Be honest, how much do vidya girls affect your enjoyment of vidya?
Do you play shitty games like Fate, Pokémon, Fire Emblem and Suikoden solely because they have hundreds of cute anime girls?
Be honest, how much do vidya girls affect your enjoyment of vidya?
Do you play shitty games like Fate, Pokémon, Fire Emblem and Suikoden solely because they have hundreds of cute anime girls?
Yes absolutely
It's a bonus but largely yes.
I only buy games that make my ding dong hard, and my quality of life has substantially improved as a result.
I can't play games solely for the girls if they have completely shit gameplay (unless it's a VN which I don't consider a game), which is why I don't "play" mobile gachashit for instance, but they do help me tolerate games with gameplay on the mediocre side.
I think cute/sexy characters can add some entertainment value to a game and make it more forgivable for its flaws. That being said I'll play stuff like Nep games or oddities like Bullet Girls, but I don't have any tolerance for gatcha/mobileshit. I can't enjoy reading flavor text and grinding for jpgs. God bless them for spawning great erodoujin content, though.
I won’t play shit games no matter what. But I will play mediocre games with attractive ladies, often for ludicrous times, mostly kept on by the girls. Yuri and customization are a plus
They're very important to my enjoyment of a game but even they can't make gatchashit good.
I love it
I've never played a game according to who or what the protag or NPCs were. Doing so is literal surface level pseudo-hobbyist faggotry at its peak.
This answers the questions
Imagine taking yourself seriously after engaging with whatever medium produced this low-brow smut.
You must be fun at parties
Pretty girls make a fun video game even better. Pretty girls cannot detract from a video game in any possible way, and you're a fat lesbian if you think otherwise.
>came for the tits
>stayed for the gameplay
If not for the tiddies, I would have missed out on this great action game.
im just waiting for someone to start dumping qt girls desu.
Pretty girls in a game like Squad would ruin it.
You must wonder what vagina feels like. Maybe you'd know if you ever got invited to the party
The cutest girls are the ones with the largest breasts right?
I have a firm belief that if the women in video games are not attractive, they're trying to cater to SJW at this point.
And if they're catering, they're desperate. It is within anyone who appreciates looking at sexual attraction regardless of their sexual stance on things. Appealing to SJW just isn't profitable. Imagine if Leonardo Dicaprio wasn't in Titantic and it was a much less looking person. Would women faun for such a movie? Of course not. Would women give Guardians of the Galaxy or practically ANY Marvel movie is the leading role wasn't attractive? Of course not.
You think women actually like Justin Bieber's songs? It's not like we choose to be unattractive, part of our nature is to TRY and be attractive. We want to see beauty and not see it's ugliness.
I believe in escapism. If I wanted a game with unattractive women, I'd go to friend's home and play poker or some shit with them.
if the gameplay is shit no amonut of girls will make me play the game
girls are just a bonus
Cute girls are nice additions, but they are not essential for enjoyment.
>everything revolves around vagina
pathetic desu
it's very important to me but most games with cute girls are otherwise bad so most of the games I play don't have cute girls