I'm super bummed out, Yea Forums. Can we have a comfy thread about vidya to forget all our troubles? No specific topic...

I'm super bummed out, Yea Forums. Can we have a comfy thread about vidya to forget all our troubles? No specific topic, just talk about whatever you want that's vidya related.

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Other urls found in this thread:


The world sucks.

it's your fault your life is going shit

Shut the fuck up.

this thread is peak comfort join us Yea Forumsro

i just played league of legends with my friend
we didn't talk for a few years but i messaged him and we've been playing league of legends and talking and having fun and it makes me happy

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I hate myself

Please don't save/post pictures of my daughter.
>t. literal saucegay


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Creeper World 3 and Forest of the Blue Skin is pretty comfy.
Though I relax with high-octane reflex-based vidya like Everspace, Doom, or Extreme G..

My birthday is in a little over a week so that's cool. Got a few games for myself and was gifted a couple, keeping them in my closet until the day because I'm a fucking manchild. Right now I'm frustrated though because we need to go get a new fridge. Ours isn't even old but it's not working and the repair guys don't even know what's wrong. Things keep breaking down lately and it's getting upsetting. I hope my copy of Kawase's game gets here by my birthday. That would cheer me up.
Glad you're enjoying league. I wish I had a multiplayer game that I had fun with still but league just stresses me out.

I want one of these

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Is there one with the s model?

What do you mean?

I like Shining Force.

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Season 2 when

I've been playing PoE lately, nearing the end of act 3 so gonna do white march stuff before ending.

Do you wanna talk on discord or something? Give me a throw away or something if you're uncomfortable.

that controller is based on the og xbox controller, then there was this smaller version

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What’s some comfy PC games?

DOTA is stressful because it's full of assholes but by the looks of things lego legends has stricter moderation. Is it actually fun?

Oh, no. It was made specifically to acquire muh nostalgia shekels for the Duke design. Perhaps you can find an Xbox Connector to USB instead.

accept that you suck and your life sucks and get over it

Jurassic Park Operation Genesis.

Disciples II is peak comfy in a weird way for me. There is something about its' monotonous and bleak atmosphere.


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planetside 2, grip combat racing and supreme commander forged alliance are some of the funnest time i have when i have them- also people who are said to be moved forward in life are actually stuck same as everything else living :D XD

Perfect, I need a general vidya opinion. Please tell me what you think of this concept as an element in a video game;
>game prompts you at the beginning to type in your favorite candy bar name, ala Earthbound
>whatever is put in is namedropped several times in the game
>"Man, I wanna go get a _____."
>"Oh bro, this store's got _____s!"
>"About as sweet as a ____."
This is used as a combination of
>a speed up to creating an intimate relationship with the player
>humorous or confusing moments if/when the player forgot they typed that themselves and it comes up mid-game, or a laugh at the tongue-and-cheekiness of how it is used in dialogue if/when not (such as if the scene were discussing product placement or advertising)
>finding a way to get names and brands in licensed products without having to abide by any law
>relates to a subplot about parallel universes, and it references and reinforces the constants and variables that comprise different universes in comparison to one another (by the player creating one via customization factors in the story)

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what’s more is you can always
>type something retarded
>”Man, I wanna go get a cock”
>”Oh bro, this store’s got balls!”
>”About as sweet as a coochie”


Love it.