Is this the worst plot twist in gaming history?

Is this the worst plot twist in gaming history?

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Nice tits

What's the twist and is it the worst?

No? Did you ever played a David Cage game?

No, MGSV was the worst twist ever. People figured it out from trailers and it was already done in MGS2. At least multiple Elizabeths got my dick hard.

I felt insulted and disrespected through the entire third act of this game.

Star Ocean 3.

Cage's twists are comedy genious.

Star Ocean

"Flad explains that they and the entire world of Star Ocean are nothing more than a simulator game called the "Eternal Sphere." The world they are in is known as the Eternal Sphere and is run by the massive Sphere Coporation. The Milky Way has been slated for deletion, as it is ridden by bugs. The Executioners are simply programs designed to delete the buggy areas."

No, nothing will ever be as insulting as this. This game would have a 96 Metascore if not for this bullshit

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shut the fuck up cuck
it's a great twist if you've been paying attention but I guess that's too much to ask braindead fortnite kiddies

>it ain't me starts playing

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Didnt they have to scrap the whole psychic link between MC and Detective man because David Cage is a hack?

Yes, all of the scenes were finished & in the game but David Cage cut them

Shame they never put them back in as a Director's Cut for that PS4 re-release.

Is that even a twist? Like, you spend so time with the story going in fucktarded directions that it just feels like the last fucktard direction they could choose before the game ends.

I wouldn't say this was awful so much as I would say Bioshock Infinite's story was dogshit. It revolves around a supremely overdone sci-fi concept and none of the scenes have any emotional impact. There's no power in the twist ending because time travel and reality jumping as a storytelling convention are the equivalent of fkn magic. The protagonist gets drowned, the choice is denied and then he wakes up like nothing happened. I didn't care about him or the antagonist and I barely cared about Elizabeth. No satisfaction from that garbage.


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>that one kid who just played infinite and is now making a dozen threads about it

Your her father, and that's her through multiple timelines. Also you're evil, or something, and she's trying to kill you.

At least, that's what I remember people harping on about. I've never played Infinite myself. Looked like one of those all style no substance "AAA" games.

This was not that bad, it was just painfully obvious he was the traitor. But I think that was on purpose, it was kind of obvious they'd pull another Izanami anyway



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I can't remember exactly but the main villain is you from another timeline and she's your daughter. At the end the multiple timeline versions of her appear at once and kill you to stop the villain from existing or something. Time travel is almost always retarded as a central plot focus

It was 100% on purpose, it was never a secret. The twist is that the PT knew the whole time. Which could also fit in this thread, but posting a pic of Akechi just makes him look retarded for thinking that was the twist

No because it lead to a bunch of selfcest SFM porn. When you think of bad endings think Mass Effect 3 and Yiik.

Man, there was so much that didn't make sense to me when I first came that scene. Why doesn't Comstock look anything like Booker? How does killing one Booker at a certain point kill all Bookers and prevent a Comstock from existing?

>Also you're evil, or something
No, you're not evil. She's stopping the cycle by killing you.
You basically chase and try to kill yourself throughout the game, but it happens over and over again, due to an event prior to the cycle. Like an entry point to a race track.
So she brings you to that place outside of the cycle, the entry point, and kills you to stop it.

It was well done actually for a story of this kind. But weebs try to pretend otherwise, due to them playing overly convoluted crap all th time.

Reminds me of Star Ocean 3 and the "the universe is actually just a simulation" twist.

ignore the other retards who replied. it isn't even the twist thats bad, it's the multiple universe shit that basically removes all meaning from the game because there are infinite timelines where anything could have happened. and of course it doesn't bother to explain shit, it's just thrown in at the end of the game to seem deep

Wait what was the twist in mgs5 did I suppress it?

What happens in Yiik's ending?

>PT knew it all along
>MC was drugged by bad guys so he forgot
>He forgot convenient things for the plot to make sense

Was the flashback structure worth the retardness?

You're not big boss you're you AKA Medic which sounded fucking amazing in paper but I think they dropped the ball in the presentation.

i forgot most of those games story

> "we all grew up together in the orphanage! And the evil witch we were sent to kill took care of us as children! You just don't remember it because GFs and shit, and I shouldn't either, but I remember a little!" t. Irvine Kinneas
THAT is the worst twist ever.

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It doesn´t, Elizabeth just killed Booker because she was salty after discovering the original version of Booker sold her for his booze and cards debts, so she just straight up drowns a man who even isn´t really her father in the true sense. This is supported by the Burial at Sea DLC, Elizabeth kills a Booker who already used to be Comstock, the "big twist" is that she has unwarranted daddy issues and is a homicidal maniac, killing one guy for personal reasons across several timelines.

Having only one ending is an outrage.

I have to respectfully disagree. The twist and supporting lore for SO3 was objectively fantastic. The fact that these all-powerful 4th dimensional beings that created our universe were just humans that couldn’t actually use magic due to the restrictive laws of physics was hilarious.

>Infinite universes
>Killing Booker an infinite number of times also means that there are an infinite number of universes where Liz didn't kill him
>Nothing changes at all
At least Ken Levine had the grace to admit he didn't really understand and just added shit that he thought sounded cool.

Galbadia garden didn't use GFs as heavily as Balamb or Trabia.
There are dozens of warnings and news articles about GF junctioning causing mental damage and memory loss.
Vincent always knew but was a pathetic asocial weakling who didn't know how to handle breaking the news to his team as they seemed to be ignoring the fact, so he just went along for it. It's why he pussies out on taking the shot at the end of disc 1, he still sees her as their Matron.
The entire game is about TIME KOMPRESSION and inherited sorceress powers.

It may not have been GOOD, but only dumb kids or speedrunners think the orphanage thing came out of left field.

The real plot twist is that Squall died at the end of disc 1 and the rest is just a dream.

>Main character is a cunt who thinks he’s the center of the universe
>turns out he is and his shitty attitude is justified

It's like the writers lack any sort of self awareness.
I thought it was all parody tongue and cheek stuff until the final act

I wouldn't know I couldn't make it past the first puzzle in this game.


It's pretty fucking shit, you figure out what's going on pretty early then Booker just trudges along till the end and afaik Booker never figures it out. It's shit.

SO3 was fine and it managed to explain time travel in SO1.

Will they take turns in sitting on my face?

The "creator uses the delete command but the video game universe survives because FRIENDSHIP" ending was pure bullshit.


It wasn't friendship. Their reality is maintained once you have conscience that observes that universe. They just had to believe in their existence.

This game's will never be top. Not only did it kill my interest in the rest of the game, it also killed any interest I had in any of the other games the series has made.

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>You basically chase and try to kill yourself throughout the game, but it happens over and over again, due to an event prior to the cycle. Like an entry point to a race track.
>So she brings you to that place outside of the cycle, the entry point, and kills you to stop it.

Huh. Interesting. I may have to give the game a go one day then to see how it plays out to that point.

Probably not. There’s a lot of bad games out there. There greatest crime Bioshock Infinite has was how forgettable it is.

Only of you beat the game on Hard mode

The game was remade in the last 8 months to make Elizabeth your daughter and you cumstock. As an obvious consequence to such a massive story change the final act of the game feels super rushed leading to a final scene that goes off on a stupid, "hurr multiple timelines but you ultimately need to die hurr" ending.

That doesn't explain how the CEO died from the deletion.

>brainlet didnt pay attention during FFVIII

Honestly I wish there was two endings. One where you submit and one where you fight them off. Would’ve made for a good boss battle considering none of the choices matter

I feel you, any game you play in this series means nothing matters and that 3 is the finale, Star Ocean 4 and 5 couldn't even go past it's story and ended up being prequels instead because with an ending like 3 there's nothing to build on, 3's story was made to end the series

nope, spec ops white phosporous is.

There's no cycle. It's a multiverse. How did you miss this?

>repeatedly told "nothing matters and killing x once won't matter because he'll be alive in another universe"
>ah yes kill the protagonist who is actually comstock okay sure
>but wait aren't there infinite versions of him too?
>therefore it doesn't actually mean anything and you die for no reason
>this renders the entire ending pointless
okay cool bravo

Nah, while I found Bioshock Infinite really disappointing, it’s not like the ending is the worst crime in it, it’s more about the general fuckiness of the plot after Finkton multiverse twist and forgettable gameplay.

If we want to think about worse endings, I can think about multiple ones just from the recent years
>Deus Ex: MD
>Mass Effect 3

8's twist was dogshit.
Not because it wasn't foreshadowed but because it was literally pointless.

You could remove the amnesia and orphanage from the game and literally nothing changes.
Its just revealed to the characters and none of them really care all that much and they say fuck it Im still gonna use GFs anyway.

I thought the plot twist in DD was stupid. It's ill-conceived.

He is not from the eternal sphere. Deleting it means severing the connection to 4D reality. Also he could never belive the game could be its own reality, how would he then maintain his form? At least that is how I see it.

she kills booker at the point in his timeline where he becomes comstock, when he was baptized in ther river. Doing it at this key point for some reason stops any other bookers from becoming comstock, or at least she thought.

at least we have porn

It’s not even guaranteed that this will work. So fuck it take Booker’s advice go to a timeline so far removed from everything and fuck off from the states. The universes problems aren’t to be solved by two people

>You could remove the amnesia and orphanage from the game and literally nothing changes.
Sounds like both were pretty forgettable.

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The problem is Levine thinks events can be same as physical constants. So Booker could be a variable, but the baptism is a constant. Hence him dying there deletes the possibility of creating Comstock. Then he realized that was retarded and the dlc makes the ending even more pointless.

Such a pointless fucking twist

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>the entire SO series is a giant isekai video game

All of MGSV.

Are GFs 5G towers? Conspiracy theory time.

Main character Booker is ex-soldier and at one point he is offered baptism, but he declines.
In another timeline though, he goes through with it and gets "reborn" into Father Comstock, the main villain you fight the entire game (you are transported into his timeline).
Booker manages to kill Comstock and is like finally this shit is over. Then Elizabeth says no its not over, in this timeline you didn't become Comstock but in infinite other timelines you did. Then she goes back in time before the baptism occurs (or doesn't occur) and kills Booker there to prevent Comstock from ever being born.
Too bad that in infinite timelines there are also infinite times she doesn't come back to the past to kill Booker, so she managed absolutely nothing.

The series is known for bringing back villains from death
Shit, how many times was Big Boss supposed to have died


I remember reading that there was supposed to be an incest angle, but the dev team rebelled against the idea en masse.
Liz was your daughter, you weren't Comstock, but Comstock intentionally set up Booker and Liz to hook up (via strategic vigors and shit) so he could rub it in Bookers face.


>nothing matters because fiction is fiction

I had thought the DLC featured a Booker whose daughter had died, and thus was entirely outside the series of events that surrounded Elizabeth?

The baptism is the single point where Comstock comes into existence and an infinite number of timelines rise from that event alone -- subsequent decisions each create new ones and such -- so by killing Booker before the event occurs, she has eliminated all futures that include the baptism.

...which still renders everything pointless if Elizabeth destroyed her own timeline and created a "Booker dies, but not if I don't exist" paradox.

BB only "died" once, at the end of MG2, and the only reason he was walking around was because he was rebuilt from bits of Solidus.
Medic died in MG1.

That's the plot to Oldboy. If I was on that dev team I would have rebelled on mere principle of it being a rip off.

>tfw Bioshock 2, a literal cashgrab, ended up being the best Bioshock game
How the fuck did it happen and why was Eleanor a thousand times better than Elizabeth?

So the multiverse starts only from the baptism on? Before that there was just a single timeline?
What about universes where Booker goes through the baptism but doesn't have a daughter? How does she kill him in those if she doesn't exist?

Not even

>. Looked like one of those all style no substance "AAA" games
you are not wrong but the americana style is really awesome

Looks like Irrational is opposite From Software. When their director is involved its shit, when he isn't its good.

There are already an infinite number of timelines, but the only ones where Comstock comes into play are those that include the baptism. It's the catalyst for his effect on everything.

There are countless others where Booker lives out his life in other ways. Having a daughter, son, no children, dying years before hand, etc.

It's like trimming a branch from a tree. Yes, there are other branches and leaves, but the leaves from the one you cut are no longer part of the tree.

But he was a Booker that already became Comstock. He erased his memories with the Lutece and went back to his old self.

The plot twist wasn't that bad, the really bad thing was the way this game could not commit to a single narrative theme and used quantum mechanics as a get out of writing something good free card

I have to agree with this one.

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Infinite is total dog shit and proves (((Ken Levine))) is just an idiot hack

>I can't even understand the simplest concept of quantum theory
That's alright user neither did the game or the ones who created the piece of shit

>does all this shit to find someone who really cares about their son
>he finally finds it
>I guess I'll kill him anyways lmao

It's really not a bad twist, it's just that the conclusion they draw from it is completely retarded and directly contradicts the way alternate realities have been explained to work in the game itself. The twist itself is fine and not any worse than, for example, the twist from the original Bioshock.

>Humans were dead THE WHOLE TIME!
No fucking shit. The tapes say the exact same thing over and over, like a recording? What a fucking twist.

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Dude, Ken Levine made Thief and System Shock 2. He's no hack. The guy actually felt really bad about Bioshock Infinite. He knew it sucked. He publicly said so. The game was an enormous success commercially but he still thinks it sucks. After the game was done he fired everyone at Irrational who wasn't part of the founding staff and then rebranded the company under a new name. He said he felt AAA development is too constricting to make interesting games in. Apparently what he's working on these days is a way of doing player driven narratives that aren't just hardcoded decision branches the devs put in. He's very big on giving player's back their agency because he knows he fucked that up bad in Infinite.

I bet you watch Rick & Morty

Man, this game was a wild ride.
>first half is a murder mystery where you are a murderer with amnesia and you have to investigate your own crime while staying hidden from the police
>second half is a shonen anime where you are Neo Jesus and you have to beat up ancient druids and the internet which has become sapient

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the point is that the androids needed something to believe in.

the game is like a nihilist allegory. The androids wanted to ignore evidence that their fight was pointless so they could go on, meanwhile gaining the truth led them down to either madness or finding their own path in life.

>they all look at the busty one with jealousy
>what? i had good genes...

It's pretty obvious that humans all died off if you played the first Nier considering you play that game as the man who genocided all of humanity with his bare hands

Why does he hate Bioshock 2 then, when its the best game out of the three?
Why did he make the abortion that is burial at sea?

It's not as good as BS1, but it's also not nearly as bad as the tryhards on Yea Forums make it out to be. Just ignore the DLC story. Trying to tie together Columbia and Rapture was a mistake

>He's no hack
Without a leash, he is, Infinite proves that.
Also changing majority of the game 6 months before release doesn't show his skill in design.

What makes BI plot twist so bad is that by the end Elizabeth has complete mastery of her powers, no longer needing pre-existing rifts or whatever to open up, she can literally tear reality a new asshole whenever she feels like it, demonstrated in the doctors room when she threw them into a tornado. And yet even with all her powers I'm supposed to believe that the key turning point is Brooker's baptism? Nigga why not just time travel to before Wounded Knee and tell Brooker to not go to Wounded Knee?

Also Lutrece Twins are a shit

The game released was Levine was on a leash. The development was taking too long so 2K brought in a producer from 2K Marin, the people who made Bioshock 2, to take over management of the project. They then brought in the producer of Gears of War too. This is why the game went through so many changes and was so watered down late in development. It is ultimately Levine's fault, he was just taking too damn long to make the game, but it's more to do with his style than any sort of ineptitude. Levine knows he's ill-suited for AAA development and that's why he's pulled out of it.

>Base game: There are infinite universes
>DLC: lol jk there's only one now

>Nigga why not just time travel to before Wounded Knee and tell Brooker to not go to Wounded Knee?
He may not have listened, and he may still have gotten baptized anyway. The only way to guarantee that Comstock was never born would be to kill Booker. The time/location didn't matter. Drowning him in the baptismal waters specifically was just for the sake of story telling as well as to tie in the foreshadowing at the very beginning of the game

but what about the timelines he didn't have a daughter in?
could one Elizabeth kill another timelines booker?

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>constants and variables
What a fucking asspull.

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>aaagh how would drowning me in this pool negate the effects of time travel, it doesn't make any fuckin sense aaabbblbllblblblbllb

Fuck this game.
Along with trapping you in a medieval world in a Space Opera setting that is already a rarity within the genre. Heck, it even grinded my gears how developed that world was. Tens of thousands of lines written on something so dull... at least the music and combat system weren't a total waste until you gave up.

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>medieval world in a Space Opera setting
Every SO game. You can't complain about that on the third entry.

It's the most obvious twist in the universe. Calling someone Akechi would be like calling someone Judas over here

By killing him when she did, she killed every Booker that went to the Baptism. Which meant that she killed every Comstock that could exist, as well as every Booker that went and refused to be baptised. I would assume that any Booker that didn't go to the baptism would have survived in their timeline. Hell, they could have even had their own Elizabeth, just without the god powers (as there was no Comstock to drag her through a dimensional rift).

I really loved Bioshock and Bioshock Infinite. Still haven't played Bioshock 2 but I'll get around to it.

I'm excited for Ken Levine's next game, whatever it may be.

You simply HAD to include antisemitism into youtr post, hadn't you?

>rapture liz
Literally the bitch I just broke up with 15 minutes ago. Fuck rapture liz. Hit the showers and getta clue.

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user, since there is a timeline for every possible outcome, there is also a timeline in which booker survived/ wasn't killed, that's literally what a timline for every possible outcome means. Therefor it is kinda stupid.

But if there are infinite timelines, that means there is an infinite amount of timelines where he took the baptism and an equally infinite amount where he did not.

Constants and variables, lol.

Jeremy Bearimy

>infinite universes
don't writers not realize what they do to their story with this shit?
that means LITERALLY everything you can think of exist, making your story completely pointless.
it also means that a universe exist where Elizabeth is a giant dick covered in shit that fucks animals and cums vomit and bugs.

M-my daughter?!

In short, there are infinite timelines. You are the main character, some ex soldier that did a bunch of bad shit. The bad guy is an alternate reality version of you that steals your daughter. Her pinky gets cut off between dimensions and she now has dimentional gate powers. You end up killing evil you, but evil you still exists in multiple timelines. The only way to finish evil you off is to kill you at the moment you become evil, which is drowning you at your baptism that half of the versions of you choose to get. That way, all the evil versions die and the good versions live.


>There are infinite timelines
>Therefore there's a timeline where a singular event both was prevented and happened simultaneously within that timeline
Did you learn that from Rick and Morty?

user, it doesn't matter, him surviving or not getting killed is a variable.

Yeah I know. Tell that to Lavine.


Is infinite worth 13 bucks despite this?

Almost everyone died on my run


No, gameplay sucks.

The ending to burial at sea 2 was worse. It was needlessly sad just for the sake of being sad

Yes, but at least the first two were good.
Third just dropped everything interesting about it in favor of autistic attention to dullness.

If they made Lauren playable it would have fixed most of the issues with the Shelby twist. It would have been more obvious because you could no longer blatantly lie to the player but it would have made sense at least.

Gameplay-wise it's the worst of the Bioshock series, hands down. What they weakly attempt to do with the Skyhook doesn't justify a two-weapon limit and more situational powers for a linear shooter game that literally gives you a regen shield system. And in the later parts of the game plot reasons cause you to have to start using shittier faction equivalents of the weapons you had been upgrading and using up to that point, meaning the endgame is filled with shitty weapons that just aren't good to use.

It shouldn't.
Game plays itself.

Then explain Burial At Sea.

MK11 is worse than any videogame ever story wise.

*blocks your path*

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I hate how infinite brought Biochock 1 into it's bullshit. That sequence in infinite was fine but don't give me that other shit.

every single game you've ever played is actually just a video game made by creatures from outside of the game world and all of the stories are fake and don't matter. does that ruin every game for you?

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>Butterfly Effect

>no Iron Liz

He also saids he wants to make games like Gone Home.

>When you're so paranoid you lie to yourself in your own inner thoughts to throw off mind readers

Shelby just had a 2000iq ok user

>Be me
>Be fucking OP's mom
>Can't stop staring at the fact that she only has 4 teeth
>The whole room reeks of rotten eggs and fish
>OP turned up mlp to drown out the sounds of his mom's tweeked out moaning
>shouldn't even be here
>but it's been 2 years since I last got some
>nut inside
>she gets pregnant
Buried At Sea is like that, where I am the devs and the dlc is OP's mum

I'm glad you're all being helpful but do we really need to post a billion vague half-remembered retellings of the same thing?

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>is called nier
>no nier in the game

>Is this the worst plot twist in gaming history?
Absolutely not.

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They are like biological nanomachines. Bio means water.

>Tim Stellmach was the lead designer of Thief 1 and 2
>Levine always gets credit for it despite being a low tier writer at the time

This will never not grind my gears.

which one exactly? There was quite a lot of them.
Story, most of game for that matter, is a clusterfuck, because game was in development hell due to constant rewrites. Eventually publisher had enough of that shit, and set deadline after which game will be cancelled and devs fired. So they stitched pieces they had.

Every MGS game has at least 10 plot twists worthy of being the worst ever.

mgs2 was 2deep4u

I haven't played it but i see "mind hack" memes tossed around

fuck off you ungrateful cunt

holy shit this shitty ending, "all your choices were meaningless lol too bad now press OK if you are a good boy"

>asking Yea Forums if a game is good


You must be autistic if you can't understand why this would ruin a story.


>lighting cigarette with Incinerate and a snap of the fingers

Literally the only good direction to come out of the whole fucking DLC

well argued. I'm not, by the way, so what's your next move?

All of the game’s flaws come from a flagrant lack of people shoating nigger.

we appreciate your contribution to the conversation, Matt

time travel and parellel universes ALWAYS ruin a fucking game
Because any fucker with a brain knows how you can fuck shit up dealing with stuff like this. So in the end nothing makes sense, its always narrative-forced

Bro, people were literally going as far to say Quite was Chico the whole time. There wasn't a possible twist in the game that could have survived the level of theory crafting that picked MGSV apart.


But if the baptism is the 'birth' of Comstock then the events at Wounded Knee would arguably be the 'conception' of Comstock, so stopping Brooker from going to Wounded Knee would be just as valid and not end up in the death of Brooker.

Are you just unaware of the Kingdom Hearts series?

Non mgs lore fag here. Is the medic (phantom boss) and "para-medic" I've seen mentioned in other mgs stuff the same guy?

You tell them, Matt

Honestly KH's plot twists aren't bad, just adding more to the convoluted pile. Not even KH3's twists were truly awful, just annoying as hell.

Wounded knee was an influence in Booker's 50/50 decision to get baptised. It wasn't the cause. Stop him from going, and maybe he'll do something else that causes him to want to be reborn. Maybe his regret at not going will lead him to the waters. And that's assuming that he could be stopped without being killed.

Infinite means infinite. It also includes all possibilities. This means that half of the infinite timelines include a point where Booker becomes Comstock even without the baptism, retard.

>Booker gets baptised, being reborn as Comstock
>yeah, but he can be baptized without being baptised
>no ur retarded
I think I understand why you hate the story so much.
Best stick to Rick and Morty champ

The point is he can become comstock without the baptism. That’s what infinite realities means. ALL possibilities are valid including all events where booker never goes to wounded knee or the baptism but still ends up the leader of Columbia and a racist asshole.

>lol, you lik rik and Marty
If I do or don’t like it is irrelevant, what matters is a understand the word infinite, you seem to have trouble with that word.

>Booker can be baptized as Comstock
>But without the baptism
nigga, you're just trolling now, right? Just pretending?

Also, confirmed for Rick and Morty fan.
I bet you would've liked the story better if one reality had Pickle Elizabeth. Wouldn't that be so zany and random?

Then there exist other timelines where their respective Elizabeth may or may not return and kill him at another event.

Maybe it happens at a different place, or day. Those are different branches on the tree. They are irrelevant to the ones in which the baptism on that specifix day is the event that may create Comstock.

Non. Para-Medic is a cute autistic girl that likes movies and performs gruesome inhumane experiments on children

This was one of the worst games I've ever played, with the worst story beats. The shooting was OK at best. It's crazy how they could take flying carriages and make them lame as fuck.

Bitch, he could change his name to Comstocke for a trillion different reasons. Your strawmaning so hard it hurts. You don’t have to jump to be baptized to hate blacks. He could have instead read through the theory of evolution and decided niggers where inferior semi-intelligent apes and he changed his name to Zachary Comstocke because he thought it sounded cool.

>he could change his name
Go learn how baptisms worked back in the day, then get back to me.
Fucking zoomers, man

>Durr Comstock made Columbia cuz he hated blacks
Fucking Christ, how underage are you?

N2 is based on Shadowlord's Gestalt data and 9S is essentially Brother Nier

You’re both absolutely retarded if you thing there are no possible sequence of events where booker could becomes the leader of Columbia without the baptism. I’m even ignoring the bigger issue which is the massive time paradox created by Liz killing her own father. Meaning she was never born and so she couldn’t have gone back in time to kill her father. How does it feel to have thoughts only a millimeter deep?

yeah it's the best bioshock

>Wubbalubbadubdub! Am I right?!
I bow to your obviously superior intellect. It is in fact possible for Booker to have been baptized as Comstock without a baptism. This is because there are infinite timelines where an event can simultaneously occur and not occur.
>I’m even ignoring the bigger issue which is the massive time paradox created by Liz killing her own father
You would have seemed like much less of a retard if you had started with an actual flaw to the story.

I hope you find your m'lady that is worthy of seeing your R&M tattoo

And this is why Bioshock Infinite has such a bad plot twist, adding in Time Travel and Infinite Dimensions is 99% time always a bad idea

It's amazing how butthurt you are over someone calling out the retarded story in a game with shit gameplay.

Why are you engaging this Rick and Morty obsessed faggot?

Infinite means infinite. Why is that such a hard concept for these retarded rick and morty spammers?

Explain to us how the characters/game changed after this revelation came to us?
Exactly, it was pointless.

My guess, it's actually Ken Levine posting.

Says the autist who had spent an entire thread screeching about how something sucks because he doesn't understand it
>inb4 I do too
You've already demonstrated that you know nothing about the themes portrayed, and that you think your lack of knowledge is somehow the devs' fault.

>Rick and Morty obsessed faggot
Faux intellectuals are R&M's target audience. They also get really butthurt when called out on it, as demonstrated

What the fuck is your obsession with Rick and Morty. I think the show is alright but the truth is the best thing to come out of it was bush world adventures. The fact you can’t shut up about it makes me think you probably like it more than it do.

The fact is that the baptism isn’t necessary for him to become the leader of Columbia. He could do it as Booker. The baptism is necessary because there are other events that could lead to the ideology Comstocke has, or one that is nearly identical, without got through or even going near the baptism. What about the timeline where he converts to orthodox Judaism or he becomes a Muslim. Yes he would not be exactly the same but similar enough that he does almost everything like before, only difference being the religion. Like I said before he doesn’t even need to have a religion. He could create Columbia because he sympathized with the south and viewed thier loss of the civil war as a trampling of the constitution. There are literally INFINITE possibilities. The fact you are unable to comprehend this and instead sperg out about a fucking meme of a cartoon is proof enough that you suffer from fucking brain problems. I’ll be the first to admit I’m not a genius, or even very smart, but that just makes you look like an even bigger retard.

t.contrarian who still cant let it go even after all these years

This is it.

I’m waiting for his inevitable heel turn into “I was just pretending to be retarded” posting.

Final Fantasy VIII

remember when the game was just trailers and it pretty much said there would be alternate realities you could open and pull shit from to do a totally not scripted and dull sequence to eliminate some enemies, at a cost
and then they just went ahead with full blown alternate universe shit constantly with no cost
i mean i stopped playing infinite when i got handed an energy shield potion thing, personally

No, not even close.

Also, Yea Forums really needs to stop being so butthurt over Infinite. It was good game.

>you’re the fucking medic
Not him but yup I repressed that. Now I’m angry again

Nigga, that was my first post in this thread.
I never played Infinite outside of 10 minutes at my ex's house, so I don't really give a shit.

What about one of the infinite universes where baptisms worked differently?

>That wall of text
>being this mad
Alright, I got a little downtime.
>What the fuck is your obsession with Rick and Morty
Faux intellectuals who watch R&M hate being called out on it
>What about the timeline where he converts to orthodox Judaism or he becomes a Muslim
In revival era America? He'd most likely be lynched.
There's an example of your lack of historical knowledge
>He could create Columbia because he sympathized with the south
Then how would he have gotten that sweet American funding?
>There are literally INFINITE possibilities
Even a cronenberg timeline? Zoinks!
Infinite means without limit, it doesn't mean that the laws of causality are suspended, otherwise I could say that there's a timeline where Elizabeth kills her father before she is born because there are INFINITE possibilities
>all that ad hom
Damn son, calm down

If the medic was Grey Fox the whole time I'd have been happy with it.

What if using GFs would randomly delete skills or reduce stats?


>boot up game
>opening shows promise of cool space adventures
>lol no you spend 75% of the two discs stuck on a primitive planet

Attached: when you DT but destroy your breaker instead.png (248x233, 79K)

the piano notes were a little on the nose, but point me to a game with an "intelligent" story but first let me call you a moron in advance.

Would the game be better without the typewriter scene and the psychic elements?

>sperg like an ass blasted downy for an entire thread
>tries to like he's calm suddenly
>still doesn't understand the implications of infinite timelines
We get it Ken, you're game is great.

Honestly would have made the game a lot better

If you seriously haven' t played this game by now please off yourself.

Yep, it's incredibly fucking retarded. Also fuck the dev for his "No one is making you play, you can just shut it off" comment.

>i mean i stopped playing infinite when i got handed an energy shield potion thing, personally
yeah getting a shield from HALO really hurt the game for me

>Still this mad
>n-no it's you who is mad
>Still too retarded to understand that without limit and without restriction mean different things
>Believes that there's a timeline where Booker was born deaf dumb and mute, but absorbed the spirit energy of everybody around him and now keeps Columbia suspended with the force of his erection alone
>Because there are INFINITE possibilities


They need to hang your ass in a theater with all that mighty fine projecting you're capable of.

>doesn't mean that the laws of causality are suspended, otherwise I could say that there's a timeline where Elizabeth kills her father before she is born because there are INFINITE possibilities
Good to see you are finally seeing how shit the plot is. I love that you keep jumping to the most extreme possibilities to prove your shitty point. He could have gotten the money from anywhere. You don’t have to break “causality” to have him become the leader of Columbia. What about the timelines where Islam is and Orthodox Judaism and Islam ARE accepted in America? What about the timelines where America is a majority Jewish or Muslim country. None of these break your retard arbitrary standards but you ignore them because you don’t like a tv show.

>What about the timelines where America is a majority Jewish or Muslim country
Then they'd be too busy fucking goats and subverting other countries to build Columbia. I don't see what's so hard about this

I like you.

Attached: 1553985712407.jpg (500x375, 19K)

literally the 2nd to last one gives you the full story you used up brainlet

>Thinks infinity means without restriction
I bet you're going to do really well in upper level math

Let me dumb it down for you
There is a set.
This set contains and infinite number of ones
>So there's a two?
No, I said an infinite number of ONES
>So there had to be a two! You said INFINITE! So there had to be a two!
>lol ur dumb
I would have quit trying to explain this to you numbskulls long ago but I'm at work bored and arguing with autists helps pass the time



I don't know why, but I lost to this harder than I've lost in a ylyl thread in years

Here’s how you fix Heavy Rain
> 1. Make Shelby a NPC
> 2. Have Lauren replace him as a playable character
> 3. Keep the supernatural elements instead of cutting them

I remember my girlfriend at the time beat this game, and she didn't even say a word as she beat it and then said "Well! Lets go get some lunch now", and she never spoke of it.

You were more fun when you were autistically screeching about Rick and Morty. Can we go back to that?

Not for my dick

How stupid would someone have to be to be unaware that he was Volgin from the start?

>No argument
>Muh Rick and Morty
I would just post the pasta, but phoneposting, y'know?
Why don't you explain how you became an expert in quantum physics from watching the show?

Nigga, I haven't argued shit about infinite anything in this thread. I've never played Infinite honestly. I'm only here because I found your sperm out earlier amusing. Seems to be over with now though.

>Enters a thread purely because he saw user insult Rick and Morty
>Greatest travesty since he saw user insult MLP
>Defends based show
>sperg autocorrects to sperm on his phone
Yep, all checks out to me

I haven't watched Rick and Morty since the first season. The fanbase is honestly insufferable, but you sperging about it from nowhere was hilarious.

>I entered a thread to defend my favorite show
>But I don't really watch it
>I was just correcting injustice as I saw it
I believe you

Asking you to go back to sperging is in fact correcting an injustice. I miss my little lol cow from earlier.

Akechipill me on this
Why does the name have a negative connotation?

Yeah my bad. I try to keep a balance between actual points and bantz. I went and fucked up and btfo that kid I was arguing with. Now I have no one to autistically screech back