defend this
Defend this
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(Mission begins in 60 seconds)
no game has ever had the balls to talk about fascism
and I mean as an ideology not just some shooter
How about you kill yourself instead?
that's what modern politics is though
This but unironically. No one minds fictional geopolitics, but keep your idpol agitprop retardation to yourself.
I don't have to defend what I want to spend my money on. Companies need to cater to my needs if they want my money, not the other way around.
Most games that uses the themes stated above do so for the sake of setting things in motion and what's usually a manichaeistic plot against a Big Bad that can do this because that shows powers. No one ever pretended any games won oscars for their stories for this very reason.
Fictional idpol agitprop.
First list:
>intrinsically modern problems regarding governance, applicable to any culture of the 21st century, based on philosophical debates that started nearly three millennia ago
Second list:
>shitty commentary about exlusively American internal issues nobody in the rest of the world cares about, born from third wave feminism - a completely useless movement with no need to exist
Noone likes some sanctimonious American writer yammering on about their domestic politics.
yes, hamfisted politics is the same as politcal themes in games. Fucking retard
When people say they are "tired of politics in video games" they actually mean they don't like flat, unprovoking writing.
Deus Ex is good because although there are very political viewpoints, none is presented as right and you are left to make your own decision about the future.
>Politics that make interesting subjects to base games around:
Physical Conflict
>Politics that would entertain a prepubescent child and/or women who watch soaps/"reality" tv shows:
Emotional Conflict
I feel like if I had to overthrow the [insert totalitarian government here] in order to fight for gay women's rights, I wouldn't mind "politics" in games. Literally doesn't even matter what I'm fighting for as long as I get to kill (somewhat) indiscriminately.
You're not talking to the companies, asshole.
We should have a system in place that any social media posts instantly get deleted and get the OP banned for 2 weeks
When people mention politics they mean gender politics, feminism and other liberal bullshit
Good post
>everything's political!
Can anyone functionally explain the distinction they're making here? Like, MGS has always had a very on the nose anti-war message which results in a boss fight that has you confront the lives you took or killing too much causing guilt-induced flashbacks or covering you in blood and making you look more like an actual demon. How is that not more "political" than a character off-handedly mentioning her wife? How can you actually insist that the difference is in how it's handled and not just your opinion on the subject matter?
>emotional dramas are for children
>adults prefer go shoot the bad guys pew pew
really nigga
>cool engaging shit vs gay preachy shit
yeah so what?
No, I'm not. I'm talking to a person asking why I spend money on some subjects, but not on others. The answer, as always, is that I spend my money on shit I'm interested in, and withhold it from shit I'm not interested in.
I don't give a shit about woman issues or gay rights. Both groups have legal parity to men/straight, and the politics of both is over. To pretend otherwise is incredibly boring, and requires using arguments that have already been defeated countless times.
I'm so tired of these arguments
Its being had by two groups of retards who etch through social media find to find the absolute bottom of the barrel argument written by the biggest mouth breather the world has to offer just so that they can dismiss any argument that even remotely shares a sentiment with it.
If that fails, they do what the OP image does and just creates the argument themselves. Demonstrating their mental prowess by outwitting a strawman
Women shouldn't think about things they cannot understand
However you spin it, sjw whinging is always annoying. Push your faggoty agenda elsewhere.
But I don't want to defend it, I want to put it in a gas chamber.
>exclusively American internal issues
>women and homosexuals aren't getting killed on sight in Asia and the middle-east
>I'm talking to a person asking why I spend money on some subjects, but not on others.
Which is a fair question.
>The answer, as always, is that I spend my money on shit I'm interested in, and withhold it from shit I'm not interested in.
And that is not a real answer. In fact, it's a given. People buy things they want? No shit.
>institutional oppression
oh you mean the leftie version of it that nobody likes?
Peopel tolerate the rest because it shows how dangerous those thing scan be but doens't outright label it as bad, for fucks sake the whole patriots thin in metal gear was showing it was bad but was it really THAT bad compared to the alternative. It was more or less unbaiased, jsut like politics in witcher 3. Nobody likes shit with clear cut biased agendas that finger wag when you don't do the "right" thing based on some cuck in commifornia's sensibilities. I hope China nukes those faggots.
The top is when one of the driving factors of the game is political commentary(MGS)OR a setting for the game(all the WW2 shooters out there)
The bottom is just virtue signaling and is not a driving factor for the game, but rather something that is intended to push the agenda of a developer or publisher. This cab sometimes be political commentary, but is twitter-tier compared to above which is on the tier of literature.
You're annoying.
That's what first wave feminism is (was) for. Third wave is about having 50/50 gender ratio as CEOs and shit.
Read the thread, it's been laid out quite clearly multiple times. And "mmmm stinky lesbian jew make druckmann pp hard" is a bit worse than what you presented it as.
You're way worse, though. Dilate and leave.
>Which is a fair question.
It's a rather stupid question, given the fact that the answer is literally always the same when discussing vague concepts, rather than specific games.
This nobody is undeniably right. We've been playing political shit forever but now there's a black and it's politics. Such an incredibly stupid arguing clming out from Yea Forums I'm ashamed. But that's whst happens when you parrot these 60 IQ youtubers that you stupid fucks eat up
You'll feel better once you finish dilating, sweaty.
Just because a story has the slightest degree of nuance that doesn't mean it's not taking sides, dipshit. The Patriots were still the bad guys.
Except not really, because they don't want 50/50 parity for sewer workers, and they don't want men to achieve 50/50 parity as home makers.
Would have an issue with a game that completely focused on say, fighting for women's rights? Be it an historically accurate walking simulator where you attend rallies and such, or a fictional where you go guns blazing on a totalitarian government keeping women oppressed.
Or would those be "virtue signaling" as well and not driving factors of the game?
has Yea Forums always been a right wing hugbox or did this happen during the last election?
Not him but if you think pushing progressive agendas in a VIDEO GAME, a medium where the latest releases are enjoy almost exclusively by the first world, will have ANY impact what so ever in developing nations you're a fucking imbecile.
This shit is as facile as the feminists claiming about video games being sexist while in part of Asia, the middle-east and Africa women are still property.
>It was more or less unbaiased, jsut like politics in witcher 3. Nobody likes shit with clear cut biased agendas that finger wag when you don't do the "right" thing based on some cuck in commifornia's sensibilities
This. Political themes are different from propaganda. Deus Ex gives you an opportunity to think about its political subjects and ask the hard questions that have no easy answers, while games these California fags prop up straight up tell you what you're supposed to be thinking. People don't like being talked down to as if they're children, simple as that.
Yeah, that too. My point stands.
How many times any of those topics were pushed on us as unambiguous good?
Yeah, just as I thought.
Calm down reddit, your spittle soaked schizoid word salad is unintelligible.
Ignore them.
When you point out how retarded they are, they get ultra mad and say something like "at least i have things that i care about and you are a selfish prick".
It's pointless to argue with them and it's not even fun to troll them, because it's really easy.
They will die out eventually as the US transitions from bipartisan to normal.
>but was it really THAT bad
Yes, it really was, seeing as how the Patriots ushered in an age of perpetual war where literally everybody was the loser.
adults (at least those of us with enough human contact and challenging, dynamic employment) get enough emotional drama in their real life and realize that simple, mindless catharsis has value
way to out yourself as a child pretending to be an adult, be tee dubs
It's almost as if the first list is made of up of interesting concepts to explore in a fictional universe and/or narrative, while the second list has little to no place in them at all and are not comparable...
>Political themes are different from propaganda
The reason why we hate "women" and "gays" in vidya is because they're forcing an agenda. Look at TLoU2, where the developers made Ellie a stronk womyn with a man's body and with a jewish girlfriend. I don't have a problem with women and faggots in my games IF they're not a big part of the game, but most of the time they're trying to force it down our throats. I'm also a faggot but I wouldn't touch a game with leftist propaganda in it. Let alone look at it! I don't want to support perversion in real life nor do I want to do it when I play my games. Fuck the Pride parades and fuck June! Being gay is not a big thing! Stop catering to a minority!
All the top stuff are interesting, and not just attention seeking.
people should make more games about killing gays
>Read the thread, it's been laid out quite clearly multiple times.
It hasn't. That's why I asked, retard. You're all asserting things but you're not explaining anything. You can say "oh ya this is good but this is bad" but when I point out an actual example of the truth being opposite to what you claim you can't deal with it. MGS is real fucking on the nose but it is praised by Yea Forums whilst background characters who are casually revealed to be gay draw complaints about "muh forced politics" every time.
>above: real world politics
>below: "let me tell you how much I like shoving dicks up my ass."
Gee, I wonder why people don't like political video games anymore.
War is cool and gay women aren't
>Its only political if I don't like it!
/pol/tards have to be the most delicate snowflakes on the face of the fucking planet.
Have all the politics you want but I'm not going to waste money on blatant propaganda.
How are women's and homosexuals' rights not an unambiguous good?
Nigger if you still have emotional drama as an adult you need to grow up and stop being a little bitch
Obtain literacy and then read the thread.
How is it vague, user? For fuck's sake, the question is why gays are "political" but actual politics aren't, and you're trying your hardest to avoid answering it.
>dilating, sweaty
Here's how I defend all my purchases: I thought the game looked interesting/fun/challenging.
Here's how I defend all the purchases I don't make: I didn't think the game looked interesting/fun/challenging.
ebig :^)
This was my board way before you people started shitting it up
>everyone who doesn't like agendas shoved down their throats is le /pol/!
Back you go.
>muh hugbox
>muh echochamber
Learn the words you speak. Rightwing opinions not being purged on sight doesn't mean you can't dissent.
Fuck off, snowflake
Yea Forums complained when a game featured historically accurate women's rights campaigners as side characters
>gays, women, and black people existing is an agenda
This isn't discord, if you didn't notice.
They are compatible, user, just not interesting. Who gives a shit if Soldier 76 likes sucking cock? His gameplay is boring as fuck.
>Other people that you don't like existing is a political agenda
Yup, insufferable snowflakes, the lot of you.
You only dislike it because you're not neutral on this issue and the views that are being shoved down your throat are the opposite of yours.
If you didn't care about politics you won't notice and it wouldn't affect you don't you think?
They are not and you are a part of the problem
It's always been free speech. That doesn't make it a hugbox, you projecting buffoon.
If all you've got left is strawmanning, you might as well just admit you've lost the argument and save some face.
I never made that argument. But I might buy games in the top part, and will specifically avoid games in the bottom. If you want to know why, the answer is simple: I am not interested in those concepts. I play games to escape the cloying mundanity of the shit that gets shoved down my throat in all other mediums, not to get more of it.
I give no crap to mercunts politics. I just hate game censorship.
I'm not gullible enough to believe republican party is against censorship however. r/thedonald is absolutely reddit and need to fuck off.
Yea Forums doesn't select for the "right" opinions but it doesn't select for truth or reason either. People are free to tell themselves whatever they wish with nothing to contradict them. Functionally, it's a hugbox, even if mechanically it doesn't align with what you narrowly define as such.
What are some games about homosexuals getting killed on sight in Asia and the middle-east?
It really depends on how the subject matter is presented in the game. There's a big difference between the overarching story being political, and random tidbits of political shit being sprinkled all over the game. If the overarching story is political, you can properly explore it in a way that isn't preachy or immersion breaking. But if you're playing a seemingly non-political game or a game with an entirely unrelated story and you then suddenly get a "trans rights" thrown at you from seemingly nowhere, it breaks immersion and makes you remember that you're not experiencing a game, but rather the soapbox of the developer.
Are "men's" rights (just basic human rights that should apply to everybody who's unambiguously human) an unambiguous good?
What's wrong with that? When people don't want politics in video games, they don't want idpol garbage.
It happened gradually. During Bush it was quite liberal.
>no argument
Just admit you only reeee at video games when they feature people you don't like.
>Borderlands 2
>killing people all day long
>'oh and every background character ever is some form of LGBT'
I don't give a fuck about women, gays or minorities in video games as long as it isn't blatantly just shoehorned in by hack writers with zero original ideas to appease to the politically correct hivemind.
Forgot to mention that I want old game design back, where sexy women and sexy men kick ass (like Ninja Gaiden and DoA). I want to burn the fucker who thought making vidya characters ugly was a good idea.
Then Obama happened and all the /new/tards couldn't handle it and lost their shit like the special little snowflakes that they are
Deus Ex still says "hey maybe a cabal of ultra-rich people calling the shots for everyone is a bad way to do things and true democracy is better"
Sure you can side with the bad guys but that doesn't mean you didn't fuck up
A hugbox in general has nothing to do with censorship but the community. Just look at all the "destroy libtards" threads or just this one. That is indeed a hugbox. What you mean is a community with people in charge who regulate statements.
Don't play dumb and stop with the strawman. Then again, I can never tell if it's willfully ignorance or genuine stupidity.
I don't have a problem with gays or blacks or whatever. I do have a problem with the digital equivalent of a pride parade taking center stage in vidya. I don't care, so fuck of with your agenda. If anything it makes me want to dislike those groups.
Unironically this.
83 replies and not a single rebuttal. Pathetic.
Gays and women (in particular) have been in video games in the past. And like the 1st list gamers have not had an issue with them. That is because they've been used/written to provide context or commentary WITHIN the game itself. What I object to (and I hope others) is when video games are basically propaganda OUTSIDE of video games regardless of what political position they're using.
Top can typically be expanded upon in a meaningful way in the sense you can learn more about the setting, story, and struggle of the setting.
Bottom usually can't, isn't well written, and is often shoehorned in a short moment. Bottom is also SJW tripe that tries to appeal to you emotionally while suggesting its significance in a societal context.
I just want a game with asexual representation.
>/pol/ reaction:
You mean citizen rights.
They apply to everyone anyway. Thanks to men that gave them away. It turned out to be a mistake.
>High politics, historically the stuff of literal patricians and aristocrats
>Discussion is derived from intellectual foundations of philosophical greats dating back to Greece.
>Low politics
>Discussion is deeply americentric and is built on a foundation derived from America's cancerous political culture.
This. But this is a bait thread your words are wasted here.
Have you tried not being a bigot
Sounds like you may be projecting. Are you sure you don't want to go to return to reddit and get back pats for "ORANGE MAN BAD"?
I voted for Obama twice. I still loathe the left wing as it is today. I held my nose to vote for Trump over Clinton, but I won't need to hold my nose next time. Mostly because he's been a pretty awesome president, and because the left wing has become puritanical tyrants that doesn't practice the acceptance they preached just a few short years ago.
>basic human rights applying to everyone is "domestic politics"
Shit, sounds like every game should address this if think not being a retarded bigot cowering in fear of non-whites and female (males) every waking moment is just "domestic politics"
since we're going with strawmans these are the people saying you just hate gays and women
Nigga, you cannot point out one post in this thread that provides the explanation I asked for. Not one. I dare you to point it out. Saying "read the thread" is not an answer. How about you read the thread because I have and I'm right which means you're bullshitting.
She's right. Political isn't bad, in fact it's great.
What's bad is these things being here to make you like them, as opposed to make you think about them.
>I do have a problem with the digital equivalent of a pride parade taking center stage in vidya
Name one game where this has happened?
If you don't have a problem with gays or blacks, why are you so upset when they're in video games?
>hurr durr because their ethnicity or sexual preference doesn't matter in video games
For you.
>MGS has always had a very on the nose anti-war message
You're fucking retarded. The example you gave is barely even an anti-killing message, which doesn't even work since you're sent to kill the big bad of the game and it's always portrayed as an unambiguous good thing in all games except Peace Walker, and even then that's only if you consider Paz a "big bad".
The war aspect of MGS is always just part of the main character's development arc, and the message about war is always ambiguous. That's the entire point of BB's arc and no one even knowing what the point of The Boss's sacrifice was. Just because you are sent to stop the some retard from nuking some random city doesn't mean the message of the games is anti-war.
Your board didn't exist before I started visiting it. Dilate.
human rights is a buzzword the usa invented to justify invading the middle east, do not use it
Bad writing and subject matter that triggers your delicate sensibilities is not propaganda.
people never said no politics in games, they say no IDENTITY politics in games
>haha look ladies i hate myself for being white and male
>please touch my penis now
>I never made that argument.
Then you're not even talking about the thread's topic
>But I might buy games in the top part, and will specifically avoid games in the bottom. If you want to know why, the answer is simple: I am not interested in those concepts.
That is not a "why" it's essentially just a rephrasing of the first part
Fuck, why are you such an incredible dullard
Not sure why you newfags think anyone who disagrees with you is /pol/. Yea Forums has hated sjw agenda in vidya ever since it reared its annoying head through channels such as hamburger helper at bioware.
>It's always been free speech
Election tourist, plz
It's only really a problem in mutt gaming communities and mutt servers.
Also stop buying EA shit and other AAA cancer you absolute fucking retards.
>I voted for Obama twice
>I held my nose to vote for Trump over Clinton,
>he's been a pretty awesome president
>And then everyone got up and clapped.
Excellent tale user
>Functionally, it's a hugbox, even if mechanically it doesn't align with what you narrowly define as such
>That is indeed a hugbox
Guess what, faggots - you saying these things here makes Yea Forums LITERALLY not a hugbox. You don't get banned from disagreeing with certain opinions, you don't get "downvoted", you don't get shadowbanned. You can post, and people can post something in reply. No matter how you niggers spin the site (b-but the prevalent opinions, but muh libtard threads) doesn't change the literal fucking meaning of the word "hugbox".
being free speech doesn't prevent you from being a hugbox. It depends on the people in said box.
>They apply to everyone anyway.
Not really.
first of all
>twitter screenshot
the guys who make this type of threads should get shoot, and mods are trannies/cücks who don't delete this types of threads, second, this thread is going to reach 500 posts and 200 images, click here to replay? Third, games don't need politic bullshit down people throats you fucking niggers. And my last point, the people who want politics bullshit in video games and not fun/gameplay, are like pic related.
There's nothing to rebut. If you want to call the top part of the list political, go right ahead. I would call the bottom two boring propaganda that is already available in spade in other media.
That said, If you want to make games about women's rights and/or gay rights, go right ahead. Just don't expect me to be interested in it, and don't be upset that I'm not interested in it.
The top is philosophical the bottom is agenda pushing (politics)
What people really mean is gay shit. They don't like gay shit in their video games
>Your board didn't exist before I started visiting it.
Really, you came to Yea Forums in 2003?
I'm not going to spoon-feed a retard that will likely just stamp his feet and say "well I disagree because reasons". Work on your reading comprehension and try again. The thread isn't even that long.
>High politics
>Low politics
top list doesn't suck dick like bottom list
Interesting shit
Not interesting shit
>They just want this specific thing that triggers them to go away forever
Sounds like a fucking snowflake to me
Daily reminder that game design and marketing are done by entirely separate teams.
A marketing team hired by the publisher highlighting a gay or black character doesn't mean the game itself is propaganda.
>I voted for Obama twice. I still loathe the left wing as it is today.
No surprise there, Obama was a centre-right Republican on the wrong side of the aisle.
There you go again with that fag talk we talked about.
Yeah yeah, I buy it, you were here since it was known as 3chan. Now, dilate and go back to your discord.
Isn't fascism similar to a monarchy in a ideological way?
Yea Forums loves San Andreas, even the unironic racists, so your strawman argument is just utterly retarded.
One is sending a political message that the developer wants the other is just a story.
>0 reading comprehension
Idpol is politics, you just don't like it cause you're sexist/racist/homophobic/etc
Games having female and fag characters isn't an SJW agenda. Its just games having female and fag characters.
Sounds like you're just a triggered snowflake who needs to grow a pair of balls.
When the developers explicitly state on the record that they want their game to have in impact on X, Y and Z political issues in real life then yes it is propaganda you faggot.
People have given rebuttals. We want well written, nuanced politics not shit that just gets dropped into a game for no reason.
>I'm going to force American politics on the rest of the world and you're going to like it!
please dont put women in the same category of sodomite degenerates.
The difference is:
Is universally portrayed as bad, as the antagonist, as evil. They show you something/someone without relation to you as bad, that you have to fight against.
Womyn are so much better than you fucking males, women are taking over YASSSSSSS QUEEN SLAY! See how perfect she is? Because she's a woman! And why is she so oppressed? Because of (You) fucking males!
Try to differentiate between politics and identity politics.
they even see nursery rhymes as racist this is your mind on social justice you're wasting your breath on these people
All of those subjects are political. But the last two are trite enough due to flooding over every form of media except video games that there's no way I'm going to spend money on those subjects. In fact, when I see games focus on those subjects, I typically see them as red flags, as they are virtue signaling to try and get praise from reviewers, despite the gameplay being some of the most boring you will ever experience.
>politics worth discussing
>random pandering to literally noone who even bought the game
>Deus Ex still says "hey maybe a cabal of ultra-rich people calling the shots for everyone is a bad way to do things and true democracy is better"
Don't project your impressions of the plot as the things the game said or implied as the only good outcomes of the presented situation. What fucking "true democracy" if the endings have an absolute AI ruler or you literally letting the Illuminati stay in charge? Have you even played the game?
>I'm not going to spoon-feed a retard
Translation: I can't, but if I pretend it's just beneath me I won't have to do shit and can still pretend I won.
You don't even understand what I'm asking, do you? It's not that I disagree, it's that none of you have even given me anything to disagree with. You've made assertions without backing them up, and ignored actual evidence to the contrary that I provided. You maintain that the top is all right and the bottom is wrong because of "reasons" but if we look at how those reasons are actually manifested in video games the distinction melts away. Your "reasons" are a bullshit rationalisation.
Yeah, post CP or break the rules of course you get banned. But it's not reddit where wrong think is purged or shadowbanned or brigaded into oblivion.
You're really reaching, and the fact you have that pic on hand is very telling that Yea Forums not being a left wing hugbox ravages your rectum beyond belief.
>I'm triggered so you can't talk about thing that triggers me
>male character: can you help me find my husband? (yes i said husband arent i so subtle with my gay shit)
wow why dont players like that? really makes me think
This must be the biggest strawman I've seen in ages.
Yea lets just pretend that basic elements of or for the sake of story telling and world building are the same as hamfisting women or LGBT shit into games because "muh representation".
When people complain about politics they dont complain about the parts a game's setting is made of, but the politics that led to including them.
People like to forget that there's literally nothing wrong with female characters or faggots when done properly.
What people complain about are people like @SleepyHussy, who can only make dishonest statements.
that's literally all games talk about you faggot
Yea Forums was always conservative and racially aware
Good thing I only play RTS games on PC, japanese games and old games or the odd ñew game that appeals to me like RE2 remake, oh WAIT that's also japanese.
I don't eat garbage like modern AAA western tash where literally every character must be a pozzed faggot tranny nigger.
I hope all these pozzed faggots get AIDS and die and these publishers go bankrupt when their slot machine games that feature gay nigger pride parades go bankrupt once lootboxes get banned.
>We want well written, nuanced politics
And when you get them and those politics don't agree with your own, you proclaim them badly written and shoehorned.
I would upvote this if I were on reddit desu
And this box happens to be full of people disagreeing. Just because that triggers you doesn't make it a hugbox. Quite the opposite. So turn of the projector for a bit.
If you show me a game where flamboyant homosexuality is portrayed in a good AND in a bad light by two not-strawmans I might actually be interested in playing it.
If your game only shows a STRONG PERFECT HOMOSEXUAL and the EVIL PATRONIZING WRONGTHINK person I'm not interested.
fuck off vegan bitch
eat shit vegan cunt
so what, you vegan retard?
fuck off with your identity politics, it's uninteresting
why don' you care about starving african niglets?
>basic human rights
what does that have to do with video games, you s o y vegan cunt?
this is exactly how it has to be, otherwise it's just a developer pushing his ideology on you, making the game a shit show for political correctness points
gay emotional dramas are for faggots
female emotional dramas are for females
you vegan cunt
you're a vegan
have you always been a vegan bitch?
you're vegan
>military–industrial complex bad (but you're free to interpret it as good)
>colonialism bad (but you're free to interpret it as good)
>militarization of policebad (but you're free to interpret it as good)
>social engineering bad (but you're free to interpret it as good)
>digital information control bad (but you're free to interpret it as good)
>surveillance bad (but you're free to interpret it as good)
>fascism bad (but you're free to interpret it as good)
>institutional oppression bad (but you're free to interpret it as good)
>proxy wars bad (but you're free to interpret it as good)
>Instituted socialist health care.
Not in the US, he wasn't. The left has just gone nuts since 2012, and isn't showing any signs of evaluating itself. They are gonna suffer the same shit that the right suffered in the 50's, 60's, 70's and 90's until they course correct.
That's not what propaganda is
Just admit you're a scared /pol/flake, cowering every day at the knowledge that non-white, gay and female (male) people exist.
>0 reading comprehension
Nice rebuttal, faggot. It sure is good that Yea Forums is a hugbox and you cannot disagree with me without facing severe consequences.
>The example you gave is barely even an anti-killing message
>which doesn't even work since you're sent to kill the big bad of the game and it's always portrayed as an unambiguous good thing in all games except Peace Walker
Oh, well, look at that, MGS making an unequivocal statement about the necessity of killing
MGS is not ambiguous on war at all, though. The good guys always fight for peace. The bad guys are warmongers. War is portrayed as senseless killing that leaves people damaged. The people who are sent to fight are portrayed as the victims of an ideological machine.
All I need to know about fascism in videogames is whether I can shoot fascists or not
I'm a bigot for not supporting deviancy, perversion and pedophilia? Fucking hell. It wouldn't shock me if you had a Twitter account with a pizza emoji.
>But it's not reddit where wrong think is purged or shadowbanned or brigaded into oblivion.
"Wrong think" isn't purged from Reddit either, and it's pretty easy to find subreddits where likeminded people gather.
Where Reddit draws the line is advocating for violence, like the_Donald and Frenworld.
>male character: can you help me find my husband?
>wow why dont players like that?
They're /pol/flakes, normal people don't give a shit
>politics that affect me are the good politics and interesting
>politics that affect people who aren't me are the bad politics and boring
There's a big difference between a game that has politics and leaves the morality and choices up to the character and a game that uses itself to push a certain political message.
These faggots want the game developers to actively push their political narrative and take sides from the onset, to preach to the gamer rather than give the player choice in what they should believe.
>And when you get them and those politics don't agree with your own, you proclaim them badly written and shoehorned.
Name one then.
>Yea Forums was always conservative
It wasn't.
Former is white men making money depicting themselves as evil white men. Latter is virtue signaling to gain political points.
Affects everyone in some way
Affects only faggots and women.
>Instituted socialist health care.
First proposed by Ronald Reagan and then watered down by Obama do appease the Republicans of his day who had moved significantly further right still.
He means 'talking about' in the sense of 'presenting it as a reasonable viewpoint' - plenty of games have talked about fascism.
>colonialism bad
on what fucking planet
they do give a shit, but its only worth an eye roll at most.
>190 posts thread
you niggers are fucking retarded
It's what you claimed, isn't it? Yea Forums didn't exist before you got here. Are you moot?
But fictional geopolitics have always been interesting.
Based and redpilled, the only games I even play nowadays are old shit, Slav (Witcher, Darkwood) and Japanese games. Fuck the pozzed Bay Area industry.
Yes, judging and hating other people based solely on their sex, race etc. is the definition of bigotry. Fuck, you /pol/tards are fucking stupid. If you don't want people calling you a bigot, stop being a bigot. Pretty simple.
kys, newfag
If you put half the effort into scrolling the thread as rambling to avoid doing so, you'd be done by now. Stop being a baby back bitch, I'm not going to hold your hand.
Here's a few:
Figured out how to read yet? Good, do the rest yourself. God what an annoying faggot you are with this reddit tier bullshit.
When was the last time feminism and LGBT issues were ever well-written and naturally fit in a game? I literally cannot think of one example.
>presenting it as a reasonable viewpoint
Gee, I wonder why video games haven't done this.
Hint: fascism isn't a reasonable viewpoint.
The game industry and game journalism industry doesn't close ranks and defend shitty games in the "non-political" games, but they do on the "political" games you list.
This makes the so-called "political" games actually political IRL, instead of in the fictional world inside the game itself.
There's the difference.
>People doing things I don't like is "deviancy" and "perversion"
Another triggered /pol/flake
the difference between top and bottom is that the top can be argued to be politically neutral since every single thing on the top has political consensus and continuity.
First is worldbuilding.
Second is politics aimed to divide people from the real world.
There you go.
I wish those bottom topics would not affect me, but they try their best/worst to do.
Yeah, did you? The "absolute AI ruler" wants to connect people in order to take all their opinions into account in real time and make decisions accordingly. The Illuminati ending is essentially choosing the status quo of a world teetering on the brink of apocalypse due to the machinations of old men running the world. Yeah, that sure is presented in an equal and unbiased way same as the others.
absolutely not
Reagan wasn't a Republican. He was a Jack Kennedy Democrat.
Look, I get youre from reddit, so let me clue you in:
No one outside of your echochamber hugbox that buries wrongthink buys that for even a second. You can advocate violence all day as long as you're a lefty. Just look at Chapo whatever the fuck it is.
>When was the last time feminism and LGBT issues were ever well-written and naturally fit in a game?
Always have been. I can't think of a single game with LGBT and feminism in which they were badly written. Well, maybe save for those that didn't go far enough.
dilate and kill yourself faggot
ive never seen a sjw game with a plot more intelligent than "womans" and "gAy?" though
>asscancer man is still spreading butthurt
>Everything I don't like is political
>Things that are inherently political are not political because I agree with them
/tg/ delivers an example.
aye lass, slehh
I don't even know what to say about this
>deviancy, perversion
Christ, fuck off back to /pol/.
Nah it never was. Even when Yea Forums was more left leaning it was even edgier than it is now. Nothing but faggot, tits or gtfo and stick sharpie in pooper. Perpetually offended fags would never stay here 10 years ago.
I think that's largely in part to shifting party lines. Somehow in the last decade the left has become offended by all words while the right is edgy just as a way to flex their freedom of speech.
>Calm down reddit, your spittle soaked schizoid word salad is unintelligible.
irony. nice alliteration tho dude ur real cool
thats some mental gymnastics
second is literally "stuff I dont like so its bad"
PROTIP: Games have shitty writing in general.
>MGS has always had a very on the nose anti-war message which results in a boss fight that has you confront the lives you took or killing too much causing guilt-induced flashbacks or covering you in blood and making you look more like an actual demon.
>if you kill you feel bad
Wow, what a message, I can't believe you got it. You must have an IQ.
>MGS is not ambiguous on war at all
Except it is. The message never was "We must stop the war", and neither was it ever the stated goal in any metal gear ever. The message has always been about personal development, nearly absent of any political message unless you are mentally ill and think everything is political.
The message of the games is always related to manipulation and ego.
Good shit my dude, I forgot to mention slav games but I haven't played any slav game recently. I've been playing DB Fighterz recenty, picked it up after a hiatus, really good stuff. Also having a comfy time with my 3DS. Picked up Vanquish on the sale, it's a blast.
I guess the only western game I've played recently is Rising Storm: Vietnam.
That's a strawman and this thread is filled with strawman arguments too.
>being subjected to other people's emotional bullshit means I'm a little bitch
lmao get a job, neetfag
I made an irate woman happy today and didn't even need to use my penis
I've objectively made the world a better place and you've only attempted the opposite in this exchange
get morally dabbed on, child
You misrepresented what I said. Politics INSIDE THE GAME ITSELF is different from politics IRL. Feel free to keep straw manning me, and I'll keep correctign you.
Different people will tell you different things. But generic fascism in the opinion of roger griffin is defined as a form of palingenetic populist ultra nationalism. Palingenesis being a concept of rebirth or re-creation.
In his view, Fascism is presented as a "third way" option separate from traditional left v right politics. It promotes worship and reverance of the state and national culture, and often positions the fascist leader as some sort of father figure, with the nation being the mother (motherland).
Its separate from monarchy in that monarchism is based on hereditary lines and often the divine right of kings [to rule]. There is also usually more of a focus on religion in monarchies, and they often still have political leanings to the left or right. Fascism is supposed to be both anti left and anti right, in line with its positioning as a radical third path.
>You have been Blocked. You cannot view (Person) Tweets.
>anime avatar
>is a tranny
every single time, why do trannies love anime?
have sex
Right, all those posts are exactly what I said. Assertions with no evidence. One is good, the other is bad, but no reason why. Except when the reason is "well I just don't like women or LGBT issues" but then those are beyond help, aren't they?
So, once again, I am talking about the people who assert that the problem is NOT that they dislike women or gays but that it's a matter of how the topic is handled. MGS is incredibly hamfisted, to speak with one of the guys you quoted, and yet it doesn't draw any ire from Yea Forums, contrary to some others which are not at all hamfisted but just happen to touch upon a verboten subject.
Your brain on leftism
Generally the 'bad' part happens after the colonialist leave (see Africa) - while they're there it's all good, the moment they decide to fuck off they leave behind a burned wasteland.
>Stop being a bigot
>I get to define what a bigot is or change the meaning whenever it's convenient
You don't want people to stop being bigots, you want everyone to think exactly like you. Anyone who disagrees with you is a bigot after all.
My bad, you must be a real 1channer. Discordera is that way, don't let the door hit you on your way out.
even one boob is too much
He's not wrong.
People like to pretend that Yea Forums was always just edgy and shit but in reality it was just that people here didn't have much political resistance, so they didnt have to let it all out.
Nowadays with the political climate,these things have just surfaced. But they've always been here.
I deleted dozens of literal nazis ive added from SFTs around '08-'10 and im not exactly a saint myself.
Reddit tourists and newfags need to stop pretending that all those things back in the day were just edgy teens. People always have been racist as fuck, but people didnt constantly cry about it back in the day or gave it guaranteed derailing replies, so most of it was kept short.
Imagine actually thinking that an anonymous imageboard without any sign up that was internet famous for doing swastikas and other saucy shit in 07-08 already, had no actual racists posting "back in those days"... Its just delusional.
Its like saying Yea Forums wasn't shit back then. It was shit, but people didn't cry so much so there was less meta shit. Same with political shit.
Then name them, user.
>This makes the so-called "political" games actually political IRL, instead of in the fictional world inside the game itself.
There is no instead. All those political themes have real world applications and implications.
find love.
That's a retarded view though. Why should you automatically assume someone is good because woman/black? It's the same principle with Woman/black bad. Now go kys hypocrite.
this guy fucks
I hear there's a far left-wing website called Yea Forums providing pedophiles with pictures of children. God, I hope that's not the case!
He would be regarded as one today in america sure, but not when he ran
sometimes violence is necessary, your side has no problems with antifa right?
Politics in games is perfectly fine in all its forms until /pol/tards get triggered, then its
/pol/flakes are beyond fragile, all it takes is to remind them of the mere notion that a non-white, non-straight, non-male exists somewhere in the world and isn't subservient to white males to make their heads instantly explode.
I agree, I have nothing against women or gay people, but the way it's presented is the problem, even games with themes that oppose fascism still try to present a choice and make you choose your opinion, as opposed to SJW games where someone else's opinion is forced on you as correct. Even if you agree, you'll want to retain a sense of agency over your views, we place a lot of value on our free will. If you're about to do something, and someone comes along and tells you to do it, there's a big chance you'll lose the will you had in the first place.
Going around almost naked in public when there's kids around isn't deviancy and perversion to you? Have some manners.
what the fuck are you typing? schizo poster
>I don't like it so it doesn't count because I say so but I of course am right by cosmic law
This is exactly why I wasn't bothering. Chances are you didn't even read them. You're not actually looking to engage in debate, you just want some gotcha moment. Reddit does this same shit every fucking time. Just fuck off, and take your strawman with you.
>go to third world
>colonize land
>bring technology, infrastructure and welfare
>locals bitch about being oppressed
>colonists leave and gib land back
>let everything that was brought and built by the colonists rot
>fall back into 3rd-world tier state
>bitch to former colonists for reparashuns
>my wee wee got hard looking at princess peach and now I don't know what to do
>women and homosexuals are getting killed on sight in Asia and the middle-east
>But lets keep focusing our rage towards the first world and white society, the only civilization that ever managed not to be homophobic and racist, instead of helping said countries.
Care to explain?
I see, but can you explain to me how a facist sate chooses it's leader? Is it by the leader himself choosing a successor? And it sounds very similar to monarchism but without a ruling family to me
Wow, it's almost as if I'm not the perpetually offended fag you need me to be, just someone who's incredibly fed up with /pol/kiddies making Yea Forums srs bsns 24/7. We used to mock the pearl-clutching conservatives. Now we are the pearl-clutching conservatives. How the hell can you maintain that the right no longer gets offended about just about everything when these days they do it hourly on this very board?
go dilate, tranny.
What are the IRL applications/implications of Xenoblade Chronicles X, a game about a fictional race destroying the earth, and humanity embarking on a seed ship to start life on a new planet, all the while being hunted by the aliens mentioned earlier?
Despite the fact that preserving humanity and its culture is a political act, there are no implicit or applicable relation IRL. It's a fantasy game, designed to allow you to escape reality. Feel free to prove me wrong, and tell me how that plot is applicable in the modern day, in a very real and tangible way.
>Twitter screencap thread
Stop giving these cunts the attention they're craving for. You people fall for it every time.
Are you going to name a well written game that uses these politics?
No, women aren't. You figured that one out. Woman=easy mode in 99.999% of the cases.
That was what ACTUAL FEMINISM was for. Third wave feminism does not give a single fuck about anything that actually matters, especially not in some place thousands of miles away from their chair.
>Being gay is not a big thing!
It is for the people in countries where being a homosexual is illegal and punished by death.
Incidentally, the pride parades are a protest against those countries, not really a celebration of western homosexuality.
name one reason why games have to be political, especially modern day politics and how it makes the game good?
>thinks i'm a tranny
legitimate schizo, get that checked out
I don't go to /pol/, but you seem more triggered that I'm not interested in the kind of "political games" that you are interested in.
Not Pol, true gamers in general
it doesn't though, because in deus ex you can side with any of them and there are positives and negatives to all of them, while every other choice is in a better light the illuminatti is still pretty solid. overpopulation and useless people draggin humanity down is a solid thing to consider.
It's the same in New Vegas baring the legion becausse they were never finished, there's basically no bad guys besides that, they all have positives and negatives some less so then others. For example I always go for house, but plenty of peopel think he's shit and go yes man or ncr and will defend it to teh death. That's proper political framing, not literal propaganda these commie fucks in california want to feed you.
>but that it's a matter of how the topic is handled
The topic is handled just fine and has always been handled just fine. Games generally have contrived, shitty writing because games give the player agency, and agency completely ruins the pacing, tone and presentation of a good narrative. The games that don't often eschew much of that inherent agency.
If you don't like how the issue is presented, then don't buy or play the game. Isn't this what you fucking faggots always spout when some lefty SJW gets triggered by something? Ignore it, don't buy it and move on with your life? Take your own goddamned advice. No, its not propaganda because you're triggered by fags, its not a political agenda because it makes a statement that triggers you.
>if you kill you feel bad
You are the plebbest of plebs and you don't have the analytical ability to appreciate MGS. You probably only claim to like it for Yea Forums cred. It's not about "feeling bad" but the generational fucking trauma caused by warfare.
Yes, MGS is unambiguously anti-war, all the pro-war characters are presented as misguided at best, irredeemably insane at worst.
- anti-white
none of the comments you linked have any kind of understanding, they're just shouting to the wind
not the guy you're responding to but you're an idiot or a child for sure
the drama doesn't have to revolve around you you know?
way to out yourself as someone with no friends
as opposed to the perpetual wars we already had, we were free and we chose to be worse than the patriots in the end.
>Not treating women, gays and non-whites as if they're worth less than white men is hypocritical
go get triggered elsewhere, /pol/flake
The thing is, sjws replaced the pearl clutching evangelicals. You are the Jack Thomson, user.
Besides, Yea Forums was always contrarian lolbertarian. I was myself. But then I saw how crazy the left had become and realized it was a futile position to hold.
>illuminati ending isn't the obvious bad ending to him
user, I really don't know how to say this.
You're fucking horrible at thinking about things critically.
>This is exactly why I wasn't bothering.
Because you didn't understand the question and you couldn't handle being told you're an idiot? Better to not try at all than risk failing, huh?
>let's all forget the reason for colonialism and pretend it's all because colonialist are saints that came to save those savage animals
Only in this god forsaken site that you'll see such thoughts
>Now that you've spoon-fed me like I asked I will refute those arguments by saying DOESNT COUNT LOL
Yeah, nah, back ya go.
Yeah. Well, generally speaking the natural resources (mineral mines and whatnot) get fucked too but they weren't using those anyway.
That's not what you were saying and not what the person you replied to was saying. The connotation was "X GOOD". And such a blanket statement is retarded and hypocritical when combined with opposition to stuff like "WHITE GOOD", "MEN GOOD" and so on. Again, kys hypocrite.
>moving the goalposts
Again, its all fine until its something that triggers /pol/flakes, then its
Not political
>depiction of fascism
>hey kids you really should do fascism
The problem is that these people see the former as a gateway to the latter, due to the idea that any depiction leads to normalization or positive association
Yeah, if you stick women into historical situations they would never be in, or portray them as having the same physical strength as men, people will have a problem.
I don't think the gay thing has ever mattered to anyone unless they randomly make some person gay who wasn't really implied to be gay. Or unless they show someone doing gay shit that has nothing to do with the story or gameplay.
Quit forcing gays and women into stupid situations and no one would care.
Instead of turning straight male oriented games into soap boxes for your gay/womyn shit, why don't you actually make your own games? When people told SJWs to make their own games, they didn't mean for them to join existing game companies to change existing characters into homos and women.
>Why isn't the audience for call of duty WOKE!!??
I fucking wonder why..
Present a rebuttal to those posts you so direly needed or stop projecting and fuck off.
No one's arguing that those things aren't political, it's just that saying "we don't want games to be political" is a retarded way of putting it, MGS and Call of Duty have a ton of politics in them, but I don't remember Bush creating super weapon as a distraction so he can kill the Rothschilds, or Mattis starting WW3 so people would appreciate the soldiers
>fascism - a one-party control system either headed by a centralized government or dictator, in which the individual is suppressed in order for the nation to succeed.
Tales of Berseria literally suppressed people’s thoughts near the end in order for total domination by the church & shota god.
It's the same with arguments about how the civil war wasn't about slavery for the South when it absolutely, unambiguously was.
you're ignoring teh context of why he does, whiich was to advertise product and distract from teh god awful pr blizzard had, just like Tracer was made gay for publicity and sales and nothing more. It's propaganda used to spread shitty commifornia ideologies while also making morally bankrupt cocksuckers more money.
If you're not against it you're against freedom itself by virtue of letting these faggots get away with this.
>Ask question
>get called a lefty
Why don't you just answer the question? otherwise just fuck off.
>Incidentally, the pride parades are a protest against those countries, not really a celebration of western homosexuality.
What? Historically, they were first and foremost aimed at domestic audiences. You think the Saudis care what some western fags far away do? Nowadays, they're mainly an excuse to get drunk.
not him, but in that case the entire "game" is obviously made with the intent of virtue signalling. But the bigger problem with it is that it isn't actually a game and there is absolutely no way it would ever be fun or engaging.
I have no doubt there were actual racists here. But the atmosphere was irreverent and the discourse wasn't dominated by literal Nazi talking points. It was just the casual racism of a bunch of white teenagers, which is real, yes, but comparatively harmless. On the rare times that the discussion turned to actual policy, the consensus tended to the left.
Most games use the first list as an interesting backdrop/framework to build their world and story around.
Shoving women, minorities and homosexuals into main roles just to be progressive isn't the same thing. If it's used realistically and in service of the story it's okay.
Company of Heroes 2 did, then Russians review bombed it
I think what people dislike is how everything revolves around AMERICAN politics.
>godforsaken site
Well, have you considered going back?
Yes, games presenting women and gays as not inferior is good, because not being a close-minded bigot that pisses itself in fear of non-whites and fags is good.
If this triggers you, you're probably a /pol/flake and should proceed to hang yourself.
The problem is that writers who push women and gays are usually shit fucking writers who wouldn't know subtlety if it hit them over the head, they see other writers using political themes and go "OH GUESS POLITICAL THEMES ARE OKAY IN VIDEOGAMES TIME TO PUSH MY WORLDVIEW ONTO EVERYONE ELSE" and in missing the techniques normal writers use, their work sticks out like a sore thumb.
When good writers push women and gays, no one even notices.
>What are the IRL applications/implications of Xenoblade Chronicles X, a game about a fictional race destroying the earth, and humanity embarking on a seed ship to start life on a new planet, all the while being hunted by the aliens mentioned earlier?
I dunno I haven't played it
But it sounds like it's saying racial persecution is bad maybe
Yea Forums loves San Andreas because it came out when white sub-urban kids thought gangsta-rap was the shit
>moving the goalposts
How? you're making the statement about people getting mad only about certain kinds of politics in games and not because they are poorly written. All I want is an example of a game that features these politics that are well written.
join us in the real world sometime, faggot
>built a story based on western memes about ussr
>"why ruskies no like"
i wonder
First off, can you not spell like a total spaz?
>if you're not with me YOU'RE AGAINST ME
Isn't this the sort of SJW faggotry Yea Forums was rallying against since, I dunno, half a decade ago?
>the consensus tended to the left.
that's when the left supported freedom of speech
that's when the left oppose censorship
>Any game with women, minorities and/or gays is pushing a political agenda
Yup, more triggered /pol/flakes. Anything that doesn't conform with their worldview is pushing some kind of evil agenda.
How does Yea Forums feel about asexuality?
I guess Super Mario Bros. also presents giving up and committing suicide by jumping into the first pit you see as a legitimate choice equal to all others.
Let me introduce you to a Yea Forums classic, my dear newfaggot.
That's literally feminisms strategy. They want to "portray women" as all the things women aren't and they think by subtly changing the public consciousness, women will start to be the things they aren't.
They think the only reason things are certain ways is because people think of them that way.
It is a philosophy of solipsism, that completely turns away from objective and pragmatic truth.
>Forcing you to play as a tranny is my HUMAN RIGHT
amerilard logic
>Not political
Stuff not actually pertaining to our current political climate and its issues.
Stuff far too closely pertaining to our current political climate and its issues.
Hell, that was easy.
I AM a faggot, I even stated it in my first post you damn ESLnigger. But I wouldn't support a group that normalizes perversion and deviancy.
Then do it over there where it's illegal instead. Oh wait, you'd get shot. Good job, Pride! You really outdid yourself this time!
You are willfully missing the point. Again. It's blatant double standards when one group is automatically portrayed as good while another at best neutral. I know logic has no bearing on people like you but try to wrap your head around it, even a little.
niggers faggot incels who can't get laid
Not sure what is wrong with this. They are entirely right. Only womans and gAy? are political. Everything else is just good fun.
No I didn't consider going back to your moms house, since she stinks.
And you can fuck off with you reddit shit, I've been here for longer than you'll ever be
>Any game with women, minorities and/or gays is pushing a political agenda
Did you even read my post?
That's gay as fuck.
Colonialism was an inherently capitalistic endeavour in which both sides benefitted massively, (you can't) change my mind.
>The thing is, sjws replaced the pearl clutching evangelicals.
user, there are people here complaining about black people, gay people, stronk women, etc. in video games every single day. It's like the Fox News segment on Mass Effect on eternal repeat. Why do you choose to overlook this?
Women are biologically physically inferior and gays can't reproduce or have sex without the help of external tools, in a way they are inferior and also kept and spreads diseases within the species. But I bet no developers would want to entertain these dilemma or else they'll be branded a bigot by retards like you.
>Shoving women, minorities and homosexuals into main roles just to be progressive
See, you assume this because you're a stupid fucking /pol/tard mongoloid and anything and everything involving them outside of supporting or non-roles is automatically tokenism and done solely to push an agenda.
When in reality you're just yet another triggered idiot, no different from the people you claim to hate.
Who's forcing you?
>If you didn't care about politics you won't notice and it wouldn't affect you don't you think?
No you dumb nigger, I only got into this shit BECAUSE it was in everything. It took me thinking "man this don't seem right something's wrong" for a few years and before I realized it all my hobbies were fucking decimated or worse by this shithead ideologues.
You think I want to know how badly we're being assraped by these assholes ruining the country and being useful idiots? You think I want to care about how badly Europe is getting raped to death by migrants? NO I got forced into it because my civil libertiees fucking depended on it, and it took all my hobbies getting buttfcuked by trannies to wake me up to the fact. I jsut wanted to make art and play vidya with my boys, the same people faggots like you would think I never hang out with because I throw around statistics and use the word nigger. I hate every single one of you and wish you nothing but the worst.
you really need to drop dead you shitposting faggot. You're so much of a loser that this is what you doday in day out, I refuse to believe you actually believe the dreck you post because doing so would require you to be the kinda inhuman spec that unironically posts on resetera.
How many games have the status of women and gays and minorities as the actual premise and goal of the game, as opposed to just featuring them and saying "they're here and they're great, deal with it"? Is there a single game where instating egalitarianism is the goal, where you fight for someone's rights, where the player character itself is impacted by them? Seems to me like people don't mind political conflicts, but they do mind political statements.
Just name Anthony Burch directly, user.
>Present a rebuttal to those posts
Read the thread :^)
Yeah as a theme, a theme for the enemy.
Now list all the AAA games that have gays and women as enemies. That's why OP and OP's twitter is full of shit.
>political as theme does NOT equal political as forced propaganda on the player
>HuR CaAn u SPEEELl!?1?
fuck off and die resetera tranny
>have sex without the help of external tools
user, have you ever heard of this thing called a penis?
Lesbians don't need external tools either.
The only people I see doing that ITT is you and the rest of reddit via strawmen. Put the crutch away and stop arguing in bad faith.
>trying to pull seniority on Yea Forums
Newfaggot as fuck.
>trannies existing
Haha, good one, but you're still a male.
We asked him 4 times to name some games in which idpol shit is well-written and he didn't answer once. Just give up, user.
Daily reminder that anybody who expresses left-wing or right-wing politics outside of /pol/ deserves a permanent rangeban and the ban page should redirect to /pol/ for redditers and resetera for trannies.
Fascism is all about aesthetics. Depicting fascism always runs the risk of making it look cool. But then of course when you compensate by showing the horrors wrought by fascism, that's also telling people what to think. There's no way around it. You cling to this ideal of neutral presentation but where is it in praxis?
>also kept and spreads diseases within the species
Heteros and homos are just as likely to contract diseases, and neither is more promiscuous than the other.
Your worldview isn't built on facts.
NV may have not shoved it's gay characters into your face but it sure as shit shoves some of it's other political agendas into your face. Why is okay to do that but not the gay shit? Why is it "good writing" to shove every political agenda into your face buy the gay and women agenda? You are basically proving the OP right.
I did. It's nothing but
>well, you just hate [whatever]!
Strawmen over and over again.
You're missing out.
So now the games have to have good writing, and not just present these issues and characters in an organic way?
Why aren't games with shit writing that address any of the other "political" issues not getting just as much shit? Because there are tons of those, too.
Oh, right, because /pol/tards aren't endlessly triggered by any of those other political subjects or issues, so they aren't political!
can you point me to change being forced from them crying? they just get dismissed now, this isnt the 90s. sjws dominate socially and are at the forefront of all censorship and cultural outrages
>But the bigger problem with it is that it isn't actually a game and there is absolutely no way it would ever be fun or engaging.
You just lack creativity.
Capitalism was shit, and only the colonists benefited massively, while the colonies were later fucked, both because of their incompetents and because their resources were assfucked
What's wrong with games simply pointing out that women, gays and minorities being equal to heterosexual men is and should be the norm?
everything is political
not everything has an agenda
old videogames don't have an agenda
because they aren't the ones censoring video games or trying to get devs fired from their jobs for not putting black people in their games and defending giant corporations just because they are WOKE
Because I can kill literally anyone in NV. So proselytizing characters get nutted on.
the loli is right, it's not that hard to understand
>No arguments, only namecalling and emotional estrogen induced outbursts
>Yes, MGS is unambiguously anti-war
Prove it
>all the pro-war characters are presented as misguided at best
Prove it
You are a retard that can't tell the premise from the conclusion. Yes, MGS works under the premise that war is horrible, and anyone sane knows it is, yet it stops short from concluding that war is necessary every single time. There's not one instance of any MGS ending with an anti-war message. Not. One.
>Not being able to openly be a bigot without consequence means MUH FREES PEACH DUN GITTIN STEP'D ON
>a privatly owned messageboard isn't forced to let people say whatever the fuck they want
no shit Sherlock
Where did it do that? By depicting the capitalist democrats as incompetent bumbling idiots, and the literal fascist bigots as a well oiled machine, and giving you the choice between them or neither?
That really wasn't an issue on anyone's mind back then.
That's a bit of a stretch, especially considering the alien genociders weren't a single race. Furthermore, even if I was to grant you that point, I would point out the the entire game's story (includin all boss battles) can be watched in about 8 hours. I spent 40 hours on the game before even touching the story, and constantly got side tracked with what the game actually wanted me to do: explore.
Any politics that the game had was tangential at best, mostly to give you a reason to just go out into the world and have fun.
Gone Home, on the other hand, is "message first, gameplay second," although it was closer to "not at all." When people pointed out how Gone Home was a walking simulator, the devs, the reviewers, and the people who don't normally play games started sperging out and calling everyone homophobes and women haters.
What's the reaction from the industry if people didn't like the gameplay or story of Xenoblade Chronicles X (despite the fact that both protagonists were women)? Nothing. They don't care, because Xenoblade X wasn't shilling some stupid progressive message that literally floods all other forms of media.
And that's the difference between IRL political games, and games that have political themes inside the games themselves.
They never do. It's always some feminist fanwank.
So women and gays should be included in a list of things video games often portray as tools of the enemy?
history isn't politics.
>Mostly because he's been a pretty awesome president
>stabs knives into the backs of the working class even moreso than the democrats ever did
I clapped
There’s a difference between politics as a narrative element and targeting player politics
By that same token, a privately owned messageboard deleting comments as they like isn't infringing on your freedom of speech, either.
>hard as fuck to even find out he's gay as opposed to his entire personality
Take notes, discord trannies.
Ha, the mods are more interested in leaving off-topic threads up and banning anybody who posts in them for two days instead of -you know- deleting the fucking thread and banning the OP.
Ah, shit I missed that you're a faggot too.
I thought you were talking about LGBT in general, not just the Pride bullshit. We agree then.
Pride doesn't go to Saudi/China/Congo/whatever because Pride knows it would be hard. Pride wants an easy life in the West protesting minimal bullshit, not making -actually oppressed- gay's life better.
This is the saddest example of "rent free" I have ever seen.
Actual issues
First world problems
If Africa wanted to trade continents with the US and Canada, with the people from both continents swapping locations, I'm pretty sure that the US and Canada would jump on that deal in a New York minute. Africa is still the most resource rich continent in the world.
>anything and everything involving them outside of supporting or non-roles is automatically tokenism and done solely to push an agenda
Isn't it though? The companies are literally pointing out how they have more women/poc characters.
Also why are you calling me triggered? You're the one that sounds salty as fuck, I'm not really mad there are faggots and women in vidya now. I'm way more triggered by censorship, but that goes hand in hand.
Fascist states are usually authoritarian to the point that the leader will be chosen by an elite council and/or directly by the previous leader (who often has total power). In most examples in History, the leader is "chosen" because they themselves are the ones who spearheaded the political/military revolution which got them into power (mussolini, hitler).
Notice how it starts with the racist kid assuming it's a terrible game and he'll probably hate it. He probably only played it because it's the new GTA and he's only allowed to buy so many games in a year.
Now imagine that kid being a grown manchild, posting in this thread about how he won't buy any games he's not interested in. That final panel will never come to pass. He will always remain the person in the first panel, forever bitching about having to play as fucking niggers.
>It's blatant double standards when other normal human beings are automatically portrayed as good while fascism is at best neutral
No, its not.
Oh, right, you don't see them as other human beings, because you're an inbred /pol/flake who is triggered endlessly and eternally by anything that doesn't fit your extremely narrow worldview, which is basically everything beyond fervent, self-destructive nationalism and PBR.
>almost 400 posts already
gj faggots, also useless fucking mods doing nothing, i bet they are sucking dicks right now.,
>SJW cuckazoids start with the "what i don't like shouldn't be allowed" shit
>get punched back
>now whine
There's nothing to defend. Suck it.
History has politics in it though, and history is written by the victor, which most of the time is for political reasons
Nothing, but obviously the social circumstances still don't allow for that without controversy from one side. Try making a political statement where slavery being bad is pushed as the norm, and no one will care.
>regarded as one
see thats the fun thing
he was objectively conservative
conservative governments all over the world adopted left-wing policies because the overwhelming majority of people in those countries aren't able to carry the weight and living standards of the upper classes anymore
If you have to stress it, it means that you don't believe it and want to hammer it home. Nobody cares that Samus is a girl. I don't know anybody that gave a shit that you could opt to make Shepard a woman in Mass Effect (and even a lesbian in one of the games). It's not a central focus to the plot, so most people don't give a fuck.
Big talk coming from a bunch of actual pedophiles who got kicked off Gaf.
It's fucking weird how much Neogaf has changed since this cancer was purged from their ranks. It's exactly like the forums of old, Nugaf despises all this lefty political wankery and just wants good games.
All the racists I've ever known grew into it. Trying living in a black ghetto when you're not black.
Funny aside, those niggas are racist as shit. They'd make /pol/ blush the way they talked about hispanics and asians. And I'm sure whites as well, when I wasn't around.
You are doing it again. Ignoring the point, spinning it to something never said and attacking said fantasy. Logic has no way of penetrating that thick skull. Go ahead spew more buzzwords since arguments you have none.
>real problems worth talking about
>whiny bullshit
>How many games have the status of women and gays and minorities as the actual premise and goal of the game, as opposed to just featuring them and saying "they're here and they're great, deal with it"?
They're not great you fucking cunt, they're people, women especially are fucking terrible people and fronting this bullshit women of power stance does nothing for anybody in the long run, but further alienate the peopel who play games. Did Wolfenstein need to shit on Blazkowitz as much as they did? Did TLOU need a lesbian plot? Does every gay person and woman need to be powerful and positive? No it's shitty writing, and it's ideologically charged, for fucks sake marvel figured this out in the 80s and forgot it forever by the 90s just so retarded "liberals" could continue to fuck it up in the future.
Every fucking game I play or program I watch has the president as a woman, with white males as bad guys and some shitty hamfisted marxsist oppression olympics message. The last game I played, "The Sinking City" had a fucking scripted event where I called the rich monkey man a bigot, my pc that I'm suppossed to control basically told this monkey man "you know, not all fishmen you should really check your privledge" to which the guy responds "they killed me son are you calling me a bigot?" and your answers are "yes" and "YES YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE". Either way he reconsiders his "prejudice" in teh msot poorly written out of place dialogue I've seen in recent memory.
These are not well written conflicts or rights, these are "here is my ideology and if you disagree with it you are wrong and evil and a bigot".
>So now the games have to have good writing, and not just present these issues and characters in an organic way?
That's what you claimed those games are (which you haven't named yet) so yeah now you get to show us (you won't, because there aren't.)
These people don't differentiate between speculative politics - where political viewpoints are presented and explored but not necessarily endorsed (Deux Ex, New Vegas, etc) - and directed politics, where a political viewepoint is openly encouraged, almost lecturing the player.
No one likes to be lectured. Lectures aren't fun.
Only thing Yea Forums always was, was contrarian, because it is, anonymous, anarchic, so people say what they otherwise wouldn´t. The political ideas that get attracted and spread here are contrary to the mainstream opinion just like everything else.
>The only people I see doing that ITT
Oh, I'm sorry, were you linked to this thread directly from reddit? You should see the rest of the board sometimes.
>can you point me to change being forced from them crying?
Irrelevant. Fox News didn't get Bioware to change anything either. It's almost as if it's not about the crying, but about whether or not people actually think you're crying for a good reason. Fact remains you're crying all the time, and it's not even accomplishing anything.
Now that's just false, Yea Forums explicitly targeted that woman from Nintendo Treehouse for example because they wrongly blamed her for getting rid of their animu tiddies.
That implies shit like TLOU can even hold a crumb of wax to GTASA.
Are you not aware pirating exists?
>So now the games have to have good writing, and not just present these issues and characters in an organic way?
Yes, that's what most people in this thread have been mentioned as why the first group of politics is better than the latter.
>Why aren't games with shit writing that address any of the other "political" issues not getting just as much shit?
They have been for years you fucking dolt, COD was always criticized for it's representation of war as being overly simplistic. Meanwhile most people on Yea Forums praised Spec Ops: The Line when that came out.
Again name a fucking game
>The companies are literally pointing out how they have more women/poc characters.
This is not propaganda, and if there's an agenda being pushed, its
>Don't be a shithead /pol/tard
>muh horseshoe
Nothing will change about you being a parasite in white countries, if thinking others are exactly like you makes you feel better go ahead, but you'll leave soon enough.
But no game is stressing the point, the characters being a woman, gay or trans is never a huge part of the game, they're always just there.
Because in the entire thread, and I have read it, no one has given me reason to think otherwise. Their flimsy reasoning remains ever vague and rife with double standards. It's pure post hoc rationalisation.
I feel like there is an extreme disconnect nowadays between game creators and game consumers (I deliberately avoid "gamer" here), and I often wonder why and how is it possible that is has come to this.
But can it really be a disconnect if despite all this, companies who infuse their games with leftist ideas still remain to be successful?
Could it be that the majority of the game consumers actually agree with those ideas, and only a vocal minority like Yea Forums is crying about "political" stuff?
Don't project, reddit. We get all kinds of shitposting around here, if you hadn't noticed. I'll get mad at /pol/ or whoever when they start forcing agendas into my vidya.
Neither are monarchies or imperial systems, and they get talked about plenty.
>"western memes"
There are literal recordings of Soviet soldiers bragging about raping women in the countries they """liberated""" Vlad. Not that I should be wasting my time on the likes of you, since every single living Russian person is descended from a Golden Horde ballsack.
Social politics are different from government politics. Government politics do not take any particular group and enforce them as the lesser or enemy without a justifiable cause in the FICTIONAL universe such as say something like "North Korea invades the US" so then it's a matter of defending ALL people who are under a nation/nations from a force that is attacking. Even in other cases, it will paint the war as an unfair cause of ancestors actions and lack of peace and neither side is exactly to blame.
Social politics on the other hand take two opposing mindsets and uses one side or the other as a means of propaganda so they can almost say "look what this side is capable of doing with just a little push" painting those under a certain set of beliefs to look despicable and dangerous. In this case, when it is apparent that the developers made a character to appeal to a specific modern group and don't put in the time to make the characters interesting in any possible way then it's just baiting for chaos to ensue so they can get more publicity to get the upper hand without realizing that they're tearing apart communities.
Frankly, it's just disgusting that they abuse communities like this in order to increase revenue. I only ask that they write for a person instead of an archetype and I think many people would stop complaining if the developers didn't emphasize on controversial aspects.
That is, unfortunately, the solemn truth. Democracy is great for mantaining the status quo, but garbage for reform of any kind (always takes >30 years). Despotism is quick and efficent, but unstable.
Gone Home.
stop pulling shit out of your ass you disingenuous tranny faggot, 48% yourself already.
Only thing Yea Forums always was, was contrarian, because it is, anonymous, anarchic, so people say what they otherwise wouldn´t. The political ideas that get attracted and spread here are contrary to the mainstream opinion just like everything else. I´m looking forward to seeing right-wing society (which means the USA in this comtext), and left-wing Yea Forums, in the future just to see what that would be like.
>You are doing it again. Ignoring the point
That's pretty ironic, consider your posts.
I haven't said it's a propaganda, learn to fucking read you faggot. I said they're doing it just to be progressive, which is literally why they do it. It's simple virtue signalling.
>ever vague
Oh, the ironing. You haven't rebutted a single argument, simply dismissed them out of hand with wispy weasel words.
The never did my dude
Again, if you're triggered by the idea that non-whites, gays and women are normal human beings like you and that fascism is bad and is not anywhere close to being comparable to not being a literal, by-fucking-definition bigot, then you're probably a /pol/flake and should go lock yourself in the garage, start your mom's car and sit there until you've stopped breathing.
Protesting against another country's laws in your own country is retarded. It's like protesting against China when you live in the US for example.
Oh, I love it when western idiots think that the communist regimes of last century were about people working together a a harmonious whole.
And you're a retard that can't tell conclusions from themes. You really think there aren't games out there that downplay the horrible aspects of war, that present war as a spectacle with the good guys prevailing over the nasty bad guys in the end? Have you heard of this series called Call of Duty? It's pretty underground, you should check it out.
I play games to entertain myself, not to listen to lessons on how to tolerate narcissistic and attention whoring tendencies of feminist and LGBT retards.
Don't know what's so hard to understand about this shit.
My life has greatly improved since Trump took office, despite doing the same job since March of 2013.
because you're pushing it and you don't actually believe it, or are doing so for praise from others. Otherwise it wouldn't need to be said, it would just be.
Are you retarded? Should we just pretend that migration is a fun and fast easy thing or something? Not to mention those who have history and family in those lands wouldn't just agree to go to another fucking continent just for the lolz of it, and I doubt Africa being resource rich will convince anyone to moving there.
realpolitik vs identity politics
This applies to both groups, I don't make reality I just observe it.
Because they literally weren't equal in any historical context and it should be shown as such instead of white washed.
And also because it doesn't even make sense half the time. It's not like they make most straight characters go on and on about being straight.
Here's how you make a good gay character, show them doing the same shit as everyone else instead of focusing on the gay shit.
Daily reminder that every single Resetera tranny invading Yea Forums right now are exactly like Dayton Hypernova - a man that literally abuses his own parents and has psychotic breakdowns on his Youtube channel.
>my side is the only good one.
Thanks for proving his point muh fox news.
anyone else used to think /pol/ was all the libtards and the pepes, but after the constant dogshit on Yea Forums realize the libtards are literally not even from Yea Forums?
Oh no, the pol boogeyman is out to get you and point out how much empty pandering you're doing! If you don't think those kind of made up controversies aren't being gaslighted for clicks then you are a dum dum. No one cared that Samus was a girl or Lara Croft was the star of her own series, games are games and people just want to have fun.
dilate/seethe/cope/have sex
To be asexual is fine. To take pride in being asexual is just... odd. Not in an interesting or an endearing way, but kind of begging for people to notice that you don't fuck when no one but you cares or needs to know.
Woman and gays are fine, trannies are the problem
user, you don't get to enjoy things unless I get a say in them. If your hypersexualized games don't appeal to my specific set of guidelines then they are problematic and need to be removed.
I don't care if your series has been going on for 20+ years and I'm not your target demographic. Even though I'm not buying the game, it doesn't mean my opinion should mean less.
Are you really so young that seems incredulous to you? I voted for Obama his first term, and I voted for Trump, too.
Well, like I said, I haven't played it, so
I can talk about Gone Home, though. It doesn't really have a message. It's about capturing an atmosphere on the one hand and an experiment in environmental storytelling on the other. Just because it features two girls in love that doesn't mean that's the "message". Maybe people are calling you a homophobe because you're overemphasising that part in order to complain about it.
Why are women and gays in your video games stopping you from having fun?
> Have you heard of this series called Call of Duty? It's pretty underground, you should check it out.
You mean the series that literally hits you over the head with anti-war quotes every time you die? Have you?
Of course you haven't, you are a retarded sjw who sees politics everywhere. You don't play videogames.
You are so dense, uranium would be jealous of you. Where have I said anything you mention? I pointed out that the idea of GROUP X GOOD, GROUP Y NEUTRAL is hypocritical, which, by any measure of reason, it is. What you are doing is constructing fantasies over and over an over again, reading things into stuff never said to fuel your victim complex and push your agenda. You are beyond saving, your brain is fried.
I thought /leftypol/ was just /pol/ liberals, but after going there I'm starting to believe loud lefty people on Yea Forums are literally from some discord cult trying to destroy the website
NV unashamedly has an objectivist agenda. And it's not the only Obsidian game to do so.
How does complaining about women representation in video games stop muslims and chinks from being muslims and chinks
You wish you'd be far above those two groups, a special snowflake indeed, but you're triggered by my posts.
Why are you illiterate?
Real political issues:
-military-industrial complex
-militarization of the police
-social engineering
-digital information control
-institutional oppression
-proxy wars
Modern day retards whining:
-I have a vagina, give me special treatment ok??!
-I am a man who sucks cocks, respect me ok??!
People don't care about politics really. They care if a game is hamfisted and preachy.
>I said they're doing it just to be progressive, which is literally why they do it. It's simple virtue signalling.
And you automatically jump to this because you cannot fathom the idea that these people might genuinely believe in the shit they make and WANT to do it, that they MUST instead be doing it because tokenism and virtue signaling. Because that's all your narrow /pol/flake worldview allows you to see, any game involving women, gays or other minorities is automatically just pushing an agenda and doing it for the brownie points.
In other words, you're a fucking /pol/flake and should hang yourself before you melt.
That's optimistic, but I do hope most people will just get bored with the internet eventually. Would really do everyone a favor to get on it less and talk to people face to face.
I think most people just don't care. Even Yea Forums will bitch about it here but then still buy the game.