Wrist has started to hurt when I play vidya

>wrist has started to hurt when I play vidya
Is it over for me, lads?

Attached: 1529121950858.jpg (298x260, 13K)

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It's been over for you for a long time already

No. Take a break for a few days. I had the same problem a month back while playing ARPGs. My wrist got better after a few days of no vidya and no fap.


Usually when my wrist starts acting up doing this a few times helps

Attached: ds00692_im00780_ans7_finkelsteintestthu_jpg.jpg (400x421, 21K)

Practice lucid dreaming then envision a bright white light full of healing power around your wrist and you'll be fine

>can barely hear out my right ear because of ear wax build up

Attached: 1561584725783.jpg (980x995, 123K)

then clean it, jackass

I did this when I hit a slump in CS and after like an hour I took a nap and starting deagling niggers no problem