i want to play multiplayer games but whenever people get mad at me and say mean things i start to cry
how can i overcome this
I want to play multiplayer games but whenever people get mad at me and say mean things i start to cry
Other urls found in this thread:
Become a masochist.
play better
Just play any multiplayer game ever badly and people will degrade you. Are new to this or what?
Report them for toxicity. Works every time.
mute them
just dont
Mute and block people. Works in just about every single multiplayer game.
jesus, what a faggot
you overcome it by letting me call you a nigger faggot every day until your skin thickens and you don’t care
you fucking nigger faggot
I have the opposite problem. I try and find people to get in shit fights with. But I get people who are too cool or friendly to argue.
Get some real life friends to play with. Or just play player games because guilds and shit are so gay
et beaten by your father to stop crying
Get used to it
find friends who are aware and ok with how bad you are at games
play with them instead
>he doesn't know that everyone you match with in """multiplayer games""" is a bot
Smoke some marijuana before
This image infuriates me, just leave the poor thing alone its trying its hardest.
What's that orange part supposed to be in that edit?
Quit being a bitch, faggot. You little shit bitch!
Stop playing team based competitive ranked games.
Cheeto dust
Sniffles is a good name for a kitten.
take hrt
Anyone know some good voice changers programs? Looking online they all seem sketchy as fuck
Any recommendations Yea Forumsros?
That image makes me laugh, but it also makes me want to cry a little
Kinda like this gif
someone please bully me
Nah I'm older - it's just I don't like my accent
I have a feeling that isn't the effect they're going for.
Hang yourself to drop your balls.
A voice changer isn't going to get rid of your accent. It's just going to make it come out in a different voice.
Become a cute boy and let me fuck your boy pussy.
Don't transition, it's a waste of your cuteness!
I'm genuinely fucking pissed off right now, I want to find the person responsible for this and break their hands with hammer
I have kind of a similar problem OP
>lose competitive game
>no one even insults me or does anything to antoginze me, and everyone is polite
>I call myself worthless garbage that deserves to die, and say that I'll never be good at the game no matter how much I practice and play.
Anyone else know this feel?
just go play another game for a while and take your mind off it
Fucking pathetic.
How do you manage to stay on Yea Forums?
i have at least some self-respect
Relax sperg
Become the best player.
I love shit talking in game and flaming the living shit out of people. Making people feel worse than I am is a wonderful feeling; releasing all the frustration.
There are moments when they fight back and it becomes an all out war of who can make the other give up first, sometimes with the help of witty comments.
If I am the one getting flamed because I play like shit, I will go out of my way to make them as mad as possible by feigning ignorance about my plays or going out of my way to play even more shit.
People reporting others for toxicity are faggots. The word itself has lost its meaning anyway.
Nice edit faggot.
some advanced bots if they go to college and smoke weed with you on the occasion just to eventually randomly match with you on a multiplayer game
although I suppose there's an obvious joke about being an npc and going to college, somewhere in here
Don't point any fingers, stay quiet and as long as you're trying to win, you did good. And this is coming from an user with multiple banned accounts on league.
You don't have the guts.
you keep going with it till it doesn't phase you any more, it's brain resistance training.
You'll never achieve anything, you're just like your father.
Nigger stfu and rope yourself, would you kindly? Not an ironic remark.
That time you made dinner and said it it was good? I lied.
Okay I'm cool now, my own cat apparently sensed my rage and decided to sit with me.
Play overwatch, it's a fucking hugbox now.
I want to fight people but when I do they hit me, what do?
It's not real lol
>i want to do X
>but i cant handle X
>so everyone in X community has to adapt to me and not the other way around
>if not ill cry and throw a tantrum
the ultimate state of our entitled society.. fuck you all faggots that ruin everything!
>Bed of Chaos
Play better, stop being a bitch.
>so everyone in X community has to adapt to me and not the other way around
He never asked anyone else to change. He literally said "how can I overcome this" you dense motherfucker.
Why do you care so much?
maybe not the best example, but dont act like this is not the common behaviour in current_year
I am highly offended nonetheless
Do you just look for reasons to bitch or something?
I thought it was a cap
This is Yea Forums.
You and me, for better or worse, are the same, my man.
It didn't used to be this way. Mods are actively fostering an outrage culture here. I swear mods are more prone to deleting semi-off-topic threads if anons are getting along and having a good time than if the off topic thread is political shitflinging
Why do these pictures make me feel bad? I've never been afraid of this situation, and its so over exaggerated that it shouldnt make me feel bad.
>how can i overcome this
Stop being a faggot.
If that's impossible, stick to singleplayer or play with bots exclusively. I suck at TF2, so I sometimes just unwind by playing with bots, you don't see me crying about it.
I love this image so much.
I stopped playing multiplayer games because I despise interacting with lesser races, like slavs and amerimutts
Why the cat sad :(
>have zero trouble talking in-game
>can barely converse with people in person
Over the fucking line user
Play video games with friends. I can be your friend user!
>Bro it up with people during the match, get along really well
>They send me a friend request
>Either never accept or do
>If they message me ignore them
Why do I do this?
Cause he has a faggot for an owner
what is wrong with kids today?
back in the day, you'd get called a n00b and told to kill yourself if you played like shit
and that was fine
it let us know that we needed to improve
so we took it, and carried on
but you kids today practically wet your pants when someone says something mean
and you immediately reach for the report button
what im trying to say is
get good, scrub
autism, definitely
You must be the biggest tranny faggot on Yea Forums
Person on the other end of that situation here, why the fuck won't you just play video games with me bro i thought we were cool
unironically this, after years on Yea Forums, words can't hurt me any more
Properly. I do it with everything, not just vidya. I'll make friends easily, but as soon as the thing that's keeping us together is over I pretty much ghost them.
Suck my dick gramps.
I'm sorry man I just can't do it. I have no idea why. Also in my defense I mainly play single player shit now, and have pretty much stopped using my mic when I play online.
I like to make people mad and troll them so they insult me, it feels good uwu
This is bait right? How does someone who comes to Yea Forums and plays vidya, cry when people say "Mean Things"? Just laugh and tell them to fuck off.
>People get mad at me
I'd get annoyed by people crying all the time to
looks like these gay memes came straight from a discord tranny server
CSGO and Overwatch are great games to troll in. Doesn't even take much effort either, even just playing poorly sets them off.
>teammates are trying to carefully strike a site
>this is it, this is my moment
>i run in front of my team into the obvious killzone and die almost immediately
>get to hear my team go ballistic over voice as I alt tab and check this thread
nothing wrong with discord you oldfarts need TO SHUT THE FUCK UP
I do the same thing. It's some mix of insecurity over reconnecting with people after a time gap, and total self-centered indifference towards others.
So yup it's autism.
stfu oldcuck
Also person on the other end of your situation, im just friendly and i didnt want to have to maintain a relationship with another person.
The other user is just autistic if he adds someone and refuses to talk to them though
If you don't like it, then leave our site. Only you, Yea Forums boomers, are making this stupid hate over discord and era. You "oldfags" are filled with hatred.
same OP, it's not even bad play, but people just being cunts right out the gate.
People laugh at my username, because I didn't pick some generic spastic shit, and then harass me to turn on my mic.
They're all stoners in their late 30s anyway, fucking losers, don't talk to them.
Discord is the best place to find people to play with. When was the last time Yea Forums played a non-fotm game together?
Never, because progress-hate "oldfag" groups here are enraged by existence of Discord.
all you discord trannies need to neck yourselves
every weekend there's dudes playing tf2 and left 4 dead
>everyone on discord expects you to be a hyper social butterfly with discord always open and ready to respond to messages
I disagree. If giving them all your attention isn't part of the plan it's bad
I stopped doing that after a while. Now I ignore the request for a day or two till they forget about it then refuse it.
you can be assured the shits in threads like these probably arent old enough to legally post and im sure these average the lowest age of most v threads
Why do you have to be a clown?
Oh looook!!!! It's another enraged "oldfag" who hates everything. You're so cool dude
>our site
lol fucking zoomers could never build up something like Yea Forums
Moot was 15.
why do I keep coming back to this shithole
well mostly to make all these discord tannies seethe , now that I think about it
user was so right 5 trannies had to let him know
but not a zoomer
hes also just a faggot
>tainting spirdo with your cancerous hostility
very un ebik
It's supposed to be hamtaro. It originated from a ham ham thread
>i-it was o-only 3 out o-of 4! s-s-see! I'm n-not a s-samef-fag!
why is it always this image
could you at least mix up the hair color and add more piercings/makeup? If you're gonna post a wojak at least take advantage of its template
Cool bald guy meme
>everything Yea Forums incels can do is just post one word per post and posting old memes
Is this really the almighty Yea Forums I've been told about? Like, the cradle of hatred and the most famous internet's hate machine? Lmao
>If I am the one getting flamed because I play like shit, I will go out of my way to make them as mad as possible by feigning ignorance about my plays or going out of my way to play even more shit.
as an 18 year old zoomer
you guys are cringe
Yea Forums?
>the almighty Yea Forums I've been told about
there are many things about this that I hate.
>cat literally pops out of existence before falling into the fiery pit
that's the really tragedy here, what happened to the kitty?
im done bumping you mentally ill freak's thread
hope you lot become part of the statistic
This place is truly pathetic but funny enough to stay.
it lost a life and respawned in a safer area because of spawn kill prevention
>discord trannies actually get mad and mass reply to this dude
That's everything 4channer can do LOL?
What the fuck is this comic trying to convey
Cool pedophile image, what else you do?
Not have to dilate the hole between my legs. LMAOOOO
Practice not feeling sad.
When you're about to feel sad, try not to.
kys discord tranny
that's how these users look like
you're alright for a nigger
that represents someone from GDQ
probably one of the most noticable places this shit started getting normalized
They don't know you, so it's never personal. They're just sad people who need to vent their frustration through vidya gaems.
>words can't hurt me any more
Hey user.
Spore. Diablo 3. Phoenix Point. Starbound. Bioshock Infinite. Dwarf Fortress. Pokemon Let's Go. AM2R.
That is discord's default text, but it might have been a shitposting server or alt-lite server.
>Dwarf Fortress
Like, I can somehow understand that this really was Internet's hate machine long time ago, but now it's just a clown joke. One word per post, frog images. My FB uni group can do a lot better than you all.
These people are want you all to "go back" lmao
>thread was slow and not too bad
>suddenly /pol/ and discord trannies enter the thread
I want all of you gone
Never mind, shills out themselves again.
I love how you cockroaches always crawl out of the woodwork whenever someone speaks out against transgender brainwashing.
Protip: Actual women do not try to dress and act "girly" in the comfort of their own homes. If you enjoy dressing and acting "girly" when you're alone, it's because you have low self esteem and you don't like yourself.
You invent a 2nd personality to get away from your main one. If you then turn tranny and make the 2nd personality your main one, you'll have nowhere left to run. The titty skittles make your mood swings worse.
Don't let a sexual fetish ruin your life. You can get help for low self esteem and anxiety, and learn to be happy with yourself.
i will kill every single discord tranny
no, lol, you can't troll people like your former Yea Forums ancestors just accept it
twitter images, frog images, template go back posts with some template words FUCKING ABSOLUTELY PATHETIC jesus christ
>user with downs posting twitter images wants me to go back
When the DNC pays you to get mad on the internet it's not even trolling, is it. I mean, you start mad.
Don't do this unless you're a homosexual. As a masochist, being berated by other men is all the more frustrating because I wish a girl was doing it.
cope harder
Imagine being so obsessed with trannies that you have to flood the thread which has nothing to do with them with faggy memes
user, we get it, you're a closet faggot. Just neck yourself, no need to make this place any gayer than it already is
play quake champagne
instead of angsty teenagers you will get wholesome boomers that helps out noobs
Have you tried getting a girlfriend?
At least get a waifu who can harass you.
Cope SUCCESS! [Rolled 18, needed 16]
>zoomers have been brainwashed by the trans memes
so much for genZyklon
Yeah, like, I'm really mad right now
I am glad this thread detonated and became infinitely more entertaining. Thanks also I am better than all of you.
Where did he say he wants you to go back in that post?
I want all of you gone. You have no interest in this site's culture or this board's topic, why are you even here? This battleground is a dust bowl, winning over the hearts of a few neets won't earn you anything.
Don't touch him, he's a fellow oldfag saving his imageboard with precious board culture via twitter image, he knows what's up.
by not being a colossal faggot
smells like poopoo
how about you play better, dipshit
But I don't want to go back? Mainly, what are you even gonna do if you want us to go back so hard? You have any plans to write an appeal towards moderation staff or even your local town hall about this dangerous tranny problem? Tell us your plans.
Or... you expect your unfavorite posters to leave via "go back" spell?...
>I, Benjamin Franklin so decree that Yea Forums weenies are cringe and trannies are based
mfw discord trannies have been successfully assblasted
all in a days work folks
someone who is now banned from all gdq events
I just don't get why either of you extremists are even here. What draws you to this place, you're all so full of hatred, the most I can imagine is you use this as a venting grounds. Why not try to be happy for a change? We used to joke that Yea Forums was always angry but you political people make that caricature look like a monk.
these are not anons, but some retarded mutants, protecting this site with foreign images from their favorite social media, with also using twitter slang
keep coping
Just do what I do in overwatch.
>Pick Lucio, even if the team yells at me to play someone else or we have another Lucio already
>Mute the team, no need for autistic callouts desu
>Put on your favorite music and maybe have a drink or two
It makes overwatch bearable.
Because I want to be here, it's easy. If you don't like, then leave it. This site is fully deserved it for what it did back in '16.
lol i dont keep up with it what happen
or like
dont i dont really give a shit
kill yourself
Why? Did he stop dilating?
Wow, now even TWO WORDS PER POSTS, what else you can do fellow 4channer? Based
trolled you enough to make this bootyblasted passive aggressive post you filthy tranny
why don't you go back to your fb group or better yet end your misguided life
I don't know, I like Yea Forums, simple as
discord trannies getting dabbed on ITT