Dear mojang

dear mojang
please remove ender chests from minecraft multiplayer no player items should ever be totally safe from other players they should always be able to be stolen you are making the game less fun

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Fuck you you griefing piece of shit. Play the game how it's meant to be played: a building simulator.

>wahhh muh diamonds they stole them
deal with it

Griefers are niggers and should be publicly hanged



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How about you dig for your own diamonds instead of stealing them you nigger

because its more fun to play as a thief

Don't put your items in the public, interdimensional storage box lmao.

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go be a nigger somewhere else you worthless fucking nigger

Someone must’ve rustled your jimmies pretty hard for this outburst, what happened?

someone advocated niggardry in my presence

"wahh my items got stolen cause im a shit builder who can into traps"

>i'm a nigger because people didn't stop my niggerness

Not even, it's super useful when you have to move massive amounts of stuff.

I also don't play with assholes willingly. Most kids who stole from me I ended up leaving a trap in their house.

no im a thief cause you leave your house out in the open like an idiot with all your things sitting in your chests

I'm dealing with it by storing them safely inside my ender chest :^)

I hate how they invalidate other chests. They are both secure and share inventory anywhere in the world, so transporting things is easy. Would've been way more fun if the ender chests weren't secure so they'd just be a convenient utility thing that's too risky to use for expensive stuff, and a safe was added in addition to that that can only be opened by the player with either permissions or key, drops like sand and anvils, and is difficult to destroy.

ender chest should be single player only


cause they are not fun in multiplayer

because I don't like them

The limited capacity and one time placement make it balanced. If they have less than a chest's worth of valuables, they're not worth raiding anyway. You sound like the type of nigger that would shoot someone over $20.

>Use basic anti-grief plugins
>enderchest is basically just a safe anyways, useful for safely carrying certain items across treacherous areas by not even carrying them through at all
>useful when establishing a new base/home

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It's storage, it's a pretty basic mechanic.

>wahh muh ender chest
deal with it

>local child upset because someone with near-endgame equipment can securely store one (uno) chest worth of items
I promise you that anyone actually worth robbing will have more stuff than that.

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They are fun, only nigger griefers don't have fun with them

never really played minecraft pvp but fucking carebears and carebear mechanics need to be destroyed in alllll video games.
you should fear another player you see, THAT makes a game fun

Honestly they would be better if everyone could just access the same shared storage space in them.

they are not gorean

not if they only keep diamond blockes in it

go back to the jungle you ESL griefer monkey


>One chest
With shulker boxes every slot can be filled with an entire chests worth of items

no, since I don't play on servers with subhumans
you can hate niggers without having had one personally steal your bike. the fact that they often steal bikes is enough for one to hate them

Doesn't matter because if it's not a pure vanilla server everyone and their grandmother has protected land you can't even use TNT cannons on.

1.8 ruined the game but at least it made it so killing shitters at spawn was never easier, since no one knew how enchantments or potions worked, now everyone can stockpile what they need for that in an Ender chest, so it's back to the gay ass faction wars crap.

This is highly dependent on what the server is going for, but most people wouldn't dare building anything interesting when I could just go there when you log off, place TNT inside and just blow your shit up.

Back when minecraft was good I found a pretty cool server with a gold economy and stuff but there was this anti griefing plugin so you couldn't break blocks in peoples land. But I found a glitch where creepers could still break their stuff including chests. So I went around learning who lived where, and when they logged off after a couple of hours I'd break all their chests and steal all their gold. The rage in chat was priceless stealing some nerds weeks of work and the admins could never trace it back to me since I didn't break a single block. Then I used all the gold to build a massive solid gold house. THAT was fun minecraft.

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what happens if you make an ender chest in solo play before going to the end? can you access the contents of the one present there before even reaching it?

There are other things of great value, like heavily enchanted gear with mending.

We are mad that they always have access to these items without having them on hand, and don't have to worry about living in a dirt hut with these. If you wanna store expensive items, build an impenetrable base, don't rely on realtively inexpensive crutches.

that mentality leads to people running 4,000 blocks away from spawn before building. congratulations, you now have a server where you never encounter another player. you're playing single player minecraft with occasional lag and built in irc. amazing

>not building cool shit for the sake of doing it
The fact that it isn't permanent makes it all the more worthwhile.

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You don't need to go into the end to use it. It just needs ender pearls and blaze powder to make.

apparently they don't if they put them in an ender chest ;)

If you manage to obtain that many shulker boxes then you've earned it. It's not realistic to have 27+ shulkers in a normal, vanilla game.

so hermitcraft is a bunch of cheats?

>find and mine at least 18 obsidian using diamond pickaxe (10 for portal, 8 for chest)
>locate nether fortress
>don't die in the process of getting blaze rods
This is enough effort to be balanced.

that would just make it all the sweeter when you gank them and blow their shit up

Just wait for them to retrieve the items from the chest then kill them.

>about to log off server
>set up extreme defense system no one can get past
>take all of my chests
>put all the items into shulker boxes
>put shulker boxes into other shulker boxes
>put my inventory into a shulker box
>put all the shulker boxes into an ender chest
>log off, knowing all my stuff is safe

>impenetrable base
Niggers will find a way to teleport or blow their way into most things anyway

you can't put shulker boxes into shulker boxes

>admin bans you
What now?

They will only have a small bunch of the items.

>out in the open
Bold of you to pretend that you and your monkey nigger friends aren't running around with some copy/paste ESP client and tunneling directly to chests.

I'd agree with you if cheats or texture packs didn't let you xray for chests anywhere on the map.
I'd be on board with griefing if it actually meant exploring the entirety of the map to find super secret rooms full of traps.
But what actually happens is that 13yo angsty kinds just fly directly into the chest room and shit it up, that's it.

Maybe in creative, but wasting hours grinding the necessary materials to build what you envision just for someone else to blow up all that effort while you're not even there is just a waste of time.

You don't need to locate the fortress though?

for the blaze rods, you do need to find a nether fort.

>angry toddler REEEs that he can't grief
>complains that a one-time place item made with late game components and tools and can only store one (1) chest worth of stuff is overpowered
imagine how little i pity you.

>glitch where creepers could still break their stuff
do you even know what a glitch is?

I stole your polar bears too! HehE!

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Someone's mad for some reason

>not pulling gaffes and pranks on your friends
I like replacing the iron in a chest with a raw fish, then moving the iron to a different chest nearby.
Recently I rigged a dispenser trap with a splash potion of slowness right inside someone's front door. Feels good to fuck with people without attracting the entire server's disdain.

ya seethe, xrayfag

>can only store one (1) chest worth of stuff
>he doesn't know

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*deals with it using an ender chest*
what now?

Well it was an oversight of the plugin then, they should have included no creeper damage in protected areas.

seems to me that's a problem with that and not the ender chest.

how did minecraft went from hardcore survival cube carving game to "creative" tranny safespace?

>lmao just build a fortress
>*tunnels straight to the chests*
Nothing is impenetrable, u mad my basketball american friend?

Newfag spotted, survival was added later, Yea Forums browser servers were a thing for a long time until it was just plain obsolete and multiplayer survival became stable enough to host.

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Literally just get your admin to add a command block or something that prevents ender chest from being placed or render them unusable in some way.
Anyway, they're bloody useful for transporting large quantities of items across distances for building projects or whatever.
I haven't played in ages, but it's it possible to set up a queue of hoppers on an ender chest so it feeds items in as you take them out somewhere else? So if you were building a large structure you could have more than a chestful be moved?

The hoppers would have to be inside loaded chunks to be able to do anything. So it wouldn't really work unless someone is standing next to them.

What is going on in here?

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Difficult to destroy = will be destroyed. As long as there's a way, people are going to be prepared for it and do it.