What's your favorite RTS campaign?

What's your favorite RTS campaign?

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heart of the swarm desu

Wings of Liberty desu

Supcom FA of course. I have taste.

1. Hots campaign (i'm a zerg player)
2. Warcraft 3 campaign
3. Stronghold economic campaign

Right now i'm playing through the new campaign that just came out in They are Billions. Its quite good.

Are there any RTS that actually rewards turtling?

in campaigns, most of them. supcom FA rewards autistic building up before doing each objective, because every time you complete one it throws a wave of enemies at you. this is the boring shitty kind of RTS campaign

Warcraft 3 + Frozen Throne.

There are a couple of missions that are a massive pain in the ass (bridge of sighs) but overall the story is fucking amazing

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Red Alert 2, cheesy as fuck but when I finished it when I was 7 I loved it.

>complete objective
>map expands and suddenly there's a huge army right behind your base
Nothin' personnel, commander.

Probably C&C 3.


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I'd agree with you if not for the horrible ending.

I remember seeing a promo shot for that mission and then playing it myself and being shocked at how fucking ugly it looked.
Still a great game tho

Fucking zoomers

If anyone answers nu-blizzard SC2 they need to be shot dead

What a fucking joke

Light on story heavy on gameplay. Good shit.

Remastered worth playing or not?

>fucking zoomers
You realize that Starcraft 2 is almost a decade old at this point? That being said, with the amount of updates it has received, it still feels brand new.

Could you explain into words what you dislike about the game?

Red Alert 2, but I don't know which faction, Soviets I guess.

Red Alert 2/Yuri's Revenge/Mental Omega

play more games
you'll find out none of them surpass SC2 in gameplay

Warcraft 3 and Stronghold 1.

nothing with base building mechanics

Stronghold. It has nice variety of military and economic missions so each is memorable.

GLA in Generals Zero Hour

>without base building mechanics
Fuck off, faggot.

>without base building mechanics
Easy. Myth 1-2-3 campaigns.

>penultimate soviet mission
>base got overrun, only 2 kirovs survive
>sneak them across the whole map slowly and bomb the kremlin
>mission accomplished

Brood War Terran campaign.

your mom

That´s the thing. If it is game without base building and you lead only a small millitary force it is a real-time tactics game, not an RTS. Missions in RTS campgains where you don´t have acess to a base is just a variation on RTS mechanics


To an extend almost all of the classic RTS'es do reward good defense building but barely any of them will allow you to win with defending alone. In war if you're constantly defending that means you're losing.

stuck between Dawn of War and Age of Empires 3

Warzone 2100's first campaign. Seeing your control over the map increase as missions go on. And the initial paranoia of not being able to tell where the main enemy is while they send you creepy messages telling you to gtfo.

Only seraphimchads may reply to me.

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Why did Command and Conquer died?

Bad sequels.


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there was those wc3 missions where you had to hold out for a certain amount of time but those were more stressful than the regular ones

>those t2 assault bots
>those t2 siege tanks
>that god damn bomber
The only downside is that they get one less experimental unit than the other factions

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SC2 was the first nu-blizzard game

>not warcraft 3
Blizzard started shitting the bed after diablo 2, kiddo.

C&C 1 or tiberium suns GDI campaigns because both are good storys with slowly progressing challenges with a comfy as fuck feeling but while dawns story feels like a modern political thriller with some sci fi elements is sun more of a near sci fi setting with with a cheesy story and I can't decide between the two because they are both well made.

Warcraft 3 and Winter Assault have objectively the best campaigns in terms of story.
I like supreme commander too but none of the characters except for Dr Brackman is memorable.

Feel free to explain what you mean by nu-blizzard.

go away blizzard employee
you've already drank the kool aid
it's too late for you

Old Blizzard: soul
Nu-Blizzard: soulless


Empire Earth: English Campaign

So the era of nu-Blizzard started in '97 then.

they are billions. Literally the turtling game.

Dawn of War III (3)

Also here's the soundtrack that always plays along it youtu.be/2wECpG22xx4

>they are billions. Literally the turtling game.

Huh? I fucking love to build massive defence lines in rts and watch AI being btfo by it, but in case of this game I feel like turtling is fucking weak and borderline useless, because game balance and mechanics is OP'ing agressive and mobile approach

Rise of nations

WC3 and later

AOE 3 for sure

Weren´t towers OP in Total Anihlitation: Kingdoms (aka the fantasy spin-off of TA)?

World in Conflict campaign


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just because it has some difficulty doesn't mean it's not all about turtling

you just want to play creative mode, don't you?

Myth 1/2 are top tier campaigns for sure.

Age Of Mythology campaign is fucking great

AvP extinction was pretty kino.

>Lend AvP Extinction to a friend in school
>He gives game back after a week saying it doesn't work
>There's a massive scratch on the disc
>Claims I gave it to him like that
Clumsy fucking oaf. Still mad to this day. What a fantastic and niche title.

When everything received the WoW aesthetic makeover, aka SC2

i dont know any of the campaigns in WC3.


Nigga, what the fuck you been smokin'?

>no walls
>forts and strongholds have a pathetic los and rof
>every field artillery unit have a fucking massive range, exceeding any fixed defense building
>any of your structures destroyed by enemy is giving him free resources
>even top tier attrition damage is fucking laughable and can be nullified by single supply wagon

It still takes a while before you can get your army to a critical mass. Maybe turtling isn't exactly right, then, but the pace of the game is slower than most modern RTS

bro like 4 squads of heavy infantry can take down a city

>not going full soviet, max attrition and picking off enemy supply wagons while expanding your border to the point where they cover the entire map
Not going to make it

Generals & Zero Hour

Shit was too good

True, but you can easily defend against that with two archers and the fuckton of militia you have on standby. Point is, you wouldn't send 4 squads of inf to attack an enemy with 4 cities, you'll wait and build up a strong and mixed force. I guess that's what I meant by turtling, there usually is a grace period on the map before everything goes to shit.

>that mission where you have to secure UN aid supplies for your own war effort while being supported by battleships
It almost felt like a Tom Clancy novel at times, shit was awesome.

>"why did the RTS genre die?"
>Σοycraft 2 shitters infest the thread

>Control + F Company of Heroes
>No results
Some baaad taste in here...

>this is a thing
Fuck this looks cool. But it's only on ps2 and old xbox? That's gay. I hope there is working emulator at least.

don't sweat it bronzie

It's good fun as I recall. Every faction payed differently and there was a lot of troop variety and everyone had different mechanics. Pretty solid for a console RTS. Only thing that bothered me was that there was no skirmish or random map. Only the 3 campaigns.

>strong and mixed force

Just build a couple of fucking barracks plus terracota army wonder and flood the enemy with mass of cheapest, disposable infantry backed by some arty and resupply cart. Since cities are getting collateral damage from your grunts just shooting enemy units even when your grunts doing fuckall damage to enemy and city assimilation ratio is controlled only by sheer number of units around it, in this game quantity shits all over the quality.

Heyo. Super based and ma niggga-pilled

Its so hard, but its so good. IIRC once you get Valks air was no longer a problem

except for the retarded story, I agree

HW's campaign is one of the most over-rated campaign I can think of. All of the missions are utter shit.


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have sex loser

WC3 or Dawn of War 2

funny you meme that, any guy willing to forgive mass murder of his buds and risk future disasters for a zergy thot needs to

>have sex

The Russian campaign is also worth mentioning. That plot twist at the end of the campaign though.

You go back in time and kill the main protagonist to undo everything you've done whilst playing as him, after you realized his mechanical namesake successor (pic related) has gone mad and immoral. You try to convince the former protagonist that his future successor is evil but apparently it failed since the robot also followed you to the past and reached to him first, thus brainwashing the protagonist. There was no other choice but to kill him.

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thoughts on cossacks 3?
I bought it on a whim during the sales already but Id like to ask anyway

This is the best RTS game ever made.

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Dawn of war was awesome if you just built a shitload of heavy bolters and crept across the map.

Cossacks 3 is great. I haven't played the campaign, but i love playing skirmish against the ai in 4v4.

Best campaign.

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Homeworld Cataclysm is the real answer.

Himeworkd 2, meme difficulty scaling aside, was also pretty fun and also retcon filled. First Homeworld campaign was made in the first four missions, then fizzled out.

Perimeter is a weird kooky sort of game that everyone needs to play in order to understand the things we left behind in the 90's.

He always put hoe before bros, the whole Brood War campaign is based on everyone trusting her

Imagine the genre being so fucking weak and uneventful, one game can completely obliterate decades of gaming

Is this from one of the freeware remakes of Starcraft/Warcraft or did someone draw this?

it's a drawing


Dawn of war 2

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>Yea Forums plays FAF fucking never
I hate the fact that forged alliance has P2P connection and fucking dies the moment someones internet drops below like 0.3 m/s.
Shit fucking sucks and they can't fix it because the source code is lost to time

It came out today.

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