EDF 5 on PC tomorrow.
Why did you sign up?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Sell me on edf

I'm wondering if I should go Air Raider or Fencer this time around
I really want to try the stuff they added to Air Raider but it's been a while since I played Fencer

As someone who is new to EDF, is it worth buying 5 over 4.1?

To this date some of the best fun I’ve had co-op. It holds up pretty well solo too. Remember, it’s not framedrops, it’s slow-mo action

From what I’ve seen Fencer can go even faster now. Air Raider got some QoL improvements like weapons reloading by themselves when stowed away. I’m definitely going AR

Can't you also see aerial views for where your stuff is going to land?
That sounds like a God send

To kill the giant insects!
Also which is the best difficulty to start assuming that I've already cleared 4.1 on Inferno?

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Applies to teammates as well. So no more cruise missile surprises

Pricetag when?

It's vidya in its purest form.

>(You) vs over 9000 enemies
>shoot the shit out of them

This, Is 5 better than 4.1?

I don't know if Fencer can go faster.
In 4.1 Fencer was fast because of dash cancelling, which is fixed in 5. He now gets dash boosters which lets him boost X amount of times.
All the classes got some nice QoL, Air Raider is extra noticeable because there are so many and they are so good. 3 weapon choices and a vehicle, timed reloads on several weapons, new air strike interface
Ranger gets two weapons and a vehicle, a sprint which can be altered to have a huge pick up range or to go super fast
Wing Diver has air dodge, which can be used to maintain height over long periods without using too much energy, and Energy upgrade slot which lets you have more energy and faster recharges

If you like a non-serious arcade shooter with a grim dark plot that's hilariously voice acted while you kill giant insects/frogs/aliens then this is for you
If you don't like blowing off giant frogs limbs and watching them crawl around on the floor with the one arm you've left them then I don't want to know you.

5 is basically 4.1 but better in every way and possibly slightly easier

Is playing these singleplayer fun? Or is multiplayer where it's at?
I only ever played Insect Armageddon with a few friends who weren't into it

Grinding for armor/weapons is easier since some of the armor you pick up gets transferred to other classes. Also getting a dupe weapon upgrades said weapon instead of being thrown into the trash like in 4.1.

Singleplayer is fine and can be challenging. Yea Forums and randos in EDF can be unusually great fun

I convinced more than a few of my friends to pick up EDF from this


Pirate 4.1 to see if you like it.

5 is 4.1 with some really weird ass design decisions, some minor improvements and more weird ass design decisions.

I've played through 4 and 5 in single player
They're enjoyable but a bit too easy at times
And there's some certain weapons that are awesome that you can only use in co-op
Playing with randoms is also fine for the most part, EDF4.1 had a problem with hackers where in a single armour box would give you infinite armour at the end of a round, and weapon boxes to give you all weapons, which generally sucked.

Reminder: If you play online with randoms, back up your save file first
Users\username\Documents\my games\EDF4.1
Back up save data folder
Anticipate EDF5 to have the same problem

>wanted to play this on ps4
>no physical release in the west
I'm not paying $60 for digital shit and I don't want to deal with importing an asian version and having to make a different account for dlc and shit

as funny as this video is, low level shitters in high difficulty missions annoys the hell out of me
"Why do I keep dying?"
"This game sucks"
>300 armour on hardest
>Keeps killing self with own weapons

I bought it on PS4 when it was on sale, FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!!!!!

>every video of EDF5 the console turd is struggling to even play the game

LMAO, PC chads win again

Let us make peace and love to the aliens and giant insects! War is a tired concept, love is where it's at.

Negotiation party was annihilated.

So how does PS4 owners who've bought EDF5 on it feels now?
Genuine question

Indifferent. Same as with 4.1.
Most people finish this game once and then move on.

t. spider

For justice.

Send in Wing Divers without weapons to do the negotiation.

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Happy for ya to get a 5 finally. It's a great game.
Only ones who try to initiate platform wars are attention whoring shitposters.

It's not about consolewars shit, I'm a ps4 owner who've bought it, spend 40hours on it, haven't finished the game at all but if I was aware about a pc version happening, I would have wait, playing it with higher resolution and framerate would be much superior.
I'm just frustrated because I've spent 25$ for a game which was coming to PC.

Hope is not more expensive than 40 yuros.

Wait for sale once again then. You really thought they won't port in on PC after 4.1 success?
Sure they could announce it earlier, but you are only one to blame for your own money spending.
You perfectly knew what you are getting yourself into with console release.

>wait for sale
>most of v/ already beated the game
>only russian randoms in online

>having no friends
not to mention that any sale will probably bring people in anyway, so I doubt there will be lack of randos.

>having no friends
Not him but I had to hound my friends for 2 years for even one of them to get 4.1. Once he tried it, he loved it, but getting him to even try the game was a challenge.

I see some of my friends bought and played 4.1 a year after I did. Too bad we are half the world apart so no chance of playing together.

Well you did manage to do it in the end. Props for that.
And still EDF is long living game, anyone who is starved for coop will find a way to play with someone even if they won't get it on launch.
4.1 on PS4 still has lobbies up at any moment.


I just want better shooting mechanics for this stupid fucking game . Then it's literally going to be perfect.

The shooting in this game feels like you're playing metal slug , no impact or feel on the guns at all.

>sandlot finally brought back enemies with severable/regenerating limbs
about time

Attached: Freya sword.webm (800x450, 2.85M)

get with the time user we have a new song

Its crazy. Its either youtube personalities playing on normal having crazy fun time (never play it ever again) or inferno fencers doing back flips and shit. There's very little video content for the game that lands in the middle.

>tfw no 40k mod
To Save Our Grand Imperium From Any Heretic Attack
From vicious Giant Xenos who have once again came back
We'll unleash all our forces, we won't cut them any slack
The PDF Deploys

Our soldiers are prepared for any xenos threat.
The navy launches ships, the cogboys sends their mechs.
And nothing can withstand our fixed bayonets.
The PDF deploys.

Our forces have now dwindled and we pull back to regroup
The tyranids have multiplied and form a massive group
We better beat these 'nids before we're turned to soup
The PDF deploys

2 days ago our Sergeant died!
Next day our barracks fell!
Today our general ran away on that we must not dwell!
We will never flee praise the emperor all is well!
The PDF deploys!

Attached: anti_tyranids_by_lathander1987-d4hkcrc.jpg (1264x632, 229K)


few EDF focused channel sorta show normal gameplay
>youtube personalities playing on normal having crazy fun time (never play it ever again)
can't wait for all this to repeat, fucking useless shits.

what is this game user ?

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Wait really? I literally bought it digitally on PS4 today 'cause I had heard of no news about it coming to PC. Time to kill myself. Or pirate the PC version and play on both platforms

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>not doubledipping to support EDF


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Zangeki no Reginleiv, Japan only Wii game. I think it has a translation patch tho and you can play it on Dolphin these days.

it's a wii game made by the same guys, except you are fighting giants in ragnarok. Zangeki no Reginleiv.

I would if I wasn't poor as shit, bought it because it was on sale for twenty-five.

I wish it was only double dipping for me.
Buy 2025 on xbox and get hooked
4.1 is pretty much the first game when I was given a ps4.
4.1 on pc, think I bout a 4oack and gave it to some ungrateful friends.
5 jap imported.
5 English release as well.
Even got iron rain even though it was shit. Really shit.
Will get 5 on pc as well.

Normally Im pretty frugal with games and have gone back into pirating the few games I do play. But EDF has me by the balls.

I finally have friends to play games with so I played the old one and fuck It's much better than I expected despite me hyping it for a long time. TO SAVE OUR MOTHER EARTH FROM ANY ALIEN ATTACK

Dang, you are better at this than me, I just got all Vita ones, 2025, two copies of 4.1 (one for friend), and two copies of 5 (one for friend), and Iron Rain. Oh and Insect Armageddon.
>Even got iron rain even though it was shit. Really shit.
I feel ya user, thankfully I waited for sale I bought default version, so I don't feel as shit, but goddamn what a shitfest.
hopefully things will get better for ya, user

>and possibly slightly easier
I keep reading the opposite. I remember 4.1 having only like 4-5 truly difficult missions.

You have a girl you like? THEN WIN!

>no announcement of PC port until a few days ago in the middle of a steam sale for release 3 days later when the sales ended and everyone is busy playing their new games
Gonna get it day 1 but WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?

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People still gives a shit about Steam sales in 2k19? Everything is always cheaper on grey market websites.

There were continuous chain of threads hitting bump limit on this very board, every day during the sale.


love everything else about the game tho

i didn't like it in the beginn too but it grows on you

i hope they make some mor skins for every class

It seems the video is taken down. Shame.

Attached: 20190411-EDF-03.jpg (1024x574, 55K)

Extreme Steam sales / gray market prices / Humble Bundle stuff (or game even being completely free for the day) always confuses me, people buying games for a few cents and going apeshit over it. If you don't want to support the dev with a standard payment then you can always just pirate. Feels weird for people to wait for things to be officially free or near free.

It's an extremely cheesy, poorly acted, over the top B movie in video game form

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>don’t have to roll everywhere as a ranger
Sold me on this alone

I'm talking about performance, the game is slowing to a complete crawl while PC you can set off all your explosions in a big map its it sits at 60fps

what time is it out?

There is no reason to buy this full price if you have played 4.1 already.

lack of new content to justify this DLC expansion hardly qualifies as a sequel.


It makes perfect sense for multiplayer/coop-only/focused games.

>tfw no friends to play vidya with

Attached: FaceOfABrokenMan.jpg (703x1188, 248K)

>it's gonna cost 60 burgerbux and rarely go on sale
I hate nips almost as much as being a poorfag.

Attached: 1559550556710.gif (480x270, 429K)

Our emperor will soon lead us to glory.
10 Millenia ago he slew the traitor says history
Tomorrow we will follow this brave soul to victory
The PDF deploys!

Attached: 454px-Imperial_Guardswoman_by_IronShrineMaiden.jpg (454x599, 22K)


Is the pricing out yet ?

Man the weapons in 5 are so much nicer to use, the game is just miles better than 4.1

>Got a wife waiting for you back home after the war?
>Good question!
The soldier dialogue in these games is comedic gold.

I think better balanced might be the better phrasing. You don't need to grind five billion armor to not melt on Inferno, and there's far less retarded enemy placements. Your characters are also even stronger than before.

fencer can go faster, disgustingly faster, to the point where you are truly untouchable and can cover the entire map boosting without ever touching the ground. WD also goes faster, up to disgustingly fast with the right core. ranger can sprint hilariously fast with the right armour too. Only AR is rolling like in 4.1, but the vehicles and weapons he gets are probably the strongest things in the game.

>Why did you sign up?

I made 3 friends just by playing some EDF 4

How much is it? Looks like a $20 game at most.

it's like L4D2 if it had even less story and was actually fun

based brother.

To Save Our Grand Imperium From Any Heretic Attack
From vicious Giant Xenos who have once again came back
We'll unleash all our forces, we won't cut them any slack
The PDF Deploys!

Our soldiers are prepared for any xenos threat.
The navy launches ships, the cogboys sends their mechs.
And nothing can withstand our fixed bayonets.
The PDF deploys!

Our forces have now dwindled and we pull back to regroup
The tyranids have multiplied and form a massive group
We better beat these 'nids before we're turned to soup
The PDF deploys!

2 days ago our Sergeant died!
Next day our barracks fell!
Today our general ran away on that we must not dwell!
We will never flee praise the emperor all is well!
The PDF deploys!

Commissar: "Stop singing that depressing crap!"
PDF: "Then.. how about this song?"

Our emperor will soon lead us to glory.
10 Millenia ago he slew the traitor says history
Tomorrow we will follow this brave soul to victory
The PDF deploys!

The class play the same in 5 ? Fencer still top tier ?

not really play differently, they all just have way more tools avalible

Air Raider is the king

>dash jumps 10 times behind u
>unsheathes jackhammer/dexter

>On PC tomorrow

Where does it say that? Says July on Steam for me.

you forgot to add
>dies in explosions of airstrikes.

5 has a higher baseline difficulty, but some mission in 4 are near impossible, like inferno surrounded.

Can't wait to go air raider and find out just how many things I can kill with the 150mm all over again.

Nice, i can't wait to see what's new with all of them.

Thread Theme

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>raises 150k health shield


>implying you can block all of them from every side
I see you never played with trigger happy air raider in coop

Cheat Engine table when?

Attached: EDF.webm (1920x1080, 2.74M)

I hope it's not full price but probably will be.

So it's basically Dynasty Warriors with guns and online co-op? How the fuck is Dynasty Warriors a pure form of vidya? They're pretty much braindead.

Do I need to play 1 or can I just pick this up?

Don't try to catch up on the story, just follow orders.

so you never played dynasty warriors beyond few stages, got it.
also no, it's has nothing common

You use various weapons to fight off giant insects attacking the Earth. Comes with co-op and actual destruction of buildings.

you can, it's fun.
but there is no point cause you probable never seen PS2 in your entire life, so play 5, there is no story connection

EDF is braindead on low difficulty. idk what DW is light on it's hardest modes but EDF on inferno is like a puzzzle. People can do some absolutely insane shit when the optimise the mission.


for reference, I once tried doing this mission with hacked armour. millions of it. I still had to be careful and run between health packs.

>Game comes to PC
>PC shitters IMMEDIATELY ask for cheats

Can't speak about Dynasty Warriors but I love that about EDF, it's so fucking easy to tell that someone hasn't actually played the game past the first few levels or on a difficulty above normal. The later missions will fuck you in the ass if you don't plan your moves, pick your loadouts and actually work with your teammates.

the only thing you need with cheat engine is auto loot armor/weapons.

Can EDF5 run on a toaster?

I just found out about pdf like a year ago. So I'm just late to the party

It's Japanese, so you know no mater how janky and shit it is, weaboos will lap it on.

Play 5, have fun, if you will crave for more, there are 4 other games to have same amount of fun with.

>I have never played EDF: The Post

EDF 4.1 was really well optimized especially for a jap game, I imagine this is the same
Plus the requirements dont seem that bad

Are Gigantus/Titans or whatever theyre called now finally worth using now?

Yeah it's super unfortunate that EDF doesn't have mod support. Fucking consoles.

It takes a bit longer in Dynasty Warriors games to start get challenging, usually by turning difficulty up. Or in case other musou games - just getting further in additional modes.

It becomes game about optimisation and map control. You have to learn specific combos to deal with enemy officers easily, while crowd controlling space around you so no one will break that combo, and doing that fast enough so you'll have time to reach other side of the map and do that again.
And single mistake can cost whole stage, because officers will start being able to deal great damage or even one shot you, while mooks will actively hinder your ability to move and do combos. Other problem that there are tons of characters sometimes with different weapons, so you have to learn each moveset to complete objectives. On top of equipping right passive skills to suit that character playstyle.

So I guess there are similarities if you look at it from this perspective.

Edf? More like peedf, cause we are gonna pee all over them XD

You better just be confusing the Gigantus (the regular tank) with the Titan (the giant meme one) and not actually implying the Gigantus was bad.

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This just looks like braindead normie shooting. What’s the catch?

Gears 5 thread is elsewhere

There's plenty of other threads for you to shitpost in

I hope it has regional pricing.

Sorry user in my experience the Gigantus always blows itself up with its own splash damage or one ant getting through
The only time I got it to work was by filling it up with turrets and using it as a weapons platform, which it was actually ok as

Site with all the weapons/missions
EDF 5 - weapon.edf.jpn.com/5_eng/a.html
EDF 4.1 - weapon.edf.jpn.com/4-1/?p=a

There is one tank without splash damage now. Poor man's railgun type (cause no railgun for air raider), I never used it. Mechs all day everyday

My experience with the Gigantus is that the lower level ones are pretty bad but the high level ones are fantastic. Lots of armor, fast as fuck, actually controllable unlike the Grape and the cannon does a number on both groups of small bugs and big guys (though the Epsilon is still the better choice against the latter).

i completely forgot to check if the guy made one for 5 yet
thank you i love you


Awwww their feelings got hurt and they couldn’t challenge my point.

This game is made for retards who want to drool and shoot at a horde. No different than L4D and other such games

They did well to balance out some things. AR being a glorified sniper with the railgun was a big one. There is still an anormous amount of wasted opportunity though. Whole classes of weapons are essentially worthless. The kinetic weapons for wing divers. the mortars for raiders etc.

>That spacing
Go back

Please get off Hard and above lobbies I'm tired of carrying your no-tactics scrub ass

How's the English dub in 5?

>hard needing tactics
>most of hardest needing tactics

great and dumb at the same time
no good 4.1 edf song/10

STILL no argument. Amazing, how upset are you? You realize this is casual shooter meant for the most braindead masses right?

>I have never played EDF: The Post: The Novelisation: The Motion Picture

As if Western games are generally well-optimized these days.

Fuck off, newfag.

Go back to your fourth grade grammar class.

The credit song linked seems pretty good

You have to go back

And STILL nothing to challenge my claim. Enjoy playing your anthem-tier horde shooter.

It's just not as catchy

Cmon user. You know most people online get their asses handed to them by Brute Force, Inferno and especially shit like Demon Army. Fine you dont need "tactics" but you at least need to bring a loadout resembling something competent which sometimes is too much to ask of randos

>I'm a reddit normalfag: The Post

>posting a copy-paste reddit response

You have to neck yourself immediately. Go look for a rope. NOW.

Struck a nerve?

I'll be honest I havent really played online with randos, only with my friends

Your reddit-minded existence strikes a nerve. Please put yourself out of my misery.

wait it's on sale
it still says it's $60 digitally

Bless the japs

Mate my Reddit radar can detect a faggot from 50 threads away.

The Gigantus tank on max level can drift like it just came out of Initial D. Once you get good with it you can drift circles around everything on Inferno and dab on them.

Starship Troopers: the game.

fencer can go incredibly fast because you can combine dashes and boosts to long jump, you can do it 3 times in a row with just items you get from normal mode. I think you can eventually do it around 8 times in a row. The fencer is pretty much an Armored Core once you get the hang of it.

Attached: EDF Uppercut.webm (1280x720, 2.65M)

It's the Megas XLR of Starship Troopers games

How do you do that? That's not Balam is it?

Attached: EDF 5.webm (640x360, 2.86M)

>Got EDF 4.1 on steam sale
>EDF 5 soon

Im conflicted

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Ancient forbidden technique that you have to unlock.

that's cut from this video, it's done via cheats/mods

God I love EDF

I play Chipp and Air Raider, I thought I knew every single hidden ninjutsu tech there was in videogames

someone tell me where the fuck 5 is on sale on ps4
it still says it's at full price but some anons are saying they bought it for $25

it was few weeks or month ago

4.1 is a good warmup. desu play the game through on hard/normal. Then just cheat yourself weapons and 10k armour for each class. weapon grinding in 4.1 is intensely shit. 10k armour is comfy, enough to do solo inferno but not so much you can cruise, it's also a good number for a challenge when online inferno.

>needing 10k armor even for 4 player online inferno
are you a scrub or something? why do so many people say you need that much
me and 3 other people beat inferno sub 3k armor even on the fencer

they also using autoloots and shit, fucking hilarious

okay guess I'll kill myself

Assuming this works the same as 4.1 probably start with normal and work your way up. Preferably with teammates.

because not everyone plays as 4 man organised squad playing each mission the meta way. You can do demon army with 4 people on inferno online with 200 armour each if you really want. 10k can see you through games with randoms and make it less frustrating overall. No one wants some retard with 3k armour joining a random inferno lobby and dying in the first minute.

it'll probably gone up for sale next time, just wait a bit

Gold ants do 10k per shot so I doubt your claim. Your next reply is going to be
>heh I never got hit (except those dozens of times that don't count), guess you're a scrub

I wonder if we’re going to get that dlc

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>Getting hit
I installed EDF 4 and 5 at the same time and played them on inferno with no experience as air raider with no weapons and I did fine scrub

If you are getting hit - you are doing something wrong.
So just admit that you are bad at the game.

stop being bad at the game
and yeah I did get hit occasionally , and we did lose occasionally, but its not like you cant revive or heal

>Heh I never got hit, I graduated top of my class and am trained in gorilla warfare

So you are just bad, got it.

>I get hit every single mission if an enemy comes within 100 meters of me because theres no way to dodge in this game, and if someone says you can theyre lying

Never ever.

wasn't that just promo thing, not actual DLC with stages?

Wait what the fuck? This game is coming on PC... IN A COUPLE OF DAYS?
But I used up all my funds in this steam sale. God I hope some buys this for me.

Attached: 1561828678185m.jpg (1024x576, 73K)

In less of a day if initial info was right about 11th July release.

No it's a DLC mission. The promo video has a frog reskin as a new enemy.

Attached: ss (2019-07-10 at 10.11.10).png (1331x156, 360K)

The fuck? It's tomorrow? You can't even buy it on steam yet... The prices is also still unknown.
Goddamnit why did blow all my money. If I knew this game was coming out soon then I would have saved some cash for it.

Considering time passed, I guess deal failed in one way or other.

Oh wait, did it never come out in japan? I just meant I wonder if they would localize it

It’ll probs be 60 like it is on PS4 right now. Which is fucking crazy. This is a $30 game at most

Nah, Japan has same 2 dlc mission packs as we without any changes.

Did they fix the ass tier controls for mechs and vehicles?

>60$ for 300 hours of gameplay
seems alright price wise

We all know you're going to buy it anyway

Those bugs wont get missiles to the face all by themselves

How much of an improvement over 4.1 is it?
They seem about the same

a lot

from steam forum

- Weapons now have a level for each stat. The weapon you equip will use the highest level for each weapon found, so if you had dmg lvl 2 and reload lvl 1 and finds one with dmg lvl 1 and reload lvl 2, that weapon now has dmg lvl 2 and reload lvl 2.
- If you loose a level you still get some (50%?) of the weapon drops you picked up.
- You get weapons and health upgrades for all classes, but the majority are still for the one you played.
- Sprinting (ranger), dashing (wing diver and fencer) and vehicles enhance the pickup radius.

Air Raider:
- Extra weapon slot.
- Whale attacks now instantly mark a target/area instead of firing a grenade.
- Whale attacks don't use credits but just a reload time. Reloads even when not equipped.
- Air strikes no longer use a grenade for marking and instead gives a zoomed overview where you can position and rotate the attack.
- All of the support skills mark the area they will hit, which is visible for everyone in the team.

- Finally gotten a sprint button. Has increased pickup radius while sprinting.
- Has gotten 1 slot for passive upgrade equipment. This can help boost the sprint or other stuff I don't remember.
- Has gotten a vehicle slot for bikes and basic tanks.
- Can get some traps such as claymores.

Wing Diver:
- Can dash while flying for quick evasion. Has increased pickup radius while dashing.
- Weapons with a capacity are more powerful at full capacity and grow weaker as the capacity is drained.
- Some weapons now charge up the capacity when holding the fire button and then fires when releasing the button.
- Also has 1 slot for passive upgrade equipment. These affect energy capacity, regen and flying.

- Gets 2 slots for passive upgrade equipment. These can afffect recoil, shields, allow for multi dashing and allow for multi jumping.

mechs had fine controls, same with most of the vehicles
they fixed bikes though, now theyre actually usable

So? I can get 1000 hours out of Terraria which is $5 and maybe 100 hours of Deus Ex when it released for a lot more.

I sure as hell would rather keep my memories of Deus Ex. Price shouldn’t translate to length of experience.

Could a Switch port run without slowdowns?

>- If you loose a level you still get some (50%?) of the weapon drops you picked up.
depends on difficulty.
100% easy
75% normal
50% hard
25% hardest
0% inferno

They were not fine, flying helicopters was a fuckin nightmare. Instead of going with some common layout for controls they made their shit all wonky and it feels like you're flying a brick covered in feathers.

what game should have to be worth 60$, enlight me.

But what about fun?

Attached: EDF2.webm (1920x1080, 3M)

>Whale attacks don't use credits but just a reload time. Reloads even when not equipped.
RIP 150mm spam.

only the low level helicopters were like that, the higher ones actually improved in control

>implying armor cheating fags know how to have fun

I-i... can't. Sorry

None, you’re a moron if you ever pay full price for a video game.

ah, so you are just a retard, got it.


So how many more hours till this drops?

I want a big juicy steak

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I'll guide you to the safe place, civilian!

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>so you never played dynasty warriors beyond few stages
LOL are you implying it isn't braindead retarded trash? The only "depth" this shit has is timing your super attacks well (and I just mean not wasting them, not actually milli second sensitive timing like in Monster Hunter or fighting games).

who /grenadelauncher/ masterrace here

What's the weapon selection like in comparison to 4.1? Anything missing and anything really cool and new/unique added?

>boot licking cuck who actually puts down $60 for games

Absolutely braindead

What about
>Depth crawlers
Are the controls still inverted when you're upside down?

Old 150mm was the most fun in a game ever and so knife edge the whole time.
The new versions are more varied, useful and can get some immense single target damage now. The only thing close is the satellite laser single shot that still needs credits.

>mad that you wasted time desperately grinding armor
I played my first 100 hours legitimately but no way am I doing all of that again for a new class just to make Inferno viable. Grinding is cancer. I gave myself 11k armor and made cheat lobbies to fuck around in. Rapid-fire Requiem tank is funny as hell because you can fly with the recoil.

So you hardly played them, got it.

>inferno viable
ah, you are that faggot who is bad at the game, no wonder.

Grenade plus rocket/missile launcher master race here. If your gun doesn't explode things and hurt buildings then what's the point?

How many hours did you waste grinding? You're in a safe thread, you can tell us.

Is it fun solo?

is there matchmaking?

all my friends are shitters and aren't interested in edf

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>whale shots land right next to you but just outside the hitbox range
>feels like pic related

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Probably 5-7 hours for grinding inferno (balls stage) and DLC weaponry (silver spider stage)
I never farmed armor.

this, those towns were made to be razed

>Is it fun solo?
>is there matchmaking?
it's lobby system

2025 was worse where it was still using the smoke grenade. Running like a fucker and dropping them at your feet to hit the hordes chasing you.

Going fast as Fencer is the best thing in the game. Makes you feel like a damn super hero as you blitz your way up to an insect, punch it in the face so hard the 3 ants behind it all explode then when there’s some spider on a web or some shit you come to a stop, unfurl the artillery cannons from your back and light the whole fucking area up with precision delivered explosives

I got EDF 4.1 from Humble Monthly and I gotta say that the only good bug is a dead bug!

So you haven't played them? Because i've never played a single musou and i can tell you you're wrong.

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hardest and inferno are locked from the start now?

I personally liked it singleplayer well enough, sometimes in multiplayer its a bit of a clusterfuck. Its definitely made for multiplayer though, even with randoms its fun, people know the score.
>start game
>enemies keep wrecking us and we revive eachother
>there is nothing but the 4 of us left hiding behind rubble and scraping by to survive the onslaught of gunfire of what was once an entire city, completely levelled by the fighting
Its a great feeling when people dont just quit when it gets difficult, that has always been an issue with EDF noone tends to play on harder difficulties on later levels, when it is most engaging, best to get in on the game whilest its active so you can at least attempt these stages.

Will I be able to play co-op on pirate version with a friend? (not local)
Already bought the ps4 version, I don't have the money to buy it again just to play with friends beside solo.

How much is it gonna be

>modern gaming is a grindfest to keep people playing for the sake of wasting their time
>getting upset people want to actually spend their time wisely
Stay upset faggot

$60, goy

What are you seething about normalfag?


he is assblasted after learning that he is just bad and trying to convince himself that cheating was necessary

you are like baby, watch this

I got so much Tokyo Jungle done with all this farming, feels good.

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Wing Diver was my favorite in 4.1, are they still good in 5?

>right after the Steam sale
I held out for a PC version because fuck my PS4 and all that, but this is a stupid release date. I don't have any fucking money!

I mean I could refund a bunch of stuff....

>60 dollars for a nearly 2 year old port of a ps4 game

they dont do as much damage baseline but they can get a lot more energy, so more flying and the higher energy weapons are more viable

They did the same for 4.1 as well But there was always the lunch week discount which was like 15%, not
buy breaking but was the best deal for it for months.

Inferno having No Limits on armor by default was a mistake, it makes retards think that its impossible and that the game is asking you to have 34839843 armor for it.

Same as any other game that lets you grind to unga through any challenge by is perfectly doable without if you sit the fuck down and pay attention.

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you bet

>still no price

26 hours to go
It will be 60

Where it's written trought? 4.1 was 43 or something bucks with a 35 discounted lunch week price.

Gold ants do percentage based damage so getting a million armor or something still doesn't help much.

4.1 was also a port of a port and was released later after the initial release

You don't know what does port mean, just shut the fuck up.

oh my god its the leader of Storm Team

well 4.1 was on sale yesterday
5 will be full price
doesnt make a difference to you tho because obviously you didnt get it on sale

>$60 for a two year port

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why would you want to play with Yea Forums?
thats a terrible idea

you get an offical copy with online play, auto updates and its tied to your account so you dont have to find a torrent whenever you want to replay it afew years later

it's probably going to be 50 shekels just like 4.1

New Air Raider is a fucking wizard, constantly calling down fire from the heavens instead of having to use the shitty limpet guns. It's amazing fun.

Also no one ever mentions the new enemies in these change lists. The frogs are a blast to fight, they're really dangerous but have line of sight AI so you can actually sneak around and ambush them guerilla style. Their armor shreds apart, their limbs can be blown off, they're so much more fun than hectors.

They where for Iron rain I thought? the workout video's?

Brute J is one of the most underrated weapons in the game and can get some pretty good mileage even up to hardest.

Do we know the price yet?
Wasn't listed last I checked on steam

I still miss Hectors and their wonky physics

>Shoot down a frog
>Armor drops near him
>Run towards it
>He was fucking faking
>Shoots me

>EDF 5 on PC tomorrow
what? I thought 4.1 was the only one we'd get, this is great news!

At the same time bye bye Hectors and Earth Eaters.

Man they seem to keen on recycling everything so I dont get why they just flat out remove enemies like this. Hectors were fun to make wobble.

This guy gets it, I have a feeling the PDF from a EDF game would be so bullshit no one would believe there human, just look at the EDF 5 story from a 40k outlook

>the PDF held back all our cultist! Send in the traitor guard!
>Beat them to? they ARE strong... but we have yet to summon our demon allies!!
>what are you kidding me? Well here come the world eaters! Praise khorne!!
>what?! STILL?! NONE ARE LEFT?!... a message from the warp has let me known greater demons of khorne are on there way th-
>oh come on this is just getting silly, all dead?
>Look!! khorne himself has come from the sky to reap the so-
>... fuck it, I'm going home.

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No but’s it’s currently $60 on the PlayStation store. Unlikely steam will get a discount

4.1 came out for $40. I'm just hoping its the same for 5.

Could be some launch discount for 15-20% or something.

Important change for rangers: all shotguns now penetrate. They're total monsters in 5. One of my favorite tactics for frogs is to use the corpses of their friends for cover while shooting through them with shotguns. It's so grisly, I love it. Interstellar war really is hell.

I wouldn't mind penetrating the wing diver

Ranger = PDF/Imperial guard
Wing diver = Sororitas
Fencer = Space Marine
Air raider = Mechanicus

Cool, weapons that penetrate seemed like some of the best shit in 4.1, most explosives on the other hand felt like meme weapons with a chance of killing yourself and others.


Like this?

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My friends who mainly played AR hated Earth Eaters because of how it obstructed some of their favorite weapons. I can understand why they would get rid of them.

>still no price or date on steam
>none of the keyseller websites have it listed

there's something very wrong here

should I be worried I'm not gonna be shooting bugs tomorrow?

lots of games do this newfag

>implying D3 can into marketing

Aww shit 3 more mins here we go

nice one user

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Literally the same shit happened with 4.1, you are fine

It’s tomorrow, not today

Earth eaters I can understand as they just cucked Air Raider from most options and even more solidified "Vehicle Raider."
Regardless of actual earth eaters they sure went ahead with extra effort of programming certain missions to have story reasons why the Air Raider cant call support at x portions of missions. Like fuck that one Dragon Mission on this.

it's already tomorrow in Japan


Right but it gets released via American time zones.

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Oh okay, so is it out yet? Or am I right, retard?

When video games are given release dates they almost always drop at midnight according to EST. You must be a child to not know this.

Yeah exactly and another thing, if Australia is a day ahead why didn't they warn America about 9/11

9/12 never forget

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So I’m right. Thanks, weeb.

Whats the pay for an edf soldier?

A safe earth



Extremely high because they're desperate for bodies but I guess not desperate enough to draft.


>dragon mission where you can only call in at the start
>dragon mission where you cant call in at all
fucking hurt me man

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please help me with your wisdom, is there any chance this game will get a physical release for PS4?

At one point in 5 they say they give a stipend of 10000 us and then wage is like 40000. Later they say it's 20000 stipend for joing then 50000. Even later they just recruit people who are defending themselves with weapons (self militia style) and make them edf soldiers, pretty much drafting them.

But also you get paid in freedom

Has anyone else ever noticed that frogs and humans are identical in appearance?

60 bucks, The Pc Master race won't tolerate that a second time

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Service guarantees citizenship

You calling my wife a frog?


>dragon mission where you cant call in at all
You can call in in that right before engaging the last group.

They're just like humans!!

For the last time, there's no confirmation yet. 4.1 had a launch discount btw.

How come I never see anyone mention the masers
Are they just shit?


No, I played 3 games from this series.

sure thing kiddo

To be fair the IG is facing much tougher enemies then the EDF. They have about equivalent training

>lap it on.

and no it's not shit it's a fun shooter about killing bugs

what new toys did air raider get?

Can't find 2525 but I'm pretty sure I have it digitally.

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Will the PC version have split-screen like 4.1 had?

When japs port jap games to PC they literally just lift the game in its entirety as it was, down to hte button prompts even when using a keyboard. So yes, it will have split screen.

Looking forward to a shitty port with a $50 price tag

4.1 ran really well on PC, it lost the "air raider decides its time to kill both the bugs and your framerate" issues

true, but it had the memory leak in the weapon menu, black screen crashing during mission launch, and a huge cheater problem.
Also no push to talk.