never happened of course.
Yea exactly and no you always had private servers. In the past MMO's like WoW always had subs.
Why would anybody throw a bitchfit over that on a private server?
i mistyped, instead of "to be included to" change it to "to be included and"
youre aware that brd pickpocket farm has been nerfed to unviable on every server since emerald dream, right
The asshurt classic’s success will generate on this shithole of a website alone is getting me excited to play it.
Still doesn't make sense, why would they throw a bitchfit?
Game changing. Reversing the game to vanilla to replay a game that's been out 15 years. Game changing indeed. Cash grab? I'll agree with you there
>Died after not even being done with BETA
>JewTubers already calling it dead and leaving
>Still on the fence about going back in for a 3rd time or moving on with life accepting that an MMO is not worth the time investment against real life
I just want to chill and play vidya
What is sharding by the way?
the grind. being good at wow is almost like a second job.
Yep, it never truly became warcraft.
No chance of that. Nobody wants layering. It's a sabotaged release.
Splitting servers into mini-servers to minimize potentially negative human interaction
It's literally because they don't want students to play 16 hours a day and burnout themselves.
>dead in 2 weeks
Pretty impressive seeing most "Shitposters" back in the dumb home threads said 2 months.
>no sharding guys, it's layering
>it's actually sharding
i'm actually pissed, i was looking forward to play it with my best buddy
fuck blizzard
>after 10 years of crying about how great vanilla was in every WoW thread
>rose tinted nostalgiafaggots
>going to be put in their place
>mfw they will try and blame it on some negligible detail that makes no difference
>but we will ALL KNOW, that the real reason classic failed
>is because the nostalgiafaggots are fucking retards
classic is too heteronormative and is a throw back to when rich white men dominated video games. Only incels will play it.
>implying this wasn't fun
>implying the chat wasn't full of retards
muh serious gamers ruined gaming
This is why I won't be playing it. Fuck their lies about summer release.
Guess "we" underestimated the zoomers. They are that fickle.
One of the few times I wish we weren't anonymous here. Again, I'll swear most of the "going home" posters were just pretending to be retarded to get some (you)s.
Can't even beat Kinobringers even if it tried
Yeah okay but it's going to work tho
>to be honest, how the fuck does asmongold bag someone like that? He has such a punchable face and hideous horse smile:
Because he is popular with kids.