I just got this game as a gift. What am i in for?

I just got this game as a gift. What am i in for?

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Monster hunting.

Monster Hunter

Hunting Monsters. In a world.

worst game in the series, terrible weapons, terrible ai, terrible models, casualized to pc audience
hopefully capcom goes back to making good games

casualization the game

A damn good time. In a world of monsters

You were the monster all along.

>Muh bad games were better because I and my 4. autistic friends were the only people who could enjoy them!!!!!!

The single best MH game ever released, and one of the greatest ARPGs of all time.

Also the single greatest middle finger to Nintendo ever with more sales than anything shittendo could ever hope to achieve on their outdated platforms.

>casualized to pc audience
it casualized thanks to dumb down consoles that cant even handle it in stable 30 fps fucking kek

Could you possibly out yourself any harder? If you like the game then that's cool but don't act like it isn't the easiest in the series.

jokes on you MHW was my first monster hunter

yea ive only played mhw too i was just shitposting

This but unironically. But anyway, if he has nothing to compare it to, it's pretty good as far as modern games go. It shits on every Western game of the last decade. It's just that the rest of the series shit on it, so he should enjoy it then play the older entries

A game that's pretty darn fun with buddies and ok enough solo, I guess. I gotta say though, when the burnout hits it hits hard with this game. I hadn't touched it in like 6 months before the Iceborne demo, and it was a snoozefest to play even then.

The best MH game, and it doesn't even have G rank which is the real game.

Warning: previous mh titles have been released on nintendo systems while world wasn't
Expect a lot of nintendo fanboy shitposting


Troika of repeating digits confirms.
MH has come HOME.

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digits of truth

OP here. Any recommendations as so far as weapon/gear and all that good stuff?

Try all the weapons and see what works for you
Here is a playlist that gives you a rundown of how to use each one
Ranged weapons are easy mode and using them makes you a pussy btw

Try all the weapons and use whichever you're the most comfortable with. But don't be afraid to experiment with the other weapon types too.
As for gear - first and foremost you should be looking at the armor skills, and only after that on the defence and resistance values.

Might as well post in here, new player to mh and world in general, how long until I get out of low rank? I have to admit the unskippable cutscenes are a bit frustrating as the meat of the game seems to be fun. I do have to say though I don't seem to get punished much and I can face tank a lot of stuff, so I'm hoping to get up to the harder stuff and see if I can adjust.

From memory its after the second time you "fight" zorah magdaros

You will eventually find out that the most common weapons (easy to use, high damage) are LS, Bow and Cluster HBG. Keep in mind these 3 will be massively nerfed in the upcoming expansion

It's not the worst but it most surely isn't the best. Iceborne will most definitely make it a worthy entry but god vanilla World is so dull and lazy.

Glad people aren't responding to this false flagging shit. True MonHun fans go wherever it goes and don't care what platform it's on.

5* quests are the last in LR, 6* is the start of HR.
Also, what said.

Trips of truth.

>that post/ip ratio
aside from OP that's a yikes.

Thanks, another question, as a gunlancer is there anything I can do to improve my game that might not be blindingly obvious?

What the fuck did they do to my mortar?

Artillery is a must on GL. Guard or some Evade Window for defense, since GL/Lance hops have slightly less iframes than rolls and cover less ground.
>not be blindingly obvious
Long shels benefits the most from charged shelling, and Focus actually affects the time over which the shells charge.

Find out what type of shelling you like. I prefer wide, but long and normal are fine too.

There's different combos to do depending on the shell type that work the best for maximum dps output.

Reduced damaged, reduced total combinable ammo, initial shot passes through monster ensuring delay between shot and damage allows monster to fight back

>terrible weapons
they are literally improved versions of the old weapons how is that bad
>terrible models
I can buy its casualized and has bad AI but its probably bullshit since you are just screaming for attention

>its casualized and has bad AI
World has by far the best AI compared to all of the previous games.

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LS: reduced dodge window and you need spirit to do it now
Bow: reduced damage overall
Cluster: heavily reduced damage of cluster 3; Bombarries you can carry in inv reduced from 10 to 5. Now the clusters pass through the monsters to make the full arc, you wont be able to sit under their belly and hit them immediately

If they don't do something to pierce/spread HBG will be 100% dead

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Shotgun HBG is basically just a melee weapon
As others have said, try all of 'em. Pick the ones which feel good to play. Don't bother with power rankings or anything like that, because this isn't an esport.

As a HBG chad, this is bad news man.

>LS: reduced dodge window and you need spirit to do it now
I honestly didn't notice that when I played the beta. Seemed to work the same as in vanilla World.

Just use Glutton, you dumb cluster spammer.

I didn't bother to grind any Kulve stuff because it's so hideous. Besides, Cluster is the thinking mans ammo type.

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good times. use hammer and nothing else. you don't want to be labeled a fag, do ya?

i'll miss it too because i used to farm. Downing any Archtempered with cluster requires 3-7 minutes tops. I basically speed farmed them all solo and then changed weapons to have fun but with these changes it's not gonna be viable anymore

Unless you can keep spamming farcasters, in that case (and if they don't put limitations to mantles in Grank) the cluster shitters like myself will still be able to cheesse any fight by running like little bitches. We'll see
If only i had one. Hopefully the summer festival unlocks all ATat once and we will be able to farm at will

Hammer was OP in the beta, so you better find a new weapon in Iceborne, if you're so afraid of being labeled a fag.

I dunno how you still don't have one. It was hard to get pre-AT KT, but AT drops them like candies. I barely did any AT runs, and got like 5 Gluttons in addition to the one I previously got from regular KT. They really seemed to have cranked up the top tier non-Kjarr weapon drops rates for the AT version of gacha mommy.

>nintendies seething for over a year and a half straight

Maybe you go out. Maybe you run into some monsters. Maybe you hunt them. A little of this a little of that

>I dunno how you still don't have one
bought the game 1/1.5 months ago, so i had only 1 iteration of AT kulve available. Also i was like rank 50 and knew fuck all about the game so i basically had to leech like a fag and i could barely finish the whole run 4-5 times. I still got a fuckload of weapons but most of them were gunlances, CBs and SA. Oh and hammers, it kept giving me some Numb hammer or shit like that

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KT has plenty of good GLs across all rarities, because of lvl 4 shelling.

>Nintentards keep comparing a full blown new entry to repeated expansions
I can't wait to see your asses crying when the sixth World expansion comes out and the game has more content than you can imagine.

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If i'm not mistaken the previous week Capcom said that IB will be the only expansion they will make. More collabs and updates sure but just 1 expac. I suspect they are already working on the next MHW considering the success of this one

>I just got this game as a gift. What am i in for?

Unresponsive controls
Sub-30 FPS
Blurry graphics
Low detail textures
Poor optimization
Lack of content
Boring stupid grind
Uninspiring weapons and armors
Shit multiplayer with connectivity issues
Insane loading times

Overall playing it after From Software's Magnum Opus: seKINO was a gigantic step back.

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>casualized to pc audience

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>not having retarded locked animations after using an item is casualizing
Yeah I really miss those quirky movement cues for retards

Final Fantasy end game

>Sub-30 FPS

Attached: mhw fps.png (397x318, 252K)

Is hammer the Wario of MonHun? I think it is.

IB will be bagpipes everywhere

It's a great game.

t. asexual fellow

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>From Software's Magnum Opus: seKINO

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It's a video game. You play it. That's it.

>y-y-y-you're just a n-n-nintendie! none of what you s-s-say is t-t-true!

Holy poisoning the well fallacy, Batman!

Got this with the xbox pass and played yesterday, i've wasted like 5 minutes in the game and I tell you what, that first girl you meet, the Handler or whatever, she is the most fucking ankoying character I've ever have the missfortune to know, she is so annoying, that + unskipeable cutscenes where you have to fucking watch her ugly face for 10 minutes straight making anime gestures. As for gameplay, only did the tutorial and my shear hate for her made me stop playing, will play later but damn those first minutes are a pain

My mouse started double clicking is the game playable with a controller? as in it's actually feels good using it

Fuck all that noise, roll Switch Axe and gang mobs to death.

melee becomes far better while aiming is only marginally better with mouse

Not him but not everyone can afford the highest tier of GPU's, i don't have a constant 60fps on my gtx 1060 and i have everything on max aside from volume lighting off and diffuse to medium (it kills the fps for some reason on high) also LOD is all fucked in every settings it kills performance greatly so I'm just using the dynamic option

>cheapest gpu on the list is a fucking RTX 2070
>at 1080p
what a joke

stick to one weapon first. if it doesn't click with you, change it and so on until you find THE ONE.
After you get through LR and want a change of pace changing weapons is as easy as flipping your hand

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I'm still baffled how MH went from a niche portable series discounting Dos, into one of the most consistent top playercount games on steam 1 and a half year later

true, nintendo has most toxic fanbase

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Pretty decent game, maybe 50 hours of content before it gets old, which is pitifully low by monster hunter standards
if you play lots of modern games and never played a previous MH game you'll probably like it, it was designed to appeal to "broader" audiences and does that retarded thing where it's a single player/coop game but shoves online down your throat, to the point of limiting content arbitrarily to try and convince you that it's an online game

just remember that gunlance is best lance

Who would have thought that putting a game onto a much more accessible and powerful platforms, and allowing the game to make leaps and bounds in terms of visuals and level design, would have greatly increased its popularity?

To be fair, i think them being for ONCE going hard on the marketing with the hook of beautiful ecology and shits works even if oldfags didn't completely like it.
We all marveled at the intro ecology cinematics of even a pink ape shitting, and it's what works then, worked now

>What am i in for?

A fucking video game you retard.

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>even if oldfags didn't completely like it
because old mh fans encompass the three aspects of inadequacy:
- console retards: check
- nintendo: check
- obsessed with pedantic and outdated mechanics because they think chasing pixels for 1000 hours instead of 100 gives relevancy to their worthless lives.

Everytime a casual takes 5 minutes to do what they did in 50 hours reminds them that their time investment is useless and they fucking loathe it. The massive brain aneurysm that these freaks of nature had with the casualization of MH is hilarious and keeps on giving.

WTF is that? I've played through the entirety of TW3 with gamepad on Death March and never seen it. In fact, I think the game's easier to play with a gamepad, because the KB layout sucks ass, at least the default one.

I don't want to bring up consoles but i think it's pretty close to what the audiences of DeS back then thinks of the DaS series as a whole.
They identified the game with the jank and clunky experience and associate it as the true essence of the game and deny the possibility of any change whatsoever because it's different from what they initially played

I don't get people like this, why are they so invested in a franchise yet not support the developer (MH has a trusted team)'s vision?

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sponges with numbers

>Warning: previous mh titles have been released on nintendo systems while world wasn't
>Expect a lot of nintendo fanboy shitposting

Someone post "play it tactical" screenshot.

Also I'm reading /mhg/ on /vg/ sometimes and it's legit one of the most cancerous generals I've ever seen.

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Be sure to report listposter when you're there. He's protected by the tranny janny, we need more strikes on his IP for the actual moderators to take an action.

Monster Hunting, but not a lot of it, and this title is less demanding than the rest. Play it for a bit, but be ready to grab an earlier title when you run out of stuff to do.

Don't get hit. Hit the monster until it dies. In that order.

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Imagine actually believing this. What kind of retard has a Switch but not a PC or PS4/XB1? I played World on PC then got MHGU. World’s seamless environments and pretty graphics don’t excuse the lack of content.

>I think the game's easier to play with a gamepad
that's the point.

Except that's the very opposite of the point that post was trying to make.
It's easier to play with a gamepad, because the controls are better, especially considering the game was designed around those in the first place.
And NOT because of the game lowering the difficulty level if you plug in a controller. Which I'm pretty sure it doesn't actually do.

lots of food

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alright, now you convinced me. Buying the game ASAP

I got maybe 1/4 way through the story like 3 weeks after it came and just kinda stopped I don't even remember why. You reckon I can jump back in or have I missed shit?

1/4 of the story is still Low Rank. You will do fine, it's still in easy mode.

nah m8 just play it

You can.
Also summer fest soon, where all the event quests return at once. Now would be a good time to work your way through the story to get ready.


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