Do you fucking see this shit? You dumb faggot this is Parasite Eve

Do you fucking see this shit? You dumb faggot this is Parasite Eve.
One of the best games on ps1.

>"but user the character models are kinda blocky"

Your mothers cunt is kinda blocky

>"But user most of the weapons are shit"

Do you know what a tool is you cum guzzling fluffy tuna taco muching spin cycle riding faggot? If not go look in a mirror.

>"But user I dont have time to play 3 different games"

Wrong agian fucko theres only 2 games in the series, That one fucking weekend to play some of the best shit Square has ever done.

INB4 faggots saying there are 3 games
INB4 hurr durr reddit spacing
INB4 op cant INB4

Attached: 51aMS9AB5BL._SX342_.jpg (342x329, 28K)

Other urls found in this thread:

based PEfriend

You are no man if you haven't beaten true Eve after roaming the corridors of the Chrysler Building

BASED and Breapilled

user 3rd Birthday was a good game.

parasite eve is quest64 except actually good
great RPG mechanics too

Didn't care for the dialogue, maps were too restricting and didn't focus on exploration.

Holy Shit BASED

Based PE comrade.

Why is the battle music in this game so loud compared to all the other sounds?

This is a must, some of the mechanics don't even matter until post game

Based OP what did you think of 3rd Birthday

Attached: the_3rd_birthday-1600x900.jpg (1600x900, 291K)

Given how well RE2 remake did, I can see Sony trying to remake this and probably fail to do it justice.

Based and mithohondriapilled

One of the best PS1 intros, alongside Soul Blade.


>came out nearly a whole year before Final Fantasy VIII
>had better character models, better graphics, better AMVs

Attached: 1539525241100.png (1280x720, 579K)

I'd say they're on par, and FF8 was probably in development long before it.

Loved the game but... Only used one or two guns and same for spells, the others are pointless.
Story is based on a novel, that's why it's good. Aya has the personality of a rock.

I loved doing critical plinks on nasty enemies with my overpowered P08 + snail magazine in PE2, wish they would remake it

Why did you post blank image user

Wasn't there supposed to be some kind of new P.E game coming out soon?

>Wrong agian fucko theres only 2 games in the series
If the third game doesn't count then neither does the second game. It's shit too anyway. The only one worth playing is the first one.

1 > 3rd > 2

3rd actually has decent gameplay but the story is horrid.

This any better? Yes, we all want to forget.

Attached: T3B Shower.webm (1280x720, 2.45M)

Looking back on it now, the battle system was a little wonky, but I still absolutely loved this game. Too bad we’ll never get a remake.