Can someone give me a quick rundown on how the fuck did he come back to life?
Can someone give me a quick rundown on how the fuck did he come back to life?
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Everyone really wanted him to come back
But wasn't he dead like 1000 years ago?
don't think too hard about FFX's (or any final fantasy's) story, they all fall apart if you use your head
Yuna needed a fuck
He was actually never really alive. He was a dream, kinda based on Shuyin.
So tidus is the dream zanarkand variant of some bloke named shuyin
Shuyin is the one thst died long ago. FFX actually has no time travel in it
I think they really have complicated the things unnecessarily.
So basically what you’re saying is, Yuna lost her mind and had an imaginary hot friend who can play Blitzball.
FFX would have been really interesting, if it ended all Fight Club with Yuna being the only one who saw Tidus.
That laughing scene is kinda amazing when you think about it in this context.
She really needed a dose of vitamin D.
Exactly. Even Lulu and Wakka were like, “wtf is this girl laughing at?”. But then again, I could be wrong because everyone else could see Tidus as well.
No, Tidus is a dream projection of a bunch of people in statues
The whole Shuyin thing is fucking stupid and one of many reason I hate X-2's story despite it having great gameplay.
The player makes him come back in FFX2 by hitting buttons at certain times.
Kinda like Earthbound.
The funny thing about it is there's basically no reason Tidus COULDN'T come back.
He only existed in the first place because a lot of people believed that he existed. The pyreflies basically function the same way as the fayth, and Rikku states in the first game that the Al Bhed speculate they respond specifically to a person's memories. Basically, all Yuna had to do was provide the memories and the pyreflies, which were indebted to her, could easily take care of the rest.
To get the good ending and make Tidus show up on the beach at the end of the game you have to whistle to Yuna at a certain point in the game when she's trapped in the after life place.
Didn't Tidus' head get blown off after a kicking a bomb he mistakenly took for a blitzball?
Why are you all assuming that Tidus never existed? He existed as a concrete person in the Zanarkand of 1000 years ago. After he was killed by Sin his soul was trapped inside it, and then, he became a projection of his anima until Sin itself was ultimately defeated.
Thats the unoficial 3 script he never actually existed was a dream then died when sin was destroyed, in the special ending of ffx-2 its possible to revive him.
>Why are you all assuming that Tidus never existed?
Because we actually played the second game?
Square Enix isn’t capable of writing something that interesting.
X-2 is not actually canon you know.
>Thats the unoficial 3 script
It was part of a novel set after x2 so it's very much canon.
>Person is the delusion of one man
>Person is the dream of a collective consciousness made manifest
Oh yeah, that first one sounds MUCH more compelling
Wrong. Tidus was never part of the original Zanarkard, he was dreamt up in the simulation. I guess X-2 implies he was based on Shuyin, who DID live in the orig Zanakard.
Well Shuyin was kind of a dick and the Fayth needed someone a little more selfless to become the hero they needed, so they tinkered with his programming.
The Aeons help Yuna bring him back by doing some form of fuckery with their souls or something, effectively making Tidus come back for real and not just as an apparition.
Also, Tidus is, at the very least, a descendant of FF X-2's Shuyin. Tidus is from a dream version of Zanarkand, while Shuyin was in the real one. FFX always had this weird fuckery about it dealing with dream worlds and dreams turning literally, physically real and spirit stuff. Very unique world, definitely my favorite. Too bad they stick to MUH REALISM nowadays.
Explain Jecht then
You also have to get 100% completion to get that ending.
Probably an altered version of Shuyin's father
That audiodrama in the hd collection was fucking retarded. Literally what was the point of turning this story into a ridiculous teenage soap opera? Not canon.
This can't be real, holy shit.
In the best of worlds ff x-2 isnt canon so that never happened.
It's very much real and very much canon.
Also, Sin comes back to life.
>Tidus banging Auron's daughter after Yuna left him for another man
This is autistically conceived.
stop ruining ffx for me pls, those followups are incredibly shit
That's not how dream zanarkand works, dream zanarkand is still a society that goes on, it didn't just live in stasis for 1000 years, the people of it have lives, grow up, have children and it continues on. Obviously it's not perfect since it is dreamt up by the fayth which is why certain ideas are reused, like Shuyin and Tidus but they aren't exactly the same. The Tidus we know was born 17 years before the game
He never existed 1000yrs ago, he's Shuyin but the dreamers of zanarkand messed up his look cause they could not remember what he looks like exactly.
How he came back when he never existed is Kingdom hearts story telling bullshit.
Tidus did exist, just because he's a summon doesn't mean he doesn't exist
He is not a summon he is a dream. You learn that in X. He does not exist anymore cause the summons woke up when Sin was finally truly defeated.
Because Yuna learned that after all her journey he was Final Fantasy X all along
>He is not a summon he is a dream.
They're literally the same thing
>He does not exist anymore cause the summons woke up
The fayth woke up, not the summons, dream zanarkand is something the fayth summoned/dreamed
And the Fayth wake up because you ice the summoner, Yu Yevon. Tidus was being summoned by the last boss. That's why the ending was so bittersweet.
Play the games and pay attention.
It's made clear that he is just a dream version of Shuyin.
But he still existed, just because he was held together by a summoner doesn't change that
False, he has a resemblance to Shuyin because of the nature of dream zanarkand but that's about it. There are no dream versions of zanarkand people, it's a society which still goes on, the people live their lives, have children, die and it just goes on forever.
That means if the Fayth woke up, dream zanarkand no longer exist. Therefor Tidus no longer exists.
Well, it's not like the monsters who got exploded by Anima are going to pull out a yellow card and say, "no fair, he never existed." But it does put him in dubious territory in terms of, like, being a real boy, as in, having subjective experience. Otherwise we start getting into uncomfortable questions like, is a new Bahamut born every time you summon him, and is he killed when you dismiss him? Because Bahamut is a sort of distributed thing, since multiple summoners can summon him--simultaneously, no less, and to combat each other. Since Tidus and Bahamut are basically the same stuff...
Yes, again, FFX has a bittersweet ending, and retconning that is why I'll never forgive X-2.
Tidus came back in the original FFX ending
that would fucking blow, tidus' relationships with jecht wakka auron rikku all down the drain
Nah, it's just alluded to in the post-credits, and should've been left that way.
you fucking idiots who play this game for 5 minutes and think it's actually about time travel are so retarded
tidus is not from the past
If by aluded you mean literally shown
This thread is embarassing. Imagine being unable to comprehend a JRPG. Mods just close this shit please
Not quite. Once you get access to the airship, you can redo the temples and visit the Fayth. One of them, I don't remember which, remarks that they want to be freed, and that they'll have to rely on Tidus to free them, and in return they'll summon an ocean for him to swim in.
The original X story clearly lets you believe that though.
Well, can you explain it? Besides giving us the typical explanation such as "lol pyreflies work in mysterious ways!" or "Yuna really wanted him back!"?
This, it's all so incredibly forced. For me it's like X and X-2 are two separated stories setting in the same world.
>Why is there magic in my fantasy video game?
She just resummoned him. That's how that shit works.
No, it doesn't. It's clearly explained to you by the fayth in Bevele.
X-2 doesnt exist
audio drama or whatever shit doesnt exist
SE might as well not exist because fuck them
X was the last FF game anything after that is not Final Fantasy
He was a living meme that got memed back by his girlfriend gas lighting Spira.
Just because you're a brainlet who doesn't question this thing you call "magic", doesn't mean there's no explanation.
X-2 was good retard
>X-2 doesnt exist
If you accept the fact that the fayths exist and that their energy can be channeled, you've already accepted Tidus' revival.
Post FX-2 stuff makes sense if you think about how TIdus returned just to find slut Yuna instead of pure Yuna that he loved in the first place. Imagine coming back alive and in the first night of your new life you fuck your girlfriend and notice she became significantly looser.
I platinumed X and I couldn't bare playing X-2. Game is so different it might as well be other franchise.
>"Yuna really wanted him back!"?
That's actually a thing, it's called beckoning.
It's amazing how people can play the game and never realize how simple the deal with Tidus and his version of Zanarkand is.
Tidus is an Aeon. The entirety of the Zanarkand he comes from is an Aeon. Tidus specifically is an Aeon dreamed up by the Bahamut Fayth, which is why the Bahamut fayth is there at the very beginning of the game. Tidus coming back is just the Bahamut Fayth wanting to give Yuna a happy ending as thanks.
Yuna was virgin until the end of X.2
I'm not sure that's how women's bodies work.
Tidus already fucked her in X and she became a complete roastie in X-2.
Tidus was "based on the memories of Shuyin". It wasn't meant to be a copy, but he was based off that one real dude a thousand year ago.
Battle system was good, even if it's dress-up shit. However, the plot was total schlock, most of the FFX characters are annoying cunts, and the new characters suck ass. The OST was mostly garbage, and it was so lazy with reusing assets. They couldn't even be assed to give Lulu a new outfit or a baby bump.
Wrong, he only kissed her then Yuna in X2 only engaged in lesbian activities to maintain her physical virginity.
>Look up Shuyin
>It's a half assed antagonist with vague ties to Yuna's character arc because he's the real Tidus
Holy shit and I thought X-2 being hated was just a meme
It is pretty bad, but battle mechanics are fun.
Friendly reminder pic related is canon.
Congrats, you wrote the dumbest shit I've read all year.
Whether he had sex with her or just kissed her is up to interpretation but she is a total slut in X-2 and definitely fucked a few guys. The novels and the audio drama make zero sense after X but they make a lot of sense after X-2.
>she is a total slut in X-2 and definitely fucked a few guys
She consistently rejects anyone who shows interest in her, I don't understand how you could come to this conclusion
You seem pretty obsessed with wanting Tidus to be a cuck user,
Tidus immediately dropped Yuna after he noticed she is a slut so he isn't a cuck at all. Tidus himself is a sports superstar so he fucked tons.
IRL a girl as hawt as Yuna would've totally rode the cock carousel regardless of if she still loved Tidus.
>she is a total slut in X-2 and definitely fucked a few guys
She didn't, she only shared some cousin love with Rikku (but not with Brother).
>Anyone dying for good
>Death not being better than life even
Seymour was always right
>They explore the forest hoping to find a clue on how to return home when Tidus is hit from behind by a brown ball. He kicks it and it blows up, killing him.
X-2 Yuna is garbage, terrible reboot of character. From beautiful traditionally conservative to sexually liberated thot. Pure clichè I would say.
You think Rikku was a virgin?
So how did sin manage to get inside the dream of zanarkand at the top of gagazet?
In X yes, but in X-2 there's not a possibility.
But who was ball throw?
I don't understand how the physics of his hair works.
Dream Zanarkand is way out in the middle of the ocean, the fayth on top of Gagazet are responsible for maintaining the summoning of Dream Zanarkand. Sin is just the protector of it. That's why he attacks places that start advancing in technology or rely on Machina it's goal is to prevent civilization to ever obtain technology capable of reaching the city such as the Farenheit which was the only known airship at the time of FFX.
Nano machines, son.
Do family members count?
shes a filthy albhed thats what
t. Wakka
How many nuts have you busted Yea Forums?
At least X-3 Tidus looks pretty lit and less faggy.
He farted into reality
Hate this bitch and hate goth chicks in general
FFX-2 Yuna should've looked like this instead of a trashy thot
now imagine those puppies full of milk
seems more realistic that she becomes a thot the moment Tidus is out of the picture
Do you think Wakka played blitzball with those?
I wonder if Yuna went back to religion because she realized that killing God was a terrible fucking idea.
>final fantasy
>if it ended all Fight Club
hello brainlet
>He's taken to wearing his Father's bandana.
Honestly the best character development he's gotten post FFX
I thought Sin was just an out of control eon, it doesn't have a purpose. And the "machines bad" thing was a lie by the cult of Yu Yevon.
Sin attacks Kilika village a place where the most technological advancement is a hammer but doesn't attack Albhed's home.
Also you said that Sin is protecting the top of Gagazet but Seymour goes there and kills everybody. Magic can be just as powerful as machinery and you don't see Wakka freaking out whenever Lulu uses Electro.
killing Sin was a mistake. it united the peoples, gave humanity a common enemy and a common savior. sure it occasionally fucked things up but that's preferable to the casualties that will happen once civil war breaks out.
So is the story well written or a convoluted mess?
I can't tell from this thread.
And to think that when I was a kid I just thought Tidus was a "free spirit".
It was fine before the sequels.
I actually unironically agree. People are far too against the idea of a common united enemy to realize the amount of good it provides humanity as a whole.
Humans are entirely too willing to kill each-other for resources et al but the moment you stick them together against another threat, you suddenly find people who were enemies before are now the best of friends.
To be real, when Operation Miihen slaughtered everyone and Seymour talked about how it was a sacrifice to reaffirm Yevon's hold on the world to teach people not to rely on Machina, I sorta understood why you'd do that.
At this point the religion Yevon's goal to keep the people united and providing a steady supply of summoners to keep Sin down it actually a fairly reasonable system especially since we now know that Sin can be brought back due to crappy post-FFX/X-2 shit stories by Kazushige which shouldn't have been written.
X and X2 are fine. The novels ruined everything.
he isn't real, he's a dream shuyin
Tidus is a dream, not a memory. Dream Zanarkand is a simulation, like a pararell universe. It's not something stuck in time.
I wouldn't mind if you died irl unironically
Not really that many actually despite her being the best FF girl looks wise (as a characer she is just bland as fuck) and surely had a hand in making me like goths
I was too young for good taste so I fapped to X-2 Yuna the most when it comes to FF characters.
To me X-2 have perfectly demonstrated how you can destroy the story of a game with an unnecessary sequel, instead of enriching it. They should have done a spin-off or a prequel based on Braska's journey, or even a blitzball game of its own could be actually nice.
I can't believe how they fucked up everything on a story that was already perfect and didn't need anything else. To me everything after X is basically fanfiction, X-2 signed the begin of the decline of SquareEnix.
FFX-2.5 is a hell of a thing, user. Tidus accidentally killing himself with an exploding blitzball is only like the fifth stupidest thing that happens.
He was never real, just a Faythe dream modeled on memories of Shuyin. As to the how, something pyrflies.
>I thought Sin was just an out of control eon, it doesn't have a purpose.
No he was created by Yu Yevon to protect himself as he resided within Sin one of the lines of dialogue late game specifically mentions Sin as an armor of sorts for Yu Yevon. Sin also exists to prevent anyone from ever discovering the existence or location of the Dream Zanarkand.
>And the "machines bad" thing was a lie by the cult of Yu Yevon.
It does actually have some truth to it. Yevon taught that Machina were the cause of Sin's appearance but never specifically stated why or how. Later we learn that Bevelle destroyed the original Zanarkand in a war with their Machina overpowering Zanarkand's summoners. This led to Yu Yevon creating the Dream Zanarkand and Sin being created. So in a sense Machina were partly responsible for Sin's creation. I can only assume this led to Yu Yevon having a hatred for them and it being part of the Yevon teachings is due to that but also to prevent technology from advancing enough to find Dream Zanarkand.
>Sin attacks Kilika village a place where the most technological advancement is a hammer but doesn't attack Albhed's home.
Have no idea on this one honestly. I don't think there is ever really any sort of explanation for this or why Home was never attacked before
>Also you said that Sin is protecting the top of Gagazet but Seymour goes there and kills everybody.
I misworded my post Sin is the protector of the Dream Zanarkand not the Fayth Cluster on Gagazet. Very few people other than the few summoners who managed to reach Zanarkand made it up that far so there wouldn't be much of a purpose to protecting it.
>Magic can be just as powerful as machinery and you don't see Wakka freaking out whenever Lulu uses Electro.
Probably because Wakka is a mindless drone who just follows Yevon. Magic is not forbidden by Yevon therefore he does not question it.
>I don't think there is ever really any sort of explanation for this or why Home was never attacked before
they say that Home is actually where they rebuilt after Sin blew up the previous Al Bhed home island, and that the Al Bhed spent some time scattered throughout the world. They also say that Cid is the one who lead the rebuilding effort, which means it happened fairly recently. So, the reason Sin hasn't blown Home up is because Home hasn't been around that long, and he did blow up the previous one.
as for why Kilika gets attacked: it's established that Jecht is behaving unusually as Sin by following Tidus around, and thus the reason he attacks Kilika is because Tidus goes there
It's ok bro he comes back because everyone can just return as a Tulpa in FFX
>Bevelle destroyed the original Zanarkand in a war with their Machina overpowering Zanarkand's summoners.
I always wondered how summoners existed pre-Sin, since they get their powers from the fayth. Unless Zanarkand summoners were just able to summon fiends and shit, kind of like the Guado do.
they probably just had fayth. There's nothing inherently sin-related about the fayth. Presumably you could actually still make a new fayth post-sin if you felt like it, it's just that there's no reason to do something like that. It's not a nice process and Zanarkand probably only made them because Bevelle was trying to wipe them out, and Bevelle only made them to fight Sin.
Yes, you are right. According to the X-2.5 novel:
>Back in ancient times during the Machina War the fayth were created by the summoners themselves with the help of someone they shared deep feelings with, in a ritual implied to be sexual in nature, although it is said that is not the only way to make a fayth. The summoner and fayth must then share a mutual sympathy to summon an aeon.
This guy is probably right
Consider this. The last good game SE released was 18 years ago, obviously not counting the publisher side of things. Everything they created post X was bad. I can see why someone would like XII still, but it was a very flawed game. X-2 and the whole generation spent on Toriyama's waifu, the versus bullshit with trailers with content that 0% of is in the final game, the Final Fantasy X-2.5 novella, it's just sad. And now their next big Final Fantasy is a remake of 7.
>idiots still think Tidus time traveled 1000 years into the past
>idiots still dont know how pyreflies work
There is a reason we see Tidus Mom in the Farplane you fucking gaywads.
enix merger was a mistake
Mostly agree. I liked FFXII and think its hugely underrated, altho even that had development hell and Matsuno jumped ship.
I don't see how SE still has any goodwill left after all these clusterfucks, especially to remake FFVII of all games.
Yuna dressed like a supressed muslim in X due to religion. In X-2 she is free from tradition and religion so she dresses a lot more revealingly.
X is really good and X-2 bad end is good. Tidus should never have come back.
Oh believe me the lengths you gotta go thru for Tidus to come back in X-2. SO NOT WORTH IT!
Wasn't Shujins goal the same as Seymours?
end goal was the same but there motives were different.
I actually like X and understood the story.
Even got a Plat out of X-2 and Last Mission.
Which has the best gameplay?
I enjoyed X's sphere grid but has any other game improved on the FF formula?