What's next for Lara Croft, the queen of gaming?
What's next for Lara Croft, the queen of gaming?
more boring uncharted rip offs
Wrong pic
what the fuck?
More porn of her since that's all she's good for.
Games for ants
i will always appreciate the anons that allow me to post this
You're welcome user, just doing my part.
im fine with that
Horse cock
This. I love Uncharted and the old and new Tomb Raiders so it's all win-win for me.
ʷʰᵃᵗ ᶦˢ ᵗʰᶦˢ? ᴬ ᶠᵒʳ ᵃᶰᵗˢ?
She's long since lost that crown. Only thing she's queen of now is shitty reboots made by SJWs.
>Lara must be a STRONG WOMAN.
>But NOT TOO PRETTY. She needs to look normal.
>Also guns are too violent and glorify violence her signature weapon is a bow now because I said so.
>Being obsessed with politics instead of waifus
Guess how I know you're playing games wrong
>Obsessed with waifus instead of gameplay
Guess how I know you're playing games wrong
I like the gameplay and the waifus. I don't get offended like a lesbian like you about politics in games. Stay mad fag.
I don't know, perhaps drop the whole "Tomb Raiding" thing and focus more on stealth and brutally killing a bunch of people.
Also multiplayer pvp.
Ahhh, yes, that's the true spirit of Tomb Raider.
That doesn't sound good at all, why would you want that?
>I like the gameplay and the waifus.
Thanks for confirming you have shit taste, not only in vidya but in waifus, look at that fucking man jaw. The new TR games are absolute trash, a poor man's Uncharted with lackluster set pieces and monotonous combat and a shoehorned in stealth system that does not belong in a series that was built on action.
I'm glad people like you exist, it gives me someone to look at and say "Yeesh, at least I'm not that guy."
Show me a better waifu so I can laugh at your shit taste. I 1000% guarantee you won't post anyone.
Because I like killing people and I think that if I wanted to solve a puzzle I'd play Tetris, not Tomb Raider
I support /lara/ threads.
Based lad
>man jaw
jeez, after fucking a horse multiple times id say elephant is next but... i dunno thats a bit unrealistic
Come on now, he sits looking at tranny cock all day, it's no wonder his mind is warped.
>queen of extremely boring gaming
Maybe you should give your asshole a rest.
But she's not in a Jrpg?
>Show me a better waifu so I can laugh at your shit taste.
>I 1000% guarantee you won't post anyone.
Well yeah, why would I post anything if you're just going to say it's shit? Think about it.
Because you know you can't beat it. Every other waifu is inferior, you literally can't prove me wrong. Stay mad gaylord.
I bet you think this butterface is waifu material too, pleb
yeah JRPG are not even chartable since they are pure garbage for weebs, although I have one of the new TR and played 15 mintues before uninstall, what's interesting about it?
I actually enjoyed a lot the nu lara/nu Trilogy
they are comfy as fuck
the same nu lara faggot posts this thread every day, he is mentally ill, just ignore him
or tell him that old lara is superior, it really rustles his jimmies
>staring at trannies all day, who have man jaws, makes you see actual females as having man jaws
So this is your brain on HRT...
I feel sorry for anyone who even considers this a waifu. Look how bad she looks in comparison to Lara. I really hope this isn't you way of testing your waifu on us because there should be no reason for you to have a pic of this creature.
You'd have to prove yourself right first, lmao
what happened to lara? she used to be hot, now she's shit
All her death scenes have the same shitty moans. Moaning in spanish is ironically hotter.
>15 minutes
With that level of ADHD I doubt you'd find anything interesting.
Thanks for proving your delusion, those two characters look almost the same.
This is how shit your taste is, friendo. Sorry to pull back the veil.
And I'll keep posting it every day.
The saying "have sex" is so true. Once you have it you will realize why nu-Lara is better overall.
lots of other more enjoyable stuff, it might have been an hour or 2 tho, still incredibly boring as fuck
Female game developers.
Rhianna Pratchett.
But I've already posted multiple pics. Still waiting on you posting yours. Lmao.
>you will never get old lara back (the female version of indiana jones crossed with james bond) who was cool as fuck
>you'll forever be stuck with the ugly, whiny cunt they turned her into
But the new game is full of breasts and ass at every cutscene.
>Almost the same
How the fuck can you be this faceblind?
We all know 3D is PD but this is just embarrassing, imagine having a FICTIONAL 3DPD as your waifu.
Get some taste pleb, this is what a real waifu looks like.
If you wanted her "back" you should have bought the games at the time of release and then she wouldn't have gone away. Thanks for your lack of support. I still have my copies of the old and new games here btw.
old lara cute
Holy shit, I'm sorry, I didn't know you were this retarded. My apologies.
back for a new game, retard
i was playing tomb raider on release in the 90s, kid
>That thing is his "waifu"
>Calls other people faceblind
>leddit spacing
Yeah, and they're all shit, proving you're wrong. Checkmate dummy.
>tfw the new game is easy and I don't get to see all the deaths because I got gud
she went from sexy adventurer/spy to boring, ugly crybaby, so much for strong women in video games
Same here, maybe you should have bought her later games to support her.
That's the best you've got? Yeah, we're done here. Have fun eating shit.
>buying shit
no thanks, i dont reward bad decisions by throwing money at them
Marriage with me.
Keep posting your cartoons kiddo lmao
And that's why you lost her and will never get her back. Suck it.
we could have had this
>Unironically uses the term "waifu"
>Makes fun of anime posters
when the tides change and the political spectrum returns to the right, she'll be back, and youll be left looking retarded for liking the shit version of her
Anime posters/watchers should always be made fun of. Growing up is the only way they will learn.
But I like the old and the new and I'll look forward to her next incarnation. I always win, baby.
>calling women "waifus"
go back
Kindly fuck off back to plebbit and take your shit, normie taste with you.
But we already had it, it was called Tomb Raider Underworld. Play it sometime, it's a good game.
Go jerk off to your cartoons, queers.
Not only is it better than jerking off to butterface mcman-jaw, your waifu is every bit as fictional, by your logic making you every bit as queer. Checkmate, faggot.
>old Lara
>paid GFE
>cuddles & hugs all night
She needs to come out as asexual.
Nothing is lower than jerking off to anime. The only step after that is suicide. Enjoy your neck-swinging fruitloops.
Lara is for horse and dog cocks
She's too perfect.
>Man jaw
I think you need to take a break from the anime bro, she is feminine as fuck
Why? I'm not the one jerking off to Jap cartoons.
The engine on anything round Lara was ass with nice textures, but the tech on Lara, her polygons and animations was goat.
Sea levels were comfy, except the ice level if you use that outfit.
>feminine as fuck
Holy shit that tummy is perfect.
I'm the based one in that pic.
I think she's second only to Faith from Catalist and V from 2077.
What was Shadow like? From the trailer the animations were shit.
It's hard to believe I can fall even deeper in love with her.
But the original Lara is the strong and independent one. The yanks made Lara much more fragile, put a huge focus on making her look young and dainty, and massively increased the focus on guns as opposed to platforming and exploration. She's been totally sissified to appeal to US American men, and her games have been turned into bland third-person shooters. Literally everything is your post is wrong, tourist. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about and I'd wager that you're not old enough to post here.
>rustles his jimmies
Fuck off boomer and take your outdated character with you thx
Anyone got any new Laras for my collection?
Except old Lara safe for the tits would be a feminist wet dream today? You realize that right? Also Nu Lara's tits are still too big to be 3rd wave feminism friendly. If a feminist could choose between the 2 they would pick old Lara no doubt.
I'll admit shadow TR looks like the most "SJW" of all Lara's, they have definitely tried to strip more femininity from her. TR2013 and rise Lara are fine though. I do shudder to think what the next Lara reboot could be
Starring in yet another bad game.
It's also odd how they made her less sexual from a vanilla perspective, but have her games be full of torture porn. I wouldn't be surprised if someone did that intentionally because the blue hairs were as focused on the surface level sex appeal as the average Yea Forums tourist and never caught on to Lara becoming the guro queen.
>Nothing is lower than jerking off to anime.
Except saying ugly ass dykes in western games are your "waifus". You're the type of person who would go to gaming expos with your fat wife dressed as Mario with your circle of horribly autistic friends.
Lara Croft is asexual
Nope, anime is still the lowest. Try as you like to deny it but it won't change.
she needs a few more curves
Whatever you say fat micro-dick.
She doesn't need to fuck black men on screen to realize she is a heterosexual normal woman who doesn't live her life around sex.
> anime is still the lowest
The lowest is cp. But of course a sjw faggot like you actually enjoy that so you insult drawings instead.
You jerk off to cartoons. Think about how pathetic and low your life is.
Not even him but just fuck off unwanted weeb, this is a TR thread so why have you even entered it.
They are both the same thing and attract the same crowd.
Lara Croft doesn't fuck anyone or anything because she is a fictionnal character you fucking idiot.
Post your little beta male hands. I bet you won't.
U mad that she is a straight hetero woman?
> This is a child according to (you).
This is your brain on HRT. Now stop raping women and children.
my dick
>Now stop raping women and children.
But I already said I don't watch anime or jerk off over cartoons. Do you jerk off over Marge Simpson too?
No matter how much you fap to Lara it won't make you any less of a virgin.
I guarantee i could break your neck with ease you soi guzzling weeb degenerate. How shit does your life have to be to enter a thread full of anons trying to discuss a game series that they like and do your best to disrupt it. Fuck off
> Raping is watching anime.
Imagine being this much of a brainlet. Dilate.
Prove it then bitch. Lemme see that little hand of yours.
> discuss a game series
Waifus are not vidya. NuLara belongs to /thrash/.
Or you straight.
Woah, woah, woah. Are her tits bigger in this thumbnail? What's going on?
Isn't you freaks who watch anime who do this? Who think they are the little girl and try to become one because you want to be fucked by guys? Who have anime girl avatars? Maybe you should rethink that and your life choices.
hopefully a good game
Or shes asexual
>But my "waifu" is 3D so it's okay
So just watch a super low budget anime if you want computer generated "waifus". It's all the same shit. Anyone that calls a fictional character their waifu is a fucking loser to begin with.
>Post pictures of myself on the internet becomes some pleb asks me to.
Sorry zoomer that might work on your fortnight buddies but not me
>He goes to Yea Forums for vidya discussion
That's what I thought faggot.
> He thinks moeshit is the only kind of anime.
You are even lower than brainlet.
There's being a loser and then there's being an anime watching loser. There's nothing more pathetic than watching anime, why do you think it gets laughed at so much?
Dead Lara is my new fetish
Because narrow shouldered neets who don't watch anime are insecure and want to act like tough guys on the internet I assume. I'm a married functioning adult and watch anime with my wife at dinner every night.
I don't think your love-pillow or fictional cartoon girl count. Who would marry a pathetic anime watching man?
>inspired by Mario Galaxy
A woman who won't lower her standards to the point of watching (((western))) tv.
If she isn't fictional or a pillow as the other user stated, she is most definitely a tranny. Sorry user
>I don't think your love-pillow or fictional cartoon girl count.
>fictional cartoon girl
Oh you mean like Lara Croft?
Yet lowers her standards to marry you. Yeah right, get the fuck out of her loser lmao. Post that bitch or stfu
Do you faggots actually believe this? My wife is as normie as they come, works at a hospital and goes to church on Sundays but it was actually ridiculously easy to get her into anime. It even surprised me how easy it was.
She's not a cartoon. Huge difference.
Imagine being so far gone you believe a fictional character or a pillow can have genitals.
Shit can be used as fertilizer you have no use and thus are lower than shit. Remove yourself waste of space.
Why do you people keep lying?
> He thinks there is only one user .
Fuck I think I'm too old for this place.
Do yourself a favor and leave or at least limit yourself to lurking.
Nobody cares about your landwhale tranny wife
Stop blogposting & post Lara or fuck off
I found a pic of your wife
> Stop talking about a tranny
> Now post a tranny
This is what Lara Croft should look like. nu-Raider fans take your 30yo tranny crybaby and jump off a cliff.
Oh good I'll just limit myself to 3D animated porn like this fucking loser. lol what an idiot. It's all the same shit, they're fictional characters.
> He posted the depiction of a child
You are a true cp obsessed tranny. Remove yourself from society.
Close but not quite. Would date her on the side.
It's really not.
/lara/ today is trash..
Nu-Lara a shit! Shit!
How would I know who it is? I don't watch that shit but it seems you do. Holy shit you're a fucking loser knowing this shit.
These threads became very tame. I remember every thread was full of ss, beast and rape. Is it another case claimed by trannies?
This franchise is dead anyway, cling to something more relevant before you blow your brains out.
It really is. I think you might be very immature if you're clinging onto the ideal that it's normal to "waifu" a fictional woman if she's animated in 3D as opposed to hand drawn.
> Can't recognise a child body type.
What a waste of genetic material.
>press f to orgasm
One of them is fine and people may laugh at you, the other gets you shunned from society. It's anime that gets you shunned from society btw.
I'm sure you identify their bodies all day sicko
You actually have that completely backwards.
Do me this favor. Tell your coworkers you watch 3D animated porn of Lara Croft and see how they react. I guarantee you that you could talk to your coworkers about anime and they wouldn't even bat an eye.
Why do anime posters always get offended for liking anime? It's like they are ashamed of it yet watch it all the time. If you're a weeb then man up and be a weeb.
Why would I watch porn of this when I could watch real porn or just have sex? And people most likely don't talk to you about anime because they don't talk to you in general.
> Identify
> has loli saved on his computer
You are not a child, you will never be a child ever again, now stop being a degenerate before you end up in jail and become even more of a disapointement to your parents.
C'mon dude you don't have sex there's no need to lie. You like 3D animated women.
Thank you, I'm glad I have you around since your an expert in these matters.
Do I have to be dressed like those savages in the sequels? Why didn't they go to somewhere more civilised? Like Greek ruins or something?
The japanese setting is good so far that I have played.
Yeah she's perfect but jerking off over her? No thanks.
> Common sense is being an expert.
Stop trying to give more proof that you are a retard.
left or right
Who are you trying to fool you retard lmao. You literally called her your "waifu" and "perfect". You're just an autistic loser that's projecting his insecurities on people who like like anime because you're too much of a little bitch to admit that you're a societal reject that fell in love with a fictional character. Get over yourself son, you're the biggest fucking degenerate in this thread.
Where's the common sense here? I must be missing something, please explain it to me. You sure are getting mad about this.
She is perfect, she's meant to be. You're just mad you like shitty Jap cartoons and are trying to justifiy it.
Don't do cp, stop fapping to loli, accept that you are a man.
But I already said I don't watch anime? How can I stop what I haven't started?
I honestly would like to see more of that isometric spin off Lara Croft and the Guardian guy
uncharted was a rip off from Tomb Raider Legen, Anniversary, Underworld
>watch anime
Learn to read dumbo, then read my post again.
I did and can see no difference. Explain it to me.
PC! I don't know why they made her asian on teh other versions.
>She is perfect, she's meant to be.
Jesus christ you're pathetic. No one gives a shit if you sperg out over your fictional waifu but stop projecting your weakness onto other people you goddamn loser. Take a second and reflect on yourself.
Wow you really are hopeless. Wallow in your own shit, and when you cut off your balls and consider suicide know that you won't be missed.
The absolute state of anime fans. Your suicide can't come quick enough.
Still don't want to show that little hand huh faggot? Keep coping.
I honestly don't even know wtf you're even talking about at this point.
Yes you do.
My mental health is quite fine. For instance I do not have any sexual attraction to children, depiction of children or fictional character. Neither do I pretend to be the opposite sex and actively seek to have my genitals removed.
Why don't you tell me so we are both clear.
Simple. Post a picture of your hand with timestamp. We will then proceed to make fun of you.
And yet you're still a faggot.
You're an internet tough guy who looks down on people because they watch anime. So show me your effeminate little hand and I'll show mine. Super simple.
> My mental health is fine
> Accuse me of being a faggot
Homosexuallity is a mental disease I am sure you are quite well acquainted with.
Everyone looks down on anime, not just me.
No, everyone looks down on losers that fall in love with fictional characters and call them "perfect" and "waifu". Get a girlfriend you pathetic faggot.
>not just me
The world is not your mom's basement. Get out and socialise.
But I have a gf (female). So I'm not allowed to have an opinion on other women?
Nu-Lara isn't real and even if she was she would not date your tranny ass.
>I like everything
You don't. I've been married for 9 years I know a loser when I see one. I might jack it to other women but I never idealize fictional characters or even real women, that's something virgins do.
So explain to me why I don't have a gf yet an anime loser has a wife? And yet I'm the liar lmao.
your shit waifu only needed one game to become outdated.
Think about that, zoomer
Like I said, you don't have a girlfriend.
Simple. He isn't a loser unlike you. Reconsider your life choices tranny.
>nu-Lara is better overall.
only if you are insecure and intimidated by women
*horse cock queen
Regardless of what you post doesn't change the fact that I have a gf. This topic will die and you will still both be losers.
>I like everything, no matter what
> Still pretending.
Post gf with timestamps. I already know you can't virgin.
>shitty scanface
>dead animal as hairs
>unstriking body
>, she is feminine as fuck
feminine as dog
as opposed to jerking of to bad sjw game characters?
this is not a TR thread. Read the OP
>full of anons trying to discuss a game series that they like
that's not the purpose of the thread
Lara and Horse 4.
Conformism, always inferior taste
>uncharted was a rip off from Tomb Raider Legen, Anniversary, Underworld
and nuRaider is now the rip off of its own rip off
What game
>what game
What game
>what game
God, she is ugly
>donwgrade made her cuter
Okay the thread is about the protagonist of said game series. God you guys are sad as fuck
>What's next for Lara Croft, the queen of gaming?
>Thanks for confirming you have shit taste
>Actually giving a fuck what other people like
I can't hear you over using apple sauce as dip for chicken tenders my dude, gimme a second.
but that's not Lara Croft. And her games are not TR.
She is that sjw mutt SE sold to the Anita audience.
Not even a character.
We make her 12 years old and give her no tits at all. Also, a magical animal sidekick that can transform into vehicles that she can ride around in.
Never mind, that already sounds better than nu-Lara.
Rise Lara is the best iteration of Lara
Shit taste.
>a walking ass with half covered face is now more popular than the character who tries to pass for Lara freaking Croft
Have sex
Oh baby.
The horse cum fountain is the funniest shit I've seen in a while.
I bought Underworld in the sale and still haven't touched it
>square face
>dead eyes
>small mouth
>4fingers of chin
>fake hairs
mmmm... no
I concede that she is better than Shadow "Laura"
Lara Croft was always ugly.
had it many times
are you a winner now?
Gay confirmed.
Sure lmao
Have sex
How does your asshole feels like
>reddit spacing
>h-have sex
clean and one-way-only (pointing on the outside)
Great job in the office today Bob, see you next monday.
Is this boring uggo still a thing?
>ctrl f "horse
>7 results
some of you guys are alright, go to the stables tomorrow
Read the thread brainlet.
i did, that's why im inviting them
She has a great ass in Shadow but a bit of man face.
How could anyone think these look good? They’re an early 3DCG nightmare, look at her fucking hair. Japanese vidya women have truly always been superior, the only good Lara was in the Legend trilogy.
You are literally retarded and no idea what the fuck you're talking about. The SJWs behind NuRaider don't consider old Lara to be a "strong independent woman", they consider her to be a sexual fantasy for man and a bimbo.
They made reboot Lara into a "relatable" character, constantly telling herself "I can do this" while killing of legions of white men who are obviously all rapists. That's the SJW version of strong an independent.
And they literally made her signature weapon a bow only for the dual pistols to be a meme set-piece and a pseudo QTE for the main boss of the first reboot, but you'd know that if you actually played the game. In fact you're probably some zoomer faggot who never even played the originals.
And you have the audacity to call anyone else a tourist, it's clear you dont belong here, fuck off faggot.
>How could anyone think these look good?
Anyone with eyes. Lara is a sex symbol that marked a generation. Claire is for cuckqueen memes.
> Caring about what sjw thinks
>Not caring about SJWs ruining franchises
What happened to Tomb Raider is one of the best examples of SJWs shitting up the industry, are you retarded?
There might have been a good idea in there somewhere, but their 3D modeller clearly didn’t have the talent to see it through. Here’s Lara from the TR2 concept art, they should have settled for 2D art instead if you ask me.
As someone who owns and has played every single Tomb Raider title (including the Lara Croft Go puzzle game)... I confirm this post. The SJW message was quite clear. Especially in Shadow.
>Except old Lara safe for the tits would be a feminist wet dream today?
No you retard, literally every fucking feminist "game critic" uses her as an example of women being objectified you absolute spastic.
>Also Nu Lara's tits are still too big to be 3rd wave feminism friendly
So feminists hate nu Lara because her hits are too big, but would prefer old Lara, who has bigger tits. Do you have fucking brain damage or something? Don't gimme that shit about "MUH EMPOWERED FEMALE PROTAGONIST", we've been over this, SJWs consider old Lara far too sexualized for them to get passed it.
2D will always be superior (no hardware limitations). However Lara's impact is undeniable.
>the queen of gaming
More like the queen of taking horse cock in her pussy! WAYO
More breast reductions and more gore porn.
>. Here’s Lara from the TR2 concept art, they should have settled for 2D art instead if you ask me.
But she looks fucking awful. If you ask me.
Regardless I appreciate your opinion user. I hope you have a good day.
Core design is a small studio and on TR worked like dozen of people. Capcom was already a big company back then.
my dick. if you know what I mean.
Very true
Yeesh, is this from the actual game? She looks so bad. A big bobble head, and a stick body.
eew wtf is up with those thumbs?
tomb raider
womb raider
Rock climber thumbs.
not big enough
Why does it look like she has a dick? Shouldn't it be a camel toe instead of a bulge in that pic?
Old Lara was only good in CG art and 90% of the reason for that was WOW BOOBS LOL back in the late 90s early 00s.
Absolutely inferior to new Lara.
I've never been into Tomb Raider admittedly. My brother liked the game, so I was exposed to it. I always had the idea that as graphics improved, characters such as Lara could become more realistic, better defined versions of themselves. I just assumed she'd naturally get fleshed out with better anatomy, better face articulation, better cloth physics and all that. But I never guessed that by the time the technology arrived, Lara would become unremarkable.
Her long legs: gone
Her tapered waist: gone
Her perky round butt: gone(don't even fucking try to argue that her current dumper compares)
Her bust: reduced
Her strong confident personality: erased
Oh sure, she looks "realistic" now. The technology is great. But where did the character go? I guess I can't be that mad, since I never really got invested in Tomb Raider. But just as someone who kept an eye on the franchise out of curiosity, I'm still left disappointed at its progress.
more like hands with arthrosis over a stick body
>Her strong confident personality: erased
did you ever play the new games or what
I don't know what tone to take in replying to this post, because it's so incredibly ignorant, that it borders on frustratingly retarded, and pitiful naivete.
So I'm just going to say, look again, and look closer.
H O R S E ! ! ! !
>Old Lara was only good in CG art
and comics, commercials, games, fanart, movies
>and 90% of the reason for that was WOW BOOBS LOL back in the late 90s early 00s.
a popular meme from Anita, Resetera and other places for SJW subhumans angry at the female body.
there is no connection between this meme and reality
you are just born yesterday and stupid
>Absolutely inferior to new Lara.
as a woman? nope
design? nope
personality? nope
style? nope
fun? nope
you are just a zoomer waifufag with a terrible non-character as a waifu
you can go now
I watched a let's play of the second game. The ice one. It was pretty boring, but I still watched the whole game while I drew. She's so tepid compared to old Lara. Old Lara was cocky and arrogant. But new Lara is just determined. Oh sure, I guess they use the excuse that she's growing into becoming the Tomb Raider. But I didn't get the sense that they were even the same character.
>waaaaaa waaaaaa I can do this waaaaa waaaaa
did you?
>you are just a zoomer waifufag with a terrible non-character as a waifu
nah I'm a 30 year old boomer who detests late 90s bimbos
Lara was dissatisfying in every way but fan art, she was a caricature only good for the cover of PSM and selling Eidos's label
I love skanks but it has to be the right kind of skank, and new Lara is just wholesome and pretty
deal with it
Look at the bottom pic, the one where she is waving, zoom in on the crotch. That's clearly a buldge.
Lara wasn't a bimbo. She was smart, intelligent, and worldly. Bimbos are defined by their shallowness, airheadedness, and ignorance.
>meme are valid opinions
>I don't know the meaning of bimbo
>I dont like women
>nuLara is a character
so you are a faggot and you belong to tombraiderforums/resetera
maybe you are the caricature
>Bimbos are defined by their shallowness, airheadedness, and ignorance.
the kind of of idiot who would wander endlessly in the wilderness chanting "I can do this! I can do this!"?
Honey Select mod
Were they trying to age her through the reboot trilogy? Feels like her face got droopier over time.
40% american
50% american
60% american
>new Lara is just wholesome and pretty
>being personally responsible for the deaths of hundreds, if not thousands, of innocent people because of "daddy issues" is wholesome.
>being self centered and egotistical is wholesome
>having a man face is pretty
>constantly risking the lives of your friends and companions because of your daddy issues is wholesome.
>going on killing sprees is wholesome
>ignoring the warnings and advice of your closest friends and companions (resulting in more deaths) is wholesome.
user, are you sure you know what wholesome means?