Two weeks left Yea Forums which house are you going with first? Who are you gonna take from opposing houses?

Two weeks left Yea Forums which house are you going with first? Who are you gonna take from opposing houses?

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>Two weeks left Yea Forums which house are you going with first?
Golden Chads
>Who are you gonna take from opposing houses?
I going to try and stick with the base students since I'm going to play through each house anyways. If I really like a character before going with the Chads I might though.

Going to with PUNISHED DIMITRI and steal Lorenz. Don't know who I'm taking from the eagles. Anyone got that chart of characters?

Game looks ass but I heard there was a fishing minigame???? And more info on that?

Absolutely baste.

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Can't decide between Black Eagles and Blue Lions
I enjoy a "punished" storyline, but Edelgard looks interesting too

Caspar's face looks so fucking familiar but I can't place what's reminding of him.

Awakening and Birthright are the best FE games.

Going with Golden Deer, Claude is pretty cool and the house has the most interesting students+best girl.
>who are you gonna take
Ingrid and Petra for sure. I wanted the edgy looking guy from Eagles but he's exclusive apparently?

Why does Yea Forums hate japanese games which praise or fetishize us whites?

Need to see more but I'm hoping that the fishing is kino, but I'm not expecting anything up to snuff with FF15.

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Doubt it'll be much.

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Probably Nier tier

Because Yea Forums isn't white

Who's /our guy/ and why is it Lorenz?

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Whichever house allows me to get her the easiest.

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Fucking dropped my hype and will to play this boring 2000l euros garbage after seeing the E3 presentation
Fuck you Nintendo

How bad will the story be this time around? They got a mangaka to write it right?


Blue Lions first
Lysithia, everyone else doesn't matter

Great taste user, she's indeed best girl. I just hope they don't change her look drastically in the timeskip.

Bros, does it make me gay that I love tomboys?

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Golden Chads have her.

Not when they have notable tits


Blue lions, gonna steal Raphael and Leonie from the deers, Raphael's personal skill looks dumb if he has high luck

I'm here brother.

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Going with my cute wife Beru's house

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Ingrid for me.

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is Ashe a trap or an actual girl?

It's a trap.

Small thief (male)

Is there weapon durability in this one?

On the contrary, loving tomboys is the mark of a true man.

Yes, you can do special moves that drain it faster as well.

This. Punished Dimitri is unironically in the right with the current information we have about the time skip.

Yes, but from what i heard you can still use zero durability weapons at reduced stats.

Does that apply for the ancient bone weapons or do those have unlimited use?

By reduced stats they probably meant the FE4 style, if you are using broken weapons you are pretty much asking to be killed.


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idk but he reminds me of Rowan

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Byleth's Sword of the Creator has 20 uses, has an exclusive Combat Art Ruptured Heaven that's -3 durability, and can restore 5 uses when you Rest on weekends.
You can normally repair weapons with gold and Forging Stones, but repairing Hero's Relics wasn't elaborated on otherwise.

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Pls tell me it will have dual audio

Nice ass.

It does.

cinematic 10 fps animation

Any of them asexual?

Who the fuck is in charge of this series and why do they go for worse and worse character designers as this shit goes on?

confirmed on treehouse e3 stream

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the nigger looks unironically the least retarded after timeskip

I want to know who the fuck tought it was a good idea to keep the same studio that did the Echoes cutscenes.

Eagles, though I’m going to take albino Lute and the other autistic one

Yea Forums hates shit games

Guys never played any Fire Emblem, which one are worth playing ?

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does it look like a ps2 game on purpose?


3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, conquest

The first games from every major continent/world, then their sequels if you like them. You can skip FE1/2 and play their remakes, though FE3 is a genuinely good game. FE7 is the prequel to FE6, so it’s worth playing before.
Also, if you can’t figure out the name of the gameworld, don’t play it.

dude in the back isn't even moving despite being in a running animation

Do you look like a fat retard on purpose?


im more the skinny length virgin type jokes on you

Thanks guys i'll look into it

Graphics look like trash wtf. Is this supposed to be a modern game?

Ah thanks, I'll take that into account

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Going Edelgard and poaching Dedue as they dont seem to have a good starting tank.

Sacred Stones and Blazing Blade are my personal favorites

Hilda looks like a prime slut

Can't he is Dimitri's retainer

kys graphicsfags

I really dislike Dimitri, but Golden Deer is getting the best characters overall, damn

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Aw shit, then I'll poach the one from golden queers.

Hot take: Fire Emblem has never looked good so having that expectation now is silly

Fuck off retard.

Because Yea Forums is full of beaners being mad at Japan loving white people

Maybe it’s the nostalgia, but I really miss the crisp sprites with sick animation

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Just play the GBA ones and pretend none of this other cancer exists

Anybody else not digging Felix's clothes? Feel like they could've made it look cooler.

No dude it's not. I like the old FE aesthetic and I'd really love it if they made nu-FE octopath style. That'd fucking rock.

>us whites
you are thinking too highly of Yea Forums

Who's Claude's retainer, Lorenz?

Those crit animations were also a lot better than these shitty new ones.

Are waifu-fags hyping this game up, or is actually worth getting?

Hilda i think

We won't know until reviews drop. If journalists complain the game is too difficult, then it will be certified kino.

It’s not nostalgia, I mean look at these (just skip the godawful intro)

Team Instinct looks fun.

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Why would they release this before the new cheaper switch comes out? with pokemon losing fans and sales i would think they'd want to ship the new switch with this game.

It already got delayed twice, they have to release it.

Already looks better than fates