Is ProZD the first gamer to star in a movie? He was in Spiderman Far From Home

Is ProZD the first gamer to star in a movie? He was in Spiderman Far From Home

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Are you dumb or just young?

this thread was not made with the intention to talk about your comment at all, its race baiting shit, fuck off

I was late to the first 15-20 minutes of the movie, right when Pete arrived in Venice, did I miss him or something?

Good for him?


I'm young but how is it dumb?
Yeah he was in the start at the flight scene

Why is that chinaman so fat?



I don't understand the appeal of this guy, he's horribly unfunny
Is it just lowkey racism from weebs excited that an Asian guy likes anime and videogames?

Asian dudes love anime and video games. In the West especially in Europe you'll find people that find anime and vidya gay but in Asia its normal

>but in Asia its normal
Weebs really believe this

Dude I have Filipino friends. Literally all of them are more into anime and Jap vidya than me

ProZD could actually be really funny if he knew how to do jokes other than le funny relatable gamer moments.

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Flips are barely people

They have more swag than you

We're the most powerful race, bobo.

The call that saved gaming.

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He bought za sauce?

>He could be funny, if he was actually funny.

you don't know what "starring" means

Did he survive the snap

He can’t keep getting away with this

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Ignoring the dumbass OP comment, ProZD is kind of an insufferable asshole when he isn't making funny voices.

are you the guys posting racebait shit

Its not bait. Filipinos ARE the most powerful race. Look it up

according to who? filipinos?

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Was he actually? I didn't think he's that popular

>subscribed to his channel a few years ago
>unsubscribed after he only posted videos of him gorging on snacks

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Filipinos are also incredibly racist towards everyone, especially blacks and the Chinese.
Add this to the fact that they think they are the Aryan race, they are pretty much the Asian equivalent of Nazis.

I am a Filipino so SIEG HEIL!

Aris is an even bigger asshole than ProZD.

Goddamn those videos really piss me off. I'm scrolling down Youtube and I see him stuffing his fat fucking face with food. It's fucking disgusting and I wish he'd stop

I thought you were talking about Peter's friend, this joke loses its luster once you find out you were serious.

I wish he'd get bigger

>Channel is nothing but box openings of Asian food
>Anything else is just literal Vine material

Seriously, how the fuck does that guy not look at himself in the mirror and think "maybe I'm overdoing it with the eating thing"

keep saying it

saying what?

yeah he's actually painful to watch

fuck that cuckold

How is he a cuck? He's married

There are few things I despise more than "Vine humor"

If not that he'd be telling bottom of the barrel jokes about Trump and "relatable" progressive jokes.

His wife fucks white men.

I fucking hate his videos.

>being married means she doesn't get side dick
>e celebs ever having a good relationship that isn't toxic in some way
e celebs are literal children mentally.

>reddit invader doesn't know what a cuck is
like pottery

Henry Cavill used to play world of warcraft.

Completely missed him. What did he even do in it or was he just a background extra?
Film sucked, btw

Because he has good humor and makes short videos.

Filipinos are the worlds cumdump.

fuck it is real

are you dumb

it works. white guys are more mad when a white woman fucks an asian guy than a black guy.

All of his video I have seen are both very boring and pretty offensive because he constantly tries to insult people or fanbases with almost 0 effort.

Why can't women resist Asian cock, bros?

how's this guy an asshole? i only ever briefly parsed his twitter

Nigger, Riddick is based on one of Vin Diesel's D&D characters. He plays WoW.

>How is he a cuck? He's married

That's not surprising.

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get to use his money without any sexual contact cuz his dick too small

>muh dick

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elijah wood

>Yea Forums - Politics and Racebaiting

>OP with BMWF
>OP with AMWF
>Fuck this racebaiting
Why is Yea Forums so cucked to asians?

Seeth more Yea Forums

That guy doesn't look white he looks like a Slav or Turk

>Probably fake
Is there something more disgusting than /pol/tards larping and baiting other /pol/tards into being angry because they run out of arguments to blame other people?

They make two-thirds of the shit we like and talk about

is that true?

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That happened to me once. Not cool.

This. Honestly if I had a wife I wouldn't mind sharing her with my Asian bros its the least I can do for all the anime and video games their race made for us

>"maybe I'm overdoing it with the eating thing"
Do you know actual irl flips? There is no such concept

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reminder that he is a trypod.
>inb4 someone posts his nude

Isnt this the "i make funny voice guy"?
well at least he found someone to stick his dick into, so thats nice. even though she has the facial features of a granny and also dresses that way.

Yes, he talked about it in a video
They met up in real life after talking on the mario fanfic site

wut dat

more like the most cucked race in the world lmao

half your women marry whites and the other half gets kidnapped to be sold to chinese men

slang for a big dick, specially when talking about a man who aint supposed to have one.

Is jollibee supposed to be fucking expensive or am I ordering wrong

How so? I've only ever seen his youtube vids.

ProZD is Korean not Filipino

They're economical if you're ordering a giant meal deal for your family and/or a date with your healthy pinay gf, but eating solo is paying Carls Jr. prices for somewhat-better Popeyes

Why do people say ProZD is an asshole?

Southeast asia here. Not all of us are weeb, but almost every guy in their early twenties watch or play anime related game with their smartphones.

>Filipinos are also incredibly racist
That's pretty much every Asian country. Every Asian country are xenophobic as fuck

Flips are hated because they take everyone's mundane jobs
Chinks are hated because they act like they own everything they touch
Korea are hated because they tend to act mighty and superior even though they need to suck a lot of foreign dicks just to be competent
Jap are hated because of their asinine system of honor
Indians are hated because they're fucking ignorant on how repulsive their curry aura are
Most other Asian country are mudslimes
Mudslimes + Indians = Pakis
And finally, black people will do EVERYTHING to try and trick you and everyone else out, that includes crime.

Girl is kind of cute, how did a chink pig manage to fuck her?

You must have never spoken to any East Asian if you think what he said isn't true.

Was he really? Good for him, his videos are pretty good and he seems cool in real life too. I doubt he's the first though, who knows.

Is vidya better than sex?

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asain male white female couple

suck it Yea Forums