Previous thread died permaturely.
>Bottom of the score list of my team
>our team wins
>say "gg ez noobs"
>receive hateful PM's
Great feels in vidya
>losing streak
>lose again
>gg ez
>win next match
>reply gg ez
>"stfu" in chat
>Bottom of the score list of my team
>that chromatic aberration
Extremely small one here.
>Playing World of Warcraft during Lich King expansion
>Guy in guild is a total fucknugget with a literal gay yesman always speaking over everyone who disagreed with the fucknugget
>One day, Fucknugget dies in Dalaran somehow
>I get on my Druid, fly over to his spot, and offer to revive him
>Cast that spell that lets me instantly cast my next spell
>Fly over the gap between Dalaran and the little floating island by the flight path
>Cast instant revive
>He revives and falls to his death outside of Dalaran
There was no motivation outside of me hating the guy, and it felt good to do that.
damn, that was 11 years ago
>Ness vs K rool
>"Fuck me I hate this match-up"
>SD's once to get this moving on.
>Fights normally the rest of the match.
>Still wins.
Are Ness mains just shitters?
>Practicing hard section
>Get salty
>Think "one more time then I'll quit"
>Do it perfectly
Self destructed.
self destruct dingus
>Top of the score list of my team
>our team wins
>do challenge
>complete 90% first try
>never get beyond 50% the next 20 attempts
I haven’t played BF4 in a long time, yet I was very familiar with the community. What did PTFO mean again? Something about the objective?
>playing vidya at night
>can't beat a hard segment
>say "fuck it I'll just go to bed"
>wake up in the morning
>decide to play a little vidya before I have to do shit
>easily clear the segment that was giving me trouble
download complete
just git gut
>play rocket league
>behind 4 goals in the first 2 minutes
>opponents get really toxic and cocky
>comeback, score goal after goal
>win in overtime
>say nothing else but ez until spam filter kicks in
its a good feeling for sure
>Score in a goal that's completely open
>Spam calculated no matter what I do
Seeing the kills roll in when you get a great artillery marker in Rising Storm Vietnam.
Ammo racking others in World of Tanks.
Getting a multikill with a grenade in XCOM
Crazy how often this happens. I remember reading about it once about how/why it happens but I don't remember exactly what was said.
>beat someone in a duel just barely
>immediately go "gg ez no re" and ignore all future duel requests from them
>join game in progress
>everyone compliments the highest scoring player
>next round I'm the highest scoring player by a mile
>everyone just leaves in silence
I miss the little thing in the 7th gen CoD games where if you killed somebody, for whatever reason, you could hear their mic for about a second.
>All classes are retarded bullshit like OMA noob tubes, dual 1887s, and commando tactical knife nonsense
>Focus players with mics that were annoying in the lobby
>Hear them gradually get angrier and angrier
>Always cutting off in super comedic fashion
>"Fucking KILL YOURS-"
>opponent makes a misplay
>sorrys to his teammate
>spam no problem