Other urls found in this thread:
>a worse Levia-Dragon- Daedalus
weren't they released around the same time?
Levia dragon requires you to have Umi on the field to activate its effect. Gilford does not need any other cards to use his effect and his attack stat is higher too.
>tribute 3 for a raigeki and 2800k beater
Daily reminder that Yami Marik is a hack and can't duel his way out of a paper bag.
>Got outsmarted by Mai
>Got rekt by Joey fucking Wheeler
If it weren't for his spoopy God Card plot powers, he'd have been out of Battle City before winning a single duel. He even had Odion do all the dirty work of getting the locator cards.
Mai vs. Kaiba would have been a GOAT duel anyways, prove me wrong.
Is there any reason to run that over this?
Not that you will run either of those nowadays.
Umi has always been a card that is easy to get out and the nuking effect can be easily bypassed by more than a few cards that have good chemistry with it like Sharkboy
You fucking dubfags make me sick.
No, barbaros is a direct powercreep
oh shit
4 years before it
Even though Trap Hole would kill Gilford his effect will activate anyways and all your monsters will still die as well.
Yugioh dub is kino though, it's so hammy and stupid it goes from shit 4kids dub to absolute treat
>Umi has always been a card that is easy to get out and the nuking effect can be easily bypassed by more than a few cards that have good chemistry with it like Sharkboy
There was very little field spell searching when Levia initially came out. Even shit like Terraforming didn't come out in the TCG until about a year after IoC that Levia was in.
Powercreep? I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about
>kino though
>Missing all these incredible soundtracks from the original:
Nah, its not kino you tasteless fuck.
Post your favorite 3 tribute monsters.
I get the whole 'plot card' deal but why couldn't Joey pull this card during his prelim duels?
Because Jinzo is a way better card most of the time.
Oh no no no no
This nigga finna boutta get dabbed on
>Ra is so shit you'll never actually use this card to summon it
Ball boy is the best
>that one guy who techs in Ra just to fuckover people who use Sphere mode
>tfw teching in Ra for when my opponent drops Sphere Mode on me
I don't have a smug enough face for this.
So, are you supposed to use this thing like the turtle Kaiju?
Yup. It's basically just used to fuck over cancer decks that like to establish huge unbreakable boards on turn 1.
So was it a toss up between Time Wizard and Gilford for his rarest card after he lost Red Eyes?
>Post your card bro
It's strictly worse though because of how situational having your opponent end on 3+ monsters is
t. digital dummy
I wish they were good, but god damn if having a zillion ATK points isn't the coolest shit.
Fuck off, this zoomer shit ruined the game.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Water Dragon. The combos are extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of elementary chemistry most of the plays will go over a typical duelist's head. There’s also Duoderion, which is deftly woven into the deckbuilding- it's name drawn from a rare isotope of Hydrogen, for instance. The duelists understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these decks, to realise that they’re not just powerful- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Water Dragon truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the naming convention of the Bonding Spells which itself is a cryptic reference to the periodic table. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Maximillion Pegasus's genius wit unfolds itself on their duel disks. What fools.. how I pity them.
And yes, by the way, i DO have a Water Dragon tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 10 years of age of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid
Who the fuck is that?
Synchro's are a blight to humanity
>tfw only person who mains a Gradius/B.E.S deck
>Finally get support that can turn the battle for me
that boy had no business being that buff
Will Plant types ever be even casually viable?
Oh shit, it's the 3-time video game champ Lorenzo
this is probably the only time I've seem someone post a Meklord without a cheeky or sarcastic comment about them
t. low iq
I've never had more fun playing my Agents deck.
Plants were a good synchro engine, weren't they?
>Not knowing that Plant is literally the strongest type
>tfw your opponent get's BONED
I fucking love Skull Servants.
How do you post blank images?
We'll see who's low IQ when my UNGA blows through your entire life points
Everyone was ripped in GX.
Hell, they had a NANOMACHINES, SON fight in season 3.
I actually really love meklords, they were my staple even though they didn't really do much against Synchro's
I just loved them on the aspect of
We got better shit, so who cares.
It's really not that big of an issue. Unless you're running shit like fucking Bujins most decks can shit out at least 3 monsters turn 1.
Hands up Partner
But Declan used 4 summoning methods
This is still on my bucket list
>t. 3rd rate duelist with a 4th rate deck
I know almost nothing about Arc-V other than it's terrible, but D/D/Ds are cool
Why do all the numbers in YGO have to be so ridiculously large?
Those are indeed things that were said
brave words for someone with life points in sub 2600 range
I love this marshmallow boy
Fuck off faggot
>b-but theres a videogame!!
None of them were good, the tcg is shit too
I remember using a deck that revolves around him in World Championship 2011.
Too bad that game doesn't have Chaos Infinity.
I tried to make a Gradius deck, but the cards weren't that good. What does this do?
If Yea Forums required games to be good, there'd be 2-3 threads on the board at a time.
>game needs to be good to be discussed on Yea Forums
Umi is so damn easy to get out.
Levia in fact was a decent structure deck for the time, while most of the others were complete garbage and basically a scam for kids who thought they were being smart for paying just 15 bucks for 40 cards.
>A game needs to be good to be discussed on Yea Forums
i can forgive people using the dub names for Dm and GX since it's the best we got at the time, but there's no reason watch them past that.
Why is your iq so ridiculously low?
The real downside is the lack of normal summon, but despite that depending on the meta it's an amazing card. Right now it doesn't see that much use because two of the main four meta decks don't realy on swarming the board.
>blatantly ignoring how these threads are made to talk about the anime or the card game rather than the games
Jesus christ did you actually watch arc v dubbed? Because you seriously need to kill yourself if thats the case.
Arc-V had some solid VA performances though. Sylvio, Declan, Shay, and Yuri were especially good.
Zarc was awful but the VA definitely tried to make it work at least
Reiji does nothing for an entire season and stands still in a room without speaking because the actor was busy. He also killed hundreds because he made everyone on his side duel with half their life points and they all got fucked.
A classic. Does it still hold up in the Link meta?
Why would you watch it subbed? The show is already godawful, might as well go for maximum ham and cheese.
>People have a deep hatres for las ranas hermanas
>But at the same time love guardragon omninegate spam
>Play in a casual group
>tfw Skull Servant easily reaches 11k attack most of the time
All of my friends decks now have cards that only work against low level monsters in their deck, just so they have an effective counter
I need a new World Championship or Tag Force style game so bad. Legacy of the Duelist doesn't do shit for me.
>Watching dub yugioh
Seriously. Kill yourself. You are an actual nigger.
I miss when pic related made you unstoppable...
>HERO decks can now consistently drop Plasma in a single turn
Feels fucking great man
Did you beat Reshef of Destruction yet user?
>the man got an Elvis voice because lol he has a pompadour
>give the main girl an awful sounding name so it'a reference to someone from a talent show
>give the big guy an Arnie voice because the kids know who that is
And that's just the first episode.
The friend you never want in your hand
my cardfu
>anime poster
I'm surprised Great White doesn't have some kinda retrain yet
The best thing about it is that I'm pretty sure the guy who played Shun was a Ruriposter on Yea Forums. The dub is completely irredeemable other than that.
Not really but it's still one of the most hilarious burn cards ever. I still put him in all my extra decks
>tfw free at last
Stupid newfag
But at what cost
1000 lifepoints
Surely you meant to post another card there because CED is not free at all. Hes fucking dead.
It's time to let go user, he's dead.
nuthin personnel
doesnt need it hes already my favourite
the original cancercard CHAD
For me, it's the McHungry Burger.
He saved my ass so many times in one of the GBA games
made me lose so much semen back in the day
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I can't.
>tfw too intelligent to be a main character
What happened to this guy again?
Not really a bro, but...
Worst part is that he was actually too high IQ for the show he was in.
He was the only one to end up in a good position at the end of the series as King of the Amazons.
My cardbro is a magic card.
every big monster from season 1 needs a retrain
stayed in fucked up dimension to get manhandled by his amazon wife
>Follow a textbook of prerequisites to summon your favorite monster
The house rule in our neighborhood was to never use toon world. You could just summon toon monsters by tribute.
>Haha Wheeler! You thought you defeated my most powerful monster!?
>BEHOLD! My true most powerful monster! With 50 more attack points!
For what possible reason?
Did you mean: A Legendary Ocean
Beatdown decks based in it were so fun...
To make it actually playable of course
Uhm.... yikes!!
>If Yea Forums required games to be good, there'd be 2-3 threads on the board at a time.
Isn't that a good thing? Now we can have 2-3 quality posting rather than 18-32 cringe-based-plebbit-tier funposting
Did you have a "no Kaizejin/Suijen/Sanga needed" rule too to make Gate Guardian playable?
What about Great Moth rules?
>thunder dragon became an entire archetype
It was glorious
Because a lot of us had Toon monsters from boosters but no Toon World card.
Also most of us didn't have a dedicated deck and just had a box full of our cards all mixed together. We'd scoop out a handful of cards, count off the first 50 and use that as a deck. I made things more random and added a challenge. We did the same for fusion cards. You could just summon them based on their level.
We were all dumb kids who could afford a booster pack maybe every two weeks. You learn to make do.
What guy?
Yugioh is great for being a nostalgiafag. They're constantly putting out classic card supports n shiet.
That said, what they did with the legendary dragons was disappointing.
at that point you could've just used proxies
Gate Guardian you had to sacrifice 3 monsters for.
Back in those days, if you could hold three monsters down, you deserved to win.
>Because a lot of us had Toon monsters from boosters but no Toon World card.
>not using the heart of the cards to get exactly the cards you want from your packs
I got my Toon World and Toon Summoned Skull and Relinquished in one birthday because all my friends wound up getting me a pack each.
Literally the power of friendship. Still my fav cards to this day.
We were kids, the internet was barely a thing, we still thought Pikablue was real. We just went off a bastardized mix of the show and early booster packs.
We couldn't even spell proxy, let alone know what it meant. Bottom line is, we had fun.
Why not just designate a magic card to be a Toon World stand-in?
>not buying the Pegasus structure deck
Today, I will remind them.
>that kid whose parents bought them God cards from toywiz but got salty no one wanted to duel him with them and all their made up anime rules and eventually got them stolen bringing them to school and leaving them in his desk because he was a shitter and deserved it holy shit Ian was a fucker
That was the only starter deck I didn't get because I already had the cards from Magic Ruler packs.
Those original starter decks go for nuts prices now, sealed. Man I still remember the smell of my freshly unsealed Yugi, Kaiba, and Joey decks. Fuck man, where does the time go.
>tfw you summoned 3 blue eyes back in the day without using the flute
When it came to my local toy store, they only had a stock of Pegasus and Joey decks.
You damn well know we all picked Joey decks and spent 90% of our duels ping-ponging Penguin Soldiers back and forth until one of us drew Time Wizard and fucked up the coin toss.
I wish he was better.
Holy shit, if your name is Ryan I hope you get hit by a bus. I fucking know you took my cards because you're the only one who knew I kept them in my desk on break you bucktoothed faggot
Everything could have been better in Arc-V
I'm shotacon scum
Holy shit, Ian and Ryan? It's Steven. How you fuckers been?
It was Brandon Rogers who took the cards btw, he traded them for some Pokemon cards from Eric who died in the wave pool actually.
still remember when i got him at a sneak and wrecked my friends with him
gross dude
>not in duel links
why god I just wanna play my boy.
XYZ were cool until they made the toolbox rank4 ones that everydeck got browbeat into running.
I have a soft spot for fusion because its actually FAIR and GX was probably one of the most fun era of Yugioh to watch it was also pretty tame and didnt powercreep like crazy yet as a matter o fact most cards sucked and were downright memetic. Gladiator beast and Six samurais are HONEST compared to nuDegeneracy
Synchro is okay. the show wasnt the best but for the first year it was pretty fun. didnt like how towards the end they started printing 12 star "DOES EVERYTHING" cards and how it would lead to people taking 7 hour long turns with level eater.
Oh my, I haven't been following the Links era, what a cutie.
Konami knows what's up.
>tfw you type their base kanji name in pixiv
>game for 6 year olds
>most players don't even know about spell speed, timing or chains
He was based because he is the voice of ye ye ye.
>be huge fan of ritual monsters
>have cyber petite angel as one of my favorite monsters
>always rooted for asuka back when i watched GX
>tfw still can't play cyber angels out of fear of people thinking that i want to fuck them and my autism making me feel bad for playing a deck that doesn't look like it'd suit me
just fuck my shit up senpai
he's in the next main box
>about to win
>summon your joke card to deal the finishing blow
Saved me from obnoxious house rules on more than one occasion.
just join DL
this month, we will get Super Alexis who will drop more CA
>winning by straight up attacking with a piece of Exodia
Fun to fuck about in casual games by putting a bunch of equips on the face card and wrecking shit up
>played spell counters for over a decade trying to make them somewhat viable every few formats
>Built shaddoll spell counters cause they can bust out Arcanite super easy
>Eventually realize spell counters are holding me back and just accept they're trash and turn my shaddoll spell counter into pure shaddols
>Almost immediately after find out about the new spell counter structure deck with cards that actually make spell counters super good
>Can play spell counters again
I can't man. They ruined 5ds with the shitty signer dragon skills and gem nerfs.
I wonder if the new CA event will finally unfuck CAs in Duel Links. It's been a while since they were playable
I miss this format, this was my favorite deck ever, havent played since ;_;
Who poorfag here?
>tfw DaD works well
i mean i could, but it wouldn't be as fun as going to locals with my favorite deck, you know
Duel Links nerfed CAs to the point of making the deck unplayable.
>have 5 cards in hand
>randomly reveal exodia's head to make opponent shit their pants
>summon it instead
that doesn't work on battle damage
Back when duel links was getting started I made a spellcaster deck and this mofo was the mvp every single game
Based and DDDDD-pilled.
Still one of my favorite archetypes to run
they release Izana as super roaming reward
Confirmed for not knowing how cards work
>Dragon Maid is now an Yugioh Archtype
>See game with 'No Synchro/Xyz/Pendulum/Link no meta' as note
>Bring Fluffals and wreck them
>later see them hosting again
>Bring Skull Servant without an extra and still win
>fucker claims that fucking skull servants are meta before quitting
I wish buddy, I wish.
They are retarded. I once played TCG Crystrons and he claimed it was meta.
but why tho? Also where is the Shota Archtype
I stumbled into so many great warrior cards when I got into this game but my bro was easily either this guy or Freed the Matchless General. I loved how much Sasuke Samurai made my friends second-guess every monster they set face down. So many fucking Man-Eater Bugs died in vain under his blade. My best friend always got super pissed because he thought the monster's effects would still activate, even though Sasuke specifically nullified it. Once Book of Moon became a thing, nobody was safe. I fucking miss the early days of Yu-Gi-Oh.
I was always a fan of equip cards, but I loved the utility of this. I also recall running a lot of Blast with Chain.
One of the first super rares I pulled out of a booster back in the day. This dude's effect felt almost like cheating. Not anymore, thanks to power creep, but whenever I managed to get this guy out on the field, shit got real. I distinctly remember yanking Red Eyes out of my Joey starter deck to swap this guy in.
Exquisite taste.
Don't worry senpai I got this, I put this in defense position and will heal up next turn
>4000 atk
>battle effect
THE CHAD always win
Ojama Raccoons Sandayu>regular Raccoons Sandayu tbqh famalam
>they only had a stock of Pegasus and Joey decks
It was the exact same when my friend and I started playing. I got Joey and he got Pegasus, and I felt kind of bad because it was pretty obvious who got the better deck.
I love a good, strong, single-tribute beat-stick. My first tribute monster was Red Eyes from Joey's deck, but I remember the day I unwrapped pic related. There's nothing quite like getting a new card that's a perfect upgrade to something you already have in your deck.
>Attacks with Samurai Destroyer.
Huh, would you look at that...
What YGO videogames should I play if I stopped playing when judgement dragon was released and the first synchros revealed? (something like 15 years ago)
too many loli cards killed it before it had a chance. Literally, fuck theses alot of little girl cards in yugioh now, probably trying to ride on the fanservice train you see in mobage and shit.
Life isn't fair. why do lolis get all the love?
where's evenly matched
>"Remove from play" has been replaced with "Banished"
>A current version of this card would only make my Thunder Dragon deck more viable.
urges because they can't get a gf
Realized 3d women were shit, so stayed in a different dimension to fuck monster waifus.
Fuck off Brandon/Zach/Gabriel/Jacob/whoever the fuck you are from my fourth grade, my dad knew all the teachers!
Duel Links
>the "buy Blue Eyes/Red-Eyes/Neos or fuck off" game
My nigga
>banishing literally every TD in your deck all at once.
Not entirely sure what you'd do with literally all your resources banished. Yeah youd get 1 of every effect off, but the hell are you pulling off with that?
maybe the rare hunters slipped it in his deck
Can use Dragondark's effect to get Thunder Dragon Fusion from my deck and use that to shuffle three other TD's from being banished into the deck while also special summoning either Colossus or Titan.
>Not using Triamid decks to troll Red Eyes and Neos users
Are there anymore shota cards?
>I Tribute Summon Summoned Skull!
I miss when Beatdown actually meant something. I do appreciate the new game because it's not nearly as much bullshit as any MtG match is, but there are times where I like to play pre-2005 games, specifically where only cards released before The Lost Millennium are legal.
The music was indeed better but I grew up with the dub so whatever. I'm not going to go back and watch RAWs of Yugioh.
>I miss when Beatdown actually meant
Play Duel links those fafs at the general can't stop seething and crying at Beatdown.
>Summonsed Skull has 2500ATK and is a lvl 6
>Dark Magician has 2500ATK and is a lvl 7
I never understood this. Yeah Dark magician has more DEF but in a straight up fight back when YGO started Summoned Skull would've been the preferred choice for an easier summon. Although I guess modern YGO strongly favors DM since he has his own deck/builds now.
You're an old fag now.
Penguin soldier is the basest boy
Tried it out but the grind was fucking unreal
>comparing an actual playstyle to an unbalanced skill in a mobile game
I guess if we're talking cards we've busted repeated nuts to... Shame her clevage got censored in the US version, but what I didn't know couldn't hurt me, I guess.
Legacy of the Duelist, Tag Force 6 or Arc-V Special.
I fucking love 2004 casuals complaining that their ten year old deck that wasn't even good back can't do anything because everything is "meta"
My nigger. She was my hoe. Definitely busted a nut to those mermaid milkers.
>link monsters with cool arrow mechanic that finally makes card placement important
>Ruins every deck that doesn't run links because of the extra zone bullshit and ruining every locals
>I miss when Beatdown actually meant something
The absolute best times I ever had playing Yu-Gi-Oh were when my friends and I first started and were patching together decks of the random shit we could get from boosters. So many awful cards back then, but it made the good cards that much more exciting. I loved the matches of contrition that just dragged on while you chipped away at each others' life points.
>Summoned Skull would've been the preferred choice for an easier summon
And he was. Literally every YGO community back when the game started up just assumed you were running three Summoned Skulls if you wanted to win. Getting a Summoned Skull on the field was basically a requisite win condition.
I remember trying to build an Amazon deck back when they first surfaced, but I could never get a hold of enough good cards for it, so I just mixed them in with my warriors. Pic related was a total waifu.
To be fair Amazoness was complete ass for a long time, so there wasn't much you could do to make them viable but good on you, I dealt with the same struggle with early spell counters
It was a simpler time.
>he says, speaking English
I fucking miss back when every kid I knew only had like one or two meta cards in a deck full of trash.
>That one kid with raikgeki
>That one kid with jinzo
>That one kid with mirror force
>That one kid with united we stand
He was making a fucking joke you dolt
yu-gi-oh is an anime.
It is a big tie between UTC and Based Ib the World Chalice Justiciar
I always saw this card as a fiend making a ball of energy until a few months ago
I tribute Hardened Armed Dragon and another monster to summon Earthbound Immortal Cc...the fish one
I remember trading my red eyes and blue eyes for extra summoned skulls because my class mates didn't really how much better it was. Did the same for other high atk level 4 monsters, got an extra lajin, 7 colored fish, and penguin soldier for my head of exodia. Got so much milage out of them
She cute, She Flost, but most importantly, she makes Guardragons consistent
Who got the best ace monster?
Seto Kaiba
Also Jaden's should be Flame wingman and not that piece of shit.
Junk Warrior. I prefer that shitty junk deck all day everyday.
Flame Wingman is garbage. That's like saying Yugi's ace should be Celtic Guardian.
Which is favorite duel Yea Forums? mine is jack vs yusei
>stuck at Marik for years
>borrow friend's gameshark
>now have more CP
>beat Marik
>get Winged Dragon Phoenix Mode
>beat game
Yugi's way better and more rare Buster blader
season 0 movie yugi vs kaiba
Yuma vs Eliphas
Shark/Nasch vs IV
I never understood why outside of 1-2 dedicated archetypes, the OGC never recieved strong Ritual supports. Could have done that instead of pumping out any of those unnecessary new summoning methods, just saying.
Muh priority and muh chain rules.
I can't believe he summoned Earthbound Immortal Shaquille O'Neal!
I remember whenever we bought boosters, we used to keep everything a secret and only reveal new cards in battle. It was great when we were just chugging along in a regular, boring match, and then suddenly a fucking Mirror Force or Injection Fairy drops on the field.
Pic related was my big "WHAT THE FUCK" card. My friends ran really trap-heavy decks, so getting this out always screwed them over, even going by the poorly-translated original effect. There were very few times that it sucked my LP dry before I could finish the match.
Joey losing against Marik has become to me worse than Ash Ketchum losing the Kalos league, mostly due to all the wasted potential that it brought with it.
How viable is my 2005 era Thousand Eyes Restrict deck I used to dab on everyone in high school with?
When I got back into Yu-Gi-Oh several years ago, Junk Warrior was my started deck. That shit was fun.
come on we all know any goodguy who isn't MC is supposed to jobbed in any tournament.
>summons a boss monster that would destroy over 99% of Yugioh characters
>still loses and dies
I'm partial to Amazoness Blowpiper, myself.
Not at all but Thousand eyes did get some new support.
still dabs pretty hard from my own experience
Then they should have made his defeat a curbstomp instead of teasing he was going to win if it wasn't for bullshit reasons.
Sora vs Shun as much as I fucking hate Arc-V.
Jack vs Carly was good too.
I have no idea, I wasn't in High School with ya, show us the decklist
To be fair this son of a bitch hard countered it.
>trap hole
>trap card
umm...yikes! how can a tcg aimed at children contain transphobic slur? konami should change that and also write an apology for all the trans community who also play the card game.
This one for me.
Ironically enough, i never tried an X-Saber archetype.
Can't betray my ghostricks bros.
Reminder that this is the most kino card ever
i have like five of that
Jack and carly was cute and wanted to see them together even more but it never happened. I have never been so blueballed in my life
the trans community also demand more Yubel support ;_;
Yuya's deck would be hands down the best if it was pure Odd-eyes magicians and not heldback by those gay ass perfomapals/ENTAMATES.
I actually like E-heroes as well, but neo spacians are gay as fuck.
Stardust/junk synchros are the best MC deck.
is fucking bullshit how the series forced him to continue using entamates when is been shown more than one occasion his monsters were odd eyes and magicians, hell even when jack told him to find is own dueling style, it was with the stargazers and odd eyes. konami shilling for cards tends to ruin any good writing in anime
Honestly if they were going to do thek dirty like that, than Carly should have stayed dead.
It would make way more sense for Jack to go full volcel and ignoring thots left, because there is only room for one woman in his heart.
I lost interest in playing again shortly after this card came out, but it was always one of my favorites. Is the "Noble Knight" archetype any good?
Kaiser vs Yubel
I've always loved vanilla beatstick monsters. I remember trading a guy some flavor-of-the-month meta card for this and not regretting it. Has power creep created a vanilla level 4 monster with 2100 atk yet?
Kitten vs. The Emperor
Third match against the Deceiver or Cegorach when?
Did you enjoy their "Fuck Synchro Nigger and fuck Neos" album, Yea Forums?
So would you be able to activate pic related before any monster destruction?
>Gilford hasn't had a retrain since an SD that come out in 2006
Here you go.
>Elemental HERO Core
Favorite Effect monster, favorite card art, and it looks like a baby Slifer.
Yeah, pretty based
what a slut, offering his asshole to the enemy
Does this imply the banished monster comes back?
I just love the Worm archetype, for some bizarre reason.
Kaiba is a honorary member of synchrogang due to his waifu being a tuner and blue-eyes having tons of synchro monsters/support.
Kaiba died before the white cards were printed
>(until the end phase)
fuck off anime avatarfag, back to your discord with you
Yes. And if the ATK is high enough, you basically cancel out Gilford’s ATK, and the effect stays in place. The rest is basically Gilford’s effect still playing out, except you get to undo one destruction. Since returning from banishment doesn’t count as summoning, you basically get double the summons, which is important if you need a tribute summon just to top whatever Gilford’s resulting ATK is.
My friends fucking hated this card, and despite being common, somehow they never pulled one. Either that or they did, and their disdain for him kept them from actually using him.
There was kind of an honor rule among my yu-gi-oh squad. We used to just give good cards to each other if we felt they were a better fit for a friend's deck, and if a card had kind of become someone else's signature, we tended not to use it ourselves. Goddamn I miss those days.
Kaiba would never use disgusting synchros
I had no idea Yugi was a Yea Forums user.
i hate how zombyra was only useful for two attacks, but goddamn i loved his design and colors
Kaiba is literally the father of synchro though.
Kaibacorp was responsible for creating Ener-D which is the source of synchro and 5ds takes place only 2 decades or so after GX.
This guy from 5ds went to highschool with Yugi.
y-yugi, is that you?
>This guy from 5ds went to highschool with Yugi.
He isn't. It's just a stupid meme.
Kaiba's waifu Kisara is a tuner monster though.
My group was surprisingly very respectful of each other, we were betting 3 cards each in every duel and the losers were not sore about their losses, especially considering there was a chance to get them back in the future. In hindsight it helped circulating the cards and forcing all of us to adopt different strategies.
Good times.
Nice headcanon
kazuki confirmed it was him
>How about a duel?
>Not for star chips, but for fun!
5Ds does take place in the same universe as DM and GX and Ushio never got his comeuppance in DM so it's not completely out of the realm of possibility
try again
I really like the cyberce cards aesthetics
Yuma has the best boss though
5Ds is like 100 years after DM. It doesn't make sense.
Uuuuuh, you mean THE Ushio?? Just started watching 5DS, and I thought it was just an easter egg.
Priest Seto's waifu. Not Autistic CEO Kaiba
Today, on “Things that never happened.”
>i hate how zombyra was only useful for two attacks
Given how prominent monster removal was (and still is), getting out a 2100 and an 1900 smackdown for no tribute is pretty solid, especially so many years ago when people were giving up kidneys to get a hold of Gemini Elves. It's rare for a monster to survive more than two turns, anyway, and even if it does it's still at 1700, which is no slouch, and is perfect tribute fodder.
Personally, I used to use Book of Moon to flip him and then flip him back to reset his attack. My friends were livid when I figured out this combo. I fucking loved Book of Moon. Fantastic utility. Is it considered broken? I feel like it should be. It felt broken even back then, but I never followed the competitive meta, so maybe it only felt that way to me.
>betting 3 cards each in every duel
That's kind of hardcore, but not a bad way to keep things interesting. I recall us playing a few duels for a single card every now and again, but it was never anything major.
But autistoc CEO seto is obsesses with Blue-Eyes which is Kisara.
>5Ds is like 100 years after
It isn't
did the bus clap?
Check THIS out
it was like a decade or two
no he just likes Blue eyes because it's an awesome dragon
>we finally have VR
everything after the original series isn't canon anyway except for Dsod. So fuck it
Dsod is manga universe. DM anime isn't canon.
oh yea well it's nearly similar
basically the animated version of the manga....some parts that is. yep
Why are your own monsters so far away?
So you don't get hurt when they explode
>triple neck guitar
But synchro doesn't exist in the manfaverse so it doesn't make sense for kaiba to sing fuck synchros, because he wouldn't even know what it is
What is their endgame?
being a loser in the narrative.
>Links utterly makes pendulums, fusions, synchros completely useless
Sell new cards. The next mechanic will do the same.
2,800,000 attack power, you say?
piece of shit
fuck em
Links help balance the game after XYZ shitters anyway.
>Shark instead of Kaito
My eternal nigga
>Completely useless
*Laughs is needlefiber and electrumite*
Shark was the rival of the second half.
We are the D
We are the D
We are the D
We are the D
We are the D
I know, it made me all fuzzy inside to see him get a new card.
Chazz is such a cuck
I remember always wishing this dude had 100 more attack points so he could be viable way back when. Doesn't matter, I still ran him as well as my boy Dai Grepher.
was hot as fuck megane waifu bait in the anime
One of the most powerful cards in the game right now is a Noble Knight, but for the wrong reasons.
Ritual has tons of good support.
Impcantations were released recently which are pretty amazing in any ritual deck.
Didn't he lost his virginity to an Amazon woman?
Why do modern cards have like 5 effects while having almost no weaknesses?
>no one even runs chad anymore because of double or nothing
feels bad man
>release OP card
>nerds scramble to get it
>ban/errata it/replace it
My friend and I never even questioned the fact that Hysteric Fairy was a guy. He just looks like some kind of long-haired nutjob nip fairy. The book covering the boobs and lack of a lower-body didn't help either. Minds were blown.
Someone post kaiba autism, please
Nothing felt better
>after damage calculation
hope you enjoy taking 5k damage up the ass.
also, a good Chaos Maxx deck/hand will end up with more than one Chaos Maxx on the field.
that is some good nontargeting removal tho.
Give me a quick run. I don't play anymore
With no monsters left on the field, I summon Dark Magician in Defense Position
Always wanted a machine deck back in the day, but the entire type was pretty flimsy. Robotic Knight was such a cool-looking card, but he needed at least 200 more attack or defense to even be useful for anything. Shame. I hope he's the next random vanilla monster to get the Neo treatment.
are you excited for the new support coming?
it seems pretty good.
I've finally noticed he's looking to the left and his head is turned, I always thought he had one eye and an asymmetrical face
Happy for the Assault Mode support
When was this discoverd?
MTG fags are seething
When she showed up in the anime eons ago.
>Arc-v the worst ygo series dubbed
fucking underaged faggot
Life, uh... finds a way.
im still mad this asshole is banned
Why are 70% of all Yugioh monsters dragons?
Dragons sell
>Nothing felt better
...than sending him directly to the graveyard with no dinner.
Konami put it to 1 some time ago
are vanilla cards useful nowadays?
At least I could feel good about my opponent needing to run a low attack joker to deal with my boy
Granted, there could be new stronger mons with that same effect. I wouldn't know.
Still not as bad as Bakura.
The Mystic Swordsman line is designed about that. LV6 can trap you potentially in a loop where your monster is sent back on top of the deck and if you have no means of drawing 2 cards in the same turn, recover from the graveyard or get a beater powerful enough to deal with it you're stuck.
Only 65%, there also Robots and some zombies.
Was he the best edgelord of Yugioh?
I love the Meklords, I even went out of my way to get a single of Meklord Astro Dragon Asterisk despite it being hot garbage. At least Wisel had some utility before Xyz and links, although not a whole lot.
Blue Eyes are top tier in Duel Links.
Bakura at least beat Bones in a fair manner.
This guy.
I also always wanted to get the Princess Cologne card but I can't
*snaps Yu-Gi-Oh! out of existence*
Duel Terminal plotline is so fucking based. Better than any of the anime
poor winda she didn't deserve this
fucking cyborg menace
I love this game senpaitachi. How do I stop playing?
Absolute alpha CHADS play Gem Knights
They are cool.
>needing to run a low attack joker to deal with my boy
The fact that Sasuke Samurai also takes care of literally any other flip effect monster, assuming that anyone would run it JUST to deal with "your boy" is pretty bold. I played casual where the Jars never got banned, and he was a lifesaver. Because damage calculation never occurs and the card is destroyed by effect instead of resolving the battle step, it shuts down a lot of counters, and also fucked over anyone hoping to grab Summoned Skull with a Mystic Tomato, which was a pretty popular strategy early on.
and then the guy with the jars runs a bunch of spells and traps that flip his monsters face-up
>/dng/ threads are never this comfy and revolve around tripfags and circlejerking around them
Worst part is they seethe when I tell them Yea Forums has better YGO threads
God i forgot how deliciously autistic Kaiba was. A feast for the eyes.
These two are the peak of power in Yugioh. She is the fusion of THIRTEEN different monsters. He is the Xyz born from the overlay of a cosmic warrior and 3 immensely powerful evil Xyz dragons (who used to be Synchro dragons)
Say something nice about them.
Is there a way to unfuck the card game in its current state?
Well no duh. There's always a counter. My point wasn't "HURRR THIS CARD BEATS THAT CARD", it was that diffusing a trap set by your opponent is twice as satisfying as just getting someone to fall for a trap, especially one as basic as a flip effect. And Samurai had loads of utility apart from just nullifying man-eater bug, so telling yourself you feel better knowing they ran the card "just" to counter Man-Eater is pretty silly.
Add Deck Masters
mystical knight of jackal
nah man shield trigger fuck you
Still have my copy of CM. She a cute.
what this
oh shit duelmasters
I can only say it's a good thing I never ran into that card then. I only ever played super casually, only ever got good enough to finish whatever the PS1 YGO game.
I suppose even Man-Eater Bug is an outdated card with better variations out there, since the cards mentions seems to do what the Samurai card can do but better(?)
I remember using this against a superheavy on a tournament. I didn't understood why my opponent screamed "nooooooo" at the time.
Fuck off ESL
This shit awakened something in me
Dem hands
My dude right here.
I wish duelmasters didn't die in the states
Better than any Yugioh girl
she is cute but come on now
my fav of all time
Girl is on the left is cute. Can't say the same for the one on the right.
is there a dueling book for duelmasters? I wonder if people do translations
>Bigger tits at 13 than as an adult.
How does that work?
pretty sure its an edit
isnt Duel Masters basically MtG rebranded for weebs?
It's not. They just toned down the fanservice
mimi had a hard life
First one is an edit, is not however.
It used to be how Wizards tried to introduce magic in japan, but it spun off into it's own thing.
God I wish I was that card
Imagine a yugioh spin off that’s just Kaiba doing this kinda gun fuckery all episode long.
I forgot about that scene Jesus Christ
All links did was widen the gap between been lower tier decks and top tier decks.
Considering the amount of stupidly consistent FTKs we've gotten thanks to abusable link effects, way more than previous formats
And the crazy thing is that it's actually been tested, and the material used for the cards can stop the gun from firing.
What archetype do you want to see? I really want a WEREWOLF ARCHETYPE but a Castlevania archetype or a Metal Gear archetype would be nice
fffuck this card art brought me back. i remember opening him on a card pack on easter day, more than 10 years ago..
the time's vanished bros.
>play yugioh gx tag force
>beat anyone in the first zone with the starting deck
>"heh maybe this game is too easy"
>change location
>random dude summon a 4400 atk monter in 2nd turn
>another guy use bazillion magic cards in the 1st turn and wreck my ass
fuck how do i get good?
Funny, I’m actually sort of writing a Metal Gear crossover in my head.
>Emerald Dragon and Sapphire Dragon in Japan
>Luster Dragon #2 and Luster Dragon in English
Most importantly:
It's been a long time since I saw the image, but I believe it was a /k/ thread. What happens is the material cannot be punctured by the hammer, making it unable to fire.
grind the mini games for points.
i loved yu gi oh tag force 2. it has to be one of my top 3 most played games in terms of hours i spent on it. super comfy map.
>special summon
Dunno if YGO has drafts but it's why it's the best format in MtG
Umi or Legendary Ocean which were easy as shit to cycle out because Water decks have the utility to do so. Out of all the structures, Water was the best straight out of the box, though with Fire, you were able to make an Burn deck that could be some of the best at the time (Chaos and CyDra decks)
Dark Simourgh doesn't need tributes but he's still my bro.
Synchro introduction was the peak of the game. Everything after was terrible, but Synchros were amazing and the meta was wide open because anyone could throw them out with out having to add something like Poly. Most people used Tuners because their effects were useful.
>dub viewers missed out on this kino
He's /ourguy/ after all
I like it. Though I do like the original score better.
It fits the weirdo.
This wasn’t any funnier the first time, you piece of shit. Go to /jp/ and circlejerk there.
Old friend...
>were amazing and the meta was wide open because anyone could throw them out with out having to add something like Poly.
You are talking about Xyz. Synchro forced you to build your deck around turners. Xyz was for everyone.
The best bro!
And, the dub was horrible simply because they got rid of the OG music. GX dub is unwatchable, even though it's the best series.
>Witness Kaiba’s jackassness in the dub
>”Watch the Japanese version, he’s much nicer”
>Do so
>No fucking difference.
Jesus christ, you parasites are the definition of delusional.
My fuking nigger
>GX dub is unwatchable, even though it's the best series.
Chazz makes it worth it.
Any post-DM dub is cringe
The Noah Kaiba arc is literally the only reason to switch to the sub version, and only for that season, and ONLY because of Noah himself. The invisible gun meme doesn’t even come close to how I felt listening to Noah’s english VA.
I fucking swear, it has to be the same as Mako, pitched up.
>He doesn't like both the sub and dub
GX is trash.
5Ds is the best series.
This. Rituals and Fusion were too hard to summon without archetypes being entirely focused on them. Xyz were too easy to summon, became rampant and introduced Rank 4 cancer. Synchro hit the soft spot just right, needing only a tuner. Synchros were powerful, yet did not force you to use them. During Xyz and Links era, you HAVE to use Xyz and Links to win.
Based 5D's bro
Lol, this is the exact reason why the sub is better. This duel in particular is ruined because none of the music and the stupid-ass "Chazz it up," instead of everyone screaming, "MAN-JOU-ME THUNDER"
Chazz has a whiny ass fucking voice too. He's supposed to be an autist like Kaiba who takes himself too seriously, but everyone knows is a lovestruck joke.
Look at the difference from this video, I can't find the full duel subbed, but it was done way better.
XYZ were too broken. You didn't need to use tuners at that time because it was easier to stop them. Shit, Lightsworns were the top deck when Synchros were introduced and they barely ran synchros despite having a tuner as one of their staples.
>but you needed the turner!
Only true in early synchro era. After a while synchro decks got insane draw and search power. You could shit out OP synchros first turn.
>Implying DM dub isn't cringe
>synchros are fair and hone-
A Suikoden-based warriors archetype would be dope.
Not when it has 1900 ATK. It’s not often you get a 4 star effect monster with that good an attack.
>He didn't play Hero-Beat and abuse Miracle Fusion
user, I...
Nigga no one knows what that is
Alius beatdown was a legitimate thing retard
I remember using this a lot in one of the ds games
Every time I see a post starting with nigga its always a retarded post. Fuck off nigger. You are a subhuman monkey.
Random duelists have different difficulty levels;
>Slifer Red
>Ra Yellow
>Obelisk Blue Boys
>Obelisk Blue Girls
The deck you start with is actually pretty decent, especially if you buy a bunch of the water boosters on Wednesday, also make sure you pick a person and duel, talk and give them a sandwich they like every chance you get, if you don't have your relationship maxed out with at least one person by the end of the 90 days then it's game over.
you motherfucker
Quite often, theres a few decks built around playing pure vanilla beaters
To all the dubfags ITT: Youre all niggers and you need to die. Fuck all of you. Get some taste.
Thats implying yugioh isnt better than it has ever been before. This year was particularly pleasant compared to the shit metas weve had, and Konami keeps rolling out delicious legacy support constantly for fan favorites.
Any format with link summoning is automatic garbage. The game has been 100% fucked for over 2 years now.
Chazz it up
okay retard
t. Pendulum brainlet
Fucking retarded ape niggers. Why do you enjoy eating shit so much?