
Attached: pudding.gif (499x428, 491K)

Other urls found in this thread:


excuse me sir it's 3am

5 pm and frankly, FUCK the subway when it rains

hello 4am bros

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how long has stu been making pudding?

To think I saw these threads 10 years ago...
It's unlikely the same person is making these threads. We're carrying on the tradition.

Imagine if that squash had a hole on the bottom haha wouldn't that be funny, it would be just big enough to fuck wowee did I just say that? Haha!

C’mon OP. I doubt anyone remember the times this was a thing.
I barely remember Puddi

Recommend me some good ass games for the PS2

Attached: !!e!T9pwB2M_$(KGrHqF,!lUEz+uJlu1zBNP2ob(DW!___1.jpg (186x266, 33K)

i hate what this website has become but i cant leave, im too used to posting anonymously and all the other chans are slow as shit

how long would you put it in the microwave?

I wish I was a rich neet



do it before it's too late
i promise you it will be too late sooner than later
please learn from my mistakes


well what do you like
there's a lot of ps2 games

I haven't been to Yea Forums in awhile, but all my online friends go to bed early now and I've been alone and bored for 6 hours, so I came here on a whim just to see if 4am threads are still made.

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they are they just dont last very long because jannies delete them
what genre nigger

Even without a thread I always find myself listening to this if I'm up at 4am.

my new small hobby is to write haiku that insults trannies, it's fun
unfortunately, only two that I wrote so far is satisfactory for me

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why is nobody else ever in the mountain timezone

any genre , i recently hacked my ps3 and i never had a ps2. I just started shaolin monks and it's pretty fun

I just wanted to say FUCK boomers

well there's this whole list
if any of these look interesting, look them up and see if you'd like them

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I wonder what boomer women want in a man.

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arthritis probably

Then show us, user
I want to see what you got
The mods will not mind

can confirm this, both parents finally dead, 0 contact with rest of family, unemployed and finally ran out of money this month
end of the line for me but i had some good times with you fuckers

get a fucking job

A tranny dilates.
Axe wound leaks yellow pus and
flies smell rotting crotch.

- fresh haiku

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>when it becomes "You're up early" in the same play session

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Damn dude this post is haunting as hell.

user let's be honest we would've gone to bed by now or around 12am if we were playing nearly any other game but Bloodstained really has that "one more thing to do before bed vibe" Right now the 8 bit overlord is refusing to drop his shard.

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rofl what show is this? XD

>when the wageslave life kicks in and reality feels like someone activated the 4x speed in an emulator while playing the most mundane jRPG ever made

I've been here for thirteen years.

Damn, if it were twelve years i'd question if you also came here to witness live the shitposting for Gundam Seed Destiny's last special edition episode

Nah, fuck that. Yea Forums's zoomers are the fucking worst, I don't want these dumbasses out in the wild. Stay here and rot you dumb fuckers, the place is already ruined anyway.

Nice reference

There isn't anything to change to. I just want to die.

it's 6 am. time for work. should i kill myself today or not?

Um, no. Just chill out after work and enjoy yourself

I love getting treated like a zoo attraction on my birthday by my drunk parents who know I hate alcohol and want to be left alone without doing anything special but blatantly ignore me even though I explicitly tell them to fuck off

I'm asexual and I don't get this.

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see you space cowboy

The only reason you're assexual is because you haven't taken a good look at ME

any 5 amers

>I skipped the gym again

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I can see why your parents drink.

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>still awake

failed again. cant even go to sleep before the sun comes up.

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because they're shit parents?

I don't see gio gio on that list

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That's a very insulting thing to say to asexuals

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God Hand
Silent Hill
Devil May Cry
Yakuza games
Zone of the Enders 2nd Runner

I think a clerk likes me but I literally don't know he, should I ask her out or am I just embarrassing myself?

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>unemployed for 6 months after temp job ended, no success with any interviews since
>running out of money
>21yr old KHV
I don’t know what the fuck to do, I’m an autistic schizo who can’t seem to catch a break

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>posting from my first day at new job while I wait for people I don't know to arrive.
Feels weird and bad dude