What can we do to stop this madlad?
Gaben, I don't feel so good
Other urls found in this thread:
how is he making it look so easy to destroy steam?
Gaben is an old man, I don't think he even cares.
Thank you for reviving piracy, Mr. Sweeney.
Memes aside is Tim Sweeney the most based man in the video game industry? Guy doesent give a fuck what people think
>playing pc games and not pirating everything
There is no excuse not to pirate when this launcher bullshit exists. It's turning into tv/movie streaming where there are a dozen options but the best option is to pirate.Nobody wants 10 different game launchers installed on their pc.
just keep ignoring him. He's already desperate as fuck
So in order to play the games I like I now need to install:
>epic games
Yeah no thank god piracy exists.
>About half
Yeah with indie-studios. But not with Metrodevs for example.
based, meanwhile gaben the fat jew chases trends and trannies lmao
>steam os
>steam box
>steam controller
literally reinventing a bike, failed
>dota autochess ripoff
MASSIVE failure
>valve VR
overpriced gabrage with no exclusives. sony VR is the highest selling VR kit right now with ACTUAL exclusives
>censors anime titties because some tranny dyke at valve got triggered
>hired firewatch devs - notorious sjws and cucks
I pirate because of steam so...
Yeah no thank pirates piracy exists.
Fuck tim jerkoffy. Fuck Epic.
he caught steam slippin
he gonna pull out his duece duece and knock gabes wig back.
I don't blame you steam is a piece of shit sometimes. I miss buying pc games in store on a disk and not a goddamn code.
That's it I'm filtering Epic Games
He's strong arming the industry to use the Unreal engine but he won't say it so he gaslight like the faggot he is. That's all.
>willingly giving your information to the chinese
Most games will come out on Steam or Microsoft store eventually. So no need to use Epic games launcher and back people trying to divide the gaming community by creating exclusives.
Is this a bot?
by buying his own games.
>Epic games is paying devs to put their games on their store so you don't have to feel bad when you pirate them.
Based Sweeney.
This actually, fuck Valve.
if you use literally any gadget,tech or pc you're being spied on by NSA,CIA,FSB,China and north korea, possibly even Iran
>16 million paying customers
there is now 1 billion+ paying customers thanks to chinks
The chinks already hacked my email once and I never gave them any info as far as I know. The chinks are gonna own the world soon. They already own the website you are currently shitposting on known as 4chink.
Great more games to pirate.
pretty obvious yeah. Theres no reason to go epic exclusive until epic is fronting the bill
>developers and publishers are now bowing down to their chink overlords
It's over gaming is finished.
What's with the piracy shit, you could always do it with steam
is it just valve fans refusing to buy games that isn't on steam?
There's nothing wrong with using his own money to fund games.
The slimy shit was getting games kickstarter-backed. If anything it means developers now understand no one is going to give money to them anymore since the fucks will just go and take a chink bribe for exclusivity, and you would have to be a completely stupid chump to give them free money so they can get free money.
Since this is probably the shill from last night, i'll try to dump the next chapter of Domestic Terrorist Grandpa.
They will spy on you regardless. The chinks can't unless you do it willingly.
It's the gooks that own this mongolian steppe hoard board
why is the steam monopoly so threatened over this guy?
All this shit reminds me of how steam was seen in the beginning and over time, when more and more games came out on it and people had to use it, it got accepted.
>being worried about personal information
>not being worried about a Chinese botnet operated by a company that helps China crack down on thought crime
Its like you don't even remember Origin exists.
>pretty obvious yeah. Theres no reason to go epic exclusive until epic is fronting the bill
Sadly they can keep doing that for a good while.
Thank the zoomers and chinese.
Use GoG, their launcher is optional
>Valve could've released Source 2
>would be in direct competition to UE 4 to what is the better and more user friendly engine
>keep it locked up and only use it for a card game and autochess
It's their own fault to drop the ball this fucking hard.
This, people think epic is big because of fortnite but in reality is because unreal engine is the most used engine on the market
Live action movie was GOOD
Even though Sato there wasn't a grandpa, the actor nailed the role even down to little mannerisms which I imagined while reading the manga
Yeah no shit hence the 4chink.
not to mention 90% of all devs know how to work with unreal engine
you're a fucking idiot my man
the fact that image exists proves steam cares greatly about epic games
It's all from Fortnite. AAA games use their own engine.
All features Steam has are obsolete or replaced by other new services
Communities are now in discords or reddit or facebook
Steamfags maybe, its not like valve made the image
Why are Steam cultists so desperate to kick the boot? Can any of them even articulate an argument beyond >muh profits to china instead of obese old man
this is sad. Valce drones literally cant even make up an argument let alone a convincing one. Literally just >muh brand loyalty
meant to write steam fans, valve doesent give a fuck about this all with the amount of money they make
>implying i use Origin
Been a while since i was last on that platform
many valve fans confirmed to be trannies, furries and pedophiles.
no argument, tim
the fact epic fans done make these kind of childish images just proves how mature epic fans are and how the epic games store is the superior choice
Somebody post the antichink pasta
every community has some of those
I the lines between selling your product and damage control have blurred so hard I think I have astigmatism now.
>post count didn't go up
i guess you can say steam, is running out of..steam.
some not 99% like valve, all normal people moved on to gog and consoles
How can you blame epic, best way to compete with other stores is to have something exclusive, what better than exclusive games?
Reason steam is so big is because they were the exclusive online store for super long time
>No reviews
>No voice chat
>No community forums
>No workshop
>No screenshot sharing
>No wishlist
>No game tags
>No shopping cart
>No discovery queue
>No one-click online streaming
>No h-games
>No music category
>No software category
>No video category
>No linux support
>No mac support
>No regional pricing
>No payment option variety
>No marketplace
>No trading cards
>No trading
>No user profile customization
>No achievements
>No controller support
>No family sharing
>No overlay with browser
>No client skinning support
>No controller-friendly mode
>No local network gameplay streaming
>No cloud saves
>No backup feature
>No adding third party games to your list
>No third party key registration
>No new features since I made this pasta
>No rebuttal to half of the things on this list
>No replies to shitposters saying "but I don't need it!!!"
>No reason to use Epic Store
This is a good thing, I just want to play games, not be showered with some trash social media features
Looks like he at least supports our G2Abros.
all these features are bad and only invite trannies.
>all of that steam
>has discord installed
The only way Epic can circumvent publishers and deal with developers directly is if Epic becomes the publisher.
The only things I'd want is cloud saves and workshop
rest is garbage, useless since the internet exists or is just made so valve can make even more money (marketplace and trading cards)
Holy shit. I haven't heard the word Origin for about 3 years I think. It blows my mind.
He flat out admitted that GOG is doing a better job at competing than the Epic Game Store is. So he should just quit.
Sweeney is worth 7 billion dollars, he doesn't have to give a fuck what anyone thinks.
>Tim Weenie still obsessed with Steam
Does he not realize that Steam recognizes piracy as the ultimate competition to the Steam store? All of these irrelevant launchers just means a couple games don't go directly through their store while that majority still do
Thanks for the games Tim!
not to mention Tim can get out of chair without outside help lmao. he also capable of running and jumping
he wont
Gog Galaxy will at least centralize your gaming library. I just hope to god it has native controller support on par with Steam, because otherwhise I'm just gonna have to keep linking the executables of games from other launchers to steam to get my DS4 to work.
>97 replies
>37 posters
literally one or two guys replying to themselves
The only reason someone would use something over steam is if it has something exclusive, and what better having games exclusively free?
GoG has drm free + bunch of old games that are only available on GoG,
epic need to step up their game
Its that one dumbass shilliing his shit comic.
shitposting addiction user, there is nothing we can do to save these people
keyword >look
Valve is doing just fine. I'm not a Valve fanboi by any means but it's delusional to think otherwise.
Mixed the pages, this one goes before.
Haha, Gaben is so fat, You'd definitiely never suck his dick or let him fuck you. Tim Sweeney, on the other hand, seems to be more to your liking.
He seems to think that the egs and gog operate on the same basis against steams "monopoly".
>I don't blame you steam is a piece of shit sometimes.
What times? What other launcher lets you hook up a PS4, Xbone, or Switch Pro controller and they just werk for any game?
And it's done. Tune in tomorrow night if the shill returns to see what Grandpa pulls out of his ass to escape this situation. Or maybe not, did anyone actually read these?
wrong, the posters count only increased by 3 since around 50 replies, aside from the manga dude, its LITERALLY one guy having a conversation with himself
That tweet sounds nice and all, but how many partnerships does egs have in the first place?
>epic need to step up their game
The thing is that they decided to go full retard and instead of investing money in devs, they tried buying out exclusivity deals that would last a year at most
So now anyone who doesn't want to wait will just pirate them, especially since Epic bought hundreds of thousands of copies for them, so no reason to feel bad
>Grandpa pulls out of his ass to escape this situation
probably some stupid I ded shit
Consumers are forced onto another platform losing a ton of functions. I dont care much for Steam but Epic is a poor substitute. Our libraries are also on there. Epic have not delivered according to their roadmap. For consumers its bad. No matter what the shills say.
Post that tweet where he claims GoG has a 30% market share. How can a man, who knows that a store has a large market share, claim that another store is a monopoly?
What the fuck with with all the Aijin spam recently? Stop it, it's off topic.
More interesting than the textual antman vomit.
why are you guys so afraid of the chinese?
they are literally the borg from star trek. just assimilate and be happy
tranny detected. go dilate tranny
I don't get it
why is the grampa a terrorist
why does he not die
why do they have to keep shooting him, why can't they just crush him or dunk him in lava or wrap him up in something
Can you briefly explain why grandpa is apparently immortal?
Sorry, I didn't realize it was offending anyone. I only just dumped a chapter last night in OP's shill thread. I'll stop it.
I just wanted to share a cool manga since it's ending this year and I would like if it got more recognition.
if so why so many journos and trannies support epic chink store?
Gabe Newell 纽厄尔加布 Valve Software 阀门软件 Steam 蒸汽 Half-Life
半衰期 Gordon Freeman 弗里曼戈登 1998 Black Mesa Incident 1998年黑色台面事件 Seven Hour War 七小时的战争 Resistance 抵抗性 Red Letter Day 大喜的日子 City 17 uprising 城市17起义 Lambda 拉姆达 Index 指数
Because all of the "big bad white gamer men" are on Steam, which also allows hentai games.
because they have been assimilated
when you're China's bigest corporation's cocksleeve it's easy.
He was born that way.
He literally can't fucking die.
He's a terrorist because he and his people want to fight for their freedom though he's really in it to fuck everything up like the little shit he is.
Black Mesa Incident was a CIA coup attempt
Valves inability to do anything at all against the growing pressure from timmyboy.
I only see trannies SEETHING about epic right here on this very site
based and redpilled my good chink
cope harder, chink slave, trannies, tranny devs, tranny journos love epic chink store
1 in a million chance for someone to die and come back as an immortal. They haven't explained anything at all because nobody understands it and the closest someone got was figuring out the particles they shed when they revive. I doubt the origin will ever get revealed since the manga is so grounded in reality, as in no fantasy stuff. The closest thing to that are the ghosts immortals can summon.
>got out of the PC market because of piracy
>"oh shit Valve is making money hand over fist, we better get back into the PC market with our own store so we can make assloads of money too!"
>singlehandedly revives piracy
It's too bad for me that I've forgotten everything I ever knew about finding games on the Internet and don't trust any of the releases I come across anyway.
whoops meant for
he comes off as unhinged on twitter. i guess thats technically based
you forgot uplay
>purchases of Ubisoft games on Epic are recognized on Uplay
B-but, T-tim-chan, steam games are also recognized on uplay. Please not bully!
giving back unlike fat fuck steam
I wonder who this -ONE- (1!) Epic shill feels that nobody is agreeing with him
>summer arrives and the epic threads come back
Not even if the entire epic store games was free I would install your chinese malware client
If they had just funded games from the start rather than buying exclusivity after they were finished, no one would be upset. You couldn't pay me to use their service now though. I actually had an account from when I got the free copy of Shadow Complex but I'm not giving money to a store that treats the customer this shittily.
Did Ebin get any new exclusives recently? Lately I only hear about it from Tim's meltdowns on twitter being reposted here by his fellow insectoids. Did he run out of money and now that's the only way for Tim to stay relevant?
Didn’t know what the fuck this was but it looked pretty neat
Thanks user
Valve has not said ONE (1) thing about Epic since it was announced. Steam is living inside epicucks head rent free.
people are saying that since the devs get paid on epic before hand theres not reason to buy games
Wow you have to double click on an icon.
You know in the old times you actually had to lift your ass, find the cd, put it in, lift your ass again to put it away, occasionally look for a cd which isn't in it's own box, get big fucking cd racks, etc etc.
Now people are crying about having to install a 100mb launcher once, and occasionally double click it if they want to play with their game.
Wtf I love Tim now?
You think Sweeney waits endlessly for a call from Gaben? His secretary has probably been ordered to not book anything for him in case someone from Valve calls at that time.
In order to pirate you need to install:
>DT lite
No thank you, installing things is such a tedious task
Shenmue 3 was their last one and it caused even more anger than probably all the previous ones combined since its the most well funded game Kickstarter ever and yet they sold all their backers to Epic as users with disposable income to spare. No one likes these exclusivity deals in the first place but it's especially despicable from a crowdfunded project that should be first and foremost trying to please the people that gave you their money with no strings attached. I'm pretty sure Epic has singlehandedly destroyed crowdfunding for games. Bunch of motherfuckers, a lot of my favorite games of recent years have been crowdfunded.
Windows File Explorer centralizes my gaming library. Why do you need to be spoonfed everything with bloatware?
>inb4 windows is the bloatware
>low hanging fruit, kiddo
>saving thumbnails
actually kys
whats wrong with utorrent, satania-poster?
And that's why they started censoring reviews, have a bunch of key "journalists" on their payroll and started changing publishing contracts so that 12% cannot result in lower prices for the consumers.
Version 2.1 is ancient and everything after 2.1 is ad-ridden spyware. Using it will actually get you banned on a number of private trackers.
>in 2013 + 6
>not having 7Zip installed already just for downloads off the web
>morons still using DT when Windows has a built-in mounting feature
Do you even need to mount shit nowadays? Whenever I pirate something it works fine if I just unpack the ISO and run it locally.
You need to mount stuff if you want to emulate PC Engine CD games.
some japanese porn games don't like it when you do that, or maybe I'm just retarded
>unpack the ISO
Most games need to be mounted before they can run the setup installer. It’s usually only indies or smaller games which run out of the box.
The funniest part about all this is that he keeps posting tweets like an idiot while valve doesn't even acknowledge the existence of his store
>he doesn't get an erection when WinRAR-chan asks him for the millionth time to buy her license
I will never forgive fortnite kids and their parents for funding this mess.
Kind of impressive how obvious it is that a lot of these posts are the same 1 or 2 people just trying to bait a discussion.
>because one person on the internet made this image that means a multi-billion dollar company and all its users care about this thing immensely
>actually defending any corporations instead of defending your own rights.
The state of modern society is depressing.
Literally the last game I played that needed me to mount it was Discipline.
You ever bought a game powered by unreal ? oh wait you are a retarded valve drone
>playing Blizzard games
>playing EA games
Fucking embarrassing, kys
Used ONCE to complete the download, doesn't have to be started every time xou want to play the game nor does it need a login.
See the yTorrent comment.
Many scene releases have an inbuilt installer or see the yTorrent/winrar comment.
You are actually a fucking tech illiterate. No wonder you take corporate dick up your ass all day long.
>taking a sarcastic shitpost seriously
wew lad
Why are Steam drones the most annoying Yea Forums posters?
It's amazing how Epic can create something as good as Unreal Engine yet a fucking shopping cart for their shit tier storefront is completely beyond them.
Maybe game engines and web stores are different...
All these are ironic aren't they
All the good IPs belong to publishers, not developers
He's just an autistic retard not an above it all genius
Fuck epic games and this weasel motherfucker. Anyone who has to literally pay to have games put on their shitty game launcher proves just how shitty and anti consumer it really is.
>lol look at this steam shill
This is what I don't get with Epic fags. Just because I shit on them all day they assume I must fucking love steam and its god awful sales. They are literally obsessed
Do you really need to share everything he posts?
Who the fuck needs shopping cards anyway
reviews aren't censored retard, they just added more filters so you can filter out butt ravaged retards from leaving bad reviews that have nothing to do with the game they are 'reviewing'
he's just back to fulfill his prophecy
there's a difference between lacking self awareness and not giving a fuck
Can we have actual Epic news threads again that doesn't revolve around Tim's twitter?
Where are all the new exclusivity announcements?
People that don't want their account suspended for false assumptions of fraud.
>people shilling for epic for FREE
Read the OP you tard.
They're funding a lot of new game endeavors so expect a mass announcement of indies exclusive to epic soon.
Shake in your boots drone.
even assuming this post was serious why do you think we'll get announcements just one month after E3 and 1.5 months before Gamescom
>implying I care
>fag making it about gay shit
every time
Yes, that's the shill's job.
Because the threads have gotten boring ass fuck. At least a month or two ago we had rapidfire new shit every week to shitfling. Now we're just scrounging Timmy's twitter.
I am greatly enjoying how EGS is already irrelevant and only mentioned ironically in threads like this one.
>Bugs and bloat are impossible
He doesn't know hahahaa
Can't break features when there are no features :^)
Who cares? E3 was their big fucking break.
And look what "BIG" exclusives they announced Chivalry 2, Shenmue 3 which EVERYBODY got mad at, some chink game, and other literal whos.
And their fucking pettiness about Terraria.
>Shenmue 3 which EVERYBODY got mad at
I saw it coming after metro exodus because of deep silver, no refund is a dick move though
I worry they actually have Bandai Namco games now, the threads will become a wildfire if they actually have other japanese games
>Chivalry 2, Shenmue 3 which EVERYBODY got mad at, some chink game, and other literal whos.
When you put it that way the PC conference really was a complete wash for Epic.
Remember when we were all memeing that they were going to announce Bloodborne for the EGS? Good times.
>he hasnt pirated WinRAR
its just one faggot spamming his comics
last threadd he was crying about how the mods are''steamdrones'' for deleting his shitposting
Reddit the meme
My torrent client is ready
>It's too bad for me that I've forgotten everything I ever knew about finding games on the Internet and don't trust any of the releases I come across anyway.
deluge, torrents dot io
just dont be a stupid faggot
The only Bamco games they have are like the western ones where the devs themselves made the deal and not jap Bamco. Like what was it again? Twin Mirror I think? By the Life is Strange devs. Meanwhile shit like Code Vein is pretty much confirmed on Steam.
Don't forget that Steam actually caters hard to the weird ass payment methods the nips use. And the nips are hardheaded cunts when it comes to adopting new shit. Once they find something that works more often than not they'll just stick with it.
>japan still uses fax machines
Can't make this up.
i see a lot of chinks in this thread..
Also, it was just a single western game. RAD,The Dark Pictures and Jumanji game are all coming to Steam and they are not jap made.
Shopping cart.
Is Fortnite still big in Japan?
personally I hope they only mean they're going on other shit like MS Store but the logo on Digimon is too similar to Epic's own logo
with how much some japanese companies want to go for the western market (remember Jump Force reveal?) I won't be surprised if they are considering Epic's offer
If its that easy to get away with fraud in this country then China deserves to own our gweilo asses.
to be fair, most launchers update, so everytime you want to run some random game, you must update that launcher, which can offput people if they have 10 different launchers in which they don't use frequently.
which in turn, leads to piracy to get away from all that bullshit
Why would they want to make their games exclusive to a store that doesn't even allow their nip customer base to use that silly gift card payment method Steam allows?
Trust me lad. Steam is penetrating that emerging japenese PC market hard. 2chan and 5ch now have like daily steam threads and that was something I couldn't have imagined years ago. Almost all the virtual yuuchuba let's players always reference Steam when playing PC games. The nips have seen the success Capcom has had on Steam. And Code Vein also had its trailer logo keep changing from Steam -> PC -> Steam -> PC until it finally settled on Steam.
When will Tim Sweaty realize that he can't compete with MS/Valve?
>purchases of unisoft games are recognized on uplay
That’s because Ubisoft has mandates uplay for all of its games not some kind of benevolent partnership.
Oh and the Tales trailer most definitely has the Steam logo.
Why would I stop him, he's paying for all the games I pirate.
Can someone actually explain what is the problem with having multiple launchers?
I play BF4 trough Origin, Rising Storm 2 trough steam, Diablo on battlenet etc and I have 0 issues launching games while the launcers starts in background and then I just exit the launcher when I'm done.
Ovagames, don't even need to bother with torrents
I don't think people have a problem with having multiple launchers, well some definitely do, they just don't like Epic.
I don't want to make multiple accounts, pirating is just easier. Never bought an ea or ubi game that required their dogshit DRM.
good points, I don't want to see it happen either, but have you actually seen someone complaining that they can't use their preferred payment method on EGS? just curious, I figured there had to be some people getting screwed over by now
>Not using qbittorrent
>tiktok steam gaming
>Not Gears of War 5 but just Gears 5
Its annoying constantly to have to download launchers for games. I personally have;
>WarThunders launcher
>MWO's launcher
>Epics launcher
Thats all to play the games I like to play, I wish it was more consolidated and also launchers didnt launch without my permission and start background downloading
Iron Rain is on UE4, just saying
there's going to be so much shitposting if Iron Rain somehow gets on EGS when 5 is on Steam
he looks like a ai face gen mishap
Nah. Probably because barely any nip, or Indian for that matter, uses EGS anyways. Don't forget that Epic isn't really competing with Steam. They think they are but ever since their explosive growth Steam has almost always only competed with pirates and accessibility.
Mate do you know how many fucking japanese games are on UE4?
that's why I'm worried about Epic actually being able to grab Japanese games on UE4, and that was a shitpost anyways
I thought that the japanese would have a little interest in borderlands 3 though at least, or are they still playing on consoles?
>Growth steam
What are you ? You fucking shilling subhuman
You know, if timmy started his exclusivity bullshit with the games that he gave grants to, there would be nowhere near the amount of distaste for his chink spyware vessel. Now there's a large group of pissed off people that's going to pirate whatever he puts up.
Everything about this store sounds like timmy tencent wanted a 20th Lamborghini one day and then realized that fortnite was slowly dying, so he picked up 5 illegal poos soliciting work on the sidewalk of Google HQ that shat out something just functional enough that they wouldn't get sued for leaking credit card information
Code Vein and Octopath are both going to steam and are both ue4. Don't worry about it too much.
>over half
Cool, half of what? They seem pretty shy about releasing solid numbers for things.
the japanese will get confused and ask if epic is on steam
Launchbox exist, you know?
When the Fortnite money runs dry and they can't afford these retarded deals anymore. Even if they'll have a momentary lapse of popularity, people will slowly stop using it because it simply has less features than Steam. He can make stupid statements all he wants, if he doesn't start catering to consumers EGS will flop eventually.
How are you people shilling for epic like their the underdog? They basically dominated the whole 360/ps3 generation with the unreal engine and now they have fortnite.
They are literally following in valves footsteps, it's the same shit different flavor.
lmao who cares about Fortnite?
They bagged Dauntless and Rocket League. When Fortnite dies the zoom zooms will hope on to those games and that's basically another half decade for the EGS.
Cope steamdrone.
CDs are your games. Launchers are licenses and a way for developers/publishers to fuck you over. I don't want any of them, let alone more than one.
Otherwise I pirate. Deal with it, it's not my problem.
Yes china is a bad country to make it as simple as possible china is bad.
Codex is dead
Baldman is dead
CPY is dead
Voksi is dead
No news games being "cracked". You'll buy them soon.
Does the EGS have any DRM similar to Steamworks? Are there games you can buy through there and then copy elsewhere and still run them without EGS?
the lenses in his glasses are so fucking strong you can see the side of his head in them but also see the side of his head normally. without them his eyes would be way bigger and he might look like a normal human
>almost thought the dev's picture was a bogdanoff
Hiring Devs to make games exclusive to Epic isn't wrong and cannot be faulted.
Paying Devs to last second switch from Steam after its already been up for Pre-sale on Steam is just greasy.
I just won't play em.
Based Vince, can't wait for Colony Ship.
what the fuck
how was this not a huge controversy? the level of deceit jews will go to is astounding.
Whenever something looks too good to be true, it probably is.
no games have even released since Sekiro that anyone would want to play. why are you saying they're dead?
>CDs are your games.
No, CDs are your installer and in some cases DRM if it's required to play the game
>PC gaming
>morons still using DT when Windows has a built-in mounting feature
it... it does?
No, there is no Steamworks-like DRM on EGS.
Still waiting for Rondo Kino.
I wish Steam didn't have rogue valve members that kept flip flopping on what they allowed. The moment they bring back c*nny and Rance then it's gold.
this is fake, right?
there is no way that porn with the sunflower girl in the bottom right is on steam
Some time ago I tried using it to play some ancient game and it didn't work for some reason.
It's not so much rogue employees, but a very, very conservative interpretation of state law. An interpretation that not even nutaku makes when dealing with the loli-hating canadian government
No one wants to play: F1 2019, Octopath, TW3K, Heavy Rain, Anno 1800
Is that what you're saying, guy
I'd agree with Heavy Rain
Why wouldn't it be? It's Steam.
I'd rather stop playing games, than giving my money to chinese dogs and their Tim "cocksleeve" Sweeney
Epic are going to send so much cash DENUVO's way that their store will be pirate proof and all the publishers will go there.
Tick tock drones.
>>DT lite
Windows 10
>suggests MS store which literally divides the "gaming community" & locks your game files away
Starting with a "The Fact That" proves you're copeness
Codex isn't dead they released battlefront 2 and another denuvo game last month
Whats the best client atm?
Thanks for the games, Tim!
>when you're China's bigest corporation's cocksleeve it's easy.
always hilarious to read that Valve is somehow not a Chinese cock sleeve.
>Whats the best client atm?
If that's the standard of being "based", then that honor would go to Bobby Kotick.
Dauntless is already dead. Rocket League is dying.
How much of Valve is owned by China?
Ok retard. Good to know you conceded the argument before it even began.
>be wrong
>lol i win
All of it.
you can't PR your way out of shitty business practices tim
your launcher is garbage
You don't even know what a CD is, you braindead fucker. Where do you think the 'installer' gets the files from? I'm done.
What the fuck are you even babbling about you illiterate retard
gimme the fucking money, tim
prove it
disney bought out theaters for captain marvel and they also created the race bait bullshit with the new ariel for marketing purposes, this is par for the course dude
actually it's because of unlimited funding by the chinese
>created the race bait bullshit with the new ariel for marketing purposes
Now I don't want to see it. How this gonna work?
James and Wraith King sends their regards cinkben (pic related is chink slayer Tim aka slays chinks with chink money)
KuKu incident.
I think it’s more so that nobody asked for, or I assume wanted, a Little Mermaid remake and that’s the only way they could get people to care it exists.
>all these faggots pretending that the vast majority of people will even think of pirating
This is the same shit as when Steam started, people hated it and said they'd pirate instead, look at how that turned out. Most of you wouldn't know since you didn't start playing videogames before 2010.
Nice try, but I know all of those doujin covers.
Sweeney is a slimy rat, I don't believe anything he says anymore.
>16 million paying customers
Nigger, what the fuck?
utorrent is fine, tho i hate the ads
Are you serious? Fuck off.
you're missing a LOT of them.
uPlay, riot games launcher, hi-rez launcher, bethesda net launcher, piranha games launcher, etc.
microsoft store / xbox shit
o yea gaben is shaking in his billionaire boots
this smug remote control eating dog looks like a child molester
So why are Epicdrones now suddenly taking the Goldface approach and acting like they're the biggest Chads on the PC market? Is it because just like the Snoyboys, they have no actual arguments to back their superiorty up, so they start spamming goldface edits and crying Steam wojaks to falseflag that the Steamchads actually give a shit about this pathetic crap?
Right-click an .iso, "Mount" should be the first option.
G-Guys, what if Epic Store actually puts a substantial enough dent in Steams' market share/profitability that Gaben is forced to act?
Maybe he might pull a trick, a trump card hes been holding for so many years, just to get massive public support for Valve and thus Steam
I know its fake but it makes me extremely impatient for new sindoll stuff
This is actually reason TO use epic over steam. Fuck all of this shit.
Do you want HL3 to be made by the same company that in recently shat out Artifact and Auto-Chess ripoff for zoomers?
Given his tactic is trying to bully Steam into lowering its cut into the red, probably not.
Epic has had months for its strategies to make any impact on Steam, and not only has Gabe not even dignified them with a response, the developers themselves have got wise to how poor a long term strategy it is.
You can be damn sure if HL3 ever gets announced and released it'll be legendary or at least good, because if it isn't it will destroy Valve's credibility
But Steam is what got me to stop pirating in the first place. I'll just go back to pirating if Epic takes down Steam because Epic provides 0% of the convenience Steam provides.
>Ebic pays for the right to use game on data harvesting app
>Now i have to pay ebic to play game
>Instead of giving ebic money and personal info I just torrent gaem
>"b-b-but thats stealing"
>tfw copying is not theft
>tfw even if it was ebic was kind enough to pay for my copy anyway
Thanks ebic
How about companies selling your account info to marketing companies and having garbage security? My twitch, uplay and epic account all got successful login attempts from china and Malaysia. My paypal, steam and microsoft account are untouched.
Half-Life is a terrible series.
what a retard, of course you are a paypiggy
Yes. And I say that current Valve is not capable of making HL3 that would be legendary or at least good. They know this as well and hence they haven't made it.
Literally the opposite, he gives too much of a fuck, remember his awkward attempt to put Steam in a bad light by complaining about Epic exclusives not having Steam keys?
>I-it's not my fault for fueling exclusivity wars, it's Steam that's hurting the consumers by not selling my games for me!
He tweets 24/7 about how cool the Epic store is and how they're saving gaming and devs, he's clearly very interested in what people think of him
The only one who made an auto-chess ripoff is Riot.
Valve actually has the devs blessings.
Dont fall for his lies.
If you just fix the fucking store I wouldn’t even care
>Handball 17 on the Epic Store
>>DT lite
Get with the fucking time, gramps.
i hope this is bait
As in Epic user count means nothing because it's 99% Fortnite players.
As a rip-off I mean that Valve is creatively bankrupt and can't create anything interesting without parroting other devs.
How cute how much mental gymnastics you had to do to present good features as bad and lack of said features as good.
Bloat bad.
Please ignore the roadmap.
Delete this.
Thanks for proving which website you're from, but that still doesn't make the guy's arguments wrong.
Have sex.
How big are the chances that he just is an elaborate troll? I mean i would do it if i had his cash
I for one hope he keeps on doing it.
More free games for me.
And of course:
>no argument
>all the steam shills scared out of their minds
If they had a trump card he would've pulled it a month ago at E3. All we got was garbage nostalgia kikestarter crap, a dev lying about his stance and plans on exclusivity, and series that's no longer relevant March all announced as exclusives. His trump card is a dog turd
Thank you Epic, I don't ever have to pay for anything on your store because you subsidize me
>all the epic shills deluded out of their minds
Someone send me an SMS text message when I can go to Walmart and buy pre-paid Epic cards like I can for literally every other digital storefront.
have sex
why would I care that developers take a bigger cut on one store? make the games $55 and maybe I'll switch
Valve got fat and lazy. They did it to themselves.
Please explain
>be Tim Sweeney
>host PC Gaming Show on E3
>most of the games announced are in fact available on Steam
>some developers talk about how they and everybody else love steam
>crowd applauds
Is there a bigger cuck in the video game industry than Tim?
>supporting devs instead of dealing with publishers
They said hitler was the bad guy also
Reminder that Gabe has been doing the same thing for years... but it's not to buy anyone's exclusivity. He's literally just helping devs in a direct manner with no strings attached.
Sorry, Tim. Looks like your the dick. Again.
>You've been visited by Tim "put it on my tab" Sweeney. Free games and fast torrent speed will come to you but only if you reply "Tim's got me covered"
In his wsj article his neighbors thought he made his money selling drugs and prostituting.
You literally can unpack iso with any archiver ti the directory and run installer directly, the fuck are you talking about?
who else is selling their steam account and going all Epic?
ixirc. thank me later
>Not using GOG
>Sorry, Tim. Looks like your the dick
When was he not a dick?
This. GOG being Polish and against the eastern menace are far more superior.
It's like watching Rome fall. It's beautiful.
Tim is an absolute retard who fumbled his way into mild success
Threadly reminder that the reason Epic doesn't have a shopping cart is symbolic, it's to increase the perceived value of single purchases, rather than throwing everything into a pile.
This is so fucking stupid, just because you can guy it elsewhere, doesn't mean it's not a monopoly.
>just because you can buy it elsewhere doesn't mean it's not a monopoly
You what?
A monopoly (from Greek μόνος, mónos, 'single, alone' and πωλεῖν, pōleîn, 'to sell') exists when a specific person or enterprise is the only supplier of a particular commodity
there's still no option to pay and play it without steam though, which is ultimately what makes it a monopoly.
Do you even know what monopoly means?
That's not what a monopoly is. Steam is the DRM.
Don't you have a Holy Grail War to fight, Shirou?
want to move the goalposts a little further?
>tfw we finally get to see Steam die and laugh at the autists who supported it as they lose their games
Let us know when that happens.
>got posted in Januari 2019
>still no search function
>being the market leader is a monopoly
>some developers talk about how they and everybody else love steam
The best part is that those guys were the ones who took Epic's money for Journey. I guess the Tencent money wasn't as good as they thought.
There was also the Terraria trailer getting cut without any acknowledgment, probably because the devs shittalked Epic.
>just copied steams features into excel with no actual effort to work on it
>refunds and gifting is likely never actually going to happen
Really can't make this shit up.
You know, I don't mean then with any bias at all towards Steam or Epic. But Tim Sweeney just looks like an untrustworthy shit-eating sniveling little child rapist. I mean, just look at his picture. You can tell you shouldn't trust him just from looking at him. He doesn't even look like one of those cool, charismatic kiddie diddlers from 'To Catch A Predator'. He looks like a straight up creep and weirdo. I bet he has Yea Forums bookmarked in whatever the Chinese equivalent of Microsoft Edge is.
Why are you posting this?
>when you're so behind development that your entire storefront is in Early Access
Nice platforms, lot of variety there.
He is so fucking based. Unironically. Not even Trump would be this shameless.
How long until they say that Unreal Engine games can only be published on Epic Games Store?
This, I wanna give Tim a lot of money simply because he's such an incredibly charismatic person
Hey guys I heard a Chinese company lurks in these threads, really good at moving pic related?
I need this moved for my school but i have a bad back so I'm willing to pay well for their services.
Smooth brain.
>he says when he posted a screenshot where the majority of the keys are from steam
It even says it in your own (old) screenshot that it's out.
yeah but shit like tales of arise is looking like its going to epic instead
But Tim himself said that GOG is 30% of the market, so its not that bad.
>are mostly games near completion
in other words they are already scraping the bottom of the barrel with indie early access shit
Have you seen Trump? user was commenting on his shameless ruthlessness, which can be a good trait for a business leader to have.
How is a free market of competition not a good thing for consumers? Just don't use Epic if you don't like it. Pirate stuff until it comes out on your launcher of choice.
Is that Belle Delphine without pink hair?
He's the Baghdad Bob of video games.
They are giving partial refunds now, so at least the backers can get their money for the copies back. I'm still pirating Shenmue 3 though.
I could make valve look incompetent if I was fortnite rich
>Gears 5
>"This can't be real"
>Check steam
>It's real
Because that's not competing, that is splitting the market into two smaller markets.
Refer to the streaming industry, if you want to see how exclusives are a bad thing.
Streaming video is not about providing the best product, but about having a mini-monopoly. I.e. you have to go to Netflix if you want to watch Stranger Things and you can't get it legally in another way.
This means that Netflix, for instance will have customers no matter how bad their service is.
There is no pressure to innovate or improve on the product delivered. The product being not the medium, but the delivery.
Compare this to the EpicStore which launched without a shopping cart and openly stated that they don't give a fuck about consumers, because it is not about providing the superior game buying experience, but about diving the game market into a section where you have a monopoly.
This practice is less shady when it comes to video game consoles, because the hardware is usually sold at a loss.
Epic is a cancer to the industry so people are boycotting games that are on Epic
It is not a free market of competition. If it was a free market, both Epic and Steam would offer the same games, but compete based on the quality of their product, that being the storefront itself.
Not all of these are social media features if you actually read what was on it
>controller support
>linux support
>mac support
>h games
>family sharing
>cloud saves
all of these things are genuinely useful to playing games while Epic has none of them
the best part is that Epic is DRM so if Tim feels like EGS was a bad investment, he could just go back to suck Microsofts dick and all the EGS shills will lose their games
What do you have against shopping carts?
>when 5 minutes have gone by and no one took your bait
Hey at least you salavaged it, cuck
Epic shills are much more likely to lose their games if you think about
Tim left PC gaming before because of pirates so if pirates resurface he might chicken out and shut down EGS making all of you guys lose your games
>call company "ten cent"
>owns 40 percent
jewben controls the pc market with steam, but everything else is a flop, tim on the other side dominates the whole industry with unreal, you lost drone :)
well glad to see that kike tim sweeney BTFOing himself
>RDR2 for EGS
Yeah when is this happening again, chinksuckers?
He legitimately samefag'd at least twice.
If only you knew how many times it got refunded.
It's like I'm really in 2010 again.
Gaben gives no fucks
>coping bullshit
cope more redditfaggot
>literally the same autistic retard chink making these threads for the past few days (as can be evidenced by the subject titles in each one)
what the fuck is wrong with you
he doesnt give a shit, he will jump ship soon and sell steam to china
Ahaahhaaha. Steam cancer eternally BTFO!
>Tim the swindler Sweeney talks shit for days about steam and valve etc.
>"yeah we will stop exclusive deals if you lower your cut" etc.
>Meanwhile Gabe is busy being a Beatle, a pirate and an all around ladies man
>Does not bother with responding to Sweeney, unclear if he even knows he exists
>Still winning
You mean steam.
Degenerate zoomer retard who learned about torrents yesterday.
because he can just throw money at problems that would cripple or destroy smaller companies. Additionally, they're getting all their funding through tencent and fortnite, so unlike companies like EA or Ubisoft that have to balance working on growing their steam knockoff with developing/maintaining actual games, Epic can put all their money and focus into doing scummy/aggressive business deals for their store.
>Still winning
Only in your imaginary autistic zoomer world
>No mac support
>No regional pricing
Remove these from your copypasta.
Bitch, please, I've pirated all the way back to emule, surrounded by CP tags. But steam made buying so easy, it was actually more convenient than downloading torrents for its price. Only now that Epic made some games unavailable on steam have I again started pirating.
If you ever installed steam, you are the part of the cancer that killed pc gaming inductry, you stupid imbecile.
Are video game platforms so financially good you can just throw away hundreds of millions of dollars to compensate sales and "developer-funding" without losing expected net income?
Everyone else, mostly steam, really are holding back if so.
Gabes a big guy, how does sweeney keep him in his head at all times?
he has a lot of space in his empty head