What are your favorite games to play while high, Yea Forums? Favorite strains? Favorite games? Let me know in the chat below.
What are your favorite games to play while high, Yea Forums? Favorite strains? Favorite games...
All drug users should be publicly executed along with homosexuals.
Bro, if anything, non-users should be executed. It's apparent your mind is closed beyond belief; just because you don't use substances doesn't make you any more intelligent. I could surpass you in any field, and I smoke 4 grams a day. It's indubitably obvious that you're coping, you obviously struggle with everyday life. Perchance you could smoke a bit of weed, and realize that despite how uptight you've been you can join us in enjoying life? Many many opportunities will open up, you may even have sex.
Fuck off filthy pothead.
Everything VR. If you ever get the opportunity to play VR high do it.
Wmoke Sneed
I want to see a game where different drug users have to fight each-other. It'd be funny to see a crackhead fight a DUDE WEED.
Did a pothead molest you as a kid?
potheads and ANY KIND OF SMOKERS should be shot.
Post a picture of yourself
I'd like to see what kind of ubermensch specimen has opinions like this
Unironically minecraft, with some lofi hiphop. Used to have a closed server with ~5 of my weed buddies and we'd just chat play vanilla
So that includes those who have been prescribed medicines by their doctors, those who drink alcoholic beverages during special occasions, those who smoke cigarettes, drink coffee/tea, and certain sodas like Montain Dew and Pepsi, and basically any religious God-fearing man/woman/child who receives the holy Eucharist, yes? You sound like a far-right Christian American who goes to church at first glance but what you are in fact saying is you are anti-Christian and Anti-American. In which case you are a devil-worshipping Satanic scum, and therefore should be executed first, immediately so your sinful ways do not corrupt the rest of us or draw us away from God. Although I may ask God to forgive you if you get down on all fours and bark like a dog to repent for this sinful outburst.
>So that includes those who have been prescribed medicines by their doctors
>those who drink alcoholic beverages during special occasions
>those who smoke cigarettes
>drink coffee/tea
>and certain sodas like Montain Dew and Pepsi
>and basically any religious God-fearing man/woman/child who receives the holy Eucharist
>You sound like a far-right Christian American who goes to church
Mexican and atheist
>but what you are in fact saying is you are anti-Christian and Anti-American. In which case you are a devil-worshipping Satanic scum
>and therefore should be executed first
No. Faggots and junkies need to go before I commit honorable seppuku.
All mexicans should be publicly executed
Agree. Except me and my parents/friends.
>What are your favorite games to play while high ?
>Favorite games?
How's that short term memory going,dude?
Why are weed smokers so obnoxious?
..Lol.. let the adults talk here, champ. Let's not resort to ad hominem fallacies...
Who are most obnoxious?
I second this. But seriously, fuck OP's picture. I hope that shit is just a joke.
First game I ever played high was Remember Me and the opening sequence blew my fucking mind.
I'm really jealous of people who get to experience the mind blowing effects for the first time. I've been smoking this shit like it's medicine.
>weed users try to have casual discussion
>DUDE WEED shitposters ruin it
every time
Trannies definitely, and they are the most mentally ill as well, but the other two are pretty high up there.
>along with homosexuals
But that would include me.
>lil' weeder a-seethin'
Good. Scum.
Just finished smoking Gorilla Glue from pic related. Planning on playing GTA TLaD after I work on my PhD proposal for a bit.
>It's another People shitting on a subgroup are more annoying than the subgroup itself episode
I literally never met an annoying vegan but I met plenty of annoying lardasses shitposting "GONNA EAT TWO STEAKS AND FUCK THE COW AFTERWARDS" in facebook comments regarding vegan news
In terms of:
>tendency to destroy everything you love for a childish ideal, or just because they felt like injecting their personal problems into it
Used to be vegans, but in recent years trannies have become the most activistic, and thus the most insufferable
Its 2019, everyone knows Weed is out.
Heroin is back baby!
Sorry bro, got to go!
Based and smack-pilled
MMORPGs, but with the absolute state that the MMO genre is in right now I've had to resort to single player games.
Generally, the common factor is that a game has to let me stop and think about shit. In (good) MMOs there's usually a large world to consider your place in, letting me get immersed.
Strains are a fucking meme, and only the insufferable dudeweedbro really cares that much.
Different strains aren't actually all that different. You can notice a difference in taste and consistency but for the most part the effects are too similar for me to give a shit about what strain I'm vaping.
Opinion discarded, if you aren't man enough to smoke bud I can't take what you say seriously at all. Grow up.
Nah not that dude but vaping is superior to smoking. You get a clean, long-lasting high without the carbon poisoning/oxygen deprivation that comes from hitting bongs and joints. Smoking is caveman tier, vaping is futureman tier.
vaping will never hit as hard as smoking
No thanks I'd rather not damage my lungs
>vaping will never hit as hard as smoking
That's because you're getting fucking by inhaling burning plant matter and oxygen deprivation. You will never get a 'clean' high from smoking. You will never get a full taste profile from smoking. You will never enjoy different elements of a strain by adjusting temp from smoking. Also:
you at end of sesh = nothing but dirty ash
me at end of sesh = ABV to use in edibles or eat fucking raw if I please
I hope you're an ally to asexuals.
>Damage your lungs
I knew I was speaking to a brainlet, weed smoke doesn't harm you at all, if anything it helps you. It can kill cancer cells and promote growth. Seems a sheep such as yourself has swalloed too many capitalist pills.
enjoy your castrated virgin "high" pussy
I don't know how people can smoke weed and then do things. It makes me so unbelievably tired and demotivated that I stopped bothering with it.
Here's your (you)
I hear that strawberry cough is meant to be class.
>You will never get a 'clean' high from smoking.
What are water pipes
i like smoking up because it makes vidya more fun and food tastier.
So people identify as asexual when they can't get any dick or pussy and just want to put on the facade that they're above such things. Am I understanding asexuality correctly?
Weed is low tier, you mong. Posting a drug for adults.
>you at end of sesh = nothing but dirty ash
>me at end of sesh = ABV to use in edibles or eat fucking raw if I please
Now THIS is some druggie-pro talk
Stop larping as a functional drug user. Weed isn't even a drug. Heroin/meth/fentanyl/crack/etc addicts do need to be executed, it's not a matter of open-mindedness.
>ABV to use in edibles or eat fucking raw if I please
an old friend of mine told me I could recycle the spent herb after dry vaping it, but I've bothered to figure out what he meant.
I've got like 3 containers full of the used stuff because I'm afraid I'll find out and miss the opportunity
does it work just like making regular edibles or is there some kind of special process?
>posts babby drug for teenagers
At least go with Salvia if you are posting gas station bitch drugs.
You're right, weed is a lifestyle. It's an augment to every day life, it betters its users. It's sad normalfags will never get a chance to use it; it makes every aspect of life a positive one.
Kray kray
holy shit I smoke everyday and this is making me cringe
Using abv for anything is retarded, most of the cannabinoids are gone.
It's not a lifestyle, either. Unless you agree that tobacco or sun-dried tomatoes are a lifestyle, which I still wouldn't agree with, but it would at least demonstrate you possess an internal logical consistency.
Asexual here. I like how women look but I don't feel like fucking them or even talking to them for more than 5 minutes. Men annoy the shit out of me as well. My first experience was with some college chick when I was 15 and have had sex again 3 years later. Have broken up with girls since they wanted to fuck and haven't had sex in 10 years.
So I guess it just depends on the person.
I'm a 5'10 148lbs midget so idk.
>5'10 148lbs
Jesus dude put on some weight. I can feel how stringy your bicep is from here.
I go to the gym. Doctor says my weight is perfect. She's a woman though maybe I should see another doctor.
Not a single soul:
Not even god himself
Random incel: wOmEn dOcToRs aReN'T EqUaL To mAlE DoCtOrS
Women are inferior to men in just about everything though. Prove me wrong.
They are better at being stupid sluts.
you matter so much now. NOT! dumb fucking retarded citizens. i know you are just socially needy as fuck
I guess that counts.
"Perfect" from a standpoint of "health concerns," perhaps. That's all they care about. Their shitty BMI charts would classify a 6'0" 240lbs man as "overweight" (maybe even obese if it was an especially egregious piece of "health" propaganda) even if it was all muscle with a BF% of 12-15.
This. I have no idea how these people can take themselves seriously.
>these fags saying weed isnt a drug
Weed is most definitely a drug, but drugs can be good. But these fucks are too proud of their "lifestyle" to even want to call it a drug because it might imply that their precious herb is bad.
I fucking love weed. It gets me by every day, i've stopped drinking thanks to weed, it enhances my vidya experience, all that good shit. But jesus fucking christ at least im self aware enough to admit that its actually a drug and a flaw for me to need such a substance in order for me to be happy
i smoked some devil cabbage in the past, it made me feel tired and hungry so i quit it
Smoke a spliff and chill the fuck out you psycho egomaniac.
beeing a weed fag in 2019 lmao
video games are a drug
>losing your shit over weed in 2019
Is this an American thing? 'Coz I live in the Netherlands and nobody here gives a shit if you smoke the ganja.
I smoke often and this is delusion at its finest. If you think that weed makes you function better, then you really need to reflect on your life. You're either delusional or just started smoking. Or maybe you're just trolling.
I still find it amusing that people build such a culture around something so mild.
I smoke pot, regularly fap to furries, AND think MGS 4 was the best in the series. Fuck you
Not that user but he wrote one sentence, a very short one ending with "lmao", and you think that he's losing his shit? I think the weed is fucking with your head my man.
>digital drug
you know in a way this actually makes sense. People do act like fucking drug addicts when it comes to playing Vidya
This is the cringiest thing I've ever read. It's the equivalent of a kpop stan or a western "otaku" or adult disney fan going "no no, you see, I AM THE MATURE ONE, you are the IMmATURE ONE for JUDGING ME!!"
Have some morals, son and some self respect.
First post best post
Also based and redpilled
So you're using it as a crutch? I'm glad you're better in all those aspects but wouldn't it have been much better for you to accomplish those things rather than needing to be out of your mind to do so?
Huh, it really does slowly increase paranoia over time.
My friend who smokes everyday is a braindead moron. Smoking everyday is shown to reduce IQ, smoking occasionally can actually be good though. That's what the data says you stupid faggot.
People are coming into this thread and saying we deserve to be shot for smoking a plant, doesn't that seem a little over the top to you?
Fuck off nigger
>What are your favorite games to play while high?
I like to either fuck around in open world games like TES/GTA or casually play PS1/PS2 platformers
>Favorite strains?
Locally grown skunk, it's pretty good but I don't do benders
>So you're using it as a crutch?
I'm using it as a medicine. If weed is a crutch, all medicine is a crutch.
>I'm glad you're better in all those aspects but wouldn't it have been much better for you to accomplish those things rather than needing to be out of your mind to do so?
I was a complete mess before smoking weed. No job, no friends, fat as shit, no life. Weed helped me turn things around. I like the me with weed more than I liked the me without weed.
I'm whiter than milk, bro.
>You have to be black to be a nigger
>you're only really white if you live up to my standards of what a white person is
Fuck off with your No True Scotsman bullshit.
>keep calm and sneed
No, I'm sure you're a true scotsman, but that doesn't disqualify you from being a retarded nigger.
for me it's mainly silent hill, siren, clock tower, pre4 resident evils, system shock stuff like that. I can never get immersed enough sober to really get the experience. Sure you could smoke weed and play guitar hero/smash/mario kart/katamari like most or you could put your high to another use and use it to experience horror like a kid again. Would definitely reccomend siren(ps2) for this purpose
Do you even know what no true Scotsman means, you window licking paste-eater?
This. He's probably a faggot as well. Not saying he's gay, just that he's a faggot.
train simulator sounds like a perfect weed game
>if anything, non-users should be executed.
I disagree. If we kill them we're no better than the "death to stoners" people. I don't want to force people to smoke weed, I just want them to have the freedom to smoke it, if they want to.
Most people are false flagging their own post, just ignore it.
literally just wrap a tablespoon of vaped but in a bit of tissue and drink it down. maybe do two tbsp's for a session. it takes between 30~90min to hit so don't rush for another dose.